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Rebekah Cockrell

Rebekah Cockrell
30 College Ave. Rexburg, ID 83440 702 835 2923

Table of Contents
Montage Event Ad Imaging Letterhead Brochure Logos Business Card Web Page Flier

Programs Used: Photoshop Description: I have always loved Musicals, they are a big part of who I am. In this project I wanted to show that part of myself. This one line in particular stuck out to me, Fairytale should really be updated from the Musical Shrek. I found that was my inspiration for this assignment. I wanted to create an image showing the power of this statement. Date: Saturday October 26, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to use and manage Photoshop layers, learn how to blend multiple photos together to create one picture. Process: I went online and found a picture of an old fairytale book and a picture of Shrek and Fiona. First I went in to Photoshop and place the image of the book. I then added the picture of Shrek and Fiona and masked it so that you could still see their faces clearly, but also so they were blending into the book. Following that I added the text. I placed the text on the other side of the picture to add a flow throughout the image. I then went back to my background, the book, and added a filter to make my book seem older looking.

Event Ad
Programs Used: Microsoft Word Description: I used to be part of a performing group called Ovation. While I was in it we started a Halloween carnival to raise money for our shows and performances. So for this project, I wanted to create a creative event ad for this Carnival. Date: Saturday October 12, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to find and scan pictures into the computer. Learn to edit pictures and design in Microsoft Word. Process: I went to the store and found a magazine picture that I wanted to use for this project. I wanted to find something in the spirit of Halloween, but not scary so I could appeal to all audiences from children to adults. After, I went and scanned my picture in the computer and opened up a new document in Word. I placed my picture and then I added a filter to sharpen the colors and the image. Following that I used the text tool to add in all my text.

Programs Used: Photoshop Description: I wanted to design something cool and in the spirit of Halloween because of the time of year. So I chose to do it of some of my own personal Halloween decorations in my apartment. Date: Saturday October 19, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Learn to resize an image. Learn to adjust image qualities such as hue, decolorizing, saturation, etc. Process: I set up the words Wicked and placed them next to my dragon candle holder. I followed the rule of 3 for this picture. After I took the picture I went into Photoshop and sized my picture to 6x6 with 150 resolution. After I went in a used the quick selection tool to select the letters. After I finished that, I inverse what I had selected and desaturated the background to be black and white. I wanted to keep the letter white for contrast. After that I used the filter palette and selected a filter and applied it to my back ground. Following that I used my quick selection tool again and selected the reflection of the letters. I then added a color and hue to them to make them greenish.

Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign Description: I have always loved bow shooting and thought it was really fun. My husbands family are all bow hunters. I thought it would be cool to create a business around that. A business where people would be able to learn how to shoot a bow and have the opportunity to participate in tournaments and things like that. Date: Saturday November 9, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to use InDesign and Illustrator together. Design a letterhead that is very professional. Process: First I drew out my design on a paper to get the idea that I wanted to do. Next, I went into in illustrator and started my stationery. I used the symbols tool for the arrows on the top and bottom of the page. I had to reflect all the arrows on the bottom. After I picked my text and choose two different texts for contrast. I then added the arrows to the C and as the underline, using the symbol tool again. Then I went in a used my text tool for my contact information.

Cockrell Archery

Rebekah Cockrell 30 College Avenue Rexburg, ID 83440 702-835-2923

Programs Used: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign Description: I did a brochure for a company in Las Vegas that I used to perform at and work for. It is called Hollywood Kids Academy. This company is all about the performing arts on the stage. My idea behind this is to promote this business through creativity. I wanted to make a two-fold project that would open as curtains on a stage would. Date: Saturday December 7, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to make a professional brochure. Process: First I took a piece of paper and fold it and recored the measurements so that
I could make a template for my project. Next, I went in to InDesign and using my ruler I make my template that I would be working with. Following that step, I placed my picture of the curtains in my brochure on page one. I used the rectangle tool too make the box that I wanted my image to fit in. Following that I placed it on the left side of my brochure to fill that corner. I then copied that and pasted it on the other side, making the curtains so they would open in the middle. After, I placed a rectangle in the middle and used my color palette to make the rectangle red. Following that, I used my text tool to place the contact info as well as the location. I also placed my logo there for repetition. I decided to keep the inside white for contrast against all the red on the cover. I began by placing the pictures in the document and moving them with the selection tool to where I wanted them to be. After that I went into Photoshop and cropped my logo so that in was in the shape of the stars rather than a box. After I used the text tool to put in all my information. I decided to use line spacing paragraph style because it looked best. I then went to my text wrap tool and wrapped the text in the center around my star logo.

Programs Used: Illustrator Description: I wanted to do something for a company that I used to be a part of, so I chose Hollywood Kids Academy of Performing arts. This company is all about performing on the stage so I wanted to give it the feel of a Broadway sign. Date: Saturday November 2, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to think of several different ideas for a logo. Better develop skills in Illustrator. Process: First I sat down a sketched a couple different options and then got the opinions of some friends to see which 3 I should attempt. After that I began with my first logo. I used the shapes tool to draw the rectangle and four circles on each corner. Following that I used the pathfinder tool to take out the little clips of the edges that I removed. After that I used the pen tool to do the inside boarder and the text tool for the text. For my second logo, I started by using the rectangle tool and drew the top and bottom lines. I used the text tool for the inside text. Then I used the shape tool to draw a circle and used my color palette to make the circles yellow. Then I copy and pasted enough circles for me to line the two black lines with to give the appearance of twinkle lights as it would look on a stage in a Broadway play. My last logo I used the text box to create the big letters. I then used a drop shadow in the background to give some definition and contrast. Then I used the shape tool to make the circles and copy pasted. After that I used the text tool again to create the contrasting font at the bottom of the logo. At the end I selected each logo and grouped all the elements together.

Hollywood Kids Academy

Hollywood Kids Academy Performing Arts

Hollywood Kids Acadmey


Business Card
Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign Description: I designed this around the business that I created for my letterhead. This is what the Business card would look like for that same business. Date: Saturday November 9, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to make a profession business card to match my letterhead. Process: I started with InDesign, I used the rectangle tool for the boxes. I then went to illustrator and used the symbol tool for the arrows and placed them where I wanted them. Then I used the rectangle tool to draw the box over the bottom of the arrows to look like a quiver. Then I used the brush tool for the bags strap and the bow next too it. Then I went and placed the logo I designed for my letterhead on one side of my card and on the other I used the text tool and added my contact information.

Cockrell Archery

Rebekah Cockrell 30 College Ave. Rexburg, ID 83440 702-835-2923 cockrell.arrows@gmail. com

Web Page
Programs Used: .css document, Illustrator, and Photoshop Description: This is my web page for the business I created. I wanted to do something around archery because my husband and his family are all bow hunters. I realized through talking to people around the school that they all thought bow shooting was really cool. They all said they would be interested and they thought it would be fun to learn how to shoot and participate in tournaments. So I decided to create a business around it. Date: Saturday November 23, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to create a web page. Learn to use .css files. Process: First I designed my logo in illustrator. I wanted to keep repeating the arrow theme through out my logo so that people would understand what the business through pictures and not just words. After that I created my web page. I went to Photoshop to grab the colors I wanted to use. I chose brown and green because they were the colors theme of Robin Hood. This whole bow shooting company is meant to be a medieval theme, as in the time of Robin Hood as his merry men. So I wanted to keep that theme within the colors that I chose as well as the fonts. I also went to for my font choices.

Programs Used: InDesign Description: I had to create a flier for a Graduate Leadership Conference. Date: Saturday October 5, 2013 Course: Visual Media; section 2 Instructor: Julie Peterson Objectives: Learn to use InDesign and create my own design using required pictures, topics, and text. Process: First I began with drawing out a plan. Then, when I began in InDesign, I began by designing my boarder, hoping to add contrast to my flier. I then moved to the title and placing the picture. I want to make sure that the picture flowed well with my choice of title placement. Then I added in the text, trying to pay specific attention to leaving white space, but including all the information. Finally, I finished with placing the logo, big enough to show, but not to stand out more than the other information.


Leadership Conference

October 21 8 am - 5 pm Lincoln Convention Center

Do you want to have the competitive edge in business? Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference. Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employer. Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.
Registration and more information available at http://

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