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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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Shear Terms

CENE 437: The Class: Loads: Lateral Loads: Seismic Loads: UBC '97: Base

1997 UBC Earthquake Design

Base Shear Terms

In this section, the various terms of the static base shear equation are examined in more detail.

Z = seismic zone factor.

Effective peak ground accelerations with 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 yrs. Given as a percentage of acceleration due to gravity. horizontal ground acceleration is predicted at .4g at bedrock.

For example, consider zone 4, where Z = .4

Doesn't account for building dynamic properties or local soil conditions. '97 UBC Figure 16.2 seismic zone map. Table 16.I Z values as given below: Zone Z 0 1 0




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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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2B 3 4


.30 .40

I = importance factor.

Classifying buildings according to use and importance. Essential facilities, hazardous facilities, special occupancy structures, standard occupancy structures, miscellaneous structures. remain functioning in a catastrophe.

Essential facilities mean that the building must Essential facilities include: hospitals, Design for greater safety.

communication centers, fire and police stations. '97 UBC Table 16 K.

I = 1.25 for essential and hazardous facilities. I = 1.0 all others.

T = building's fundamental period of vibration.

Fundamental period of vibration is the length of time, in seconds, it takes a structure to move through one complete cycle of free vibration in the first mode.

There are two methods to estimate T: Method A:

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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Method B: (an iterative approach not generally used in regular structures)

Using Method A, the fundamental period of

vibrations for masonry buildings is estimated at: Height (ft) Period (seconds) 20 40 120 160
a v

.19 .32 .43


.73 .90

C and C = seismic dynamic response spectrum values. Accounts for how the building and soil can amplify the basic ground acceleration or velocity.
a v

C and C are determined from respectively '97 UBC tables 16 Q and 16 R as a function of Z, underlying soil conditions, and proximity to a fault. Soil profile type: Using method A,

The soil layers beneath a structure effects the

way that structure responds to the earthquake

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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When the period of vibration of the building is soil, the bedrock motion is amplified. The predicted by Z alone. The following are

close to the period of vibration of the underlying building experiences larger motions than that generalizations about building response as a stiffness.

function of building flexibility and underlying soil

Flexible (Large Flexible Flexible Stiff T's)



Description Soft (big S) Stiff Stiff


Induced Seismic Force Higher Lower Lower



The soil profile types are: Description Hard Rock Rock Type S S

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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Very dense soil and soft rock SC Stiff soil Soft soil See '97 UBC 1629.3.1 S S S

Specific details about each type can be found in In the absence of a geotechnical site investigation,

'97 UBC Table 16 J and '97 UBC 1629.3.1.

use S . This is in accordance with '97 UBC 1629.3 Do not confuse this requirement with the one stated in '97 UBC 1630.2.3.2 which applies ONLY when using the simplified design base web site is NOT using these simplified procedures, but is using 1630.2.1. R = response modification factor.

shear procedures of '97 UBC 1630.2.3. This

A judgement factor that accounts for building ductiltiy, damping, and over strength. prior to fracture: Ductility = ability to deform in the inelastic range

Damping = resistance to motion provided by internal material friction.

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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Over strength = the extra or reserve strength in the structural system. It comes from the practice of designing every member in a group according to the forces in the most critical member of that group.

Structural systems with larger R = better seismic performance. In '97 UBC Table 16 N, R range from 2.8 (light steel frame bearing walls with tension bracing) to 8.5 systems). (special SMRFS of steel or concrete and some dual For bearing wall systems where the wall elements resist both lateral and vertical loads: stories: R = 5.5 N and N = near source factors that are applicable in only seismic zone 4. They account for the very large ground
v v v a

Wood shear panel buildings with 3 or less Masonry shear walls: R = 4.5.

accelerations that occur near the seismic source (the fault). N is generally used with C for structures located < 9.3 miles (15km) from the fault.

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1997 UBC Earthquake Design - Base Shear Terms

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N is found in '97 UBC Table 16 T N is used with C for structures located < 6.2 miles (10 km) from the fault.
a a a v

N is found in '97 UBC Table 16 S.

a v

Both N and N are based upon the type of seismic source, A C. This source type, and location of fault, like a current USGS survey. must be established using approved geotechnical data

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