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Fahrzeug- und Windradaerodynamik

Flow phenomenon

Dr.-Ing. A. Henze, Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Schrder Institute of Aerodynamics, RWTH Aachen University

Flow around bodies

Definition: a) Streamline, b) Streampipe, c) Streamfunktion

Continuity equation

Definition of the streamline

Flow around bodies


Flow around a circular cylinder, upper: velocity vectors, lower: stream lines
Leder, A. , Abgelste Strmungen Physikalische Grundlagen, Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1992

Flow around bodies

Bernoulli equation

Eulernu mber Force coefficient

Momentum coefficient
Comparison between the flow around a blunt and a slender profile a) streamlines, b) pressure distribution, c) no slip condition

Forces and moments

Krfte und Momente an einem umstrmten Krper Forces and moments on a body a) Pressure p und wall shear stress W b) Resulting force and momentum

Krfte und Momente

Decomposition of the resulting Fr in a) Body fixed force Fx und Fy b) Wind fixed components Lift A and drag W

Invariants of a force system a) Usually a single force and a moment b) Moment in frictionless flow c) Only drag for symmetric flow

Forces and moments

Sphere Symmetric pressure distribution Exact solution from potential theory Combunation of parallel flow and dipole No drag

Kreiszylinder Under pressure at the equator is weaker Asymptotical cp = 0 Drag tends to zero for an afterbody of infinite length

Umstrmung von Krpern

Reference surface and length for the computation of dimensionless parameters

Drag coefficient cW of a rotational ellipsoid related to the cW value of a sphere as a function of the slenderness Upper: Refernce Area Ast
[Hoerner, S., Fluid Dynamic Drag, Midland Park, New Jersey]

Lower: Reference Areas V2/3

Boundary layer

The boundary layer thickness increases with the length. Two influences Ratio between inertia and friction Distribution of static pressure

Boundary layer on a flat plate a) Distribution of the boundary layer thickness (x) b) Temporal distribution u(t) for the laminar and the turbulent BL c) Velocity profiles


Definition of the displacement thickness 1

Definition of the momentum thickness 2


Typical values and speed of sound for air and water Ambient pressure: 105 Pa = 1 bar Temperature: 20C

Typical Re - numbers and boundary layer thicknesses at the end of the body

Separated Flows
Influence of the Re number, schemattic

a) b) c)

Separation (du/dy)W = 0 Sharp edge separation Tangential downflow

[Kchemann, D., The Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1978]

Abgelste Strmungen, Scherschicht

Twodimensional vortex layer unstable, enlarged displacement Discrete singular vortices Large mixing layer

Zirkulation Shear layer on a backward Facing step, Foto: Hucho

Separated Flows

Rolling up of the shear layer To a longitudinal vortex a) Scheme b) Vortex in a slice plane c) Velocity distribution d) Pressure distribution

Examples for longitudinal vortices a) b) c) Roof of a building Haych back Tank d) e) f) A column Container Ships tail

Separated Flows

Leder, A., Abgelste Strmungen Physikalische Grundlagen Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1992

a) b) c)

Streamlines Pressure distribution Three dimensional structure

Shear layer at a trailing edge normal to the main flow diresction 3 cases One sided Two sided Rotational symmetric Examples: Nodge back Leeside of buildings Unsteady widening

Separation in S Reattachment in R xR is a time average Pressure increase for the backward flowing fluid Three dimensional structures Buckling of vortex lines Cross flow

Abgelste Strmungen

2 sided separation Interaction between upper and lower Large Amplitudes Strong mixing Large base under pressure Large Drag

Examples for 2dimensional separation

3-D Structures on a 2-D Cylinder

Williamson, C.H.K., Three-dimensional Wake Transition, JFM, 328, 345-407, 1996

Separated Flows
Drag force of a body

Scheme, Flow around a blunt body Streamlines Pressure distribution Velocity profile, wake depression Absolute and convektive sensitive regions

Influence onto the dead water

Goals: Reduction of drag Avoid pollution and dirt at the base Avoid oscillations Approach for the increase of the pressure force at the base: Variation of the tail geometrie Reduction of base under pressure Reduction of the base area Variation of the dead water structure active and passive techniques

Examples Entering

K. Wieghardt, Betrachtungen zum Zhigkeitswiderstand von Schiffen, Jahrbuch der STG, 52, 184202, 1958 W. A. Mair, Reduction of Base Drag by Boat-tailed Afterbodies in LowSpeed Flow, Aeronautical Quaterly, 20, 307320, 1969 D.J. Maull, Mechanisms of Two and Three-dimensional Base Drag, In Sovran, G., Morel, T., Mason, W. T. (Eds.), Aerodynamic Drag Mechanisms of Bluff Bodies and Road Vehicles, New York, Plenum Press, 1978 G. Buresti, R Fedeli, A. Ferraresi, Influence of Afterbody Rounding on the Pressure Drag of an Axisymmetric Bluff Body, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 69-71, 179-188, 1997

Influence onto the dead water

Divider Afterbody

A. Roshko, On the wake and drag of bluff bodies, J. of the Aeronautical Sciences, 22, 124-132, 1955 J.F. Nash, A discussion of two-dimensional turbulent base flow, ARC, R&M 3468, 1967

W. A. Mair, The effect of a Rear-mounted Disc on the Drag of Blunt Based Body of Revolution, Aeronautical Quaterly, 16, 350-360, 1965

Side panels

Deflection wings

W.H. Hucho, H.J. Emmelmann, Aerodynamische Formoptimierung, ein Weg zur Steigerung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Nutzfahrzeugen, Fortschrittsberichte VDI-Zeitschriften, 12, Nr. 31, 1977

K. Frey, Verminderung des Strmungswiderstandes von Krpern durch Leitflchen, Forschung Ingenieur Wesen, 67-73, 1933

Influence onto the dead water

Ventilation, active/passive Tapering

G.K. Suryanarayana, H. Pauer, G.E.A. Meyer, Bluff-body drag reduction by passive ventilation, Exp. In Fluids, 16, 73-81, 1993 D.M. Sykes, The Effect of Low Flow Rate Gas Ejection and Ground Proximity on Afterbody Pressure Distribution, Paper 2 in Scibor-Rylski, Road Vehicle Aeroodynamics, 1968

L.J. Janssen, W.-H. Hucho, Aerodynamische Entwicklung von VW Golf und Scirocco, ATY, 77, 1975

Spoiler Blow out, Coanda Effect

R.A. Young, Bluff Bodies in a Shear Flow, Ph.D.-Thesis, Univ. of Cambridge, 1972

D. Geropp, Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung und aktiven Strmungsbeeinflussung eines Kfz-Nachlaufs, Tagung Aerodynamik des Kraftfahrzeuges, Haus der Technik, Essen, 1995


Increase of base pressure Separation moves downstream Reduction of base area Boat tailing Rotational ellipsoid Spindle different reference areas elliptical tail has larger volume
K. Wieghardt, Betrachtungen zum Zhigkeitswiderstand von Schiffen, Jahrbuch der STG, 52, 184202, 1958

W. A. Mair, Reduction of Base Drag by Boat-tailed Afterbodies in LowSpeed Flow, Aeronautical Quaterly, 20, 307320, 1969


Boat tailingaund bob tailing a. Different tail forms b. Reduction of drag c. Contour pressure

Recovery factor of pressure f from Mair

Influence of tail radius on the drag Buresti et al.

P. R. Viswanath, Flow Management techniques for base and afterbody drag reduction, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 32, 79-129, 1996

Boat tailing with ring formed steps multiple small ring vortices are weaker than one worse than the continous geometry

a. b. c. d.

Investigated geometry Radii at the tail and pressure distribution cw-coefficient at the tail radius Distribution of the drag in the three sectors

Influence onto the dead water

Divider Avoiding of interference between the shear layers for 2-d flows Two one-sided separations instad of one two-sided less energy dissipation smaller drag vortex formation further downstram smaller under pressure at the base

Zeichnung aus Hoerner, Base Drag and Thick Trailing Edges, J. Aeronaut. Sc., 1950 Fotos: Hucho

Influence onto the dead water



Increase of the base pressure cpB due to the avoiding of the interference with a long dividing plate Influence of a short plate on the Strouhalnumber Sr and the base pressure cpB

A. Roshko, On the wake and drag of bluff bodies, J. Aeron. Sciences, 22, 124.-132, 1955

Influence onto the dead water

Increase of the base pressure on a wedge Increase of the base pressure at a wedge a) Width ; b) (cpB)max = f (wedge angle) Effect of a dividing plate at the base of a blunted body a) Base pressure b) Vortex core Comparison between wedge and circle
Tanner, Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des Totwasserdruckes und Widerstandes von stumpfen Krpern bei inkompressibler nichtperiodischer Totwasserstrmung, Diss. Gttingen, 1967 P.W. Bearman, Investigation of the flow behind a twodimensional model with a blunt trailing edge and fitted with Splitter plates, JFM, 21, 241-255, 1965

Influence onto the dead water

Side panels

A. Leder, Abgelste Strmungen Physikalische Grundlagen, Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1992

Ringshaped extension of the Cylinder shell

T. Morel, Effect of base cavities on the Aerodynamic Drag of an axisymmetric cylinder, Aeronautical Quarterly, 30, 400-412, 1979

Influence onto the dead water

Dividing plate in front of a cylinder a) Total pressure b) Base pressure c) Drag

Reduktion of the stagnation pressure in the boundary layer Separation moves downstream without plate = 87 with plate = 107 Dead water becomes smaller, base pressure increases Vortex frequency increases, intensity decreases due to the thicker boundary layer in the separation point

P.R. Visvanath, A. Prabhu, T. Srinivas, Drag reduction of a circular cylinder with a forward splitter plate, Int. Conf. On Exp. Fluid Mech., China, 1991

Influence onto the dead water

Effect of circular disks behind the base

very small distance: flow is dominated by the dead water, vortex counterclockwise 0.3 x/D 0.4: oscillating pumping x/D 0.4: stable ring vortex Boat tailing and Bob tailng are better

W. A. Mair, The effect of a rear-mounted disc on the drag of a blunt based body of revolution, Aeronautical Quarterly, 16, 350-360, 1965

Influence onto the dead water

Increase of the base pressure by deflection with wings or jets

Passive ventilation of the wake at a sphere Effect only for supercritical Re number
G. Flgel, Ergebnisse aus dem Strmungsinstitut der Technischen Hochschule Danzig, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft, 87, 88-113, 1930 K. Frey, Verminderung des Strmungswiderstandes von Krpern durch Leitflchen, Forschung Ingenieur Wesen, Mrz/April, 67-74, 1933 D. Geropp, Reduktion des Strmungswiderstandes von Fahrzeugen durch aktive Strmungsbeeinflussung, Patentschrift DE 3837729 G.K. Suryanarayana, H. Pauer, G.E.A. Meyer, Bluff-body drag reduction by passive ventilation, Exp. In Fluids, 16, 73-81, 1993

Influence onto the dead water

Increase of the base pressure by active blowing Out of air Additional power is an additional drag

Increase of the base pressure by active planar blowing out of air

P.W. Bearman, The effect of base bleed on the flow behind a two-dimensional model with a blunt trailing edge, Aeron. Quart, 18, 207-224, 1967

D.M. Sykes, The effect of low flow rate ejection and ground proximity on afterbody pressure distribution, Paper 2 in Scybor-Rylski, A.J. (Ed): Road Vehicle Aerodynamics, London, The City University, 1968

3-dimensional tail geometry

Effect of the base angle onto the tail flow a) Drag b) Lift c) Base pressure

Increase of the base pressure at an Inclined prismatic body a) With a flap (Spoiler) b) With side plates (Strakes)

T. Morel, The effect of base slant o the flow pattern and drag of 3-dimensional bodies with bult ends, In Sovran, Morel, Mason, Aerodynamic mechanisms of bluff bodies and road vehicles, New Yorlk, Plenum Press, 191-226, 1978

P.W. Bearman, Bluff body flows applicable to vehicle aerodynamics, in Morel, Dalton, Aerodynamics of Transportation, New York, ASME, 1-11, 1979

3-dimensional effects

Three dimensional separation at a 2-D cylinder a) Curved separation b) Staggered wire pieces No alternating vortices Drag reduction of a blunted profile by toothing of the trailing edge

A. Naumann, M. Morsbach, C. Kramer, The conditions of separation and vortex formation past cylinders, 4. AGARD Conference Proceedings No 4. Separated flows, 539-574, 1966

M. Tanner, Reduction of base grad, Prog. In Aero. Sc., 16, 369-384, 1975

3-dimensional effects
Drag reduction of a blunted body with a sinusoidal Geometry at the leading and/or the trailing edge

P.W. Bearman, J.C. Owen, Reduction of bluff body drag and suppression of vortex shedding by the introduction of wavy separation lines, J.Fluids and Structures, 12, 123-130, 1998

Increase of base pressure with triangular Spoilers under an angle

R.A. Young, Bluff bodies in a shear flow, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Cambridge, 1972

Influence onto the surrounding

Aditional velocity at the shoulder of an elliptical cylinder and a rotational ellipsoid

Emission of a blunted body onto the surrounding: Pressure and velcity a) In front of a cylinder b) Beneath a cylinder Measuremnets from: Strmungspraktikum II des Instituts fr Strmungsmechanik, TU Braunschweig

Ground effect

Blunted bodies in the near of the ground, a) Building, b) Sphere tank, c) Car

Increase of the base pressure of a circular cylinder at approach to the ground

Flow around a cylinder standing on the ground, a) Horse shoe vortex, b) Secondary vortex

D.J. Maull, Mechanisms of two and three dimensional base drag, In Sovran, Morel, Mason, Aerodynamic drag Mechanisms of bluff bodies and road vehicles, New York, Plenum Press, 1978

Ground effect
asymmetric flow, arched shape on the upper side, separation on the upper side, increased drag effective thickness of the body increases, separation goes upstream Venturi effect, pressure decreases, increase becomes stronger, separation on the lower side flat plate, no displacement of the separation, short recirculation large drag, long recirculation smaller drag Lift force Body thickness Venturi - nozzle

A. Leder, D. Geropp, Analysis of unstaedy flow past bluff, bodies, J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 49, 329-338, 1993

Mechanisms steady inflow, alternating vortices vortex induced oscillation at elastic bodies, thin shells: Ovalling steady inflow, random elastic displacements, energizing forces, movement induced, Galloping steady inflow, selfinduced oscillations in two degrees of freedom: Flutter unsteady inflow, for example pulsating Buffeting


resonance frequency large amplitudes damage finite life fatigue strength drag amplitude only20 % of lift Locking in


Locking In: unstady synchronisation Of the frequency fw, of the separating vortices with The resonance frequency fe of the cylinder

Movement induces oscillations Galloping

Bodies that do not end with an separation edge i.e..: circular cylinder, Not for a normal flat plate


Amplification of a lateral force Y by a blast

H.W. Frsching, Grundlagen der Aeroelastik, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 1974




L. Cremer, M. Hubert, Vorlesung ber Technische Akustik, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 1990


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