Amazon Web Services Overview - Public

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Amazon Web Services The Overview


What is Cloud Computing?

Difinition : "Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid"- Wikipedia

Cloud Computing
Elastic capacity Faster time to market No CaPex Pay as you go, pay for what you use Focus on your business

Amazon Web Service

Highly reliable Scalable Low-cost Infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world

Amazon Web Service : The Products

Simple Storage Service (S3) CloudFront Route53 Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Elastic Block Store (EBS) Relational Database Service (RDS)

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Object-based storage (no filesystem) Easily store / retrieve data Durability of 99.99% Integrated with other AWS services Scalable File (object) : up to 5 TB each HTTP, HTTPS, BitTorrent protocols Security group and access list

S3 : The Flow

S3 : Use Cases
Backup Archive Disaster Recovery (DR) Content Storage

Amazon CloudFront A Content Delivery Network

Delivery of content worldwide Static : HTTP / HTTPS Streaming : RTMP Origin server : S3, EC2 Logs

CDN : How it Works

CloudFront : Use Cases

Accelerated web content delivery Off-load traffic from web servers Big spikes in traffic Event streaming Marketing campaigns

Route53 Domain Name System (DNS)

Global DNS service Highly available, redundant, scalable Management console support CLI support Integrated with other AWS services

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Windows / Linux virtual machines Elastic (scale in minutes) AMI : Amazon Machine Image Security groups, private keys Auto scaling, Elastic load balancing

Region & Availability Zone

Regions consist of one or more Availability Zones, are geographically dispersed, and will be in separate geographic areas or countries. AWS currently has 8 regions and 19 AZs Example : Region : ap-southeast-1 AZ : ap-southeast-1a, ap-southeast-1b

EC2 : Use Cases

Media Hosting Development & Test Internal Apps Gaming everything that needs computing

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

Automatically distribute incoming traffic to multiple Amazon EC2 instance (same region) Automatic health check IPv6 support Can be integrated with autoscaling

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Block level storage for use with EC2 Volume : from 1 GB to 1 TB Raw unformatted block device Local to an Availability Zone Redundant Persistent Integration with CloudWatch

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Relational database as a service Simple to deploy Managed by the AWS team MySQL or Oracle (as of Jan 2012) Scalable Easy DB snapshots and automated backup

More Read the books J

Disaster Recovery (DR)

Disaster recovery is the process, policies and procedures related to preparing for recovery or continuation of technology infrastructure critical to an organization after a natural or human-induced disaster. wikipedia Disaster Recovery (DR) is the process an organization uses to recover access to their software, data, and/or hardware that are needed to resume the performance of normal, critical business functions after the event of either a natural disaster or a disaster caused by humans.


Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
Maximum tolerable period in which data might be lost from an IT Service due to a Major Incident.

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

The duration of time and a service level within which a business process must be restored after a disaster (or disruption) in order to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break in business continuity.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

a roadmap for continuing operations under adverse conditions (i.e. interruption from natural or man-made hazards).

AWS as Disaster Recovery Solution

Fast and easy to deploy No additional cost to manage DR sites API and CloudFormation: Template of our datacenters Worldwide backup Secure and reliable

The Customers
Friendster FourSquare TweetDeck Yelp Ericsson IBM The Guardian Alexa Fotopedia

Fresh from the oven : DynamoDB

NoSQL things : Schema-less, distributed, Specify the throughput and storage you need Easily scale your capacity requirements on the fly Automatically partitions data over a number of servers In addition, DynamoDB automatically replicates your data synchronously across multiple Availability Zones within an AWS Region to ensure high-availability and data durability

Content Delivery Network

Amazon Simple Storage Service & CloudFront Delivery of content worldwide Static content : profile pictures, avatars, css, js Upload images & video streaming We upload the file, AWS does the rest Optimize design to save bandwidth

Home Work
Adjust the code for avatar and profile pictures upload mechanism Redesign data flow since AWS charge everything we use Initial export our big storage to S3 Export static contents from subversion Research, research & research

Some Gotchas
Becareful, they charges everything we use: every bytes of storage, every KBps of outbound bandwidth It is difficult to control our international bandwidth usage No custom hardware allowed. What you see is what you get (and it's all cloud abstracted)

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