Psychology Report

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Characters: Dawson Akaman by Edward Cheng Mun Kit Dawson is an unemployed 23 years old young adult. He never completed his secondary education and never bothers about it so his highest education is only UPSR. He always hangs out with his close girl friend name Alyssa. Dawson loves to go clubbing with Alissa and drink but he and Alissa never work and have zero income so the only way they would gain income is from pickpocketing and robbing people. Dawson was put into foster home when he was 1 year old. He couldnt remember anything about his parents and he hated the foster home care because he was constantly bullied by the kids at the home and neglected by the foster home carers. So when Dawson left the foster home at the age of 18, he didnt know what to do or how to survive. Dawson started to steal and rob people and his victims are mostly women. Dawson finds stealing not wrong because he thinks that he isnt wrong and he is just trying to survive. Alissa by Krystle Ong Rui Xin Alissa is Dawsons one and only friend. She is also unemployed and 23 years old. Alissa is loud and rude. She is also an alcoholic and she was the one who introduce Dawson to the clubbing lifestyle. She was actually influencing Dawson to rob again causing him to get caught. Alissa later on changed her attitude and appearance. She went to university to do a diploma. After Dawson came out from jail, she still made friends with Dawson and even advices him to change. Ah Hui the Detective by Pua Zhi Qin Ah Hui is a detective who has been working for the Malaysia Police Department for quite some time. Although he looks kind and helpful but he never has mercy towards criminals. Cece, The Manager by Cecelia Tie Cece is the manager of C&P Sdn Bhd. She is very impatient person but she just loves interviewing people.

Scene #1 Alissa walked in and sat next to Dawson and they started conversing about what day is today. Dawson screamed and shouted that today is Friday and Thank God Its Friday so he suggested to go clubbing. Being an alcoholic, of course Alissa did not rejected the offer. Alissa and Edward both took their stuffs and left the room.

Scene #2 While Dawson and Alissa was walking on the walkway, Dawson just realised that he has no cash at all. He asked Alissa to lend him some cash but Alissa rejected him, telling him that if he doesnt have cash, he cant go clubbing. Then Alissa told Dawson to go and steal, mentioning that its not like he never steals before. Dawson agreed with her and asked her to wait for him as he ran off looking for a victim.

Scene #3 A girl is talking on the phone with her mother while walking along the sidewalk. Dawson came running down from the stairs quickly, pulled the girls bag from her and ran off as quickly as possible. The girl fell down and called for help but no one helped her stop Dawson.

Scene #4 Dawson grabbed the girls bag and ran as quick as he can. He stopped at a corner and started taking out the stuffs in the bag. He found two phones and wallet with some foreign currency and ringgit. He left the stuffs and went off.

*****AFTER SPENDING A NIGHT AT THE NIGHT CLUB Scene #5 Alissa is watching live stream news on her laptop. She isnt paying much attention to the news but when Dawsons picture popped out, she got a shock. Dawson was wanted for committing a crime and apparently the girl he snatched the bag from is in ICU due to some serious injuries after the robbery. She picked up her phone and called Dawson. Dawson ran off. Scene #6

Dawson ran as fast as he could. He suddenly felt very tired from the hangover last night so he decided to take a nap. While he was taking his nap,

Concepts applied in the video

Concept 1: Perspective in social psychology There are different perspectives in social psychology, which are sociocultural perspective, evolutionary perspective, social cognitive perspective and social learning perspective. Sociocultural perspective focuses on the relationship between social behavior and culture. Social behavior is not only influenced by the presence of others but also culture norms will have a significant influence. Evolutionary perspective focuses on the physical and biological predispositions that result in human survival. Natural selection would indicate that those behaviors that enhanced survival would be passed on to subsequent generation. Social cognitive perspective id derived from the behaviorism perspective. It assumes that an individuals cognitive process influences and is influence by behavioral associations. Classical and operant conditioning are aspects of this perspective. Social learning perspective argues that individual learns from observing the behavior of others. Individual observe modeled behavior and in turn behave in similar manner. In this story, we can know that Dawson was influence by different perspective in social psychology. The first concept that Dawson applied is sociocultural perspective. Materialistic culture influences Dawson. He robs because he wants money to go clubbing. The cultural places a greater emphasis on objects considered valuable that it does people. The second concept that Dawson applied is social cognitive perspective. Cognitive process does not been established that identify robbing as wrong. No cognitive conditioning has occurred to link robbing with negative experience. The third concept that Dawson was applied is social learning perspective. For Dawson, the pattern of robbing has been established through observation. His friends-Alssa is the one who influence him to make this kind of decision. As such, stealing is perceived as an acceptable behavior. Concept 2: Self- serving Bias A self-serving bias, sometimes called self-serving attribution bias. The selfserving bias is peoples tendency to attribute positive events or successful behavior to dispositional factors. While attributing negative effects or unsuccessful behaviours to situational factor, we make external attribution for negative outcomes and internal attribution for positive outcomes. It is a common type of cognitive bias that has been extensively studied in social psychology. In this story, Dawson makes external attribution for negative outcome. He was put in jail and his attribution is to his parents leaving his behind at the Forster home. Besides that, he also thinks that his friend (Alissa) is the one who

influence him to rob. He tries to plead out of responsibility for failures. Concept 3: First Impression First impression is an initial impression we have of another person when we meet them for the first time. It contains positive and negative impression and a sense of physical and psychological features. First impressions are not deliberate and not formed by watching others action. They may also be instantaneous. Some research found that impressions are made after only 10 seconds. First impressions matter, for good and bad. They are fine when you like someone on first meeting; they are not so fine when the first meeting is negative. Positive first impressions lead to social cohesion; negative first impressions lead to biases and social prejudice. Everyone knows that first impression are very important in landing a job, but Dawson already make a bad first impression before he even arrive at his interview. Running late not only show his poor time management skills but also shows a lack of respect for the company and the interviewer. Besides that, he wears t-shirt, shorts and slipper to interview also cause the interviewer has a bad first impression of him. This will let the interview believe the interview is not important for him.

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