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EC-series Online UPS

, TING 6C :<INPUT Input Voltage Input Voltage Window Input ;(e=uen09 at 25 % Load No'inal Input Cu((ent $e( at 50 % Load $)a%e at 75 % Load at 100% Load at 25% Load *a+i'u' Input Cu((ent at 50 % Load $e( $)a%e at 75 % Load at 100% Load $owe( wal1 in ,ECTI;IE, T9pe Voltage ,egulation ,ipple Voltage Con8e(te( $(ote0tion INVE,TE, In8e(te( T9pe $owe( ;a0to( No'inal Voltage ,egulation ;(e=uen09 -wit0)ing ;(e=uen09 Wa8e.o(' Total Ha('oni0 6i%to(tion T(an%ient ,e%pon%e 100% 125% 150% Linea( Load Non Linea( Load IG:T 7a%ed *$W* wit) in%tantaneou% -inewa8e Cont(ol 02B lag 2&0V 1 3 4 5 1% 50 H? 4 021H? 1#2" @H? AB22 @H? T(ue -inewa8e D 2% D 5% ,e'ain% wit)in FA/ 5% > (e0o8e( to no('al wit)in 20 '%e0 Continuou% 1 *inute 10 -e0ond% 70 &C1 6e%igned .o( Continuou% ope(ation T(ue Online wit) 0o'plete gal8ani0 i%olation2 "15V C & > N &&0/"70V 50H? 4 10% 12 2" &" "5 15 2! "2 55 -o.t %ta(t .o( 0/20 %e0ond% powe( wal1/in2 # $ul%e 3 4 5 1% D 2% wit)out :atte(9 d8an0ed Ele0t(oni0 $(ote0tion .o( de8i0e %a.et9 7a01ed up wit) *C:E%A *CC:% > .a%t a0ting .u%e%


20KVA 3- Inpu ! 1- Ou pu
6ou7le 0on8e(%ion Online wit) t)e late%t *$W* te0)nolog9 u%ing IG:T2
20KVA 360V

O8e( Load Capa0it9 No'inal output Cu((ent C(e%t ;a0to( *ode o. Ope(ation I-OL TION

*Specifications are indicative to our standards models and is subject to change without notice

In8e(te( $(ote0tion

d8an0ed Ele0t(oni0 $(ote0tion .o( de8i0e %a.et9H 7a01ed up wit) *C:E%A *CC:% > .a%t a0ting .u%e%H)ig) %peed pul%e 79 pul%e ele0t(oni0 de8i0e p(ote0tion o8e( 8oltage A unde( 8oltage p(ote0tionH Ele0t(oni0 o8e( 0u((ent t(ip wit) (e%et2

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*Specifications are indicative to our standards models and is subject to change without notice

$,OTECTION$,OTECTING THE LO 6 Output <nde( Voltage Output O8e( Voltage $(ote0t% t)e load and it% 0o'ponent% .(o' p(e'atu(e .ailu(e

Output %)o(t 0i(0uit wit) pul%e 79 pul%e 0u((ent li'it up to 200J %e0%2 $(ote0t% &00% .o( 15 '%e0%H $(ote0t% again%t .al%e t(ipping > 0o'plete %)utdown in 0a%e 500% .o( 5 '%e0 > 1000% .o( 125 '%e0 o. t)e o. %u(ge powe( d(awn 79 t)e load 3non linea( load%5 (ated 0u((ent Neut(al d(i.t Neut(al .ailu(e Lig)tning E*I > Ha('oni0% in t)e input (aw powe( Gal8ani0 i%olation p(o8ide% 0o'plete i%olation 7etween output neut(al and Input > t)e t)e output i% .ull9 p(ote0ted again%t neut(al d(i.t%H 8oltage a8alan0)e% li1e lig)tning > input )a('oni0% 0o''onl9 .ound in t)e input %ide2

Hig) 8oltage t(an%ient p(ote0tion > Ele0t(o%tati0 di%0)a(ge p(ote0tion a% pe( IEC #20"0/2 LO 6 ,E6<N6 NCY3Optional5 Output <nde( Voltage Output O8e( Voltage :atte(9 Low O8e( Load O8e( te'pe(atu(e :atte(9 Low O8e( load O8e( te'pe(atu(e

Load get% t(an%.e((ed to t)e )ot/%tand 79 <$- o( t)e au+ilia(9 powe( %uppl9 auto'ati0all9 wit)in 12 '%e02

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Input *CC:A*C:

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Input <nde( Voltage A O8e( Voltage , O8e( Voltage -ingle p)a%e p(e8ention O8e( Te'pe(atu(e $(ote0tion :atte(9 Low p(ote0tion O8e( Load p(ote0tion -)o(t 0i(0uit p(ote0tion Hig) 8oltage t(an%ient p(ote0tion > Ele0t(o%tati0 di%0)a(ge p(ote0tion a% pe( IEC #20"0/2 E+te(nal *agneti0 .ield $(ote0tion

*Specifications are indicative to our standards models and is subject to change without notice

<$- * N GE, / -O;TW ,E INTE,; CE 3Optional5 $OWE, * N GE*ENT Co'plete (e'ote 'onito(ing and 'anage'ent o. <$pa(a'ete(% di%pla9ed in t)e 0onne0ted $C o( 'ultiple $CL0onne0ted in t)e L N Via ,- 2&2 .o( a %ingle $C o( ,K "5 0onne0to( 'ultiple $CL% 0onne0ted in L N Input Voltage Output Voltage :atte(9 A 0)a(ging 8oltage Output 0u((ent Output .(e=uen09 Load in V Load le8el indi0ato( :atte(9 le8el indi0ato( <TO -H<T6OWN $(og(a''a7le .o( $owe( .ailu(e A :atte(9 low 0ondition%


,E$O,T-A6 T 3E8ent% %to(age 0apa0it9 up to 500 e8ent%5 $owe( .ailu(e > $owe( (e%u'ption :a01 up a8aila7ilit9 :a01up 0al0ulation *onito(ing CO*$ TI :ILTY ENVI,ON*ENT L 0ou%ti0 Noi%e le8el '7ient Te'pe(atu(e -to(age Te'pe(atu(e Hu'idit9 ltitude E+t(e'e 0li'ati0 0ondition% $HY-IC L En0lo%u(e $(ote0tion G(ade Cooling Ca7le Ent(9 6i'en%ion% in ''/ 6M HMW pp(o+i'ate Weig)t Te%ting -tanda(d :a%ed on output powe( :atte(9 (elated pa(a'ete(% li1e :atte(9 0apa0it9H :atte(9 )ealt)H :atte(9 8oltageH 0)a(ge Adi%0)a(ge 0u((ent et02 ;o( Window% NTA!BA2000 M$ D#0d7 N 125 'ete( 0 to "0 6eg C /10 to 70 6eg C <p to !5% ,H Non 0onden%ing D &000 ;eet a7o8e %ea le8el 3wit)out de(ating5 C En8i(on'ent i% (e=ui(ed i. t)e te'pe(atu(e goe% 7e9ond t)e no('al ope(ating te'pe(atu(e 30/"0 deg C5 I$ / 20 ;o(0ed i( ;(ont %ide 7otto'

20 @V

B50 MB20 M"#5

C pp(o+2 Weig)t 1#0 @g

% pe( IEC #20"0 / &

*Specifications are indicative to our standards models and is subject to change without notice

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