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ESSAY- BLOOD DONETION. I want to talk to you about the importance of donating blood.

Some of you may know a friend or even a family member who has received blood at some time. I for one have received blood and I often wonder who took the time to donate it. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, it is noted that just 1 pint of blood can save three lives. Why You Should Give Giving blood does not just benefit recipients. Regardless of age, donating blood offers many benefits for donors. It lets you: time-consuming tests. Then, it must be used relatively quickly or it will perish-whole blood for instance, according to the American Red Cross, is no longer usable after 42 days. As a result, maintaining an adequate blood supply is a challenge-especially when a disaster occurs, which may cause the need for blood to soar. The only way to meet demand is to have regular donations from healthy volunteers. If you are healthy, your body-which has between 10 and 12 pints of blood-can easily spare about a pint, the amount that is collected at a donation. Because the body begins replacing donated blood immediately, most people can give blood every eight weeks. I was reading an article called 600 reasons to donate blood. It stated perhaps donating blood could be considered one way of losing unwanted weight. D.A. Redelmeier estimated that one unit of blood reflects about 600 calories of food intake and that a single blood donation could offset either 2 hamburgers, 3 donuts or 5 granola bars. That in itself is a reason to donate if you want to get rid of unwanted calories. Understanding what prevents people from donating blood, or having donated, why they stopped donating, are important in devising strategies to get them to donate blood.

During the first decade of the 21st century a popular and new word has come into our vocabulary. That word is Facebook. This is the most popular social networking website on the internet. If you havent heard about Facebook until reading this, then you must have been in a coma for the last 5 years. There are about 350 million active users on this website. The main idea of Facebook is that you can keep in touch with all your friends around the world who has Facebook. You can send messages to your frie nds electronic wall, put up a status saying something like Going to the mall, need to get a new pair of shoes or its finally the weekend! :). In the 350 million users on Facebook, 67% of them are between the ages of 13 -25. More than 35 million users update their status every day. 2.5 billion Photos are added each month. The highest age groups who use Facebook are teenagers. Most of them keep the website running whenever they are using the computer and general teens nowadays are always on the computer, if they arent in school/college or when they arent asleep. I feel that teens should be focused on their school work or be socializing with their friends in person or exercising. Facebook is just changing the new generation of youngsters completely because the teenage life is one of the most important stages of life and wasting it on Facebook is not encouraging this in anyway. It is also a complete distraction to their mind; like nowadays when all their homework and research are on ICT, they would get diverted into Facebook just to check if there was anything updated among their friends. Remember back in the good old days, when teens would do their homework handwritten, play sports and hang out with friends. Today, most teens would only speak to their friends on Facebook, while we can see them battling obesity as they stare at their friends message on their wall. In summary, teens dont have a life because they are on Facebook 24/7, except for those who dont use Facebook or occasionally do. Facebook is also where people can see the gossip among their friends, virtual arguments, relationship status and updates, who is in whose top friends, you can become fan of anything, join groups, post pictures and videos, play juvenile games, invite friends to parties or events and a heap more. Mainly, all this would just disturb people into living life to their fullest. Its not just teens who become addicted even grownups do. An average person spends about 55 minutes on Facebook. This statistic isnt that bad but some people spend about 35 hours. Technology might be taking over peoples lives. The internet is what the youth does almost all the time and other growing social networking sites such as Twitter might become the next Facebook. Facebook is getting millions of dollars, in fact $300 million in 2008. Creator, Mark Zuckerberg is one young genius to change human lives drastically by changing their social environment. People can also access Facebook through their mobiles and more than 65 million active users access Facebook through their mobiles. Furthermore, people who use Facebook through their mobile phones are 50% more active on Facebook than non-mobile

phone users. This shows that people who use Facebook on their phones as well as using it on their computer, just cant stand being away from the website. Facebook is like crack to some folks. I think people should also take a break from Facebook once in a while. This would make them think how life is like without saying whats on their mind to all their friends on the internet. A break would also make them more active, like socializing in person. This would also help them focus better in school or in work. If they are in school, they might get better grades because they arent being distracted. Although about 80% of people who take a break would come back to Facebook within days. Conversely, the social network does benefit common people. For example, if you are a student and youre writing an essay on your computer and need advice because you are stuck, you can just go online into Facebook and ask any of your friends who would help. Another way its a good service is because it is completely free to contact any of your friends who lives anywhere in the world; this is much better than calling someone on the phone which might be expensive to some people. In spite of all this, I firmly stick to my opinion. On a whole, my view about the social network being a big time waster is a true fact according to me. Teenagers especially, should spend less time on Facebook and get some sunlight. Adults, who spend their days on Facebook, must be unemployed because they should have so much work to do or they could make this world a much better place by doing something productive! My opinion is not banning Facebook completely because I also agree you should log in sometimes and I recommend should go on for about 45 minutes a day, if you do have Facebook. So, this is my impression of Facebook. Im sure some part of you agrees with me.


Imagine going a whole day without your cell phone. Would you be able to function right? Most people I know would answer no to this question. Now imagine going a whole week without your cell phone. Would you go insane just thinking about not having your cell phone? I know that I would not go insane, but my friends would say otherwise. Now, I would like for you to imagine there was no cell phones in the world for an entire month, year, decade, and century. How would you react? Me, I would be just fine with that, but I know others who entirely depend on their cell phones because the cell phones are their lives. Life would be so different if there were not any cell phones. Especially for those people who text people every single second. People would not be able to communicate with each other. Everyone would be so stumped that they would not be able to contact a person everyday while being away from the house. It would be even worse for those people who do not have a land line phone. They would be totally disconnected from ways of communicating with someone with a regular phone. People would be forced to go back to writing more emails, using the landline phones, and writing letters. They would still be able to access places like face book, but if you did not have a computer with internet access, you would not be able to do that. In conclusion, a life without cell phones would change our lives drastically. People would not be able to communicate like they did before. People would then be forced to go back to the methods of communicating before cell phones came out.

ESSAY WHAT MONEY CANT BUY Money is one of the most important things in our lives, next to food to eat, a home to live in, and ways to get from here to there but with all of those things, you need money. So thats where the money can buy happiness phrase comes in because people think that since money can buy everything else then it can easily buy happiness also. Can money really buy happiness? Some individuals seem to think so, as for most people, they believe that if you have a lot of money then you can buy happiness. The thing is, it depend, For instance, if you have been poor your whole life then becoming rich would make you very happy, but if youve been rich your whole life, thats different. It wouldnt really matter as much because there would be a plentiful amount of money in your life already, and it wouldnt be something desperately needed. I believe that money can not buy happiness, and actually I believe that in some ways money can negatively consume your life which would not make you very happy. What I mean by this is, say someone is desperate for money, and then they will do anything to get their hands on it. That could mean robbing someone of it, which would consume your life by getting you thrown in jail. Another thing could be that if someone is not desperate for money but the complete opposite, that they have so much they dont know what to do with it, then they could become greedy. This would make their life all about money, therefore consuming them in their obsession to wanting more and more. In my personal experience with money, Ive had the amount of an average American family. Meaning that I wasnt filthy rich but I wasnt poor either. The amount that Ive had was enough to make me happy because we didnt struggle with anything like food and other necessities; I say its better than nothing. Speaking of nothing, looking at others who dont have much money makes me appreciate my life more even if I am not wealthy. Being average isnt that bad. Money might be able to make you happy but thats not the point, the point is that it cant buy happiness. Being happy is an emotion, it is something you feel, not something you buy. That is why Happiness is priceless!


In India Cinema has been a very important means of entertainment. Here, cinema has seen a century of growth, and it has gone very far in the heights of progress. Originally, in India the cinema was a movie only and it was called because we could only see the stars acting, and there was no sound, no talking, no dialogue and no songs. The audiences could only see action. As time passed by, these movies got converted into talkies and, at that time dialogues got introduced in the pictures. This made the movies more interesting and entertaining. Also, in the beginning, cinema was only in black and white, but with the passage of time colour entered cinema and black and white pictures got converted to coloured films. Thus, with dialogues and colour films entered a phase of great improvement. This was not the end of the improvements due in cinema there was a lot more to come. In the early stages, each actor and actress had to sing his/ her songs. This curtailed the entry of stars in the movie career. However, our technical advancement soon saw to this problem and it was with the coming of background singing the restriction on entries to cinema got removed. Soon people who could not sing also entered the career as, there was provision for another man/ woman to sing for him/her from the background. The problem of not taking in for acting people who could not sing was thus solved and Indian cinema saw another hurdle being crossed. Now with this impetus to those who could not sing, the entry of people in cinema was duly widened. With the passage of time there has been a continuous technological advancement in Indian cinema. In the 20th Century, Indian cinema took huge strides towards growth and, today, at the turn of the 21st Century Indian cinema stands at par with Hollywood cinema. May be we still have a lot to learn from Hollywood but this much is undoubted that, Indian cinema stands second only to Hollywood, specially in terms of its turn out of movies and movie stars. In the earlier times with the orthodox views about dancing, singing and acting, cinema was not considered to be a respectable career, not meant to be followed by the youth of good respectable families. However, today the boys and girls who join cinema as a career are children from good wealthy and respectable families, and cultured families. This is because there has been a sea change in the thinking processes of the modern people. Also, this change has helped in the improvement of the turn out of cinema. From the earliest times of the existence of cinema in India, it has always been the most popular and the cheapest mode of entertainment. This is why it got the impetus that brought it to this level of success, and its present size. Even today, cinema in India is very popular but, with the advent of the TV and many other avenues for entertainment, it has become a little less important in the average person's entertainment list.

Besides, the VCP and VCR have further decreased the habit of going out to the cinema halls to see movies. When a picture is available at home, why would anyone like to go to a cinema hall? Thus, though going to cinema halls has come down the popularity of the cinema is still on the upward swing. The cinema in India has, in spite of all hazards retained its unchallenged popularity. It still remains the most liked mode of entertainment both for the Indian gentry and the Indian masses. It is a matter of pride that, Indian cinema has not only remained popular in India, but it has increased its boundaries elsewhere in world. It is very popular in most of the foreign countries, more so due to the Millions of Indians residing in foreign countries. The latest position just heard about Indian cinema is that Cannes is interested in showing Indian cinemas over there - a great achievement of the cinema industry indeed - Kudos to the Indian cinema.


Last weekend passed so quick with me. I spent most of the time to work at the restaurant in summer. There was a few things to worry about before school start such as new clothes, material and equipment. On Saturday, I got on the bus with some friends to Metrotown for shopping with 200 dollars in my pocket. I was kind of worried about spent enough for necessary stuffs. I got two jeans and three t-shirt. My friends suggested that I look cool in those. Then we went around stores to find a barber shop to get my haircut done. It's even harder to find a Chinese restaurant shopping mall so we went to McDonald instead. As the sun set was the time I arrived home to get ready for tomorrow. My best friend texted me to ask about school just before I fell sleep. On Sunday was the busy day, I woke up early as usual and waited for the bus with the same feelings. I arrived the restaurant half hour later like I expected. The boss wasn't there until lunch to I just started to fill the soups and food supplies. I kept my mind busy that I can't think about repeated ESL level 3. What a sad thing for me. Sometime it was like a flash back that make me feel even more disappointed. I finished off Sunday went home for FA dinner. I would like to call it FA because I cooked, ate and cleaned up alone

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