AIIMS (MBBS) GK Solved Question Paper 2011

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Which premier event in India has the official motto 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam'? (a) International Film Festival of India (b) India International Trade Fair (c) PravasiBhartiya Divas (d) nanpith !"ards #o" many lan$ua$es feature on the lan$ua$e panel of contemporary %eserve Bank of India currency notes? (b) 15 (a) &' (c) 13 (d) && The portrait of "hich of these Indian kin$s finds a place in the (!)!head*uarters? (a) !kbar (b) Babar (c) )hiva+i (c) Tipu )ultan Which amon$ the follo"in$ industry has even traditionally called a ',hild of Protection'(a) Te.tile Industry (b) ,ement Industry (c) )u$ar Industry (d) Petroleum Industry Which of the follo"in$ states is called the 'Ti$er )tate' of India? (a) /u+arat (b) 0adhya Pradesh (c) West Ben$al (d) !som )12stands for (a) )pecial 1conomic 2one (b) )pecial 1astern2one (c) )outhern 1conomic 2one (d) )outh 1uropean 2one The 3pper #ouse of Parliament is kno"n as (a) 4ok )abha (b) %ashtrapati Bha"an (c) Parliament #ouse (d) %a+ya)abha '4ilavati' an ancient "ork on 0athematics5 "as "ritten by (a) !ryabhatta (b) Bhaskaracharya










(c) Banabhatta (d) 6arahmihira #o" many members of the !n$lo7Indian ,ommunity can be nominated by the President to the 4ok)abha? (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) &' (d) ' Which is the first state in India to launch an e7payment system for commercial ta. payers? (a) /u+arat (b) 8arnataka (c) /oa (c) 0aharashtra The /overnment has formally conferred '0aharatna' status to four of its fla$ship P)3sWhich of these is not one of the four? (a) )!I4 (b) I9, (c) (0D, (d) 9(/, Which of the follo"in$ has not been a"arded a (obel Pri:e and a Bharat %atna? (a) Dalai 4ama (b) ,-6- %aman (c) (elson 0andela (d) 0other Teresa The "ord '0' in 0%F tyres corresponds to "hich of the follo"in$? (a) 0aharashtra (b) 0a+or (c) 0etropolitan (d) 0adras )hivara+ 6- Patil ,ommittee is associated "ith (a) ,W/)cam (b) '/ )pectrum )cam (c) 6edanta 0inin$ Pro+ect (d) P9),9 Pro+ect in 9disha ';&< FIF!World ,up "ould be held in (a) %ussia (b) =atar (c) France (d) (etherlands Who discovered )outh Pole? (a) Tasman (b) !mundsen (c) %obert Peary (d) ohn ,abot The position of Indian %ail"ays(et"ork the "orld is (a) fifth (b) second (c) fourth (d) third

18. Who among the following

is the first Indian winner of the Hoover Prize? (a) D. Amartya Sen (b) Dr. Manmohan Singh ( ) !. Madh"ban #ayer (d) Dr. A.P.$.Abd"l %alam 19. Maggi brand of noodles is owned by

(a) #estle (b) &ritannia ( ) HLL (d) I'( 20. Whi h of the following items is a ma)or item of Indian e*+ort? (a) (om+"ter hi+s (b) 'e*tile garments ( ) (ar engines (d) Dairy +rod" ts

Answer1. 11. a 2. b 3. d 4. 14. b 5. 15. a 6. 12. a 13. d

a 7. 17. d 8. b 9. d 10. b 20. b 18. d 19. a

16. b

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