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PREPAINTED COILS - TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Prime prepainted hot dipped galvanized steel coils, according to EN 10346 101169-1 10169-2

101693 10143 (in case o di erent standards, characteristics to !e speci ied", or prod#ction o $ ? pol%#rethane sand&ich panels or cold stores and ind#strial !#ilding Sizes: '" (idth)1*2+0mm (,2-.0 mm" /hic0ness)0,30 - 0,3+ - 0,4+ - 0,++mm (1ase 2etal /hic0ness" /olerances -0-.0,02mm 1" (idth)1*06+mm (,2-.0 mm" Base Metal: - 2etal 3#alit%$ - 7inc coating$ - 8nside diameter$ 42+056 2 in according to EN 10346 100 g-m (8t9s possi!le to #se e3#ivalent '7: the cheaper one" 3#alit% s#r ace s0inpassed in according to EN 10346* +0; mm* /hic0ness)0,30 - 0,3+ - 0,4+ - 0,++mm (1ase 2etal /hic0ness" /olerances -0-.0,02mm

- Edge cam!er$ Surface A: - /op coat$

2a<im#m 10 mm on 10 m*

+ microns primer . 20 microns o non-to<ic pol%ester paint: /olerances on nominal coating thic0ness - 4 microns, in according to EN 10169-1, 10169-2 and 10169-3* 4#r ace to !e s#ita!le or intended and #se* 4cratches, !#!!les, dross, etc* not accepta!le* (hite 5re% =>3, or similar to ?'@ 9010 and
30 .--+

- =olo#rs $ ?'@ on o#r sample:

- 5loss$

- =olo#r deviation $
- / !end test - no crac0ing$ - / !end test - no pic0-o $ - Paint hardness$

6elta E ma< )0*+ =elia!

- Paint c#re (2EB"$

ma<* 1,0 / - 8n according to EN 13+23-> ma<* 1,0 / - 8n according to EN 13+23-> min* A

C +0 d*r*

- 4alt spra% og (EN13+23-;"$ mm - A#midit% test (84D62>0-1"$ penetration

+00 h , 4#r ace$ !listers ma<*2(42" , scratch $ penetr* ma< 2 1000 h , 4#r ace $ !listers ma<*2(42" , scratch$ no

- D#tdoor e<position (EN13+23-19"$ 10 %ears , 4#r ace$ 6elta E ma<* ; , =hal0ing E 2 (84D462;-6" , no paint detachment or crac0ing shall occo#r*
- F*G*H*1 (EN13+23-10"$ 400 h , 4#r ace$ light decolo#ration and-or light chal0ing

Surface B: - (ash coat$ Ot er re!uire"e#t:

- =oil &eight$

+ microns o primer s#ita!le or a good adhesion o pol%#rethane oams*

- Pac0ing$

- =erti ications$

internal card!oard sleeve, edge rein orcement !% sti internal and e<ternal metal collars, horizontal e%e, the &ood #sed or the storage and sec#rit% o the coils m#st !e #migated: 4ea&orth% Pac0ing* 10 %ears paint &arrant% certi icate: non-

;*000 Bg min* - 1+*000 Bg ma<*

to<icit% certi icate ( or all the steel": 84D certi icate: inspection certi icate It%pe 3*1J according to EN 10204: mill inspection certi icate also incl#de metal and paint thic0ness, zinc coating, mechanical properties o each coil*
=erti icate o !rie ood accidental contact s#ita!ilit% according to

;2->11-=EE, ;+-+>2-=EE, 90-12;-=EE, 92-39-=EE, 9>-4;-=EE (needed onl% or color 4imil ?'@ 9010" F#esto doc#mento K di proprietL della N'H-4M4/E2 4*p*'* Dgni diritto K riservato* ?ev*03-0;-2012

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