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com Operating Systems & Data Storage V1 Assignment A Q1. Consider the various definition of operating system. Consider whether the op erating system should include applications such as web browsers and mail programs. Argue both pro and con positions, and support your answer. Q2. What are the cooperating processes and how they communicate? Explain by taki ng a suitable example. Q3. Explain why it is easier to share a reentrant module using segmentation than it is to do so when pure paging is used. Q4. Explain the differences in the degree to which the following scheduling algo rithms discriminate in favor of short-term process: (a) FCFS (b) RR (c) Multilevel Feedback Queues. Q5. Define deadlock. Explain the steps that are used for deadlock recovery. Assignment B Q1. On a system with paging, a process cannot access memory that it does not own ; Why? How could the operating system allow access to other memory? Why should it or should it not? Q2. What is the requirement of Memory Management? How the address binding of ins tructions and data is carried to memory address. Q3. Why do some systems keep track of the type file, while others leave it to th e user or simply do not implement multiple file types? Which system is better ? Case Study Consider the following page-reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2 , 1, 2, 3, 6 How many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithms, assum ing one, two, three, and four frames? Remember that all frames are initially empty, so yo ur first unique pages will all cost one fault each. LRU replacement FIFO replacement Optimal replacement Assignment C Q1Which is not performed by the OS (a) Memory management (b) Device management (c) Supplying Input to system (d) Process management Q2. Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk? a. Seek time b. Rotational time c. Transmission time d. Waiting time Q3. Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragme

ntation? a. Segmentation b. Pure demand paging c. Swapping d. Paging Q4. The OS is used in intelligent device(a) Multiplexing (b) Multiprocessing (b) Handheld OS (d) Real time OS Q5. Distributed OS works on the ________ principle. a. File Foundation b. Single system image c. Multi system image d. Networking image Q6. Which file system does Windows 95 typically use? a. FAT16 b. FAT32 c. NTFS d. LMFS Q7. Identify the odd thing in the services of operating system. a. Accounting b. Protection c. Error detection and correction d. Dead lock handling Q8. The OS depend on network to deliver their services (a) Multitasking (b) Distributed (c) Multiprocessing (d) Real time OS Q9. This is not a scheduling algorithm (a) FIFS (b) RRS (c) STRN (d) SRTN Q10. In ______ OS, the response time is very critical. a. Multitasking b. Batch c. Online d. Real-time Q11. Real time systems are ________. a. Primarily used on mainframe computers b. Used for monitoring events as they occur c. Used for program development d. Used for real time interactive users Q12. Inter process communication can be done through __________. a. Mails b. Messages c. System calls d. Traps Q13. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to ________. a. Command Resources b. Manage Resources c. Provide Utilities d. Be user friendly Q14. Which is not a form of interprocess interaction? (a) Communication (b) synchronization (c) Signaling (d) co-operation Q15. Using Priority Scheduling algorithm, find the average waiting time for the following set of processes given with their priorities in the order: Process : Burst Time : Prior ity respectively . P1 : 10 : 3 , P2 : 1 : 1 , P3 : 2 : 4 , P4 : 1 : 5 ,

P5 : 5 : 2. a. 8 milliseconds b. 8.2 milliseconds c. 7.75 milliseconds d. 3 milliseconds Q16 The operating system manages ________. a. Memory b. Processor c. Disk and I/O devices d. All of the above Q17. Virtual memory can be implement with (a) Segmentation (b) paging (c) Both a and b (d) all of the above Q18. ___________ begins at the root and follows a path down to the specified fil e a. Relative path name b. Absolute path name c. Standalone name d. All of the above Q19. Process State is a part of a. Process Control block b. Encode c. File Allocation Table d. None of the above Q20. Virtual Memory is commonly implemented by __________. a. Segmentation b. Swapping c. Demand Paging d. None of the above Q21. Which algorithm is best for selecting free area of memory for partition? (a) meant fit (b) fest fit (c) worst fit (d) first fit . Q22. _________ page replacement algorithm suffers from Belady's anomaly. a. LRU b. MRU c. FIFO d. LIFO Q23. Paging _________. a. solves the memory fragmentation problem b. allows modular programming c. allows structured programming d. avoids deadlock Q24. A major problem with priority scheduling is _________. a. Definite blocking b. Starvation c. Low priority d. None of the above Q25. . In a batch system, the jobs are scheduled by a. Short term scheduler b. Long term scheduler c. Medium term scheduler d. Dispatch loader Q26. The term "Operating System " means ________. a. A set of programs which controls computer working b. The way a computer operator works c. Conversion of high-level language in to machine level language d. The way a floppy disk drive operates Q27. The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between t he user and

the ________. a. Hardware b. Peripheral c. Memory d. Screen Q28. Which of the following is not a condition necessary for deadlock? (a) Circular wait (b) Starvation (c) Mutual exclusion (d). Hold and wait Q29. Mutual exclusion a. if one process is in a critical region others are excluded b. prevents deadlock c. requires semaphores to implement d. is found only in the Windows NT operating system Q30. Which scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming? a. Short term scheduler b. Long term scheduler c. Middle term scheduler d. None of the above Q31. In memory management , a technique called as paging, physical memory is bro ken into fixed-sized blocks called ___________. a. Pages b. Frames c. Blocks d. Segments Q32. Which of the following are all UNIX system calls? (a) time(), chdir(), createdir(), execve() (b) chmod(), main(), waitpid(), exit() (c) open(), fork(), delete(), read() (d) lseek(), stat(), link(), kill() Q33. In a multithreaded environment _______ a. Each thread is allocated with new memory from main memory. b. Main threads terminate after the termination of child threads. c. Every process can have only one thread. d. None of the above Q34. Which of the following statement is not true? a. Multiprogramming implies multitasking b. Multi-user does not imply multiprocessing c. Multitasking does not imply multiprocessing d. Multithreading implies multi-user Q35. What are the two functions of an operating system? (a) Resource abstraction and resource preemption (b) Resource sharing and resource preemption (c) Resource abstraction and resource management (d) Resource management and resource sharing Q36. In the ___________ method of data transfer, the participation of the proces sor is eliminated during data transfer. a. Buffering b. Caching c. Direct Memory Access d. Indirect Memory Access Q37. A thread is a __________ process. a. Heavy Weight b. Mutliprocess c. Inter Thread d. Light wieght Q38. If all page frames are initially empty, and a process is allocated 3 page f

rames in real memory and references its pages in the order 1 2 3 2 4 5 2 3 2 4 1 and the page replacement is FIFO, the total number of page faults caused by the process will be __________. a.10 b.7 c.8 d.9 Q39. Which scheduling algorithm provides optimal average waiting time? (a) FCFS scheduling (b) SJF scheduling (c) Priority Based scheduling (d) RR scheduling Q40. Which of the following does an operating system do in a stand-alone compute r system? (a) Manages the user's files. (b) Provides the system facilities. (c) Provides the interface to allow the user to communicate with the computer. (d) Controls the various peripherals Contact for best and lowest cost solution or email solvedcare

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