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Lower Lab PS 77 Grade: 2 ELA UNIT TWO: Reading and Writing Native American Information Books in the Content

Area of Social Studies To what extent can a reader learn information a out a s!ecific to!ic "Native Americans indigenous to New #ork State$ and make generali%ations a out that to!ic& To what extent can a writer utili%e elements of nonfiction text to teach others a out a s!ecific to!ic& R'A(IN) *ow can the features of a nonfiction text hel! a reader to understand the content of that text+ including content,s!ecific voca ular-& *ow does asking .uestions a out nonfiction text hel! dee!en a reader/s understanding of a to!ic& *ow do readers ask 0Big 1uestions2 to reflect u!on the to!ic that the- are learning& *ow do readers make connections etween multi!le texts on the same to!ic& *ow does close reading for s!ecific information hel! us etter understand a to!ic& WRITIN) *ow do the features of nonfiction text hel! students organi%e their information& *ow do the features of nonfiction text hel! authors conveim!ortant information a out their to!ic& *ow does structure "!lanning and organi%ation$ hel! nonfiction authors choose the information to include in their ook& *ow do Information authors choose the information to include in their ooks&

Essential Questions

Unit Questions

Content: Reading Students Will Understand: *ow to use various features of nonfiction text to dee!en their understanding of a to!ic3 Text features include4 headings+ su headings+ ta le of contents+ glossar-+ !ictures+ ca!tions+ index+ diagrams+ ma!s+ fact oxes+ etc3 *ow to identif- the main idea of a text

Skills: Reading Students will: Identif- and utili%e various features of nonfiction text to dee!en their understanding of the to!ic3 Text features include4 headings+ su headings+ ta le of contents+ glossar-+ !ictures+ ca!tions+ index+ diagrams+ ma!s+ fact oxes+ etc3 (etermine the main idea citing evidence with su!!orting details

That nonfiction ooks can e read out of se.uence Nonfiction texts !resent meaningful information e-ond what is written in the text (ifferent ooks often teach different information a out the same to!ic *ow to !artici!ate meaningful dialogue a out nonfiction ooks Content: Writing

from the text 5ractice researching su to!ics looking for s!ecific information (emonstrate research skills reading multi!le ooks on the same to!ic and noting information (etermine im!ortance through close reading and discussion of information within ookclu s

Students will Understand: Wh- it is im!ortant to categori%e information into !arts The im!ortance of an interesting 0hook2 that gra s the reader/s attention Wh- a text should include an ending *ow to use transition words to show se.uence when relevant *ow to !resent factual information in a variet- of wa-s *ow grammar conventions hel! readers understand what we are sa-ing3

Assessments Students will com!lete an 0on,demand2 !re and !ost,unit Information text 8 TC '9A 0Arctic Ba ies2 Informational Text 5erformance Task2 "reading and writing$3 Students will learn how to utili%e a writing checklist to oth !eer and self,assess their work3 Students will com!lete gra!hic organi%ers and !ost,it notes as the- conduct their research3 Students will com!lete exit tickets to demonstrate understanding of various

Skills: Writing Students will: 6rgani%e their information into categories or !arts+ using headings and su headings Write an introduction that interests the reader "i3e3 use a 0hook2$ Write an ending that 0wra!s u!2 their !iece 7se transition words like4 0and+ another+ also+ efore+ after+ later2 7se var-ing sentence !atterns+ ex!lanations and exam!les to !resent their information 7se grade a!!ro!riate grammar conventions including4 !unctuation+ ca!itals+ a!ostro!hes+ commas+ .uotation marks and high,fre.uencs!elling words3 Di erentiation Students will e !laced in research grou!s according to their TCRW5 reading level3 In these grou!s the- will read leveled nonfiction texts a out Native Americans in New #ork3 Students will have the o!!ortunit- to self, select nonfiction ooks to read at their level during inde!endent reading3 Students will e given several different gra!hic organi%ers to choose from in order to !lan and organi%e their research and information ooks3

Students who are a le will e encouraged to include additional elements to their writing from second and third grade standards3 skills taught3 Students will e encouraged to utili%e checklists that are differentiated according to their demonstrated need3 Students who need su!!ort will e given a!!ro!riatel- scaffolded materials "such as4 sentence starters+ work anks+ gra!hic organi%ers+ !a!er choice+ etc3$ Resour!es

TC Writing Continuum for Narrative Writing TC Reading and Writing Curricular Calendar+ Second )rade 2:;< , 2:;= If -ou 9ived with the Iro.uois - 'llen 9evine 9ife in a 9onghouse >illage - Bo ie ?alman The Iro.uois 9eague - @oanne Randol!h >arious leveled text a out the Iro.uois in New #ork State

Learning "lan READIN#$WRITIN# %%T&is is a ' week UNIT due to (lanned grou( (ro)e!t (re(aration and (resentation and (lanned *ield E+(erien!e, *ield E+(erien!e Lessons will o!us on t&e di eren!e -etween gat&ering in ormation rom (rimar. and se!ondar. resour!es/ determining im(ortan!e/ !ategori0ing and note1taking, "lanned *ield Tri(s to In!lude/ -ut not limited to: American Auseum of Natural *istor- 8 *all of the 'astern Woodlands Indians Auseum of the Cit- of New #ork 8 The 9ena!e and the 9and New #ork Botanical )ardens 8 Wooded Walking Tour Cit- Island National Auseum of the American Indian Week ; "Introduce )enre$4 Readers use text features in the ooks to make sense of how the information is organi%ed Aain Idea4 *ow does the information in the text fit with su titles+ titles+ headings and ca!tions&

(etails4 Readers categori%e information that the- are reading Narrative >oice vs3 0(ocumentar- >oice2 5artner reading and discussion to dee!en understanding of text Week 2 "dee!ening understanding$4 Readers ask .uestions Readers infer "look e-ond the text$ Readers utili%e text features like !ictures+ gra!hs+ ma!s+ etc3 Readers make connections etween ooks+ life and other media Week < "Content S!ecific >oca ular-BWord Attack Skills$ Readers use ackground knowledge Readers use s-non-msBword re!lacement strategies Readers utili%e context clues "read around the words$ Readers should focus on meaning+ rather than !ronunciation in order to mainain reading fluenc- "cross,checking+ monitoring for meaning and revising once the-/ve read farther$ Week = "Advanced Skills 8 Working and Researching in ook clu s$ *ow to work in a ook clu effectivel- " eing a courteous ook clu mem er 8 ook clu mem ers4 take turns talking and strive to be helpful speakers and active listeners$3 Book Clu s choose three su to!ics of interest to research further Readers read multi!le texts to com!ile information in order to form their own ideas WRITIN# Week ; ")athering information+ note,taking and determining im!ortance$ Writers and researchers record notes in different wa-s on !ost,its 8 ulleted lists+ diagrams Trash vs3 treasure "determining im!ortance$ 2 da.s 5ara!hrasing "write it how -ou remem er it$ 2 da.s Writers and researchers think a out how we will organi%e their notes and grou! !ost,its together that connect3 Week 2 "5lanning and uilding writing stamina$ Write a ta le of contents to hel! !lan Information ook , Writers !lan our ooks looking across our notes and thinking+ What do I want to teach and how could the ook go& Ti!4 Aake two different ta les of contents and choose one3 Writing !artners work together to hel! each other organi%e their writing Writer/s use their notes to egin drafting their information , add to the using notes to draft teaching !oint4 As we egin to draft+ we can leave a !age for the introduction "and Cot the word 0introduction2 at the to! andBor start writing the introduction$ so we don/t forget to go ack to it later on3 Writers make sure we are making our writing eas- to read AS we write3 We check s!elling+ !unctuation+ and ca!itali%ation as we are writing a sentence3 Before we go to the next sentences+ we ask+ (oes that look right& If not+ fix it3 If it looks right+ go on3

Writer/s re,read their work to determine what is missing to ela orate and add transition words "and+ ut+ so+ ecause+ also$ , Writers ela orateBstretch out the information we are writing3 Some wa-s we can do that are to include4 , 'xam!les 8 0Dor exam!le+2 , Reasons wh- 8 0 ecause2 , Connecting Ideas 8 0and+ also2 Week < "Writers refine their work$ Writer/s need a 0hook2+ an interesting introduction to get their reader/s attention , Introductions to engage the reader and set him or her u! to e learning a lot of information a out a to!ic3333 , wow fact , .uote , .uestion "sa- it two wa-s 8 ma- e -our !artner can give -ou feed ack 8 this wa- -ou decide$ Writers use content,s!ecific voca ular- and make sure to ex!lain it in the text "glossar-+ !arenthesis+ in the same sentence or a different sentence$3Writers include non,fiction text features "!ictures+ ca!tions+ diagrams+ ma!s+ etc3$ to enhance their work Writers conclude their work with an idea or an o!inion a out their to!ic so that readers remem er the work Week = "RevisionB'ditingB5u lishing$ Writers revise their work - re,reading ever- sentence and asking4 0(oes this make sense& Is this the est wa- to sa- this&2 Writers use checklists+ word wall+ dictionaries and other resources to revise and edit Writers work with writing !artners to revise and edit , evision lesson 8 re!ertoire ased on what -ou are seeing in their writing CoversB ack covers+ lur s+ a out the author and final touches Week E R'A(IN) AN( WRITIN)4 )rou! 5roCect 5re!aration Research grou!s must work together to categori%e their inde!endent research on their to!ic into <,E su to!ics3 Research grou!s will work together to !rovide details in the form of evidence "!ictures+ ma!s+ diagrams+ etc3$ and exam!les from the text to su!!ort their categori%ations3 )rou!s will create a Aindma! to show their to!ic+ su to!ic+ and su!!orting evidence in a visual form3 )rou!s will choose an additional method of !resenting their ex!ertise on their to!ic3 5resentations ma- include ut not e limited to4 multimedia inter!retation+ model+ demonstration+ written re!ort+ etc3$ to e !resented orall-3

Standards R'A(IN) CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323; Ask and answer such .uestions as who, what, where, when, why+ and how to demonstrate understanding of ke- details in a text3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323< (escri e the connection etween a series of historical events+ scientific ideas or conce!ts+ or ste!s in technical !rocedures in a text3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323= (etermine the meaning of words and !hrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323E ?now and use various text features "e3g3+ ca!tions+ old !rint+ su headings+ glossaries+ indexes+ electronic menus+ icons$ to locate ke- facts or information in a text efficientl-3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323F Identif- the main !ur!ose of a text+ including what the author wants to answer+ ex!lain+ or descri e3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323G 'x!lain how s!ecific images "e3g3+ a diagram showing how a machine works$ contri ute to and clarif- a text3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI323H Com!are and contrast the most im!ortant !oints !resented - two texts on the same to!ic3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI3<3; Ask and answer .uestions to demonstrate understanding of a text+ referring ex!licitl- to the text as the asis for the answers3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3RI3<3G 7se information gained from illustrations "e3g3+ ma!s+

Standards WRITIN) CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W3232 Write informativeBex!lanator- texts in which theintroduce a to!ic+ use facts and definitions to develo! !oints+ and !rovide a concluding statement or section3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W323E With guidance and su!!ort from adults and !eers+ focus on a to!ic and strengthen writing as needed - revising and editing3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W323G 5artici!ate in shared research and writing !roCects "e3g3+ read a num er of ooks on a single to!ic to !roduce a re!ortI record science o servations$3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W323J Recall information from ex!eriences or gather information from !rovided sources to answer a .uestion3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W3<32a Introduce a to!ic and grou! related information togetherI include illustrations when useful to aiding com!rehension3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W3<32c 7se linking words and !hrases "e3g3+ also+ another+ and+ !ore+ but$ to connect ideas within categories of information3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W3<32d 5rovide a concluding statement or section3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3W3<3G Conduct short research !roCects that uild knowledge a out a to!ic3

!hotogra!hs$ and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text "e3g3+ where+ when+ wh-+ and how keevents occur$3 S5'A?IN) AN( 9IST'NIN) CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3S9323; 5artici!ate in colla orative conversations with diverse !artners a out grade 2 topics and te"ts with !eers and adults in small and larger grou!s3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3S9323;a Dollow agreed,u!on rules for discussions "e3g3+ gaining the floor in res!ectful wa-s+ listening to others with care+ s!eaking one at a time a out the to!ics and texts under discussion$3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3S9323; Build on others/ talk in conversations linking their comments to the remarks of others3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3S9323;c Ask for clarification and further ex!lanation as needed a out the to!ics and texts under discussion3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3S93232 Recount or descri e ke- ideas or details from a text read aloud or information !resented orallor through other media3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-3S93<3; Dollow agreed,u!on rules for discussions "e3g3+ gaining the floor in res!ectful wa-s+ listening to others with care+ s!eaking one at a time a out the to!ics and texts under discussion$3 C6N>'NTI6NS CCSS3'9A,9iterac-39323;d Dorm and use the !ast tense of fre.uentl- occurring irregular ver s "e3g3+ sat, hid, told$3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-393232a Ca!itali%e holida-s+ !roduct names+ and geogra!hic names3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-393232d )enerali%e learned s!elling !atterns when writing words "e3g3+ cage # badge$ boy # boil$3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-393232e Consult reference materials+ including eginning dictionaries+ as needed to check and correct s!ellings3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-39323=e 7se glossaries and eginning dictionaries+ oth !rint and digital+ to determine or clarif- the meaning of words and !hrases3 CCSS3'9A,9iterac-39323Ea Identif- real,life connections etween words and their use "e3g3+ describe foods that are spicy or juicy$3

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