Beautiful Sunnah S of Rasulallah To Do Everyday

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Beautiful Sunnahs of Rasulallah to do everyday

By Farrukh Paasha

Introduction .1 When first waking up in the morning ...2 Sunnah of Going to the Bathroom (Toilet ...! Sunnah and "irtues of using #iswaak .................................................................$ The Sunnah%s of &erforming Wudhu ('(lution .) Sunnah method of performing Ghusl (Bathing .1* Sunnah of +ressing 11 Sunnats regarding ,air- moustache- (eard and nails 1. Sunnah%s pertaining to ,air .1$ &rescri(ed Times for the /i0e +ail1 Salaah 12 &ra1ing /a3r Salaat ...12 The Sunnah%s of coming to and lea0ing the home ..14 Sunnah%s of the #as3id ..21 &ra1er with 5ongregation .2! Sunnah%s of 'dhaan and I6aamah ...2. +oing I(adah (worship 'fter /a3r Salah until after Sunrise ....2) Sunnah%s after the completion of Salaah ..2) &rescri(ed +ail1 +hikr from hadith .!* +ua%s from the 7ur%an ...!2 "irtues of pra1ing Salaatul +huha ...!. The Sunnah of coming out of the #as3id .!. The Sunnah of (reakfast ....!$

The "irtues of 8ummah pra1er .!$ The "irtues of the 7ur%an ..!2 Sunnah%s of tra0el ....* Sunnats of greeting- handshake and em(racing ...) Sunnah%s regarding hospitalit1 to guests ..4 Sunnah%s of Gifts ....$* Sunnah%s of #a3lis (Gathering ....$2 Sunnah%s of 0isiting the Sick .$! Sunnah%s pertaining to eating ...$) Sunnah%s of drink ..........)* &ra1ing 9uhr Salaat ..)2 Taking a Short nap (7a1loolah ...)! &ra1ing 'sr Salah ..)! #aghri( Salaat ...). Sunnat%s regarding entering the house )$ &ra1ing Isha Salaat ....)) Sunnah%s of +ua (Supplication ....)2 :ti6uette of reciting the 7ur%an ...;* :ti6uettes and <ules of 7ur%an Tilaawat ....;. Sunnah%s of the =ight ;$ Sunnah%s especiall1 for females ....2! Sunnah%s when a child is (orn ..2. Sunnah%s relating to +eath- #ourning- shrouding and Burial ..2; +ua%s for difficulties- hardships and grief ...41 3

General important Sunnah%s 4. +ua for thoughts of kufr (dis(elief and sin ...1** Sunnah of &ondering o0er the creations and greatness of 'llah ..1** ' few important teachings of Islam .....1** Some important Sunnah%s of the Islamic 5alendar ....1*1 #uharram ..1*1 Safar 1*2 <a(iul 'wwal .1*! <a(iul > 'khir ? 8umaada@'l@Aola ............1*$ 8umaada@'th@Thani ? <a3a( ..1*) Sha%(aan .....1*; <amadan 112 Shawwal .11. +hul@7aBdah ? +hul ,i33ah..................................11) =awaafil ("oluntar1 /asting ...11; The Sunnah%s of :id Cl 'dha and :id ul /itr 12* Sunnah%s of =ikah .....122 Sunnah%s of Walimah 12! Sunnah%s regarding 5on3ugal relations .......122 Some important Sunnah%s of conducting (usiness .....12; Sunnah%s pertaining to sickness and cure ...1!* Sunnah%s and sins of the tongue ...1!. +hikrullah (<emem(rance of 'llah to do e0er1da1 .....1!2

Annas reported that Rasulallah said: I have left among you two things you will never go astray as long as you hold fast to them: the Book of Allah and my Sunnah. (Haakim) As Almighty Allah has revealed in this verse: [Today I have perfected your religion for you and completed My lessing upon you! and I am pleased with Islam as a religion for you] (Al-Ma'idah 5: )! Islam is the final divine religion. Prophet Muhammad Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the "rophets] (Al-Ah"a# :$%)& is [the

The faithful learn the kind of moral values they need to display in order to attain the approval, compassion, and Paradise of Allah; what they must avoid and what they must abide by; what is lawful and what is forbidden; in short, all the details regarding the kind of life that will be pleasing to Allah from the ur!an. Another mercy and blessing of our "ord for believers is the #unnah of the Prophet The Prophet is a blessed individual, whom Allah has sent as a role model for all people with his moral values$ [#ou have an e$cellent model in the Messenger of Allah for all who put their hope in Allah and the %ast &ay and remem er Allah much] (Al-Ah"a# :'() The Prophet is a role model for everyone with his faith, godliness, knowledge, and superior moral values. %ith his patience, trust in Allah, courage, devotion, closeness to Allah, &ustice, compassion, love, affection for believers, and foresight, he possessed moral values that are greatly admired by the faithful. All believers strongly desire and strive to possess these 'ualities to attain the moral model re'uired by the the ur!an. (or all these reasons, all his words, decisions, recommendations, advice, and life )the #unnah ) represent a most valuable guide for all those who wish to understand and live by the ur!an. Many verses of the ur!an emphasi*e the importance of obeying the Prophet adhering to his path in. +ne of these reads$ and

['hoever o eys the Messenger has o eyed Allah. If anyone turns away! 'e did not send you (Muhammad) to them as their keeper.] (An-)isaa' $:*%) The #unnah is the interpretation, e,planation of, and commentary on the no believer, neither man nor woman, has any right to re&ect it$ ur!an. Therefore,

['hen Allah and *is Messenger have decided something! it is not for any man or woman of the elievers to have a choice a out it. Anyone who diso eys Allah and *is Messenger is clearly misguided.] (Al-Ah"a# : +) ['hatever the Messenger gives you! you should accept! and whatever he for ids you! you should forgo. *ave fear (and respect) of Allah + Allah is severe in retri ution.] (Al-Hashr 5,:-) This comprehensive #unnah collection was compiled solely for the purpose of reviving the #unnah. (orgive my mistakes. May Allah bless this book - make it a salvation for the whole .mmah. Ameen. .arrukh /aasha (0une! '%(()

Beautiful Sunnahs to do Everyday

In the name of Allah the most compassionate the most merciful

NOTE: For reasons of brevity, in most cases in this book only the summary and reference of each Hadith is mentioned instead of the entire Hadith.

1hen 2irst 3aking up in the morning

/. As soon as one awakens one should rub both palms on the face and eyes so that the effects of sleep are removed. (4irmidhi)

0. Then one should recite the following two supplications$

Alhamdu lillaahil1ladhee !ahyaanaa ba!da maa !amaatanaa wa! ilayhin1nushoor. "raise is to Allah 'ho gives us life after *e has caused us to die and to *im is the return. (5ukhari) 2. Also recite:

" & '( # $ % " ! . * ' ) $ 4' ". ! + , # . / ! # 2 3 012

"aa !illaha !illallahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul1mulku wa lahul1hamdu, wa 3uwa !alaa kulli shay!in adeer #ubhaanallahi, walhamdu lillaahi, wa laa !ilaha !illallahu, wallaahu !akbar, wa laa hawla wa laa uwwata !illaa billaahil1!Aliyyil1!Adheem, 4abbighfir lee. There is none worth of worship ut Allah alone! 'ho has no partner! *is is the dominion and to *im elongs all praise! and *e is a le to do all things. ,lory is to Allah. "raise is to Allah. There is none worth of worship ut Allah. Allah is the Most ,reat. There is no might and no powers e$cept y Allah-s leave! the .$alted! the Mighty. My %ord! forgive me.

%hoever recites this will be forgiven, and if he supplicates Allah, his prayer will be answered; if he performs ablution and prays, his prayer will be accepted. (5ukhari) 5. To make Miswaak when awakening is #unnah (A#u 6a3ood) )ote: This is a separate #unnah to when making Miswaak in %udhu 6. %hen wearing one7s trousers, first put on the right leg, then the left one. %hen putting on a kurta or shirt, first put on the right sleeve and then the left one. The same procedure should be followed when wearing a vest. %hen wearing a shoe, first put on the right shoe. %hen removing any garment or shoe, first remove the left, then the right. This is the #unnah method when removing any garment from the body (5ukhari! 4irmidhi 7the chapter on clothing8 and 9hamaaile 4irmidhi)&

9unnah o2 :oing to the 5athroom (4oilet) 1hen entering the toilet

/. 4ecite the following and enter with your left foot

89ismillaahi: Allaahumma !innee !a!oothu bika minal1khubthi walkhabaa!ith. (5e2ore entering) (In the /ame of Allah). (4hen) 0 Allah! I seek protection in #ou from the male and female unclean spirits. (5ukhari (;$5! Muslim (;'* ) 0. 9efore immersing ones hands into any bucket, drum, container, utensils, wash them thrice thoroughly. (4irmidhi <ol& (! pg& ( ) 2. %ater and lumps of earth should be taken to the toilet for the purpose of Isthin&a ;%ashing privates<. 3owever if these are already in the toilet then it is not necessary. It is #unnah to take the clods of earth (4irmidhi)& )ote: =ormal tissue paper will suffice since it is made for cleaning purposes. 5. %hilst going to the toilet 4asulallah 9aad) always covered his head and wore shoes (I#n

6. +ne should not stand up and urinate but sit and urinate (4irmidhi) )ote: If the %> is impure - one cannot find water - tissue to clean it, then in that case it is better to stand but precaution must be taken to ensure no urine splashes onto body or clothes.

?. It is best to lower oneself as much as possible before uncovering oneself for isthin&a (4irmidhi) @& Any item which has the name of Allah and 4asulallah on it should be removed before entering toilet. ()asai) +r one should put it into one7s pocket or cover it with something. )ote: The name of Allah should not be said in the toilet. 3owever If one forgets to supplicate before entering the toilet area then he can supplicate in his heart in side the toilet A. +ne should not show ones back or face towards the (4irmidhi) a7ba whilst relieving oneself.

B. %hilst relieving oneself one should not talk unless out of dire necessity (Mishkaat) /C. %hilst making Isthin&a the right hand should not be used or touch the private parts but only the left hand should be used (5ukhari! Muslim) )ote: The right hand can be used for pouring water or using the tissue. //. +ne should be DE4F cautious not to splash urine anywhere because this is one of the causes of grave punishment. (4irmidhi) Important: +ne should A"%AF# sit down when urinating to avoid drops going elsewhere I#n 'A##as states that! !+nce the Messenger of Allah while passing through a graveyard heard the voices of two persons who were being punished in their graves. The Messenger of Allah said, !These two persons are being punished not for something ma&or ;it is not difficult to be save from it<.! 4he /rophet then added! !FesG ;They are being tortured for a ma&or sin< Indeed, one of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine while the other would go about with backbiting ;to make enmity between friends<.! The Messenger of Allah then asked for a branch of a date1palm tree, broke it into two pieces, and put one on each grave. +n being asked why he had done so, he replied, !I hope that their torture might be lessened, until these get dried.! /0. If there are no toilets around then one should go to a place where there is guarantee that one cannot be seen, or at least be as far as possible from the sight of people. (4irmidhi) /2. It is better to sit and urinate on soft ground so that urine does not splash onto oneself. (4irmidhi) )ote: Modern toilets especially in the west have higher seats with water beneath thus it may causes splashes when relieving oneself. #o to avoid this some tissue papers should be dropped in first, in order to prevent the splash back when urinating or e,creting faeces /5. Isthin&a should first be made with earth or toilet paper and then with water. (4irmidhi) )ote: Toilet paper will suffice if the impurity does not touch the skin outside the makhra& ;e,it1organs< but it is best to use both water and earth ;or tissue paper< as a precaution.

/6. 1hen leaving the toilet! go out 3ith your right 2oot 2irst and recite:

Hhufraanak. Alhamdulillaahilladhee adh1haba annill adhaa wa Iafaanee 0h Allah I seek #our forgiveness. All praises are due to Allah who has taken away from me discomfort and granted me relief. (A#u 6a3ud! I#n Ma=ah and 4irmidhi)

<irtues o2 using Mis3aak

/. Hadhrat A#u Hurraira narrates that Rasulallah said: !%as it not for my fear of imposing a difficulty on my .mmah I would have ordered that the Miswaak be used for every #alah, and delay in Isha prayer !.J (5ukhari) 0. Hadhrat I#n >mar narrates that the Messenger o2 Allah said: !Make a regular practice of the Miswaak, for verily, it is healthy for the mouth and it is a Pleasure for the >reator ;i.e. Allah is pleased with the Muslim who uses the Miswaak<!.J (5ukhari) 2. Hadhrat A?isha narrates that Rasulallah said: The reward of #alah ;Prayers< is multiplied @C times if Miswaak was used before it. +ther narrations mention ninety1nine fold up to four hundred fold reward. The .lama e,plain that the difference in reward is in accordance with the Ikhlaas K sincerity of the person. The more the sincerity, the more the reward on will gain and this applies to A=F good act for the pleasure of Allah. 5. Hadhrat Ayesha narrates 2rom Rasulallah : LTwo 4ak7ahs of #alah after using the Miswaak is more beloved unto me than seventy 4ak7ahs without Miswaak.M (As 9unanul @u#raa) 5& Mis3aak is to #e held in the right hand According to IAbd Allah Ibn Mas7ud the Miswaak should be held in the right hand so that the small finger is below the Miswaak and the thumb is below the tip and the other fingers are on top of the Miswaak. It should not be held in the fist. (Rahdul Mukhtar) +& Aadaa# (AtiBuette) o2 Mis3aak ;/< The Miswaak should be a straight twig, devoid of roughness. ;0< The Miswaak should be clean. ;2< The Miswaak should not be too hard nor too soft. ;5< The Miswaak should not be used while one is lying down.

;6< The new Miswaak should be appro,imately A inches ;a hand1span< in length. ;?< The Miswaak should be the thickness of the forefinger. ;@< 9efore using the Miswaak, it should be washed. ;A< After use it should be washed as well. ;B< The Miswaak should not be sucked. ;/C< The Miswaak should be placed vertically when not in use. It should not be thrown onto the ground. ;//< If the Miswaak is dry it should be moistened with water prior to use. This is Musthahab. It is preferable to moisten it with 4ose water. ;/0< The Miswaak should not be used in the toilet. ;/2< The Miswaak should be used at least thrice ;brush three times< for each section of the mouth, e.g. brush the upper layer of teeth thrice, then the lower layer thrice, etc. ;/5< The Miswaak should not be used at both ends. ;/6< The Miswaak should not be taken from an unknown tree as it may be poisonous. Re2: -& 9unnah 2or using Mis3aak: /. (or the recitation of the 3oly ur7an. 0. (or the recitation of 3adith. 2. %hen the mouth emits bad odour. 5. (or teaching or learning the virtues of Islam. 6. (or making remembrance of Allah ;The E,alted<. ?. 9efore intercourse. @. After entering one7s home. A. 9efore entering any good gathering. B. %hen e,periencing pangs of hunger or thirst. /C. After the time of #uhoor. //. 9efore meals. /0. 9efore and after a &ourney. /2. 9efore and after sleeping. Re2:

4he 9unnah?s o2 /er2orming 1udhu (A#lution) /. Hreat care should be taken in making %udhu especially in cold and wintry days when one
tends to feel la*y (4irmidhi)

0. Mentioning the name of Allah K Bismillaahir12ahmaanir12aheem

In the /ame of Allah! the Most Beneficent! and the Most Merciful3 It is also 9unnah to recite the 2ollo3ing 6ua 3hilst per2orming 1udhu:

Allahummaghfirlee dhambee wa wassi7 lee fee daaree wa baariklee fee ri*'ee (Amal al yo3m 3al laylah o2 )asai) 0. %ashing the hands thrice. (5ukhari (:(*+) 2. 4insing the mouth and nose before washing the face thrice. (5ukhari (:(*+) 5. Rinsing the nose thrice: This is because it is mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet Jwashed his hands thrice, then he rinsed his mouth and washed his nose with water by putting water in it and blowing it out, and he washed his face thriceN< (5ukhari! Muslim) 6. E,aggerating in rinsing one!s mouth and nose if not fasting by moving water around the mouth and snuffing water to the end of one!s nose$ 4his is #ecause o2 the hadith: JNand snuff with water well e,cept when you are fastingJ. (9unan al-4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud! I#n Ma=ah and An-)isaa?i) ?. 4insing one!s mouth and nose with the same handful of water$ 4his is #ecause o2 the hadith: J3e 8the Prophet: put his hand 8into the vessel containing water: rinsed his mouth and his noseJ. (5ukhari and Muslim) @. .sing tooth stick ;Miswaak< before rinsing one!s mouth$ 4he /rophet said: J3ad I not thought it difficult for my .mmah, I would have commanded them to use the #iwak ;tooth1stick< before every Prayer.!! (Ahmed! An-)asai) A. 4unning one!s wet finger through the beard upon washing the face$ It is mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet while performing ablution. (4irmidhi) used to run his wet finger through his beard

B. 1iping over one's head: This is performed as follows$ passing one!s wet hands over the head from front to back and so forth. As for obligatory wiping over one!s head, it is to wipe over one!s head in any way. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah used to pass his hands over his head 8in ablution: from the front to the back. (5ukhari! Muslim)

/C. 4unning wet fingers between the fingers and toes$ 4he /rophet said: JPerform your ablution perfectly and let water run between the fingers 8and toes:J. (Ma?ri2 -ul- Hadis! 9unan A#u 6a3ud! 4imidhi) //. %ashing the right 8limb: before the left$ It is narrated in the hadith that the Messenger o2 Allah J.sed to start from the right side on wearing shoes, combing his hair, cleaning or washing himself and on doing anything elseJ (5ukhari! Muslim) /0. Performing the actions thrice when washing the face, hands and foot. /2. Performing ablution in one!s house$ 4he /rophet said: J%hoever purifies in his house and walks to the mos'ue to perform obligatory prayer, his steps are counted as one e,piates a sin and the other raises his rankJ (Muslim) /5. Passing one!s hand over the limb during or after washing. /6. .sing little amount of water$ The Prophet ablution. (5ukhari and Muslim) used to use little amount of water in

/?. %ashing above the limits of the four limbs 8hands and foot:$ It is narrated that A#u Hurraira per2ormed a#lution: he washed his arm up to the elbows and his feet up to the ankles and said$ this is how the Messenger of Allah ;peace and blessings be upon him< performed ablutionJ. (Muslim) /@. In a report #y Muslim through '>B#a i#n CAmir : for the one who performs %udu perfectly - with full sincerety$ J3e will be rewarded by nothing e,cept ParadiseJ. /A. /er2ecting one's a#lution: washing each part perfectly. Muslims vary in times of performing ablution during the day, and everyone has to observe these Sunnah every time they perform ablution. /B. A2ter A#lution (1udhu) recite:

!Ash1hadu !an laa !ilaaha !illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa !ash1hadu !anna Muhammadan !abduhu wa 4asooluhu.

I ear witness that none has the right to e worshipped ut Allah alone! 'ho has no partner4 and I ear witness that Muhammad is *is slave and *is Messenger. ;Muslim (;'%,) And then recite this dua:

Allaahumma& Ialnee minathavaabeena wa&7alnee minal mutha1thahhireen 0 Allah! include me amongst those who repent e$cessively and amongst those who purify themselves. (4irmidhi- <ol& (! pg (*) 0C. #aying the two testifications of faith 8Ar.Shahadatan: after finishing ablution. Meaning, to says, JI testify that there is no god e,cept Allah and that Muhammad is 3is MessengerJ. It is narrated that the /rophet said! J If anyone amongst you performs the ablution perfectly and then says$ I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and 3is Messenger, the eight gates of Paradise would be opened for him and he may enter by whichever of them he wishesJ. (Muslim) '(& 4he <irtue o2 o#serving the a#ove 9unnah: 4he /rophet said! J3e who performed ablution perfectly, his sins would come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails.J (Muslim) ''& 4ahiyyatul 1udhu ()a2l prayer a2ter doing 1udhu): /er2orming t3o rak'ahs (>nits o2 prayer) a2ter a#lution& The Messenger of Allah said, J 3e who performs ablution like this of mine and then stood up ;for prayer< and offered two rak!ahs of prayer without allowing his thoughts to be distracted, all his previous sins are e,piatedJ (5ukhari! Muslim) 02. A#u Hurraira narrated that Allah?s Messenger said to 5ilaal LTell me about the most hopeful act ;i.e. one which you deem the most rewarding with Allah< you have done since your acceptance of Islam because I heard the sound of the steps of your shoes in front of me in paradise.M 5ilaal said $ LI do not consider any act more hopeful than that whenever I make ablution ;%udhu< at any time of night or day, I offer salaah ;prayer< for as long as was destined for me to offer.M (5ukhari! Muslim) )ote: It is related in the 3adith that the performance of two 4akaats of Tahiyyatul %udhu #alah after %udu makes paradise obligatory ;%a&ib< for the performer (re2: Muslim) There are also many other benefits so one should make a habit to pray this 0 4aka7a after every %udu as it is a means of great reward and only takes a matter of minutes to perform.

9unnah method o2 per2orming :husl (5athing)

9efore making Hhusl one should make =iyyah ;intention< in ones heart or one can affirm with tongue that$ 1 JI am performing Hhusl so as to become Paak.J %ithout =iyyah, there is no Thawaab ;reward< although Hhusl will be valid. Hhusl should be made in a place of total privacy and one should not face towards the Oiblah whilst making Hhusl. Hhusl may be performed standing or seated, preferably seated. .se sufficient water, don!t skimp nor be wasteful. +ne should abstain from speaking whilst performing Hhusl. It is better not to read any Oalimah or Aayah whilst bathing. 9e aware of these rules whilst making Hhusl. (4aleemul HaB) /rocedures 2or per2orming :husl are: /. %ash both hands up to and including wrists.

0. %ash the private parts. The hands and private parts should be washed even if one is not in the state of Panaabat or =a&aasat. 2. If there is =a&aasat elsewhere on the body, it should now be washed off.

5. Perform %udhu ;4ead separate pamphlet for %udhu according to #unnah<. If making Hhusl on a stool or platform where water will rapidly flow away, and then perform the complete %udhu. If there is fear of the feet being immersed in wastewater during the Hhusl then postpone the washing of the feet to the end of the Hhusl. 6. ?. @. A. B. Ensure that the mouth and nostrils are thoroughly rinsed thrice. After performing %udhu, pour water over the head thrice; Then pour thrice over right shoulder and; Thrice again over left shoulder. =ow pour water over entire body and rub.

/C. If the hair of the head is not plaited, it is compulsory to wet all the hair up to the very base. If a single hair is left dry, Hhusl will not be valid. If the hair of a woman is plaited, she is e,cused from loosening her plaited hair, but it is compulsory for her to wet the base of each and every hair. If one fails to do this then the Hhusl will not be valid. As for men who grow long hair and plait them, they are =+T e,cused from leaving their hair dry. If a woman e,periences difficulty or is unable to wet the very bottom of her plaited hair, then it is necessary for her to unplaite her hair and wash her entire head. //. It is Musthahab ;preferable< to clean the body by rubbing it. /0. All parts of the body should be rubbed with the hand so as to ensure that water has reached all parts of the body, and that no portion is left dry.


/2. 4ings and earrings, etc. should be moved so as to ensure that no portion covered by them is left dry. Ensure that the navel and the ears are all wetted. If they are not wet Hhusl will be incomplete. /5. +n completion one should confine oneself to a clean place. If, while performing %udhu, the feet had been washed, it is not necessary to wash them again. /6. Qry the body with a clean towel, and dress as hastily as possible. If, after Hhusl, one recalls that a certain portion of the body is left dry, it is not necessary to repeat the Hhusl, but merely wash the dry portion. It is not sufficient to pass a wet hand over the dry place. If one has forgotten to rinse the mouth or the nostrils, these too could be rinsed when recalled after Hhusl has been performed. (4aleem ul HaB) 4he 4hree .araa'ids (compulsory acts) o2 :husl are: /. To rinse the mouth in such a manner that water reaches the entire mouth. 0. To rinse the nostrils up to the ending of the fleshy part.

3. To completely wet the whole body. %hen one performs these (araa!id intentionally or
unintentionally Hhusl will be valid. (4aleem ul HaB)

9unnah o2 6ressing

/. %e should try to be modest in our appearance in our daily lives without dressing in inappropriate clothing and we should be pleasant in appearance, without looking dishevelled or being e,travagant and having pride because of what we are wearing. 0. "oose clothing should be worn so as to hide ones bodily definitions and one must not wear clothes which imitate the kufaar or any inappropriate clothing prohibited in Islam. 2. Allah ;The E,alted< likes to see his servants wearing good clothing, the way that our beloved Prophet 5. Imitating Oufaar$ I#n '>mar reported the Messenger o2 Allah as saying! !3e who copies any group of people is one of them.! (Mishkaat D A#u 6a3ood) The intention of the above is that whoever adopts the ways and manners of the unbelievers and evildoers will be a partner in their sins. #o the imitator of the unbelievers and evil doers will be raised with the like of whom he tried to imitate. wore his clothing.


6. %hen one is getting dressed

Alhamdu lillaahil1ladhee kasaanee haadhaa ;aththawba< wa ra*a'aneehi min ghayri hawlim1 .minnee wa laa'uwwatin "raise is to Allah 'ho has clothed me with this 5garment6 and provided it for me! though I was powerless myself and incapa le ;Al-5ukhari! Muslim! A#u 6a3ud! I#n Ma=ah! 4irmidhi) According to hadith in A#u 6a3ood: %hoever recites this dua whilst putting on clothes then his past and present minor sins are forgiven. ?. 1hen one is getting undressed then one should say: 4ranslation: In the /ame of Allah. (4irmidhi ';5%5) @. 1hen putting on ne3 clothes recite:

T UV S R TW XY T 9ismillaahi

8 * 09:'; $ <= * / 7 6 05 > * @ 9A 7 05 7 6 7 3 ? '& # # @ 9A ".

Allaahumma lakal1hamdu !Anta kasawtaneehi, !as!aluka min khayrihi wa khayri maa suni!a lahu, wa !a!oothu bika min sharrihi wa sharri ma suni!a lahu. 0 Allah! praise is to #ou. #ou have clothed me. I ask #ou for its goodness and the goodness of what it has een made for! and I seek #our protection from the evil of it and the evil of what it has een made for. ;A#u 6a3ud! 4irmidhi) Er recite: Alhamdu lillaahilladhee kasaanaa haadhaa LAll praise is due to Allah who has given us this to wear. Also recite the 2ollo3ing 3hen 3earing ne3 clothes:

2 "% ! C :". : B

Tublee wa yukhliful1laahu ta!aalaa. May Allah replace it when it is worn out. (A#u 6a3ud $;$()

5. 1hen undressing Recite:


4ranslation: In the /ame of Allah. ;At-4irmidhi ';5%5) 6. 4asulallah liked to wear Ourta ;"ong shirt< the most. The sleeves reached up to his wrists and the collar or neckline of his kurta was towards his chest. (4irmidhi) 4asulallah preferred the Ourta over all other types of clothing. It is reported that no than the Ourta. (I#n Ma=ah)&

clothing was more beloved to 4asulullah ?. 4asulallah @. 4asulallah

preferred white clothing (4irmidhi) kurta went up to his ankles, reaching up to mid calf (Hakim)

A. 4asulallah clothes consisted of sheet, lungi ;loin cloth<, kurta ;"ong shirt< and amaamah ;turban<. 3e also had a cloth with which he dried his face after %udhu. (4irmidhi) B. 3e liked striped sheets. 3e used to wear a topi ;(e* or hat< below the amaamah and sometimes he only wore a topi. (Mu?=amul @a#eer o2 4a#arani)& 3e used to wear the amaamah with a tail and sometimes without. The tail of the amaamah used to fall between his shoulders at his back. (Muslim vol&( pg&$ ,) /C. 3e never threw away clothing until worn patched (4irmidhi) //. 4asulallah wore a uba ;long coat< also. 3is lower garment used to end between his knee and ankle. (4irmidhi) /0. 3is shawl ;#heet< was red striped and he also wore green and black woollen sheets with or without embroidery. (4irmidhi) /2. 4asulallah wore strapped sandals and leather socks ;Mowa*ai< (Mishkaat)

/5. 4asulallah was very modestly and simple in dress and he had a minimum amount of clothes that he wore. He used to say! LI am only a servant and dress myself like oneM. (4radition 2rom 9haikheen) )ote: #o a person should dress simply to show humbleness and at times when wearing e,pensive or elegant clothing then one must show gratitude and thank Allah for providing him with such clothing and garments and never show or have arrogance or pride on one7s heart.


/6. 4asulallah advised us to keep in mind those who are poorer than us in the material world and those who are more pious than us in religion (4irmidhi) /?. 3e had an e,pensive outfit which he used to wear for Pummah and the two Eids as well as meeting outside delegations but apart from that he did not care too much about 'uality or any particular kind of clothing. 3e mostly wore cotton - woolen clothing. (Madari=-un)u#a3ah) /@. 4asulallah (4irmidhi) prohibited the wearing of gold and silk for men but not for women

/A. Men should wear their lower garments above the ankles (4irmidhi) /B. Those who wear their lower garments below their ankles will on the day of &udgement have fire on their ankles and will not be looked upon with mercy by Allah (Mishkaat) )ote: This applies at all times whether in #alah or not. Islam prevents anything which leads to possible haraam and in this case avoiding pride in the heart by raising lower garment above the ankle in order to prevent pride growing in the heart. 0C. %henever 4asulallah (4irmidhi) lifted his shoes he did so with the fingers of his left hand

0/. 4asulallah cursed the man who put on woman7s clothing and the woman who wore men7s clothing.M (A#u 6a3ood) )ote: #o men must never wear feminine clothing and women must never wear masculine clothing. (or such people are cursed and should fear Allah lest they die in such a state.

9unnats regarding Hair! moustache! #eard and nails

/. 4asulallah beard was very long and thick that it filled his chest (4irmidhi)

0. To trim beard that is beyond one fist length so that it becomes neat and beautiful (9harah 9hamaaile) 2. To keep ones beard one fist length (4irmidhi) 5. To trim the beard and oil and comb the hair (Mu3atta Imam Malik) 6. To trim moustache (4irmidhi) )ote: The hair of the moustache should not be allowed to reach the lip


?. =ot delaying cutting face and body hair for more than 5C days$ Anas narrated$ JA time limit has been prescribed for us for trimming the moustache, clipping the nails, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubes, that none o2 them should #e le2t 2or more than 2orty nights&J (Muslim) @. To dye the hair with mehndi leaves ;4ed colour< or wasma ;blue colour< or to simply leave it white (Mu3atta Imam Ahmad) A. (emales can colour their nails with mehndi ;4ed colour< (A#u 6a3ud) )ote: It is not advisable to use nail varnish or gloss because of the fact that it prevents water from reaching the nail and in order for Hhusl and %udhu to be accepted the water has to touch the nail. B. 4asulallah used to clip his nails either on Thursday or (riday. ;4irmidhi)

/C. There is no evidence from the #unnah regarding the method of cutting nails but it is recommended to start from the right hand from the inde, finger, then forefinger, ring finger and then little finger. Then to the left hand he started from the little finger across to the ring finger, forefinger, inde, finger, thumb and then lastly the thumb of the right hand. //. %hen clipping the toe nails it is recommended to start on the small toe of the right foot and then work your way across till the small toe on the left foot. )ote: These methods of cutting the nails are recommended in .athul 5ari!<ol&(%: /age& $5 /0. Mayl 9int Mishrah Al1Ashra!iyyah, reported that she saw her father cutting his nails and burying them, and he said$ JI saw the "rophet doing so.J (Al-@halaal)

/2. %hen 4asulallah intended to put oil in his hair he used to place the oil on his left palm and then with his fingers he would first smear a little oil on his eyebrows and then on the eye lids and lastly he put the oil on his beard. 4asulallah the oil on his eye lids and then on his beard. (0ami? al-9aghir) used to first smear some of

9unnah?s pertaining to Hair

/. The length of the hair of 4asulallah reached up to the middle of the ear. According to another narration the hair reached up to the ear and yet, in another narration it is mentioned that it reached up to the ear lobes. There are also narrations where it is mentioned that the hair was close to the ear lobes. (4irmidhi) 7. To keep all the hair up to the ear lobes or a little lower is #unnah. (4irmidhi)


4asulallah normally kept hair and only shaved it off during 3a&& - .mrah (9harh alMuna3i ala 9hamail al-4irmi"i! /& ,,)& If a person wishes to trim his hair, then it should be trimmed e'ually on all sides - not shave a part and leave the rest. L#have it all or leave it allM, ;A#u 6a3ood) 2. To wash the hair, oil and comb it is #unnah, but a few days should be skipped in between, if there is no necessity. (Mishkaat! 5a"lul Ma=hood! commentary o2 A#u 6a3ood) 5. %hen combing the hair start from the right hand side. (5ukhari pg& +() 6. %hen combing one7s hair or whenever the need arises to look into the mirror recite the following Qua$

Allaahumma antha hassantha khal'ee fahassin khul'ee 0 Allah! as #ou have eautified my e$ternal form! so make my character eautiful as well. (Hisnul Haseen) ?. 9raided ;Plaited< 3air$ >mm 9alamah narrated: I said: LMessenger of Allah, I am a woman who has closely plaited hair on my head; should I undo it for taking a bath, because of se,ual intercourseZM 4he /rophet said: L=o, it is enough for you to throw three handfuls of water on your head and then pour water over yourself, and you shall be purified.M (Muslim) 8. "engthening 3air artificially is forbidden$ 'A?isha narrated: An Ansari woman gave her daughter in marriage and the hair of the

latter started falling out. The Ansari women came to the Prophet and mentioned that to him and said$ J3er ;my daughter!s< husband suggested that I should let her wear false hair.J 4he /rophet said, J=o, ;don!t do that< for Allah sends 3is curses upon such ladies who lengthen their hair artificially.J ;5ukhari 7:133 also see -:*(*) A. Qying hair$ '>#aid I#n 0urai= narrated: ...And about the dyeing of hair with 3enna; no doubt I saw Allah!s Apostle dyeing his hair with it and that is why I like to dye ;my hair with it<... (Muslim) B. =ot to pluck grey hair


A#dullah I#n Amr I#n al-'As narrated that the Apostle o2 Allah said: Qo not pluck out grey hair. If any believer grows a grey hair in Islam, he will have light on the Qay of 4esurrection. ;This is #ufyan!s version<. Fahya's version says: Allah will record on his behalf a good deed for it, and will blot out a sin for it. (A#u 6a3ud) Hadhrat A#u6harr narrated that the /rophet said: The best things with which grey hair are changed are henna and katam. (A#u 6a3ud) )ote: +ne should not dye the hair black

/C. >ombing hair$ Hadhrat CA?isha narrated that the /rophet used to like to start from the right side on wearing shoes, combing his hair and cleaning or washing himself and on doing anything else. (5ukhari! see also 5ukhari -:-$5) Hadhrat 'A?isha Apostle narrated that while in menses, I used to comb the hair of Allah!s

. (5ukhari (:',$! see also 5ukhari (:',5! : +') forbade

Hadhrat A#dullah I#n Mugha22al narrated that the Apostle of Allah combing the hair e,cept every second day. (A#u 6a3ud) //. #having the 3ead during 3a&& - .mrah$

Hadhrat A#dullah I#n >mar narrated that Allah's Apostle said: J+ AllahG 9e merciful to those who have their head shaved.J 4he people said: J+ Allah!s ApostleG And ;invoke Allah for< those who get their hair cut short.J 4he /rophet said: J+ AllahG 9e merciful to those who have their head shaved.J 4he people said: J+ Allah!s ApostleG And those who get their hair cut short.J 4he /rophet said (the third time): JAnd to those who get their hair cut short.J )a2i' said that the /rophet had said once or t3ice: J+ AllahG 9e merciful to those who get their head shaved,J and on the 2ourth time he added: JAnd to those who have their hair cut short.J (5ukhari ':-*5) /0. Hrooming$ Fahya related to me from Malik from [ayd ibn Aslam that the Messenger of Allah that Ata ibn Fasar told him

was in the mos'ue when a man came in with dishevelled

hair and beard. The Messenger of Allah motioned with his hand that he should be sent out to groom his hair and beard. The man did so and then returned. The Messenger of Allah said, JIsn!t this better than that one of you should come with his head dishevelled, as if he were a #haytaanZJ (Mu3atta 5(&-)


)ote: A man must be very cautious when growing long hair that he does not intend imitatating women, or the people of sin and shamelessness. If he intends this, it is haram.

/rescri#ed 4imes 2or the .ive 6aily 9alaah

Hadhrat A#u Hurraira narrates$ J%hen the length of your shadow ;from the sun< is e'ual to your height then perform the Zuhr salaah. %hen the length of your shadow becomes twice your height, perform the Asr salaah& Perform the Maghrib salaah when the sun has set. Perform the Isha salaah before one1third ;/\2< of the night passes. And perform the Fajr salaah while it is still dark.J (Mu3atta Imam Malik vol&(! pg&*! Hadith ,) 4ime 2or Guhr 9alaah: Rasulallah has said: J%hen the heat becomes very intense ;after mid1day<, then delay the 9uhr salaah until it cools down, for verily the intensity of the heat is from the effects of :ahannamJ. (Sahih Muslim! a!ith +(5) 4ime 2or Asr: It was the noble habit of 4asulallah that he used to delay the performance of Asr so long as the sun remained white and clear. (Abu "a#u!$ %a&tul Asr) 4ime 2or .a=r: Rasulallah is reported to have said: JPerform the ;a<r salaah when the sky brightens at the time of dawn ;i.e. before sunrise< since this is a means of earning greater reward. (4irmidhi! a!ith (5$) Imam Tirmidhi e,plains that the ma&ority of the #ahaaba ;radhiyallahu Anhum< used to perform ;a<r salaah at this time ;i.e. when the sky had brightened up<. Hovering o2 the Head during 9alaah: Ibn .mar narrates that 4asulallah wore a white hat. ('abarani I Allama 9uyuti has classi2ied this Hadith as highly authentic: see Sirajul MuneerJ v&$! pg&((')& It is written in Fataa#a 'hunaai((a )ol* 1+ pg* ,-,+ and in the (atawa of the Ahle 3adith #cholars (vol& $ pg&',() that 4asulallah always used to keep his lessed head covered during salaah. In the same books it is also mentioned that to intentionally remove the headgear ;hat< and perform Salaah bare1headed is contrary to the Sunnah. (<ol& (! pg&5' )

/raying .a=r 9alah


(& Importance o2 the ' rak?ahs 9unnah #e2ore .ard KA?isha relates that the /rophet said! LThe two rakaats of ;the #unnah of< (a&r are better than the world and all it contains.M (Muslim -'5) It is #unnah to recite #urah Oaafirun in the first 4akaats and #urah Ikhlaas in the second rakaats of the #unnah prayer. (Muslim) '& Lying do3n 2or a short 3hile a2ter 9unnah o2 .a=r KA?isha reported: %hen the Prophet had performed two 4ak7ahs before the (a&r prayer, he would lie down on his right side. (Al-5ukhari) & Recite a2ter .a=r /rayer /. Muslim Taimi narrates from Prophet Mohammad times before speaking to anyone$ to recite the following seven

! "
Allaahumma A&irnee minannaar =0 Allah! save me from the fire 5:ahannam6.= If a person recites the above dua and dies the same night, he will be saved from Pahannam and if he recites it seven times after (a&r #alaat before speaking to anyone and if he dies on that same day, he will be saved from Pahannam. (Mishkaat 2rom A#u 6a3ood) 0. #aying Su hanallah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu Ak ar, 22 times each and completing /CC by reciting %a ila illallah ;or similar forms of dhikr< known as Tas ihat or &hikr is also recommended after every ;ard salah. (.a!! al/Muhtar (&$--)

4he 9unnah?s o2 coming to and leaving the home

(& 1hen leaving the house

) & < ' 4' % /; 3 $' : 3


9ismillaahi, tawakkaltu !alallaahi, wa laa hawla wa laa 'uwwata Iillaa billaah. In the =ame of Allah, I have placed my trust in Allah; there is no might and no power e,cept by Allah. ;A#u 6a3ud $; '5! At-4irmidhi 5;$,%) It is stated in a Hadith that whoever reads this du!aa upon leaving the home, #haytaan abstains from misleading or inflicting harm to him.

Also recite the 2ollo3ing:

G E F * * D * * " EF ) * != 3 ?'& # / * *" > H E >J * * /E K * * / K * * ) * * E >I " D * " .H! &
Allaahumma !innee !a!oothu bika !an !adhilla, !aw !udhalla, !aw !a*illa, !aw !u*alla, !aw !adhlima, !aw !udhlama, !aw !a&hala !aw yu&hala !alayya. 0 Allah! I seek refuge in #ou lest I misguide others ! or I am misguided y others ! lest I cause others to err or I am caused to err ! lest I a use others or e a used! and lest I ehave foolishly or meet with the foolishness of others. (A#u 6a3ud! I#n Ma=ah! An)isaa?i! At-4irmidhi) '& 1hilst going to the Mas=id$ proceed calmly with dignity and do not be hasty& (I#n Ma=ah) & 1hen returning home 2rom Mas=id or else3here$ say salaam to the occupants of the house and recite the following du!aa$

& 9 9 /; # 3. J I /; 3 9 3 % 5 9 $' :
9ismillaahi wala&naa, wa bismillaahi khara&naa, wa !alaa4abblnaa tawakkalnaa In the /ame of Allah we enter! in the /ame of Allah we leave! and upon our %ord we depend Mthen say Asalaamu 'Alaikum to those presentN& (A#u 6a3ud $; '5& Muslim OHadith no& '%(*) say that one should mention the =ame of Allah when entering the home and when beginning to eat; and that the devil, hearing this, says$ JThere is no shelter for us here tonight and no food.J 5. Hreeting the family or occupants of the home when entering or leaving the house is a means of great reward. The person who enters the home with salaam is under the protection


of Allah (A#u 6a3ud) and when one enters and does not remember Allah ;9y saying salaam< then #haythaan invites his followers to the home saying Lyou have accommodation for the nightMM by saying salaam to the family that person and their family receives blessings (A#u 6a3ood) Even if no one is at home by saying salaam the angels greet one back. 6. En entering a market \ shopping centre recite the following words$

^_ ] ` a `b cd ` e c fg Th cd ` ]f Ti Xh cj cg Xi `k XU l ck `d ` m cn Xg ck XU l ck `l ck `m ` ho Tp ` q ` r cj `_ Xd ` R c Uq S Ss Tl `k `s Tq ` o t hj Tu `v t] X p ` w xy c zn `{ ` a `b cd ` o cf X| `k XU r Tj Tf `Y T} c ag ch `q `
"aa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu "aa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyul "aa yamootu, biyadihil khayr wa huwa alaa kulli shay!in 'adeer There is no deity e$cept Allah! the 0nly 0ne. e has no partner. To im elongs all kingdom and to im elongs all praise. e is the 0ne who gives life and death. And e is .ver1living and no death comes to im. In is *and lies all good and e has power over everything. It is reported in a Hadith that for reciting these words, Allah 4a?ala will record one million good deeds, forgive one million sins, elevate the status a million times and build a house for him in Pannah. (Mishkaat)

9unnah?s o2 the Mas=id

/. Dirtues of walking to the Mas&id when %udhu is done at home$ A#u Hurraira reported that the /rophet said! JAnyone who purifies himself in his house and then goes to one of the houses of Allah to fulfil one of the obligations of Allah, one step removes an error and the other raises him a degree.J (Muslim) 0. Dirtues of praying all (ard prayers in the Mas&id$ 4he /rophet is reported to have said that: the person who, from morning to evening, goes towards the Mas&id to perform salaat, every time he goes to the Mas&id, Allah Ta!ala prepares the Paradise for his welcome. (Mishkaat)

1hen entering the Mas=id

2. #mall steps should be taken to the Mas&id as every step towards the Mas&id is reward (Attarghee#) 5. The left shoe should be removed first. 9ut the Mas&id should be entered with the right foot. (Attarghee#)


6. Enter Mas&id with the right foot. (5ukhari Hhapter on 9alah pg&+() ?. To recite$ 9ismillah (I#n Ma=ah pg& 5+)

@. To recite durood upon entering (I#n Ma=ah! .aydhul Padeer) A. 4o recite:

Allaahummnaftah lee abwaaba rahmatik 0h Allah> 0pen the &oors of #our Mercy for me. (I#n Ma=ah) B. To make intention for =afl I!tikaaf so when gets rewarded for the duration of ones stay in the Mas&id however long or short it is. (9hami- <ol&'! pg& $$') /C. Tahiyyatul Mas&id ;=afl prayer when entering the Mas&id<$ A#u Pataadah narrated that the /rophet said: LIf any one of you enters a mas&id, he should pray two rakaats before sitting.M (5ukhari and Muslim) This is a 0 4ak7ahs =afl prayer which one should perform every time one enters the Mas&id. It is very rewarding and takes a matter of minutes.

4he Aadaa# (AtiBuettes o2 the Mas=id)

1henever one enters the Mas=id! one should remain conscious o2 these etiBuettes:

1. It is pre2era#le that one per2orms t3o rak?ah 4ahiyyatul Mas=id upon entry into
the Mas&id as long as it is not Mukruh time.

2. )ote: It is Mukruh 4ahreemi to perform =afl #alaat between #ub!h saadi' ;dawn<
and /610C minutes after sunrise. Therefore, one should not perform 4ahiyyatul-ul -1udhu and 4ahiyyatul Mas=id at this time too. Ho3ever per2ormance o2 Padhaa 9alaat, 9a=dah 4ilaa3at and 0anaa"ah 9alaat is permissi#le. Ene should take note that every form of #alaat is impermissible at sunrise, mid1day ;*awaal< and sunset and it is haraam to per2orm 9a=dah ;at these three times<. There is no harm in engaging ones self in Qhikr and Tilaawat.

3. It is more virtuous to sit in the 2irst ro3. 3owever, if place is not available, one
should sit wherever he finds place. It is not permissible to leap over the shoulders of people in order to advance forward.


4. 6o not make noise or distur#ance in the Mas=id. 5. 6o not enter the Mas=id a2ter consuming anything 3hich gives out o22ensive
smell, e.g. to#acco! ra3 onions and garlic! radish, etc.

6. 6o not indulge in 3orldly talk. Qo not engage in any activities which disturb those
engaged in #alaat or Qhikr.

7. 6o not engage in buying and selling of any kind in the Mas&id. 8. 6o not distract those 3ho are already #usy in 4ilaa3at and 6hikr #y greeting
them. Ho3ever, if someone not occupied in [ikr, etc, turns to you on his own accord, then there is no harm in greeting him.

9. If one desires to perform #unnah7s or )a3aa2il then one should perform them in a
place where there is no likelihood of anyone passing in front him whilst in #alaat. #ome people begin their #alaat in the back rows, when there are places vacant in the front rows in front of them, due to which people find it difficult to pass. It is not proper to cause inconvenience and harm to others. If someone is compelled to walk across such people performing #alaat, the sin of this walking will be upon the one performing #alaat. /C. %hen Pamaa7at begins, the first rows should be completed first, with both the right and left hand sides balanced e'ually. It is improper to stand in a back row, if space is vacant in front.

11. Engage in Qhikr and Tilaawat silently, if people are performing #alaat.
/0. =either spit nor stretch your legs towards the iblah.

13. =either search nor make announcements for items lost outside, in the Mas&id

/rayer 3ith Hongregation

/. Always try to say your prayers with congregation ;for men<, for women it is optional but more rewarding to pray at home. A#u Hurairah also reports that the /rophet said: J9y 3im in whose hand is my soulG I have considered ordering a fire to be kindled and then ask someone to lead the people in salah. And then go to the men 8who did not attend the prayer: and burn their houses over them.J (5ukhari and Muslim)


As stated above, it is better for women to pray in their houses. Ahmad and at1Tabarani record that .mm 3umaid as1#a!diyah came to the Messenger of Allah and said$ J+ Messenger of Allah, I love to pray with you.J 4he /rophet said: JI am aware of that, but your salah in your residence is better for you than your salah in your people!s mos'ue. And your salah in your people!s mos'ue is better than your salah in the 8larger: congregational Mos'ue.J 0. There is 0@ times more benefit to say prayers with congregation. (5ukhari and Muslim) )ote: %omen get the same reward praying at their usual place at home 2. The first pronounced =ame of Allah ;tak#eer-e-oolaa< for the prayers is better than the world and whatever is in it. (Mishkaat) 5. %hen the people begin to stand then, before takbeer, first straighten the rows. Thereafter takbeer should be said. 6. It has been reported in Tirmidhi that !.mar radhiyallahu anhu had appointed a person for straightening the lines. %hen that person would inform that all the lines are straight, then !.mar radhiyallahu anhu would say takbeer. ?. Oeep the lines perfectly straight and stand &oined together. Qo not leave space between each the other. The shoulders be &oined together and the ankles perfectly opposite to each other. (9ihaah sittah) It is not necessary to &oin the ankles. @. +ffer every prayer in such a manner as if it were the last prayer of your life. A. Qo not run if the prayer has been started lest you should gasp. 9ut walk steadily and with grace. (4irmidhi)

9unnah?s o2 Adhaan and IBaamah

/. %hen one hears the Mua**in ;The caller to prayer< calling out A*aan then it is Musthahab ;Preferable< to repeat the same words after the Mua**in. In reply to 7Hayya alas salaah8 and 7Hayya alal .alaah8 one should say$

"a 3awla walaa

uwatha illah billah hilaliyyil A*eem

There is no protection 5Against evil6 and no power 5To do good6 e$cept with the help of Allah the Mighty and ,reat. (5ukhari! Muslim)


0. At the time of (a&r in reply to LAssalaatu Ohairum minanawmM one should say$

#ada'tha wa barartha #ou have said the truth you have said what is good3 (Al Adhkaar lin )a3a3iy)

The person who replies to the A*aan with full sincerity will surely enter paradise.

2. >pon hearing the Adhaan! recite:

* > * * = " * L 3. L 3 < 0F . ' . & 7 L 9M 3 N OP . L ' 3".

%a !anaa !ash1hadu !an laa !ilaaha !illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa !anna Muhammadan !abduhu wa 4asooluhu, radheetu billaahi 4abban, wa bi1Muhammadin 4asoolan wa bil!islaami deenan. I ear witness that none has the right to e worshipped ut Allah alone! 'ho has no partner! and that Muhammad is *is slave and *is Messenger. I am pleased with Allah as my %ord! with Muhammad as my Messenger and with Islam as my religion.? (To e recited in Ara ic after the Mu@aththin-s Tashahhud or the words of affirmation of ;aith) (#uslim 1D24*.) 5. After 3earing the >all to Prayer ;Adhaan<$ (irst send blessings and salutations ;#alawat< upon the Messenger of Allah <ol&( pg&(++) 6. 4hen recite the 2ollo3ing: (Muslim

r~ T Tb ` S ` V S cn SkU `n `f T `k X Ud ` `n `f Ta `k XU U j `g Si ` c } T Tg ` T `k XU T ` S kUd ` T S S kU Ta `{ Xj S kU ` ` fg Tk XU c n T| X cq ` m ` Ss Tl c `j X{ `d ` ~ Tk SU U ` ag ci X ` ` ` ` l c X `Y X Ud `
Allahumma 4abbi 3aadhi idda7 wathithaama waswalaathil 'aa ima aathi Muhammadawaseelatha walfadeelah wab Ias hoo ma'aa mammahmooda nilladhi wa atha 8innaka laa thukh liful mee Iaad:

0 Allah! %ord of this perfect call and esta lished prayer! grant Muhammad a place near to #ou! an e$cellence and e$alted degree! and raise him to the praiseworthy station that #ou have promised him. (Al-5ukhari (;(5' and the addition #et3een #rackets is 2rom Al5ayhaBi (;$(% 3ith a good (Hasan) chain o2 narration)&


?. %hoever recites this dua will gain the intercession of the Messenger of Allah Qay of Pudgement. (5ukhari) @. 9y reciting this dua, the intercession of Prophet Mohammad (Mishkaat)

on the

becomes %aa&ib.

)ote: 9etween the call to prayer and the !I'aamah, you should supplicate Allah for yourself. Invocation during this time is not re&ected. Replying to IBaamah A. It is Musthahab to reply to the I'aamah by repeating the same words similar to that of the Adhaan however in reply to L ad 'aamatis salaahM one should say$

A'aamahallahu %a adaamaha May Allah esta lish and perpetuate this Salah3 (A#u 6a3ood) B. %hen reading (ard #alaat at home it is preferable to say I'aamah even if you7re praying on your own. /C. Qua7s are readily accepted between A*aan and I'aamah so this precious time should be spent in dua and Qhikr.

6oing I#adah (3orship) A2ter .a=r 9alah until a2ter 9unrise

/. 4asulallah used to sit cross legged in the Mas&id from after (a&r up to Ishraa' ;#unrise<. 3e would sit cross legged in the company of the #ahaaba ;4adhiyallahu Anhum< as well. (@hasaail-Hommentary o2 9hamaail- pg& -+)

0. 4emaining seated after (a&r #alaat$ In a narration o2 4irmidhi! Rasulallah is reported to have said! !3e who performs (a&r #alaat with Pamaat and remains seated in the same place while engaging in Qhikr until after sunrise and thereafter performs 0 4akaats =afil #alaat, ;Ishraa'<, he will obtain the Thawaab of one 3a&& and one .mrah.! (4irmidhi) 2. The fire of Pahannam will not touch the person who reads 5 rak7ahs of #alaat Ishraa' (5aihaBi)


5. 4ead #urah Faasin after (a&r$ 4he Hadith mentioned #y CAtaa #in A#i Ra#aah states that the /rophet said: L%hosoever recites #urah Faasin in the early part of the day his needs will be fulfilled.M (Mishkaat! /age (*,) It is stated in Mir'aat, #harah Mishkaat under the commentary of the above 3adith that ones worldly needs and the needs pertaining to the Qeen and the 3ereafter will be fulfilled. (MirBaat! 9harah Mishkaat! <ol& $! /age +*() 6. %hen the sun rises then say this dua$

# $ !% !# & " ' ! ( % ) $ ' * +% , !. /

Alhamdulillaa1hilla*ee a'aalana yawmanaa haa*aa walam yuh1liknaa bi*unoobinaa All praise is to Allah who has granted us this day and did not destroy us ecause of our misdeeds. (Muslim)

9unnah?s a2ter the completion o2 9alaah

/. After the completion of (ard #alaah to read LAllaahu AkbarM once followed by LAsthaghfirullahM three times with the last Asthaghfirullah read a bit audibly and also dragged ;pulled< slightly. (4irmidhi) 0. After the (ard of (a&r and Asr to engage in the remembrance of Allah for a short period. (Attarghee#) 2. The Malaaikah ;Angels< continuously make dua7s of forgiveness and mercy for those who after their daily #alaah remain seated at the place of #alaah. (Attarghee#) 5. It has #een reported 2rom A?isha takes to say: that Rasulallah used to sit as long at it

0110234540 06708580104 9054:6;08580104 O Allah, You are the Author of peace and from You comes peace. 70<0=0;70 >05?201@0101: 9015:;=04

Blessed are you, O Lord of Majesty and Honour.

Then he used to stand up to perform his #unnah.! (Muslim! A#u 6a3ud! and 4irmidhi)


6. Also recite the 2ollo3ing:

/ & '( # $ % " @ ! =7 > * < @+ ? 9 2 9 7 ! Q 2 7 < 0 Q & 97 # I R I ".

"aa !ilaaha !illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul1mulku wa lahul1hamdu wa 3uwa !alaa kulli shay!in adeer, Allaahumma laa maard!a limaa !a!tayta, wa laa mu!tiya limaa mana!ta, wa laa yanfa!u thal1&addi minkal1&add. =one has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, 3e has no partner, 3is is the dominion and 3is is the praise, and 3e is Able to do all things. + Allah, there is none who can withhold what Fou give, and none may give what Fou have withheld; and the might of the mighty person cannot benefit him against Fou. (Al-5ukhari (;'55! Muslim (;$($) ?. It is also recommended to recite times 9u#haanallah, times Allaahu Ak#ar and the following once$ times Alhamdulillah!

^_ ] ` a `b cd ` e c fg Th cd ` ]f Ti Xh cj cg Xi `k XU l ck `d ` m cn Xg ck XU l ck `l ck `m ` ho Tp ` q ` r cj `_ Xd ` R c Uq S Ss Tl `k `s Tq ` o t hj Tu `v t] X p ` w xy c zn `{ ` a `b cd ` o cf X| `k XU r Tj Tf `Y T} c ag ch `q `
"aa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu "aa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyul "aa yamootu, biyadihil khayr wa huwa alaa kulli shay!in 'adeer There is no deity e$cept Allah! the 0nly 0ne. e has no partner. To im elongs all kingdoms and to im elongs all praise. e is the 0ne who gives life and death. And e is .ver1living and no death comes to im. In is *and lies all good and e has power over everything.3 It is mentioned in a hadith that whoever recites the above after every salaah his sins will be forgiven if they are as much as the foam of the ocean. (Muslim) @. %hoever recites the following after every prayer will be forgiven for his sins ;Minor sins< even though they be as the foam of the sea$

* $
#ubhaanallaahi, walhamdu lillaahi wallaahu IAkbar, 1 times 2ollo3ed #y:

& '( # $ % " ! "


"aa Iilaaha Iillallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul1mulku %a lahul1 hamduwa3uwa7alaakullishay7in adeer. LHlory is to Allah , and praise is to Allah , and Allah is the Most Hreat ;each said thirty1three times<. =one has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, 3e has no partner, 3is is the dominion and 3is is the praise and 3e is Able to do all things.M (Muslim (;$(*) A. It is also recommended to recite #ura al1Ikhlaas ;//0<, #ura al1(ala' ;//2< and al1=aas ;//5< (Reported #y al-4irmidhi) and Ayat al1Oursi. (Reported #y Al-)asai) B. Rasulallah said: J%hoever recites Aayat ul Oursi after every (ard ;(ard #alaat<. +nly death is keeping him\her from entering Pannah. ;As soon as he\she dies, will enter Pannah< ()isa'i! I#n Hi##aan! I#nelsani A'n A#i Amatah Al#ahili )

Another 3adith states that 4eciting Ayat ul Oursi after one (ard ;(ard #alaat< will cause a person to stay in Allah!s protection until the ne,t #alaat. (4i#rani .il @a#eer)

N'0U S " 8 : 9 T5 (' R ! R W 6 ? 7 V . 7 7 ' = ! X Y ; N ! X 03 7 / 2? = Z3 \ T / [ @+ *6 > 9& 0 / 3 5 7 6 & ! 'Q 3 >+ 7 [ W V . M'] ; R 0 Y $ @ / ". 2 ! 01 > 1+ R 2 ('
Allaahu laa !ilaaha !illaa 3uwal13ayyul1 ayyoom, laa ta!khuthuhu sinatun wa laa nawm, lahu maa fis1samaawaati wa maafil1!ardh, man thal1lathee yashfa!u !indahu !illaa bi!ithnih, ya!lamu maa bayna !aydeehim wa maa khalfahum, wa laa yuheetoona bishay!im1min !ilmihi !illaa bimaa shaa!a, wasi!a kursiyyuhus1samaawaati wal!ardh, wa laa ya!ooduhu hifdhuhumaa, wa 3uwal1!Aliyyul1 !Adheem. Allah> There is none worthy of worship ut *e! the .ver %iving! the 0ne 'ho sustains and protects all that e$ists. /either slum er nor sleep overtakes *im. To *im elongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. 'ho is he that can intercede with *im e$cept with *is "ermissionA *e knows what happens to them in this world! and what will happen to them in the *ereafter. And they will never compass anything of *is Bnowledge e$cept that which *e wills. *is Throne e$tends over the heavens and the earth! and *e feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And *e is the Most *igh! the Most ,reat. 52ecite in Ara ic after each prayer.6 (An-)isaa?i! 'Amalul-Fa3m 3al-Laylah (Hadith no& (%%))

/C& Recite the 2ollo3ing a2ter .a=r prayer:


* != /> L 0 L 2X & 8 " = L # # ^ L D . L O U _7 L O &".

Allaahumma !innee !as!aluka !ilman naafi!an, wa ri*'an tayyiban, wa !amalan muta'abbalan. + Allah, I ask Fou for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision, and deeds that will be accepted. (I#n Ma=ah and others) //. 4o recite a2ter .a=r and Maghri# prayers: Muslim Taimi Mohammad narrates from Prophet

to recite the following seven times before speaking to anyone$

! "
Allaahumma A&irnee minannaar =0 Allah! save me from the fire 5:ahannam6.= If a person recites the above dua and dies the same night, he will be saved from Pahannam and if he recites it seven times after (a&r #alaat before speaking to anyone and if he dies on that same day, he will be saved from Pahannam. (Mishkaat 2rom A#u 6a3ood) /0. CA#d-Allah I#n CAmr 3ho said: LThe Messenger of Allah said$ IThere are two 'ualities, no Muslim man ac'uires them but he will enter Paradise, and they are simple and easy. 3e should glorify Allah ;say #ubhaanallah< ten times immediately after each prayer, and praise 3im ;say Alhamdulillah< ten times and magnify 3im ;say Allaahu Akbar< ten times.7 I saw 4asulallah counting this on his fingers. He said: Ithat makes one hundred and fifty on the tongue and one thousand five hundred ;hasanaat< in the scalesN (9unan al4irmidhi! ') )ote: Each of three phrases repeated ten times makes thirty; multiplied by the number of daily prayers, which is five, makes one hundred and fifty. Each of these good deeds of the tongue will be rewarded with ten hasanaat which will be added to the total of good deeds to be weighed in the balance or scales on the Qay of Pudgment. There are also many other Qhikr7s and invocations that may be recited. It is best to do that which one can do consistently, because, as the Prophet ;Allah bless him - give him peace< told us, LThe most beloved of actions to Allah are those its performer is constant on, even if little.M M5ukhari and MuslimN This is because such actions transform a person7s life if done persistantly. The time after the five daily salaah is also a time when dua7s are accepted. 3ence this opportunity to seek from Allah should be reali*ed.


4he 2ollo3ing are some prescri#ed 6hikr (Remem#rance o2 Allah) taken 2rom the 7.ortress o2 a Muslim8 as mentioned in hadith& 4hey should #e read at least in the morning or evening:

/. 4ecite #urah (atiha once along with Ayat ul Oursi once and the following verses once$

Allahumma IAnta rabbe laa Iilaaha illa Anta, khala'tanee wa aana abduka, wa aana ahdika wa wadika mastatatu, a7oouthu bika min sharri maa sana7tu Iaboo7u laka bini matika alayya, wabidhanbee faghfirli fa innahu laa yaghfiru thunooba illaa anta. + AllahG Fou are my lord; there is none worthy worship but Fou. Fou created me and I am your slave. I keep my covenant and my pledge to you as far as I am able. I seek refuge in Fou from the evil of what I have done. I admit to Four blessings upon me, and I admit to my misdeeds. (orgive me, for there is none who may forgive sins but Fou. %hoever recites this with conviction in the evening or morning and dies during that night or day shall enter Paradise. (5ukhari! (5%;-)

0. Allahumma Iinnee asbahtu\amsaytu ush1hiduka wa ush1hidu hamalata Iarshika, wa malaa ikataka wa &amee7a khal'ika, annaka Antallahu laa ilaaha illaa Anta wahdaka laa shareeka laka, wa anna Muhammadan abduka wa 4assoluka. 0 Allah! I have entered a new morningCevening and call upon you and upon the earers of #our throne! Dpon your angels and all creation to ear witness that surely #ou are Allah! there is none worthy worship ut #ou alone! #ou have no partners! and that Muhammad is your slave and #our Messenger.


Allah will spare whoever will say this (+.4 times in the mornings or evenings from the 3ell1 fire. (A#u 6a3ud! (-;$)


A B C , ! $ ) !( D ! " E $ F G H " I $ ) ! J K G L K J M N O P Q R P "

3asbiyallahu laa ilaaha illaa 3uwa alayhi tawakaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil Adheem. Allah is sufficient for me. There is none worthy worship ut *im. I have placed my trust in *im4 *e is %ord of the Ma<estic Throne Allah will grant whoever recites this seven times in the morning or evening whatever he desires in this world or the ne,t. Another narration says three times (A#u 6a3ud)

L ' 3 N OP . . 3 L 9M L 3. < 0F 3 ".

5. 4adheetu 9illahi 4abban, wa bil islaami deenan, wa bi1Muhammadin 4asoolan. as I am pleased with Allah as my %ord! with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad my prophet %hoever recites it three times in the morning or evening will be pleased on the Qay of Pudgement. Another version says: Pannah becomes obligatory for him to enter (A#u 6a3ud)

/rayers 2rom the Pur?an to recite in each dua


c f o T g `k XU m `f Xk `s Td ` `Y S ` m ` ` Uo ` X c ` X ` `d ` ` Xg T `

#amin %a IAan Hhufrnaka 4abban %a IIlayka Al1Mar 'e hear! and we o ey. 5,rant us6 Thy forgiveness! our %ord. Dnto Thee is the <ourneying. ;4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat al 5aBarah Q <erse '*5)


` ho T T `k XU Ta X `k X U zn `{ ` `o X c X Ud ` ` ` Uj `u X `e X x `d ` U o X ` `f Xn `{ ` Xo T X ` `Y S `


4abban IAfrigh Alayn abran %a Thabbit IA'dman %a Anurn Al Al1 awmi Al1 Ofirna 0ur %ord> Bestow on us endurance! make our foothold sure! and give us help against the dis elieving folk ;4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat al 5aBarah Q <erse '$,)


S kU ` U~ `{ ` `u Td ` `W `_ ` To ` T U ] Td ` `W `_ ` f ` Xj kU ] T ` T `Y S `
in Adhba An1

4abban I-tin ( Ad1Quny asanatan %a ( Al17-khirati asanatan %a =r

0ur %ord> ,rant us good in this world and good in the hereafter! and save us from the chastisement of the fire ;4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat al 5aBarah Q <erse '%()


c fn V T ` kU c fg TW S kU e ` X `m ` Ss T S T w X S ` ` `Y S `

4abban Ta'abbal Minn IInnaka IAnta As1#amu Al1Alm 0ur %ord> Accept 5this worship6 from us: #ou are the All1*earing! the All1knowing (4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat al 5aBarah Q <erse ('-)


4abbanaa *alamnaa anfusanaa wa illam taghfir lanaa wa tarhamnaa lanakoonanna minal khaasireen. 0ur %ord> 'e have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and estow not upon us Thy Mercy! we shall certainly e lost. (4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat Al Ara2- <erse ' )


T U V S W X !U " I Y K Z [ Q( $ ! . F # \ '*

4abbana Atmim "ana =urana %aghfir "ana. Innaka IAla Oulli #hay7in

0ur %ord> "erfect for us our light and forgive us4 surely #ou are "otent over everything. (4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat At 4ahrim- <erse *)


$! ] Z ' B ^ _] I ! W " !C ( + B X' ( + ` a V M X $ *


4abbish rahlee sadree %a yassir lee amree %ahlul Iu'data mi lisaanee Faf'ahoo 'awlee 0 my %ord> .$pand me my reast .ase my task for me And remove the impediment from my speech So they may understand what I say (4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat 4a Ha- <erse '5)


`Y S ` Xb ` `k `X T ` T Ud ` X ` ` T h S x cd ` `o Su ctf c{ X ` `n X ` X Ud ` ` f T Sg cn Xk T `s T

4abanna hab lana min 7a*wa&ina wadhurriyatina 'urrata7ayuniw1wa&alnalil1mutta'ina imama. 0ur %ord> ,rant us in our wives and offspring the coolness of eyes and make us a leader of those who guard themselves against evil. (4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat al .urBan Q <erse -$)


Gb ! " . C . E _` K H " I W . / F J( # c d e ( HB f K % e g F ! J # Z [ ( I h ! I ( G # i * j J " . X/ F ! J( # " A * '% U" I ' k & l $ ] U" I m ! k J$ D . C (

4abban " Tu7ukhidhn IIn =asn IAw IAkha7n 4abban %a " Tamil Alayn IIran Oam amaltahu Al Al1"adhna Min ablin 4abban %a " Tuammiln M " 'ata "an 9ihi %a Afu Ann %a Aghfir "an %a Aramn IAnta Mawln (nurn Al Al1 awmi Al1Ofirn +ur "ordG >ondemn us not if we forget, or miss the markG +ur "ordG "ay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before usG +ur "ordG Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bearG Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk (4he Holy Pur?an Q 9urat al 5aBarah Q <erse '*+)

<irtues o2 praying 9alaatul 6huha (9unrise prayer)

(& 4he #eloved /rophet has said: Those who perform the (a&r prayer in congregation ;Pamaa7at<, read the Qhikr ;remembrance of Allah< till the sun has completely arisen ;length of a spear from the hori*on, after 0C minutes of sunrise< and read 0 4ak7ahs =afil prayer will have the benedictions ;sawaab< e'ual to those of =afil 3a&&1.mrah. (4irmidhi) '& Rasulallah is reported to have said that Allah 4a'ala says! !+ son of Adam, perform 5 4akaats of #alah in the early part of the day. I shall help you in accomplishing all your responsibilities during the rest of the day.! (Mishkaat pg&((+) & Rasulallah is reported to have said! !%hoever offers 0 4akaats of #alaat al1Qhuha, all his sins will be forgiven even though they are as much as the foam of the sea.! (I#id)


5. !#alaat al1Qhuhaa consists of 0 1 /0 4akaats and it is preferable to perform A 4akaats.! (Raddul Mukhtaar vol&( pg&5%5) 5& 4he /rophet is reported to have said that whoever prayed twelve rakaats at the time of >hasht ;9reakfast<, and then Allah will, as a reward, prepare a palace of gold for him in Paradise. (Mishkaat! 4irmidhi! I#n Ma=ah) ?. 4he /rophet said: J%hoever prays the (a&r prayer then sits in his place of prayer remembering Allah until sunrise, then prays two rakats of &uha, Allah shall make him forbidden to the (ire, nor shall it touch him nor consume him.J ;)arrated 2rom al-Hasan i#n KAli #y al-5ayhaBi< @. After this prayer is done one can either have a short nap to regain more energy or go to work and earn ones livelihood.

4he 9unnah o2 coming out o2 the Mas=id

/. To leave the Mas&id with the left foot. (5ukhari-Hhapter on 9alah pg&+() 0. To recite 9ismillah (I#n Ma=ah pg& 5+) 2. To recite Qurood (I#n Ma=ah! .aydhul Padeer) 5. To recite the Qua$

8 =! * /> ` X 6 7 #
Allahumma inni asaluka min fadhlik L+ Allah, I ask you for your graceM. (I#n Ma=ah) Also:

& N ; a J ) /; O . 3 ' % 4O * != /> !9 a & / > ` X 6 7 8 # 0[ 6 J. Q 7 /0J

9ismillaahi wassalaatu wassalaamu !alaa 4asoolillaahi, Allaahumma !innee !as!aluka min fadhlika, Allaahumma!simnee minash1#haytaanir1ra&eem.


In the =ame of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. + Allah, I ask for Four favour, + Allah, protect me from #atan the outcast. (i#id)

4he 5reak2ast
/. If one is not fasting then one should make arrangements to have a good breakfast in to energise one for the day ahead as this will also help in worship throughout the day. 0. 4asulallah used to have honey water for breakfast. 3e is also reported to have had 7)a#i"e 4amar8 in some narrations. =abi*e Tamar is dried dates which have been cut into pieces and soaked in a clay container overnight. (4irmidhi)

4he <irtues o2 0ummah prayer

Hadhrat Ali I#n A#u 4aali# narrated: on the pulpit in the mos'ue of Oufah$ %hen (riday comes, the devils go to the markets with their flags, and involve people in their needs and prevent them from the (riday prayer. The angels come early in the morning, sit at the door of the mos'ue, and record that so1and1so came at the first hour, and so1and1so came at the second hour until the imam comes out ;for preaching<. %hen a man sits in a place where he can listen ;to the sermon< and look ;at the imam<, where he remains silent and does not interrupt, he will receive a double reward. If he stays away, sits in a place where he cannot listen ;to the sermon<, silent, and does not interrupt, he will receive the reward only once. If he sits in a place where he can listen ;to the sermon< and look ;at the imam<, and he does not remain silent, he will have the burden of it. If anyone says to his companion sitting besides him to be silent ;while the imam is preaching<, he is guilty of idle talk. Anyone who interrupts ;during the sermon< will receive nothing ;no reward< on that (riday. Then he ;the narrator< says in the end of this tradition$ I heard the Apostle of Allah ;peace be upon him< say so. (A#u 6a3ood (%$+) /. Pummah preparations should begin on Thursday such as clipping the nails, removing of the hair etc (Ihya aul->loom! vol& (! page (+() 0. To have a bath ;Hhusl< (5ukhari! 4irmidhi! I#n Ma=ah) En one .riday! Rasulallah said: J+ MuslimsG Allah Ta!ala has made this day a day of .id. #o have a bath on this day, whoever has perfume should apply it, and use the Miswaak. L;I#n Ma=ah) 2. To use Miswaak (I#id) 5. To use Attar ;Perfume< (I#id) 6. To wear nice clothes (A#u 6a3ood! Hhapter o2 :husl on the day o2 0ummah) ?. To proceed early as possible to the Mas&id for Pummah$


Rasulallah said: J+n the day of Pummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that Mas&id in which Pummah salaat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the Mas&id first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah. +nce the khut ah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khut ah. L(5ukhari and Muslim) @. To walk to the Mas&id if possible for every step is a reward of a year =afl (ast (4irmidhi) A. +ne should listen very attentively to the khutba even if one does not understand. +ne should not speak or even warn another to keep 'uite while the khutba is in progress. B. To try to sit as close as possible to the Imaam. (I#n Ma=ah! 4irmidhi) /C. If the #affs ;rows< are already filled, one should not &ump over the shoulders of the musallies in order to get to the front& (A#u 6a3ood) //. +ne should not fiddle with clothes or fingers but listen attentively (I#n Ma=ah) /0. %hen 4asulallah name is mentioned in the khutba then it is permissible to recite durood in the heart only without the movement of the lips or tongue. /2. 9etween the two khutba7s one should make dua. It is permissible to make dua without raising hands or moving the lips ;I.e. dua should be made in the heart only without the movement of the lips or the tongue< (Aadaa# -A - Gindagee) /5. 4o read: #urah Al A7ala (9ura no *-) in the first rakaat of Pummah #alah and #urah Haathia (9urah no **) in the second rakaat. (5ukhari)

/6. Recite 9urah @ah2: It is related #y Hakim and 5ayhaBi! 2rom A#u 9aKid n%hoever recites #urat al1Oahf on (riday, light shall shine forth for him between the two (ridays.o (I#n Ha=ar! 4alkhis alHa#ir) /?. Recite durood in a#undance: Rasulallah is reported to have said! L4ecite Qurood upon me in abundance on the day of Pummah since they are presented to me.M (I#n Ma=ah) /@. Making a#undant dua on 0ummah:


Rasulallah said: JThere is such an hour on (riday that if any Muslim makes dua in it, his dua will definitely be accepted.M (5ukhari! Muslim) /A. Re3ard o2 *% years )a2il 3orship and minor sins 2orgiven According to a 3adith recorded in Tabarani on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Abbas $ A#u

Hurraira reports that the Holy /rophet said: L%hoever recites the following Qurood eighty times immediately after Asr #alaat on (riday, before standing up from his place, Allah will forgive eighty years of sins and grant him the reward e'uivalent to eighty years of worship.M

Allahumma salli alaa muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa1ala aalihi wasallim tasleema + Allah bless Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them best of peace. (0ame 9agheer) /B. A#u Hurraira narrated that the Messenger o2 Allah said: The five daily prayers, and from one Pummah to the ne,t, are an e,piation for whatever sins come in between, so long as one does not commit any ma&or sin. ;Muslim! ' ) 0C. It 3as narrated 2rom A#u Hurraira that the /rophet said: %hoever does Hhusl then comes to Pummah, and prays as much as Allah decrees for him, then listens attentively until the khutbah is over, then prays with him ;the imam<, will be forgiven for ;his sins< between that and the ne,t Pummah and three more days. ;Muslim! *5-) Al-)a3a3i said: The scholars said that what is meant by his being forgiven between the two Pummah and three more days is that a good deed is worth ten like it, so he will be rewarded with ten rewards for each of the good deeds that he did on (riday. #ome of our companions said$ what is meant by what is between the two Pummah is from Pummah prayer and the khutbah until the same time on the following (riday, so that it will be seven days, no more and no less, then three days are added making ten in all. 0/. Homing early to 0ummah #rings a great re3ard& A#u Hurraira narrated that the Messenger o2 Allah said: L%hoever does Hhusl on (riday like Hhusl for &anaabah, then goes to the prayer ;in the first hour, i.e., early<, it is as if he sacrificed a camel. %hoever goes in the second hour, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; whoever goes in the third hour, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram; whoever goes in the fourth hour, it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and whoever goes in the fifth hour it is as if he


offered an egg. %hen the imam comes out, the angels come to listen to the khutbah.M (5ukhari! *($ and Muslim! *5%) 00. I2 a person 3alks to 0ummah prayer! 2or every step he 3ill have the re3ard o2 2asting and praying Biyaam 2or one year& It 3as narrated 2rom A3s i#n A3s al-4haBa2i that the Messenger o2 Allah said: %hoever does Hhusl on (riday and causes ;his wife< to do Hhusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the imam and listens and keeps 'uiet, for every step he takes he will have the reward of fasting and praying 'iyaam for one year.M ;al-4irmidhi! $,+) I#n al-Payyim said in Gaad al-MaR?aad! (;'*5: .inally a2ter Buoting the hadith 3hich speak o2 the virtues o2 0ummah prayer: %hat we have 'uoted, when taken all together, indicates that the e,piation of sins from one (riday to the ne,t is sub&ect to all the conditions mentioned above being met, namely doing Hhusl, cleaning oneself, putting on perfume, wearing one!s best clothes, walking in a calm and dignified manner, not stepping over people, not pushing between two people, not offending others, praying nafil prayers, listening attentively and avoiding idle speech.

4he <irtues o2 the Pur?an

/. <irtues o2 reciting the Pur?an: JDerily he who has nothing of the destroyed.J (At-4irmidhi) ur!an in his heart, is like a house ;which has been<

J4ead the ur!an for verily it will come forth on the Qay of 4esurrection as an intercessor for its readers.J (Muslim) 4ameem ad-6aaree reported that the Messenger o2 Allah said: L%hoever recites ;in prayer< with a hundred verses in a night, it will be written for him as devout obedience to Allah for the night.M '& Re3ard 2or reciting each letter o2 Holy Pur?an: It 3as narrated that CA#d-Allah I#n Mas?ood said: 4he Messenger o2 Allah said: L%hoever reads a letter of the 9ook of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Ali2-Laam-Meem is a letter, rather alif is a letter, laam is a letter and meem is a letter.M ()arrated #y al-4irmidhi! ',(%) & 9urah .atiha 4he Mother o2 the Pur?an and a cure 2or every disease:


Abu #uleiman says that once a group of >ompanions were in an e,pedition ;gha*wa< when they happened to come across an epileptic person, who was unconscious. +ne of the >ompanions recited #urah Al1(atiha and blew in his ear. The epileptic person immediately cured. %hen #ayyidana Muhammad was informed of this, he said: 7It ;#urah Al1 (athiha< is LThe Mother of the ur7anM ;.mm al1 ur7an< and is a cure for every disease.M M4his narration has #een recorded #y Ath-4hua?l#i narrated it 2rom Mu?a3iya #in 9aleh $& <irtues o2 9urah Faasin: 4he Hadith mentioned #y CAtaa #in A#i Ra#aah states that the /rophet said: L%hosoever recites #urah Faasin in the early part of the day his needs will be fulfilled.M (Mishkaat! /age (*,) Rasulallah has said: JEverything has a heart; the heart of the ur!an is #urah Faasin. %hoever reads #urah Faasin ;once<, Allah Ta7ala records for him a reward e'ual to that of reading the whole ur!an ten times.J (4irmidhi! 6arami) 5& 9urah Mulk 3hich protects one 2rom the 4orment o2 the :rave: It 3as narrated that A#dullah I#n Mas?ud said: %hoever reads L4a#arakalladhi 5iyadihil Mulk8 Mi&e& 9urah al-MulkN every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah ;Peace be upon him< we used to call it al1 mani7ah ;that which protects<. In the 9ook of Allah it is a surah which, whoever recites it every night has done very well. (An-)asai) +& 9urah Gil"ilah 3orth hal2 o2 the Pur?an A#dullah I#n CA##as and Annas I#n Malik reported that the /rophet said! I%hoever recited 9urah Gil"ilah (,,) would get the reward of reciting hal2 the Pur?an& %hoever recited 9urah al @aa2irun ((%,) would get a reward as if reading a Buarter o2 the Pur?an. %hoever recited 9urah al Ikhlaas (((') would get a reward as if reading one third o2 the Pur?an?. (At-4irmidhi '*(*;A) -& 9urah Ikhlaas 3orth a third o2 the Pur?an A#u 9a?id al-@hudri reported that the Messenger o2 Allah said to his Hompanions! LAre any of you unable to recite a third of the ur7an in a nightZM 4hat 3as di22icult 2or them and they said! L%hich of us is able to do that, Messenger of AllahZM He said! 7M4he 9urahN I#ay$ 3e is Allah, Absolute +neness, Allah, the Everlasting #ustainer of all7 ;//0< constitutes a third of the ur7an.7M (9ahih al-5ukhari +:+( S5 $! Riyad as-9aalihin #y Imam an-)a3a3i Hh&(* S(%(%) *& 9urah Ikhlaas recited '%% times daily gets 2orgiveness o2 5% years o2 sin 2rom A#u 9ulaiman ! 3ho

! 4a2seer Ma"hari (: (N


Annas reported the /rophet as saying! LIf anyone recites two hundred times daily, ul huwallahu ahad the sins of fifty years will be wiped out, unless he is in debt.M (At4irmidhi and 6araami)& The latter version has C2i2ty times? and he did not mention Cunless he is in de#t? ,& 9urah al .alaB and An )aas protection 2rom 0inn and evil eye The Prophet used to seek refuge from the &inn as well as from the evil eye until #urah al (ala' and An =aas were revealed. %hen they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things. (At-4irmidhi S(,*$! Riyad as-9alihin #y Imam an-)a3a3i Hh&(* S(%($) (%& 4he Pur?an 3ill intercede 2or the one 3ho recites it much 3ith sincerity JThe ur!an is an intercessor ;which by Allah!s permission< intercedes, and an opponent ;which is< truthful. 3e who appoints it as his leader, ;then it< will lead him to Paradise. And he who puts it behind him, ;then it< will lead him to the (ire.J (I#n Hi##an! Al-5aihaBi! At4a#arani! 9ahih)

9unnah?s o2 travel

/. To read 5 rakats of =afl prayer before setting out on a &ourney (Ma=mau"-Ga3aid) 0. 4asulallah preferred to commence a &ourney on a Thursday. (5ukhari)

2. It is preferable to set out on a &ourney early in the morning (4irmidhi) 5. It is forbidden to set out on a &ourney after the Pummah A*aan and before Pummah #alah. (4irmidhi) 6. 4asulallah refrained from setting out on a &ourney alone. 3e preferred a group of three and he stated that four companions setting out on a &ourney together was preferable. (A#u 6a3ud) ?. 4asulallah stated that if more than three people were travelling then one should be appointed as leader ;Ameer< (A#u 6a3ud) @. The leader of the group is the one who serves the group. (5aihaBi) A. 9efore setting out on a &ourney one should meet one7s friends and relatives and make dua for them in the following words$


" Y . I HF $ e ( Y b ( Y 'p , q !p $ b r
Asthawdi Iullaaha deenaka wa aamanthaka wa khawaa theema amalika =5I make6 Allah responsi le for your deen! your trustworthiness and for the results of your actions=. (4irmidhi)

Also recite the 2ollo3ing dua:

!P G !s p ( t ! Hu F J +% , !& !I p$ b r
Asthawdi ukumullaahalladhee laa thudeeIu wa daa7i7ee I entrust 5hand6 you to Allah whose charge and deposit is never lost3 B. 6ua 2or another person undertaken a =ourney %hen some other person undertakes a &ourney, recite the following dua$

` e Xy c c f X_ ` o `f X| `k XU m `k `o `W Sh `d ` m ` ` X ` m `k `o ` ` `d ` a ` X S kU R c U S ` `d S `
[a7vvadakallaahutha'wa wa ghafaralaka dhanbaka wa ya7ssaralakal khayra haythu kunth =May Allah make piety part of your <ourney! forgive your sins and fulfil the purpose of the <ourney=. (4irmidhi) /C. 6ua at the time o2 his departure$

` o `W S kU l Tf Xn `` { Xa xb `d ` j ` X ck XU l ck `a T X s TV S cn SkU
Allaahumma ithvi lahul b7uda wa hawwan Ialaihissafar =0 Allah let his <ourney e covered Euickly and most easily=. (4irmidhi) //. 6ua #y the traveller 2or the person 3ishing him 2are3ell

c l c T U `d ` c f T `q ` ~ Tk SU R ` UV S c c{ T Ta X ` X `
Asthaw di Iikumullaahalladhee laa thadee Iu wadaa ee Iuhh =I leave your responsi ility to Allah 5leave you in his hands6 in whose protection nothing can e lost 5destroyed! damaged6 when *e protects=. (Hisnul Hasin) /0. 1hen leaving home on the commencement o2 a =ourney one should read the 2ollo3ing dua:


) & < ' "4' % /; 3 $' : ". 3

9ismillaahi thawakkalthu alallahi wala hawla wala 'uwatha illah billah In the name of Allah! I trust in Allah! there is no power and might e$cept from Allah3. (Mishkaat) Also read the 2ollo3ing dua: Allaahumma antha rafee'ee fee safaree wa khaleefathee fee a7hlee wamaa lee 0 Allah #ou are my companion in my <ourney and after me my guardian of my family and wealth3

/2. 1hen one #oards any vehicle! he should read: name of Allah

75ismillah8:- In the

/5. 1hen seated one should read: -

LAlhamdulillah8:- All praise e to Allah

4herea2ter one should read the 2ollo3ing dua:

# ubhaanalladhee sakharalana haadhaa wamaa kunnaa lahu mu'rineen wa innaa ilaa rabinaa lamun 'aliboon "urity elongs to Allah! who has su <ected this conveyance for us and we were not capa le of controlling it and surely to our sustainer we are to return3 (Mishkaat) (5& 4hen one should say the 2ollo3ing three times: Alhamdulillah$ 1 All praise e to Allah Allaahu Akbar$ 1 Allah is the greatest

, !. / !A E , !

"aa ilaaha ilallah$ 1 There is no worthy of worship e$cept Allah


4hen 2ollo3 this 3ith dua o2 repentance:-

` l q c S T ` ]k To X T X ` ]W T X `e c g Xn ` ` ] xs Tm ` ` i ` X c e ` X `q Ss T ` a c ~ kU o c T Xh `
#ubhaanaka innee dhalamtu nafsee fa7ghfirlee innahu laa yaghfirudhunuba illaa anth "urity elongs to #ou. Surely I have wronged myself so forgive me. Indeed none forgives sins esides #ou. (Mishkaat) /?. %hen one ascends or attempts to reach any height then one should say$ LAllaahu AkbarM$1 Allah is the greatest. %hen descending from any height then one should say$ L#ubhaanallahM$1 "urity elongs to Allah. %hen one slips or e,periences an accident they should say$ L"aa ilaaha ilallaahu wallaahu akbarM$1 There is no worthy of worship e$cept Allah he is the greatest. (Hisnul Hasin) 0a#ir said: %henever we went up a hill we would say Allaahu 'Ak#ar ;Allah is the Most Hreat< and when we descended we would say 9u#haanallah ;Hlory is to Allah<. (Al5ukhari) /@. 1hen travelling on a ship or #oat! canoe or other 2loating o#=ect then one should read

v # X f K ) r !( ) w , B # \ HC \ $k !
9ismillaahi mu&reehaa wamursaahaa inna rabbee laghafooruraheem

LIn the name of Allah is it sailing and anchoring. #urely my 4abb is most forgiving and most mercifulM Inshallah by reading this dua one is safe from the sinking of the boat, ship, canoe etc (Hisnul Hasin) /A. /rophet Mohammad 3hen on =ourney: /1 #urah Oaafirun 01 #urah =asr 21 #urah Ikhlaas 51 #urah (ala' 61 #urah =aas Every #urah should commence with J9ismillahJ and #urah =aas should end with J9ismillahJ as well, thus reciting J9ismillahJ si, times. told 0a#ir #in Mutim to recite the 2ollo3ing 5 9ura?s


0a#ir states: J%hen I went out on &ourney ;and although I was wealthy and had more merchandise than my companions<, my conditions were worse than them, but from the time I began reciting these #ura7s, on return my condition was better than all of them, and I had most provisions of the &ourneyJ. (Hisnul Hasin) /B. 1hen stopping en route at any place one should read: A7u*u bikalimathillaah1hithammaathi minsharri maa khala' I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of that which *e has created3

As long as the person who utters these words remains at that place then no harm shall befall him inshallah (Muslim) 0C. 1hen one enters a to3n or village! settlement etc then one should read:-

Hk x # ! "
Allaahumma baarik lanaa feehaa 0 Allah less us in this 5village! town settlement etc63 (4a#arani) 4hen recite:

H K " ) / ` y A XC ( " ) U K A A XC ( ) * z ! ! "

=0 Allah! grant us the fruit of this place and create love in the people for us and create love in our hearts for the righteous people 5of this area6=. (Hisnul Hasin 2rom 4a#arani) 0/. 1hen one reaches one?s destination then recite the 2ollo3ing: 4abbi an*ilnee mun*alan mubaarakan wa antha khayrul mun*ileen My 2a caused me to set foot on a lessed land and #ou are the est of those who rings me to this land3. 0/. 6ua 3hen alighting o22 a vehicle %hen alighting off a vehicle recite$

`n ` ` ` o xp ` X T } T S S kU R T U} S T g `n T `Y T c a{ c `
A7udhubikalimaathillaahithammaathi min sharra maa khala' =I seek refuge in Allah y *is complete words from the evils of the creation=.


9y reciting this dua, no harm will befall on the person. (Muslim)

00. >pon returning 2rom a =ourney one should read:

(f ! C # X f (!# I f $A !s F f $A !' {
Aa iboona thaa iboona Iaabidoona lirabbinaa haamidoon ='e are returning! repenting and o edient to Allah! praising *im=. (Hisnul Hisn) Also recite:

_# $ C H " I !p | ' !J _# $ F # X _ # ( _# (
Awban awban lirabbanaa thawban laa yughaadiru Ialainaa hawbaa =I have come ack! I have come ack! I seek forgiveness from Allah with such a repentance that leaves me with no sin=. (Hisnul Hasin 2rom A#i Fala) 02. AtiBuettes o2 returning 2rom a =ourney %hen returning from a &ourney one should sit on the mode of conveyance and recite$

a ` X S kUd ` o S Tk X U U~ `b ` `o T ` ` ] Tm `k c `W X ` Ss TV S cn SkU
+n departing, recite all the &ourney dua7s and be concerned about the eti'uettes of a &ourney and on every ascend recite TAllaahu-Ak#arT thrice and recite$

v] t X p ` w xy c zn `{ ` a `b cd ` j cg Xi `k XU l ck `d ` m cn Xg ck XU l ck `l ck `m ` ho Tp ` q ` r cj `_ Xd ` R c Uq S Ss Tl `k `s Tq ` ` o ` `d ` r cj `{ Xd ` R c U S ` j ` ` dj c T _ ` `Y xo `k T ` dj c T ` ` dj cY T { ` ` a c T ` ` a ch T o t hj Tu ` cj r `_ Xd ` ` U `_ X X` U ` `b `d ` r cj ` X{ `
"aa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu "aa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyul "aa yamootu, biyadihil khayr wa huwa alaa kulli shay!in 'adeer. Aa iboona thaa iboona Iaabidoona Iaa idoona saa&idoona lirabbinaa haamidoon. #ada'allaahu wa7adahu wanasara Iabdahu waha*amal ah*aaba wahdah =There is none worthy of worship esides Allah who has no partner! *is is the Bingdom and to him is all praise! for *e has created everything. 'e are those returning! repenting and o edient to Allah! performing Sa<dah! praising Allah! Allah has made truth 5fulfilled6 *is promise and aided *is servant and defeated the enemy armies Alone.= (Mishkaat)


05. %hen one sets eyes upon ones town, village or settlement etc then he should recite$ Allaahumma&&all lanaa bihaa 'araa ra!wari*'an hasanaa 0h Allah! make for us in it a place of staying and grant us good sustenance3 06. If one returns from a &ourney at night then one should not go home immediately but rather spend the night in the Mas&id and go home the ne,t day. ;This applies to Male7s only< (5ukhari) 0?. If the family is aware of your late arrival and is e,pecting you, then there is no harm in going home immediately. (Mirkaat <ol&-! pg& *) 0@. It was the habit of 4asulallah that when he came back from a &ourney he did so around >haasht time ;9reakfast time<. 3e first went to the Mas&id, read 0 rakats of =afl prayer and sat in the Mas&id meeting people for a little while before going home. (5ukhari) 0A. Those who have e,cess provisions should consider those who have less (Muslim)

9unnats o2 greeting! handshake and em#racing

/. %hen a Muslim meets another then they should greet with the Islamic greeting which is$

Asalaamu Alaikum %arahmatullaahi %abarakaathuh 0"eace! mercy and lessings of Allah descend upon you3 That person who greets first without waiting for the other person to greet is closer to Allah. (5ukhari) 0. +ne should greet every Muslim, i.e. those who one knows and those who one does not know. (I#id) )ote: E,ceptions are that women are not e,pected to have to speak to non1mahram men. 2. It has been mentioned in the hadith of 9ukhari and Muslim that once 4asulallah passed by a group of children and he made salaam to them, hence we deduce that it is #unnah to make salaam to children as well. (Muslim <ol&'! pg& '($)


5. The young should always greet the elderly and the walking should always greet the sitting and the fewer should greet the many (I#id) 6. To greet again the person from whom one has parted company, even if such a parting was only for a short while (5aihaBi) ?. To greet when entering or leaving the home ;%hether one7s own house or that of another<. Allah is guaranteed for that person who greets and then enters his house. (Al-Ada#ul Mu2rid) Allah suffices for him during his life and after his death and Pannah shall be his abode. @. +ne should greet loud enough for the one for whom the greeting is intended to. (I#id) A. If a third person7s greetings are conveyed to one, then it should be answered in the following manner$1 %a Alaika %a Alaihissalaam "eace e upon you and him3. (A#u 6a3ud) B. 4asulallah (Mishkaat) has said that the perfect way for one to greet is to shake hands.

/C. %hilst shaking hands the following dua should be read$1 Faghfirullaahu lanaa walakum. @Allah forgive us and you.@ (Mishkaat) //. (orgiveness for those who give salaam Al-5ara' i#n A"i# narrated that the /rophet said: If two Muslims meet, shake hands, praise Allah, and ask 3im for forgiveness, they will be forgiven. (A#u 6a3ood) )ote: 9oth hands should be used in handshakes. It is not sufficient that ones fingers &ust touch the others but ones palms should be firmly grasped. 3owever such pressure should not be applied that would cause pain or discomfort for the other. /0. %henever the #ahaaba met, they shook hands with one another and on returning from a &ourney they used to embrace one other. (Attarghee#) /2. %omen should also greet each other by shaking hands. (5aihaBi) )ote$ 1 Males should =+T greet nor shake hands with women. This ruling applies on those females for whome it is permissible for one can marry. 3ence it is permissible to greet and shake hands with ones mother, sister, daughter, aunt, granny, wife and any mahram women.


/5. 4asulallah habit was to wait with the person meeting him until the person departed. Also he would not remove his hand from the person who was shaking it, until the other removed his. 4asulallah also never turned his face away from anyone and if someone wanted to whisper something to him then he took his ear close to the speaker and did not depart until the speaker had completed what they were saying. ()asai) /6. If 4asulallah wished to call somebody whose name he did not know then he used to call out to him with the words$ 1 LFaa ibna abdullahM$1 0 Son of the Allah-s slave3. /?. End a Three Qay Qispute with #alaam$ A#u Hurayrah narrated that the /rophet said: It is not allowable for a believer to keep from a believer for more than three days. If three days pass, he should meet him and give him a salutation, and if he replies to it they will both have shared in the reward; but if he does not reply he will bear his sin ;according to Ahmad!s version< and the one who gives the salutation will have come forth from the sin of keeping apart. ;A#u 6a3ood $*,$) /A. Hreeting during Eid$ 0a#yr i#n )u2ayr said: !%hen the companions of Allah!s Messenger met on the day of eid, they would say to each other, '4aBa#allahu minna 3a mink ;May Allah accept from us and you<.J MAl MahamiliyyatJ hasan isnadJ see .ath ul 5ari ':$$+N /B. Most miserly person is one who is miserly with greetings$ A#u Hurraira said! JThe most miserly of all people is one who is miserly with greetings. The weakest of all people is a person who is weak in 8making: du@a ;supplication prayer<.M ;5ukhari's 5ook o2 Manners S(%$+) 0C. Hiving #alaam is one of the best acts$ A#dullah #in '>mar said: A man asked

the /rophet ! J%hat is the best act of IslamMZ He said! JTo feed others and to give greetings of #alaam ;peace< to those whom you know and to those whom you do not know.M (Al-5ukhari! Muslim (;+5) Acting upon the #unnah makes a person the beloved of Allah Ta7ala. That is why one should act upon it punctually. 0/. If one of the People of the #cripture ;i.e. >hristians and Pews< greets you saying As1 #alaamu !alaykum, then say ;to him<$ %a Ialaykum 1 And upon you. (Al-5ukhari! Muslim $;(-%5) )ote: A Muslim should not initiate a greeting to a non Muslim until they initiate it themselves. This is because a Muslim is higher status before Allah and therefore greeting them first is a way of honouring them but one should greet them back in similar terms.


I#n al-Payyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Gaad al-Ma?aad (';$'$)! concerning greeting a kaa2ir 2irst: A group o2 scholars said: It is permissible to greet him first if that serves a purpose, or for fear of his harm, or because of blood ties, or for a reason that re'uires that.

9unnah?s regarding hospitality to guests

4his section is split into three categories: A) 9unnah?s regarding the uneUpected guest: /. +ne should avoid going to another!s house at meal times. 4asulallah has mentioned in hadith that it is forbidden to take part in a meal of another without being invited to do so. 3owever it is permissible and a #unnah to go to the house of a true friend without an invitation, and to partake of meals there. 0. +ne may place before an une,pected visitor whatever one has available by way of food. 3owever one should not take a loan to obtain provisions for such visitor. 2. 4asulallah has said that it is a ma&or sin to regard that which the host offers as little and for the host to feel it low to offer it to one7s guest. (9>))A49! Mu2ti A& M& H& 9ale=ee pg 5-! 5*) 5) 9unnah?s regarding the invited guest: /. The host should invite +="F pious people and not sinners as they may spread wrong and sin. 0. #pecial meals should be prepared for the first day. (5ukhari) 2. A guest may be entertained and shown hospitality for a period of three days. 9eyond the three days would be charity. (5ukhari) 5. A guest should not inconvenience the guest by overstaying. (5ukhari) 6. A guest who does not accept an invitation has disobeyed Allah and his 4asul non acceptance is within the boundaries of #hari7at. (A#u 6a3ud) H) 9unnah?s regarding #oth the uneUpected and invited guests: /. Even though ones host does not treat him with honour and respect, when he is a guest at the host7s house then he must always treat the host with due respect and honour, should he be a guest at his house. (4irmidhi) unless


0. If a host were to ask his guest to make a choice then the easier of the options should be chosen. 2. A guest must not re'uest anything that will cause inconvenience to the host 5. A guest must not inconvenience his host by overstaying. (5ukhari) 6. The host must respect and honour his guest. (5ukhari) ?. A guest should be seen off at ones door. (I#n Ma=ah) @& A dinner guests invocation 2or his host:

Allaahumma baarik lahum feemaa ra*a'tahum, waghfir lahum warhamhum. + Allah, bless them in what Fou have provided for them, and forgive them and have mercy on them. (Muslim ;(+(5)

9unnah?s o2 :i2ts

/. 9oth to give and to receive gifts are #unnah. 0. The Prophet said e,change gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another. (5ukhari) 2. A7ishah narrated that the Prophet giving them. (5ukhari) used to accept gifts and reward people for

Hiving gifts is one way that we can become closer to our fellow Muslims, and strengthen the bond between us. It is a great #unnah that we can revive, inshallah. 5& I2 someone does give you a gi2t! ho3 should you respondV

4he /rophet said: L%hoever has a favour done for him and says$ C0a"aak Allaahu khayran? has done his utmost to thank him.M (At-4irmidhi)


)ote: >are should be taken that gifts are not given on those ceremonies that are celebrated by the kufaar like >hristmas, Dalentines, wedding anniversaries, birthdays etc. This is tantamount to the emulation of the non Muslims which is prohibited by 4asulallah 4he /roper Manners o2 :iving D 4aking :i2ts .rom Ada# al-MuKashara (9ocial AtiBuette) #y Imam Ashra2 Ali 4han3i /. If you wish to make a re'uest to a person for something, then do not make any gift to him. The one to whom the gift is made under such circumstances is either put to disgrace or is indirectly compelled to comply with the re'uest of the person who presented the gift. ;#uch a gift will in fact be a bribe ;f$ and sinful<. 0. %hen taking a gift along the &ourney to present to someone, do not take so much as to create difficulty for you along the &ourney. 2. Immediately after accepting a gift it is not proper to give it ;the gift< in charity in the presence of the person who made the gift. >ontribute it in the absence of the person in a way which will not be known to him, otherwise he will be grieved. 5. The motive for making gifts should be only muhabbat ;love and affection<, not the fulfilment of one!s needs or re'uest. Therefore, if you have a need to present to a person, do not make a gift to him at the same time. It will then appear as if the gift was motivated by the ulterior motive. 6. The actual purpose of making a gift is to strengthen the bond of affection. Therefore, such ways which inconvenience the one for whom the gift is intended, should not be adopted. ?. Make the gift in privacy, not in public. The muhda ilayh ;the person to whom the gift was made< is entitled to make public the gift. @. If the gift is in kind ;i.e. not cash< then endeavour to ascertain the likes and preferences of the muhda ilayh. Present something which the muhda ilayh prefers. A. The amount of the gift should not be so much that it constitutes a difficulty for the muhda ilayh. It does not matter how less or of little value the gift may be. People of piety are not concerned with the amount or 'uantity of the gift. They look at the sincerity of the one who makes the gift. B. If for some reason acceptance of the gift is refused, then respectfully re'uest the reason for the refusal. (or the future bear it in mind. 9ut do not insist to obtain the reason at the time. If the gift is refused because of a misunderstanding created by a baseless supposition or misinformation which reached the muhda ilayh, then it is correct, in fact better, to immediately notify him of the error. /C. Qo not make a gift to anyone as long as he is not convinced of your sincerity. //. Qo not make gifts in such a way that taking delivery of it becomes difficult and onerous on the one it is given to.

)ote: A gift does not have to be something e,travagant, but a simple gift like a cup of coffee
for your friend, or a sandwich or something which will soften the heart of the one who receives the gift. It7s about 'uality, not 'uantity. It is the thought that counts. Also, we must remember that giving gifts and charity does not give us the authority to remind people of what we gave them. This is one of the worst actions one can do, as Allah ta?ala says: + you who have believed, do not invalidate your charities with reminders 8of it: or in&ury. M9uratul 5aBarah! verse '+$N If someone did not acknowledge your gift or charity, do not take it upon yourself to remind them and ruin your reward by doing so. 4emember that your reward is with Allah ta7ala K


they cannot give you anything compared to what 3e Hives, and remember that 3e knows your intentions. %a Allahu ta7ala Ialam.

9unnah?s o2 Ma=lis (:athering)

/. Almighty Allah should be remembered in every gathering and in every Ma&lis ;Hathering< and to recite durood shareef at least once. (Hisnul Hasin) 0. +ne should sit in any place in a gathering. 2. It is not permissible for a person to sit in a gathering between two people without their permission. (4irmidhi) 5. It is incorrect to remove someone from his seat and to sit in his place. (5ukhari) 6. To sit close together and not far apart. (A#u 6a3ud) ?. If any person comes into a gathering, then out of respect for him to move a bit to give him some space in order for him to sit down. This shall make the newcomer feel welcomed and accepted. It is therefore a #unnah even if there is place in the gathering. (5aihaBi) @. If there are 2 people in a gathering, it is wrong for 0 of them to talk in a language not understood by the other person. (5ukhari) A. %hen 4asulallah intended to leave any gathering in which he participated then he would recite Asthaghfaar ;asking for forgiveness< /C to /6 times. (I#n 9unni) B. In one narration the Asthagh2aar 3as the 2ollo3ing:

Asthaghfirullah halladhee laa ilaaha illahuwal hayyul 'ayyoomu wa athoobu ilayh I seek forgiveness of Allah! there is no deity worth of worship esides him! who is alive and every lasting and I turn towards *im3. /C. A?isha said: JAllah!s Messenger did not sit in a gathering, and did not recite the ur!an, and did not perform any prayer without concluding by saying$


#ubhaanallaahi wabihamdihee subhaanakallaahumma wa bi hamdika wa ash hadu allaah ilaa ha illa antha asthagh firuka wa athoobu ilayk LHlory be to Allah and Praise be to 3im. +h Allah I glorify you and praise you and testify that there is none worthy of worship but Fou and I seek Four forgiveness and I turn to FouM. It is also said to be a means of forgiveness when recited before leaving a gathering. ;A#u 6a3ud! I#n Ma=ah! An-)isaa?i<

9unnah?s o2 visiting the 9ick

There are great rewards in visiting the sick. Rasulallah has said that: %hoever visits the sick person in the morning then @C,CCC angels shall be invoking mercy of Allah on the visitor and whosoever visits a sick person in the evening the @C,CCC angels will make dua for the person for mercy until the morning and he shall also have a garden in Pannah. (Mishkaat) According to al-4irmidhi ('%%*)! 4he Messenger o2 Allah said$ L%hoever visits a sick person or visits a brother in Islam, a caller cries out to him$ CMay you #e happy! may your 3alking #e #lessed! and may you occupy a digni2ied position in /aradise?.M 0. %hen visiting the sick one should first greet him and then en'uire about his health (A"kaar! <ol& ( /g& (+%) 2. +ne should not visit the sick for long ;+verstay such visit< (5aihaBi) 5. +ne should always encourage the sick person and be careful not to speak of things which may cause despair and loss of hope. (4irmidhi) 6. +ne should recite the following dua when in the presence of the patient$

"aa ba! sa thahooran insha allaah$ &o not e afraid if Allah wills this will e atonement for ones sins.3 (5ukhari)


?. And to also make the 2ollo3ing dua 2or the patient: (Repeat it - times):

Asalallaahal adheema rabbal arshil adheemi ayyashfeek I ask Allah the ,reat! who is the sustainer of the ,reat Throne to give you Shifa31 Fure3. (At-4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud) Rasulallah has said that: %henever a Muslim visits a Muslim patient and reads the above dua seven times then the patient will definitely recover from his illness e,cept such illness which shall result in death. (Ahmad and A#u 6a3ood! (%+) @. If it is possible then one should take a gift for the patient and if need be assist financially, since 4asulallah has said that the best person is he who benefits mankind. (As-9ilsilah as-9aheehah! $'+) A. Even when visiting the sick one7s intention should be +="F to seek the pleasure of Allah as is with A=F good that one does. B. +ne should not force the sick person to eat or drink. (Mishkaat) /C. It is forbidden to make Tawee* against #hari7at for e,ample a tawee* to create friction between husband and wife. #imilarly &adu ;witchcraft< is totally forbidden in Islam and against the #unnah. (Mishkaat) //. To re'uest the patient to make dua as the dua7s of the sick are readily accepted. (5aihaBi) /0. A sick person7s dua is like that of the angels (I#n Ma=ah) /2. %hosoever reads the following dua upon seeing another afflicted with sickness or difficulty shall himself be saved from it inshallah. Alhamdulillaahilladhee aafaanee mimmab thlaa ka bihee wa faddwalanee alaa katheerimmimman khala'a thaf dweela All praise is due to Allah who has saved me from that with which *e afflicted you and gave me e$cellence over most of whom *e created3. (Mishkaat) /5. 4he re3ard 2or visiting the sick: %hen a man goes to visit his sick Muslim brother, he walks along a path of Paradise until he sits, and when he sits he is cloaked in mercy. If he comes in the morning, seventy thousand angels pray for him until evening, and if he comes in the evening, seventy thousand angels pray for him until morning. (At-4irmidhi! I#n Ma=ah! Ahmad)


/6. Invocations o2 the terminally ill:

Allaahum1maghfir lee warhamnee wa !alhi'nee bir1rafee'il1!a!laa. 0 Allah! forgive me and have mercy upon me and <oin me with the highest companions 5in "aradise6. (Al-5ukhari-;(%! Muslim $;(*, ) As 4asulallah was dying, he dipped his hands in water and wiped his face saying$

"aa !ilaaha !illallaahu !inna lilmawti lasakaraatin. There is none worthy of worship ut Allah! surely death has agonies. (Al-5ukhari)

/?. Invocation 2or 3hen tragedy strikes:

!Innaa lillaahi wa !innaa !ilayhi raa&i!oon, Allaahumma!1&urni fee museebatee wa !akhliflee khayran minhaa. 'e are from Allah and unto *im we return. 0 Allah take me out of my plight and ring to me after it something etter. (Muslim ';+ ')

9unnah?s pertaining to eating

4asulallah never ate to his fill. 3e only ate if he was hungry. 3e emphasised that one third of the stomach should be for food and another for water and the other for the stomach itself. (4irmidhi D I#n Ma=ah) /. To spread cloth on the floor to lay food on (5ukhari) 0. To wash hands and gargle before eating (4irmidhi)


2. To make intention that, LI am eating to gain strength for Allah7s Ibadah;%orship<M. (Attarghee#) 5. To say 9ismillah loud (5ukhari! Muslim- 9hami! <ol&5) )ote: This is so as to remind others who are also eating to say it as well. 6. To eat with the right hand (5ukhari! Muslim) ?. %hen taking food and when giving to someone then the right hand should be used. (I#n Ma=ah) @. The one who is most pious or senior from those eating should be made to commence eating first. (Muslim- <ol&' pg& (-() A. To eat together and not individually (A#u 6a3ud) B. The more people eating together then the greater the blessings and reward. (Mishkaat) /C. If only one type of food is in the utensil, eat from the side in front of you. (5ukhari! Muslim) //. If two or more people are eating together from the same plate then each person should eat that food which is closest to them, it is incorrect to eat that food which is in the middle or in front of others. (4irmidhi) /0. If a variety of dishes are served then it is permissible to partake in any of the dishes one wishes to have and leave alone that which he does not want to partake in without passing any remarks. (4irmidhi) /2. If a morsel falls, pick it up, clean it and eat it. (Muslim) /5. Any fallen crumbs or pieces of food should be picked up and eaten and not left for #haythaan. (I#n Ma=ah) /6. Qo not lean and eat as 4asulallah A#u 6a3ood) never leaned on anything whilst eating. (5ukhari!

/?. Qo not find fault with the food. (5ukhari! Muslim) /@. If a big chunk of meat is served then it is permissible to cut it with a knife (5ukhari! Muslim) /A. %hilst eating if a visitor comes then he should be re'uested to partake in the meals (Muslim) /B. #mall pieces of meat should not be cut with a knife but with the teeth as this aid with digestion (4irmidhi) 0C. #teaming food which is too hot should not be eaten until it has cooled down (Ahmad) 0/. Qo not blow onto food (4irmidhi) 00. To have vinegar and honey in the house is #unnah (4irmidhi)


02. Always be satisfied and content with whatever 'uantity or 'uality of food Allah has given us as it is a bounty from Allah (Malik) 05. 4emove the shoes while eating. (Mishkaat) 06. %hen eating, sit either with both knees raised and the posterior on the ground or by raising one knee and keeping the other on the ground. A third posture is to sit with both knees on the ground ;as in the position of a7dah< and lean forward to eat. (MirBaatcommentary o2 Mishkaat) 0?. If one can easily eat with three fingers then he should do so and not unnecessarily use the fourth, so the e,tra fingers should be used only if needed (Attarghee#) 0@. 4o recite the 2ollo3ing dua #e2ore eating:

RU Ty `o `Y ` zn `{ `d ` RU V TW XY T
9ismilllaahi wa Ialaa barakathillah In the name of Allah and with the lessings of Allah3. (A#u 6a3ud) 0A. If one forgets to read 9ismillah before eating then once they remember then they should recite$

TW V XY Tr co ` T Ud ` l ck `d SU ` RU
9ismillaahi awwalahu wa aakhirahu In the name of Allah at the eginning and until the end of it (4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud) 0B. >lean the plate and other eating utensils thoroughly after eating. The utensils will then make dua for one7s forgiveness. (I#n Ma=ah) 2C. %hen eating together one should stay and accompany the slower eaters but if this is not possible then one can e,cuse one self after finishing eating. (I#n Ma=ah) 2/. If several people are eating dates and grapes or something similar then they should not take in two7s e,cept for the permission of their companions. (5ukhari) 20. To remove worms from dates, fruits etc before eating it. (A#u 6a3ud) 22. If a servant has cooked the food then he should be re'uested to eat with the group or at least separately. (I#n Ma=ah) 25. To lick the fingers after eating. (Muslim) 26. The middle finger should be licked first followed by the inde, and finally the thumb, the little finger and ring fingers should be licked. (4a#arani) 2?. Recite the 2ollo3ing dua a2ter eating:


Alhamdulilahiladhi ath Iamanaa wasa'aana wa&a7lanaa minal muslimeen. All praise is due to Allah who has granted us food and drink and has made us Muslims. (4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ood! I#n Ma=ah) 2@. (irst remove the cloth, and then get up. (I#n Ma=ah) 2A. Recite this dua 3hile picking up the cloth:

Alhamdulilahi hamdan kasiran touebam mubarakan feehi gaira makfieoun wala muwadeoun wala musthagnian anho rabbana All praise is due to Allah! such praise which is pure! full of lessings. 0 our Sustainer! we are not clearing away this food due to regarding it as sufficient 5that we do not reEuire anything more from you6! nor in the manner of a andoning it! nor do we regard ourselves as not eing in need of it. (5ukhari) 2B. %ash both hands. (4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ood) 5C. Hargle the mouth. (5ukhari) 5/. The habit of gargling water together with washing hands after meals is a source of great blessings. (I#n Ma=ah) 50. Invocation for someone who gives you a drink or offers it to you$

Allaahumma !at!im man !at!amanee was'i man sa'aanee. 0 Allah feed the one who has fed me and drink to the one who has given me drink. (Muslim ;('+)


52. %hen dining at someone7s house then the following dua should be made for them$

Allaahumma baarik lahum feemaa ra*a'thahum waghfirlahum war hamhum 0h Allah less them in what #ou have given them to eat and forgive them and e merciful to them. (Muslim) 55. It is #unnah to partake of some vinegar. That house in which vinegar is found will not be regarded as empty of gravy. (I#n Ma=ah) 56. If a person uses only wheat ;to make his bread<, he should also add a little barley so as to get the #awaab ;reward< of acting on a #unnah. (5ukhari -:-(:5, ) 5?. To eat meat is #unnah. It is reported in a 3adith that the most superior food of this world and the hereafter is meat. (0aamia 9ageer - <ol&'! pg& $) 5@. To accept the invitation of one7s fellow Muslim is a #unnah. (A#u 6a3ood) )ote: 3owever if ;the ma&or portion of< his income is from interest, bribery or any other haraam source, then his invitation should not be accepted. 5A. It is #unnah to give food to the family of the deceased. (I#n Ma=ah) 5B. +n receiving ;gifts< a fruit of the season for the first time 4asulallah then both lips and read$ touched his eyes

Allahumma kamaa araythanaa awwalahu fa arinaa aakhiraa 0h Allah <ust as you have shown us it-s first! show us its last. Thereafter 4asulallah used to give it to any children who were close by. (Gaadul Maad)

6C. )ever eat 3ith le2t hand: Hadhrat 0a#ir )arrated the /rophet #haytaan eats with his left hand,M (Muslim) 6/. )ever 3aste 2ood: said: 7Qo not eat with your left hand for


3adhrat Pabir

=arrated the Prophet

commanded us never to waste food, because

food that we waste is eaten by #haytaan. He said: LThe #haytaan is present with everyone of you in everything he does; he is even present when he eats food, so if any on of you drops a mouthful, he should remove away anything filthy on it and eat it and not leave it for the devil; and when he finished, he should lick his fingers for he does not know in what portion of his food the blessing ties.M (Muslim) 60. )ever over2ill your stomach: I#n >mar )arrated Rasulallah said$ LA 9eliever eats in one intestine, whereas a non1believer eats in seven intestines!8 (Muslim) )ote: Therefore it is not for us to eat untill we are completely satiated; rather we should eat so much that the hunger goes but there is still room for more and to breathe properly. 62. 4hank Allah a#undantly 2or providing us 3ith 2ood: %e have an e,cellent opportunity to transform an everyday practice of eating and drinking into an act of worship and a source of blessing for us. Every mouthful of food we take will serve as a reminder of Allah7s great favour upon us and 3is Mercy and this in turn will cause us to earn favour with Allah, for the Prophet said$

Annas narrated that Rasulallah said: LIndeed Allah is pleased with 3is servant who, when he eats a morsel, praises 3im for it, or drinks a sip and then praises 3im for it.M ;Muslim)

9unnah?s o2 drink

/. To recite Bismillah1 LIn the name of AllahM1 before drinking and Alhamdulillah1 All praise be to AllahM1 after drinking (5ukhari! 4irmidhi)


T j S R cg Xi `k XU

0. Qrink with the right hand as #haythaan drinks with the left hand. (Muslim) 2. #it and drink as it is forbidden to drink whilst standing (Muslim) 5. To stand and drink [am*am water and water left over after making %udhu (4irmidhi) )ote: It is far better to sit whilst drinking water but [am*am should be drunk standing. 6. Qrink in three breathes ;#ips< and after each sip take away utensil from mouth. (Muslim! 4irmidhi) ?. Avoid drinking from the side of the utensil which is chipped (A#u 6a3ud)


@. Qo not drink directly from the chipped, the spout of a &ug or from any such utensil from which the water gushes out very 'uickly ;causing one to choke< or from such a utensil in which there is a possibility that a snake or scorpion etc. may have crept in. (5ukhari! Muslim) A. The person who serves others should himself take last. (4irmidhi) B. After drinking from the utensil if the water is to be passed then let it be passed from the right who will pass it to his right and the procedure will continue till the end (5ukhari! Muslim) )ote: The same se'uence can be applied when passing around Tea or anything else (%& 4he 2ollo3ing dua to #e recited a2ter drinking Milk:

c l X T ` X Td ` l T f T `k ` X T Y `V S cn SkU
Allaahummah baarik lanaa feehi wa*id lanaa minhu 0h Allah grant us a undance in it 5The Milk6 and increase it for us* (4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud)

A2ter drinking 3ater the 2ollo3ing should #e recited:

Alhamdu lillaahiladhee sa'aana Iadhban foraathan birahmathihee walam ya&7alhoo milhan u&aa&an bidhunu binaa All praise is due to Allah who gave us fresh! sweet water to drink through his mercy and did not make it salty or itter due to our sins. (Roohul Ma?ani! pg&($,! '-th chapter)

//. To use water that has been kept overnight providing that it had been covered. (5ukhari) /0. 4asulallah had a wooden cup which had on its e,terior a metal and he used to drink also had a glass cup. ()ashrut ti#)

li'uids from this. In another narration 4asulallah

/2. =ot to drink from a big container for e.g. water &ug, bottle etc but rather from a tumbler or cup. /5. 4asulallah has forbidden the use of gold and silver utensils (5ukhari)


/raying Guhr 9alah

/. Men should pray their Qhuhr #alah at the Mas&id unless he has a valid e,cuse. 0. +nce %udhu is made in the #unnah way then one should offer 0 4ak7ahs =afil #alah with complete humility, devotion and sincerity and inshallah the minor sins of the worshipper should be forgiven (4irmidhi) )ote: As mentioned earlier with regard to (a&r #alah then care should be taken to follow all of the #unnah of %udhu, leaving the house and proceeding to the Mas&id, Entering the Mas&id and sitting in it, straightening the rows whilst reading #alah with Pamaat. & <irtues o2 the .our Rak?ahs 9unnah o2 Guhr 4he /rophet is reported to have said: %hoever performs the four rakaats before and after the [uhr salaat with constancy, Allah Ta!ala makes the fire of 3ell haraam ;forbidden< for him. MMishkaat! p& (%$J 4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud! )asai! I#n Ma=ahN 4he /rophet is reported to have said: after the worshipper prays the four rakaats of [uhr salaat, the doors of heaven are opened, i.e. the salaat becomes accepted by Allah, and the cause of its acceptance comes down on the worshipper as rays of mercy. MMishkaat! p& (%$N 5. If one arrives for Pamaat ;congregation< late when the Pamaat has already risen then one should not run but walk briskly to &oin with the Pamaat. (4irmidhi) 6. Those who are more learned in the laws pertaining to #alah should stand behind the Imaam. (4irmidhi) ?. It has been narrated that 4asulallah read #alah on a carpet, chatai ;Thin may made of straws and or the sand of the earth. (4irmidhi) @. #alah read on the sand or earth is better than read on a straw mat. #alah read on straw mat is better than read on a Mussallah ;Material< or carpet& (9harhi- )iBayah)

4aking a 9hort nap (Payloolah)

/. If one is not occupied then one can fulfil a very beneficial sunnah which is to take a short nap before or after [uhr which should not be more than 2C minutes. '& 4his is the sunnah: to take a nap before or after [uhr time; a sunnah which our righteous .lama take very seriously, as it is one of the tested means that assist in getting up for night vigil ;taha&&ud< prayer. & It is stated in al-.ata3a al-Hindiyya (also kno3n as Alamgiriyya)! LIt is recommended to take the noon nap ; ayloolah<, because the Prophet said, LTake the noon nap, for the


#haytaan does not nap.M (4a#arani (A3sat)) 4his 3as mentioned in al-:hiyathiyya&8 M5& -'N

Asr 9alah
<irtues o2 the $ Rak?ahs 9unnah o2 Asr

/. Messenger said: JMay Allah have Mercy on the one who offers four ;rak!ahs< before !Asr prayer.J (A#u 6a3ud) 0. If a person performs four 4akaats before Asr #alaat, he will receive a house in Pannah. (Ma=mau"-Ga3aaid vol&' pg&''')& 2. 4asulallah has made a special Qu!aa for the mercy of Allah to be showered on such a person. (9unan 4irmidhi Hadith $ %) )ote: #pecial care should be taken to straighten rows when praying with Pamaat. $& After Asr #alah the following dua should be recited$

Athaghfirullah1alla*ee laa ilaha ilalla huwal hayyul 'ayuumu wa athubu ilaih I seek forgiveness from Allah esides whom there is non worthy of worship! the living! the sustainer and unto him do I repent. This will cause ones sins to be forgiven even if they are e'ual to the oceans (5ukhari! A#u 6a3ud) )ote: As with (a&r salaat it is very rewarding to engage oneself in the remembrance of Allah and worship even if it7s for a little while. 6. #aying Su hanallah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu Ak ar, 22 times each and completing /CC by reciting %a ila illallah ;or similar forms of dhikr< known as Tas ihat or &hikr is also recommended after every ;ard salah. (.a!! al/Muhtar (&$--) ?. +ne should make a habit of remaining in the Mas&id after Asr #alah until Maghrib engaging oneself in Qhikrullah ;4emembrance of Allah< and the recitation of the ur7an. The result of remaining at the Mas&id until Maghrib is reward of freeing four slaves from the progeny of Ismail ;As<. (Attarghee#)


)ote: %hen the sun sets then children should =+T be allowed to play out and should be brought in immediately as this is the time #haythaan emerges and moves around. After sun has set then it is ok to let your children out again if one so wishes.

Maghri# 9alah
/. After the Adhaan for Maghrib and before (ard of Maghrib no #unnah #alah should be read. Ene should ho3ever recite the 2ollo3ing:

Z [ k Y F I p !} ! $ ` ( x ! # p K ( Y " H ~ ! A * K % ) f K ! "
Allaahummah haadha i'baalu laylaka %a id baaru nahaarik wa aswaathu dhu Iaathika faghfirlee. 0h Allah this is the hour of the advent of #our night and the retreat of #our &ay and the cry of your petitioners. So grant me forgiveness.3 (Mishkaat) 0. Quring sunset children should be brought it as #haythaan is out at that time. After Maghrib when darkness has set in then it is safe for them to go out inshallah. 2. 4eading the 0 #unnah7s of Maghrib is #unnah (4irmidhi) 5. A2ter the Maghri# /rayer: Muslim Taimi narrates from Prophet Mohammad recite the following seven times before speaking to anyone$ to

! "
Allaahumma A&irnee minannaar =0 Allah! save me from the fire 5:ahannam6.= If a person recites the above dua and dies the same night, he will be saved from Pahannam and if he recites it seven times after (a&r #alaat before speaking to anyone and if he dies on that same day, he will be saved from Pahannam. (Mishkaat 2rom A#u 6a3ood)

5& 9alaatul A33a#een ()a2l prayers o2 Maghri#) After the 2 (ard and 0 #unnah of Maghrib, performance of the minimum of ? to a ma,imum of 0C rakaats is called #alaatul Awwabeen. Awwabeen is the si, 4akaats of #alaat after the Maghrib #alaat. It is established from the 3adith$


Rasulallah mentioned! J%hoever performs ? 4akaats after Maghrib #alaat will earn the reward of /0 years of =afl Ibadah.J (4irmidhi) )ote: The #unnah7s of what to recite after the completion of #alah should be read after each and every #alaah. These #unnat7s should be conveyed to as many people as possible so that they may benefit everyone inshallah.

9unnat?s regarding entering the house

/. To recite any Qhikr whilst entering ones home. (Muslim) 0. Anter the home 3ith the right 2oot and Recite the 2ollo3ing:

Allhumma inni as7aluka khayral mawli&i wa khayral makhra&i, bismillh wala&n wa bismillhi khara&n wa1alallahi rabbin tawakkaln. 0 Allah! I eg of you the lessing of entering and leaving 'ith AllahGs name do we enter and with Allah-s name do we leave! and upon Allah! our %ord! do we rely. (A#u 6a3ud) Also recite:

& 9 "9 /; # 3. J I /; 3 9 3 % 5 9 $' :".

9ismillaahi wala&naa, wa bismillaahi khara&naa, wa !alaa4abblnaa tawakkalnaa In the /ame of Allah we enter! in the /ame of Allah we leave! and upon our %ord we depend (then say Asalaamu @Alaikum to those present). (A#u 6a3ud $; '5) 2. To greet those present at home with the Islamic greeting whether it be parents, wife, children etc (A#u 6a3ud) 5. To announce ones arrival at home by knocking or coughing etc ()isaa?i) )ote: 4eason being that incase one enters home or room where ones family member maybe sitting in an embarrassing position etc.


6. +ne should not sleep before praying Isha #alah (Mishkaat) This may cause one missing Isha #alah with Pamaat or even miss it altogether if one ends up sleeping throughout the night. )ote: +ne should spend this time in the evening teaching children Islamic taleem ;Teachings< even if it7s for a short while as this will bring peace and blessings into the house.

Isha 9alaat

)ote: It is far better to perform Isha in the first third portion of the night rather than the second or third portion. It is disliked to pray Isha #alaah after half the night is gone. /. It is #unnah to read the 5 rakaat #unnah before the (ard of Isha (Mishkaat) 0. To read 0 4akaat #unnah after the (ard of Isha (Mishkaat) 2. If a person performs four 4akaats ;two #unnats and two =afl< after Isha in the Mas&id, he will receive the reward of performing these #alaat on "aylatul adr. This has been mentioned by various #ahaaba ;4adhiyallahu Anhum< K (re2er to )as#ul-Raayah vol& ( pg& ((') 5. There are Hlad tidings of Pannah on the person who performs Isha #alaat with Pamaat on time and on the first takbir ;Takbir +ola< (Attarghee#) 6. The person who performs 5 rakaat of =afl instead of 0 rakaat =afl after performing 0 rakaat #unnah will receive the reward is if they worshipped on the night of "aylatul adr (Attarghee#) ?. +ne should try not to arrive too late and not too miss Takbir +ola which is the first takbir (Attarghee#) @. After the 0 rakaat =afl after the %itr in the first rakaat recite 9urah Gil"ilah and in the second rakaat recite 9urah @aa2irun& The recital of these two rakats will now stand in the place of taha&&ud salaat. (Attarghee#) A. It is disliked ;Mukruh< to speak of worldly affairs after Isha unnecessarily& (Mishkaat) B. There are glad tidings on a person who even though it is a dark and moonless light still goes out to perform Isha in the Mas&id (I#n Ma=ah) /C. In the 2irst Rakaat o2 1itr a2ter 9urah .atiha recite: #abbihissmirabbikal a7alaa (/ara %! 9urah )o *-)


And in the second Rakaat: #urah Oaafiroon In the third Rakaat: #urah Ikhlaas )ote: #ometimes this method should be changed so as to not let it be assumed that this is (ard to read it this way all of the time. //. A2ter the 4hree 1itr to recite: #ubhaanal Malikil udoos

,lory is to the Bing! the *oly. /0. Three times audibly but not so audibly so as to disturb others and to stretch the last word on the third one recites this. (Mishkaat) 4hen to recite: 4abbil1malaa!ikati warroohi. %ord of the angels and the Spirit. (An-)asa'i ;'$$)

13. Invocation 2or Punut in the 1itr prayer:

# a 0 " I ; 2 = b / =! > = 3T _ & %[ C = . + = %2 ; = 'J = 3 902 3T & _; / 7 = = > .c 6 Xd 0 ! &9 b d = e = b f _; = + 0C + `@ 3 6 b d 6 = = g =". C @ C + 7 7

Allaahumma !iyyaaka na!budu, wa laka nusallee wa nas&udu, wa !ilayka nas!aa wa nahfidu, nar&oo rahmataka, wa nakhshaa !athaabaka, !inna !athaabaka bilkaafireena mulha'. Allaahumma !innaa nasta!eenuka, wa nastaghfiruka, wa nuthnee !alaykal1khayr, wa laa nakfuruka, wa nu!minu bika, wa nakhdha!u laka, wa nakhla!u man yakfuruka. 0 Allah! #ou alone do we worship and to #ou we pray and ow down prostrate. To #ou we hasten to worship and to serve. 0ur hope is for #our mercy and we fear #our punishment. Surely! #our punishment of the dis elievers is at hand. 0 Allah! we seek #our help and #our forgiveness! and we praise #ou eneficently. 'e do not deny #ou and we elieve in #ou. 'e surrender to #ou and renounce whoever dis elieves in #ou. (Al-5aihaBi) /5. To perform every (ard #alah with Pamaat with ITakbeere +ola7. (Attarghee#)


/6. If one usually wakes up for Taha&&ud then one should pray the %itr #alah after the Taha&&ud #alah but if there is risk that one will not wake up then it is best to pray the %itr #alah before going to sleep as well as praying Taha&&ud #alah.

9unnah?s o2 6ua (9upplication)

/. To abstain from haraam ;forbidden< food, clothing and earnings. (Muslim! 4irmidhi) 0. To make Qua with sincerity. In other words, one should firmly believe that nobody but Allah Ta7ala will fulfil his ob&ectives. (Hakim) 2. +ne should perform a good deed prior to making the Qua - he should mention this during the course of the Qua. (or e.g he should say; L+ AllahG I had performed so - so deed solely for Four pleasure. + AllahG Accept my Qua due to the barkah ;blessings< of that deed.M (Muslim! 4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud)& 5. To make Qua whilst one is Paak - clean. (4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud! I#n Ma=ah! )asai! I#n Hi##aan! Mustadrak)& 6. To make %udhu before the Qua (All siU ma=or hadith collections) ?. To face the iblah (All siU ma=or hadith collections)

@. To sit as in the Tashahhud position (A#u A3anah) A. To praise Allah Ta7ala at the beginning as well as at the end of Qua (All siU ma=or hadith collections) B. To convey Qurood upon 4asulallah Musnad-Ahmad) at the beginning as well as the end. (A#u 6a3ud!

/C. To spread out both the hands. (4irmidhi! Mustadrak) //. To raise both the hands up to the shoulders (A#u 6a3ud! Musnad-Ahmad) )ote: The hands should be raised to the shoulders in front forming a bowl shape with a slight gap between the palms\hands /0. To sit with humility and respect. (Muslim! A#u 6a3ud! 4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ud) /2. To mention ones helplessness and dependence. (4irmidhi) /5. To abstain from raising the eyes towards the sky whilst making Qua (Muslim) /6. To mention the Asmaal13usnaa ;the names of Allah Ta7ala< and the sublime 'ualities +f Allah Ta7ala. (I#n Hi##aan and Mustadrak)


/?. To abstain from ceremonies rhyming of the Qua phrases (5ukhari) /@. To abstain from saying the Qua in a Tsing-songT tone if the Qua is in a poetic form (Hisnul Hasin) /A. To make the Qua in a soft voice (All siU ma=or hadith collections on the authority i2 A#u Musa) /B. To utter the Qua phrases transcribed from 4asulallah because 4asulallah didn7t leave out a single need of the Qeen nor of the dunya whilst teaching us how to make Qua (A#u 6a3ud! )asai) 0C. To make a Qua that encompasses most of the needs of Qeen and the dunya. (A#u 6a3ud) 0/. To make Qua in favour of oneself first, thereafter ones parents and to include the other Muslims in the Qua as well (Muslim) 00. If the Imam is making Qua, he should not make Qua for himself only but he should include all the congregants in the Qua (A#u 6a3ud! 4irmidhi! and I#n Ma=ah) 02. Abu Qawud narrates that 4asulallah #aid$ Lthe Imam, who makes Qua for himself only, has betrayed the people.J In other words, the Imam should not make a Qua that is restricted to him alone. (or e.g 3e should not say, J+ AllahG >ure my son.J or J+ AllahG 4eturn my lost item.J etc. but he should make a Qua that includes the entire congregation for e.g. 3e may say J+ AllahG (orgive us and have mercy upon us.J 05. To make Qua with firm conviction ;for e.g. he should not say$ J+ AllahG If you wish fulfil so and so task of mine.J (All siU ma=or hadith collections) 06. To make Qua with enthusiasm - yearning. (I#n Hi##an D A#u A3anah)& 0?. As far as possible endeavour to bring about a Jpresence of heart and mindJ and cherish a high hope of the Qua being accepted. (Hakim) 0@. To make Qua repeatedly. (5ukhari! Muslim) 0A. This repetition should be at least thrice (A#u 6a3ud) )ote: +ne may repeat the Qua thrice in none sitting or he may repeat it on three different occasions. The Jrepetition of the QuaJ can be interpreted in both ways. 0B. To make Qua earnestly and insistently. ()asai! Hakim! A#u A3anah) 2C. To abstain from making Qua of severing family ties or other sins. (Muslim! 4irmidhi) 2/. Avoid making Qua7s of pre1determined and fi,ed things ;for e.g. woman should not make a dua of being transformed into a man or a tall person shouldn!t make Qua saying J+ AllahG Make me short.J etc< ()asai)& )ote: The dua should be made only for permissible things.


20. Qon!t Make Qua for impossible things. (5ukhari) 22. Qon!t make a Qua in which you ask Allah Ta7ala to confine 3is mercy to yourself +nly (5ukhari! A#u 6a3ud! )asai! and I#n Ma=ah) 25. Ask only Allah Ta7ala alone for all your needs. Qo not depend upon 3is creations. (4irmidhi;I#n Hi##aan) 26. The one making the Qua as well as the person listening to it, both should say Ameen at the end. (5ukhari! Muslim! A#u 6a3ud! )asai) 2?. 4ub both hands over the face at the termination of the Qua (A#u 6a3ud! 4irmidhi! I#n Hi##aan! Ma=ah! and Hakim) 2@. Qon!t be impatient over the acceptance of Qua7s. In other words, don!t say$ JI!ve made Qua repeatedly but to no avail.J (5ukhari! Muslim! A#u 6a3ud! )asai! I#n Ma=ah) 2A. Try to cry whilst making dua to Allah as he attends to his servants 'uicker when they are crying with meekness and humility &ust as a mother tends to her baby 'uickly when it cries out for its mother. If one cannot cry then one must at least try and simulate the act of crying. )ote: The dua should be concluded with Qurood and Ameen. 5B. %hen dua7s are answered 4asulallah by saying$1 has taught us to be thankful and appreciative

Alhamdulillaahilladhee be Ii**athihee wa &alaa lihee tha thimmuswaaleehaath LPraise be to Allah that good works have been accomplished by his Power and Hlory.M (Hakim)

AtiBuette o2 reciting the Pur?an

/. (irstly to ensure that ones body and clothes are clean. 0. To make %udhu before reciting the ur7an ur7an

2. To make sure that the surroundings and the area where one is going to recite the is clean. 5. To use Miswaak before reciting the 6. To sit facing the ?. To place the iblah. ur7an

ur7an in a slightly elevated position.

@. =ot to feel the urge and need to hasten or finish recitation 'uickly.


A. To be emotional and weep when reading certain verses like verses of fear and Pahannam and to e,press happiness and &ot when reading the verses of Pannah and glad tidings. B. +ne has to imagine, according to Imam Al-)a3a3i, that he is talking with Allah, since one recites 3is 4eal %ords, and 3e sees us. /C. To read with Ta&weed ;correct pronunciation<.

//. To read

7A7oo*u 9illaahi minashaythanira&eem8 and

79ismillahM at the beginning of recitation of each #urah. /0. To read with a sweet distinct and pleasing voice and not a LsingingM tone. /2. To read in a loud voice but if one fears insincerity or risk of #howing off or disturbing others then one should read in a low tone especially as not to disturb those who are praying #alah /5. To refrain from idle talk whilst reading the ur7an. 3owever if one is compelled to talk or answer #alaam then one can do so and start again with LA7oo*u 9illahiM and L9ismillahM. /6. 4asulallah did not finish the whole ur7an in less than 2 days. (I#n 9aad) ur!an.

/?. +ne should not use saliva on the fingers to turn the pages of the

/@. %hen one fears that a ur!an may burn, get soaked, that a non1Muslim may touch it, or that it may come into contact with some filth, then one must pick it up if there is no safe place for it, even if one is not in the state of 'udhu or is in need of the obligatory bath, though performing the dry ablution ;Tayummum< is 'aa<i if possible. /A. It is haraam (2or#idden) to use the ur!an or any book of Islamic knowledge as a pillow.

(9>))A49! Mu2ti A& M& H& 9ale=ee pg $,)

Imam Muhammad I#n Ahmad Purtu#i says in al/1ami' li ah2am al/3ur'an

M4aken 2rom Reliance o2 the 4ravellerN It is the inviola#ility o2 the Pur'an$ /. =ot to touch the ur!an e,cept in the state of ritual purity in %udhu, and to recite it when in a state of ritual purity;


0. To brush one!s teeth with a tooth stick ;Siwak<, remove food particles from between the them, and to freshen one!s mouth before reciting, since it is the way through which the ur!an passes; 2. To sit up straight if not in prayer, and not lean back; 5. To dress for reciting as if intending to visit a prince, for the reciter is engaged in an intimate discourse; 6. To face the direction of prayer ;Hi lah< to recite; ?. To rinse the mouth out with water if one coughs up mucus or phlegm; @. To stop reciting when one yawns, for when reciting, one is addressing one!s "ord in intimate conversation, while yawning is from the Qevil; A. %hen beginning to recite, to take refuge from in Allah from the accursed Qevil and say the LBismillah3, whether one has begun at the first Surah or some other part one has reached; B. +nce one has begun, not to interrupt one!s recital from moment to moment with human words, unless absolutely necessary; /C. To be alone when reciting it, so that no one interrupts one, forcing one to mi, the words of the uran with replying, for this nullifies the effectiveness of having taken refuge in Allah from the Qevil at the beginning; //. To recite it leisurely and without haste, distinctly pronouncing each letter; /0. To use one!s mind and understanding in order to comprehend what is being said to one; /2. to pause at verses that promise Allah!s favour, to long for Allah Most 3igh and ask of 3is bounty; and at verses that warn of 3is punishment to ask 3im to save one from it; /5. To pause at the accounts of bygone peoples and individuals to heed and benefit from their e,ample; /6. To find out the meanings of the ur!an!s unusual le,ical usages;

/?. To give each letter it7s due so as to clearly and fully pronounce every word, for each letter counts as ten good deeds; /@. %henever one finishes reciting, to attest to the veracity of one7s "ord, and that 3is messenger ;Allah bless him and grant him peace< has delivered his message, and to testify to this, saying$ J4ur 5or!+ 6ou ha)e spo2en the truth+ 6our Messengers ha)e !eli)ere! their ti!ings+ an! bear #itness to this* 4 Allah+ ma2e us of those #ho bear #itness to the truth an! #ho act #ith justiceJ$ after which one supplicates Allah with prayers. /A. =ot to select certain verses from each Surah to recite, but rather the recite the whole SurahJ


/B. If one puts down the

uran, not to leave it open;

0C. =ot to place other books upon the uran, this should always be higher than all other books, whether they are books of #acred Onowledge or something else; 0/. To place the the floor; uran on one!s lap when reading; or on something in front of one, not on

00. =ot to wipe it from a slate with spittle, but rather wash it off with water; and if one washes it off with water, to avoid putting the water where there are unclean substances ;/a<aasat< or where people walk. #uch water has its own inviolability, and there were those of the early Muslims before us who used water that washed away uran to affect cures. 02. =ot to use sheets upon which it has been written as book covers, which is e,tremely rude, but rather to erase the uran from them with water; 05. =ot to let a day go by without looking at least once at the pages of the uran;

06. To give one!s eyes their share of looking at it, for the eyes lead to the soul ;/afs<, whereas there is a veil between the breast and the soul, and the uran is in the breast. 0?. =ot to trivially 'uote the uran at the occurrence of everyday events, as by saying, for e,ample, when someone comes, JFou have come hither according to a decree! E MosesJ MPur?an +,:'$N! +r,MAat and drink heartily 2or 3hat you have done a2oretimes! in days gone #yJ MPur'an +,:'$N! when food is brought out, and so forth; 0@. =ot to recite it to songs tunes like those of the corrupt, or with the tremulous tones of >hristians or the plaintiveness of monkery, all of which is misguidance; 0A. %hen writing the ur!an to do so in a clear, elegant hand;

0B. =ot to recite it out aloud over another!s reciting of it, so as to spoil it for him or make him resent what he hears, making it as if it were some kind of competition; 2C. =ot to recite it in marketplaces, places of clamour and frivolity, or where fools gather; 2/. =ot to use the ur!an as pillow, or lean upon it;

20. =ot to toss it when one wants to hand it to another; 22. =ot to miniaturi*e the ur!an, mi, into it what is not of it, or mingle this worldly adornment with it by embellishing or writing it with gold; 25. =ot to write it on the ground or on walls, as is done in some new mos'ues; 26. not to write an amulet with it and enter the lavatory, unless it is encased in leather, silver, or other, for then it is as if kept in the heart;


2?. if one writes it and then drinks it ;for cure or other purpose<, one should say the Bismillah at every breath and make a noble and worthy intention, for Allah only gives to one according to one!s intention; 2@. And if one finishes reciting the entire something that has been abandoned. ur!an, to begin it anew, that it may not resemble

AtiBuettes and Rules o2 4ilaa3at:

/. To memori*e one Ayah of the uran is (ard1e1Aeen on every Mukallaf Muslim; to memori*e the entire 3oly uran is (ard1e1Oafyah; to memori*e #urah (atiha and a small #urah or something similar like three small Ayahs or one long Ayah is %a&ib1e1Aeen. (6ar al Mukhtar)

0. To read the 3oly uran while looking at it is better then reading without looking at it because in this case one touches the 3oly uran, sees the 3oly uran, and reads the 3oly uran and all this is Ibadah. (5ahar-e-9hariat)

2. To read the 3oly 0ai")

uran in the restroom and such places of impurity is not allowed ()a-

5. If somebody is reciting the uran incorrectly then it is %a&ib to tell him\her unless if one fears &ealousy and hate. (:unyah) 6. To memori*e the 3oly uran and then to forget it is a sin.

?. It is from the eti'uettes of respecting the 3oly uran that one does not put their back towards the uran or spread their legs towards the uran or sit in a high place when the uran is beneath. (5ahar Qe- 9hari?at) @. Quring recitation reflect on what you are reading. (or e,ample, when reading about punishment, one should repent; when reading about paradise; one should re&oice and pray for Pannah. A. 4he 3ay to do 9a=dah o2 4ilaa3at is as 2ollo3s: If one hears or reads the Ayah of #a&dah then he should stand with the intention of performing the #a&dah of Tilaawat and say 7Allaahu Ak#ar8 and then should go straight into #a&dah and recite the Tasbih of #a&dah at least three times. Then one should say 7Allaahu Ak#ar8 and then stand up. To say Allaahu Akbar both times is #unnah. #imilarly, to stand before and after the #a&dah is Musthahab ;preferable<. (6ar al Mukhtar) Reciting Pur?an 3hilst in Piyaam (9tanding in prayer)


A#d-Allah I#n CAmr I#n al-CAas narrated that the /rophet said: %hoever recites ten Aayah ;verses< in 'iyaam will not be recorded as one of the forgetful. %hoever recites a hundred Aayah ;verses< in 'iyaam will be recorded as one of the devout, and whoever prays a thousand Aayah ;verses< in 'iyaam will be recorded as one of the mu'antareen ;those who pile up good deeds<.M (Reported #y A#u 6a3ood and I#n Hi##aan& It is a hasan report& 9ahih al-Attarghee#! + 5)&

9unnah?s o2 the )ight

/. If after Isha one does not have anything important to do like any 4eligious or any other commitments then one should go early to bed and avoid useless talk and gatherings. Hoing to bed early assists one in waking up early for worship as well as waking up fresher for the new day in order to work or to carry out daily tasks.

0. Recite$ 9ismillah ;In the name of Allah< before closing the doors of the house, before covering utensils with food in them, switch off or turn off fires, light etc (5ukhari) If one cannot find anything with which to cover the utensil then one should place a stick across the top of the utensil. (Muslim-<ol&'! pg&(-%)

, B #

2. To discuss with family members matters pertaining to Islam like stories of the #ahaba7s or reminders that will help increase Imaan ;faith<. +r to simply talk about matters that please them without getting into useless talk. (4irmidhi) 5. >hildren who are aged nine or ten years of age should be separated from females in one room and males in another. (Mishkaat) 6. Apply #urma ;Oohl< in each eye three times (Mishkaat)

?. To lay or spread the bed oneself (Muslim) @. 9efore climbing into bed, dust the bed thrice with the corner of your clothes. (5ukhari! Muslim! A#u 6a3ood! 4irmidhi! I#n Ma=ah)

A. 4ecite C5ismillah? when removing clothing as it is a cover and protection from Pinn and #haythaan. B. To make Miswaak before retiring to bed even if one has already made it for Isha salaat. (@ita#ut 4ahaarah and 9unnats)


/C. To use a pillow to rest ones head on (Muslim) //. 4asulallah /. 0. 2. 5. 6. ?. @. rested at sometime or another on the following$ A mat made from palm leaves. A chatai ;straw mat< A mat made from cloth +n the ground +n a wooden bed +n a bed +n skin and hide (Gaadul Ma?ad! )ashrut 4i#)

)ote: To sleep on any of the above with the intention of #unnah shall merit reward inshallah. /A. To sleep in a state of %udhu, (Attarghee#! A#u 6a3ood) /B. It is prohibited to sleep on ones stomach as #haythaan sleeps on his stomach (4irmidhi<ol&'! pg&(%5! A#u 6a3ood-<ol&'! pg& () 0C. It is also prohibited to sleep on the back with the one leg on top of the other (Muslim) )ote: If there is no fear of e,posing ones private parts then it is permissible to sleep in this manner but one should be very careful. 0/. To sleep on the right side, facing towards the 6a3ood-<ol&'! pg& ') iblah (9hamaa?ile 4irmidhi! A#u

00. To sleep on the right facing the ibla with the right hand underneath the head like a pillow and with the knees slightly bent ;"ike in the recovery position<. (5ukhari) 02. #urah %aa'i7a should be read before sleeping as it saves one from hunger and poverty (Attarghee#) 05. 4ecite #urah Mulk before sleeping for protection from grave punishment$ 4he /rophet said! I#urah al Mulk is the protector from the torment of the grave I

(9ahihul 0amiea (;+*%! Hakim ';$,* D )asai) Pabir 6arami) said it was the custom of the Prophet not to go to sleep until he had read

4a#arakalladhi 5iyadihil Mulk and Alif "aam Meem Tan*eel. (Ahmad! 4irmidhi and


06. 1hen one goes to #ed then do the 2ollo3ing: I%hen retiring to his bed every night, the Prophet would hold his palms together, spit ;A form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spittle< in them, recite the last three chapters ;Al1Ikhlaas, Al1(ala', An1=aas< of the uran and then wipe over his entire body as much as possible with his hands, beginning with his head and face and then all parts of the body, he would do this 2 times.7 (4irmidhi) 0?. %hoever reads the following when he lies down to sleep will have a guardian from Allah remain with him and #atan will not be able to come near him until he rises in the morning$

8: S " T 5 ! 9 N R U (' '0 R W ! X 6 ? . 7 7 ' = ! X V Y ; N 7 03 7 / 2? = Z3 \ T / [ @+ *6 > 9& 0 / 3 5 7 6 & ! 'Q 3 >+ 7 [ Y V M'] ; R 0 . W $ @ / ". 2 ! 01 > 1+ R 2 ('
Allaahu laa !ilaaha !illaa 3uwal13ayyul1 ayyoom, laa ta!khuthuhu sinatun wa laa nawm, lahu maa fis1samaawaati wa maa fil1!ardh, man thal1lathee yashfa!u !indahu !illaa bi!ithnihi, ya!lamu maa bayna !aydeehim wa maa khalfahum, wa laa yuheetoona bishay!im1min !ilmihi !illaa bimaa shaa!a, wasi!a kursiyyuhus1samaawaati wal!ardha, wa laa ya!ooduhu hifdhuhumaa, wa 3uwal1 !Aliyyul1 !Adheem. Allah> There is no ,od ut *e! the .ver %iving! the 0ne 'ho sustains and protects all that e$ists. /either slum er nor sleep overtakes *im. To *im elongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. 'ho is he that can intercede with *im e$cept with *is "ermissionA *e knows what happens to them in this world! and what will happen to them in the *ereafter. And they will never encompass anything of *is Bnowledge e$cept that which *e wills. *is Throne e$tends over the heavens and the earth! and *e feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And *e is the Most *igh! the Most ,reat. (Al-5ukhari) 0@. 4he /rophet said: I%hoever reads this when he lies down to sleep will have a guardian from Allah remain with him and #atan will not be able to come near him until he rises in the morning$

* 3 ) " '9 7 g 3 . 6 7 0 ) h = # ' i 6 7 7 l $ j = . 3 6 i" # + _ $ _ d kO 7 * 603 9 ' . 6 7 2 ^* 9 2 0 9 = ; = , # d 3. L + B 0a +


> 9 3. 0 < & 2 _ $ 7 $ 7 ; > ; > < 8 Q5 * * 90;= = T5g 9 " = : 3. : & 9 3. 6 6 % 0 & _ $ 9 9 7 T L A 7 9 & ^ , & B S : 9 # + 9 3 9 * 9. N ' U % & = a = X = ' 7 < = "MAl-5aBarah: '*5-'*+N 6 Xd
!Aamanar14asoolu bimaa !un*ila mir14abbihi walmu!minoon, kullun !aamana billaahi wa malaa!ikatihi wa Outubihi wa 4usulihi, laa nufarri'u bayna !ahadim1mir14usulihi, wa 'aaloo sami!naa wa !ata!naa ghufraanaka 4abbanaa wa !ilaykal1maseer. "aa yukallifullaahu nafsan !illaa wus!ahaa, lahaa maa kasabat wa !alayhaa mak1tasabat, 4abbanaa laa tu!aakhithnaa !in naseenaa !aw !akhta!naa, 4abbanaa wa laa tahmil !alaynaa !isran kamaa hamaltahu !alal1 latheena min 'ablinaa, 4abbanaa wa laa tuhammilnaa maa laa taa'ata lanaa bihi, wa!fu !annaa, waghfir lanaa warhamnaa, !Anta Mawlaanaa fansurnaa !alal1'awmil1kaafireen. The Messenger elieves in what has een send down to him from his %ord! and so do the elievers. .ach one elieves in Allah! *is Angels! *is Books! and *is Messengers. They say: ='e make no distinction etween any of *is Messengers!= and they say: ='e hear! and we o ey. 5'e seek6 #our ;orgiveness! our %ord! and to #ou is the return.= Allah urdens not a person eyond what he can ear. *e gets reward for that 5good6 which he has earned! and he is punished for that 5evil6 which he has earned. 0ur %ord> "unish us not if we forget or fall into error. 0ur %ord> %ay not on us a urden like that which #ou did lay on those efore us. 0ur %ord> "ut not on us a urden greater than we have strength to ear. "ardon us and grant us forgiveness. *ave mercy on us. #ou are our "rotector! and help us against the dis elieving people. (Muslim (;55$) 0A. Also reciting the last ten verses in #urah 9a'arah at night is said to ward away #haythaan and calamities, illnesses, worries from ones home so ones whole family is protected that night. Those /C verses are$ The first four ayah7s of #urah 9a'arah; Ayat ul Oursi and the two verses following it and the last three verses of the #urah. 0B. IIf one of you rises from his bed and then returns to it he should dust it with the edge of his garment three times for he does not know what has occurred in his absence and when he lies down he should supplicate$

* 2 X . ZX < ! 3 #. 3 9J 2F 3 ! !; > = < + > . . 7 d; * _ * X + M ". 6 a 3 m & : X 3 > b 1+ 0

9ismika 4abbee wadha!tu &anbee, wa bika !arfa!uhu, fa!in !amsakta nafsee farhamhaa, wa !in !arsaltahaa fahfadhhaa, bimaa tahfadhu bihi !ibaadakas1saaliheen.


GIn #our name my %ord! I lie down and in #our name I rise! so if #ou should take my soul then have mercy upon it! and if #ou should return my soul then protect it in the manner #ou do so with #our righteous servants.- (Al-5ukhari ( (; ('+ and Muslim $;'%*$) 2C. 4he /rophet and supplicate: 3ould place his right hand under his cheek 3hen a#out to sleep

M 3T & !9 "b n 2 : N / & ' > ".

Allaahumma 'inee !athaabaka yawma tab!athu !ibaadaka. (4hree times)& G0 Allah! protect me from #our punishment on the day #our servants are resurrected.- (A#u 6a3ud $; (() 2/. Also read this dua:

* /> "0 '7 * Y 3 ".

9ismikal1lahumma amootu wa1ahya. GIn #our name 0 Allah! I live and die.- (Muslim $; '%* ) 20. Recite the 2ollo3ing Asthagh2aar three times:

Asthaghfirullah halladhee laa ilaaha ilallahuwal hayyul 'ayyumu wa athubu ilay I seek forgiveness from Allah esides whom there is none worthy of worship! the living! the sustainer of life and to *im i repent. (4irmidhi-<ol&'! pg&(--)

22. I#hall I not direct you both ;The Prophet was addressing Ali and (atimah1 May Allah be pleased with them< when they approached him for a servant< to something better than a servantZ 1hen you go to #ed say: #ubhaanallah. ;Thirty1three times< Alhamdulillah. ;Thirty1three times< Allaahu Akbar& ;Thirty1four times<


Nfor that is indeed better for you both than a servant.7 (5ukhari! Muslim! A#u 6a3ood! 4irmidhi)

Also read Oalimah Tayyaba afterwards$ 25. 9efore you go to bed perform %udu as you would for prayer, then lie down on your right side and recite$

* <F'X * /> "\ 7 0 !; + = < * 0 \ > K Y 8 I < >J 0 >! J G 8I 97 0 S 0 L (. L ,. I 97 7 S * \T # 0 9 3 3_ 0 " . < d 3 < . 97 i
Allahumma aslamtu nafsee ilayk, wafawwadtu amree ilayk, wawa&&ahtu wa&hee ilayk, wa1 al&a\tu thahree ilayk, raghbatan warahbatan ilayk, la mal&aa wala man&a minka illa ilayk, amantu bikitabikal1lathee an*alt, wabinabiyyikal1lathee arsalt. G0 Allah! I su mit my soul unto #ou! and I entrust my affair unto #ou! and I turn my face towards #ou! and I totally rely on #ou! in hope and fear of #ou. Ierily there is neither refuge nor safe haven from #ou e$cept with #ou. I elieve in #our Book which #ou have revealed and in #our "rophet whom #ou have sent.4he /rophet said: J%hoever says this and dies in his sleep has died in a state of the natural monotheism ;(itrah<.J (Al-5ukhari! Muslim $;'%*() .itrah: the religion of Islam, the way of Ibraheem. 26. To recite 9ismillah 0/ times is said to save ones home from theft and the evil effects of #haythaan and sudden death. (Amal al-Fo3m 1al Laylah! p %) 2?. 4ecite durood whilst falling asleep. (Amal al-Fo3m 1al Laylah! p %) 2@. Qhikr is a cleanser ;purifier< of the heart. (5aihaBi) 2A. The remembrance of Allah &ust when one is about to sleep shall be a means of that person achieving high stages in Pannah. (Attarghee#) N.1hen you go to #ed! glori2y Him and praise Him and magni2y Him one hundred times: that will be one hundred on the tongue and a thousand in the scales. %ho among you does 06CC sayi7aat ;bad deeds< in one dayZ7 4hey said: I3ow could we not count ;our sins<Z7 He said: IThe #haytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, 4emember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do ;this Qhikr<, or he comes to


him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep ;without doing this Qhikr<.7M (9unan al-4irmidhi! ') 2B. 4asulallah has stated that whosoever goes to bed in a state of purity ;i.e. %udhu< and such a person remembers Almighty Allah until he falls asleep then, whatever dua such a person makes ;whether pertaining to this world or the ne,t< while asleep and turning side to side, such dua7s shall certainly be granted to him by Almighty Allah. (Mishkaat)

5C. To keep the prayer mat near ones head or besides bed before sleeping ()isaa?i) 5/. Precaution should be taken that children do not notice marital relations between husband and wife (Mishkaat) 50. At the time o2 di22iculty 3hen sleeping: [aid bin Thaabit complained to advised him to

4asulallah of not being able to go to sleep at times and 4asulallah recite the following dua$

]_ ` h ` a X `q `d ` ` T `~ c c X `q ` af u `] ^_ ` e ` X `d ` c af c ck XU } T `j `b `d ` c a c kU } T ` ` V S cn SkU ] Tf X{ ` V X T `d ` ]n Tf Xk ` X j Tb X ` c af u ` h `
Allahummah ghaarithinnu&umu wa hadaathil uyoonu wa antha hayyun 'ayyumulla tha7 khudhu ka sinathuwalaa nawmun yaa hayyun yaa 'ayyoomu a7hde7 laylee wa anim Iaynee 0h Allah the stars have sunk in and the eyes have ecome tranEuil and Euite and #ou are alive and ever lasting neither does sleep overcome #ou. 0h the living and ever lasting one make my night my tranEuil and give my eyes sleep. (I#n 9unni! Hisnul Hasin) 52. I2 a2raid to go to sleep or 2eeling lonely or depressed then recite:

* " & 7 Y 7 _ Y d 3 ? '& ` 3U , 6 Y 0 h M * 6 [ & ( 6 7 # 0^ ". `

!A!oothu bikalimaatil1laahit1taammaati min ghadhabihi wa !i'aabihi, wa sharri !ibaadihi, wa min hama*aatish1shayaateeni wa !an yahdhuroon. I seek refuge in the "erfect 'ords of Allah from *is anger and *is punishment! from the evil of *is slaves and from the taunts of devils and from their presence. ;A#u 6a3ud $;('! At4irmithi ;(-(< 55. 4his is to #e recited i2 you turn over in #ed during the night:


"Y ' R . ; . > W . + f h h 2 > 9 0 3 7 V . ".

"aa !ilaaha !illallaahul1%aahidul1 ahhaaru, 4abbus1samaawaati wal!ardhi wa maa baynahumal1!A*ee*ul1Hhaffaaru. There is none worthy of worship ut Allah! the 0ne! the Iictorious! %ord of the heavens and the earth and all that is etween them! the All1Mighty! the All1;orgiving. (9ee An-)asa'i! 'Amalul-Fa3m 3al-Laylah! and I#n As-9unni) 56. If after sleeping one e,perience a pleasant dream then when ones eyes open then say$ LAlhamdulillahM K All Praise be to Allah, then the pleasant dream should only be revealed to trustworthy learned ones so that the dream can be interpreted correctly. 5?. If one e,periences an unpleasant dream then one should spittle ;A form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spit< three times on the left side and then recite three times$

LAudhobillaahi Minashaythaanira&eemM. I seek refuge with Allah from the evil of shaythan Also change one7s position to the other side and sleep. (Muslim-<ol&'! chapter o2 dreams)

5@. The dream should =+T be revealed to anyone then it will bring no harm to the person (5ukhari! Muslim) 5A. To have water and Miswaak ready in advance for %udhu (Muslim) 5B. To sleep with the intention of getting up for Taha&&ud ()isaa?i) 6C. To read Taha&&ud salaat before #ubho #adi' ;Qawn< (Mishkaat) 6/. 4asulallah read long rak7ahs which caused swelling of his blessed feet. %hilst

reciting ur7an in #alaah 4asulallah used to cry e,cessively and this caused a whee*ing sound coming from his blessed chest as if a pot was being boiled. This is due to the fear 4asulallah had of Almighty Allah.

60. It is recommended to start the night vigil with two short rakats, because of the hadith of Abu 3urraira that the Prophet Muhammad said, LIt you get up for night prayer, start with two short rakats.M MMuslim! Ahmad! A#u 6a3udN


62. Abu 3urraira reports that the Messenger of Allah was asked, L%hat prayer is most virtuous, after the obligatory prayersZM He said! LPrayer in the depths of the night.M (Muslim! A#u 6a3ud! 4irmidhi! )isaa?i! I#n Ma=ah) )ote: (or Taha&&ud one should read at least 0 4ak7ahs upto /0 rak7ahs. This is #unnah. 3owever there is no limit for ;=afil< voluntary worship. +ne may also do a lot of Qhikrullah as well as recitation of the ur7an. The dua!s at the time of Taha&&ud are very readily accepted by Almighty Allah and one should cry and repent to Allah during this time. If one cannot cry due to the hardness of ones heart due ma&or sins then one should at least make a face as if one is crying. Pust as a mother tends to her baby 'uickly and promptly when it cries then in the same way Allah tends to his servant 'uicker when his servant is crying and sincere. %e should try and pray Taha&&ud every night as it is one of the best and most rewarding =afil prayers one can possible pray and makes it possible for a person to gain the top ranks of Pannah ;3eaven<. If we can7t pray everyday then we should at least pray as much as we can. I#n Mas?ud you&? 3as asked! II cannot pray at night.7 He said! CFour sins have prevented

If one is overcome by sleep then it is best to sleep but one should always ensure that one does not miss (a&r. Men should do their best to attend (a&r with Pamaat as this is huge reward and women get the same reward for praying at home.

9unnah?s especially 2or 2emales

/. If a female must set out of the house out of necessity then she should walk on the side and not the middle of any street or path way (A#u 6a3ud) 0. It is preferable that a female be content with silver &ewellery and not demand or insist on Hold. (I#id) 2. %hosoever out of vanity and pride wears Hold &ewellery shall be punished in the hereafter. (I#id) 5. (emales should not wear &ewellery or accessories that make a &ingling sound with movement so as to attract attention upon her self. The same applies to wearing high heels which are wrong to attract attention and also cause a lot of noise when walking. 6. It is preferable for females to keep using mendhi ;henna< on the hands. (I#id) ?. 4asulallah stated that the perfume used by females should not have a smell. (I#id)


)ote: The perfume that is worn out must not be so strong so that other men may be able to smell and not so much that it leaves a trail behind. @. (emales including young girls should not wear thin clothes that are see through. The clothes should be thick enough not to be see1through. A. (emales should also not wear tight fitting clothes which reveal the figure and definitions. They should also not wear clothes that are too bright so as to avoid attracting attention upon herself. B. A female should not wear make up when going out so as to attract unwanted attention. Oohl may be applied if there is no risk of fitna but one should always be careful as beautified eyes may attract a lot of unwanted attention. )ote: If front of her husband she can dress and wear as much make up as she wants. /C. If the headgear is thin then a thick scarf should be worn below it. In a similar manner if the clothes are thin then a thick loose fitting petticoat ;undergarment< should be worn below such thin clothing so as to prevent any definition being apparent. (I#id) //. (emales must not wear clothes which reveal the contours and shapes of their bodily definitions. (or such clothing is not hi&aab but shows the women wanting to actually invite attention upon her self. /0. A female must not remain at any time in the company of strangers i.e. one whom she is not prohibited from marrying. The Muslim women are beautiful &ewel7s whose beauty should only be admired by her husband and not non mahram7s.

9unnah?s 3hen a child is #orn

/. It is a truly &oyous occasion when parents are blessed with the birth of a child. They are

truly lucky because not all parents are able to have children. 3owever, the e,tent of such happiness is dependant upon the e,tent to which the #hari7at is observed and that all other traditions and rituals are cast aside since they are not a part of Islam.
0. Hadhrat .atima

reports: L%hen it was time for me to deliver my child then

4asulallah sent 3adhrat .mme #alma ;4A< and 3adhrat [ainub ;4A< to me with instruction that they read Ayat ul Oursi, #urat Al (ala' and An =aas and the following verse for an easier delivery$


9urah Al-A'ra2 --:5$! 55: Inna rabba kumulladhee khala'assaamaawaathi wal arda fee sithathi ayyaamin thummas thawaa alal arsh. Fugh shillaylannahaara yath lubuhoo hatheethaa. %ashamsa wal 'amara wannu&uma musakharaathimm bi amrih. alaa lahul khal'u wal amr. Thabaarakallaahu rabbul aalameen. .d Ioo rabba kum thadwarru a7wa khufyah. Innahu laa yuhibbul mu7thadeen. Indeed! your %ord is Allah ! who created the heavens and earth in si$ days and then esta lished *imself a ove the Throne. *e covers the night with the day! (another night) chasing it rapidly4 and (*e created) the sun! the moon! and the stars! su <ected y *is command. DnEuestiona ly! *is is the creation and the command4 lessed is Allah ! %ord of the worlds. Fall upon your %ord in humility and privately4 indeed! *e does not like transgressors. (AUtract - >p#ringing o2 Hhildren! Moulana Moosa i#n Ahmad Elgar) )ote: The after birth Placenta and navel cord should be buried with due care as they are parts of the human body. 2. .pon birth the newly born child should be given a proper Hhusl. ()ames .or Muslim Hhildren! Hathurani! p $) 5. Thereafter the first words to reach the child7s ears should be the message of the greatness and oneness of Allah Almighty and the Prophet 3ood of 4asulallah &This is done by giving the Adhaan near the child!s right ear and I'aamah close to the child!s left ear. This noble act should be done by an Aalim or pious elder of the family. If such a person is not immediately available then any Muslim male may perform this #unnah. Dol./, (A#u 6a3ood! pg& $%)

6. To perform Tahneek ;placing a date softened by chewing on the tongue of the newborn<. Qry dates should be given to a pious person to chew and then it should be applied in the mouth of the baby, or the baby should be made to suck it. The pious person should also be re'uested to make dua. (5ukhari)


)ote: The act of Tahneek should also be the perogative of an aalim or pious elder of the family but as again if such person is not immediately available then it may be performed by any Muslim male. ?. 3oney is substituted for dates if dates are not readily available. (5ukhari) @. Al-)a3a3i said: The scholars are agreed that it is Musthahab ;preferable< to do Tahneek with dates for the child when he is born; if that is not possible then to use some similar kind of sweet. The dates should be chewed until they become soft enough to be swallowed, then the child7s mouth should be opened and a little of the dates put in his mouth. ;9harh al)a3a3i Cala Muslim! ($;(''-(' ) A. The child should be given a suitable name on the seventh day. (A#u 6a3ood) B& It 3as narrated 2rom )aa2i? that I#n C>mar said: The Messenger of Allah $ LThe most beloved of your names to Allah are IAbd1Allah and IAbd al14ahmaan.M (Muslim! '( ') /C. It is Musthaha# (pre2era#le) to give the child a /rophet?s name: It was narrated that Annas Ibn Malik said$ The Messenger of Allah said$ LA child was born to me last night and I called him by the name of my father Ibraheem.M ;Muslim! ' (5) //. It is Musthahab to name the child on the seventh day, but there is nothing wrong with naming him on the day of his birth, because of the hadith 'uoted above. It was narrated from #amurah Ibn Pundub that the Messenger of Allah said$ LEvery child is in pledge for his IA'ee'a which should be slaughtered for him on the seventh day, his head should be shaved and he should be named. (A#u 6a3ood! '* *) /0. I#n al-Payyim said: The purpose of naming is to define the thing named, because if there is something whose name is unknown it is difficult to refer to it. #o it is permissible to name him ;the child< on the day he is born, and it is permissible to delay the naming until the third day, or until the day of the IA'ee'a, or before or after that. The matter is broad in scope.M ;4uh2at al-Ma3lood! p& (((< /2. It is #unnah to shave the child7s head on the seventh day and to give the weight of the hair in silver in charity. (5ukhari) /5. It 3as narrated that CAli I#n A#u 4aali# said: The Messenger of Allah slaughtered a sheep as the IA'ee'a for al13asan, and he said, L+ (atima, shave his head and give the weight of his hair in silver in charity.M #o she weighed it and its weight was a dirham or part of a dirham. (4irmidhi! (5(,< /6. A'ee'a should be done on the seventh day (A#u 6a3ood) if it cannot be done on the seventh day, it should be done on the /5th or the 0/st day. /?. The head of the baby should be shaved and silver e'ual to the weight of the hair should be given in charity. (4irmidhi)


/@. #affron should be put on the head after it has been shaved. (A#u 6a3ood) /A. Two male goats should be slaughtered for the A'ee'a of a boy and one male goat or female goat for the A'ee'a of a girl. (4irmidhi! A#u 6a3ood) /B. The meat of A'ee'a can be distributed raw or cooked. Anyone may partake of the A'ee'a animal, though they may be even one7s family members e.g. the grand parents. ;Al5aihaBee: ,; %$) 0C. A'ee'a is a form of #ada'ah whereby the child is safeguarded against misfortune. Two sheep or alternatively two goats are offered in the case of a male while one goat or one sheep will suffice for a female. If for some reason the A'ee'a was not made on the @th day then it should be done on the /5th, or the 0/st day. (Al-Haakim! 4a#araani) Hircumcision: It 3as narrated that A#u Hurraira said: 4he Messenger o2 Allah said: LThe fitrah is five things, or five things are part of the fitrah$ circumcision, shaving the pubic hairs, plucking the armpit hairs, clipping the nails and trimming the moustache.M ;)arrated #y al5ukhari! 555%J Muslim! '5-) /rescri#ing 9alaat to ones child /. To prescribe salaat on ones children by the time they turn seven years of age. (Ahmad! ++*,J A#u 6a3ood! $,5) 0. %hen the child attains ten years of age then the male and female siblings should be separated and to chastise ones children if they do not perform salaat by the time they reach ten years of age. )arrated #y Ahmad! ++*,J A#u 6a3ood! $,5)

5. In order to inculcate the habit of #alaah, the child should be admonished if he is negligent in its performance when he reaches the age of ten years. 3e should be punished if the need arises. (Mishkaat- <ol&(! pg&5*) )ote: =ow1a1days children are being spoilt with love and affection whilst the parents console themselves thinking that the child will behave by itself when it grows up. %e should realise that if the foundation is not straight, then the building will also be crooked. Therefore it is crucial to inculcate good character into the child from the very beginning so there is no regret later. It is much easier to learn good habits when the child is young rather than when the child grows older. #o let us instill good habits into our children as early as possible.

9unnah?s relating to 6eath! Mourning! shrouding and 5urial

/. %hen it becomes apparent that the time of death is close, then those present should face the dying person towards the iblah. (Mustadark Haakim-<ol&(! pg& 5 ) and they should make tal'een i.e. recite the Oalimah to encourage him to recite. (4irmidhi- Hhapter o2 0anaai")


0. The face of a dying person should be faced towards the iblah ;Qirection of the and the person who is in the throes of death should recite the following$


c Uq S R Ss Tl `k `T sq ` U" I Hk # ] / ( . C ( Z [ ! "
Allahummagh firlee warhamnee wal hi'nee birrafee'il a7alaa laa ilaaha illallaah 0h Allah! forgive me! have mercy on me and <oin me with the highest companion4 there is none worthy of worship e$cept Allah3. (5ukhari! Muslim! 4irmidhi)

He should also say:

$ } . } & r ( } ! $ . } . [ U" I XI ! "

LAllahumma a7innee Ialaa ghamaraathil mawthi wasakaraathil mawthM 0h Allah help me at this moment of the agony of death3. (4irmidhi)

2. The dying person should be encouraged to recite the second Oalimah which is the proclamation of the oneness of Allah and that he is the only one worthy of worship and that 4asulallah is his servant and messenger.

$& .or the person 3ho is at the throes o2 death to encourage them to say:

"aa !ilaaha !illallaahu. @There is none worthy of worship ut Allah!= %hoever dies with these last words will enter Paradise. (A#u 6a3ud ;(,%! 0ami? As9aghir 5;$ ') 5. #urah Faasin could be recited besides him and the pious people should be close to him at this time. (4irmidhi) 9y this recitation the pangs of death should be lessened inshallah. 6. 4he relatives o2 the deceased person should read the 2ollo3ing dua 3hen death is con2irmed:


Innaa lillaahi %a innaa ilaihee raa&7oon. Allahumma a&irnee fee museebathee wakhluflee khayrammin haa To Allah we elong and unto him we return. 2epay me for what has efallen me and compensate me with that which is etter3. (4irmidhi) ?. After the person has passed away, the deceased7s eyes should be closed. 79ahih Muslim! vol&'pp&$ +-- S'%% )

@. Hovering the #ody$ A sheet of cloth large enough to cover the whole body of the deceased should be drawn over the whole body. A. Hastening the #urial$ It is not permissible for Muslims to delay the burial in order for the ma,imum number of relatives to see the deceased, as is common practice among other communities. +nce death is evident, the body should be prepared and taken out of the house for prayer and burial as soon as possible. In this way, contact with the dead body is minimi*ed, which keeps the grief and hurt of seeing the dead down to a minimum. It is #unnat to hasten in the burial. (9unan A#u 6a3ood) A#u Hurraira related that the /rophet said J3asten the funeral ritesJ M9ee: 9ahih Al-5ukhari vol&'! p&''5! S$%(J 9ahih Muslim! vol&'! p$$*! S'%5,N )ote: The dead should be buried in the same area where they died. Transporting the body to another area or another country is not permissible if it will unnecessarily delay the burial or cause financial or other hardship. B. /aying o22 de#ts o2 deceased$ All outstanding debts of the dead person should be repaid from the wealth that he or she left behind, even if it consumes all of the inheritance. If the dead person is without wealth or the inheritance was not sufficient to cover all of his or her debts, the Islamic state will be responsible to repay the remainder, if the dead person had made serious efforts to pay it. /C. >ncovering the 2ace and kissing it$ Those present at the individual!s death or those who come to see the dead person for the last time are allowed to uncover the face and kiss it. Oissing the face of the dead is considered a part of the #unnah of the Prophet and his companions. (9unan A#u 6a3ud vol&'!p&*,*!S (5-! 9unan I#n-I-Ma=ah vol&'!p& -( S($5+) //. %hen placing the deceased into the abr ;Hrave<, recite this dua$

R T U S T a c ` Tn S T zn `{ `d ` R T Y S Td ` R T UV S TW XY T


9ismillahi wa billaahi wa7la millati rasoolilahi

=In the name of Allah and with *is aid and on the Madha 5deen6 of the 2asul of Allah I place him in the grave=. (Hisnul Hasin) /0. After the burial recite #urah (atiha and the beginning of #urah 9a'arah at the head side and the last ayats of #urah 9a'arah at the feet. (Mishkaat) /2. #tay a little while at the grave side and ask Allah for forgiveness for the dead and make dua that he remains firm at the time of 'uestioning by the angels. (Hisnul Hasin 2rom A#u 6a3ood etc) Also the 2ollo3ing:

9ismillaahi wa !alaa sunnati 4asoolillaahi. 'ith the /ame of Allah and according to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. (A#u 6a3ud ; ($) /5. The deceased should be placed on his right side in such a manner that his entire chest is facing the a7ba and his back should be against the wall of the grave. =ow1a1days, only the face is turned to the iblah and the deceased is made to lie on his back, resulting in the chest facing the sky. This is completely contradictory to the #unnah method. (4ahtaa3eepg& $) /6. To feed the family of the deceased is #unnah. It is not permissible for all of the town people and family members to partake in this food for &ust name and fame. %hatever is available should be given to eat. (4irmidhi-I#n Ma=ah) /?. After the burial, 4asulallah would instruct his companions to make Asthaghfaar ;forgiveness< for their brother and to make dua that Allah Ta7ala keeps him steadfast at the time of 'uestioning by Munkar and =akeer. (A#u 6a3ood! Mustadark! Hakim) )ote: After burial, to face the iblah and make dua is #unnah. 3owever, to make dua after Panaa*ah salaat, as is the custom of today is not permissible. (MirBaat-<ol&$! pg&+$! 5ahrur RaiB-<ol&'! pg&(* < /@. 4he /rophet used to stop a2ter #urying the dead and say to the people: JAsk Allah to forgive your brother and pray for him to be strengthened, for indeed he is now being 'uestioned by saying$

Z [ ! " G ! G !b A X ! "
Allaahum1maghfir lahu Allaahumma thabbithu. 0 Allah! forgive him. 0 Allah! strengthen him. (A#u 6a3ud ; (5)


6ua?s 2or di22iculties! hardships and grie2

/. 1hen Rasulallah eUperienced any di22iculties: then he read the following dua$

Alhamdulillaahilladhee bini7imathihee thathimmuswaali haath All praise is due to Allah y whose grace good things reach their end3. 0. Also the 2ollo3ing dua:

Allaahumma laa sahla !illaa maal &a!altahu sahlan wa !Anta ta&!alul1ha*na !ithaa shi!ta sahlan. + Allah, there is no ease other than what Fou make easy. If Fou please Fou ease sorrow. (I#n Hi##an in his 9ahih (no& '$'-) and I#n As- 9unni (no& 5() 2.

! HE W $ P ( , ! A !B C

3asbunallaahu wa ni7imal wakeel JAllah is sufficient for us and 3e is the 9est HuardianJ. (Puran! 9urah Al-Imraan) 4.

`f Xp ` l TY T co Tp X cq ` ]Y x ` R c UR S c U S

Allaahu Allaahu rabbee laa ushriku bihee shay aa JAllah is my "ord, I do not ascribe anything unto 3imJ. (Hisnul Hasin 2rom A#u 6a3ood) 5.

! H| b r Y b . C # l ! $H N* ' NC '
ayyoomu birahmathika ashagheeth

Faa hayyu yaa

J+ Alive and everlasting +ne, I beseech Fou by Four mercyJ. (Mustadrak Hakim) 6.

XK Y / A r ! D J K G K J H. R D ! E !

"aa ilaaha illa antha #ubhaanaka innee kunthu minadhaalimeen


=0 Allah! there is none worthy of worship esides #ou. #ou are "ure! definitely I have oppressed my soul y sinning=. The ur!an states that these words were recited when Funus ;A.#.< called upon Allah from

the belly of the fish. Prophet Mohammad stated in a hadith that when any Muslim makes this dua via these words to Allah, then Allah surely accepts his duas. (4irmidhi etc)

@. It is stated in a hadith that:

# , J K ^ $* !J ( ~ $ C J
"a hawla walaa uwatha illah billah There is no protection 5Against evil6 and no power 5To do good6 e$cept with the help of Allah the Mighty and ,reat. Is the medicine for BB ailments, the least of which is depression. (5aihaBi in 6a3atul @u#ra) It means that these words are so beneficial and useful that big\great grievances, depression and sorrow are easily removed in its stride. A. Abdullah bin Abbas narrates that Prophet Mohammad stated that if a person constantly makes JIstaghfarJ, then Allah removes every difficulty, frees him from every sorrow and makes a means for him to receive sustencance from places that he never thought of. (Mishkat 2rom Ahmad) B. 1hen Rasulallah 3as in a di22icult situation: then he would say$

Alhamdulillaahi Ialaa kulli haal "raise e to Allah in all circumstances3. (Hakim) /C. 6ua?s 2or any anguish eUperienced:

"aa !ilaaha !illallaahul1!Adheemul13aleem, laa !ilaaha !illallaahu 4abbul1!Arshil1!Adheem, laa !ilaaha !illallaahu 4abbus1samaawaati wa 4abbul1!ardhi wa 4abbul1!Arshil1Oareem .


There is none worthy of worship ut Allah the Mighty! the ;or earing. There is none worthy of worship ut Allah! %ord of the Magnificent Throne. There is none worthy of worship ut Allah! %ord of the heavens and %ord of the earth! and %ord of the /o le Throne. (Al-5ukhari *;(5$! Muslim $;'%,')

Allaahumma rahmataka !ar&oo falaa takilnee !ilaa nafsee tarfata !aynin, wa !aslih lee sha!nee kullahu, laa!ilaaha !illaa !Anta. 0 Allah! I hope for #our mercy. &o not leave me to myself even for the linking of an eye 5i.e. a moment6. Forrect all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship ut #ou. (A#u 6a3ud $; '$! Ahmad 5;$')

"aa !ilaaha !illaa !Anta subhaanaka !innee kuntu minadh1dhaalimeen . There is none worthy of worship but Fou, glory is to Fou. #urely, I was among the wrongdoers. (At-4irmidhi 5;5',) //. 1hen Rasulallah had any 3orries: he read the following$

Allaahu Allaahu rabbee laa ushriku bihee shay aa$ LDerily Allah is my 4abb, I do not ascribe any partner unto him.M //. At the time o2 grie2: 4asulallah took his beard in his hands and looked at it.;9hira"i) : he used to lift his head to the sky and

/0. 1hen any hardship #e2ell on Rasulallah say$

A r ! f , H R P

#ubhaanallaahil Adheem "urity elongs to Allah3. (4irmidhi) /2. I2 anger overcame Rasulallah $ whilst he was standing then he would sit down and if anger overcame him whilst sitting then he used to lie down ;In order that the anger subsided<. (I#n A#iddunya) /5. 1orldly loss: would never anger 4asulallah but if there was anything said or done against the #hari7at then it would anger him greatly.

/6. 1hen tragedy strikes then say:

!Innaa lillaahi wa !innaa !ilayhi raa&i!oon, Allaahumma!1&urni fee museebatee wa !akhliflee khayran minhaa. 'e are from Allah and unto *im we return. 0 Allah take me out of my plight and ring to me after it something etter* (Muslim ';+ ')

:eneral important 9unnah?s

(& 1rong doing: If any news of a persons wrong doing reached 4asulallah then he never said the name of the person like L%hat has happened to that person why are they indulging against such and such wrong.M but without mentioning the names of the person he would say it in general terms like for e.g. L%hat has happened to people that they are indulging in such and such wrong.M (4irmidhi) '& 1hen Rasulallah 3alked$ he never caused anyone to move from his path. %hen

walking 4asulallah used to lift his feet with so much vigour7s as if ascending a high place and when placing the feet on the ground he used to lower it in such a manner as if descending. (4irmidhi) & 1hilst snee"ing: 4asulallah would cover his face with his hand or cloth. (4irmidhi)


1hen you snee"e! and then say:

;i< Alhamdu lillaah All praises and thanks are to Allah. Four companion should say: ;ii< Farhamukallaah May Allah have mercy upon you. 1hen someone says Farhamukallaah to you then you should say: ;iii< Fahdeekumul1laahu wa yuslihu baalakum. May Allah guide you and set your affairs in order. (Al-5ukhari -;('5) $& En a very 3indy day: 4asulallah would read the following$

Allaahumma innee a7udhu bika minsharrimaa arsalthu feehaa 0h Allah I seek refuge in you from the evil of that which you have sent in it3. (4a#arani)

Also: Allaahumma !innee !as!aluka khayrahaa, wa !a!oothu bika min sharrihaa. 0 Allah! I ask #ou for the good of it and seek refuge in #ou against its evil. (A#u 6a3ud $; '+! I#n Ma=ah ';(''*)


Also at the time o2 heavy 3inds sit in the position o2 attahiyat and recite:

_/ ' " P w F J ( _C ' " P ! " _# % I " P w F J ( i _. C " P ! "

Allaahumma& Ial haa rahmathan walaa tha& Ial haa Iadhaaballaahumma& Ial haa riyaa ha an walaa tha& Ial haa riyaa =0 Allah let it e a mercy and not a punishment. 0 Allah make it a eneficial and not a destructive wind=. (Mishkat) If there is darkness with the heavy wind, recite #urah (ala' and #urah =aas. (Mishkat) The Messenger of Allah said$ The %ind is of the Mercy of Allah. It brings mercy, and it brings torture. #o when you see it, do not curse it, and ask Allah for its good, and solicit Allah!s protection from its evil. (A#u 6a3ood and I#n MW=ah) 5& 1hen ya3ning: it is #unnah to prevent it as far as possible& (5ukhari) If the mouth cannot be kept closed despite making an effort to do so, then place the back of the left hand over the mouth. %hile yawning, no sound should be allowed to emanate as this is forbidden in the hadith. (5ukhar-<ol&'! pg&,(,! Muslim-<ol&'! pg& $('! $( ) +& 1hen hearing a good name: then to regard it as a good omen is #unnah and to become pleased with this is also #unnah. To regard anything as a bad omen is strictly prohibited. (or eg when someone snee*es then to think that one will not succeed in something or to regard the cawing of a crow or the sight of a monkey or the hooting of an owl as an indication of an impending calamity is baseless and a result of ignorance and incorrect beliefs and superstitions. In the same manner to regard someone as a means of bad luck or to regard any day as bad is a very evil act. (MirBaat-<ol&,! pg& '! +& etc) -& 1hen #idding 2are3ell: to anyone to any person or group of people then 4asulallah read the following dua$

Asthawdi7ullaaha deenakum wa amaa nathakum wa khawaa theema a7maa lakum. LTo Allah I hand your deen, your trust and the conse'uence ;result< of your actionsM. (A#u 6a3ood) *& At the onset o2 3inter: 4asulallah would begin sleeping inside the house on a (riday night and similarly his sleeping outside the house in summer, would also commence on a (riday night. (I#n- Asakir)


B. %hen looking into the mirror say$

] " !e ! B X/ k ] " e D B C D ! "

Allaahumma antha hassantha khal'ee fahassin khul'ee. 0h Allah! you have made perfect my ody! so also make perfect my character.3 (6arami) /C. At the time of rain$

` T ` `f x` V S cn SkU
Allaahumma #ayyibann =aafi7aa. 0 Allaah! 5 ring6 eneficial rain clouds.3 (5ukhari Q .athul-5ari ';5(*) After it has rained$

T l Tg `_ X ` d ` R T Uw T X `Y T `o X T c
Mutirnaa bifadhlillaahi wa rahmatihi. It has rained y the ounty of Allaah and *is Mercy8 (5ukhari (;'%5! Muslim! (;* ) //. At the time of thunder$

b G Z He i \& s . ( . / # !I !A XB ' ! +% f / A r !
#ubhanAllaahil ladhii yusabbihur ra7du bi hamdihi wal malaa1ikatu min kheefatihi ,lory is to *im 'hom thunder and angels glorify due to fear of *im.3 %henever Abdullaah bin [ubair would hear thunder, he would abandon all conversation and say this supplication. (Mu3atta! ';,,') 4asulallah also used to read at the time of thunder$

Y W A * k I ( Y # % P # & " F !J ( Y A u | # " b !] F J ! "

Allahumma laa tha'thulnaa bighabika walaa thuhliknaa b7adhaa bika w7aa finaa 'abla dhaalik 0h Allah do not kill us in your anger! do not destroy us with your punishment! and grant us safety efore that3. (4irmidhi)


('& Haring 2or orphans: It is narrated on the authority of #ahl bin #a!d

that the Prophet

said$ JI and the carer of the orphan are like this in paradise.J 3e demonstrated with his finger and middle finger. (Al-5ukhari: +%%5)

( & 9eeking kno3ledge: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira

that he said$

4he Messenger o2 Allah said: J%hosoever treads a path seeking knowledge on it, Allah will make easy for him a path to ParadiseJ (Muslim! +*5 ) ($& <isiting one another 2or the sake o2 Allah: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira that the Prophet said$ JA man visited a brother of his in another town and Allah appointed an angel to guard him on his way. %hen he came to him, the angel said, !%here are you goingZ! 3e said, !I am going to a brother of mine in this town.! He said! !Qo you have some property with him that you want to check onZ! He said! !=o, it is only that I love him for the sake of Allah Almighty.! He said, !I am the messenger of Allah to you to tell you that Allah loves you as you love this man for 3is sake.!J (Muslim! +5$,)

(5& 9miling: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Qharr

that he said$ 4he Messenger

o2 Allah said to me: J=ever belittle anything from good deeds even if you meet your brother with a smiling face.J (Muslim! ++,%) (+& Announcing one's love 2or one's #rother: It is narrated on the authority of al1Mi'daam bin Ma!deekarab that the Prophet said$ JIf one of you loves his brother, let him inform him that he loves him.J MAhmad! (+ % N (-& 5ene2it o2 the dou#t and thinking 3ell o2 others: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira the Messenger of Allah said$ J9eware of suspicion, Indeed suspicion is the most untruthful of speech.J (Agreed upon: +%+- Q +5 +) (*& Helping one's 2amily 3ith house3ork: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira that he said$ I asked !A7isha what the Messenger of Allah used to do in the house. #he said$ J3e used to help with the housework and when it was time to pray he would leave for the prayer.J (Al-5ukhari: +-+) (,& Avoiding anger: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira that a man said to

the Prophet $ JAdvise me.J He said: JQon!t get angry.J 3e repeated it a number of times. He said: JQon!t get angry.J (Al-5ukhari: +((+)

'%& Hrying out o2 the 2ear o2 Allah: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira the Prophet said$ J#even, Allah will shade on the day there will no shade but 3is



shade... 8(rom them:...a man who remembers Allah in solitary and his eyes overflow with tears.J (Agreed upon: (% ( Q ++%) '(& Hharity o2 posthumous e22ect (9adaBah =aariyya): It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira that the Messenger of Allah said$ JThe action of man stops when he dies e,cept three things$ continuous charity, knowledge that benefits or a pious child who prays for him.J (Muslim: $'' ) ''& 5uilding mosBues: It is narrated on the authority of !.thmaan bin !Affaan that he said when he listened to the opinion of the people ;%hich was not favourable< when he rebuilt the mos'ue of the Messenger of Allah $ Fou have not been fair to me for I have heard the Messenger of Allah say$ J3e who built a mos'ue for Allah, the E,alted, Allah would build for him a house in Paradise.J 5ukayr said: I think he said$ J%hile he seeks the pleasure of Allah.J (Agreed upon: $5% - 55 ) ' & .leUi#ility in #uying and selling$ It is narrated on the authority of Paabir bin !Abd1 Allah that the Messenger of Allah said$ JMay Allah have mercy upon a man who is easy going when he sells, buys and is re'uired.J MAl-5ukhari: '%-+N

'$& Removing harm 2rom the road: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira


the Messenger of Allah said$ J%hen a man walk in a street, finds a thorny branch on the path, puts it aside, thanks Allah for it, 3e will forgive him.J (Muslim! $,$%)

'5& Hharity: It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira

that the Messenger of Allah

said$ J%hoever gives a sack of dates from pure earning in charity 1 and Allah only accepts the pure 1 Allah will accept it with 3is right and cause it to grow for it giver, &ust like one of you let a foal to grow, until it becomes like a mountain.J (Agreed upon: ($(% Q (%($) '+& @illing domestic li"ards (1a"ghah): It is narrated on the authority of Abu 3urraira who said the Messenger of Allah said$ J%hoever kills a domestic li*ard with the first blow will have one hundred good deeds written for him, and if on the second less than that, and if on the third less than that.J (Muslim! *5$-) '-& /rohi#ition to narrate everything one hears: It is narrated on the authority of 3afs bin !Aasim who said the Messenger of Allah narrate everything he hears.J (Muslim! -) $ JIt is sufficient as a sin for an individual to

'*& Intending re3ard #y spending on 2amily: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Mas!ood al19adri that the Prophet said$ JIf the Muslim spends upon his family e,pecting reward for it, it is charity by himJ (Muslim! ' '')


0B. (or protection day and night recite the following$

& '( # $ % " ! .

J"a ilaha illallahu wah1dahu la sharika lahu; lahul1mulku wa lahul1hamdu wa1hawa7ala kulli shay7in 'adir.J There is no ,od ut Allah! alone! without any partner! *is kingdom! and *is is the praise! and *e has power over all things. 4ecite /CC times in the morning provides protection till the evening. (5ukhari D Muslim)

6ua 2or a person trou#led #y thoughts o2 ku2r (dis#elie2) and sin

/. It is 9unnah to recite the 2ollo3ing dua 3hen eUperiencing thoughts o2 ku2r (dis#elie2) and sins: Aamantu 9illaahi warusulihee and H f d H 9illaah1i1Minash K #haithaanir 4a&eem (MirBaat-<ol&(! pg& ( -)

, # ! $I ! A7oodhu

9unnah o2 /ondering over the creations and greatness o2 Allah

/. Another #unnah is that one should not ponder about the being of Almighty Allah instead one should ponder over the greatness and his creations as well as attributes. 0. The pondering and reflecting mentioned in the Ayat refers to pondering and reflecting over 3is creation, not over 3is being. (Masaail-e-9ulook 2rom 5ayaanul Pur?an)

A 2e3 important teachings o2 Islam

/. %hosoever has obeyed 4asulallah <erse& *)

has ;in reality< obeyed Allah Ta7ala. (9urah 5!

0. Rasulallah is reported to have said: LThe one who does not show mercy to our young and does not respect our old, nor does he advise people to do good and prevent them from doing evil is not from amongst us.M (4irmidhi)


2. LAnyone who causes harm to wealth or body or any Muslim brother or deceives him is accursed.M (4irmidhi) 5. L"ive in the world like a traveller.M (5ukhari) 6. LA true Muslim is one whom other Muslims are safe from the harm of his tongue and hand.M (5ukhari) ?. LThe punishment for the disobedience towards parents afflicts one in this world as well.M (Mishkaat) /ersistence on a righteous action even i2 small: It is narrated on the authority of !A7isha that she said$ The Prophet was asked what action is most beloved to Allah. He said: JThe most constant even if small.J MAgreed upon: +$+5 - (*'*N @. 7Appreciate 2ive things #e2ore 2ive&8 Fouth before old age; Hood health before sickness; Prosperity before poverty; (ree time before becoming pre1occupied and "ife before death. (4irmidhi)

9unnah?s o2 the Islamic Halendar Muharram

/. Is the first month of the Islamic >alendar. 0. The meaning of the word$ 1 The word JMuharramJ means J(orbidden.J Even before Islam, this month was always known as a sacred month in which all unlawful acts were forbidden, prominently the shedding of blood. 2. iyaamah ;Qay of &udgement< will take place on the /Cth of Muharram.

$& According to Ahadith there are only t3o actions to #e per2ormed in this month and they are: /. The fast of the Bth and /Cth or /Cth and //th of Muharram 0. To spend ;in the way of food and drink< on ones family on the day of Ashura ;/Cth of Muharram<


6. The 3oly Prophet

has e,horted and encouraged his .mmah to fast on this day. Abu was asked regarding the

ataadah radhiyallahu anhu narrates that the 3oly Prophet fast of the day of Ashura ;/Cth of Muharram<.

+& 4he Holy /rophet replied: JIt is a compensation for the ;minor< sins of the past yearJ. (Muslim <ol&( /age +*) )E4A: - It must be borne in mind that wherever a promise of forgiveness of sins is made upon the fulfilment of some action, it is only the minor sins that are forgiven. The ma&or sins are not forgiven without true sincere Tawbah ;repentance<. @. +ne should also observe the fast of the Bth Muharram to safeguard his deed from resemblance with the non believers who only fast on the /Cth Muharram. Ibn Abbas said$ %hen 4asulallah observed the fast of the day of Aashurah and ordered ;his >ompanions< to fast, they said, J+ 4asulallahG It is a day revered by the Pews and >hristians.J Rasulallah said! JThe coming year, if Allah wills, we will fast on the ninth ;also<J. (Muslim <ol&(/age 5,) A. These ahadith indicate clearly that one should fast on the ninth and tenth of Muharram. 3owever, i2 one does not manage to 2ast on the ninth! then he should 2ast on the eleventh o2 Muharram instead. B. The 3oly Prophet said$ J+bserve the fast of Aashurah and oppose the Pews. (ast a day before it or a day after.J (5aihaBi)& 3ence, it is important to fast either on the ninth and tenth of Muharram or the tenth and eleventh. /C. 4o 2ast =ust on the day o2 Aashurah is disliked as the Pews fast on this day so in order to differentiate ourselves from the practise of the Pews Muslims fast on the Bth or //th as well as on the /Cth ;Ashura< //. +ne should be generous on one7s family and dependents and spend more on them than what is normally spent. Abu 3urraira reports that Rasulallah said$ J+ne who generously spends on his family on the day of Aashurah, Allah 3ill increase (his provision) 2or the 3hole yearJ. (5aihaBi! At Attarghee# 3a Attarghee# <ol& ' /age ((+)

/. Is the second month of the Islamic >alendar A#out the month o2 9a2ar:


0. This time of the year was considered to be cursed as many catastrophes and calamities took place. 3owever this belief has been proven to be false and totally without foundation. 2. This can also be confirmed by the following hadith$ Hadhrat 0aa#ir has said that! JI have heard the Prophet saying; the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of #afar is untrueJ (Muslim) 5. Avents o2 9a2ar:/< The 9attle of Abwaa took place on /0th #afar in the year 0 A.3. 0< The 9attle of Ohaibar took place in the year @ A. 6. Matrimonies in 9a2ar: 3adhrat Ali Prophet married 3adhrat (atima in the latter days of #afar 0 A.3. , ;the daughter of the

?. 6eaths in 9a2ar:Ohubaib Ibn Adey was martyred in this month in the year

5A.3. in the 3oly city of Makkah. [aid Ibn Qathina Makkah. was martyred in this month in the year 5A.3. in the 3oly city of

Ra#iul A33al
/. Is the third month of the Islamic calendar 0. The Meaning of the %ord J4abi1ul1AwwalJ$1 The first month of spring.

Auspicious Eccasions:5. The 3oly Prophet world ?2 years later was born in this month as mercy for all and departed from this


6. Avents o2 Ra#i-ul-A33al The 3oly Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah Munawwarah.

9attle of 9uwaat took place in the year 0 A.ll. 9attle of #af!vaan took place in the year 0 A.3. Abu 9akr!s 4u'ayyah Prophecy. Abu 9akr Qaughter, Asma was born ? years before Prophecy. was born @ years before

the daughter of the beloved Prophet

was appointed >aliph.

?. Matrimonies 3ithin Ra#i->l-A33al:3adhrat .mme Ouithum A.3. was married in this month to the third >aliph; .thinan in 2

@. 6eaths in Ra#i->l-A33al:Mother of the believers, wife of the 3oly Prophet A.3. Ibraheem year /+ A.3. the son of Maaria ibtiya [ainab passed away in the year 5

- of the 3oly Prophet

passed away in the

A. 4asulallah was born in this month and so it is a blessed month for this reason. 3owever organising lecture programmes during which the practises and lifestyle of 4asulallah he was born. is discussed should be done throughout the year and not only during the time


Ra#iul Q Akhir
This is the fourth month of the Islamic >alendar. The meaning of the word 4abi1.l1Akhir$1 The second month of spring.

Is the fifth month of the Islamic >alendar.

Avents o2 0umaada-Al-Eola:/< The 9attle JMootaJ took place in A A.3. 1 A war against infidels in which the 3oly Prophet did not participate. The battle is named after a famous city in #yria ;Moota<. 3adhrat [aid Ibn 3aritha was the first appointed Heneral by the 3oly Prophet

0< In the same 9attle 3adhrat Ohalid Ibn %alid was proclaimed by the 3oly Prophet Matrimonies in 0umaada-al-Eola:The 3oly Prophet Prophecy.

;fourth general of the 9attle of Moota<

as being Jone of the swords of AllahJ.

married his first beloved wife; 3adhrat Ohadi&ah

/6 years prior to

6eaths in 0umaada-al-Eola:/< 3adhrat [aid Ibn 3aritha 0< 3adhrat Pa!far Ibn Abi Taalib 2< 3adhrat Abdullah Ibn 4awaahah 5< 3adhrat Abdullah Ibn .thmaan 6< The 3oly Prophet7s prophecy. met martyrdom in A A.3 met martyrdom in A A.3. met martyrdom in A A.3. passed away.

Hrandfather Abdul Muttalib passed away 20 years prior to


/. Is the si,th month of the Islamic >alendar. 0. Events of Pumaada1Ath1Thani$1 9attle of #alaasil took place in A A.3. 2. The consigned$ #ariyyah Abu .baida Ibn Parraah #ariyyah$ [aid ibn 3aritha #ariyyah$ Abdullah Ibn Pahsh ?th 3i&ri. 0nd 3i&ri. 5th Pumaada1Ath1Thani in the ?th 3i&ri

5. Qeaths of Pumaada1Ath1Thani$ 1 Abu #alama

/. 4a&ab is the seventh month in the Islamic lunar calendar. This month was regarded as one of the sacred months ;Al1Ashhur1al1hurum< in which battles were prohibited in the days of the 3oly Prophet . It is also a prelude to the month of 4amadan, because 4amadan follows it after the intervening month of #ha!ban. 0. Therefore, when the 3oly Prophet in the following words$ sighted the moon of 4a&ab, he used to pray to Allah

Allahumma baarik lanaa fee ra&aba wa asha7baana wabalighnaa shahra ramadaan J+ Allah, make the months of 4a&ab and #ha!ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of 4amadan ;i.e. prolong our life up to 4amadan, so that we may benefit from its merits and blessings<.J 2. 4he meaning o2 Ra=a#: - The le,ical definition of 4a&aba is Tto respectT! which is where the word 4a&ab has been deprived from. 5. Avents o2 Ra=a#: - The 3oly Prophet either #unday or Monday ;Mi!raa&<. ascended to 3eaven on the 0@th of 4a&ab on


13adhrat 9ilaal Ibn 3aritha

brought a congregation of four hundred men named 9anu . They all embraced Islam and became

Mu*eena in the presence of the 3oly Prophet followers of the 3oly Prophet in the year 6 A.3

1The battle of Tabook took place in the year B A.3. This was the last battle which the 3oly Prophet participated in. 1The second +ath of A'abah took place in 4a&ab, /0 A.3. 6. 6eaths in Ra=a#:1Imam Abu 3anifa ;4ahmatullah alaih<, passed away on the /6th of 4a&ab /6C A.3. 1Imam #hafi!ee ;4ahmatullah alaih<, passed away on the /5th 4a&ab 0C5 A.3. 1Imam Muslim ;4ahmatullah alaih<, passed away on the 05th of 4a&ab 0?/ A.3. 1Imam =awawee ;4ahmatullah alaih<, passed away on the /5th of 4a&ab ?@@ A.3.

Is the eight month of the Islamic >alendar. (& Meaning o2 the 3ord 9ha'#aan:- >onsecutively escalating. ;.ndisturbed increase< '& >pon the Arrival o2 the 9ha'#aan moon:- 9eginning of innumerous blessings are showered upon us. Pust as the initiation of rainfall begins with Jpitter patterJ such blessings reach us in the same accord and fashion. & 5eginning o2 9ha'#aan:- 9lessings are initiated which progressively escalate so that by mid1#ha!baan the blessings have reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reach their peak by the end of 4amadan. $& AUample supporting the a#ove stated:- Pust as a farmer prepares for a fruitful harvest by harrowing his screage so that the soil may readily retain water, in contrast our souls are geared by the presence of such blessings in #ha!baan effectively preparing us for a fruitful and completely advantageous 4amadan. $& Eur Holy /rophet Allah Ta7ala.J (6aylami) has said! J#ha!baan is my month and 4amadan the month of


5& More detailed eUplanation o2 the virtues o2 9ha?#aan: #ha!ban is one of the meritorious months for which we find some particular instructions in the #unnah of Prophet Muhammad . It is reported in the authentic ahadith that Prophet

Muhammad used to fast most of the month in #ha!ban. These fasts were not obligatory on him but #ha!ban is the month immediately proceeding the month of 4amadan. Therefore, some preparatory measures are suggested by Prophet Muhammad given below$ #ome of these are

/. 4he #lessed companion Annas ! reports that /rophet Muhammad 3as asked! J%hich fast is the most meritorious after the fasts of 4amadanZJ He replied! J(asts of #ha7baan in honour of 4amadan.J 0. 4he #lessed companion >sama I#n Gaid Muhammad reports that he asked /rophet

: JMessenger of Allah, I have seen you fasting in the month of #ha!ban so

fre'uently that I have never seen you fasting in any other month.J /rophet Muhammad ! replied: JThat ;#ha!ban< is a month between 4a&ab and 4amadan which is neglected by many people. And it is a month in which an account of the deeds ;of human beings< is presented before the "ord of the universe, so, I wish that my deeds be presented at a time when I am in a state of fasting.J 2. >mmul Mu'mineen 'A?isha says: JProphet Muhammad , used to fast the whole of #ha!ban. I said to him, !Messenger of Allah is #ha!ban you7re most favourite month for fastingZ! 3e said, !In this month Allah prescribes the list of the persons dying this year. Therefore, I like that my death comes when I am in a state of fasting.J 5. In another 4radition she says, JProphet Muhammad , would sometimes begin to fast continuously until we thought he would not stop fasting, and sometimes he used to stop fasting until we thought he would never fast. I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting a complete month, e,cept the month of 4amadan, and I have never seen him fasting in a month more fre'uently than he did in #ha!ban.J 6. In another report she says! JI never saw the Messenger of Allah , fasting in a month as profusely as he did in the month of #ha!ban. 3e used to fast in that month leaving only a few days, rather, he used to fast almost the whole of the month.J ?. >mmul-Mu'mineen >mm 9alamah ! says: JI have never seen the Messenger of Allah fasting for two months continuously e,cept in the months of #ha!ban and 4amadan.J These reports indicate that fasting in the month of #ha!ban, though not obligatory, is so meritorious that Prophet Muhammad , did not like to miss it.

9ut it should be kept in mind that the fasts of #ha!ban are for those persons only who are capable of keeping them without causing deficiency in the obligatory fasts of 4amadan.


Therefore, if one fears that after fasting in #ha!ban, he will lose strength or freshness for the fasts of 4amadan and will not be able to fast in it with freshness; he should not fast in #ha!ban, because the fasts of 4amadan, being obligatory, are more important than the optional fasts of #ha!ban. That is why Prophet Muhammad , himself has forbidden the Muslims from fasting one or two days immediately before the commencement of 4amadan. The blessed >ompanion Abu 3urraira , reports Prophet Muhammad JQo not fast after the first half of the month of #ha!ban is gone.J According to another report /rophet Muhammad month of 4amadan with one or two fasts.J , to have said,

has said: JQo not precede the

The essence of the above1'uoted ahadith is that Prophet Muhammad himself used to fast most of the month of #ha!ban, because he had no fear of developing weakness or weariness before the commencement of 4amadan. As for others, he ordered them not to fast after the /6th of #ha!ban for the fear that they would lose their strength and freshness before 4amadan starts, and would not be able to welcome the month of 4amadan with enthusiasm.

1hat should #e done in this )ightV

In order to observe the =ight of 9ara!ah, one should remain awakened in this night as much as he can. If someone has better opportunities, he should spend the whole night in worship and prayer. 3owever, if one cannot do so for one reason or another, he can select a considerable portion of the night, preferably of the second half of it for this purpose, and should perform the following acts of worship$ ;a< Salah* Salah is the most preferable act to be performed in this night. There is no particular number of 2ak-ah but preferably it should not be less than eight. It is also advisable that each part of the Salah like Eiyaam! 2uku@ and Sa<dah should be longer than normal. The longest #ura7s of the 3oly ur!an one remembers by heart should be recited in the Salah of this night. If someone does not remember the long #ura7s, he can also recite several short #uras7 in one rak@ah. ;b< 4ilaa3at& The recitation of the 3oly ur!an is another form of worship, very beneficent in this night. After performing Salah! or at any other time, one should recite as much of the 3oly ur!an as he can. ;c< 6hikr& +ne should also perform &hikr ;recitation of the name of Allah< in this night. Particularly the following &hikr is very useful$ +ne should recite Salah 5durood6 on Prophet Muhammad , as many times as he can. The &hikr can also be recited while walking, lying on bed and during other hours of work or leisure.


;d< 6ua& The best benefit one can draw from the blessings of this night is prayers and supplications. It is hoped that all the prayers in this night will be accepted by our "ord, insha1 Allah. Prayer itself is an @I adah! and Allah Almighty gives reward on each prayer along with the fulfilment of the supplicator!s need. Even if the purpose prayed for is not achieved, one cannot be deprived of the reward of the prayer which is sometimes more precious than the mundane benefits one strives for. The prayers and supplications also strengthen one!s relation with Allah Almighty, which is the main purpose of all kinds and forms of worship. +ne can pray for whatever purpose he wishes. 9ut the best supplications are the ones made by Prophet Muhammad . They are so comprehensive and all1encompassing prayers which cover all human needs, of this world and the 3ereafter, are fully covered in the elo'uent e,pressions used in them. Actually, most of the prophetic prayers are so profound that human imagination can hardly match their greatness. #everal books in various languages are available which provide these prophetic prayers, and one should pray to Allah Almighty in accordance with them, whether by reciting their original Arabic te,t or by rendering their sense in one!s own language. ;e< There are some people who cannot perform any additional Salah or recitations for any reason, like illness or weakness or being engaged in some other necessary activities. #uch people also should not deprive themselves completely of the blessings of this night. They should observe the following acts$ ;i< To perform the Salah of Maghri ! @Isha@ and ;a<r with :amaa-ah in the mos'ue, or in their homes in case of their being sick. ;ii< They should keep reciting the &hikr! particularly the one mentioned in Para ;c< above, in whatever condition they are until they sleep. ;iii< They should pray to Allah for their forgiveness and for their other ob&ectives. +ne can do so even when he is in his bed. ;f< The women during their periods cannot perform salaah! nor can they recite the ur!an, but they can recite any &hikr! Tas ih! durood shareef and can pray to Allah for whatever purpose they like in whatever language they wish. They can also recite the Arabic prayers mentioned in the ur!an or in the hadith with the intention of supplication ;and not with the intention of recitation<. ;g< According to a hadith! which is relatively less authentic, Prophet Muhammad , went in this night to the graveyard of BaEi@ where he prayed for the Muslims buried there. +n this basis, some of the fuEaha hold it as Musthaha ;advisable< in this night to go to the graveyard of the Muslims and recite ;atiha or any other part of the ur!an, and pray for the dead. 9ut this act is neither obligatory nor should it be performed as regularly as an obligatory act.


1hat 9hould )ot #e 6one in 4his )ight

/. As mentioned earlier, the /ight of Bara@ah is a night in which special blessings are directed towards the Muslims. Therefore, this night should be spent in total submission to Allah Almighty, and one should refrain from all those activities, which may displease Allah. Although it is always incumbent upon every Muslim to abstain from sins, yet this abstinence becomes all the more necessary in such nights, because committing sins in this night will amount to responding to divine blessings with disobedience and felony. #uch an arrogant attitude can invite nothing but the wrath of Allah. Therefore, one should strictly abstain from all the sins, particularly from those mentioned in the 3adith =o. 2 'uoted earlier in this article, because these sins make one devoid of the blessings of this night. 0. In this night some people indulge in some activities which they regard as necessary for the celebration of the =ight of 9ara!ah, like cooking some special type of meal, or illuminating houses or mos'ues, or improvised structures. All such activities are not only baseless and innovated in the later days by ignorant people, but in some cases they are pure imitation of some rituals performed by non1Muslim communities. #uch imitation in itself is a sin; performing it in a blessed night like the =ight of 9ara!ah makes it worse. Muslims should strictly abstain from all such activities. 2. #ome people spend this night in holding religious meetings and delivering long speeches. #uch activities are also not advisable, because these acts can easily be performed in other nights. This night re'uires one to devote himself for the pure acts of worship only. 5. The acts of worship like Salah! recitation of the ur!an and &hikr should be performed in this night individually, not collectively. The /afl Salah should not be performed in :amaa-ah! nor should the Muslims arrange gatherings in the mos'ues in order to celebrate the night in a collective manner. +n the contrary, this night is meant for worshipping Allah in solitude. It is the time to en&oy the direct contact with the "ord of the .niverse, and to devote one!s attention to 3im and 3im alone. These are the precious hours of the night in which nobody should intervene between one and his "ord, and one should turn to Allah with total concentration, not disturbed or intermitted by any one else. That is why Prophet Muhammad , observed the acts of worship in this night in total seclusion, not accompanied by anyone, not even by his favourite life companion #ayyidah !A7isha, 4adhiyallahu anha, and that is why all forms of the optional worship 5/afl I adah6! are advised by him to be done in individual, not in collective manner.

.ast o2 the (5th 9ha'#an

+n the day immediately following the =ight of 9ara!ah, i.e. the /6th of #ha!ban, it is Musthaha ;advisable< to keep fast. Prophet Muhammad , is reported to have


recommended this fast emphatically. Although the scholars of hadith have some doubts in the authenticity of this report, yet it is mentioned earlier that the fasts of the first half of #ha!ban have special merits and Prophet Muhammad , used to fast most of the days in #ha!ban. Moreover, a large number of the elders 5salaf6 of the Dmmah have been observing the fast of the /6th of #ha!ban. This constant practice indicates that they have accepted the relevant hadith as authentic. Therefore, it is advisable to fast the /6th of #ha!ban as an optional ;=afl< fast. +ne can also keep a fast of Eada 5Make up fast6 on this day and it is hoped that he can also benefit from the merits of this fast.

Is the ninth month of the Islamic >alendar. (& A hadith regarding Ramadan:Hadhrat 9almaan reports that on the last day o2 9ha'#aan the Messenger o2 Allah

addressed then and said! J+h people, there comes before you now a great month, a most blessed month in which lies a night more greater in virtue than /,CCC months; ;"AF"AT."1 AQ4<. It is a month in which each day should be observed by fasting, this has been made obligatory by the Almighty Allah.J '& :reat events that took place in Ramadan:/< 3adhrat 3asan , the grandson of the 3oly Prophet /6th of 4amadan, three years after 3i&rah. was born in this month on the

0< +n the 0@th night of 4amadan the ur!an was revealed from the TLauhe Mah2oo"T ;on the seventh sky< to the first of the skies. 2< The first 9attle in the Islamic 3istory, J9ATT"E +( 9AQ4J took place on the /0th of 4amadan 0 A.3. 5< Dictory of Makkah took place in the year A A.3, entering Makkah on the /Ath of 4amadan.

& Matrimonies 3ithin Ramadhaan:/< 3adhrat #awdah Prophet . was married in this 3oly month in the year /C A.3. to the 3oly


0< 3adhrat [ainab 9int Ohu*aima!s to the 3oly Prophet

marriage took place in 4amadan in the year 2 A.3.

$& 6eaths in Ramadan:/< Amongst the daughters of the 3oly Prophet the young age of 02, 0 A.3 when the Prophet 0< Amongst the wives of the 3oly prophet 3adhrat 4u'ayyah passed away at

was engaged in the J9attle of 9adrJ. 3adhrat Ohadi&ah departed from this

world on the //th of 4amadan /C ;A.3.< after the Prophet 2< 3adhrat (atimah months after the Prophet

ac'uired prophecy.

took leave from the world on a Tuesday 2rd 4amadan // A.3. ;? she was then 0B years old.< .ncle passed away on a (riday /0th

5< 3adhrat Abbas the 3oly Prophet7s 4amadan 20 ;A.3< at the age of AA 6< 3adhrat Ali the Prophet 4amadan, age 6@, 5C A.3. ?< 3adhrat Ali @< 3adhrat #affiyah A< 3adhrat Aa!ishah

son1in1law departed from this world on (riday 0@th

met martyrdom1 /Ath 4amadan 5C A.3. took leave from this world in 6C ;A.3.<, aged ?C years. was ?6 years old when she departed in the year 6A A.3.

5& Acts to #e done in Ramadan:

(asting is compulsory during this Month$

The act of fast is to desist in consuming food, drink and cohabitation from dawn until dusk. The month of 4amadan is a month in which the Mercy and 9lessings of Allah Ta!ala descend upon us continuously.The whole ur7an was sent down to the first sky from "awhe Mahfoo*. There is the night of adr, which is better than /CCC months.


The Thawaab ;reward< of good deed is e'ual to the (ard of another month. The daily bread of Muslims is increased. The first ten days are of mercy, second ten days are of forgiveness and the last ten days are of being freed from 3ell. Taraweeh nama* is #unnate Mu7kkadah so should be read every night in congregation for men and for women reading in congregation is optional I7tikaaf ;4emaining in the Mas&id< in the last ten nights is also #unnah Mu7kkadah but unlike Taraweeh if a few people in the locality perform it then the rest are absolved from it. "aylatul adr ;The =ight of Power< should be sought in the last ten nights so should the amount of Ibadah ;%orship< Ibadah ;%orship< on "aylatul adr ;=ight of Power< is better than a thousand months.

4he 2ollo3ing dua should #e recited on this #lessed night:

X `a ` X `k XU i T ca ^ c{ ` m ` Ss TV S cn SkU ] x{ ` c
Allahumma innaka Afuwun Thuhibbul Afwa fa7fu Iannee L+h Allah, Fou are the forgiver and Fou "ove forgiving a lot so forgive me.M (I#n Ma=ah)

#ada'atul (itr should be given to the poor and needy before Eid #alah. #ada'atul (itr is %aa&ib upon those who have the value of =isaab ;I.e. ?/0,2? grams of silver or A@,?A of Hold or its e'uivalent in cash or stock<

.nlike [akat it is not necessary for ones possessions to be in ones wealth to be in ones possession for a full year. #ada'atul (itr should also be given on behalf of ones minor children. +ne should increase their good deeds as much as possible for good deeds in this month are worth more than any other month and dua7s are readily accepted. #o one should make the best of every second of this month inshallah.


Is the tenth month of the Islamic >alendar. (& Meaning o2 the 3ord 9ha33aal: - .plift\breakage. 9efore Islam, Arabs believed that any marriage held in #hawwaal would always turn out to be unsuccessful. 3ence, the month deprived the above mentioned meanings; however the superstitious belief was later abolished. '& 4he month 9ha33aal: - (rom the months of 3a&&, #hawwaal is the first of them. The first day of #hawwaal is Eid1.l1(itr and also the day when sins are forgiven.


& 9iU 2asts o2 9ha33aal:- In the month of #hawwaal it is #unnah to keep si, fasts, as narrated in the following 3adith by Abu Ayyub Ansaru that the 3oly Prophet has said, JIf one throughout his life keeps the fasts of 4amadan and keeps si, consecutive fasts in #hawwaal it will be as though he has kept a whole life time of fasts, and if one keeps the si, consecutive fasts for one #hawwaal month it will be as though he has observed fast all year round.J (Muslim)

$& Avents 3hich took place in 9ha33aal:/< 3adhrat Aa!ishah years before 3i&rah. was born in #hawwaal four years after Prophethood which is nine

0< 3adhrat Aa!ishah was married in this month ten years after Prophethood which is three years before 3i&rah. 2< The fight between 9anu ayna'aa took place between the battle of 9adr and .hud ;#hawwaal 0 A.3. after 3i&rah< 5< The battle of .hud also took place in #hawwaal, three years after 3i&rah. 6< 3adhrat 3ussain the 3oly Prophet!s grandson ;son of 3adhrat (atima born in the month of #hawwaal four years after 3i&rah. ?< The 3oly Prophet year after 3i&rah. @< 3adhrat Aa!ishah married 3adhrat .mme #alamah < was

in #hawwaal in the fourth

mother passed away in 6 A.3.

A< The 3oly Prophet!s uncle Abu Taalib departed from this world during the middle of #hawwaal in the year 6 A.3. B< Imam 9ukhari ;4ahmatullah alaih<, was born on a (riday of #hawwaal in the year /B5 A.3.


Is the eleventh month of the Islamic >alendar. 6hul-Pa'dah:- Is a month amongst the months of 3a&&. Avents taken place during the month o2 6hul-Pa'dah:/< The battle of !khanda' ;trench< or Ah*ab! took place in 6 A.3. 0< ? A.3.1Truce of 3udaubiyah 2< ? A.3 !9ay!at1e14idhwaan! ;The oath of allegiance named 4idhwaan< 5< The return to Makkah for the performance of .mrah by the Prophet >ompanions in @ A.3. and his

6hul Hi==ah
Is the last month of the Islamic >alendar. (& Meaning o2 the 3ord 6hul-Hi==ah:- The month of THa==T ;Pilgrimage< A#out the month o2 6hul-Hi==ah:- The fifth pillar of Islam THa==T is performed in this sacred month. The first ten days of Qhul13i&&ah are the most virtuous days in this whole month, 3a&& is performed amongst these ten days. '& Ahadith related to 6hul-Hi==ah:Hadhrat A#u Hurraira reports 2rom the Holy /rophet : JAmongst all days there are none better to engage in sole worship of Allah than in the ten days of Qhul13i&&ah, To observe a fast on any of these days is e'uivalent to fasting throughout the year, to actively engage in prayer and worship throughout any of these nights holds such rewarding values levelling with Jnight of powerJ (Laylatul-Padr) (4irmidhi) It has #een stated in the Holy Pur'an! J9y the dawn; 9y the ten nights ;ie. the first ten days of the month of Qhul13i&&ah<, and by the even and the odd ;of all the creations of Allah< and by night when it departs. There is indeed in them ;the above oaths< a sufficient proof for men of understanding. ;And that they should avoid all kinds of sins and disbelief<J Hadhrat A#i Pataadah reports in a part narration 2rom the Holy /rophet concerning the 2ast o#served on the day o2 Ara2aat: JI have full confidence in Allah for the one who observes a fast on the day of Arafaat that his previous year!s sins and the proceeding year!s sins are forgiven.J (Muslim)


& Avents o2 6hul-Hi==ah:/< The Prophet performed the farewell 3a&& and gave the historic sermon known as the J(arewell #ermonJ 0< Egypt was con'uered by the army sent by 3adhrat .mar 2< .thmaan was appointed the third >aliph

5< Also T5ay'ate-ABa#ahT took place $& Matrimonies 3ithin 6hul-Hi==ah:- 3adhrat (atimah to the fourth >aliph 3adhrat Ali 5& 6eaths in 6hul-Hi==ah:- Two famous deaths took place in this month$ /< 3adhrat .mar 0< 3adhrat .thmaan met martyrdom1 0@th of Qhul13i&&ah 0? A.3. was martyred1 /Ath Qhul13i&&ah 26 A.3. was married in this holy month

+& Increasing good deeds during the 2irst ten days o2 6hul-Hi==ah: It is narrated on the authority of !Abbas from the Prophet that he said$ JThere is no action done in days better than theseJ They said$ J=ot even &ihadZJ 3e said$ J=ot even &ihad e,cept a man who risks his life and wealth and returns with neither.J MAl-5ukhari: ,+,N #o do as many good deeds as possible on these blessed days for our time can be over in A=F second and when death comes then it is too late to change and add to our good deed accounts and gain forgiveness so the time to get close to Allah and do good deeds and ask for forgiveness is =+%G (or tomorrow may never come and then there are only regrets (+4DE4G

<oluntary .asting

The fasting of 4amadan is obligatory on every responsible and fit Muslim ;Mukallaf<. 9ut there are other times when it is strongly recommended, after the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad . Among these times are Mondays and Thursdays of every week, a few days of each month in the two months heralding the coming of 4amadan, i.e., 4a&ab and #ha7ban, si, days after 4amadan following the IEid ul1(itr day. 9esides, it is always compensating to fast any day of any month of the year, e,cept the IEid days and certain days


when no Muslim should fast. 3owever, we may repeat that the only o#ligatory fasting is that of 4amadan. 4he /rophet used to encourage 2asting in the 2ollo3ing days:

1. 9iU days in 9ha33al (the month a2ter Ramadan)J the Prophet

said$ L%hoever fasts 4amadan, then follows it up with si, days in #hawwal, it is as if he fasted the whole ;year<.M (Muslim) The scholars said that the rewards of the good deeds are multiplied by ten. 2C, /C 2CC 8? days , /C: 2?C which is slightly longer than a lunar year, and ne,t 4amadan he will fast again so it is as if he fasted his whole life.

2. .asting the 2irst ten days o2 6hul-Hi==ah and the day o2 CAra2aat (the ,th day o2
6hul-Hi==ah) (2or those 3ho are not per2orming Ha==)J the Prophet said$ L(asting on the day of IArafaat e,piates two years of sins last year7s and ne,t year7s and fasting on the tenth of Muharram ;IAshura< e,piates the previous year7s ;of sins<.M (Muslim and others) LMilk was sent to the Prophet while he was giving his sermon on the day of Arafaat and he drank from it.M (Agreed upon)

3. .asting on the day o2 CAshura! and its fasting is not mandatory on you, and I am
fasting, so whoever wants should fast, and whoever wants should break his fast.M (Agreed upon)& And Rasulallah said: LIf I live till the ne,t year, I will fast definitely on the Bth ;the day before LAshura<.M (Muslim) ;This shows that it is preferable to fast an e,tra day long with the tenth, preferably the ninth, but, if not possible, then the //th<.

4. .asting most o2 the month o2 9ha?#an: LAllah7s Messenger

of #ha7ban.M (Agreed upon)

used to fast most

5. .asting Monday and 4hursday: The Prophet

mentioned that$ LThe deeds of the worshippers are presented before Allah on Monday and Thursday, I like my deeds to be presented while I am fasting.M ()isaa?i)

3e ;peace be on him< was asked about fasting on Monday, he said:8 That is the day I was born and the day ;the first 4evelation< was sent down on me.M (Muslim) ?. .asting three days o2 every month: Amr Ibn #harhabeel said$ The

Messenger of Allah said$ J#hall I not inform you of what takes away the whispers of the chestJ, they said yes tell us, he said Lfasting three days from every monthJ. (An-)asai')


A#u 6harr Al-:hi2ari said: JThe Messenger of Allah said$ J%hoever fasts from every month three days, it is like fasting the whole year, then Allah revealed what backs this in 3is book$ J%hoever comes with a good deed, he is rewarded ten foldsJ, one day for ten. (I#n Ma=ah! at-4irmidhi)

A#u 6harr Al-:hi2ari said: JThe Messenger of Allah said$ J+ Abu QharrG if you fast three days of every month, then fast the /2th, the /5th and the /6th 8these are call the al1ayaam al1beedh, the white days:J. M)ote these are dates o2 the Islamic MonthXN (Ahmad! an-)isaa?i! at-4irmidhi)

4he 6ays 3hen .asting is prohi#ited: It is taboo to fast during the first days of Eid Al1(itr and Eid1 Al1Adha in compliance with the directive of the Prophet ;peace be on him< who was 'uoted by +mar ;May Allah bless him<, as having said$ LEid Al1(itr is the day of the breaking of the fast, and the Eid1Al1Adha day is the day on which you should eat from your devotion and sacrificeM. 4he Hadith 3as related #y Imam Ahmad& )arrated A#u 9a?id Al-@hudri The Prophet said$ L=o #aum ;fast< is permissible on two days$ IEid1Al1(itr and IEid1Al1Adha. (9ahih Al-5ukhari! Hadith )E&'**! <ol&') >ndesira#le 6ays o2 .asting: The "egislator has advised Muslims not to fast on certain days and e,plained the reasons and wisdom behind the e,hortation. 4hese days are:

1. The days of the Tashrik, the three days following the (east of the #acrifice, Abu
3urraira related that Allah7s Apostle had delegated Abdullah 9in 3u*akah to tour throughout Mina and to advise Muslims not to fast during these three days which had been assigned for eating, drinking and mentioning of the name of Allah. 0. #pecific fasting of (riday, the Muslim weekly holiday, if not preceded or followed by another day is undesirable but not taboo. In the two 3adith 9ooks checked properly by well versed &urist and scholars, 0a#ir related that the /rophet followed by another dayM. 2. saidM LQo not fast on (riday if not preceded or

(asting on #aturday is undesirable because this is glorified by the Pews.

It is preferable for a pilgrim not to observe #aum ;fast< on the day of IArafaat in IArfat.


)arrated >mm Al-.adl #int Al-Harith

+n the day of IArafaat, some people who were

with me, differed about the #aum ;fast< of the Prophet some said that he was observing #aum while others said that he was not observing #aum. #o I sent a bowl full of milk to him while he was riding his camel, and he drank that milk. (9ahih Al-5ukhari! Hadith )o -' ! <ol&')

4he 9unnah?s o2 Aid >l Adha and Aid ul .itr

/. To awaken earlier than usual 0. To brush the teeth with Miswaak 2. To have a bath ;Hhusl< 5. To be well dressed in an Islamic manner 6. To be dressed in one7s best clothes ;Qoesn7t necessarily have to be new< )ote: >are should be taken that we do not incur debts or transgress the limits of modesty on the clothes we purchase and wear on Eid day as is seen in Muslim communities of today. Many of our brothers are seen with unsuitable haircuts and inappropriate clothing imitating the kufaar and many of sisters are seen dressed provocatively attracting unwanted attention and the ga*e of strange men upon them. %hat would happen if we were to die in such a stateZ %e should adopt modesty in everyday of our loves and should never imitate the kufaar in anyway. May Allah save us from this evil. Ameen ?. To use Attar ;Perfume< @. To perform Eid #alah at the Eidgah ;An open ground< A. Avoid eating before Eid #alah on the day of Eid ul Adha and to eat an odd number of dates or anything sweet on the day of Eid ul (itr B. To go to the place of Eid #alah early /C. To walk to the place of Eid #alah ;If it is within walking distance because every step is reward< //. To read aloud 74ak#eerat8 on the way to the place of prayer for Eid1ul1Adha and silently for Eid1ul1(itr$

LAllaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar "aa ilaaha illallaahu %allaahu Akbar walillaahil hamdM. /0. To use different routes to and from the place of Eid #alaah


/2. To fre'uently read the takbeers ;"oudly for Eid .l Adha and softly for Eid ul (itr< /5. To pray the Eid1.l1(itr prayer later and the Eid1ul1Adha earlier. /6. To read two rak7ahs %aa&ib #alaatul Eidain without any Adhaan or I'aamah /?. It is forbidden to pray =ail prayer before or after the prayer. /@. To read the two rak7ahs =afl prayer on reaching home.

/A. Quring Eid #alaah, in the first rak7ah, 4asulallah #uratul Hhathia ;=o. AA< in the second rak7ah.

would recite #urah Ala ;no. A@< and

/B. 4eciting these #ura7s in the Eid prayer should not be regarded as obligatory for other #ura7s may also be recited. 0C. %hen 4asulallah completed the prayer of #alaatul Eidain he would stand facing the people who were seated in their rows and deliver a khutba issuing instructions and commanding them to do good. If he intended to send an army he did so and likewise issued any special orders he wished to. 0/. The Ohutba was delivered after the Eid #alaah 00. Quring both the khutba7s of Eid 4asulallah used to recite the Takbeerat fre'uently

02. The khutba of both Eids are #unnah but to listen to them is %aa&ib. It is totally prohibited ;3araam< to walk around, talk or even read #alaah whilst the khutba is in progress. 05. To shake hands and hug one another on happy occasions is Mubaah ;permissible<. The general principle of a Mubaah act is not to regard the act as compulsory as that pro&ects a wrong image of Qeen. (urthermore, people should not regard the meeting on the day of Eid as compulsory and an inseparable part of the occasion. (9>))A49! Mu2ti A& M& H& 9ale=ee pg *,! ,%) 06. 4he greeting on Aid: 0a#yr i#n )u2ayr said: !%hen the companions of Allah!s

Messenger met on the day of Eid, they would say to each other, '4aBa#allahu minna 3a mink ;May Allah accept from us and you<.J MAl MahamiliyyatJ hasan isnadJ see .ath ul 5ari ':$$+N


9unnah?s o2 )ikah

/. A #unnah =ikah is that which is simple, wherein there are no formalities, nor are there any disputes pertaining to the dowry etc. (Mishkaat) 0. =ikah should never be delayed beyond the right age 2. There should not be an engagement first as engagements have no place in Islam and it does not make it permissible for a couple to interact. )ote: %hen some Muslim couples get engaged they think it is ok for them to be in contact verbally and even physically. It should be borne in mind that firstly there is no such thing as engagements in Islam and secondly an engagement is not a =ikah and is not permission for the man and women to start having relations together. If a couple will start off their lives together in a forbidden way then is that the best way to start off ones life togetherZ >ouples should do what they can to make sure they make Allah as happy as possible and not gain his wrath by doing forbidden and shameful acts before marriage. 5. =ikah should never be delayed unnecessarily. 6. It is #unnah to seek a pious and righteous person for marriage and to send a proposal to such a person. (Mishkaat-<ol&'! pg&'+--narrated 2rom A#u Hurraira )

)ote: In present day societies there are customs and traditions of that which are contrary to #unnah such as engagements, mendhi parties and all sorts of other acts which are contrary to Islamic beliefs which involve intermingling of the se,es, Music and dancing. %eddings have become occasions of stress and the cause of debt as they get bigger and bigger. This is not what marriage is supposed to be. Marriage is a sacred act and one should be very careful to avoid these evils and to make Allah happy in the beginning of ones married life together. ?. To have the =ikah on (riday in a Mas&id and to have =ikah in the month of #hawwaal is #unnah and preferable. (MirBaat- <ol&+ pg&'(% and '(-< @. To announce the =ikah to the people. (Mishkaat- <ol&'! pg&'-') A. +ne should call close family, friends and relatives to the =ikah. =o special pains should be taken in gathering people from far off places to attend the =ikah. +ne should not worry about losing respect because of inviting less people. Is our respect compared to that of 4asulallah Z Then why should one feel this whyZ This is mere boasting and Allah dislikes the arrogant and boastful. )ote: It is forbidden to hold engagement and mendhi parties.


B. 4asulallah daughter (atima had such a simple wedding and that is how all Muslims should have their weddings for the simpler the better. #ayyida A7isha narrates that the Messenger of Allah said$ LThe most blessed marriage ;nikah< is the one with the least e,penses.M (Al-5ayhaBi in his 9hu?a# al-Iman D Mishkat al-Masa#ih)& /C. It is also #unnah to fi, the amount of Mahr ;dowry< according to one7s means. (Mishkaat<ol&'! pg&'-') //. %hen the time of #alaah comes then the wife and husband should not remain seated but swiftly go and pray the #alaah.

9unnah?s o2 1alimah
/. After the first night, to invite one7s friends, relatives, family and the poor for the %alimah is #unnah. It is not necessary to prepare a great amount of food. A little food prepared according to one7s means and feed a few relatives or friends will suffice in fulfilling the #unnah. The worst %alimah is that %alimah where only the rich and the irreligious are invited and the poor, destitute and the pious are left out. +ne should avoid attending such %alimah. (5ukhari- <ol&'! pg& --*) 0. It is #unnah for the bridegroom7s side to conduct %alimah (9ahih al-5ukhari! no& $*-() 2. %hen hosting a %alimah make the intention of fulfilling the #unnah. Invite the poor, destitute and the pious. +ne may invite from the rich whomsoever one wishes while ensuring that the poor are not left out. There is no reward for that %alimah which is hosted for show or to impress people. Instead, it is feared that such a %alimah will invite the wrath and displeasure of Allah Ta7ala.

9unnah?s regarding Hon=ugal relations

Intercourse is necessary for humans without which life becomes very difficult. Allah has kept reward for those who satisfy their se,ual desires legitimately as in with their marriage partners for se,ual relations outside of marriage is a ma&or sin and will gain the displeasure, anger and wrath of Allah upon the persons whom indulge in these forbidden acts outside of marriage. En the authority o2 A#u 6harr : #ome of the companions of the messenger of Allah

said $J + Messenger of Allah, the affluent have made off with the rewards, they pray as we pray they fast as we fast, and they give away in charity the superfluity of their wealth.J He said$J 3as not Allah made things for you to give away in charityZ Every tas ihah 5Su haanallah6 is a charity, every tak irah 5Allaahu Ak ar6 is a charity, every tahmidah 5Alhamdulillah6 is a charity, and every tahlilah 5%aa ilaaha illallaah6 is a charity, to en&oin a


good action is a charity, to forbid an evil action is a charity, and in the se,ual act of each of you there is a charity.J 4hey said: J+ Messenger of Allah, when one of us fulfils his se,ual desire will he have some reward for thatZJ He said: JQo you not think that were he to act upon it unlawfully he would be sinningZ "ikewise, if he has acted upon it lawfully he will have a reward.J (Muslim) /. +n the first night when one is in seclusion with one7s wife, one should take hold of the forehead and recite this dua$

op S Sd ` b `o xp ` X T m `Y T c a{ c `d ` l Tf Xn `{ ` ` `n X ` ` ` o `f X `d ` b `o `f X ` m `k c ` X ` ] xs TV S cn SkU Tf l Xn `{ ` ` `n X ` ` `
Allahumma inni asaluka khairaha wakaira ma &abaltaha alaihi waoudhubika min sharriha washarri ma &abaltaha alaih 0 Allah! I ask you for the good that is in her and the enefits of her good ha its and character. I seek your protection from the harms of her evil ha its and character.3 (A#u 6a3ood! I#n Ma=ah)

0. 9ismillah K Allahumma &innib nash shaitana wa&annibish shaitana ma radha'tana K I commence this act in the name of Allah. 0 Allah! protect us from Shaytaan and keep Shaytaan away from that child that you will grant us. The child that will e orn after this dua has een recited will e safeguarded from the harm of Shaytaan3. (5ukhari@ <ol&'! pg& --+! A#u 6a3ood! I(n Ma=ah) 2. To have se,ual relations +="F with ones wife. (Muslim! I#n Ma=ah) 5. Intercourse should not be conducted on an empty stomach, or on a stomach which is too full nor with the urge for relieving oneself. (4ah2atun Q )ikah) 6. There should be complete privacy when husband and wife are having relations. It should not be en&oyed in the presence of babies unless they are asleep. (I#id) ?. A sheet or blanket should be used to cover both partners whilst having intercourse. (I#id) .or the /rophet said: =Ierily Allah is modest and discreet and *e likes modesty and discretion.= (Related #y Ahmad! Al-4irmidhi! and A#u 6a3ud) @. The couple should not face the iblah whilst having intercourse (I#id)

A. To make Miswaak before intercourse (I#id)


B. =ot to talk whilst in the act of intercourse (I#id) /C. Intercourse should not be had only for the intention of fulfilling ones carnal desires but for the following intentions$ ;a< To safeguard oneself lustful ga*e, adultery and forbidden acts ;b< (or the purpose of procreation ;c< To fulfil the rights of the wife 9y having these intentions one will also fulfil ones desires as well as gain rewards from Allah (I#id) //. If the urge of se,ual intercourse occurs more than once between each act of intercourse then it would be best to make Hhusl, otherwise %udhu will suffice and if not then at least isthin&a ;washing privates with water< (0amul- .a3aid) 4he /rophet said:

JIf one of you had intercourse with his wife and then wants to come to her again, it is better for him to perform ablution, for it gives him vigour to come again.J (Related #y Muslim) ('& 4he /rophet said:

J+ne of you should not fall upon his wife like the animal does, let there be a messenger between them.7 He 3as asked: IAnd what is the messengerZ7 He said: IOissing and talking.7J (Related #y Al-6aylami) This indicates that the man should seek to satisfy his wife7s desires as she satisfies his. /2. They are free to have intercourse anytime they wish, but moderation is advised and se,ual activity should not become an obsession as it may take over other activities of life. 3aving intercourse on the night before (riday is desirable as the Prophet said$

J%hoever makes Hhusl on (riday to clean himself from &anaabah ;impurity due to having intercourse<, then left for prayer, it is as if he offered a camel in sacrifice.J (Related #y Al5ukhari) /5. It is best to make Hhusl each time but it is permissible to have one Hhusl at the end ;If one has intercourse more than once in a session< (Mishkaat) /6. After se,ual relations it is compulsory to have a bath ;Hhusl< and it is best to have bath before sleeping (5ukhari) )ote: +ne is only permitted to remain in the state of &anaabah until #ubho #adi' ;Qawn<. +ne should make Hhusl before sleeping if there is a danger of missing (a&r #alaah, as it may be difficult to do when waking up for (a&r and there may not be enough time to make Hhusl at that time.


/?. If one perspires whilst in the state of &anaabah then the perspiration is Paak ;clean< and it does not make the clothes or anything that ones perspiration has touched unclean, however the semen is napaak ;unclean< so anything the semen touches must be washed. (Mu3atta) /@. +nly those parts that the semen had stained will be unclean and the rest of the garment will be clean (A#u 6a3ud) )ote: 3owever if it is unsure which parts of the clothing the semen had stained or if there are doubts then it is better to wash all of the clothing. /A. If any of the chaste wives of 4asulallah eyes pained, he did not have intercourse with them until they recovered from such an ailment.

Ether /rohi#ited Acts the Houple Must Avoid

/B. It is unlawful for them to speak about ;or otherwise mention< anything that happened between them in intimacy. 4he /rophet said:

Among those who will be in the worst position in Allah7s sight on the Qay of 4esurrection is the man who has intercourse with his wife, and she with him, and then he spreads her secret.J (Related #y Muslim) 0C. It is strictly unlawful for the couple to engage in sodomy, as the /rophet said:

>ursed is the one who comes to his wife in her anus.J (Related #y Ahmad and A#u 6a3ud) A man asked Ibn Abbas about one engaging in sodomy with his wife and Ibn Abbas ;4A< said$ T4his man is asking me a#out @u2r&T 0/. It is forbidden for the husband to have intercourse with his wife during her menstruating period and childbirth bleeding, as Almighty Allah says: JThey ask you concerning menstruation. #ay$ that is an Adha ;a harmful thing for a husband to have a se,ual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses<, therefore keep away from women during menses and go not unto them until they have purified ;from menses and have taken a bath<NJ (Al-5aBarah ':''') )ote: It is permitted to sleep with, fondle love and caress her but she must keep her body covered from the navel to the knee in order to prevent any possibility of se,ual intercourse. %hilst ones wife is menstruating then one can use any part of her body to en&oy apart from between her navel and knee. 3aving intercourse with ones wife when she is menstruating is a ma&or sin and it is necessary to repent and better to give #ada'ah ;>harity<


00. =ot to think of or fantasi*e about any other person besides one7s wife whilst having intercourse. To think of any other person during intercourse is tantamount to *ina ;adultery<. (I#id) .inal )ote: The woman should not voluntarily fast, before asking permission from her husband, as this deprives him from having intercourse with her. This of course e,cludes the obligatory fasting such as 4amadan, or when she has to make up for the days she did not fast during 4amadan.

9ome important 9unnah?s o2 conducting #usiness

/. Trade was the only occupation which Prophet Muhammad up.

was known to have taken

)ote: Patience, humility, tolerance and the habit of talking gently and unprovocatively are essential for successfully conducting business. 0. Prophet Muhammad was once asked which the best occupation to engage in is. 3e replied, JTrade and work which is done with one!s own hands.J (4a#arani) 2. +ne must always be honest in all one!s business dealings. (4a#arani) 5. An honest and truthful businessman shall be in the shade of the throne of Allah. (AlIs#ihani) 6. +ne must not break one!s promises. ?. +ne must not condemn the goods that one seeks to purchase. @. +ne must not unduly praise or e,aggerate one!s goods when selling them. A. +ne must not evade payment of one!s debt 1 or even prolong its payment. B. +ne must not put too much pressure on the person who owes money. /C. +ne must assist others who seek to enter into business and trade. //. Almighty Allah!s mercy descends on one who is gentle at the time of buying, selling, and re'uesting payment. (4irmidhi) /0. +ne should never allow greed to drive one to inflate prices with a view to making larger profits as every person shall receive his sustenance which is ordained for him \ her. /2. 4asulallah following$ has said that whosoever enters a business market or area and recites the


& '( # $ % " ! .

"aa !illaha !illallahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul1mulku wa lahul1hamdu, wa 3uwa !alaa kulli shay!in adeer JThere is none worthy of worship but Allah who is alone ;and< 3e has no partner, 3is is the Oingdom and for 3im is all praise, 3e gives life and causes death, in 3is hand is all good and 3e has power over everything.J Almighty Allah will record one million good deeds, forgive one million sins, elevate the status a million times and build a house for him in Pannah. (Mishkaat) /5. Eur /rophet Muhammad has said that Almighty Allah proclaims: JI am a one third partner of a two man partnership until one of them acts dishonestly to his partner, and, in such event, I then leave them.J /6. Hadhrat >mar declared$ J+nly he who has knowledge of the Islamic business laws shall trade in our business area.J /?. Prophet Muhammad has said that he who cheats ;when buying or selling< is not of us and the one who swindles, embe**les or indulges in any fraudulent conduct shall be in the fire. /@. Prophet Muhammad said whosoever sells a defective product without disclosing its defect to the purchaser, shall earn the permanent anger of Almighty Allah and the angels continuously curse such a person. /A. To sell \ weigh less ;of a product< than the intending purchaser is entitled to is a ma&or sin. Prophet Muhammad of this sin. has said that other nations, before us, have perished because

/B. +ur Prophet Muhammad has e,horted that we should refrain from taking 'asms ;oath< unnecessarily for although it helps in the sale of one!s products, it reduces the blessings ;barakah<. 0C. /rophet Muhammad has said: J%hosoever accepts returned products, Almighty Allah will wipe1out his punishment. 0/. 3adhrat A7isha reports that our Prophet Muhammad said that one should seek sustenance early at dawn as there are blessings during that time. 00. Prophet Muhammad has said that we should seek sustenance with ease ;i.e., we should not overdo the search ;for profits< since each person shall receive what has been


ordained for him<. 9usiness should never become the be all and end1all of our lives. 4ather, it should be a means to a better Islamic life where all obligations are fulfilled. 02. Prophet Muhammad has said that whoever buys stolen goods, knowing such goods to have been stolen, becomes a party to the act of theft. 05. /rophet Muhammad has said! JThat body shall not enter Pannah ;immediately< which has been nourished with haraam. (Ahmad) 06. Prophet Muhammad perish. 0?. Prophet Muhammad has said that to evade the paying of *akaat will cause wealth to

has prohibited the sale of that which one does not possess.

0@. It is haraam to indulge in the sale of haraam items \ products. 0A. The giving, taking, writing down or even becoming a witness to the concept of interest transactions are forbidden ;haraam<. 0B. +ur Prophet Muhammad has said that it is an act of cruelty to harass one!s debtors.

2C. +ne!s employees ;workers< should be treated with respect and consideration. 2/. Rasulallah and debts.M 20. A 9ahaa#ie 3as once overheard making the dua: LI seek refuge in Allah from kufr

hearing this enBuired: L+h 4asulallah

are you e'uating the

notion of debts to kufrZ Eur #eloved )a#i

replied, LFesM. ()isaa?i)

22& /rophet Muhammad has said! JQebts owing ;to somebody< is Allah!s flag in this world. %homsoever Allah wishes to disgrace, he places this JflagJ of debt on them.J 25. Prophet Muhammad has said it is permissible to belittle and disgrace that debtor who has the means of paying and does not fulfil his debt. (Hakim) 26. Prophet Muhammad has said that whosoever borrows with the intention of usurping another!s wealth, Allah destroys that person ;the borrower<. (5ukhari) 2?. 4asulallah has said that seeking halaal livelihood is compulsory ;(ard< after the other compulsory acts ;(araa7id< 1 like #alaah, fasting in 4amadhaan, [akaah, ha&& etc

4he a#ove hadith clearly indicates the 2ollo3ing:


;a< That to earn wealth is a responsibility upon that person who is in need ;I.e. the person who does not have the necessities of life either for himself or his dependants<. ;b< If one has the means of providing for oneself and those under one7s care without working, then it is not compulsory for such a person to work. ;c< %ork should not hamper or hinder one from fulfilling one7s Islamic obligations like #alaah, fasting in 4amadan etc (9>))A49! Mu2ti A& M& H& 9ale=ee pg ,*! ,,)

9unnah?s pertaining to sickness and cure

/. 4asulallah

has said that every sickness has a cure. (Muslim)

0. 4asulallah used to resort to treatment himself when he fell ill and he also encouraged others to have treatment ;when ill< saying$ LAllah has sent down sickness and for each sickness there is a cure e,cept oneM. 2. %hen asked which one 4asulallah replied$ L+ld ageM. (4irmidhi)

5. 4asulallah used to advise the patient to employ the services of a skilful and proficient doctor. 3e also advised the sick to control their diet ;I.e. not to eat those things which shall have an adverse effect on one7s health<. (Gaadul Ma?ad) 6. 4asulallah (I#id) has said that Allah has not put a cure for us in forbidden ;haraam< things.

?. +ur 4asulallah did not set any specific day or time for visiting the sick but rather he used to visit them whenever he found the opportunity to do so. (I#id) @. +ne should, whilst visiting the sick refrain from making a noise but ;the visitor< should rather do so 'uietly and with dignity. +ne should also not stay for too long, when doing so. (Mishkaat) A. 4asulallah used to position himself close to the patient when visiting him and sit by his head side and ask the patient$ L3ow are you feelingZM (I#id) B. 4asulallah used to place his hands on the patients head when visiting them. (Hisn)

/C. 4asulallah has stated that one should as far as possible give the patient whatever they ask for as long as the item re'uested is not harmful to the patient. (I#id)


//. 4asulallah has said that when visiting a patient one should try to make them happy ;for e,ample one could say$ LInshallah, you still have long to live.M This of course shall not affect what is pre1destined for the patient but it will make him feel comforted<. (4irmidhi) /0. 4asulallah would sometimes place his blessed hand on the patient7s forehead and then pass his hand over the patient7s chest and stomach whilst making the following dua$ L+h Allah give him #hifa ;>ure<M At times Rasulallah used to tell the patient:

LThere is nothing to worry about. Insha1Allah everything will be alright.M Rasulallah used to sometimes say to the patient: LThis sickness is a kaffarah, an e,piation ;wiping off, or cleansing< of sinsM. (Gaadul Maad) /2. 3adhrat A7isha reports that whenever any of them fell sick then 4asulallah used to pass his hands over them whilst reciting$

qv ` `p T ` c `p T q Ss Tv ` `p T q ` ] T S kU e ` X ` T p X Ud ` T S kU S ` ` X `k XU T b T X ` g ` ` ` c T `h c
Allaahumma a*hibi b7asa rabbannaasi washfi anthashaafee laa shifaa a illaa shifaa uka shifaa allaa yughaadiru sa'ama 0h Allah! 0h Sustainer of all people 5Mankind6! remove the difficulty and grant the cure. #ou alone can grant cure and there is no cure and recovery esides #our cure. ,rant such a cure which leaves no trace of illness.3 (Muslim) /5. %hen 4asulallah used to fall ill himself then he used to recite the four 7Pul?s8 whilst passing his hands over his own blessed body and after reading he used to blow on his own body. (Muslim) (5& .or pain: To place ones hands on the place from where the pain is coming from and to recite seven times, the following dua after having reading L9ismillahM three times$


;i< 9ismillaah. In the /ame of Allah (three times)& 4hen say: ;ii< !A!oothu billaahi wa 'udratihi min sharri maa !a&idu wa !uhaathiru. I seek refuge in Allah and in 3is Power from the evil of what I find and of what I guard against. (Muslim $;(-'*) (+& .or sores and 3ounds: To take saliva on the inde, finger and place it on a sandy ground and read the following$ 9ismillahi turbatu ar*ina bi ri'ati ba*ina li yushfa sa'imuna bi i*ni rabbina In the name of Allah+ This is the soil of our land mi$ed with the saliva of one amongst us so that we may cure our patient with the command and permission of Allah. (Gaadul Maad) /@. %hoever in a state of illness read the following forty times then he should recover, his sins shall be forgiven and should he die he shall be granted the reward of a martyr$

H. R D ! E ! XK Y / A r ! D J K G K J
"aa ilaaha illah antha subhaanaka innee kunthu minadhaalimeen And i2 he 3ere to read the 2ollo3ing then he shall #e saved 2rom the 2ire o2 hell:

"aa ilaaha illallaahu Allaahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareekalahu, laa ilaaha illallaahu, lahul mulku walahulhamdu, laa ilaaha illallaahu, walaa hawla walaa 'uwatha illah billah (I#n Ma=ah) /A. Ene should sincerely make the 2ollo3ing dua during sickness: Allahummar *u'nee sha7aadathan feesabeelika wa &a7al mawthee bi baladi rasoolik L+h Allah, grant me martyrdom whilst striving in your path and make me die in the city of your 4asul M ;Madinah<. (Hisn)


/B. 4asulallah has said that for some believers Allah sets such a high position in the hereafter that he cannot reach it by means of actions in this world. In such event, Almighty Allah involves him in pain either through illness or loss of wealth or anguish on account of his children and then Allah grants him the ability to make #abr ;Patience< so that he becomes entitled to such a high position in Pannah. (A#u 6a3ud) )ote: the above should be remembered whenever one is faced with any difficulties and hardships. It shall lessen the anguish and pain.

'%& 9evere trials 2or those 2irm in their Religion )arrated 9a'ad %hen 4asulallah was asked which people suffered the greatest affliction, he replied, JThe prophets, then those who come ne,t to them, then those who come ne,t to them. A man is afflicted in keeping his religion. If he is firm in his religion his trial is severe, but if there is weakness in his religion it is made light for him, and it continues like that till he walks on the earth having no sin.J (4irmidhi (5+'! I#n Ma=ah and 6arami transmitted it) '(& /atience during sickness )arrated 'Ata #in A#i Ra#ah $ Ibn !Abbas said to me, J#hall I show you a woman

of the people of ParadiseZJ I said, JFes.J 3e said, JThis black lady came to the Prophet and said, 'I get attacks o2 epilepsy and my #ody #ecomes uncoveredJ please invoke Allah 2or me&' The Prophet said ;to her<, !If you wish, be patient and you will have ;enter< Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke Allah to cure you.! 9he said! !I will remain patient,! and added, !but I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.! #o he invoked Allah for her.J ;5ukhari -:555) )arrated A#u >mamah $ The Prophet stated that Allah, who is 9lessed and E,alted, said J#on of Adam, if you show endurance and seek your reward from me in the first affliction, I shall be pleased with no lesser reward than Paradise for you.J (Al/'irmi!hi+ I#n Ma=ah transmitted it&)

''& 9eek supplication 2rom a 9ick person Allah's Messenger said! J%hen you visit a sick person tell him to make supplication for you, for his supplication is like that of the angels.J (I#n Ma=ah)


' & Recite .our Puls 3hen ill: Ayesha stated that when Prophet Mohammad was ill, he used to recite the four ul7s, blow on his hands and pass them over on the back and front. 3e also recited these surahs, blew on his hands and passed them over his body during his fatal illness. (5ukhari! Muslim) '$& Read Pur'an 3hen 9ick 'he 9oble 3ur'an : Sura Al/Isra 17:;And %e send down from the ur!an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe ;in Islamic Monotheism and act on it<, and it increases the [alimun ;polytheists and wrong1 doers< nothing but loss. '5& Re3ards 2or those A22licted 9arrate! 1abir ibn Ab!ullah $ Allah's Messenger said! J+n the Qay of 4esurrection, when people who have suffered affliction are given their reward, those who are healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world.J (4irmidhi) The ailment is intensified for the righteous. %henever a believer is afflicted with a hardship, be it a thorn or more, a sin is taken off him because of it, and he is elevated on level ;in Pannah 8Paradise:<. ;Ahmad) A traveller!s or sick person!s deeds are recorded in accordance with what he used to do when he was resident or well. ;5ukhari)

'+& RuByah$ 4u'yah ;plural$ ru'a< is du!a or Qhikr used for protection or cure.
!Awf 9in Malik al1Ash&ai said to the Prophet , J+ Allah!s MessengerG %e used to

apply ru'a during Pahliyyah ;days of ignorance<. %hat do you think of thatZJ 3e replied$ JPresent your ru'a to me. There is nothing wrong with them as long as they do not involve shirk.J ;Muslim) Abu #a!id al1Ohudri reported that Pibril came to the Prophet Muhammad, are you sickZJ He replied! JFes.J He said: and said, J+

J9ismillahi ar'ik, min kulli shay!in yu!thik, min sharri kulli nafsin aw !ayni 3asid K 'ith Allah@s /ame I shelter you 5give you 2uEyah6! from all that ails you! from the evil of every soul! or that of the envious eyes. May Allah cure you4 with Allah@s /ame I shelter you.= (Muslim)


9unnah?s o2 the tongue

/. Rasulallah has said: L%hosoever guarantees the protection of his tongue and private parts, and then I shall be a guarantee for his entry into PannahM. (Mishkaat) 0. In another hadith our )a#i has said: LThe tongue and the private parts are the two main things that lead man to hellM. (Mishkaat) (rom these two ahadith it becomes clear of how important it really is that one controls one7s tongue and safeguards it from sin. If one safeguards his tongue and private parts then 4asulallah has promised them salvation.

The following is a list of sins of the tongue which one should refrain from so one can save oneself from destruction.

9ins o2 the 4ongue: /. Rasulallah has said: L%hen man speaks lies, then the angels of mercy, due to the foul smell emanating from his mouth go a mile away ;from the liar<.M (Mishkaat) 0. 4asulallah forbade the calling of a child by falsely promising him something$ e.g. a mother7s calling a child with words. L>ome and take thisM ;%hilst she has nothing in her hand<. 4asulallah has said that to do so would result in a lie being written down for the person on their account. (9unan o2 A#u-6a3ood Hadith 5('-) 2. Rasulallah has said: LThat person who falsely claims ownership of anything which is not his is like a person who has worn two garments ;of lies<M (Mishkaat) I.e. from head to toe he has covered himself in lies. 5. 4asulallah has forbidden a person from being harsh and abusive. #ome Pews sought

permission to see 4asulallah and they greeted him with the words LAssamu AlaikumM, instead of LAsalaamu AlaikumM. The meaning of the former words is Ldeath be upon youM instead of the traditional Islamic greeting which means LPeace be upon youM. Hadhrat A?isha hearing this replied: L.pon you be death and curse.M 4asulallah stopped her and said it is sufficient to sayMand upon you too.M 6. 4asulallah has prohibited from cursing one another (Muslim) and has also prohibited women from being ungrateful to their husbands. (5ukhari! <ol: (! 5k: '! '*)


?. Rasulallah has said$ L%hosoever curses one another when such curse does not befit that person; such a curse then falls upon the one who cursedM. (4irmidhi) @. Rasulallah has said: LThose who curse shall not be given permission on that day of iyaamah to intercedeM. (Muslim) A. 4asulallah has prohibited swearing at one another. (Muslim)

B. Rasulallah has said$ LThe sin of those who swear at one another is upon that person who commenced ;such swearing< as long as the other person does not e,ceed or out swear the first personM. (Mishkaat) /C. 4asulallah (Muslim) //. The has said that amongst the ma&or sins is to swear at one7s parents.

ur7an prohibits us from swearing even at the idols of the Mushriks ;Idolaters<$

And do not swear those that call upon deities esides Allah 5i.e. the idols6! for they 5the mushrikeen6 will swear Allah out of enmity 5and retri ution6! without having knowledge.3 (9urah An?aam Aayat (%*) /0. 4asulallah living. (4irmidhi) has prohibited us from swearing at the dead and thus cause harm to the

)ote: Apart from using harsh and vulgar words, swearing also includes mild words like calling someone La Qonkey, or miserM, etc or implying that they are fat, or ugly or have a big nose or ears etc anything which may cause another hurt is a sin and one should ask the person whom one caused hurt to for forgiveness lest they get revenge on the day of &udgement by taking ones good deeds or putting their bad deeds onto the account of the insulter. /2& Rasulallah has said: L%hosoever calls another kaafir ;non believer< or enemy of Allah, or sinner and such an insult does not apply or befit the one who is insulted then such an insult applies to the one who insulted in the first placesM. (Mishkaat) /5. Rasulallah has said: LThat person who sows discord ;>reates friction or starts trouble or a fight< between people by carrying rumours or tales is the worst of Allah7s slavesM. /6. Rasulallah has said: LAn offensive take bearer shall not enter Pannah.M

/?. 7:hee#at8 K 9ackbiting ;I.e. speaking bad of another in his absence is life eating the flesh of ones dead brother$ Almighty Allah says in the Holy Puran: + you who have believed, avoid much suspicion, for some suspicions are sins. Qo not spy, nor should any one backbite the other. Is there any among you who would like to eat the


flesh of his dead brotherZ! =ay, you yourselves abhor it. (ear Allah, for Allah is Acceptor of repentance and All1Merciful. ($,:(') /@. Rasulallah has said: LHheebat ;9ackbiting< is worse than adultery.M (Mishkaat)

/A. Ene should re2rain 2rom: ;a< Imitating another7s fault ;b< Pointing out another7s fault ;c< %riting out another7s fault As all of these are tantamount to Hheebat ;9ackbiting< /B. Rasulallah has said: LAllah shall help in the world and the hereafter, that person who defends the one who is backbitten.M (Mishkaat) 0C. Rasulallah has said: LAllah shall take to task in this world and in the hereafter, that person who ;despite having the ability to defend one who is backbitten< did not do so.M (Mishkaat) 0/. It is haraam ;forbidden< to listen to Hheebat ;backbiting< 00. Those who backbite shall in the hereafter themselves peel the flesh and skin off their faces and chest with copper nails. (Mishkaat) 02. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness of one whom one has spoken ill about or even heard another speaking ill about. If one is unable to meet such person then one should personally re'uest his forgiveness by writing to him. If the person that one harmed has passed away then one should seek forgiveness in abundance on his behalf, from Almighty Allah. 05. 4asulallah has prohibited from accusing another falsely ;or without proof or evidence<. (Mishkaat) 06. It is prohibited to find fault with another7s height or physical appearance or his manner of speaking K even though such disabilities e,ist within such person. 0?. 3adhrat A7isha narrates that she told 4asulallah that it is enough for her to say

;>oncerning #affiyah < that she is very short. 4asulallah stopped her saying$ LIf what you have said now is mi,ed with the waters of the ocean then it would spoil such water.M (A#u 6a3ud) 0@. 4asulallah has prohibited praising another in his presence. (Mishkaat)


0A. Rasulallah has said: 7If anyone has to praise another then one should add ;after such praise< that Allah alone knows the true conditions and Allah alone shall take account ;in iyaamah<.M (Mishkaat) 0B. Rasulallah (5aihaBi) 2C. 4asulallah has said: L%hen a kaafir or a sinner is praised then Allah gets angry.M

has said that taking false oaths is a ma&or sin. (Mishkaat)

2/. 4asulallah has said that whosoever has taken a 'asm ;oath< of Allah and then included in his talk a falsehood e'uivalent to the wing of a mos'uito then such a 'asm shall become a black spot in his heart which shall stay until iyaamah. (4irmidhi) 20. Rasulallah has said: L%hosoever obtains the wealth of his brother by means of false oaths is making his abode in 3ell.M (Attarghee#)

22& Rasulallah has said: LThe taking of false oaths ; asm< has been likened to &oining partners to Allah.M (Mishkaat) )ote: It is haraam ;forbidden< to take the asm of anything besides Allah.

4asulallah has prohibited such poetry and singing which arouses passions, desires, and lust and in which are words of kufr or which are accompanied by music. May Allah grant each and every one of us the ability of using our tongues in the correct manner and forgive each and every one of our sins whether minor or ma&or intentional or unintentional. Ameen

Remem#ering Allah
%e should use our tongues to remember and glorify Allah night and day. Qhikr is a cleanser ;purifier< of the heart. (5aihaBi) /. The remembrance of Allah &ust as in is about to sleep shall be a means of that person achieving high stages in Pannah. (Attarghee#) 0. 4asulallah has stated that whosoever goes to bed in a state of purity ;i.e. %udhu< and such a person remembers Almighty Allah until he falls asleep then, whatever dua such a person makes ;whether pertaining to this world or the ne,t< while asleep and turning side to side, such dua7s shall certainly be granted to him by Almighty Allah. (Mishkaat) 2. 4asulallah has said that whosoever sits or lies down at a given spot or walks between two points, but for the duration of his sitting, standing and walking he does not remember Allah even once, and then such an activity ;lying, sitting, standing or walking< shall, for that person, be a means of loss and hardships. (Attarghee#)


)ote: %e should try to remember Allah throughout our day no matter what we are doing.

4as#ih and 6hikrullah (Remem#rance o2 Allah) to do everydayX

4ry to do a (%% o2 each o2 the 2ollo3ing everyday and imagine the a#undant re3ardsX (& Aarn a thousand good deeds in Minutes /rophet Muhammad said: JIs anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand 3asanah ;rewards< a dayZJ 9omeone 2rom the gathering asked! J3ow can anyone of us earn a thousand 3asanahZJ /rophet Muhammad said: JHlorify Allah a hundred times by &ust saying 79u#haanallah8 and a Hood deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.M (Muslim $:'%- ) 0. Ene o2 the Rare 4reasures o2 /aradise Hadhrat A#u 6harr narrated that Rasulallah said: L#hould I not tell you of one treasure of the unlimited treasures of ParadiseZM I replied spontaneously L+h 4asulallah ;Peace be upon him< that would be an honour indeedGM Rasulallah

treasure is LA HA1LA 1A LA P>11A4A ILLA 5ILLAH&8 ;LThe strength to do good and to refrain from evil comes from the grace and mercy of AllahGM< (I#n Ma=ah) 2. Hadhrat A#u 6harr al-:hi2ari narrates that Jmy beloved friendM ;the 3oly Prophet

4' ) ' 3

said: 74hat rare

Muhammad < has en&oined five things upon me. 3e has commanded me to love and be close to the poor and the downtrodden, and he has commanded me to look at those in the world who are of lower rank than me, and not at those who are of higher rank, and he has commanded me to be kind to the kinsman and to preserve and keep intact the bond of kinship, and he has commanded me not to ask for anything from anyone as a favour and he has commanded me to speak the truth at all times though it may be bitter for others, and he has commanded me to care nothing for the rebuke of those who revile and vilify in the path of Allah, and he has commanded me to recite much the @alimah o2:

4' Laa Ha3la 3a laa Pa33uta Illaa 5illah ;there is no power or 3 strength but in Allah< because all these things are from the treasure1house ;of Allah< which is
under the ninth heaven. (Ahmad)

) '

5. A 6ate /alm planted in /aradise 2or the one 3ho recites this


A#u Hurairah reported: 4he Messenger o2 Allah said! JThere are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the #cales and are dear to the Merciful$ K9u#han-Allahi 3a #ihamdihi! 9u#han-Allahil-A"im 8Hlory be to Allah and 3is is the praise, ;and< Allah, the Hreatest is free from imperfection<!.!! (5ukhari and Muslim) Another )arration says: 6. .orgiveness 2or 9ins Aven 4hough they are like the .oam o2 the 9ea: )arrated A#u Hurraira : Allah?s Apostle said! L%hoever says,9u#haanallahi 1a #ihamdihi! Allah is free from imperfection and 3is is the praise. +ne hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (5ukhari! 5ook S-5! Hadith S$($) ?. 1e Han Aarn Ever a 5ILLIE) Re3ards in 0ust a .e3 9econdsX )arrated C>#aadah that the Messenger o2 Allah said! L%hoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man and believing woman.M (4a#arani) @. 4hat 1hich 9hall Have no ABual on the 6ay o2 Resurrection: )arrated A#u Hurraira in a day$ : Allah?s Apostle said!M%hoever says one hundred times

T f V T `k XU R x U ` i ` X c r Tj Tg Xi `Y Td ` R x U ` i ` X c

& '( # $ % " !

7Laa ilaaha illallaah 3ahdahuu laa shareeka lahu! lahu-l-mulk 3a lahu-l-hamd 3a hu3a Calaa kulli shai?in Badeer!8 5/one has the right to e worshipped ut Allah! the Alone 'ho has no partners! to *im elongs &ominion and to *im elong all the "raises! and *e has power over all things 5i.e. 0mnipotent63!J he will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it ;his saying< will be a shield for him from #atan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed e,cept the one who does more than he.M (5ukhari! 5ook S-5! Hadith S$(') A. .our /hrases that are Heavier on the 9cales than an Antire Morning o2 6hikrullah (Remem#rance o2 Allah):


The Mother of the 9elievers, Puwairiyah bint Al13arith reported that the Prophet came out from my apartment in the morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. 3e came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there. 4he /rophet said! MAre you still

in the same position as I left you.M I replied in the a22irmative& 4hereupon the /rophet said! LI recited four phrases three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. 4hese are: 9u#han-Allah 1a #ihamdihi! Cadada khalBihi! 3a rida-a na2sihi! 3a "inatah Carshihi! 3a midada kalimatihi 5Allah is free from imperfection and I egin with *is praise! as many times as the num er of *is creatures! in accordance with *is ,ood "leasure! eEual to the ink that may e used in recording the words 5for *is "raise6.3 (Muslim) B. A /hrase that Homes 3ith Re3ards in the MILLIE)9: En the authority o2 A#dullah I#n C>mar a market and says$ that the /rophet said: L%hoever enters

^_ ] ` a `b cd ` e c fg Th cd ` ]f Ti Xh cj cg Xi `k XU l ck `d ` m cn Xg ck XU l ck `l ck `m ` ho Tp ` q ` r cj `_ Xd ` R c Uq S Ss Tl `k `s Tq ` o t hj Tu `v t] X p ` w xy c zn `{ ` a `b cd ` o cf X| `k XU r Tj Tf `Y T} c ag ch `q `
I"aa ilaaha ill Allah %ahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul Mulku %a lahul 3amdu yuhyi %a yumeetu %a huwa 3ayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa Ialaa kulli shay7 in 'adeer7 KThere is nothing worthy of worship ut Allah! *e is alone without partner! to *im elongs the dominion and the praise! he causes life and death and *e is the %iving 0ne and will never die. In *is *and is all good! and *e is over all things capa le.6 Allah will write for him a million good deeds erase a million of his bad deeds and build for him a house in Pannah.M And in another narration$ instead of mentioning that Allah will build a house in Pannah, it states, Land he will be raised one million levels.M (4irmidhi) /C. 4eciting Tasbih, ;#ubhaanallah<, Tahmeed ;Alhamdulillah< and Takbir1 Allaahu Akbar<, and en&oining what is Hood and forbidding what is evil, and praying #alaatul Qhuha ;9reakfast prayer< It 3as narrated 2rom A#u 6harr that the /rophet said: L(or every bone of the son of Adam a charity must be given each day. Avery 4as#eehah (saying 9u#haanallah -:lory #e to Allah) is a charity, every 4ahmeedah (saying -praise #e to Allah) is a charity, every tahleelah (saying Alhamdulillah Laa ilaaha

ill-Allah -4here is no god #ut Allah) is a charity, every tak#eerah (saying Allaahu Ak#ar - Allah is Most :reat) is a charity, en&oining what is good is a charity,

!A E , !


forbidding what is evil is a charity, and two 4ak7ahs ;=afil< offered in the mid1morning (6huha) is sufficient.M(Muslim! -'%) //. 4he <irtues o2 Reciting 4as#ih at-I-.atima A well1known Tradition of the Prophet has it that the Prophet!s beloved daughter

;and 3adhrat Ali!s wife<, 3adhrat (atima , used to perform all the domestic duties with her own hands. #he had even to draw water from the well and to carry it home and to grind the corn in the millstone. +ne day she begged the holy Prophet to provide her with

a domestic servant upon which the Prophet observed, JI will tell you of something that will serve you better than a domestic servant. Recite: 9u#haanallah times! Alhamdulillah times! and Allaahu Ak#ar $ times after each #alaah and on retiring to bed. This will be of greater value to you than a servant.J Another 4radition says! J%hoever will recite after each #alaah times Alhamdulillah, and $ times times 9u#haanallah,

!A E , !

A ! E , ! Allaahu Ak#ar, and, at the end of it, the @alima o2 & '( # $ % " !
I"aa ilaaha illal laahu wahdahu laa sharika lahu lahul mulku wa1lahul hamdu wa huwa alaa kulli shay1in adeer7. There is no Allah ut one Allah. *e is alone. /o partner hath. *e *im elongs sovereignty and unto *im elongs "raise and *e is all1"owerful6 all his sins will e forgiven even if they e as profuse as the foam of the sea.= /0. Ho3 to Arase '5%% 9ins in 5 minutesX A#d-Allah I#n CAmr 3ho said: 74he Messenger o2 Allah said: IThere are two 'ualities, no Muslim man ac'uires them but he will enter Paradise, and they are simple and easy. 3e should glori2y Allah (say 9u#haanallah) ten times immediately a2ter each prayer! and praise Him (say (say Alhamdulillah) ten times and magni2y Him

!A E , ! Allaahu Ak#ar) ten times&?

I sa3 the Messenger o2 Allah counting this on his 2ingers& He said: CThat makes one hundred and fifty on the tongue and one thousand five hundred ;hasanaat< in the scales. 84ranslator?s note: each of three phrases repeated ten times makes thirty; multiplied by the number of daily prayers, which is five, makes one hundred and fifty. Each of these good deeds of the tongue will be rewarded with ten hasanaat ;Hood deeds< which will be added to the total of good deeds to be weighed in the balance or scales on the Qay of Pudgement:. /2. :lori2ying Allah (%% times 3hen one goes to #ed


1hen you go to #ed! glori2y Him and praise Him and magni2y Him Ene hundred times: that will be one hundred on the tongue and a thousand in the scales. %ho among you does 0,6CC bad deeds in one dayZ7 4hey said: I3ow could we not count ;our sins<Z7 He said: IThe #haytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, 4emember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do ;this Qhikr<, or he comes to him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep ;without doing this Qhikr<.7M (9unan al-4irmidhi! ') /5. Aarning a (%%% good deeds and 3iping a3ay a (%%% #ad deeds in Minutes If a person saysT9u#haanallahT ;glory be to Allah< /CC times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. (Muslim) /6. 0annah #ecomes o#ligatory 2or the one 3ho Recites the 2ollo3ing A#u 9a?id said that Rasulallah said! L%hoever says$

L ' 3 N OP . . 3 L 9M L 3. < 0F 3 ".

4adeetu billahi rabban, %a bil1Islaami deenan, %a bi1Muhammadin rasoolan I am pleased with Allah as my %ord! with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad as my Messenger Pannah becomes obligatory for him ;to enter<. (A#u-6a3ud)

5est said in Morning and Avening 3ith T)a#iyan 3a rasoolanT

/?. 4he <irtues o2 Reciting the .irst @alimah 4he declaration o2 #elie2 in the oneness o2 Allah or @alimah 4ayya#a

"aa ilaaha ill1Allah 5There is no worthy of worship e$cept Allah6 Hadhrat Gaid #in CArBam narrated that the Messenger o2 Allah said: L%hoever

says Laa ilaaha illallaahNsincerely will enter the Paradise.M It 3as said: And what is the 8sign of: sincerityZ 3e said$ LThat this kalimah stops him from those things which Allah has forbidden.M (4a#arani in A3sat-ul-@a#eer)


LQo you not see how Allah puts forth the likeness of a good word ;Oalimah Tayyaba<Z It is like a good tree, whose root is firmly fi,ed and whose branches reach to the sky. It brings forth its fruit in all seasons by the command of its "ord. And Allah sets forth parables for men, so that they may take heed. And the likeness of an evil word ;Oalimah khabeetha1 a word of shirk< is like an evil tree, which is uprooted from the face of the earth, and has no stability.M (Pur?an: '$-'+) /@. <irtues o2 Reciting the 4hird @alimah: 4he 3ord o2 glori2ication or the @alima-e-4am=eed:

4' ) ' ! # 2 3 $* / 012

#ubhna1llhi, wa1l1hamdu li1llhi, %a l ilha ill1llhu, wa1llhu akbar. %a l hawla %a l 'uwwata ill bi1llhi1l1Ialiyyi1l1Ia*m 5,lory e to Allah. And praise e to Allah. And there is no god e$cept Allah. And Allah is the ,reatest. And there is no power and no strength e$cept with Allah! the Most *igh! And Most ,reat6 I#n Mas?ud narrated that the Messenger o2 Allah said: L%hen I met Prophet Ibraheem ;peace be upon him< in the night of Mi7raa& ;=ight of ascension< he asked me to convey his #alaam to my .mmah and to tell them that the Paradise has a fertile soil and sweet water, and is like a vast field. And its plants are 8the words above:.M Another version says: L%hoever recites the words above, a tree in Paradise is planted for him for each word he says.M (<irtues o2 6hikrJ 4irmidhi) /A. <irtues o2 reading the .ourth @alimah: 4he 3ord o2 Eneness o2 Allah or the @alima-e-4a3hid:

" ilha ill1llhu waodahu l sharka lahu lahu1l1mulku %a lahu1l1hamdu yuoyi %a yumtu %a huwa oayyu1ll yamtu abadan abada, p1l1&alli wa1l1ikrm, biyadihi1l1khayr, wa huwa Ial kulli #hay7in 'adr. 5There is no god e$cept Allah! 'ho is Alone and has no partners. ;or *im is the &ominion and for *im is all praise. *e gives life and causes death. And *e is living and will never ever die. 0wner of Ma<esty and *onour: In *is *ands is all goodness. And *e has power over all things6 A#u Hurraira reports that the Messenger o2 Allah said: LA person who recites$


& '( # $ % " !

"aa ilaaha illal1laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul1mulku wa lahul1hamdu wa huwa Ialaa kulli shay1in 'adeer There is no Allah ut one Allah. *e is alone. /o partner hath. *e *im elongs sovereignty and unto *im elongs "raise and *e is all1"owerful6 all his sins will e forgiven even if they e as profuse as the foam of the sea.= a hundred times daily will have reward e'ual to that of freeing ten slaves and one hundred good deeds will be written for him, and one hundred of his sins will be lifted from him, and for the whole day, he will remain immune from the #haytaan until the evening, and on the Qay of Pudgment, no one will e,ceed him in merit e,cept one who has done 8these phrases: more.M (Agreed >pon) /B. 1e 3ill regret the 9econds 3e 3asted 3ithout remem#ering Allah Hadhrat Mu'a" narrated Rasulallah said: LThe Inhabitants of Paradise will not be grief stricken or sorrowful about anything they did in the life of the world e,cept for the time they spent without being in the Remem#rance o2 AllahM (4a#arani) 0C. 6o 6hikr o2 Allah even i2 its on Hom2orta#le #eds Hadhrat A#u 9aeed @hudri narrated that Rasulallah said:

LThere are many people reclining on comfortable beds and making the Qhikr of Allah on earth. Allah will grant them elevated ranks ;in the Aakhirah<.M(I#n Hi##aan) Those indulging in lu,ury should not abstain from Qhikrullah. They too should be constantly engaged in the remembrance of Allah whilst en&oying the comforts of the bounties which whilst en&oying the comforts of the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them and Allah will give them elevated ranks in the hereafter. 0/. 6o so much 6hikr that people think your mad Hadhrat A#u 9aeed @hudri also narrates that Rasulallah said: LEngage in the Qhikr of Allah in such abundance that people comment that Iyou are insane7.M (Ahmed! A#u Fa?la! I#n Hi##aan) 00. Remem#er Allah in the places 3here people don?t usually remem#er Allah It is mentioned in hadith that in a place where people are oblivious to Qhikr, remembrance of Allah is like being steadfast in &ihad, when others are running away. (4arghi#! p& (, ! vol& re2& 5a"aar and 4i#rani<


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