Media Streaming

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Streaming media is video or audio content sent in compressed form over the Internet and played immediately, rather than being saved to the hard drive. With streaming media, a user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Because the media is sent in a continuous stream of data it can play as it arrives. Users can pause, rewind or fast-forward, just as they could with a downloaded file, unless the content is being streamed live. Media is usually streamed from prerecorded files but can also be distributed as part of a live broadcast feed. In a live broadcast, the video signal is converted into a compressed digital signal and transmitted from a Web server as multicast, sending a single file to multiple users at the same time. Streaming media is transmitted by a server application and received and displayed in real-time by a client application called a media player. A media player can be either an integral part of a browser, a plug-in, a separate program, or a dedicated device, such as an iPod. Frequently, video files come with embedded players. YouTube videos, for example, run in embedded Flash players. There are 2 types of media streaming 1. Live Streaming
Live casting or live streaming is often the term used that describes the process of broadcasting real-time, live video footage or video feed to an audience accessing the video stream over the internet. The viewing device can be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or digital screen at home, at the office or in a brick and mortar venue such as a movie theater, restaurant, and house of worship or sporting arena. The broadcast can be just video, audio or both.

Live streaming is a new way to reach out and talk to clients and prospects and it provides the same level of engagement as a face-to-face conversation or a stage/boardroom presentation. It is easy enough to begin using with less than 90 minutes of training. A high quality, multi-person video conversation can be held without cost. 2. On-demand Streaming On-demand streaming is the playback of an archived file that is accessed via a link embedded on a Web page. With on-demand streaming, a website visitor can access a streaming file at any time. In addition, both live streaming and on-demand streaming can be protected so it cannot be shared by the use of DRM - Digital Rights Management.

2. On demand streaming
On-demand streaming is the playback of an archived file that is accessed via a link embedded on a Web page. With on-demand streaming, a website visitor can access a streaming file at any time. On Demand content streams at request and can be repeatedly accessed. Users have control of the content and are able to fast forward and rewind as needed. Easy creation of Podcasts using the Stream Guide. We deliver the content to end users acting as the Internet "broadcast tower" eliminating bandwidth consumption and operating costs on your local network. Digital video tape, analog video tape, or digital files on your computer are converted to streaming media files for broadcasting on the net. This is done on your computer and known as encoding. These encoded streaming video files are then uploaded from your computer via FTP to your own account on one of our dedicated streaming servers. You then place a link for the encoded streaming video on your web site. A web surfer clicks on the link for your encoded streaming video. The streamed video is then played broadcasted to the web surfer with smooth crisp streaming content and is available for viewing 24 hours per day.

On demand streaming features include:

FTP account for uploading your content Scalable Storage account Scalable Streaming server Channel

Television VOD systems either stream content through a set-top box, a computer or other device, allowing viewing in real time, or download it to a device such as a computer, digital video recorder (also called a personal video recorder) or portable media player for viewing at any time. The majority of cable- and telco-based television providers offer both VOD streaming, including pay-per-view and free content, whereby a user buys or selects a movie or television program and it begins to play on the television set almost instantaneously, or downloading to a DVR rented from the provider, or downloaded onto a PC, for viewing in the future. Internet television, using the Internet, is an increasingly popular form of video on demand. Some airlines offer AVOD as in-flight entertainment to passengers through individually controlled video screens embedded in seatbacks or armrests or offered via portable media players. Airline AVOD systems offer passengers the opportunity to select specific stored video or audio content and play it on demand including pause, fast forward, and rewind. Other forms of video on demand also include "subscription video on demand" (SVOD), which includes services such as Netflix that require users to pay a monthly fee to access a bundled set of content. Another subset of video on demand is "advertising video on demand" (another kind of AVOD), which includes services such as Hulu or Sony's Crackle. This AVOD is often free for users, and the platforms rely on selling advertisements as a main revenue stream.

Applications for Streaming On-Demand Video 1. Netflix When it comes to streaming video for the iPad, Netflix is often the first app that comes to mind. There is good reason for that. It boasts a large library of quality programming, organized for user convenience. Of course, you have to pay for that privilege, but its cost is reasonable for what you're getting. 2. Hulu Plus Generally speaking, you go to Netflix for movies and Hulu Plus for television. Netflix does have an extensive collection of television shows, but they're mostly from past seasons. If you want to watch the latest episodes of your favorite shows, Hulu Plus is likely the way to go, as it has agreements with most of the major networks. 3. Showtime anytime Showtime also provides their own app that is free to use, as long as you are a customer of Verizon FiOS or AT&T U-Verse. If you are a lucky subscriber to those companies and have a Showtime subscription, you can get unlimited access to your favorite Showtime original series, such as Dexter and Californication, their uncut movies and more. Your playback is also synced so that you can pick up where you left off on another iPad or even iPhone! This app is great to help you keep on top of your favorite shows on Showtime. 4. YouTube Amazing product owned by Google Inc. People can broadcast themselves freely via the internet. People can create an account in and upload their video content to their own channel for free. Others can search for interesting videos and watch them for free and put comments, subscribing their channel etc. content is highly dynamic due to the active participation of the YouTube community. Ads are the main income source of the YouTube.

Benefits Reach Audiences on Any Device

Extend the reach of your pre-recorded video and audio content to virtually any player and device, simultaneously, over any protocol, from a single set of source files. Deliver Best Possible Viewer Experience

Take advantage of adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) to deliver the best possible playback on Flash, iOS, Android, Silverlight, and other compatible ABR clients. Increase customer satisfaction, save on transcoding costs, free up storage space and simplify the management of file assets. Enable Time-Shifted Viewing

Give your customers full control of on-demand playback with pause, rewind and seek capabilities. Customize delivery using time-offset and duration capabilities to enable playback from any starting point without the need to edit the file asset. Unmatched Scalability

Scale up to multi-server installations with virtually unlimited capacity. Efficiently fetch on-demand content from centralized storage to edge servers using our free Media Cache Add-on for immediate streaming and playback from local cache.

3. Live media streaming

Live video streaming is the true streaming technology. Using the live streaming viewer can watch videos when the seen happening. The contents are delivering on the internet and it needs to a camera as the capturing media. It is needed an encoder to digitize the data, a media publisher and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content . Advantages of live streaming 01. Can generate a bigger audience Live streaming events and content provides facility to make accessible to everyone. It means there are some people who has low bandwidth and couldnt watch properly. But using streaming technology this problem can be avoided. 02. Can be viewed in real time Media streaming allows watching or listening to videos music in real time without downloading. 03. Live streaming can be recorded. If anyone needs the live streamed video to watch or upload o any purpose it can be recoded while live steaming going on. 04. Setting up a streaming is inexpensive method. Live streaming can be done in two ways. One is the client have to register with a streaming server (eg: you tube). Some websites provide free registration but in some streaming servers requires some fees. Other thing is client machine act as a server. This method needs to use streaming software such as yawcam. These methods are not very expensive methods. 05. Streaming can be run in difference operating system. Another important advantage is streaming is it can be run in difference OS such windows, linux, MAC OSX. Therefore people who use deference platforms or architectures can use steaming properly. 06. Live streaming makes opportunities for gain revenue. Live streaming creates new business opportunities and interacts with new clients because organizations can promote their products through the web site (in live stream video).

Live Streaming Applications

There are several live video streaming applications such as you tube live, livestream, brightcore, ustreme etc. These kinds of applications are valuable because people can update with newest information. If it special event happened in one end of world, it can be seen from the other end lively. How nice! Live stream is the only technology it can make happens. 01. Broadcasting special events in all around the world. Video streaming is most important communication media as broadcasting special events all over the world. As examples global conferences (eg. CHOGM 2013 Sri Lanka), sports events such as Olympic games, World cup tournaments, cricket matches, live musical shows, special speeches and even live business conferences are also included to this category.

02. E-learning E- Learning is also an important live streaming example. E-learning refers to use of electronic media with the information and communication technology. I broadly e-learning is all forms of education technology that uses learning and teaching. But here most important thing is this learning happens lively. E-learning has virtual learning environment. E-learning is web based education system and can virtually access to the classes, class content, tests, home works and assignment all can be provided as same as conventional system. E-learning has two types of learning methods. Those are synchronous and asynchronous system. In synchronous system teacher can conduct virtual classrooms and student can communicate through the microphone, chatting or writing on a board. Use the webcam for the two way interaction. Students are expected to do assignments complete lessons independently through the system. In asynchronous system have deadlines just as synchronous courses but each student learning at own pace.

03. Live chat One of popular entertainment activity. Two or more people can communicate through the computer network. There are several applications, live chat rooms and websites available for chat or dating purposes. We need to register in their web sites then start chatting. Also there is some software for video and audio chat. Skype is one of most popular software and other than that windows live messenger, Yahoo messenger with voice 10, iChat AV, ooVoo, Tokbox, SightSpeed, Eyeball chat, iVisit can indicated as audio and video chat software.

There are some benefits of live chatting. Most of the business organizations like to have live chat because they can keep distant customer care services, live sales associates, live demonstrations on products, build trust and credibility with face to face communications.

4. Media Streaming Complexities

When we consider about the complexities of the media streaming, the main complexities of media streaming are streaming bandwidth and storage. When the problem of storage, for streaming the media we need large size of storage capacity. Streaming media storage size is calculated by using the following formula. Storage size (in megabytes) = length (in seconds) bit rate (in bit/s) / (8 1024 1024) Where, length = Length of the streaming media in seconds. bit rate = streaming bandwidth For example, One hour of video encoded at 300 kbit/s (this is a typical broadband video as of 2005 and it is usually encoded in a 320 240 pixels window size) will be (3,600 s 300,000 bit/s) / (810241024) Require around 128 MB of storage. Many files having long length and high bandwidth take large storage capacity. It is one of major complexity of media streaming. Other main complexity of media streaming is streaming bandwidth. If we consider about the above example, If the file is stored on a server for on-demand streaming and this stream is viewed by 1,000 people at the same time using a Unicast protocol, the requirement is 300 kbit/s 1,000 = 300,000 kbit/s (Requires 300 Mbit/s of bandwidth and this bandwidth is equal to 135 GB per hour.) When we using a multicast protocol, the server sends out only a single stream to the user. It is common to all users. Such a stream would only use 300 kbit/s of serving bandwidth. This is another major problem in media streaming. Another complexity is when we designing a network protocol to support stream media raise many problems. For example datagrams protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) send the media streaming as small packets. It is simple and efficient but there is no any mechanism to guarantee the deliver. As a solution for this there are reliable protocols such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to guarantee the correct delivery. But it is difficult to use with the concept of media streaming. Because there is a delay due to ensuring the delivery of data packets.

5. Media Streaming Compression Compression is essential to the video production workflow. Video and audio stream and metadata are compressed and contained as files. The amount of data and quality is reduced as the file gets more compressed. Media streaming compression we can categories under three categories. 1. Audio compression

Compression can also be used to subtly massage a track to make it more natural sounding and intelligible without adding distortion, resulting in a song that's more comfortable to listen to. Alternately, over-compressing music can really squeeze the life out of it. Compressors and limiters are specialized amplifiers used to reduce dynamic range the span between the softest and loudest sounds. The use of compressors can make recordings and live mixes sound more polished by controlling maximum levels and maintaining higher average loudness. Additionally, many compressors both hardware and software will have a signature sound that can be used to inject wonderful coloration and tone into otherwise lifeless tracks.



MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III commonly referred to MP3 which is the most popular consumer audio compression format in the world. MP3 is a combination of lossy data compression algorithms which ignore less human sensible sound frequencies from the audio file. It can reduces the size of the original audio file in 11 times.

Ogg Vorbis is a new audio compression format. It is roughly comparable to other formats used to store and play digital music, such as MP3, VQF, AAC, and other digital audio formats. It is different from these other formats because it is completely free, open, and unpatented. Ogg Vorbis has been designed to completely replace all proprietary, patented audio formats. That means that we can encode all our music or audio content in Vorbis and never look back.

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)

AAC is a digital audio compression format that makes use of the lossy scheme. It is also the standardized encoding scheme for digital audio that was designed to be the successor of the MP3 format and achieves better sound quality than MP3 at similar bit rates. The format compresses much more efficiently when compared to older formats like MP3.Its exceptional performance and quality makes it the audio codec of choice for internet, wireless and digital broadcast fields.

2. Video Compression Video compression is the practice of reducing the size of video files while maintaining as much of the original quality as possible. To accomplish this, an application known as a codec analyzes the video frame by frame, and breaks each frame down into square blocks known as macro blocks. One macro block consists of four pixels. Typically, the codec then analyzes each frame, checking for changes in the macro blocks. Areas where the macro blocks do not change for several frames in a row are noted and further analyzed. If the video compression codec determines that these areas can be removed from some of the frames, it does so, thus reducing overall file size. Video compression is critical to the multimedia industry, and is especially critical for the Internet. For instance, video streaming sites rely on compression to render videos in a size that is manageable for average Internet speeds. When streaming a video, a computer must download the video file at a faster rate than it plays it. This would not be possible if not for the various forms of video compression. Additionally, because the minimum size for embedded video is 320240 pixels, low-loss compression is critical. Poorly executed compression that results in artifacts will render videos in this size not viewable. E.g.: H.264

H.264 standards for video compression. Introduces the basic concepts of digital video and covers essential background material required for an understanding of both standards. Provides side-by-side performance comparisons of MPEG-4 Visual and H.264 and advice on how to approach and interpret them to ensure conformance. VP8

VP8 is a video compression format owned by Google and created by On2 Technologies as a successor to VP7.

3. Bit-Stream containers The container file is used to identify and interleave different data types. Simpler container formats can contain different types of audio formats, while more advanced container formats can support multiple audio and video streams, subtitles, chapter-information, and metadata (tags) along with the synchronization information needed to play back the various streams together. In most cases, the file header, most of the metadata and the synchro chunks are specified by the container format. For example, container formats exist for optimized, lowquality, internet video streaming which differs from high-quality DVD streaming requirements. E.g.: MP4

The MP4 is a container format, allowing a combination of audio, video, subtitles and still images to be held in the one single file. It also allows for advanced content such as 3D graphics, menus and user interactivity. Because MP4 was a reliable application that required a relatively low amount of bandwidth, just about everyone could take advantage of using the tool. This was especially true as technology made it possible to create more powerful desktop and laptop systems that had a larger hard drive and could command more power.The enhancement of the speed of various types of Internet connections also helped to make MP4 more accessible to a greater audience. MP4 works in a similar although much more complex way to MP3s, by compressing the files without losing any of the quality. MP3 technology revolutionized the way in which music and audio files are used and it's looking like the MP4 format will do the same for the video market. FLV

The Flash Video format is a video format defined by Adobe Systems. Flash Video is the standard video format used by nearly all embedded video on the Internet including the videos found on YouTube, Google Video, and many more websites. WEBM

WEBM is a multimedia container format designed to provide a royalty-free, highquality open video compression format for use with HTML5 video. The project's development is sponsored by Google. A WebM file consists of VP8 video and Vorbis audio streams, in a container based on a profile of Matroska. The project releases WebM related software under a BSD license and all users are granted a worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free patent license.


ASF is based on serialized objects which are essentially byte sequences identified by a GUID marker.The format, which means to move forward does not specify how (i.e. with which codec) the video or audio should be encoded; it just specifies the structure of the video/audio stream. This is similar to the function performed by the QuickTime, AVI, or Ogg container formats. One of the objectives of ASF was to support playback from digital media servers, HTTP servers, and local storage devices such as drives. The most common media contained within an ASF file are Windows Media Audio (WMA) and Windows Media Video (WMV). ISMA (Internet Streaming Media Alliance)

The Internet Streaming Media Alliance is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to accelerate the adoption and deployment of open standards for streaming rich media content such as video, audio, and associated data, over Internet protocols. ISMA is a diverse alliance with representatives from all points of the streaming workflow.

6. Media Streaming Protocols

Several protocols or stacks of instructions have been developed for the process of delivering a bit stream from streaming server to streaming client. Some of media stream transport protocols which were highly used in the past were deprecated and many novel protocols have been introduced which enables high performance in media streaming. High video and audio quality, high security, fast downloading rate and low streaming cost are the highly demanded requirements for media streaming protocols. MMS (Microsoft Media Server):MMS was developed by Microsoft as a network-streaming protocol and deprecated in 2003 in favor of RTSP. It served to transfer unicast data in Windows Media Services. MMS could be transmitted via UDP or TCP under the default port 1755. According to the Microsoft, mms:// still can be used as a protocol rollover URL. It means when a URL is started with mms:// , reader object discovers the most compatible protocol available for the particular media server. When client is attempting opening an mms:// URL for the first time, it tries to connect with the server using RTSP over UDP. If it failed RTSP over TCP is used. If it failed again, then MMS over UDP is tried. Finally MMS over TCP is checked. RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol):RTSP is a streaming network control protocol which controls the media streaming servers. It establishes and controls media sessions between end points. Clients of the media streaming servers issue commands like play, pause, stop, options, describe, setup etc. to control the on demand media streams from the server. RTSP doesnt responsible for the transmission of streaming bits. It is consisted of instruction only to control the bit stream. RTP and RTCP protocols are used conjunction with RTSP. Default transmission port number is 554. RTSP uses TCP to maintain end-to-end connection (from the perspective of bit stream controlling but not to transmit bits). RTSP maintains a state which means an identifier is used to track concurrent sessions. Most RTSP control messages are sent from client to server. But some commands travel other direction. RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol):RTP proposes a standardized packet format to transmit media streaming bits over IP networks. RTP is used conjunction with RTCP or RTP control protocol which monitors transmission statistics, QoS and aids synchronization of multiple streams. RTP uses even port number when RTCP uses next higher odd port number. Typical port range is 1024 to 65535.

RTP facilitates for jitter compensation and detection of out of sequence arrival in data. RTP facilitates multicasting. Even though TCP is standardized for RTP use, most of RTP applications use UDP since TCP favors reliability over timeliness which should be given more priority in media streaming. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol):RTMP was initially developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video and data over the internet, between a Flash player and a FMS (Flash Media Server). Macromedia was appropriated by Adobe. Adaptive HTTP Streaming Protocols:Until recently, HTTP delivered media content from start to finish or top to bottom which means users have to wait to open the media content until the whole media content is downloaded. This process was very inflexible and made many security issues. As a solution for above issue with HTTP, separate media streaming protocols were introduced as we mentioned few of them at the beginning of this chapter. However those streaming protocols were not very much compatible with mobile devices and it was very costly to do streaming with non-HTTP streaming protocols. To overcome the inflexibility of HTTP in streaming, to be compatible with mobile devices and to be cheaper, HTTP was moderated to give media streaming ability. HDS, HLS and HSS are examples for adaptive HTTP streaming protocols. HDS (HTTP Dynamic Streaming):HDS has been introduced as an alternative for the RTMP protocol by the Adobe. Adobe Flash or Air compatible devices allowed to stream media via HTTP. Since HDS is based on HTTP, no need of FMS and HTTP server is enough to act as a stream origin server which can decrease the cost for high expensive FMS. However HDS is not supported by iOS and Android which limits the ability to broadcasting to mobile devices. HLS (HTTP Live Streaming):HLS has been developed by Apple for iOS devices and QuickTime Player and also compatible with number of Android versions. A large number of client players are compatible with this protocol including typical HTML5 player and most mobile browsers.

HSS (HTTP Smooth Streaming):HSS has been developed by Microsoft to compatible with IIS web server and Silverlight Player. Silverlight player detects the local bandwidth and the CPU condition and automatically switches to bitrates which are optimum for the context to main an uninterrupted streaming. HSS is much more customizable and support a wide range of CODECs.

7. Unicasting and Multicasting

Unicast streaming is a on to one connection between the server and client. In unicasting each client can receive streaming video as they requested. The client can have unicasting videos both on demand and broadcast publishing point. Multicasting is a one to many connections. In multicasting no. of clients receive the common audio or video. Therefore the end user cannot handle videos as client wants.

8. Future trends in media streaming

Streaming, deals with the bandwidth of the connection and display resolution. A trend of video streaming in 21 st century is streaming deals with the bandwidth and display resolution. Bandwidth is major complexity of media streaming. With law bandwidth we cant get the experience of real time media streaming. In future, media streaming will identify the bandwidth and resolution of the end users device and streaming will deal with those requirements. Digital Concert Hall. This is also new marketing concepts. Sells Internet live streams of whole concerts, instead of several CDs or similar fixed media. Focus to mobile streaming. The increased quality of mobile streams means that users can now watch the same shows on their mobile devices as they do on their TVs, allowing advertisers to get their message across even when consumers aren't at home. This trend is likely to increase in the future as networks look to increase the number of mobileoptimized live streams they provide. Long video lectures online on the internet. Pushing the TV, media, and advertising industries into the realm of online media completely. Cable TV shifting away. So we may not need 70 or 80 different channels to catch all our favorite shows anymore.

9. Conclusion
Media streaming is an emerging multimedia technology which has being applied in many day to day applications. Not only for the entertainment but also it has a huge business value especially in business communication and marketing. Media streaming can be mainly categorized into on demand streaming and live streaming. Several online websites like provides on demand media streaming. USTREAM, LiveStream are two most popular examples for live stream service providers. There are several software applications which can enables a typical PC as a media Streaming server. Windows Media Player, VLC player etc. can act as an On- demand media streaming server and several other applications likeYawCam, WebCam Surveyor converts a typical PC as a live streaming server. In media streaming audio and video are captured by a Microphone and a Video camera. Natural audio and video are in analog form and they should be digitized to be streamed from server to a client. Media content is usually large. They should be compressed and encoded according to the limitations of bandwidth and CPU condition. Several audio compression codecs like MP3, Vorbis etc. and video compression codecs like H.264, VP8 are used. Whole bit-stream can be compressed using MP4, FLV etc. When the media is captured, digitized and encoded, it is delivered to the clients via a media streaming servers. Based on the underlying stream protocol, it is possible to use typical HTTP servers like Apache as well as the specific media streaming servers like FMS. If the underlying streaming protocol is RTMP, expensive FMS should be used. But if the underlying protocol is HTTP adaptive, then there is a potential to use typical HTTP servers. Viewer connects with a normal web server via HTTP for request the media stream. Web server then send that request to the particular media server. Then media server directly delivers the media to the client application. At the client application or client player media stream should be decompressed, decoded and converted to an analog signal. Finally, viewer can hear and watch the media through the particular devices. Media stream can be unicast or multicast. If it is unicasting, then media stream can be controlled as we do in a VCR. There are protocols like RTSP to make commands to control the media stream.

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