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LESSON PLAN DATE: Learning Center: Group: TEACHER: LESSON PLAN 1. Topic: Existence and imperative (Commands) 2.

Lesson Aim: To understand and follow instructions through recipes 3. Communicative function: Talking about how to prepare simple recipes and following the instructions. 4. Grammar: The imperative forms in instructions INTRODUCTION 15 minutes The teacher introduces the topic, and tells the students what the subject of the lesson is: about recipes of deserts. The teacher presents flash cards and mimics some of the following verbs and food: break, add, let soften, mix, cut, chop, sprinkle, place, cover, boil, toast, and serve. The food is some bananas, some strawberry ice cream, some vanilla ice cream, tablespoons of light whipped cream, chocolate bars, half a lemon, and sliced toasted almonds Then, he sticks the pictures (especially the verbs) on the board. He numbers the pictures. He points randomly at a picture, says its number, and has individual students repeat all the words. He writes the words under each picture on the board. He encourages them to make sentences by giving them positive points: e.g. cut this piece of paper, boil water, etc. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 20 minutes The teacher writes down on the board a scrambled- word exercise and ask the students to organize them: tcu bananas, klerinsp toasted almonds, cepla it, kabre chocholate bars, dad a scoop of ice Then, the teacher hands out worksheets (annex 1), containing the recipe of a banana split. The teacher asks the students to read every line and discuss with the class which of the written words (verbs) that are in parenthesis at the end of every sentence could be included in the gap. He corrects pronunciation. PRACTICE 5 minutes To confirm their answers, the teacher prepares, according to the recipe that the class has worked on, the banana split with realia that he brings to the class. He asks the students to repeat the ingredients. Banana Split INGREDIENTS: 4 nearly-ripe bananas 1/4l strawberry ice cream

1/4l vanilla ice cream 2 tablespoons light whipped cream 2 chocolate bars Half a lemon Sliced toasted almonds (optional) Banana Split Recipe: Break the chocolate into small pieces, into a bowl over a pan of boiling water on a moderate heat. Add the whipped cream and let soften, mixing slowly, until you have a smooth chocolate sauce. Keep warm. Cut the bananas in half lengthways and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place on two plates, add a scoop of ice cream of each flavour and cover with chocolate sauce. Sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve immediately. PRACTICE With the words that the students know for expressing actions and food, the teacher asks the students to invent a food recipe, including ingredients and the 4 or 5 steps in which the recipe is carried out. If necessary, the teacher remembers the students the vocabulary about food studied in two weeks of October and the vocabulary about the actions considered in this lesson. WORKSHEET BANANA SPLIT RECIPE: ______(1) the chocolate into small pieces, ____(2) a bowl ____(3) a pan of boiling water on a moderate heat. (over, into, break) _____(4) the crme fraiche and ______(5), mixing slowly, until you have a smooth chocolate sauce. (let soften, add) Keep warm.

_______ (6) the bananas in half lengthways and _______ (7) with lemon juice. (cut, sprinkle) _______ (8) on two plates, _______ (9) a scoop of ice cream of each flavour and _______ (10) with chocolate sauce. (place, cover, add)

_______ (11) with toasted almonds and _______ (12) immediately. (sprinkle, serve)

BANANA SPLIT RECIPE : Step # ____. Sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve immediately. Step # ____. Add the whipped cream and let soften, mixing slowly, until you have a smooth chocolate sauce. Keep warm. Step # ____. Place on two plates, add a scoop of ice cream of each flavour and cover with chocolate sauce. Step # ____. Cut the bananas in half lengthways and sprinkle with lemon juice. Step # ____. Break the chocolate into small pieces, into a bowl over a pan of boiling water on a moderate heat.

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