Portfolio - Hannah Breeze

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Hannah Breeze


Hannah R. Breeze bre12004@byui.edu 236 S. 1st W. Apt 214 Rexburg, Idaho 83440 208.390.6184

Table of Contents
Event Ad Logos Flier Montage Imaging Business Card Letterhead Webpage Brochure

Event Ad
Description Date
I had to create an ad for a fund-raising event in my community.

October 12, 2013

Julie Peterson Comm 130 Section 6

Microsoft Word


To find, scan, and import a high-quality image. To create a full-bleed design. To use text boxes for layout in Word. To insert and edit images in Word.


I had to come up with an event that was to raise money for someone else. I decided to make

a flier for a plant sale. I found a picture and scanned it onto the computer. I brought the picture into Microsoft Word and applied a couple of filters to the picture because some of the words from the other side were showing through. For the text, I decided to have a transparent text box so the text would be easier to read.

This weekend only!! The Chamber of Commerce is

Plant Sale!

Description I had to create three different logos for a company that was
either real or ctional.


November 2, 2013


Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson

Adobe InDesign

Objectives The objective for this project was to be able to create a variety of logos to
fit a company or personal image.


I started by coming up with a name for my comapny. Then, I drew some

possible logo ideas on a piece of paper. After that I started working on it in InDesign. Coming up with ideas for the logos was really hard. I tried to come up with designs that went along with the company name.

Description I was asked to create a flier for a leadership conference. Date
October 5, 2013

Course/Instructor Comm. 130 section 6, Julie Peterson Programs/Tools Adobe InDesign Objectives
To apply the design princples and to use appropriate typography.

Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. To create a project folder with image, logo, and InDesign document to keep links intact. Retrieve image and logo from links.

Process I created some sketches for some possible ideas for the flier. I came
up with a different design than what I had priginally planned to use. I used a black bar at the top with the title to create contrast. The image, logo, and content were provided for me.



I had to create a picture montage for my Visual Media class.

Date October 26, 2013 Course/Instructor Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson Programs/Tools Adobe Photoshop, Brush tool, Type tool Objectives The objectives for this project were to learn how to manage Photoshop

layers, learn how to blend images together smoothly, to unify a piece with a consistent theme, use filters, apply appropriate typography, and to apply typography principles.

the pictures that I had taken my last two semesters to see what kind of winter pictures I had. I took the two pictures that are in the corners and used the brush tool to blend them. When I worked on the text, I wanted to find a text that was flowing and looked kind of Christmasy. I chose red for the color of the text because it stands out more.

Process I wanted to create a Chritmas themed montage, so I looked through

Description I took this picture with a regular point and shoot camera and then

edited it in Photoshop.

Date October 18, 2013 Course/Instructor Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson Programs/Tools Photoshop Objectives Learn basic photography skills. USe a digital camera to take a

quality image. Size and crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion and use a filter to colorize a portion of the image.

in the Spori Quad. I took the pictures into Photoshop and worked on

Process I took some pictures of these three cacti that I found in the planter

desaturating the background of it. I also applied a poster edging filter to it which you can see on the bricks in the background. I also made the cacti brighter so they would stand out more.

Business Card
Description I had to create a business card for my business. Date
November 9, 2013

Course/Instructor Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson Program(s)/Tools Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign Objectives To use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign. Create a new logo to
copy. Learning to keep things simple y having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space. Designing a consistent layout.

fit a company or personal image. Apply typography rules keeping a small body

Process I had to come up with a new company logo. After thinking about the
type of logo, I came up with the idea of designing an old fashioned video camera. I created a rectangle for the camera body, two circles for the film reels, and a square and a yellow triangle for the lens and light coming out of the lens.

Description I had to create stationey for my business as well. Date November 9, 2013 Course/Instructor Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson Program(s)/Tools Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign Objectives Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign. Create a new logo to fit
simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and whitespace.

a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Apply typography rules keeping body copy small. Learning to keep things


I had come up with a new company logo. After thinking about it, I decided to

create an old fashioned video camera. The filmstrip took the longest to create because I had to align all of the squares with each other.

Description I had to create a webpage to showcase the logo that I had made for my business. Date November 22, 2013 Course/Instructor Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson. Program(s)/Tools Textwrangler, CSS, and HTML Objectives Size and optimize an original logo for a webpage. Write content to describe the

process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a webpage using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of CSS and HTML. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.

Process We learned how to create an HTML file and how to indent it properly. Then we
learned how to do a CSS file and how to make a webpage look better. I changed the background color and the color of the header to colors that compliment each other.

I had to create a brochure that had at least one fold for a company or an event.

Date December 14, 2013 Course/Instructor Comm. 130 Section 6, Julie Peterson Program(s)/Tools Adobe InDesign and Photoshop Objectives To set up and allign a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo
and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images.

Process I was originally planning on creating a brochure for an event that was sponsered

by Breeze Productions, but then I had the idea to make one for Breeze Aquariums. I went onto Image Search Britannica and found some images of animals that I would have in my aquarium. I clipped one of the images of a fish. I had a hard time coming up with body copy for my brochure. The logo that I created for it is a good representation of the aquarium. It has seaweed, bubbles, and a fish on it. Plus the colors give it an underwater feel.

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