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Nathalia Soares Avila

ontact C
Nathalia Soares Avila:
440 S. 4th W. Rexburg, ID 83440 208.283.5857

Business Card Letterhead Montage Brochure Event Ad Imaging Logos Flier Web Page

able of Contents T

B usiness Card
Description: Date:
Matching letterhead and business card using a personaly created logo 11/9/2013

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Adobe Illustrator


Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. (Dont use photos or live trace in your new logo). Design consistent layouts for a business. Business card: 3.5 x 2 (print above center on a vertical page). Apply typography rules keeping small copy. Applying contact information: Include name, address, phone, and email on each piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone #; No parentheses/ hyphens.


I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the pathfinder combine these simple shapes. I placed a large letter in the center of the shape created. Once the logo was created, I opened a new two page InDesign document and placed my logo. AI file into this document.

L etterhead
Description: Date:

Matching letterhead and business card using a personaly created logo

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Adobe InDesign


Use The basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Design consistent layouts for a letterhead. Use your new logo to design two stationery items with consistent design. (Photos are okay on stationery.) Learning to keep thing simple by having watermarks and drop shadows light and white space.


I decided to make my first page a letterhead. I positioned the placed logo in the top right corner of my letterhead. I then typed my contact information into a text box and positioned it on the bottom underneath the dotted line of the letterhead. I made all of my contact information as 10 pt. In addition I added a larger version of the logo to the background making the opacity 8%. I made the background the same color as the logo for repetition and I added an opacity of 5%. On my second page I used the rectangle tool to create the front and back outline of my business card. I then copied/pasted the logo and contact information onto this page. I only place the logo on the front of the business card, and I made the background the same color as the logo but with the opacity of 5%. On the back side of the business card I added my information and made it the same color as the front to gain consistency and repetition.

Description: Date:

An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or more images, and the use of typography.

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Adobe Photoshop


Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks. (Two or more images). Use filters. (Apply at least one). Apply appropriate typography. Choosing good quality images. (Note background should be at least 16501275 pixels). Apply typography principles (titles, quotes, events or scripturesyour choice). Unifying a piece with a consistent theme.


I resized the background image to fit the requirement of 8.511. I selected the picture fo the couple and moved it to the background image, then I added a mask. With black paint and a 100% opacity, soft-edged brush, I painted away the hard image edges. With a larger black brush at 30% opacity and 30% flow, I blended the image into the background, so it looks like he is melting into the scene. I added some type and I added a layer style (soft, bubble, glow) to make the text more legible and stick out more in the picture.

Description: Date:
A 3 sided folding brochure. 12/7/2013

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images. (Incorporate at least four quality images (Not including the logo).


I set up the fold in Adobe InDesign. I split my layout into three sections with the concept that the outer right sections would be almost like a seal to the brochure and the inside would be the body of the brochure. For all of the images except for the background image I used the quick selection tool in Adobe Photoshop to remove the background of the image. I then used the refine mask dialogue box to smooth, feather, shift edge and apply contrast to the outline of the flamingo. The changes I made in the refine mask dialogue box made a softer image that didnt look so sharp and cutout against the brochures background. I then placed the elephant pictures into InDesign where I used the text wrap option to wrap my text around the alpha channel of the image with the two elephants connecting their trunks. I created the logo in Illustrator using the image of an elephant taken from the Internet and using type with consistent features; I then placed it into InDesign.

Event Ad
Description: Date:

A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only MicrosoftWord and scanner.

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson


Microsoft Word Epson Scanner (PDF converter)


Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word.


The image on the background and then used Word image effect to make the image brighter and more clear. I decided to use the image as the background of the flier. I then made one long yellow transparent rectangle where the title was placed in big bold black letters; then made a similar rectangle on the bottom of the page to put the information about the event. Beneath the title I added a yellow rectangle with the date time and place. I used the yellow rectangles to create contrast.

Description: Date:

A personally taken photograph that has been edited/formatted using Photoshop.

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson


Canon PowerShot SX40 HS camera Adobe Photoshop


Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. 6x6 resolution 150. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image. Document needs to be 8.511 150 resolution. Margins: top 2, sides 1.25 and bottom 3


I took this picture using a Canon PowerShot SX40 HS camera. I then took my image into Photoshop and resized it to a 66 inch square. I then selected the background using the quick selection tools, and made it black and white. I applied Exposure to the bowling ball, making the orange become brighter with additional shades of black and red, in order for it to create contrast.

L ogos
Description: Date:

Three logo variations for Zillow Real Estate company.

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Adobe Illustrator


Create a variety of logos to fit a company or personal image (at least 3 new logos). Do not imitate existing logos or use your previous designs. Use only the tools of Illustrator. (No photos on logo page). Setting up a professional display for the company. Arrange three logos on an 8.5 x 11 vertical page / .5 margins and add the company name in simple type at the top of page. Getting feedback from outside sources. Ask ten people to select their favorite logo. List the results, along with your favorite, in your blog post.


I really enjoyed creating the logo in Adobe Illustrator. I used the shapes tool to create the house shape on the first logo, and to create the squares on the second logo. I used the pen tool on the third logo to create the house shape. I made sure to choose fonts that would give the sense of square shapes in order to resemble shapes of a house. In addition I tried to make a lot of contrast, especially on the second logo with the colors.

F lier
Description: Date:

Black & White promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Adobe InDesign


Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.


Firstly I created four different sketches of ideas that I had for the layout. Then I chose the best one and I used it as a guide to create this layout in Adobe InDesign. I used black rectangles for repetition and contrast. I also emphasized one word in my title to create more contrast. I placed the picture at the top of the layout to create a good focal point, and also to give flow to the layout. The people in the image are facing the title which gives flow to the layout. I left white spaces and left my body copy small so the focus would not be redirected. I was given the image, logo, and content for this flier.

W eb Page
Description: Date:

A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.

COMM 130 Section 04 Julie Peterson

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives:

TextWrangler & Photoshop

Size (300 500 pixels ) and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. (Design a new logo, or use one from the Logo/Stationery project, to feature on a web page.) Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. (Write a minimum of 200 words to describe the process of creating your logo, including rationale for color choices, appeal to target audience, design skills, and other pertinent information.)


I created this web page using only TextWrangler. I had never seen or written any HTML/CSS. It was interesting to see how you could make a web page by only using a simple text editor. It was also interesting to use the HTML validator. It was useful to have something check to see if I had any problems with my code. After I marked up all my content and inserted my image, I attached a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors from my logo as the colors for my web page. I found these colors by opening Photoshop and using the eyedropper tool. I also changed my fonts to Times New Roman and Calibri. I declared some backup fonts just in case the viewers browser didnt have these fonts. I also used padding around the logo and text so that they would not be too close to the edge of the web page.

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