Dyslexia Symptoms and Test by Lisa Harp

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Dyslexia Symptoms and Test By Lisa Harp

Educational Therapist Founder of The Harp Institute and Learning Link Technologies http: !!!"harpinstitute"com http: !!!"learning#aids"com

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Dyslexia Symptoms Does the student: ha'e a high oral 'oca&ulary &ut cannot translate it into reading or !riting( seem to &e in a )fog* a lot of the time +spacing out or daydreaming( !rite and read letters or !ords &ack!ard after the first grade( ha'e an unorgani,ed desk- &ackpack- or room( ha'e excellent long term memory &ut can.t remem&er simple instructions or details( exhi&it an extreme difference &et!een a&ility and achie'ement( ha'e a family history of learning pro&lems( learn to read &y memori,ing !ords( spell phonetically or inconsistently( ha'e a difficult time !ith /#0 step directions( ha'e a difficult time reading small sight !ords such as )the* and )an*( display poor )sounding out* skills !hen reading( skip lines !hen reading( ha'e a difficult time !ith left and right( ha'e a difficult time !ith rhyming( hate school( ha'e trou&le telling time !ith a clock !ith hands( ha'e inaccurate and la&ored oral reading( ha'e an extremely fast or slo! processing of information speed( either act out or !ithdra! in response to learning pressure( ha'e messy hand!riting( grip his her pencil tightly( think of ela&orate excuses to a'oid school !ork( learn &est &y doing something instead of listening or !atching( exhi&it gifts in other areas such as art- singing- social skills( ha'e a poor self#esteem(
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seem to ha'e pro&lems !ith 'ision &ut eye exams come out normal( ha'e trou&le reading !ith small print &ut does &etter !ith larger print( appear to &e extremely sensiti'e or percepti'e(
1ns!ering yes to /23 or more of these 4uestion may indicate the presence of dyslexia" Higher percentages could indicate a more acute pro&lem"

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Dyslexia Test This test is not an a&solute proof of the presence of dyslexia" %ou may !ant to consult !ith a professional testing ser'ice" Ho!e'er the test should gi'e you a strong indication of a pro&lem and empo!er you to make the right decisions for your situation"

5" 6rint the alpha&et &elo! in lo!er case letters:


/" 8ircle all of the &.s

& p 4

d d &

& 4 d

4 & &

d d p

& d p

p & d

d & &

& d p

& p &

4 4 d

4 & p

& d &

Learning Link Technologies


0" 9ead the follo!ing !ords out loud:

dad da&

&ad do&

&i& di&

did &op

&id pod

dip dap

&ed pad

:" Say each group of !ords out loud and ha'e the student repeat them &ack to you in the exact same order: ;say the !ords slo!ly and clearly"< 5" dog # snake# moon /" please# simple# &ringing# supple 0" design + frighten# glistening# production +desperate

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=" 8ircle each re'ersed letter:

>" Say each group of nonsense !ords out loud and ha'e the student repeat them &ack to you in the exact same order: ;make sure the student kno!s these are made up !ords" Say the !ords slo!ly and clearly"< 5" eng /" hund 0" dinto prad spart chargon fint sedder scrantion

&lying &entonice

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?" Look at the figure in the first column" 8ircle the matching figure in the other columns"

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@" Look at the !ord on the left and circle the !ord on the right that matches"

A" Ha'e the student repeat the follo!ing sentences &ack to you exactly as you say them: ;pause your speech !here you see a hyphen"<

Three men + raced do!n the hill + to a &oat + in a ri'er" 1 girl # !as !alking # do!n the street # and !histling # a little tune" The &ig dog # !ent running a!ay # !hen it heard # a great &ig noise"

52" 9ead each !ord out loud and circle the !ords that rhyme" ;:<

cut sun

&un rut

&ut tu&

&ud nut

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55" 8ircle each !as:

!as sa! !as

ra! !as !hy

sa! !ay sa!

!ay sa! !as

!as !in sa!

sa! !ar !as

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5/" Look at the figure on the right and circle the one on the left that matches"

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