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flying photo school

Let's dive right in to aperture! As we already discussed in the video, aperture controls two things: 1. Light 2. Depth of Field (DOF There are some key elements to remember about aperture. (By the way, you might know aperture as f stop! " they refer to the same idea!# First, there's one thing we have to get out of the way a little bad news, if you will. $nlike all the other settings we've talked about so far % aperture is &ontrolled by your lens, '(T your &amera body. This means that what you'll be able to do with this mode is dire&tly related to the lenses that you own. Take a look at these images, and then get out your own lenses to see what aperture range you have! This is a photo of my favorite lens % by looking at the end of my lens (near my lens &ap#, ) see some numbers. The *+mm refers to the length of the ,oom. Like ) say in the &aption, the ne-t images talk about aperture. )gnore that number before the &olon! )t will always read one. .ou're looking for the number dire&tly after the &olon. )n this &ase, /.0!
2012 flying photo school. All rights reserved. Content may not be shared or distributed without written consent.

flying photo school

Let's take a look at another e-ample.

The truth is, the kit lens that &ame with your &amera won't be impressive when it &omes to aperture. )n fa&t, you might find it has a range of numbers, like 1.*"*.2 % why the range3 4ell, depending on how far your lens is ,oomed in or out, will &hange the lowest aperture setting you &an use for your shot. ) would highly re&ommend that you &onsider upgrading your lens (again, we'll talk about options in 4eek 5# to upgrade what you &an do with this setting! 6onfused3 7on't worry 8 this will all make more sense as you start shooting in this mode! !ow, let"s tal# aperture nu$%ers& 9mall f stop number (f /.0, f 0.:, f 1.*, et& %# <erfe&t for portraits! 9mall 'arrow depth of field Lots of bokeh Large f stop number (f ;, f /1, f 00# =reat for lands&apes =reat Large depth of field 'ot a lot of bokeh!

Wait hold up there! What's bokeh? Bokeh is that lovely blurriness in the background of
2012 flying photo school. All rights reserved. Content may not be shared or distributed without written consent.

flying photo school

your i ages. !hotographers love it!

Let's take a look at the images we saw in the video, to see some e-amples. This image below was shot at an f stop of 0.:. 9ee how the ba&kground is really blurry3 (=reat bokeh!# That's be&ause of the low f stop.

'e-t up, let's take a look at that lands&ape shot. This was shot at f 00. >emember, we wanted a great depth of field here! Lots of detail 8 not bokeh.
2012 flying photo school. All rights reserved. Content may not be shared or distributed without written consent.

flying photo school

As we shoot in aperture priority $ode, we need to consider a few things: Light 8 how mu&h light do you need in your photograph3 >emember, aperture &ontrols light as well3 ?or nighttime shots, ) often shoot as low as possible (f /.:, for e-ample# so that ) &an get a lot of light in my image. 7epth of ?ield 8 how many fields need to be in fo&us3 7o you want a lot of bokeh in your ba&kground, or not any at all3 But remember % you have to keep in mind what your lens &an do! )t won't matter if you'd like your shot at f /.:, if your lens &an only go down to f 1.*. Let's dis&uss a few more details regarding aperture. Below is a pi&ture, shot on @v mode, with an f 1.*. 'oti&e how blurry the ba&kground is3 The reason the ba&kground is still Auite blurry is be&ause of my position to the &an 8 ) was very &lose to the &an, and therefore, the ba&kground has room to get blurrier! ((f &ourse, there are te&hni&al reasons for this, but ) like to think of it in terms of spa&e room % easier to understand3

>eady to see another e-ample3 Let's take a look at a shot where ) was mu&h further away from the &ans % keep in mind, my settings were e'actly the same. 'oti&e how the ba&kground is mu&h more in fo&us3 )t's be&ause of my distan&e to the &ans.
2012 flying photo school. All rights reserved. Content may not be shared or distributed without written consent.

flying photo school

(o that"s ta#eaway nu$%er one ) if you want to achieve greater %o#eh, %ut you don"t have the greatest lens, place yourself as close to your su%*ect as possi%le& ((f &ourse, )'d still en&ourage you to pur&hase a better lens when you &an % but this is about working with what we have!# 'e-t, let's dis&uss the idea of multiple subBe&ts in one frame. Below is a pi&ture with multiple &ans, spa&ed out in rows, shot on @v mode at f 1.*.

(f &ourse, you're not surprised to see that the ba&k row is Auite out of fo&us 8 that's the whole goal with @v mode, right3 But let's review one more image %

9ee how all three &ans are &ompletely in fo&us % that's be&ause all three &ans are on the same plane. Be&ause they are on the same plane, they &an all remain &ompletely in fo&us. )n fa&t, we &ould line up /+ &ans 8 as long as they were on the same plane, we &ould use a f /.0 setting and ea&h one would be in fo&us.

(o our second ta#eaway is that we can use a low f+stop nu$%er, even when shooting $ore than one person. As long as each person is on the sa$e plane, they will all %e in focus.
2012 flying photo school. All rights reserved. Content may not be shared or distributed without written consent.

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