PROC LOGISTIC Class - Variables

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jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013 7:23

Sistema SAS Procedimiento LOGISTIC

Finally, the following statements refit the previously selected model, except that reference coding is used for the CLASS variables instead of effect coding. The ODDSRATIO statements compute the odds ratios for the covariates. Two CONTRAST statements are specified, and provide another method of producing the odds ratios. The contrast labeled Pairwise specifies three rows in the contrast matrix, L, for all the pairwise comparisons between the three levels of Treatment. The contrast labeled Female vs Male compares female to male patients. The option ESTIMATE=EXP is specified in both CONTRAST statements to exponentiate the estimates of . With the given specification of contrast coefficients, the first row of the Pairwise CONTRAST statement corresponds to the odds ratio of A versus P, the second row corresponds to B versus P, and the third row corresponds to A versus B. There is only one row in the Female vs Male CONTRAST statement, and it corresponds to the odds ratio comparing female to male patients.

ods graphics on; proc logistic data=Neuralgia plots(only)=(oddsratio(range=clip)); class Treatment Sex /param=ref; model Pain= Treatment Sex Age; oddsratio Treatment; oddsratio Sex; oddsratio Age; contrast 'Pairwise' Treatment 1 0, Treatment 0 1, Treatment 1 -1 / estimate=exp; contrast 'Female vs Male' Sex 1 / estimate=exp; effectplot / at(Sex=all) noobs; effectplot slicefit(sliceby=Sex plotby=Treatment) / noobs; run; ods graphics off;

Informacin del modelo Conjunto de datos Variable de respuesta Nmero de niveles de respuesta Modelo Tcnica de optimizacin Nmero de observaciones le Nmero de observaciones usa Perfil de respuesta Valor ordenado 1 2 Pain No Yes Frecuencia total 35 25 WORK.NEURALGIA Pain 2 logit binario Puntuacin de Fisher 60 60

La probabilidad modelada es Pain='No'.

Informacin de nivel de clase Clase Treatment Valor A B P Sex F M Diseo de variables 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

Estado de convergencia del modelo Criterio de convergencia (GCONV=1E-8) satisfecho. Estadstico de ajuste del modelo Criterio Slo trminos independientes 83.503 85.598 81.503 Trminos independientes y Variables adicionales 58.767 69.239 48.767


Probar hiptesis nula global: BETA=0 Test Ratio de verosim Puntuacin Wald Tipo 3 Anlisis de efectos Efecto Treatment Sex Age DF 2 1 1 Chi-cuadrado de Wald 12.6928 5.3013 7.6314 Pr > ChiSq 0.0018 0.0213 0.0057 Chi-cuadrado 32.7358 25.6611 14.5666 DF 4 4 4 Pr > ChiSq <.0001 <.0001 0.0057

Anlisis del estimador de mxima verosimilitud Parmetro DF Estimador Error Chiestndar cuadrado de Wald 15.8669 3.1790 3.7264 1.8235 -0.2650 6.4056 1.0135 1.1339 0.7920 0.0959 6.1357 9.8375 10.8006 5.3013 7.6314 Pr > ChiSq

Intercept Treatment Treatment Sex Age A B F

1 1 1 1 1

0.0132 0.0017 0.0010 0.0213 0.0057

Asociacin de probabilidades predichas y respuestas observadas Concordancia de porcentaje Discordancia de porcentaje Porcentaje ligado Pares Estimadores de ratio de probabilidad e intervalos de confianza de Wald Etiqueta Treatment A vs B Treatment A vs P Treatment B vs P Sex F vs M Age Estimador 0.578 24.022 41.528 6.194 0.767 95% Lmites de confianza 0.093 3.295 4.500 1.312 0.636 3.589 175.121 383.262 29.248 0.926 90.3 9.1 0.6 875 D de Somers 0.811 Gamma Tau-a c 0.816 0.401 0.906

Resultados del test de contraste Contraste Pairwise Female vs Male DF 2 1 Chi-cuadrado de Wald 12.6928 5.3013 Pr > ChiSq 0.0018 0.0213

Estimaci n de contraste y resultado s de prueba por fila Contraste Tip o Fil a Estimado Error Alfa Lmites r estnda de r confianz a 24.0218 41.5284 0.5784 6.1937 24.3473 0.0 5 47.0877 0.0 5 0.5387 4.9053 0.0 5 0.0 5 3.2951 4.4998 0.0932 1.3116 175.1 383.3 3.5889 29.247 6 Chicuadrad o de Wald 9.8375 10.8006 0.3455 5.3013 Pr > ChiS q

Pairwise Pairwise Pairwise


0.0017 0.0010 0.5567 0.0213

Female vs EXP 1 Male

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