B.sc. H.H.mgt. 5th Sem Syllabus

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Bachelor of Science

Hospitality and Hotel Management Part III Semester- V Session 2012 - 2013 E !MI"!#I$" S%HEME

Subject code No.


Term Marks Theory Internal External Practical Internal *! *! *! *! ' ' ' /! */! External +! +! +! +! ' ' ' '

1 (

BHM !1 BHM !( BHM !

"d#ance $ood Production %&erations'I


)! )! )! )! )! )! )! '

"d#ance $ood , Be#era-e Ser#ice (! %&erations'I $ront %..ice Mana-ement'I "ccommodation Mana-ement'I $inancial Mana-ement Strate-ic Mana-ement Hos&itality Sales , MarketinHuman 1esource Mana-ement 23i#a %nly4 (! (! (! (! (! ' 0!! 11/!

* / + 0 ) T%T"5

BHM !* BHM !/ BHM !+ BHM !0 BHM !)

61"N7 T%T"5 En#ironmental Studies 29uali.yin- Pa&er4

Theory 0/

$ield 8ork (/

Total 1!!

BHM 301 - !&V!"%E '$$& P($&)%#I$" $PE(!#I$"S * I +#HE$(,H$)(S !..$#E&/ 30 I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE P!PE( SE##E( The :uestion &a&er ;ill consist o. .i#e sections "< B< = and 7 and E . Section "<B< = and 7 ;ill ha#e t;o :uestions .rom the res&ecti#e sections o. the syllabus and carry 1/ marks each . Section E consists o. 1! short ans;er ty&e :uestions ;hich ;ill co#er the entire syllabus uni.ormly and ;ill carry (! marks in all. I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE %!"&I&!#ES The candidates are re:uired to attem&t one :uestion each .rom sections "<B<= and 7 o. the :uestion &a&er and Section E is com&ulsory SE%#I$" - ! 5"17E1 I. 5">%?T , E9?IPMENT ". Introduction o. 5arder 8ork B. 7e.inition =. E:ui&ment .ound in the larder 7. 5ayout o. a ty&ical larder ;ith e:ui&ment and #arious sections. II. TE1MS , 5"17E1 =%NT1%5 ". =ommon terms used in the 5arder and 5arder control B. Essentials o. 5arder =ontrol =. Im&ortance o. 5arder =ontrol 7. 7e#isin- 5arder =ontrol Systems E. 5easin- ;ith other 7e&artments $. >ield TestinIII.7?TIES "N7 1ESP%NSIBI5ITIES %$ THE 5"17E1 =HE$ ". $unctions o. the 5arder B. Hierarchy o. 5arder Sta.. =. Sections o. the 5arder 7. 7uties , 1es&onsibilities o. larder =he. SE%#I$" - B =H"1=?TIE1IE I. S"?S"6E ". Introduction to charcutierie B.Sausa-e @ Ty&es , 3arieties =.=asin-s @ Ty&es , 3arieties 7.$illin-s 'Ty&es , 3arieties E."dditi#es , Preser#ati#es. M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

II. $%1=EME"TS " Ty&es o. .orcemeats B. Pre&aration o. .orcemeats =. ?ses o. .orcemeats III. B1INES< =?1ES , M"1IN"7ES ".Ty&es o. Brines B. Pre&aration o. Brines =. Methods o. =urin- 7. Ty&es o. Marinades E. seasonin- o. Marinades $. 7i..erence bet;een Brines< =ures , Marinades SE%#I$" * % I. H"M< B"=%N , 6"MM%N ".=uts o. Ham< Bacon , 6ammon. B. 7i..erences bet;een Ham< Bacon , 6ammon =.Processin- o. Ham , Bacon 7. 6reen Bacon E. ?ses o. di..erent cuts II.6"5"NTINES ". Makin- o. -alantines B. Ty&es o. 6alantine =. Ballotines III. P"TES ". Ty&es o. Pate B. Pate de .oie -ras =. Makin- o. Pate 7.=ommerical &ate and Pate Maison E.Tru..le @ sources< =ulti#ation and uses and Ty&es o. tru..le. I3 M%?SE , M%?SSE5INE ". Ty&es o. mousse B. Pre&aration o. mousse =. Pre&aration o. mousseline 7. 7i..erence bet;een mousse and mousseline 3. =H"?7 $1%I7 ". Meanin- o. =haud .roid B. Makin- o. chaud .rod , Precautions =. Ty&es o. chaud .roid 7.?ses o. chaud .roid 3I. "SPI= , 6E5EE ". 7e.inition o. "s&ic and 6elee B.7i..erence bet;een the t;o =. Makin- o. "s&ic and 6elee 7. ?ses o. "s&ic and 6elee 3II. 9?ENE55ES< P"1$"ITS< 1%?5"7ES Pre&aration o. 9uenelles< Par.aits and 1oulades

SE%#I$" * & I. N%N E7IB5E 7ISP5">S ". Ice car#in-s B. Tallo; scul&ture =. $ruit , #e-etable 7is&lays 7. Salt dou-h E. Pastilla-e $.Aelly 5o-o 6. Thermacol ;ork

II."PPETIBE1S , 6"1NISHES ". =lassi.ication o. "&&etiCers B. Exam&les o. "&&etiCers =. Historic im&ortance o. culinary 6arnishes 7. Ex&lanation o. di..erent 6arnishes III.S"N78I=HES ". Parts o. Sand;iches B. Ty&es o. Bread =. Ty&es o. .illin- @ classi.ication 7. S&reads and

6arnishes E.Ty&es o. Sand;iches $. Makin- o. Sand;iches 6. Storin- o. Sand;iches I3. ?SE %$ 8INE "N7 HE1BS IN =%%DIN6 " Ideal uses o. ;ine in cookin- B. =lassi.ication o. herbs =. Ideal uses o. herbs in cookin-

(eference Boo2s/ Pro.essional =ookin-E 8ayne 6isslen The 5arder =he.E $ood Pre&aration and Presentation by M. A. 5eto < 8. D. H. Bode 6arde Man-er< Study 6uideE The "rt and =ra.t o. the =old Ditchen by =ulinary Institute %. "merica

BHM 302 - !&V!"%E '$$& 3 BEVE(!4E SE(VI%E $PE(!#I$"S * I +#HE$(,H$)(S !..$#E&/ 30 SE%#I$" * ! I. P5"NNIN6 , %PE1"TIN6 3"1I%?S $,B %?T5ET ". Physical layout o. .unctional and ancillary areas B. %bjecti#e o. a -ood layout =. Ste&s in &lannin7. $actors to be considered ;hile &lanninE. =alculatin- s&ace re:uirement $. 3arious set u&s .or seatin6. Plannin- sta.. re:uirement H. Menu &lanninI. =onstraints o. menu &lanninA. Selectin- and &lannin- o. hea#y duty and li-ht e:ui&ment D. 1e:uirement o. :uantities o. e:ui&ment re:uired like crockery< 6lass;are< =utlery ' steel or sil#er etc. 5. Su&&liers , manu.acturers M. "&&roximate cost N. Plannin- 7Fcor< .urnishin- .ixture etc. SE%#I$" * B I. $?N=TI%N ="TE1IN6< B"N9?ETS ". History B. Ty&es =. %r-anisation o. Ban:uet de&artment 7. 7uties , res&onsibilities E. Sales $. Bookin- &rocedure 6. Ban:uet menus II.B"N9?ET P1%T%=%5 S&ace "rea re:uirement< Table &lansGarran-ement< Misc'en'&lace< Ser#ice< Toast , Toast &rocedures< III. IN$%1M"5 B"N9?ET 1Fce&tion< =ocktail &arties< =on#ention< Seminar< Exhibition< $ashion sho;s< Trade $air< 8eddin-< %utdoor =aterinSE%#I$" * % I.B?$$ETS M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

". Introduction B. $actors to &lan bu..ets =. "rea re:uirement 7. Plannin- and or-aniCation E. Se:uence o. .ood $. Menu &lannin6. Ty&es o. Bu..et H. 7is&lay I. Sit do;n A. $ork< $in-er< =old Bu..et D. Break.ast Bu..ets 5. E:ui&ment M. Su&&lies N. =heck list

SE%#I$" * & I. 6?E1I7%N SE13I=E ". History o. 6ueridon B. 7e.inition =. 6eneral consideration o. o&erations 7. "d#anta-es , 7is'ad#anta-es E. Ty&es o. trolleys $. $actor to create im&ulse< Buyin- @ Trolley< %&en kitchen 6. 6ueridon e:ui&ment H. 6ueridon in-redients II. DIT=HEN STE8"17IN6 ". Im&ortance B. %&&ortunities in kitchen ste;ardin=. 1ecord maintainin7. Machine used .or cleanin- and &olishinE. In#entory

BHM 303 - '($"# $''I%E M!"!4EME"# * I +#HE$(,H$)(S !..$#E&/ 30 M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

SE%#I$" * ! I. P5"NNIN6 , E3"5?"TIN6 $1%NT %$$I=E %PE1"TI%NS ". Settin- 1oom 1ates 27etailsG=alculations thereo.4 B. Hubbart $ormula< market condition a&&roach , Thumb 1ule =. Ty&es o. discounted rates @ cor&orate< rack etc.

SE%#I$" * B I.'1%%M S"5E $%1E="STIN6 ". $orecastin- techni:ues B. $orecastin- 1oom a#ailability =. ?se.ul .orecastin- data H o. ;alkinH o. o#erstayinH o. under stay 7. $orecast .ormula E. Ty&es o. .orecast $. Sam&le .orecast .orms 6. $actors .or e#aluatin- .ront o..ice o&erations

SE%#I$" * % I. B?76ETIN6 ". Ty&es o. bud-et , bud-et cycle B. Makin- .ront o..ice bud-et =. $actors a..ectin- bud-et &lannin7. =a&ital , o&erations bud-et .or .ront o..ice E. 1e.inin- bud-ets< bud-etary control $. $orecastin- room re#enue 6. "d#anta-es , 7isad#anta-es o. bud-etin-

SE%#I$" * &

I. P1%PE1T> M"N"6EMENT S>STEMS ". $idelio G I7S G Sha;man B. "madeus

BHM 305 - !%%$MM$&!#I$" M!"!4EME"# * I +#HE$(,H$)(S !..$#E&/ 30 I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE P!PE( SE##E( The :uestion &a&er ;ill consist o. .i#e sections "< B< = and 7 and E . Section "<B< = and 7 ;ill ha#e t;o :uestions .rom the res&ecti#e sections o. the syllabus and carry 1/ marks each . Section E consists o. 1! short ans;er ty&e :uestions ;hich ;ill co#er the entire syllabus uni.ormly and ;ill carry (! marks in all. I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE %!"&I&!#ES The candidates are re:uired to attem&t one :uestion each .rom sections "< B<= and 7 o. the :uestion &a&er and Section E is com&ulsory SE%#I$" * ! I. P5"NNIN6 "N7 %16"NISIN6 THE H%?SE DEEPIN6 7EP"1TMENT ". "rea in#entory list B. $re:uency schedules =. Per.ormance and Producti#ity standards 7. Time and Motion study in House Dee&in- o&erations E. Standard %&eratin- manuals @ Aob &rocedures $. Aob allocation and ;ork schedules SE%#I$" * B I. ST"$$ P5"NNIN6 "N7 B?76ETIN6 ". =alculatin- sta.. stren-ths , Plannin- duty rosters< team ;ork and leadershi& in House Dee&in-. B. Trainin- in HD7< de#isin- trainin- &ro-rammes .or HD sta.. =. In#entory le#el .or non recycled items 7. Bud-et and bud-etary controls E. The bud-et &rocess $. Plannin- ca&ital bud-et 6. Plannin- o&eration bud-et H. %&eratin- bud-et @ controllin- ex&enses @ income statement I. Purchasin- systems @ methods o. buyinA. Stock records @ issuin- and control SE%#I$" - % M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

I. H%?SEDEEPIN6 =%NT1"=T SE13I=ES ". Ty&es o. contract ser#ices B. 6uidelines .or hirin- contract ser#ices =. "d#anta-es , disad#anta-es o. contract ser#ices SE%#I$" * & I. ENE16> "N7 8"TE1 =%NSE13"TI%N IN H%?SEDEEPIN6 %PE1"TI%NS ". Ecotels B. =erti.ication =. 8aste Mana-ement 7. 1ecyclin-. (eccomended Boo2s I"--ar;al< 7.DI Housekee&in- mana-ement

BHM 306 - 'I"!"%I!. M!"!4EME"# H$)(S !..$#E&/ 70 M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE P!PE( SE##E( The :uestion &a&er ;ill consist o. .i#e sections "<B< = and 7 and E . Section "<B< = and 7 ;ill ha#e t;o :uestions .rom the res&ecti#e sections o. the syllabus and carry 1/ marks each . Section E consists o. 1! short ans;er ty&e :uestions ;hich ;ill co#er the entire syllabus uni.ormly and ;ill carry (! marks in all. I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE %!"&I&!#ES The candidates are re:uired to attem&t one :uestion each .rom sections "< B<= and 7 o. the :uestion &a&er and Section E is com&ulsory SE%#I$" * ! I. $IN"N=I"5 M"N"6EMENT ME"NIN6 , S=%PE ". Meanin- o. business .inance B. Meanin- o. .inancial mana-ement =. %bjecti#es o. .inancial mana-ement SE%#I$" * B I. $IN"N=I"5 ST"TEMENT "N"5>SIS "N7 INTE1P1ET"TI%N ". Meanin- and ty&es o. .inancial statements B. Techni:ues o. .inancial analysis =. 5imitations o. .inancial analysis 7. Practical &roblems II. 1"TI% "N"5>SIS ". Meanin- o. ratio B. =lassi.ication o. ratios =. Pro.itability ratios 7. Turno#er ratios E. $inancial ratios $. 7u Pent =ontrol =hart 6. Practical Problems III. $?N7S $5%8 "N"5>SIS

". Meanin- o. .unds .lo; statement B. ?ses o. .unds .lo; statement =. Pre&aration o. .unds .lo; statement 7. Treatment o. &ro#ision .or taxation and &ro&osed di#idends 2as non' current liabilities E. Practical &roblems SE%#I$" * % I. ="SH $5%8 "N"5>SIS ". Meanin- o. cash .lo; statement B. Pre&aration o. cash .lo; statement =. 7i..erence bet;een cash .lo; and .unds .lo; analysis 7. Practical &roblems II. $IN"N=I"5 P5"NNIN6 ME"NIN6 , S=%PE ". Meanin- o. $inancial PlanninB. Meanin- o. $inancial Plan =. =a&italisation 7. Practical &roblems SE%#I$" * & I. ="PIT"5 EJPEN7IT?1E ". Meanin- o. =a&ital Structure B. $actors determinin- ca&ital structure =. Point o. indi..erence 7. Practical &roblems II. 8%1DIN6 ="PIT"5 M"N"6EMENT ". =once&t o. ;orkin- ca&ital B. $actors determinin- ;orkin- ca&ital needs =. %#er tradin- and under tradinIII. B"SI=S %$ ="PIT"5 B?76ETIN6 ". Im&ortance o. =a&ital Bud-etinB. =a&ital Bud-etin- a&&raisin- methods =. Payback &eriod 7. "#era-e rate . return E. Net Present 3alue $. Pro.itability index 6. Internal rate o. return I. Practical &roblems

(ecommended Boo2s 18 !d9anced %orporate 'inance !:thor/ Drishnamurti , 3is;anath 28 Essentials $f 'inancial !cco:nting !:thor/ Bhattacharyya 38'inancial !cco:nting/ %oncepts; !nalysis; Methods !nd )ses !:thor/ Banerjee 58':ndamentals of 'inancial Management !:thor/ =handra Bose 68':ndamentals of 'inancial Management !:thor/ Banerjee

BHM 307- S#(!#E4I% M!"!4EME"# H$)(S !..$#E&/ 30 I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE P!PE( SE##E( The :uestion &a&er ;ill consist o. .i#e sections "< B< = and 7 and E . Section "<B< = and 7 ;ill ha#e t;o :uestions .rom the res&ecti#e sections o. the syllabus and carry 1/ marks each . Section E M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

consists o. 1! short ans;er ty&e :uestions ;hich ;ill co#er the entire syllabus uni.ormly and ;ill carry (! marks in all. I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE %!"&I&!#ES The candidates are re:uired to attem&t one :uestion each .rom sections "< B<= and 7 o. the :uestion &a&er and Section E is com&ulsory SE%#I$" - ! I. %16"NIS"TI%N"5 ST1"TE6> ". MISSI%NE Mission Statement Elements and its im&ortance B. %BAE=TI3ESE Necessity o. .ormal objecti#es< %bjecti#e 3s 6oal =. ST1"TE6>E 7e#elo&in- strate-ies'"da&ti#e Search< Intuition search< Strate-ic .actors<Pickin- Niches< Entre&reneurial "&&roach. SE%#I$" * B I. EN3I1%NMENT"5 "N7 INTE1N"5 1ES%?1=E "N"5>SIS ". B. =. Need .or en#ironmental analysis Dey en#ironmental #ariable .actors %&&ortunities and threatsE Internal resource analysis $unctional areas resource de#elo&ment matrixE Marketin-<$inance<Production< Personnel<%r-anisation 7. S8%T analysis

SE%#I$" * % I. ST1"TE6> $%1M?5"TI%N ". ST1"TE6> 26ENE1"54 "5TE1N"TI3ES Stability Strate-ies Ex&ansion Strate-ies 1etrench Strate-ies =ombination Strate-ies $or;ard inte-ration Back;ard inte-ration HoriContal inte-ration Market &enetration Market de#elo&ment Product de#elo&ment =oncentric di#ersi.ication


=on-lomerate di#ersi.ication HoriContal di#ersi.ication Aoint 3enture 1etrenchment 7i#estiture 5i:uidation =ombination

II. ST1"TE6I= "N"5>SIS "N7 =H%I=E 2"55%="TI%N %$ 1ES%?1=ES4 ". $"=T%1S IN$5?EN=IN6 =H%I=E Strate-y .ormulation Internal .actor e#aluation matrix External .actor e#aluation matrix =om&etiti#e &ro.ile matrix Threats o&&ortunities @ ;eaknesses @ stren-ths matrix 2T%8S4 Strate-ic &osition and action e#aluation matrix 2SP"=E4 Boston consultin- -rou& matrix 2B=6M4 Internal @ External matrix 6rand Strate-y matrix 9uantitati#e Strate-ic Plannin- matrix 29SPM4 B. INP?T ST"6E

=. M"T=HIN6 ST"6E

7. 7E=ISI%N ST"6E

SE%#I$" * & I. P%5I=IES IN $?N=TI%N"5 "1E"S ". Policy B. Product Policies =. Personnel Policies 7. $inancial Policies E. Marketin- Policies $. Public 1elation Policies II. ST1"TE6I= IMP5EMENT"TI%N 1E3IE8 "N7 E3"5?"TI%N ". Mckinsey 0'S $rame 8ork B. 5eadershi& and Mana-ement Style =. Strate-y 1e#ie; and E#aluation 1e#ie; underlyin- bases o. Strate-y Measure %r-anisational Per.ormance Take correcti#e actions

(ecommended Boo2s Strategic Management/ %oncepts and %ases !:thor/ Phadtare Strategic Management !:thor/ Michael ". Hitt

Strategic Management !:thor/ Pearce Essentials $f Strategic Management !:thor/ =harles 8. 5. Hill ' ?ni#ersity o. 8ashin-ton 6areth 1. Aones ' Texas ",M ?ni#ersity

BHM 30<- H$SPI#!.I#, S!.ES 3 M!(0E#I"4 H$)(S !..$#E&/ 70 I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE P!PE( SE##E( The :uestion &a&er ;ill consist o. .i#e sections "< B< = and 7 and E. Section "< B< = and 7 ;ill ha#e t;o :uestions .rom the res&ecti#e sections o. the syllabus and carry 1/ marks each. Section E consists o. 1! short ans;er ty&e :uestions ;hich ;ill co#er the entire syllabus uni.ormly and ;ill carry (! marks in all. I"S#()%#I$"S '$( #HE %!"&I&!#ES The candidates are re:uired to attem&t one :uestion each .rom sections "< B< = and 7 o. the :uestion &a&er and Section E is com&ulsory. SE%#I$" * ! I. Introduction to Hos&itality Sales , Marketin". Hos&itality Trends B. Marketin- , Sales =. Mana-ement 1ole in Marketin- , Sales 7. Im&ortance o. Sales. II. Marketin- Plan. III. Sales %..iceE Sales Techni:ues< Tele&hone Sales< Internal Marketin- , Sales. SE%#I$" * B I. "d#ertisin-< P1 , Publicity E Ty&es o. "d#ertisin-< 7e#elo& an "d#ertisin- Plan II. "d#ertisin- "-encies< %utdoor "d#ertisin-< 7is&lays , =ollateral Materials Print "d#ertisin-. III. 7irect mail "d#ertisin-< Broadcast "d#ertisin-. SE%#I$" * % I. Marketin- to Tra#elers ". Marketin- to Business Tra#elers B. 5eisure Tra#elers =. Tra#el "-ents 7. MeetinPlanners , S&ecial Se-ments. SE%#I$" * & I. Hotel Sales M! IM)M M!(0S/ 10

". 1estaurant , 5oun-e Sales B. Ban:uet , Meetin- 1oom Sales.

(E%$MME"&E& B$$0S
Marketin- .or Hos&itality , TourismE Phili& Dotler< Aohn Bo;en< Aames Makens Marketin- Essentials in Hos&itality and TourismE Sto;e Shoemaker< Mar-aret Sha; Marketin- .or 5eisure and TourismE Mor-an ?nderstandin- Marketin-E Mark 7a#ies

BHM 301- H)M!" (ES$)(%E M!"!4EME"# +VIV! $".,-

SE%#I$" - ! I8 Introd:ction Human 1esource Mana-ement ' 7e.inition ' %bjecti#es ' $unctions ' Sco&e ' Im&ortance ' H1M in India< Aob desi-n de.inition< a&&roaches< Aob analysisE de.inition< &rocess< bene.its o. job analysis. II8H( planning Introduction< objecti#es o. H1P< linka-e o. H1P to other &lans< de.inition and need .or H1P< bene.its o. H1P< .actors a..ectin- H1P &rocess< &roblems and limitations o. H1P. SE%#I$" - B I. 1ecruitmentE de.inition< objecti#es< recruitment sources< recruitment techni:ues< recruitment &rocess. II. Selection< &lacement and InductionE meanin-< de.inition o. selection< essentials o. selection &rocedure< si-ni.icance o. selection &rocess and or-aniCational relationshi&< selection &rocedure< #arious ty&es o. tests 2a&titude< achie#ement< situational< interest< and &ersonality4< di..erent ty&es o. inter#ie;s and inter#ie; &rocess< means to make inter#ie; e..ecti#e< medical exams< re.erence checks< .inal decision< em&loyment< &lacement and induction. SE%#I$" - % I. Per.ormance mana-ementE Introduction< meanin-< need< &ur&ose. II. Human 1esource 7e#elo&mentE Introduction< de.inition< conce&ts< acti#ities

Trainin- and de#elo&mentE meanin- o. T , 7< im&ortance o. trainin-< bene.its o. trainin-< need and objecti#es< assessment o. trainin- needs< areas o. trainin-< traininmethods< on'the job and o..'the'job trainin-. SE%#I$" - & I. Em&loyee mobilityE Internal mobility , External mobilityE Introduction< meanin-< ty&es. =om&ensation , Bene.its "dministrationE =om&ensation Mana-ementE ' Introduction< de.inition. II. 7isci&line maintenance< 6rie#ance Handlin-< 8orkers &artici&ation in mana-ement< maintainin- -ood human and industrial relations.

(E%$MME"&E& B$$0S/ Mana-in- Human 1esources @ Bohlander et all @ =en-a-e 5earninHuman 1esource Mana-ement< Text , =ases @ 3SP 1ao Human 1esource Mana-ement @ Text , =ases @ D. "sh;ata&&a

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