SF260 Marchetti Checklist PDF

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SIAI-Marchetti SF.

260 for FSX by RealAir Simulations

Pilot's Operating Reference
Ground Check

] Ignition switch .......................................................................................................................................... Off

] Gear control switch .............................................................................................. Check for Down position
] Control surfaces ............................................................................................ Check for general conditions
] Tyres and shock absorbers ......................................................... Check for condition and proper inflation
] Pitot tube head cover ................................................................................................................... Removed
] Oil level and fuel filter ......................................................... Check oil level and close cap, Drain fuel filter
] Engine cowling and door ................................................................................................................. Closed
] Propeller and spinner ........................................................................................................ Check condition
] Fuel tanks ................................................................... Check fuel level and secure filler caps, Drain tanks
] Static ports ................................................................................................................ Check for obstruction

Before Starting Engine


] Seats and seat belts ..................................................................................................................... Adjusted

] Canopy release handles ..................................................................... Check for position and safety wires
] Parking brake .......................................................................................................................................... On
] Throttle control ......................................................................................................... Closed (Full rearward)
] Propeller control ................................................................................................... High RPM (Full forward)
] Mixture control .......................................................................................................... Cut off (Full rearward)
] Battery switch ........................................................................................................................................... On
] Green landing gear down indicating lights ............................................................................................. On
] Flight Controls ................................................................................. Check for correct and free movement
] Fuel quantity indicators ..................................................................................................................... Check
] Fuel selector valve ...................................................
Set left wing tank

Caution: When flying solo, the safety belts of the free seat must be locked.
Note: In case the engine has not been operated for several hours, especially in cold weather, turn the
ignition switch to off, then turn the propeller by hand two or three revolutions.
Engine Starting
[ ] Auxiliary fuel pump Switch ...................................................................................................................... On
[ ] Throttle ........ Pump to full open and back to idle position for 2 or 3 strokes, then set at open position
[ ] Mixture control ........................................................................................................ Full Rich (Full forward)
[ ] Magneto Switch ............. Start position. When engine fires, allow spring loaded switch to return to Both
[ ] Oil Pressure Gauge .................. Check. If oil pressure is not indicated within thirty seconds, stop engine
[ ] Throttle ...... Adjust for 1400 1500 RPM. Warm up for 2 minutes in hot weather and 4 minutes in cold
[ ] Alternator Switch ...................................................................................................................................... On
[ ] Ammeter ................................................................................ Check for positive charge above 1200 RPM
[ ] Propeller and Governor ................................................................. Check operation at 1700 1800 RPM
[ ] Magnetos
magneto drop-off using manifold pressure to produce 50 65% power with
.............................propeller at minimum blade angle setting and mixture control in full-rich position. 175 RPM
maximum drop-off and 50 RPM maximum difference allowable between magnetos
[ ] Engine instruments ................................................................................................................... Within limits
Note: Check engine is warm enough for taxi and take-off when the throttle can be opened without skipping
is warm
taxi and
take-off when the throttle can be opened without
or Note
and theengine
oil pressure
not drop
64 psi
skipping or missing and the oil pressure does not drop below 64 psi.
SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 for FSX Copyright 2007, RealAir Simulations www.realairsimulations.com

] Fuel Selector Valve ............................................................................................................ Set All Tanks
Neutral position
] Elevator Trim ...............................................................
] Flaps .................................................................................................... 20 degrees (Intermediate Position)
] Propeller control ....................................................................................... High RPM position (full forward)
] Parking brake ........................................................................................................................................... Off
] Mixture control .......................................................................................................... Full Rich (full forward)
] Throttle control ................................................... Gradually push throttle control full forward (2,700 RPM)
] Rotate speed .................................................................................................................................... 70 Kts
] Landing gear .................. A few seconds after take-off, retract the landing gear (Landing gear switch Up)
About 5-7 seconds later check transit indicating light Off
[ ] Flaps .......................................................... Up at 78 Kts minimum (90 MPH) after reaching a safe altitude
[ ] Auxiliary fuel pump switch ....................................................................................................................... Off

[ ] Throttle ............................................................................................................. Full throttle and 2,700 RPM
[ ] Best rate of climb speed at sea level ............................................................................ 108 Kts (125 MPH)
[ ] Best angle of climb speed at sea level ............................................................................ 87 Kts (100 MPH)
Note: For best engine operation during aerobatic flight use of the Auxiliary fuel boost pump is
recommended to maintain adequate fuel pressure.
Maximum cruising Speed

] Altitude ................................................................................................................................. 6,500 7,000 ft

] Engine RPM ................................................................................................................... 2,400 2,450 RPM
] Manifold pressure ............................................................................................................. 23 23.5 in.Hg.
] Mixture ................................................................................................................................ Lean as desired

Economical Cruising Speed


] Altitude ............................................................................................................................. 10,000 10,500 ft

] Engine RPM ................................................................................................................... 2,100 2,150 RPM
] Manifold pressure ............................................................................................................. 20 20.5 in.Hg.
] Mixture ............................................................................................................................. Lean as necessary

[ ] Fuel Selector .......................................................................................................... Left or Right Wing tank
[ ] Best angle of descent speed with engine off, flaps and landing gear up ...................... 87 Kts (100 MPH)
Before Landing
[ ] Auxiliary fuel pump switch ........................................................................................................................ On
[ ] Propeller control ..................................................................... High RPM position (push lever full forward)
in order to be ready for a possible balked landing
[ ] Landing gear ........................................................................................... Extend below 108 Kts (125 MPH)
[ ] Flaps ............................................................................. 50 degrees (Full down) below 108 Kts (125 MPH)
Note: It is permitted to lower the flaps to 20 degrees below 125 Knots
[ ] Approach speed ............................................................................................................. 87 Kts (100 MPH)
[ ] Flare ............................................................................................. Make a gradual flare out at 65 70 Kts
SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 for FSX Copyright 2007, RealAir Simulations www.realairsimulations.com

After Landing

] Flaps .............................................................................................................. Up before leaving the runway

] Taxi slowly
] Mixture control ................................................................. Idle cut off position (full aft) to stop the engine
] Ignition switch .......................................................................................................................................... Off
] Battery switch and all other switches ...................................................................................................... Off

Emergency Procedures
In case of fire:

] Fuel Shut-Off valve ............................................................................................................................ Closed

] Throttle control ........................................................................................................................ Full Forward
] Propeller control ..................................................................................... Low RPM position (Lever full aft)
] Generator and Battery switches .............................................................................................................. Off
] Ignition switch .......................................................................................................................................... Off
] Airspeed ......................................................................................................... Reduce to 87 Kts (100 MPH)
] Land as soon as possible

Warning - Do not attempt to restart the engine in flight.

Electrical System
All electrical system circuits are protected by circuit breakers which automatically break the circuit in case of
overloads or short circuits. If a circuit breaker pops out do not attempt to reset the breaker, unless the
relevant circuit is indispensable for the flight. In such case, allow sufficient time for cooling, then press the
circuit breaker button to reset the breaker, but turn off the controlling switch for that circuit and , if
necessary, land as soon as possible.
Generator Failure
In case of generator failure, indicated by negative reading on Ammeter, proceed as follows:
[ ] Unnecessary electrical equipment .......................................................................................................... Off
[ ] ALT switch ................................................................................................................................................ Off
[ ] Land as soon as possible
Note: The system endurance, with only a fully charged battery may range from about 30 minutes with night
flight essential loads, to more than 1 hour, with daytime essential loads.
Fuel System
In case of loss of fuel pressure, turn auxiliary fuel pumps ON and reduce engine power until operating
condition will become normal.
Emergency Landing Gear Extension
If the green landing gear indicator lights do not come on and the mechanical position indicator does not
move to its full out position, this means that the electrical landing gear actuating systems has failed to
operate. In this event, operate the emergency control handcrank located between the pilot's seats in
accordance with the following instructions: (Continued on next page)

SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 for FSX Copyright 2007, RealAir Simulations www.realairsimulations.com

Emergency Landing Gear Extension (continued)


] Set the landing gear control switch to Down

] Pull the circuit breaker labelled Ldg Pwr
] Remove the centre cover by turning its quick fastener
] Lift and rotate the crank handle to engage it in the slot of vertical shaft
] Turn counter clockwise the hand crank (27 turns)
] Check the green indicator lights and/or the mechanical gear position indicator

Warning: The emergency hand control must not be used in flight to retract the landing gear
Note: In FSX instead of the above procedure, hit Ctrl-G repeatedly until green gear-down lights illuminate.
Failure of Landing Gear Electrical System on Take-off
In case the landing gear electric retraction manoeuvre cannot be accomplished after take-off, two cases can
1 Green gear lights on (landing gear down and locked)
In this case, turn the landing gear control switch to Down and land as soon as possible.
2 Red gear light on (landing gear which does not reach up and locked)
In this case, return the control switch to Down. If the green lights come on again, land as soon as
practicable. If the green lights do not come on again, perform the emergency extension manoeuvre
prescribed in Emergency Landing Gear Extension procedure, and land as soon as possible.
Balked Landing

] Apply full throttle

] Check air speed
] Retract the landing gear
] Flaps - as necessary
] Trim the aircraft for climb

Recovery After Stall

The stall recovery procedure is as follows:
Push the stick forward and apply engine power, allowing air speed to increase (510 Kts above stall
speed) then pull gently to regain level flight.
Note: At maximum weight the loss of altitude during the stall is about 200250 ft.
Recovery From Spin
The following normal recovery technique from an intentional or unintentional spin is sufficient to obtain an
immediate recovery:
Apply full opposite rudder and immediately after move the control stick forward to the central position.
Note 1: Unintentional spin: In one turn normal spin at maximum weight (2430 lb) the loss of altitude
including recovery is about 1200 ft, and the speed at the end of recovery is approximately 122 Kts.
Note 2: Intentional spin: In a six turns normal spin at maximum weight (2205 lb) the loss of altitude
including recovery is about 4500 ft, and the speed at the end of recovery is approximately 165 Kts and the
maximum flight load factor during the manoeuvre is 4 g.

SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 for FSX Copyright 2007, RealAir Simulations www.realairsimulations.com

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