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Exploring design thinking (d.

think) Introduction
Design thinking is introducing a way of interacting into the wider community as a way of approaching and solving problems, or addressing opportunities that are worthwhile tackling. This human centered approach based on designerly thinking comes with a bias for action, puts the power of observing and empathy building, iterating, experimenting, rapid prototyping, and showing rather than telling at the center. Design thinking follows the maxim: dont think too hard; dont talk too much; just try it! In conjunction with local companies, various regional groups, as well as the University of Auckland, the University of Canterbury in Christchurch is exploring the potential for design thinking to enhance how we might address many of the issues that confront us. Design thinking as a method has application in all areas of creative problem solving, such as the design or re-design of business models, educational curricular, government policy, art, citizen-generated urbanism, buildings, products, and services. As a result of applying design thinking organisations and individuals alike are helped with shifting toward a more open and participatory way of identifying themselves and engaging with their surroundings. We are exploring the possibility of establishing Christchurch as the New Zealand heart of design thinking, through the creation of a design school. We therefore would like to test public response to d.think with an as diverse public presence as possible that enables, delights, inspires, and why not constructively provokes.

Values & Principles

D.think has an altruistic goal to develop innovators, from all walks of life, to contribute and cultivate innovation in order to better serve our communities. The industry partners, and UC especially, are focused on engaging with the central city and assisting in the rebuild of Christchurch. D.think is in response to the ever changing dynamic of living in Christchurch. The concept started in February 2013. D.think actively promotes finding new ways to address problems and aims to create advocates for change in both the social environment, and the business environment. Helping businesses be better in their wider communities. D.think already has collaborated with many key participants within the diverse social activist community, such as GapFiller and Maker Crate. There is aligned with what d.think is setting out to achieve and connects with the iteration concept and aspects of making and doing, over telling/talking.

D.think is a project with a connection to a large community group of the city students and like-minded individuals, looking to create change in both themselves and their environment. D.think is a concept that is open to all walks of life, and needs to be taken away from the isolation of the University campus, and away from the corporate structures that limit creativity. D.think has a committee of people to market and manage the concept of design thinking. We have financial support from each of the industry partners (Tait Communications, AuCom Electronics, and The New Zealand Merino Company). D.think is open to the public to participate in their d.think workshops. The marketing of design thinking will be aimed at the wider Christchurch community with the ability to focus on students and young people, as well as the business community. D.think has a vision of changing the way people, organisations, and communities, look at problems and issues that are worth solving. It aims to ultimately make our communities better with more engaged citizens that are creative and innovative.

More background:
This brief video clip is a great view of d.think in action Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, and a thought leader raises some interesting points Also see the d.think value proposal.

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