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Recipes for Incense Teas, Tinctures, Waters and Oils

Loose, Cone and Stick
Meditation Agarwood top quality only, part ! "gra#s Angelica Root$flowers % parts &en'oinu# !" parts Anise ! part ()ust enoug* to s#ell+ &ryony A pinc* of t*e ground root, -or cones and sticks use. Ca#p*or /0tract enoug* to act as 1inder Venus Incense &en'oin % Rose 6etals Red Sanderswood % Rose Oil a few drops Mercury Incense 7a##ar Resin 2 4ace La3ender -lowers Stora0 $2 Le#on or Li#e Oil to #oisten Mars Incense &en'oin 2 &urgundy 6itc* 2 Cayenne 6epper $% 7ragon8s &lood 6owder Copai1a &alsa# to #oisten Jupiter Incense Copal 9u# 2 La3ender -lowers $% 9alangal Root &al# of 9ilead &uds Cedarwood Oil to #oisten Saturn Incense 4yrr* 2 Alkanet Root Cypress Lea3es )uniper 1erries 6atc*ouli Oil few drops


Earth Incense 4yrr* % -rankincense % Oak1ark Rose petals $% Le#ongrass $% Alkanet Root Stora0 $% Water Incense Copal : Willow &ark )uniper 1erries ;lang<ylang oil #oisten Air Incense -rankincense : 7a##ar : Sandalwood 9al1anu# #l per o' 6ine oil a few drops Fire Incense : parts -rankincense % parts 7ragon8s &lood part Red Sandalwood pinc* Saffron few drops 4usk oil


Sun Incense -rankincense 2 &en'oin % &ay Lea3es 4arigold -lowers flecks Cinna#on 5uills &en'oin Resinoid #oisten Moon Incense Copal 2 -rankincense 2 Sandalwood 6owder % 4yrtle )as#ine Oil a few drops


Recipes for Incense Teas, Tinctures, Waters and Oils

In one!"orth ounce o" carrier Earth Oi# $E#e%enta#& 2 drops 6atc*ouli 2 drops Cypress Air Oi# $E#e%enta#& " drops La3ender : drops Sandalwood drop =eroli Water Oi# $E#e%enta#& : drops 6al#arosa % drops ;lang<;lang drop )as#ine Fire Oi# $E#e%enta#& : drops 9inger % drops Rose#ary drop Clo3e drop 6etitgrain Air Oi# > parts La3ender % parts Sandalwood part Rose#ary Fire Oi# 2 parts Orange part Clo3e % parts -rankincense Water Oi# part &erga#ot part )as#ine part 4yrr* drop &lack 6epper Mercury Oi# $P#anetary& 2 drops La3ender % drops /ucalyptus drop 6epper#int Saturn Oi# $P#anetary& 2 drops Cypress % drops 6atc*ouli drop 4yrr* Sun Oi# 2 drops -rankincense % drops Cinna#on drop 6etitgrain drop Rose#ary Venus Oi# $P#anetary+ : drops ;lang<;lang % drops 9eraniu# drop Carda#o# drop C*a#o#ile $% o' carrier oil

P#anet Oi#s
Jupiter Oi# $P#anetary& : drops Oak#oss drop Clo3e drop Tonka &ouquet Moon Oi# drop )as#ine drop Sandalwood drop Rose Mars Oi# $P#anetary& % drops 9inger % drops &asil

Incense Sun O""erin) *a##s 7eer #usk, a#1er, frankincense, #yrr*, saffron, clo3es, laurel and cinna#on, #i0ed toget*er wit* t*e 1rain of an eagle and t*e 1lood of a w*ite cock Moon O""erin) +a##s 6oppy seed, dried frogs, ca#p*or, frankincense, and t*e eyes of an o0 #i0ed wit* 1lood Mars O""erin) +a##s Aro#atic gu#, sandalwood, frankincense, #yrr*, and t*e 1lood of a 1lack cat Mercury O""erin) +a##s -rankincense #i0ed wit* t*e 1rain of a fo0 Jupiter O""erin) +a##s As*es of 6eacock feat*ers and a Swallow, piece of Lapis<La'uli #i0ed wit* stork 1lood, and presented at t*e altar, Venus O""erin) +a##s Sper#aceti, roses, coral, aloes, #i0ed wit* t*e 1rains and 1lood of a w*ite pigeon, Saturn O""erin) +a##s 6epper, wit* deer #usk and frankincense,

Recipes for Incense Teas, Tinctures, Waters and Oils Taoist Ta#is%an Paper $ uan or Shuyantse& :?@ Auang &ai (6*ellodendri Corte0+ :?@ 4ing -an (Alu#en+ 2?@ &ing 6ian (&orneol+ Add to paper pulp and #ake into 3ery fine s*eets ;ellow is for 6etitions to Aea3en Red is for guarding *o#es, 1anis* e3il spirits, and cure sickness,

Incense ,a%*a#a Oi# Red Sandalwood Saffron

Odds and Ends

Incense Lust

Odds and Ends

Ta*u Oi# $2 part 6atc*ouli $2 part Oak 4oss $2 part &erga#ot $2 part ;lang<;lang 4usk, a few drops =eroli, a few drops -or pursuits of ro#antic lo3e, especially long ter#, Oi#s -e#i)ht Oi# $% part Apple &losso# ( alternati3es. 4agnolia or 4i#osa+ $2 part Sweet 6ea $2 part Rose La3ender, a few drops Re#o3es in*i1itions and increases pleasure, Lo.e and Attraction Oi# $Louisiana Sty#e& part Le#on part Rose part Banilla Al#ond, a few drops 9old glitter or two gold stars Attract a spiritual partner and soul#ate,

Recipes for Incense Teas, Tinctures, Waters and Oils

Sa)es Treasure/ As*waganda e0tract part Tur#eric e0tract part or % &r*a#i e0tract part C#eansin) Po0der1 $% tsp of trip*ala powder tsp unfla3ored, uncolored psylliu# *usk tsp ground organic fla0seed Take wit* *ot water, Teas A0areness Enhancin) Tea % T1s, Batc*a Ts, &r*a#i Scru*s2 Soaps and Sa#ts Tripha#a +ody scru* Trip*ala graduals (or #inced dry fruits+ one *alf pound (or two pounds+ Cold pressed sesa#e oil one gallon Water two gallons 4i0 all t*ree in a large crock potC Si##er w*ile stirring$scrapping for > *ours, &ottle, do not strain,

/3erclear produced a quick e0tract 1ut was far too alco*olic and dilution produced a week tonic, Will try using D? proof 3odka ne0tC #ig*t need to use "? proof on &r*a#i, and D? on t*e rest, 9otokola is not effecti3e replace#ent for &r*a#i, % =ot for e3eryday use, One #ont* on t*e two weeks off for no #ore t*en t*ree #ont*s, After t*at switc* to one T1s Trip*ala powder,

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