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Living- can survive without a host. Does need a food supply.

Non-living- cannot survive without a host.

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Transformation-DNA transferred from a capsulated bacteria to non-capsulated transduction- transfer of DNA with assistance of bacteriophage (type of virus) Conjugation-transfer of genetic material to bacteria of a different strain. Similar to a male and female. Direct contact: coming in contact with person infected. Hugging, kissing, sexual contact. Indirect contact: on an inanimate object. Droplet/airborne: when people cough or sneeze. Fecal oral: Due to poor hygiene. Coming in contact with infected persons feces then handling food or

Must enter a hosts cell to replicate. Uses the hosts DNA to replicate

Direct contact: coming in contact with person infected. Hugging, kissing, sexual contact. Indirect contact: on an inanimate object. Droplet/airborne: when people cough or sneeze. Fecal oral: Due to poor hygiene. Coming in contact with infected persons feces then handling food or

touching surfaces. Vector born: Living carriers like dogs or birds.

touching surfaces. Vector born: Living carriers like dogs or birds. )K HIV- the immune system. Causes immune failure and eventually AIDS. Treatable but incurable. Sexual or blood borne. JK Flu- respiratory system. Triggers immune response causing sore throat, coughing, fever, aches, vomiting, 4K Warts- skin. Unsightly bumps on the skin. Spread via direct contact or indirect contact. Rest- extra sleep, increased intake of liquids, fever reducers Antivirals- these are only available to people with compromised immune systems. Antiretroviral these are used in the treatment of HIV

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). Salmonella- in the GI tract, causes diarrhea, fecal oral JK Strep throat- in the throat, respiratory system. Coughing and sore throat. Droplet 4K Gonorrhea- in the genitals. Reproductive system. Itching, painful urination. Sexual contact.

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Rest- extra sleep, increased intake of liquids, fever reducers Antibiotics- only if necessary to avoid aiding in antibiotic resistance

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