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Until Now!

Written by Albert Lynn Barcroft E ite by Hi! "any #rien ! an #ellow A$erican!

COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OCTOBER, 1999 United States Postal Co !"i#$t %e&"'a"!, ())) All Ri#$ts Rese"*ed
T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told 1

T$e &oo+ !o' a"e a&o't to "ead is a ,o- ilation and "es'lt o. 1/ !ea"s o. $a"d st'd!, 0o"+, .ail'"es, and s',,esses t$at I $a*e e"sonall! e1 e"ien,ed in -! o0n .i#$t to "e#ain t$e &i"t$"i#$t le.t to -e &! -! .o"$e"s2 T$ose .o"$e"s #a*e t$ei" "o e"t!, standin# in t$e ,o--'nit!, and e*en t$ei" li*es in o"de" to lea*e to -e t$ose ."eedo-s 0$i,$ $ad ne*e" &e.o"e e1isted .o" t$e ,o--on -an on t$is ea"t$2 Most o. t$e- s'..e"ed $a"ds$i s t$at 0e toda! ,o'ld not e*en i-a#ine, and t$e! did it all so t$at t$ei" ,$ild"en and oste"it! ,o'ld $a*e ."eedo- .o"e*e"-o"e2 T$e #i.t t$e! le.t 's is t$e -ost 0onde".'l and *al'a&le #i.t e*e" #i*en &! Man3 and, I $a*e no do'&t t$at it 0as ins i"ed and ,oo"dinated &! God $i-sel.2 T$is &oo+ is dedi,ated to t$ose &"a*e -en 0$o #a*e all t$e! $ad on t$is ea"t$ in o"de" to lea*e t$e #i.t o. ."eedo- to t$ei" des,endants2 Alt$o'#$ -ost o. t$ei" des,endants no lon#e" e*en "eali4e t$e #"eat #i.t le.t to t$e-, t$e sa,"i.i,es -ade &! t$ose $e"oes 0ill .o"e*e" &e ens$"ined in t$e %"eedo-5s Hall O. %a-e as t$e ."a-e"s o. t$e -ost 0onde".'l s!ste- o. #o*e"n-ent e*e" de*ised on t$is ea"t$2 To t$ose -en #o all t$e "aise and ,"edit .o" 0$ate*e" ."eedo- $as e1isted, o" still e1ists toda!6 It is -! .'ll intention to $ono" t$ose -en in -! a,tions and in t$ese 0"itin#s2 A-on# ot$e" t$in#s, t$is &oo+ 0ill s$o0 !o' t$e se,"ets 'sed &! -an! A-e"i,ans e*en toda! to a*oid t$e t"a s o. t$e %ede"al Go*e"n-ent 0$i,$ $a*e la,ed -illions o. state Citi4ens into a state o. se"*it'de to t$e United States and all o. its siste" ,o- anies and ,o a"ties2 T$e &oo+ 0ill s$o0 !o' in detail $o0 to +no0 i. !o' a"e eli#i&le to &e a so*e"ei#n 0it$ no in,o-e ta1es, and .e0, i. an!, "o e"t! ta1es 7-an! o. !o' a"e682 It 0ill s$o0 !o' $o0 to esta&lis$ a &an+ a,,o'nt "i#$t in !o'" $o-eto0n &an+ t$at t$e IRS ,annot e*en loo+ at, -',$ less sei4e2 It 0ill s$o0 !o' $o0 to sto &ein# told 7and 'nis$ed i. !o' don5t listen and a&ide &! t$e Code and "e#'lations8 0$et$e" o" not to 0ea" a seat&elt o" sto at a sto si#n in t$e -iddle o. no0$e"e 0it$ no one else a"o'nd2 It 0ill s$o0 !o' $o0 to tell t$e IRS to 9#o a0a!5, and t$en -a+e t$e- do it2 I. !o' :'ali.!, t$is &oo+ 0ill ,$an#e !o'" li.e so d"a-ati,all! t$at !o' 0on5t "e,o#ni4e !o'"sel., eit$e" $!si,all! o" s i"it'all!, 0it$in si1 -ont$s a.te" !o' $a*e e- lo!ed t$e se,"ets ,ontained $e"ein2 I $a*e not 'sed a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" o" aid an! in,o-e ta1es sin,e 19;<, 0$en I sta"ted to lea"n t$e t"'t$ a&o't -! ,o'nt"! and -! Ri#$ts2 I $a*e "e,entl! lea"ned t$at I $a*e ne*e" e*en $ad a so,ial

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

se,'"it! n'-&e"2 I $a*e not aid a t"a..i, ti,+et in al-ost t$i"t! !ea"s 7and I5*e $ad -an! iss'ed8, and I $a*e ne*e" e*en seen t$e inside o. a =ail2 At .i"st, I .'ll! e1 e,ted to &e =ailed and dis#"a,ed, &'t I 0as so .ed ' 0it$ t$e s!ste- t$at I ."an+l! didn5t ,a"e2 I de,ided t$at i. t$e! ,o'ld do t$e $o""i&le t$in#s to -e 0$i,$ t$e! $ad done, t$e! -i#$t as 0ell a! .o" -! "oo- and &oa"d 0$ile t$e! 0e"e doin# it2 To -! #"eat s'" "ise, not onl! did I not #o to =ail, I 0asn5t e*en ,onta,ted &! -ail .o" o*e" t0o !ea"s a.te" I sto ed .ilin# t$e IRS "et'"ns2 >'"in# t$at ti-e I #at$e"ed an i--ense a-o'nt o. in.o"-ation a&o't t$e 9s!ste-5 and $o0 it 0o"+s2 I lea"ned $o0 to ,$allen#e an! ,lai-s 0$i,$ t$e IRS -i#$t -a+e a#ainst -e, and $o0 to de.end a#ainst an! ,"i-inal a,,'sations ai-ed at -e2 T$e "es'lt 0as t$at, 0$en t$e! .inall! did ,o-e a.te" -e, I 0as "ead! and I 0on ti-e and a#ain2 %o" se*e"al !ea"s ?t$e ea"l! 199)5s 'ntil t$e ea"l! ()))5s8, t$e IRS *i"t'all! a&andoned t$e 'se o. ,"i-inal "ose,'tions in its atte- t to .o",e ta1 ,o- lian,e3 $o0e*e", in t$e last .e0 !ea"s, t$e! $a*e "e@ do'&led t$ei" ."ontal atta,+ &! t$e .ilin# o. ,"i-inal ,$a"#es a#ainst an! 0$o .i#$t t$e- ?'nless t$e a"t! "esistin# $as $is de.ense &ased ' on solid #"o'ndA2 T$e ,o'"ts .a*o" t$e IRS in a -anne" 0$i,$ ,o'ld ne*e" &e "e.e""ed to as ='sti,e, and t$e ='"! ools a"e tainted ."o- t$e o'tset2 T$e .e0 ,ases 0$e"e a t"'e A-e"i,an does "e*ail, t$e ,o'"ts $a*e .o'nd a *e"! e..e,ti*e 0a! o. +ee in# t$e "es'lts ."o- t$e '&li, &! t$e si- le 'se o. a lo! ,alled a 9#a# o"de"52 T$is o"de" .o"&ids an! in.o"-ation a&o't a ,ase ."o- &ein# "eleased .o" '&li, ,ons'- tion, and .o"&ids an! o. t$e a"ties o" atto"ne!s ."o- e*en tal+in# a&o't it2 It 0as intended .o" 'se onl! d'"in# a t"ial to -aintain ='"! '"it!3 &'t, li+e so -an! ot$e" t$in#s 0$i,$ sta"ted 0it$ #ood di"e,tion, t$is #o*e"n-ent .o'nd a 0a! to "ostit'te t$e inte#"it! o. s',$ an o"de", and 'se it to +ee silent .o"e*e" an!t$in# 0$i,$ -i#$t &e det"i-ental to t$e ass'-ed o0e" o. t$e #o*e"n-ent i. it &e,a-e '&li, +no0led#e2 T$at is "e,isel! 0$! !o' "o&a&l! ,'""entl! &elie*e t$at t$e #o*e"n-ent 0ins e*e"! ta1 ,ase, and t$at an!one 0$o is not a!in# t$e in,o-e ta1 0ill s'"el! 0ind ' in "ison2 In a,tions s',$ as t$e 'net$i,al ?i. not ille#alA 'se o. t$e #a# "'le &! %ede"al ,o'"ts, "eal $o e ,an &e .o'nd &! t$ose eo le 0$o a"e .i#$tin# t$e .i#$t .o" t"'t$, ='sti,e, and t$e A-e"i,an Wa!2 It is *e"! $ea"tenin# to +no0 t$at 0e $a*e &een a&le to 's$ t$is de .a,to #o*e"n-ent into a osition 0$e"e it is .o",ed to t0ist t$e la0 in o"de" to -aintain its osition2 T$is a,tion alone tells 's t$at t$e e"sons "es onsi&le .o" +ee in# t$is #o*e"n-ent in la,e +no0 t$at t$e! ,annot &e t"'t$.'l and .o"t$,o-in# 0it$ t$e A-e"i,an Peo le and $o e to -aintain t$ei" o0e"2 It also oints o't t$at t$ese lee,$es o.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

so,iet! 0ill do an!t$in# to +ee t$ei" o0e" o*e" t$e eo le2 T$e! 0ill lie, ,$eat, steal, and e*en +ill to -aintain t$e eo le5s i-a#e o. t$ei" o0e"2 An!ti-e t$at t$e! a"e s',,ess.'l in te""o"i4in# o" inti-idatin# an A-e"i,an, it 0ill &e laste"ed on t$e ."ont a#e o. e*e"! ne0s a e" in t$e ,o'nt"!, and it 0ill &e t$e lead sto"! on t$e TC ne0s,asts2 B't 0$en an A-e"i,an 0ins a &attle, it is sealed o.. ."o- t$e '&li, li+e a ,onta#io's disease2 Re,entl!, at a Ne0 Yea"5s E*e a"t!, a .e0 o. -! ."iends sta"ted as+in# :'estions a&o't -! &elie.s on a!in# ta1es, &ein# ."ee, and A-e"i,a2 A.te" a ,o' le o. $o'"s o. dis,'ssions, one o. -! ."iends loo+ed at -e and said, DYo' +no0, Al, I "eall! "esent !o'2 I #o o't $e"e and 0o"+ $a"d e*e"!da!, and I a! -! .ai" s$a"e o't o. -! ea"nin#s2 Yo' -a+e -o"e -one! t$an I do, and !o' don5t a! an!t$in#, -',$ less !o'" .ai" s$a"e2E T$is "eall! set -e &a,+ .o" a se,ond2 I ne*e" e*en t$o'#$t a&o't an! o. -! ."iends "esentin# t$e .a,t t$at I 0as standin# ' to t$is t!"anni,al t"'st -ani.estin# itsel. as t$e de .a,to #o*e"n-ent2 A.te" a .e0 se,onds o. a,t'all! .eelin# s$a-e, I sta"ted #ettin# an#"!2 Ho0 da"e so-eone :'estion -! sa,"i.i,es6 I loo+ed t$is ."iend di"e,tl! in t$e e!e, and, 0it$ all t$e ot$e"s at t$e a"t! in dead silen,e, I said, DSte*e, I 0is$ !o' $adn5t said t$at2 I5*e let !o' o.. t$e $oo+ .o" a lon# ti-e, &'t no0 !o'5*e -ade t$is e"sonal &et0een 's2 M! .o"$e"s, ='st li+e !o'"s, #a*e a lot to "o*ide ."eedo- .o" t$e-sel*es and t$ei" des,endants2 M! G"eat G"eat G"eat G"eat G"eat G"eat G"eat G"$e", Sa-'el H'ntin#ton, si#ned t$e >e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e2 He +ne0 0$en $e did t$at $e 0o'ld "o&a&l! s'..e" #"eat $a"ds$i s as a "es'lt2 He still .ollo0ed $is &elie.s 0it$o't ,on,e"n .o" $is o0n instant se,'"it!, .a*o"in# instead lon#@te"- ."eedo- .o" $i-sel. and $is o..s "in#2 All o. t$e ot$e" si#ne"s o. t$e >e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e +ne0 t$e e1t"e-e dan#e" t$e! la,ed t$e-sel*es in 0it$ t$ei" si#nat'"e and s' o"t, &'t all si#ned it an!0a!, and al-ost e*e"! one 0as eit$e" +illed o" $ad $is "o e"t! sei4ed and died &"o+e as a "es'lt o. t$at si#nat'"e2 To t$ose -en, t$e -ost i- o"tant t$in# a -an ,o'ld do 0as to deli*e" ."eedo- to $i-sel. and $is o..s "in# as a &i"t$"i#$t2 T$e! e*en 0a"ned 's t$at ete"nal *i#ilan,e 0as t$e onl! 0a! 0e ,o'ld -aintain t$is 0onde".'l #i.t2 And 0$at $a*e 0e done 0it$ t$is #i.tF We $a*e a at$eti,all! #i*en it a0a! 0it$o't so -',$ as a 0$i- e" in t$e ni#$t, 0it$o't a .i#$t3 and, &asi,all! to t$e sa-e eo le t$at o'" .o"$e"s t$"e0 o't o. ,ont"ol2 T"!in# to .i#$t to "e#ain little a"ts o. t$at on,e all@ en,o- assin# ."eedo- is "eall! *e"! di..i,'lt toda!, &e,a'se o. eo le li+e !o', Ste*e, 0$o .all do0n and a! $o-a#e 0it$o't :'estion to t$is -onste" t$at 0o'ld ,ont"ol e*e"!t$in#2 And 0$! do !o' do

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

t$at, Ste*eF Be,a'se !o' a"e #ettin# 9%a"- s'&sidies5 and ot$e" 9$ando'ts5 ."o- t$e s!ste- 0$i,$ 0o'ld not &e a*aila&le i. !o' didn5t .ollo0 t$ei" e*e"! inst"',tion 0it$o't :'estion2 So tell -e, Ste*e, 0$en a"e !o' #oin# to sta"t doin# D!o'" .ai" s$a"eE to0a"d -aintainin# t$is #"eat ,o'nt"! t$at !o'" .o"$e"s le.t !o'F I $o e it5s soon, &e,a'se, ."an+l!, t$e load is #ettin# "ett! $ea*! .o" -e to ,a""! 0it$o't a little $el 2E Needless to sa!, o'" ,on*e"sation ended .ai"l! a&"' tl!, and 0e $a*en5t $ad o,,asion to tal+ sin,e2 I oint o't t$is en,o'nte" to -a+e t$e oint t$at, e*en t$o'#$ I don5t a! in,o-e ta1es 7and se*e"al ot$e" ta1es8, I don5t $a*e a ."ee "ide eit$e"2 I. !o' de,ide to .ollo0 t$e in.o"-ation #i*en in t$is &oo+ to !o'" o0n ."eedo-, !o' 0ill .ind t$at -an! o. !o'" ."iends 0ill &e,o-e *e"! =ealo's o. !o'2 It 0ill &e a"ti,'la"l! noti,ea&le 0it$ t$ose 0$o 0o'ld lo*e to do e1a,tl! 0$at !o' a"e doin#, &'t t$e! ='st don5t $a*e t$e #'ts2 T$e! ,an "ead and 'nde"stand t$at t$e! a"e "eall! not "e:'i"ed to do t$e distaste.'l t$in#s t$at t$e! do as 9d'ties5 'nde" t$is #o*e"n-ent3 &'t dee do0n, in t$ei" $ea"ts, t$e! ='st +no0 t$at t$e! 0ill 9#o to =ail5 i. t$e! don5t .ollo0 t$e inst"',tions laid o't .o" t$e-2 T$e "eall! sad t$in# is t$at t$e! a"e al"ead! in "ison o. t$e 0o"st +ind H sel.@i- osed2 T$e! ,an ne*e" es,a e it, &e,a'se t$is #o*e"n-ent $as stolen t$ei" -inds and t$ei" ."ee 0ill, and -ade ,o0a"ds o't o. t$e-3 and it 0o'ld ta+e t$e ,o'"a#e o. t$ei" .o"$e"s to sei4e &a,+ ,ont"ol2 I a- so""! to "e o"t t$at .e0 still $a*e t$at ,o'"a#e2 B't .o" t$ose 0$o do stand ' and sa!, DI 0ant 0$at is -ine, and I 0ant to &e ."eeE, t$e "e0a"ds a"e so #"eat t$at I ,annot sta"t to -a+e !o' 'nde"stand t$e-2 B't !o' 0ill a! 9!o'" .ai" s$a"e52 Yo' 0ill a! it in $a*in# to e1 lain a t$o'sand ti-es o*e" 0$! A-e"i,an Citi4ens and ,iti4ens o. t$e United States a"e di..e"ent, and $o0 o'" .o"$e"s ne*e" intended t$at so-e 9.ede"al -onste"5 0o'ld a#ain ta+e o*e" and "'le o'" li*es2 Yo' 0ill a! it 0$en !o' $a*e to .i#$t .o" t$e little t$in#s t$at t$e 9sla*es57,iti4ens o. t$e United States8 a"e #i*en ."eel!2 B't !o' 0ill "ea t$e "e0a"ds 0$en !o' la! do0n at ni#$t +no0in# t$at !o' a"e a ."ee Man, and t$at no +in# o" #o*e"n-ent ,an la! ,lai- to !o'" &od!, so'l, o" "o e"t!, &e,a'se !o' a"e t$e 9so*e"ei#n5, e1a,tl! as God and !o'" .o"$e"s intended t$at !o' s$o'ld &e2 W$en !o' 0a+e ' and loo+ at !o'"sel. in t$e -i""o" !o' ,an &e "o'd o. t$e "e.le,tion o. a %REE MAN3 and t$en, and onl! t$en, !o' 0ill +no0 0$! !o'" .o"$e"s 0e"e 0illin# to #i*e e*e"!t$in# so t$at !o' and !o'" ,$ild"en ,o'ld en=o! t$is t$in# ,alled %REE>OM66

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

T$is &oo+ ,an &e t$e .i"st ste in "e#ainin# !o'" indi*id'al ."eedo-2 It is intended to #i*e !o' a t"'e and .a,t'al ste @&!@ste a,,o'nt o. 0$e"e !o' a"e and $o0 !o' #ot t$e"e2 Mo"e i- o"tant, it 0ill #i*e !o' t$e 'nde"standin# needed to "e ai" t$e da-a#e t$at it $as ta+en !o' a li.eti-e to s'..e"2 Read t$is &oo+ li+e an inst"',tion #'ide, ,$e,+ it .o" a,,'"a,!, &'t do not dis,o'nt it ='st &e,a'se it -a! see- l'di,"o's to !o' "i#$t no02 I. !o' .'ll! "esea",$ t$e &oo+ and its ,ontentions, !o' 0ill .ind t$at 0$at !o' $a*e al0a!s &elie*ed to &e t"'e is, in .a,t, t$at 0$i,$ is t"'l! l'di,"o's2 Yo' 0ill also dis,o*e" se,"ets, and $o0 to 'se t$e-, t$at onl! a "e,io's .e0 $a*e $e"eto.o"e en=o!ed t$e &ene.its o.2 Most i- o"tant, t$e "in,i als and ideas ,ontained in t$is &oo+ a"e t"'e, .a,t'al, and 'sa&le2 I. e- lo!ed "o e"l!, t$e! a"e ,o- letel! la0.'l, and !o' ,an 'se t$e- 0it$ total ,on.iden,e2 I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO >ISPROCE ANY O% THE BASE CONTENTIONS, %ACTS, OR CONCLUSIONS GICEN IN THIS BOOI6 Ho0e*e", t$is &oo+ is not intended as le#al ad*ise, and its ,ontents a"e o..e"ed onl! as a lea"nin# tool2 Yo' -'st ea,$ de,ide !o'" on .ate and osition in t$is 0o"ld &ased ' on t$e .a,ts 0$i,$ !o' a,,'-'late2 It is -! 0is$ and $o e t$at t$is &oo+ #i*es !o' aid in t$at "o,ess2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

&HA%TER ' ( &)T)*ENSH)%

W$en -ost eo le 0$o ,onside" t$e-sel*es A-e"i,ans a"e as+ed a&o't t$ei" ,iti4ens$i , t$e! "eali4e, -a!&e .o" t$e .i"st ti-e, t$at t$e! $a*e ne*e" #i*en t$e iss'e -',$ t$o'#$t2 O$ s'"e, t$e! all +no0 t$at t$e! a"e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States3 and, i. 's$ed, -ost also &elie*e t$e-sel*es to &e A-e"i,ans2 B't "e,io's .e0 'nde"stand 0$at ,iti4ens$i "eall! is, -',$ less $o0 it is a,$ie*ed and -aintained2 Most t$in+ t$at it is &esto0ed ' on t$e- 0it$o't an! d'ties o" "es onsi&ilities atta,$ed ?e1,e t a!in# ta1esA, and t$at not$in# t$e! do ,an a..e,t t$ei" stat's as an indi*id'al Man o" Wo-an 0it$ Ri#$ts le.t .o" t$e- &! t$ei" .o"$e"s, and #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion o. t$e United States o. A-e"i,a2 I. t$at5s 0$at !o' &elie*e, $old on to !o'" &oots, &e,a'se t$e Ea"t$ is #oin# to s$a+e 'nde" !o'" .eet2 All o. t$e ass'- tions t$at !o' $a*e -ade ,on,e"nin# !o'" ,iti4ens$i a"e #oin# to &e "o*en totall! 0"on#, not &! 0o"ds, &'t &! "oo.2 T$e .ollo0in# .a,ts a"e "esented to !o' as $isto"i,all! ,o""e,t e*iden,e, and all 0ill &e s' o"ted &! 'n:'estiona&le e*iden,e2 Not$in# in t$is e*al'ation is intended to &e dis"es e,t.'l o" de#"adin# 7and ,e"tainl! not "a,ist8 to0a"d an! #"o' o. eo le3 $o0e*e", in o"de" to +no0 and 'nde"stand t$e t"'t$ a&o't !o'" $e"ita#e and !o'" &i"t$"i#$t, !o' -'st .i"st 'nde"stand $o0 !o' #ot into t$e osition t$at !o' ,'""entl! o,,' !2 So, 0e 0ill sta"t at t$e &e#innin#, and .ollo0 t$e ,$ain o. e*ents t$at $as led 's to t$e la,e 0$e"e 0e stand toda!2 Please +ee an o en -ind 'ntil !o' $a*e e1a-ined t$e .a,ts 0it$o't $isto"i,al "e*ision2

T$e 'nited States o. A-e"i,a a,t'all! ,a-e into &ein# on K'l! G, 1<<J, 0it$ t$e si#nin# o. t$e 9>e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e5, 0$en t$e states de,la"ed L DThat these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the ritish Cro!n, and that all political connection bet!een them and the State of "reat ritain, is and ought to be totally dissolvedE2 T$e A"ti,les o. Con.ede"ation, a#"eed to in 1<<< and "ati.ied in 1<;1, ,"eated t$e Union o. t$e States, and dele#ated a o"tion o. t$ei" so*e"ei#nt! to t$is ne0 Con.ede"a,! o" Union 2 T$is ,on.ede"ation de,la"ed t$atL DAnd that the Articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the States !e respectively represent, and that the Union shall be perpetual#$%emphasis added&
T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told <

T$is Con.ede"a,! .'"t$e" de,la"ed in A"ti,le IL DThe Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America+,T$e 1B Colonies de,la"ed t$e-sel*es to &e DFree and Independent StatesE3 and t$e Peo le 0$o ,"eated t$ese DFree and Independent StatesE 0o'ld li+e0ise, o. ne,essit!, $a*e &een ."ee and inde endent, ot$e"0ise, t$e! 0o'ld not $a*e $ad t$e a't$o"it! to ente" into s',$ an a#"ee-ent and to $a*e ,"eated a ."ee and inde endent State2 T$e B"itis$ C"o0n, 0$i,$ $ad "e*io'sl! ,lai-ed t$e "i#$t o. so*e"ei#nt! o*e" t$e 1B Colonies and its eo le, "e,o#ni4ed t$at t$e inde enden,e and ."eedo- o. t$ese States and t$e Peo le t$e"eo. 0it$ t$e T"eat! o. Pa"is o. 1<;B, in t$e .ollo0in# :'ote ."o- t$at do,'-entL DHis B"ittani, Ma=est! a,+no0led#es t$e said United States, *i42, Ne0 Ha- s$i"e, Massa,$'setts Ba!, R$ode Island and P"o*iden,e Plantations, Conne,ti,'t, Ne0 Yo"+, Ne0 Ke"se!, Penns!l*ania, Ma"!land, Ci"#inia No"t$ Ca"olina, So't$ Ca"olina and Geo"#ia, to &e ."ee so*e"ei#n and inde endent states, t$at $e t"eats 0it$ t$e- as s',$, and .o" $i-sel., $is $ei"s, and s',,esso"s, "elin:'is$es all ,lai-s to t$e #o*e"n-ent, "o "iet!, and te""ito"ial "i#$ts o. t$e sa-e and e*e"! a"t t$e"eo.2E T$is assa#e "e "esents an a,+no0led#e-ent ."o- t$e -ost o0e".'l ea"t$l! so*e"ei#n o. t$at ti-e, Iin# Geo"#e III o. En#land, t$at t$e thirteen colonies'states o. t$e A-e"i,an Union o. DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE 0e"e so*e"ei#ns o. e:'al o0e" 0it$ t$e +in#2 Unde" t$e te"-s o. t$ei" #o*e"n-ent ?t$e A"ti,les o. Con.ede"ation, and late" t$e Constit'tion .o" DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aEA, t$at so*e"ei#nt! 0as e1tended ."o- 9the people( o. t$ose ,oloniesMstates, -eanin# t$at t$ose people 0e"e t$e so*e"ei#ns2 Also, .o" .'t'"e "e.e"en,e, lease note t$at t$e thirteen colonies a"e listed &! na-e ?a oint 0$i,$ 0ill &e,o-e e*ident as to its i- o"tan,e late" in t$e &oo+A2 In o"de" to ,"eate a -o"e e".e,t Union, t$e Peo le o. DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE o"dained and esta&lis$ed t$e Constit'tion .o" DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE, ,"eatin# a Union #o*e"n-ent and dele#atin# additional o"tion o. its so*e"ei#nt! to t$e United States2 T$is Constit'tion, in A"ti,le IC Se,tion G, #'a"antees to e*e"! State in t$is Union a Re '&li,an .o"- o. Go*e"n-ent2 To 'nde"stand t$e nat'"e o. t$e o*e"all a#"ee-ent to =oin to#et$e" in a Union, 0e -'st .i"st 'nde"stand 0$at a Re '&li, is2 9Re '&li,5 asL DA ,o--on0ealt$3 t$at .o"- o. #o*e"n-ent in 0$i,$ t$e ad-inist"ation o."s is o en to all o. t$e ,iti4ens2 In anot$e" sense, it si#ni.ies t$e state, inde endentl! o. its .o"- o. #o*e"n-ent2E It Blac./! Law Dictionary 7$e"eina.te" 9Blac./!/0 de.ines

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

.'"t$e" de.ines 9Re '&li,an #o*e"n-ent5 as, DA #o*e"n-ent in t$e "e '&li,an .o"-3 a #o*e"n-ent o. t$e eo le3 a #o*e"n-ent &! "e "esentati*es ,$osen &! t$e eo le2E In ot$e" 0o"ds, a "e '&li, is a #o*e"n-ent o. 0$i,$ t$e Peo le a"e t$e so'",e and o"i#in3 and in 0$i,$ t$e Peo le o0n and ,ont"ol e*e"!t$in#, and t$e #o*e"n-ent se"*es at t$e ,on*enien,e and &! t$e e"-ission o. t$e Peo le t$at it #o*e"ns2 Hen,e t$e te"- 9 '&li, se"*ant5 is 'sed 0$en "e.e""in# to t$e ele,ted o..i,ials2 W$o a-on# !o' &elie*es t$at toda!5s oliti,ians t"'l! .it t$e -eanin# o. 9 '&li, se"*ants5F Unde"standin# t$e t"'e -eanin# o. Re '&li,, 0e ,an no0 see $o0 A-e"i,a 0as .o"-ed2 T$e indi*id'al ,olon! Citi4ens o. t$e thirteen Colonies a,t'all! o0ned e*e"!t$in#2 Re-e-&e", t$ese eo le 0e"e "e&ellin# ."o- a "e "essi*e #o*e"n-ent in 0$i,$ t$e Iin# o0ned e*e"!t$in#, and t$ei" -ain intent 0as to &e,o-e t$e 9so*e"ei#n5, a osition al0a!s $eld &! t$e Iin# ?t$e Ro!al %a-il! in t$e ,ase o. En#landA o" "'le" in "e*io's #o*e"n-ents2 Blac./! de.ines 9so*e"ei#n5 as, DA e"son, &od!, o" state in 0$i,$ inde endent and s' "e-e a't$o"it! is *ested3 a ,$ie. "'le" 0it$ s' "e-e o0e"3 a +in# o" ot$e" "'le" in a -ona",$!2E It 0as t$e -ain intent o. t$ese .i"st A-e"i,ans to +ee .o" t$e-sel*es and t$ei" oste"it! t$e t$in#s 0$i,$ $ad "e*io'sl! &elon#ed to t$e Iin# ?o" t$e Ro!al %a-il!A, and t$ose t$in#s 0e"e *ested in t$e +in#5s so*e"ei#nt!2 And t$at is e1a,tl! 0$at t$e! did2 T$e indi*id'al states "etained t$e "i#$t to dete"-ine 0$o t$e ."ee in$a&itants o. t$e states 0o'ld &e, e1,e t t$at a' e"s, *a#a&onds and .'#iti*es ."o- ='sti,e 0o'ld not &e in,l'ded ?a #ood "eason 0$! !o' s$o'ld ne*e" #o into ,o'"t and ,lai- in forma paupers to +ee ."o- a!in# t$e ,o'"t5s .eesA2 Yo' -'st "eali4e t$at, in o"de" to &e a ,olon! Citi4en in t$e 1B o"i#inal Colonies 7$e"eina.te" also "e.e""ed to as Dstate Citi4enE o" DA-e"i,anE8, .i"st, !o' $ad to &e o. t$e 0$ite "a,e o. eo le, se,ond !o' $ad to &e an ad'lt -ale o. (1 !ea"s o" olde", and t$i"d, in -ost states !o' $ad to &e a land o0ne"2 T$e na-in# o. t$ese :'ali.i,ations is not intended to ins'lt t$e .e-ale se1 o" an! ot$e" "a,e, &'t it is ne,essa"! to 'nde"stand t$e de*elo -ent o. t$e ,iti4ens$i 0$i,$ -a! &e a*aila&le to !o'2 Unde"standin# 0$at a Re '&li, and a state Citi4en is, 0e ,an no0 .'"t$e" 'nde"stand $o0 A-e"i,a 0as .o"-ed, and 0$e"e t$e "eal o0e" 0as &esto0ed2 T$e state Citi4en o0ned e*e"!t$in#, and $e intended to +ee it t$at 0a!2 He dele#ated to $is Colon! 7o" $e"eina.te" also DstateE8 t$e o0e" and ='"isdi,tion to e".o"- ,e"tain .'n,tions, all ,o--on la0 in nat'"e2 He +e t -ost o. t$e "eal o0e"

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told

.o" $i-sel. and $is oste"it!2 He &asi,all! dele#ated to t$e state t$e ='"isdi,tion to ad-iniste" o*e" $i- in a .e0, *e"! li-ited, a"eas, &'t $e -aintained t$e &'l+ o. t$e o0e" .o" $i-sel.2 He "eali4ed t$at in o"de" to li*e in a so,iet! 0it$ ot$e" eo le, ,e"tain la0s 0o'ld $a*e to &e assed and -aintained .o" t$e "ote,tion o. t$e indi*id'al "i#$ts o. t$e ."ee in$a&itant 7Citi4ens82 At t$e sa-e ti-e, $e $ad no intention o. #i*in# ' $is o0n e"sonal ."eedo-s2 So $e ,"eated a s!ste- 0$e"e&! ='"isdi,tion o*e" $i- &! t$e state ,o'ld &e attained onl! i. $e .i"st &"o+e ,e"tain la0s t$at 0e"e d'l! esta&lis$ed, all 'nde" t$e 9Co--on La052 T$'s, t$e o0e" t$at is ,'""entl! ass'-ed &! t$e #o*e"n-ent o*e" al-ost e*e"! $ase o. o'" li*es 0as ne*e" #i*en to t$e #o*e"n-ent o*e" t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 So t$e :'estion t$at needs to &e ans0e"ed is, DHo0 did t$e %ede"al and State #o*e"n-ents #et t$e *i"t'all! 'n:'estioned ans0e" to2 To .'ll! 'nde"stand t$e osition t$at -ost o. !o' a"e ,'""entl! in, !o' -'st also 'nde"stand t$e -eanin# o. ='"isdi,tion2 ,ont"o*e"s! and "es' Blac./! de.ines 9='"isdi,tion5 as, DA te"- o. ,o- "e$ensi*e i- o"t o0e" o. t$e ,o'"t to de,ide a -atte" in e-&"a,in# e*e"! +ind o. ='di,ial a,tionN22 It is t$e -atte" and t$e a"tiesNE o0e" o*e" all o. t$e eo le 0$o no0 ,onside" t$e-sel*es to &e ,iti4ens o. t$e United StatesFE T$at is t$e :'estion t$at !o' 0ill soon +no0 t$e

oses t$e e1isten,e o. a d'l! ,onstit'ted ,o'"t 0it$ ,ont"ol o*e" t$e s'&=e,t In ot$e" 0o"ds, .o" ='"isdi,tion to &e ,lai-ed, ,ont"ol o*e" &ot$ t$e

s'&=e,t -atte" at iss'e 7 i#e2 t$e ,"i-e o" da-a#e in dis 'te8, and t$e a"ties t$at a"e in*ol*ed in t$e dis 'te is ne,essa"!2 As !o' 0ill lea"n late", ='"isdi,tion is a +e! .a,to" in !o'" "i#$ts, and t$e d'ties and "e:'i"e-ents la,ed ' on !o' &! t$e #o*e"n-ent, o" t$e t"'st a,tin# as t$e de facto #o*e"n-ent2 No0 t$at !o' $a*e a &asi, +no0led#e o. a .e0 +e! te"-s, 0e ,an e1 lo"e $o0 0e #ot 0$e"e 0e a"e toda!2 %i"st, "e-e-&e" t$at all o0e" in o'" Re '&li, 0as assed ."o- t$e so*e"ei#n Peo le to t$e state2 T$e state Citi4en 0as t$e 9so*e"ei#n52 All '&li, "o e"t!, and all o0e" and a't$o"it!, &elon#ed to, and 0as o0ned &!, $i-2 He assed on a"t o. t$at o0e" to t$e state so t$at so,iet! as a 0$ole ,o'ld &e "ote,ted2 Ho0e*e", it is i- ossi&le to #i*e a0a! all o. !o'" o0e", &e,a'se in so doin#, !o' 0o'ld ne#ate an! o"tion t$at !o' #a*e a0a!, as t$e"e 0o'ld &e no o0e" le.t to en.o",e t$e a,tion ta+en &! !o'2 T$in+ o. a ,o- an! in 0$i,$ t$e P"esident $i"ed a e"son and #a*e $i- .'ll a't$o"it! o*e" all o e"ations 0it$in t$e ,o- an!2 T$e P"esident 0o'ld still -aintain -o"e o0e"

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$an $is ne0 e- lo!ee, &e,a'se i. $e ,o'ld not s' o"t $is $i"in# 0it$ o0e", $is ne0 e- lo!ee ,o'ld not ,a""! o't $is -andate in t$e .a,e o. ,$allen#e2 So a #ood "'le o. t$'-& is t$at !o' -'st al0a!s -aintain -o"e o0e" t$an an!one 0$o a,ts 'nde" !o'" a't$o"it!2 T$is "'le a lies to t$e #o*e"n-ent as 0ell2 T$e state "e,ei*es all o. its o0e" and a't$o"it! ."o- t$e state Citi4en3 t$e"e.o"e, it -'st "e-ain se,onda"! in o0e" to t$at state Citi4en2 Also, &e a0a"e t$at t$e te"-s 9state Citi4en5 and 9A-e"i,an Citi4en5 a"e s!non!-o's, as t$e o"i#inal state Citi4ens &e,a-e t$e o"i#inal A-e"i,an Citi4ens ' on t$e .o"-in# o. t$e Union, also +no0n as Dt$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,a Peo leE3 and t$e oste"it! o. t$ose o"i#inal Citi4ens, -a+e ' t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en"!, and .o"- t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le as t$e! e1ist toda!2 I. !o' a"e not o. t$e oste"it! o. one o. t$ese eo le, t$en !o' a"e not an A-e"i,an, and !o' a"e not one o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le2 %ollo0in# t$e .o"e#oin# "in,i als, 0e ,an easil! 'nde"stand $o0 o'" .o"$e"s esta&lis$ed t$is #o*e"n-ent2 %i"st, t$e state Citi4en &esto0ed ' on t$e state ,e"tain li-ited o0e"s and li-ited ='"isdi,tion2 Wit$in t$ose o0e"s 0as t$e a&ilit! to -a+e and en.o",e 0$ate*e" la0s, t"eaties, and ,ont"a,ts t$at 0e"e ne,essa"! to t$e 0el.a"e o. t$e so,iet! .o" 0$i,$ it 0as esta&lis$ed, as lon# as t$e s'&=e,t -atte" 0as t$at .o" 0$i,$ ='"isdi,tion 0as #i*en2 T$e state, .ea"in# -o"e o0e".'l nations 7s',$ as En#land, %"an,e, S ain, et,28 .o"-ed a 'nion 0it$ t$e ot$e" 1( inde endent states 'nde" 0$i,$ a ,o--on de.ense a,t 0as a#"eed to2 Wit$in t$e Union, t$e 1B -e-&e" Re '&li,s 7$e"eina.te" DstatesE8 also a#"eed t$at t$e! 0anted to ,a""! on ."ee t"ade &et0een t$e-sel*es, t$at t$e! 0o'ld $a*e a ,o--on ,'""en,!, a ostal de a"t-ent t$at 0o'ld se"*e t$e- all, and a -eans &! 0$i,$ "o&le-s &et0een t$e- ,o'ld &e ad='di,ated 0it$o't t$e need o. 0a"2 T$e states "eali4ed t$at, as distaste.'l as it 0as to t$e- 7"e-e-&e", t$e! $ad ='st ,o-e o't ."o- 'nde" a totalita"ian #o*e"n-ent8, so-e .o"- o. 9.ede"al #o*e"n-ent5 0o'ld $a*e to &e esta&lis$ed to o*e"see t$ese .'n,tions, and to "o*ide .o" t$e ,o--on de.ense2 Ho0e*e", t$e! 0e"e all s'"e t$at t$e! didn5t 0ant t$is ne0 9-onste"5 in t$ei" o0n state, so t$e! set aside a 1) -ile s:'a"e o. land .o"e*e"-o"e to se"*e as t$e 9Seat o. Go*e"n-ent52 T$at a"ea is +no0n as Was$in#ton, >2C2 T$is ,"eated DUnited StatesE 0as dele#ated its a't$o"it! ."o- t$e so*e"ei#n inde endent states, +no0n also as t$e se*e"al States o. t$e Union, and $ad no so*e"ei#n a't$o"it! ot$e" t$an t$at 0$i,$ 0as dele#ated &! t$ese inde endent so*e"ei#n States2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e idea o. -a+in# Was$in#ton, >2C2 a state o. t$e Union is ,o- letel! l'di,"o's, and ,an ne*e" o,,'" sin,e t$e DUnited StatesE o" >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia $as no so*e"ei#nt!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


to dele#ate ot$e" t$an t$at #i*en &! t$e se*e"al States2 T$e idea is ad*an,ed onl! &! i#no"ant eo le 0$o do not 'nde"stand t$e .o'ndation o. A-e"i,a, o" ,"i-inals 0$o 0ant to 'nde"-ine t$e Re '&li,2 So t$e Union 0as .o"-ed &! t$e "es e,ti*e inde endent states, 'nde" a't$o"it! dele#ated &! t$e state Citi4ens2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e sa-e "'le -'st a l! @ t$e states indi*id'all! and ,olle,ti*el! -aintained -o"e o0e" t$an t$e ne0 %ede"al Go*e"n-ent 7$e"eina.te" DUnited StatesE82 T$e o0e"s and a't$o"it! dele#ated to t$e United States 0e"e ,lea"l! delineated and de.ined, &'t in a *e"! s$o"t e"iod o. ti-e, it &e,a-e e*ident t$at t$is Con.ede"a,! o" Union 0as ino e"a&le &e,a'se o. its li-ited a't$o"it!3 so, t$e States set a&o't to e1 and t$is dele#ated a't$o"it! 0it$ s e,i.i, li-itations la,ed ' on t$is additional dele#ation o. a't$o"it! o. t$e United States2 Ei#$t !ea"s a.te" its .o"-ation, in 1<;1, DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE $ad a list o. 0"itten a't$o"it! and li-itation dele#ated ' on it &! t$e inde endent States in 1<;9 t$"o'#$ a do,'-ent +no0n as T1e &on!tit2tion for 3T1e Unite State! of A$erica, 7$e"eina.te" 9Constit'tion582 Wit$in t$e A"ti,les o. Con.ede"ation and t$e Constit'tion, e*e"! o0e" #i*en to t$e United States is ,lea"l! s elled o't, and t$e li-itations a"e e1a,t2 T$e Constit'tion $as &een $eld to &e &ot$ a ,ont"a,t and t$e S' "e-e La0 o. t$e land &! t$e S' "e-e Co'"t2 T$e ,ont"a,t is a,t'all! &et0een t$e States, on &e$al. o. t$e state Citi4ens, and t$e United States, and it is totall! &indin# and all@ o0e".'l2 T$e 0o"din# o. t$e Constit'tion lea*es no "oo- .o" -is'nde"standin#2 %o" e1a- le, at A"ti,le IC, Se,tion G, it states, DT$e United States s$all #'a"antee to e*e"! State in t$is Union a Re '&li,an %o"- o. Go*e"n-ent, and s$all "ote,t ea,$ o. t$e- a#ainst In*asion, and ' on A li,ation o. t$e Le#islat'"e, o" t$e E1e,'ti*e 70$en t$e Le#islat'"e ,annot &e ,on*ened8 a#ainst do-esti, *iolen,e2E %"o- t$is A"ti,le, it is ,lea" t$at ea,$ State is a Re '&li, e*en a.te" t$e Union 0as .o"-ed2 Sin,e t$e 0o"d Re '&li, -eans a #o*e"n-ent 9o. and .o" t$e eo le5 in 0$i,$ e*e"!t$in# is o0ned and ,ont"olled &! t$e eo le, it &e,o-es ,lea" t$at not$in# ,o'ld &e s' e"io" to t$at #o*e"n-ent e1,e t t$e eo le2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e United States ,o'ld not &e -o"e o0e".'l t$an t$e se*e"al States, and t$at is #'a"anteed in t$e Constit'tion2 In A"ti,le O o. t$e A-end-ents 7T$e Bill o. Ri#$ts8, it states, DT$e o0e"s not dele#ated to t$e United States &! t$e Constit'tion, no" "o$i&ited &! it to t$e States, a"e "ese"*ed to t$e States "es e,ti*el!, o" to t$e eo le2E Re-e-&e", t$e Constit'tion is in .'ll e..e,t toda! as al0a!s sin,e its in,e tion2 Yet toda!, o'" alle#ed states 7STATES8 ,lea"l! ta+e t$ei" o"de"s ."o- t$e United States 7UNITE> STATES8, and t$e! ,ontin'all! &o0 to t$e "es'-ed a't$o"it! o.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e UNITE> STATES2 So $o0 did t$is 9s' "e-a,!5 o. t$e %ede"al Go*e"n-ent $a enF T$at, too, !o' 0ill 'nde"stand s$o"tl!2 We 0ill no0 loo+ at e1a,tl! 0$at $a ened in t$e .o"-in# o. t$e United States2 %i"st, t$e a"t! 0it$ all t$e o0e" 7t$e state Citi4en8 assed on a o"tion o. $is o0e" to t$e state2 T$en t$e state assed on a o"tion o. its o0e" to t$e United States2 I. 0e -ade a ,$a"t s$o0in# t$e o0e" st"',t'"e, it 0o'ld loo+ so-et$in# li+e t$isL state Citi4en H %i"st 0it$ 'nli-ited o0e"
so*e"ei#n @So'",e o. all o0e"

state @ Se,ond 0it$ li-ited o0e" dele#ated &! t$e Peo le

>e"i*es its o0e" di"e,tl! ."o- state Citi4en

United States H Li-ited o0e" dele#ated &! states

>e"i*es its o0e" ."o- t$e states

As !o' ,an see ."o- t$is ,$a"t, all o0e" .lo0s ."o- t$e state Citi4en2 T$is ,$a"t ,an also &e 'sed to 'nde"stand t$e Ri#$ts "ote,ted &! t$e Constit'tion2 T$e Constit'tion is a ,ont"a,t 0$i,$ in*ol*es t$ese t$"ee le*els o. a"ties2 It is a,t'all! #"anted &! t$e States 0it$ t$e e"-ission o. t$e state Citi4ens, and it ,lea"l! li-ited t$e o0e" o. t$e United States, 0$ile "ese"*in# and #'a"anteein# -assi*e Ri#$ts .o" t$e state Citi4ens2 Most i- o"tant to "e-e-&e" is t$at onl! t$ese t$"ee a"ties a"e in,l'ded in t$e Constit'tion2 T$is .a,t 0ill &e,o-e *e"! i- o"tant to !o' as 0e .ollo0 t$e "o#"ession o. t$e o0e" #"a& &! t$e United States o. t$e ne1t ()) !ea"s2 T$"o'#$ it all, !o' -'st "e-e-&e" t$at t$e Constit'tion $as "e-ained in .'ll .o",e .o" t$e state Citi4en, and it $as a,t'all! ,$an#ed *e"! little in its ,ontent o*e" t$e s an o. ti-e sin,e its si#nin#2 No0 t$at 0e 'nde"stand $o0 t$e United States 0as .o"-ed, let5s .ollo0 t$"o'#$ to see $o0 t$e st"',t'"e $as ,$an#ed o*e" t$e last (() !ea"s2 %o" t$e .i"st ;) o" so !ea"s, e*e"!t$in# "e-ained "ett! -',$ t$e sa-e as it sta"ted2 T$e state Citi4ens o. t$e ti-e 'nde"stood t$ei" o0e", and t$e! +ne0 t$at t$e United States 0as t$e"e to se"*e t$e-2 T$e ='"isdi,tion t$at t$e United States $ad o*e" t$e state Citi4ens a"ose onl! ' on t$e &"ea+in# o. one o. t$e ,onstit'tionall! assed la0s 'nde" 0$i,$ a state Citi4en #"anted ='"isdi,tion to t$e State o" to t$e United States in o"de" t$at t$ose la0s -i#$t &e en.o",ed .o" t$e o*e"all #ood o. t$e so,iet!2 T$ose la0s all "e:'i"ed t$at a,t'al da-a#e to anot$e" a"t! o" $is "o e"t! &e done &! t$e o..endin# a"t!, 0it$ intent, &e.o"e an! ='"isdi,tion o*e" t$e state

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Citi4en 0as &esto0ed2 T$at5s "i#$t, 0it$ intent2 Not a sin#le ,"i-e ,o'ld &e ,o--itted a,,identall!2 Wit$o't intent, t$e -atte" 0o'ld &e ,i*il in nat'"e2 Toda!, t$at is not t$e ,ase, as t$e"e a"e a n'-&e" o. 9o..enses5 0$i,$ $a*e ,"i-inal e..e,t and 'nis$-ent t$at ,an o,,'" 0it$o't an! intent on t$e o..ende"5s a"t2 T$e"e a"e also n'-e"o's 9,"i-es5 toda! t$at do not in*ol*e da-a#e o. an! +ind2 >'"in# t$at ea"l! e"iod o. ti-e, t$e state Citi4ens 'nde"stood t$at t$e! 0e"e at t$e to o. t$e 9 e,+in# o"de"5, and t$e te"- 9 '&li, se"*ant5 t"'l! a lied to t$e ele,ted o..i,ials 0$o se"*ed in t$e #o*e"n-ent2 Also note t$at t$e"e 0e"e *e"! .e0 ,a"ee" oliti,ians d'"in# t$at e"iod, and -ost 0$o se"*ed 0e"e #ood Citi4ens ."o- t$e ,o--'nit! 0$o #a*e a .e0 !ea"s o. t$ei" li.e to &ette" t$ei" ,o'nt"!2 A .a" ,"! ."o- t$e o0e" ,"a4ed oliti,ians 0e .ind "'nnin# t$e United States #o*e"n-ent toda!2 Toda!5s oliti,ians a"e aid -o"e t$an o*e" 99P o. t$e eo le 0$o- t$e! '" o"t to se"*e, not e*en ,o'ntin# t$ei" e"+s, and a *e"! la"#e e",enta#e o. t$e- do not e*en +no0 0$at it5s li+e to -a+e a li*in# in t$e 9"eal 0o"ld52 Ci"t'all! all 'se t$ei" o0e" .o" t$ei" o0n e"sonal #ain2 >id !o' e*e" 0onde" $o0 a -an ,an #o to Was$in#ton &"o+e o" 0it$ *e"! little -one!, sta! t$e"e .o" t0ent! !ea"s d"a0in# a sala"! t$at 0o'ld &a"el! a! t$ei" e1 enses in t$ei" ' &eat li.est!le3 t$en "eti"e and lea*e Was$in#ton a -'lti-illionai"eF T$at s,ena"io is not an e1,e tion3 it5s t$e "'le .o" t$ose 0$o #o to Was$in#ton &"o+e2 And .o" t$ose 0$o $ad -one! 0$en t$e! too+ o..i,e, did !o' e*e" $ea" o. one losin# an! o. $is -one! 0$ile $e 0as 9se"*in#5 $is ,o'nt"!F T$e s!ste- esta&lis$ed &! t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s 0o"+ed *e"! 0ell and *i"t'all! 0it$o't in,ident 'ntil t$e ti-e o. t$e Ci*il Wa"2 At t$at ti-e, t$e"e 0as a *e"! 'n.o"t'nate ,ondition in t$is ,o'nt"! ,alled sla*e"!2 Sla*es at t$at ti-e 0e"e not le#all! eo le3 t$e! $ad no Ri#$ts, and onl! 0$ate*e" "i*ile#es t$at t$ei" o0ne"s sa0 .it to #"ant t$e- on an indi*id'al &asis2 In s$o"t, t$ese eo le 0e"e le#all! not$in# -o"e t$an "o e"t!2 Lin,oln t"ied to ."ee t$e sla*es 0it$ t$e E-an,i ation P"o,la-ation, &'t t$e s' "e-e Co'"t "'led t$at e..o"t to &e 'n,onstit'tional, statin# t$at !o' ,o'ld not ."ee anot$e" -an5s "o e"t!2 So, at t$e end o. t$e Ci*il Wa", an in,"edi&le sit'ation a"ose2 T$e sla*es a,t'all! "e-ained sla*es2 T$at5s "i#$t3 in .a,t, t$e! &e,a-e so-et$in# ,alled 9&o'nt!52 Bo'nt! is 0$at a ,on:'e"in# nation sei4es ."o- a ,on:'e"ed nation2 T$e sla*es a,t'all! &e,a-e t$e "o e"t! o. t$e United States as a "es'lt o. its *i,to"! in t$e Ci*il Wa"2 7He"e it s$o'ld &e noted t$at t$e Ci*il Wa" 0as &et0een t$e United States and t$e Con.ede"a,!, not t$e DNo"t$E and t$e DSo't$E82 T$e United States, as t$ei" ne0 o0ne", allo0ed t$e sla*es to sta"t a,tin# li+e ."ee -en3 &'t, in .a,t, t$e! 0e"e not2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e! $ad no standin# in t$e so,iet!, and a&'ses 0e"e ,o--on2 %inall! "eali4in# t$e "o&le- and t$e li#$t o. t$e sla*es, t$e United States -ana#ed to ass t$e T$i"teent$ A-end-ent to t$e Constit'tion in 1;J<, t0o .'ll !ea"s a.te" t$e end o. t$e Ci*il Wa"2 T$at A-end-ent stated, DNeit$e" sla*e"! no" in*ol'nta"! se"*it'de, e1,e t as a 'nis$-ent .o" a ,"i-e 0$e"eo. t$e a"t! s$all $a*e &een d'l! ,on*i,ted, s$all e1ist 0it$in t$e United States, o" an! la,e s'&=e,t to t$ei" ='"isdi,tion2E So sla*e"! 0as .o"e*e" ended in t$is ,o'nt"!2 Un.o"t'natel!, t$e .o"-e" sla*e5s 0oes 0e"e not, &e,a'se si- l! ."eein# t$e- did not ,"eate an! ne0 ,iti4ens2 So al-ost a .'ll !ea" late", in 1;J;, a.te" -an! -o"e a&'ses to t$e .o"-e" sla*es, t$e United States 0as .o",ed to ass t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent to t$e Constit'tion in o"de" to a..o"d t$e .o"-e" sla*es ade:'ate "ote,tion and "i*ile#es 0it$ 0$i,$ to li*e t$ei" li*es2 T$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent states, DAll e"sons &o"n o" nat'"ali4ed in t$e United States, and s'&=e,t to t$e ='"isdi,tion t$e"eo., a"e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, and o. t$e State 0$e"ein t$e! "esideNE2 So a ne0 t! e o. ,iti4ens$i 0as &o"n @ t$at o. a 9,iti4en o. t$e United States5 H o", a ,iti4en o. t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia, as t$e t0o a"e s!non!-o's @ 'nde" t$e a't$o"it! o., and '"s'ant to, t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 No0 as+ !o'"sel., o*e" 0$o- did t$e United States $a*e ='"isdi,tionF Ce"tainl! not t$e state Citi4ens 7'nless t$e! $ad ,o--itted a ,"i-e 'nde" 0$i,$ li-ited ='"isdi,tion 0as #"anted, and t$en onl! to t$e e1tent t$at t$e a"ti,'la" ,"i-e 0as in*ol*ed82 T$e onl! eo le o. t$at e"iod t$at t$e United States $ad ='"isdi,tion o*e" 0e"e t$e .o"-e" sal*es o" i--i#"ants ."o- ot$e" ,o'nt"ies 0$o so'#$t ,iti4ens$i 3 &e,a'se no state ,iti4ens$i 0as a*aila&le to t$ose e"sons2 T$e state Citi4ens 0e"e in no 0a! a..e,ted &! t$is ne0 ,iti4ens$i 2 T$e S' "e-e Co'"t o. t$e United States statedL DT$e "i#$ts o. Citi4ens o. t$e States, as s',$, a"e not 'nde" ,onside"ation in t$e .o'"teent$ a-end-ent2 T$e! stand as t$e! did &e.o"e t$e ado tion o. t$e .o'"teent$ a-end-ent, and a"e .'ll! #'a"anteed &! ot$e" "o*isions2E 7see U2S2 C2 Ant$on!A2 In s$o"t, t$e! 0e"e so*e"ei#ns 0it$ "i#$ts #'a"anteed and "ote,ted &! t$e Constit'tion2 T$is ne0 ,lass o. ,iti4en 0as not so*e"ei#n2 In .a,t, t$e! 0e"e still s'&se"*ient to t$e ,"eato" o. t$ei" ne0 stat's, t$e United States3 and, t$e"e.o"e, &e,a-e a 9s'&=e,t5 o. t$e United States2 Be,a'se t$e United States 0as t$e #i*e" o. t$is ne0 ,iti4ens$i , it ,o'ld onl! #i*e &ased on t$e o0e" t$at $ad &een dele#ated to it ."o- t$e states2 T$e"e.o"e, it did not $a*e t$e o0e" to #"ant so*e"ei#n state Citi4ens$i &e,a'se t$e United States $ad no so*e"ei#nt! in and o. itsel.3 t$e"e.o"e, its o0e" did not e:'al t$at o. t$e state Citi4en2 It 0o'ld &e i- ossi&le .o"

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e United States to ,"eate a ,iti4en -o"e o0e".'l t$an itsel., so t$is ne0 entit! ,alled a 9,iti4en o. t$e United States5 ?no0 "e.e""ed to as QUNITE> STATES CITIRENA o,,' ied a osition o. o0e" one "'n# &elo0 t$e United States, its #"anto"2 To &ette" 'nde"stand t$is s,ena"io, i-a#ine t$at t$e o0ne" o. a ,o- an! $i"ed a "esident to "'n $is ,o- an!2 T$e "esident in t'"n $i"ed a *i,e@ "esident to $andle a s$a"e o. t$e "es onsi&ilities2 T$e *i,e@ "esident t$en $i"ed a s' e"*iso" to "'n a o"tion o. t$e ,o- an!2 Co'ld t$e s' e"*iso" &e #i*en eno'#$ o0e" &! t$e *i,e@ "esident to .i"e o" o*e""'le t$e o0ne" o. t$e ,o- an!F O. ,o'"se not, &e,a'se neit$e" t$e "esident no" t$e *i,e@ "esident $ad t$at -',$ o0e"2 So no0 t$e o0e" ,$a"t loo+s li+e t$isL state Citi4en @ -ost o0e".'l
so*e"ei#n @So'",e o. all o0e"

state @ Se,ond in o0e"

>e"i*es its o0e" di"e,tl! ."o- state Citi4en

United States @ Less o0e".'l t$an t$e state

>e"i*es its o0e" ."o- t$e states

,iti4en o. t$e United States @ No Constit'tional Ri#$ts

>e"i*es its o0e" ."o- t$e United States

Re-e-&e" t$at t$e Constit'tion is a ,ont"a,t &et0een t$"ee a"ties @ t$e state Citi4ens, t$e states and t$e United States @ 0it$ t$e "in,i al '" ose &ein# to "o*ide #'a"antees and "ote,tion o. Ri#$ts to t$e state Citi4ens &! d"asti,all! li-itin# t$e o0e"s o. t$e United States2 T$e"e.o"e, it ,o*e"s t$e .i"st t$"ee le*els o. t$is ,$a"t3 &'t t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States is on t$e .o'"t$ le*el, and is o'tside o. t$e ,ont"a,t itsel.2 T$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent a,t'all! -a+es t$at *e"! ,lea"2 At no oint does it e*en '" o"t to #i*e Constit'tional Ri#$ts to t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 In .a,t, it does :'ite t$e o osite2 It states 0it$in t$e A-end-ent itsel. 0$at "i*ile#es and i--'nities it &esto0s ' on t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 It states, DNNo State s$all -a+e o" en.o",e an! la0 0$i,$ s$all a&"id#e t$e "i*ile#es o" i--'nities o. ,iti4ens o. t$e United States3 no" s$all an! State de "i*e an! e"son o. li.e, li&e"t!, o" "o e"t!, 0it$o't d'e "o,ess o. la03 no" den! to an! e"son 0it$in its ='"isdi,tion t$e e:'al "ote,tion o. t$e la0sNE2 >idn5t t$e state Citi4en al"ead! $a*e e*e"!t$in# "e.e""ed to $e"e in t$e .o"- o. Ri#$ts, not -e"e "i*ile#es and i--'nities #"anted &! t$ei" ,"eato"F

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Wo'ld it not $a*e &een -',$ easie" to si- l! sa! t$at t$is ne0 ,iti4en $ad .'ll Constit'tional o0e", "at$e" t$an to delineate t$e e1a,t "i*ile#es and i--'nities $e 0as #i*enF O. ,o'"se it 0o'ld $a*e, &'t t$e .a,t is t$at t$is ne0 ,iti4en did not $a*e all t$e o0e"s and Ri#$ts #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion to t$e state Citi4en, &e,a'se t$e United States did not $a*e t$e o0e" to dele#ate 'nto t$ese ne0 9,iti4ensE, e*en i. it $ad 0anted to2 To do so 0o'ld $a*e &een to ,"eate so-et$in# -o"e o0e".'l t$an itsel., and t$at is i- ossi&le2 So in e..e,t, t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States is not a Citi4en at all in "ealit!, &'t -e"el! a s'&=e,t o. t$e #o*e"n-ent 0$i,$ ,"eated it2 It $as 0$ate*e" "i*ile#es and i--'nities 0$i,$ t$at #o*e"n-ent ,$ooses to &esto0 ' on it, and t$at #o*e"n-ent $as t$e a't$o"it! to ,$an#e t$ose "i*ile#es and i--'nities at its o0n dis,"etion2 T$e state Citi4ens o. t$at ti-e +ne0 all t$ese .a,ts, and it 0as ,o--on +no0led#e t$at t0o ,lasses o. ,iti4ens$i e1isted in t$is ,o'nt"!2 T$e"e 0as a Q.i"st ,lassQ Citi4en +no0n as an A-e"i,an 0$o $ad in$e"ent Ri#$ts #i*en &! God and #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion2 T$e"e 0as also a se,ond ,lass o. ,iti4ens +no0n as ,iti4ens o. t$e United States 0$o $ad onl! 0$ate*e" "i*ile#es and i--'nities t$at t$e United States ,$ose to #i*e t$e-2 T$is .a,t 0as ,o--on +no0led#e 'ntil 0ell into t$e T0entiet$ Cent'"!, and -an! ,o'"t ,ases ,an &e .o'nd 0$i,$ add"ess t$e t0o ,lasses o. ,iti4ens$i in A-e"i,a2 Wit$in t$e "o*isions o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent, t$e "i#$t to d'e "o,ess and e:'al "ote,tion 0as assed to t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 Re#"etta&l!, t$e "i#$t to d'e "o,ess and e:'al "ote,tion to t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States $as &een 'sed to ,on*ol'te t$e iss'e o. t$e di..e"en,es &et0een t$e ,lasses o. ,iti4ens$i 2 >'e "o,ess is ,ontained 0it$in t$e %o'"t$, a"t o. t$e %i.t$, a"t o. t$e Si1t$, and a"t o. t$e Ei#$t A"ti,les o. A-end-ent to t$e Constit'tion 7T$e Bill o. Ri#$ts82 T$ese Ri#$ts $ad "e*io'sl! &een "ese"*ed to t$e state Citi4en3 $o0e*e", 0it$ t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent, t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States 0as #'a"anteed t$ese s e,i.i, "i#$ts 'nde" t$e Constit'tion as a "es'lt o. t$e "o*isions o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 T$e"e.o"e, 0$en t$e t"'st ,o'"ts 7so-et$in# !o' 0ill lea"n late" in,l'des al-ost all o. t$e ,o'"ts t$at !o' $a*e ,onside"ed #o*e"n-ent ,o'"ts in t$e ast8 -a+e "'lin#s a..e,tin# o" "elatin# to d'e "o,ess, it is 's'all! ,on.'sed 0it$ Constit'tional Ri#$ts o. t$e state Citi4en3 0$en, in .a,t, it is not$in# -o"e t$an a .'l.ill-ent o. t$e "o*isions o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 T$e t"'e "es'lt is t$at t$e %i"st, Se,ond, T$i"d, a"t o. t$e %i.t$, a"t o. t$e Si1t$, all o. t$e Se*ent$, a"t o. t$e Ei#$t, t$e Nint$, and t$e Tent$ A"ti,les o. A-end-ent to t$e Constit'tion 7T$e Bill o. Ri#$ts8 a"e not "o*ided .o" t$e 'se o. t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


United States2

E*e" 0onde" $o0 !o'" #'n o0ne"s$i

is "est"i,ted e*en t$o'#$ t$e Se,ond

A-end-ent to t$e Bill o. Ri#$ts .o"&ids it2 No0 !o' +no02 T$e se,ond A-end-ent does not a l! to ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, and t$e "est"i,tions to #'n o0ne"s$i and 'se a l! onl! to ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 At t$is oint, it is i- o"tant to 'nde"stand a .a,t 0$i,$ -an! -a! .ind distaste.'l and not oliti,all! ,o""e,t2 T$e .o'ndation o. A-e"i,a is t$e 9>e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e5, and t$e"e 0as no 9A-e"i,a5 "io" to 1<<J, onl! a B"itis$ Colon! sittin# ' on t$e No"t$ A-e"i,an Continent2 T$e Continent o. No"t$ A-e"i,a, li+e t$e Continent o. So't$ A-e"i,a, 0as onl! a #eo#"a $i,al lo,ation, not a ,o'nt"! 0it$ Citi4ens2 T$is 0ill &e "eall! 'n o 'la", &'t I still -'st tell !o' t$at t$e No"t$ A-e"i,an Indians 0$o "e.e" to t$e-sel*es as DNati*e A-e"i,ansE, a"e not DA-e"i,ansE at all, as 0e 'se t$e te"- in "elation to Citi4ens$i 2 T$e! a"e 9nati*es5 o. t$e No"t$ A-e"i,an Continent, &'t t$e! $a*e no standin# as A-e"i,an Citi4ens, &e,a'se t$e! 0e"e still se a"ate nations ."o- t$ose 0$i,$ .o"-ed DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE in 1<<J3 and, t$e! late" &e,a-e de.eated nations, 0it$ A-e"i,a &ein# t$e 9,on:'e"in#5 nation2 Late", &! a,t o. Con#"ess, t$e! &e,a-e 9,iti4ens o. t$e United States5, &'t not$in# e*e" -ade t$e- a"t o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le2 E*en -o"e 'n o 'la", and a .a,t 0$i,$ -a! #et -e a,,'sed o. &ein# "a,ist .o" si- l! statin# t$e t"'t$, is t$e .a,t t$at t$e"e a"e no 9Bla,+ A-e"i,ans5, -eanin# &la,+ eo le 0$o a"e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Citi4ens, &e,a'se t$ei" onl! &asis o. ,iti4ens$i is t$at o. a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 Not$in# e*e" &esto0ed an! ot$e" ,iti4ens$i on t$e &la,+ eo le in A-e"i,a2 Li+e0ise, none o. t$e eo le 0$o a"e nat'"ali4ed into t$is ,o'nt"! as ,iti4ens o. t$e United States 0ill e*e" &e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,ans, &e,a'se t$e"e is no o0e" a*aila&le to t$e- 0$i,$ 0ill ,"eate t$at stat's2 T$e! 0ill "e-ain ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 To &ette" 'nde"stand t$is 9,iti4en o. t$e United States5, 0e ,an loo+ at old En#land 7t$e #o*e"n-ent ."o- 0$i,$ o'" .o"$e"s "e&elled82 Unde" En#lis$ la0 t$e Iin# 0as t$e So*e"ei#n2 7Note $e"e t$at 0$en t$e Iin# "e.e""ed to $i-sel. as 9So*e"ei#n5, $e 'sed a ,a ital lette" .o" t$e 0o"d 9So*e"ei#n5, &e,a'se $e &elie*ed $i-sel. to &e s' "e-e to all2 W$en o'" .o'ndin# .at$e"s "e.e""ed to t$e-sel*es as 9so*e"ei#n5, t$e! 'sed a lo0e" ,ase lette" 9s5, &e,a'se t$e! &elie*ed t$at God 0as t$e S' "e-e So*e"ei#n28 T$e"e 0e"e a,t'all! t$"ee ,lasses o. ,o--on e"sons 'nde" t$e Iin#2 %i"st,

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e"e 0e"e 9."ee-en52 T$ese -en 0e"e ."ee in all "es e,ts e1,e t 0$e"e t$e Iin# o" $is assi#ns 7t$e lo"ds and lando0ne"s, also +no0n as no&le-en8 0e"e ,on,e"ned2 T$e! ,o'ld 0o"+ at t$ei" ,$osen "o.ession, li*e 0$e"e t$e! 0anted, and t"a*el as t$e! leased2 All 'nless t$e Iin# o&=e,ted, in 0$i,$ ,ase t$e Iin#5s 0is$es 0e"e ' $eld, "e#a"dless o. 0$at t$ose 0is$es 0e"e2 T$e! ,o'ld o0n "o e"t!, s'&=e,t, o. ,o'"se, to t$e .a,t t$at t$e Iin# a,t'all! o0ned e*e"!t$in#2 W$at t$is -eant, in "ealit!, is t$at t$ese eo le onl! o0ned t$e 'se o. said "o e"t!, and t$e ta1 le*ied &! t$e Iin# 0as a,t'all! a .ee .o" 'sin# t$e Iin#5s "o e"t!2 Ne1t, t$e 9se".5 0as t$e sla*e o. t$e e"iod2 He 0as Last, t$e"e &o"n into $is "ole, and ,o'ld not es,a e it2 He di..e"ed ."o- t$e sla*e in A-e"i,a onl! in t$at $e 0as .o"e*e" &o'nd to t$e land, and t$e lo"d o. t$at land, "at$e" t$an to an a&sol'te -aste"2 0as t$e 9indent'"ed se"*ant52 e"iod o. ti-e in "et'"n .o" so-et$in# 0$i,$ $e 0anted o" needed2 T$is 0as a 9."ee-an5 0$o ,ont"a,ted into se"*it'de .o" a a"ti,'la" Man! o. o'" .o"$e"s aid

t$ei" 7and t$ei" .a-ilies58 0a! to A-e"i,a &! se"*in# as an indent'"ed se"*ant .o" a e"iod o. ti-e2 T$e 9,iti4en o. t$e United States5 a,t'all! is *e"! ,lose in ,a a,it! and stat's to t$e 9."ee-an5 o. old En#land2 T$at stat's is e1a,tl! 0$at -ost o. o'" .o"$e"s 0e"e &e.o"e t$e! .led ."o- En#land to A-e"i,a, so t$is is o&*io'sl! not 0$at t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s en*isioned an A-e"i,an as2 B't -a+e a ,o- a"ison, and !o' -a! &e s$o,+ed2 %i"st, let5s ,o- a"e "o e"t! "i#$ts2 T$e ."ee-an ,o'ld o0n t$e 'se o. "o e"t! s'&=e,t to t$e Iin#5s ta1 and $is 0$i-s2 Toda!, a ,iti4en o. t$e United States ,an o0n "o e"t! s'&=e,t to t$e ta1 7!o' 0ill lea"n a little late" t$at t$e 9States5 as t$e! e1ist toda! a"e a,t'all! ='st an e1tension o. t$e %ede"al Go*e"n-ent8 and 0$i-s o. t$e United States2 In essen,e, !o' do not o0n land o" "o e"t!, &'t onl! t$e 'se o. t$at land o" "o e"t!2 Ot$e"0ise, i. !o' 0e"e t$e 9so*e"ei#n5, no&od! ,o'ld ta1 so-et$in# !o' o0ned and ta+e it ."o- !o' i. !o' .ailed to a! t$e ta12 K'st i-a#ine so-eone t"!in# to ta1 t$e Iin# and ta+e $is land2 not2 Let5s ta+e !o'" $o-e as an e1a- le2 Ass'-in# !o' o0n !o'" $o-e and it is totall! aid o.., does it &elon# to !o'F O. ,o'"se I. it did, and !o' 0e"e t$e so*e"ei#n, no one ,o'ld ta+e it a0a! ."o- !o' &e,a'se !o' didnSt a! t$e "ent on it 7 "o e"t! ta182 As it is, -an! o. t$e olde" ,iti4ens o. t$e United States a"e a!in# -o"e ta1es on t$ei" $o-es toda! t$an t$e a!-ents 0e"e &a,+ in t$e 19/)5s and 19J)5s 0$en t$e! 0e"e a!in# .o" t$e $o-e2 I. t$e! don5t, o" ,an5t, a! t$ose $i#$ ta1es, t$e! lose t$ei" $o-e2 >oes t$at so'nd li+e t$e! o0n t$e $o-e to !o'F So'nds li+e t$e Iin#5s -en to -e2 And 0$at a&o't a 90$i-5 o. t$e #o*e"n-ent to steal t$at landF W$at i. t$e #o*e"n-ent de,ides it needs t$at land .o"

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


so-e "o=e,tF >id !o' e*e" $ea" o. 9e-inent do-ain5F a't$o"i4ed to e1e",ise .'n,tions o. '&li, ,$a"a,te"2E

Blac./! de.ines it as, Dt$e o0e" to ta+e

"i*ate "o e"t! .o" '&li, 'se &! t$e state, -'ni,i alities, and "i*ate e"sons o" ,o" o"ations T$is o0e" #"anted to t$e state &! t$e %i.t$ A-end-ent $as &een totall! -is'sed &! t$e #o*e"n-ent, and $as &een 'sed to 'nis$ e"sons 0$ot$e #o*e"n-ent $ad a *endetta a#ainst2 T$in+ a&o't t$e .a,t t$at, i. a ,e"tain +ind o. "at is .o'nd on !o'" land, !o'" land ,an &e sei4ed .o" t$e #ood o. t$e "at2 T$at5s "i#$t, and it a,t'all! $a ened li+e t$at in Cali.o"nia a .e0 !ea"s a#o 0$en a 9"a"e5 +an#a"oo "at 0as .o'nd dead on a -an5s "o e"t!2 So, 0$o $as -o"e "i#$ts, a "at o" a ,iti4en o. t$e United StatesF T$is -an5s 7a ,iti4en o. t$e United States8 land 0as sei4ed, and $e 0as i- "isoned .o" &ein# s's e,ted o. +illin# t$e "at2 So'nds li+e a Iin#5s o0e" to -e, and t$e Iin# -'st $a*e ,lose ties to "ats2 K'st to &e *e"! s'"e t$at !o' don5t "eall! &elie*e !o' a,t'all! o0n an!t$in# as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, let5s tal+ a&o't one -o"e a"ea o. o0ne"s$i , !o'" ,a"2 >o !o' o0n !o'" ,a"F I. it is aid .o", do !o' $a*e t$e o"i#inal titleF T$e ans0e" is, DnoE, !o' don5t2 I +no0 t$at -an! o. !o' t$in+ !o' o0n !o'" ,a" and t$at !o' $a*e t$e title, &'t !o'5"e 0"on#2 Get o't !o'" 9title5 and loo+ it o*e"2 Yo' 0ill see t$at at t$e to o. it a"e t$e 0o"ds, DCe"ti.i,ate o. TitleE2 Blac./! de.ines 9,e"ti.i,ate as, DA 0"itten ass'"an,e, o" o..i,ial "e "esentation, t$at so-e a,t $as o" $as not &een done, o" so-e e*ent o,,'""ed, o" so-e le#al .o"-alit! $as &een ,o- lied 0it$N2E2 In lain lan#'a#e, t$is do,'-ent at 0$i,$ !o' a"e loo+in# sa!s t$at t$e"e is an 9o"i#inal title5 o. o0ne"s$i on !o'" ,a", and !o' o&*io'sl! don5t $a*e it2 T$e one 0$o does $a*e it o0ns t$e ,a"2 T$at 0o'ld, o. ,o'"se, &e t$e State2 %'"t$e"-o"e, t$e"e is no 0a! .o" !o' to #et t$e o"i#inal title2 T$at5s &e,a'se ,iti4ens o. t$e United States a"e ne*e" allo0ed to o0n "o e"t!, &'t onl! to 'se it as t$e Iin# 7#o*e"n-ent8 sees .it2 Is t$is &e#innin# to so'nd -o"e li+e old En#land to !o' !etF B't, $o0 did !o' 0it$ all t$e Constit'tional Ri#$ts le.t to !o' &! !o'" .o"$e"s and #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion #et $e"eF In a late" ,$a te", I 0ill e1 lain t$e -one! s,a- 0$i,$ lead to t$e osition des,"i&ed a&o*e2 Iee "eadin#6 In t$e 19B)5s, t$e l'st .o" o0e" at t$e %ede"al le*el "ea,$ed a ne0 $i#$2 T$e o- o's .at ,ats "'nnin# t$e United States Go*e"n-ent at t$at ti-e 0e"e *e"! 't o.. &! t$e .a,t t$at t$e! 0e"e 9se"*ants5 to a &'n,$ o. d'-& .a"-e"s and la&o"e"s2 T$e! &elie*ed t$at t$e! 0e"e t$e elite, and t$at

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$ei" o0e" s$o'ld &e 'n:'estioned2 T$e! loo+ed a"o'nd and "eali4ed t$at t$e"e did e1ist a ,lass o. eo le to 0$o- t$e! did se"*e as *i"t'al +in#s and :'eens2 T$at ,lass 0as t$ose 0$o 0e"e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States '"s'ant to t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 %o" t$e-, t$e %ede"al #o*e"n-ent "'led as a &ene*olent -ona",$, "aisin# t$e- ."o- t$e de t$s o. so,iet! to a osition 0$e"e t$e! ,o'ld e1ist2 T$e! 0e"e a,t'all! 9s'&=e,ts5 'nde" t$at #o*e"n-ent, t$'s t$e lo0e" ,ase 9,5 in t$e s ellin# o. ,iti4en is al0a!s 'sed, e*en toda!2 7Be a0a"e t$at t$e s ellin# and t$e 'se o. e1a,t lan#'a#e is *e"! i- o"tant in a #o*e"n-ent 0$i,$ e1t"a,ts its o0e" t$"o'#$ lies and de,eit, as does t$e United States2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e 0o"d 9Citi4en5 is al0a!s s elled 0it$ a ,a ital 9C5 0$en "e.e""in# to an A-e"i,an Citi4en, &e,a'se $e is t$e so*e"ei#n28 %o" t$ese s'&=e,ts, an! .a*o" 0as "e,ei*ed as a &lessin# ."o- $ea*en2 In 19B/, t$e United States assed t$e So,ial Se,'"it! A,t, desi#ned es e,iall! .o" t$ese s'&=e,ts2 A.te" all, t$ese 0e"e t$e 0a"ds o. t$e State, t$ose 0$o $ad &een ta+en o't o. sla*e"! and ,a"ed .o" &! t$e &ene*olent -aste", &e,a'se it 0as &elie*ed t$at t$e! ,o'ld not .end .o" t$e-sel*es2 W$et$e" it 0as &! desi#n, o" ='st '"e l',+, t$is ne0 "o#"a- st"',+ a ,o"d 0it$ t$e A-e"i,an eo le as a 0$ole2 A-e"i,an Citi4ens &e#an to 0ant t$e sa-e e"+s and &ene.its t$at 0e"e desi#ned .o" t$e se,ond ,lass ,iti4ens as a -eans to #i*e t$e- so-e ,$an,e o. attainin# a de#"ee o. $a iness and se,'"it!2 T$e United States Go*e"n-ent o..i,ials "eali4ed t$at t$is 0as t$e *e$i,le t$"o'#$ 0$i,$ t$e! ,o'ld #ain ,ont"ol o*e" t$e so*e"ei#ns 0$i,$ $ad "'led o*e" t$e- .o" so lon#2 T$e! said si- l!, DCo-e on in, ta+e o'" n'-&e", and &e one o. o'" s'&=e,ts, and !o' ,an $a*e e*e"!t$in# t$at 0e #i*e o'" ot$e" s'&=e,ts2E B! t$e -illions A-e"i,an Citi4ens ,a-e .o"t$ to ta+e a So,ial Se,'"it! N'-&e", and, in e..e,t, sa! t$at t$e! no lon#e" 0is$ed to &e a so*e"ei#n, &'t t$at t$e! 0is$ed to &e "'led o*e" and ta+en ,a"e o.2 T$e &ene*olent #o*e"n-ent a#"eed t$at it ,o'ld do a &ette" =o& o. "'nnin# t$ei" li*es t$an t$e! 0e"e doin#, so it a,,e ted t$e 9so*e"ei#ns5 "e:'est to sell t$e-sel*es into 0$at a-o'nted to *ol'nta"! se"*it'de, -',$ li+e t$e indent'"ed se"*ants o. old En#land2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e T$i"teent$ A-end-ent .o"&ade sla*e"! and in*ol'nta"! se"*it'de, &'t it did not e*en -ention *ol'nta"! se"*it'de2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e Ri#$ts #'a"anteed to A-e"i,an Citi4ens &! t$e Constit'tion ,annot &e &o'#$t, sold, t"aded, o" ta+en a0a!3 $o0e*e", 0e ,an ,ont"a,t to set t$e- aside .o" a e"iod o. ti-e in o"de" to .'l.ill a ,ont"a,t'al a#"ee-ent 0it$ anot$e" a"t!2 Re-e-&e" t$at -an! o. t$e o"i#inal A-e"i,ans andMo" t$ei" .a-ilies ,a-e to t$is ,o'nt"! 'nde" *ol'nta"! se"*it'de ,ont"a,ts

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


as 9indent'"ed se"*ants52

T$e #o*e"n-ent o..i,ials 0e"e ,a"e.'l not to oint o't to t$e A-e"i,an

Citi4ens 0$at t$ei" a,tions a,t'all! entailed, &e,a'se t$e! +ne0 t$at .e0, i. an!, +ne0 t$e "i,e t$at 0o'ld &e aid .o" t$e &ene.its "e,ei*ed2 B't, t$e"e is one #ood t$in# a&o't *ol'nta"! se"*it'de @ t$e"e $as to &e a 0a! o't o" it 0o'ld &e,o-e in*ol'nta"! and, t$e"e.o"e, 'n,onstit'tional2 Yo' 0ill lea"n $o0 i- o"tant t$is little 9.la05 is late" in t$is 0"itin#2 T$is enti"e s,ena"io is easil! "o*en &! a la0 ena,ted &! Con#"ess in 19JG2 It 0as ,alled t$e Ci*il Ri#$ts A,t o. 19JG2 Man! o. !o' 0ill still "e-e-&e" t$e e..e,ts o. t$at la02 It ,$an#ed -an! o. t$e 0a!s in 0$i,$ t$e 0$ite -an dealt, asso,iated, and li*ed 0it$ t$e &la,+ -an2 Until t$at ti-e, t$e &la,+ -an not onl! 0as a se,ond@,lass ,iti4en, $e 0as t"eated li+e one2 He ,o'ld not d"in+ o't o. t$e sa-e 0ate" .o'ntains, #o to t$e sa-e s,$ools, #o to t$e sa-e ,$'",$es, eat in t$e sa-e "esta'"ants, andMo" 'se t$e sa-e "est"oo-s as t$e 0$ite -an, ='st to na-e a .e0 o. $is "est"i,tions2 Yet $e $ad &een a ,iti4en o. t$e United States .o" al-ost 1)) !ea"s at t$at ti-e2 On t$e ot$e" $and, t$e 0$ite -an #ained not$in# ."o- t$e Ci*il Ri#$ts A,t o. 19JG, &e,a'se $e al"ead! $ad e*e"!t$in# it o..e"ed, and -o"e, #'a"anteed to $i- in t$e Constit'tion as Ri#$ts2 Un.o"t'natel!, t$e Ci*il Ri#$ts A,t o. 19JG did not -a+e t$e ,lasses o. ,iti4ens$i e:'al, it onl! -ade t$e- a ea" e:'al2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at it onl! &esto0ed -o"e "i*ile#es and i--'nities ' on t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States, &'t still o..e"ed no t"'e Ri#$ts to t$at e"son2 9Ci*il "i#$ts5 a"e not Ri#$ts at all, &'t si- l! ne0 "i*ile#es &esto0ed ' on s'&=e,ts o. t$e United States3 all o. 0$i,$ ,o'ld &e ,$an#ed o" ,o- letel! ta+en a0a! at t$e 0$i- o. t$e #"anto", t$e United States2 B't it did $a*e a -o"e de-oni, and e*il e..e,t and '" ose t$an an! "e*io's 9la05 @ it -ade t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States a ea" to &e s!non!-o's 0it$ t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en, t$e"e&! settin# t$e sta#e to e"s'ade t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en to #i*e ' $is &i"t$"i#$t t$"o'#$ o't"i#$t t"i,+e"! and de,eit2 Sadl!, toda!, .e0 A-e"i,ans e*en +no0 0$at t$ei" &i"t$"i#$t is, and -ost 0ill a"#'e t$at t$e! $a*e not #i*en ' an! o. t$ei" Ri#$ts2 T$e .a,t is t$at -ost A-e"i,ans $a*e al"ead! #i*en ' all o. t$ei" Ri#$ts t$"o'#$ ,ont"a,t, and t$e ti-e to "e,lai- t$e- is #"o0in# 0oe.'ll! s$o"t2 T$is 0"itin# is a last dit,$ e..o"t to #i*e t$e +no0led#e to t$ose 0$o 0is$ to "e#ain t$ei" &i"t$"i#$t t$e a&ilit! and +no0led#e to do so &e.o"e t$at &i"t$"i#$t is .o"e*e" lost2 Wit$ t$e loss o. t$at &i"t$"i#$t, one ,o'ld also lose $is -o"tal, and ossi&l! i--o"tal, so'l2 T$e ,$oi,e is si- le @ do !o' 0ant to &e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States 0$e"e&! !o' "e-ain a s'&=e,t to t$e 0$i- o. t$e #o*e"n-ent, o" do !o' 0ant to &e an A-e"i,an Citi4en, a so*e"ei#n, 0it$ all t$e o0e"s le.t to !o'

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


&! !o'" .o"$e"s as t$e #"eatest #i.t t$at ,an &e #i*en on t$is ea"t$ in t$is li.eF T$e ,$oi,e ,an still &e !o'"s2 Ma+e it 0isel!2 )f yo2 are !ati!fie wit1 t1e lot in life t1at t1e Unite State! 1a! 4lanne for yo25 t1en t1ere i! no nee to rea t1e re!t of t1i! boo.- Ho0e*e", i. !o' 0ant t$e t"'e ."eedo- t$at 0as le.t to !o' as an A-e"i,an Citi4en, "ead on2 %"eedo- is .o" t$e &"a*e at $ea"t2 B't +no0 t$at t$e"e a"e "es onsi&ilities asso,iated 0it$ t$at Let t$e ,o0a"ds "e-ain s'&=e,ts, and "a! .o" t$e- t$at t$e ."eedo- t$at -an! o. !o' $a*e ne*e" .a,ed3 and, to &e ."ee !o' -'st2 %"eedo- is not .o" ,o0a"ds @ United States "e-ains at least a .ai"l! &ene*olent -aste"2


Unde"standin# o'" -one! s!ste- is anot$e" ne,essa"! ste in "eali4in# t$e 'n&elie*a&le osition t$at A-e"i,ans $a*e &een "ele#ated to2 To 'nde"stand $o0 o'" -one! s!ste- 0o"+s, 0e need to #o to its &e#innin#s and .ollo0 its de*elo -ent t$"o'#$ t$e !ea"s2 T$e -one! s!ste- toda! is a,t'all! a ,'""en,! s!ste- onl!, and does not "e "esent t"'e 0o"t$2 Blac./! #i*es t$e de.inition o. 9-one!5 as, DIn 's'al and o"dina"! a,,e tan,e it -eans ,oins and a e" ,'""en,! 'sed as ,i",'latin# -edi'-s o. e1,$an#e, and does not e-&"a,e notes, &onds, e*iden,es o. de&t, o" ot$e" e"sonal o" "eal estate2E Yo' 0ill soon lea"n t$at t$e 9%ede"al Rese"*e Notes5 t$at 0e ,'""entl! 'se as 9-one!5 do not .it t$is de.inition2 T$e -one! s!ste- o. toda! a,t'all! sta"ted 0it$ o'" o"i#inal &an+in# s!ste-2 $el It 0as desi#ned to

eo le "ote,t t$ei" assets 0it$o't $a*in# to "is+ t$ei" li*es on a dail! &asis2 Ea"l! in t$e

.o"-ation o. t$is ,o'nt"!, t$e li.e o. a 0ealt$! e"son ,o'ld &e *e"! $a4a"do's2 Let5s sa! t$at !o' $ad dis,o*e"ed #old, t$'s &e,o-in# *e"! "i,$2 W$e"e 0o'ld !o' #o to "ote,t !o'" 0ealt$F Man! t"ied to +ee it ,lose at $and, t$e"e&! t"!in# to e"sonall! "ote,t it ."o- t$ose 0$o 0o'ld steal it2 T$is -et$od "o*ed to &e *e"! 'nsatis.a,to"! in t$at -an! 0ealt$! eo le &e,a-e 9dead &"o+e5 0$en t$ie*es and +ille"s .o'nd t$e-2 So alon# ,a-e t$e &an+s 0$i,$, 0it$ #o*e"n-ent a "o*al and s' e"*ision, #a*e eo le a *e"! *ia&le alte"nati*e to &ein# "o&&ed andMo" +illed &! t$ose see+in# to "elie*e t$e- o. t$ei" 0ealt$2 T$e o"i#inal s!ste- 0as not onl! needed &! t$e eo le o. t$at da!, it

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


0as '"e and si- le in its nat'"e2 Ta+e t$e e"son 0$o 9st"',+ it "i,$5 in #old2 He ,o'ld &"in# $is #old to a &an+2 T$e &an+ 0o'ld ta+e t$e #old and iss'e $i- a ,e"ti.i,ate #'a"anteein# to #i*e $i&a,+ t$e #old at an! ti-e in t$e .'t'"e t$at $e 0anted it2 B! doin# so, $e ,o'ld "ote,t $is #old and $is li.e, and $e ,o'ld still en=o! t$e &ene.its o. $is 0ealt$2 %o" t$is se"*i,e, t$e &an+ 0o'ld ,$a"#e a s-all e",enta#e o" .ee, and e*e"!&od! 0as $a !2 T$is s!ste- 0o"+ed *e"! 0ell .o" -an! !ea"s2 B't at so-e oint !ea"s late", t$e #o*e"n-ent "eali4ed a *e"! inte"estin# ano-al! $ad de*elo ed2 It see-ed t$at, alt$o'#$ t$e #old 0as a*aila&le to t$e de osito"s at an! ti-e, no&od! e*e" ,a-e &a,+ to ,lai- t$ei" #old2 Instead, t$e! 0e"e all si- l! t"adin# t$ese 9,e"ti.i,ates5 iss'ed &! t$e &an+s, t$'s ,"eatin# 9 a e" -one!5 o" 9,'""en,!52 T$ese ,e"ti.i,ates "o*ed to &e -',$ easie" to ,a""!, to $ide, and to deal 0it$ in #ene"al t$an $ea*!, &'l+! #old2 Bette" still, e*e"!one 0o'ld a,,e t t$ese ,e"ti.i,ates as -one! &e,a'se t$e! +ne0 t$e #old 0as settin# in t$e &an+ 0aitin# to &e "e,lai-ed2 T$'s, t$e ,'""ent attit'de to0a"d t$e 0o"t$ o. 9 a e" -one!5 0$i,$ 0e $old toda! 0as &e#'n2 At t$is oint, it is *e"! i- o"tant to "eali4e t$e "eal nat'"e o. ,'""en,! o" -one!2 It is not$in# -o"e t$an a -eans &! 0$i,$ a e"son ,an sto"e $is la&o" and -ate"ials .o" 'se at a .'t'"e date2 Let5s sa! t$at !o' a"e a e"son 0it$ not$in# e1,e t !o'" a&ilit! to &'ild $o'ses2 Yo' t"ade !o'" la&o" to &'ild a ."iend a $o'se .o" so-et$in# t$at $e $as 0$i,$ !o' need o" ,an 'se2 B't 0$at i. !o'" ."iend is a ,andlesti,+ -a+e", and !o' don5t need an! ,andlesti,+sF In o"de" .o" !o' to &'ild $i- a $o'se, $e 0o'ld $a*e to .ind so-eone 0$o needed eno'#$ ,andlesti,+s to a! .o" t$e $o'se, and 0$o also $ad so-et$in# 0$i,$ !o' needed in o"de" to #et !o' to &'ild $i- a $o'se2 It ,o'ld "o*e to &e *e"! di..i,'lt to .ind eno'#$ eo le 0$o needed ,andlesti,+s and $ad so-et$in# t$at !o' needed to a! !o' .o" &'ildin# $is $o'se2 So t$at5s 0$e"e -one! ,o-es in2 Mone! is a la,e 7o" *e$i,le8 0$e"e !o' ,an sto"e !o'" la&o" .o" .'t'"e 'se2 Instead o. $a*in# to .ind se*e"al di..e"ent eo le 0$o need !o'" a"ti,'la" se"*i,e, and 0$o $a*e so-et$in# t$at !o' need "i#$t t$en, ea,$ 0o"+e" si- l! sto"es $is la&o" in t$ese ,e"ti.i,ates a,,e ted &! t$e so,iet! in 0$i,$ $e li*es at *ia&le sto"a#e .a,ilities .o" 'se at a .'t'"e ti-e2 T$e ,andlesti,+ -a+e" t$en si- l! ,olle,ts eno'#$ o. t$e la&o" ,e"ti.i,ates ."oeo le 0$o need $is ,andlesti,+s to a! !o' .o" &'ildin# $is $o'se2 Yo' ,an t$en 'se t$e ,e"ti.i,ates to &'! 0$ate*e" !o' 0ant instead o. sea",$in# .o" so-eone 0$o needs one a"ti,'la" se"*i,e2 It is

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


"eall! a 0onde".'l and in#enio's -et$od .o" allo0in# ea,$ e"son to 'se $is e"sonal s+ills and la&o" to e1,$an#e .o" t$e t$in#s $e 0ants and needs2 Un.o"t'natel!, t$is s!ste- $ad a .la02 It 0as 'sed to sto"e t"'e 0ealt$, 0$i,$ e:'ates to t$e la&o" o. an indi*id'al2 Basi,all!, all la&o" done is la,ed into a &i# ool .o" t$e 'se o. an!one 0$o $as esta&lis$ed ,"edit 0it$in t$at ool &! la,in# $is la&o" into t$e ool2 T$e ool is &a,+ed &! #old2 Conse:'entl!, t$e onl! eo le 0$o s$o'ld &e 'sin# t$e ool a"e t$ose 0$o $a*e la,ed t"'e *al'e into t$e ool2 T$at5s not t$e 0a! it5s ,'""entl! 0o"+in#2 So-eti-e in t$e ea"l! to -id 1;))5s, t$e United States Go*e"n-ent dis,o*e"ed a 0a! to steal a o"tion o. all t$e la&o" t$at A-e"i,ans "o*ided and sto"ed in t$e ool2 T$e &an+s "eali4ed t$at no&od! e*e" ,a-e &a,+ to ,lai- an! o. t$e #old 0$i,$ &a,+ed t$e ,e"ti.i,ates2 Instead, t$e! 0e"e e1,$an#in# t$e ,e"ti.i,ates .o" 0$at t$e! 0anted2 It &e,a-e ,lea" t$at it 0o'ld &e *e"! si- le to "int -o"e ,e"ti.i,ates 0it$o't an! #old to &a,+ t$e-2 B! doin# so, t$e #o*e"n-ent ,o'ld s end t$e ne0 ,e"ti.i,ates e1a,tl! li+e t$e! "e "esented eit$e" #old o" la&o", 0$en in a,t'alit!, t$e! "e "esented neit$e"2 In .a,t, t$is a,tion 0as not$in# -o"e t$an a -eans &! 0$i,$ to steal a o"tion o. all t$e la&o" e".o"-ed &! A-e"i,ans on an on#oin# &asis2 It 0o"+s li+e t$is2 Let5s sa! t$at !o' la,ed !o'" la&o" into t$is ool 70$i,$, &! t$e 0a!, !o' $a*e82 B! doin# so, !o' a,t'all! 9&o'#$t into5 t$e o*e"all 0o"t$ o. t$e ool2 To totall! 'nde"stand t$is -et$od o. t$e.t, let5s ='st tal+ a&o't t$e #old in t$e ool2 Let5s sa! t$at t$e"e is T1)))2)) 0o"t$ o. #old in t$e ool2 Let5s sa! t$at !o' #a*e la&o" e:'al to T1))2)), and !o' 0e"e aid &! ,e"ti.i,ates ."o- t$e ool2 At t$at oint, !o' o0n 1)P o. t$e 0o"t$ o. t$e ool, so !o' #et 1)P o. t$e ,e"ti.i,ates in t$e ool2 T$en so-e&od! ,o-es alon# and "ints anot$e" T1)))2)) 0o"t$ o. ,e"ti.i,ates on t$e ool 0it$o't addin# an! #old to t$e ot2 S'ddenl!, t$e ,e"ti.i,ates 0$i,$ !o' ossess a"e 0o"t$ onl! /P o. t$e ne0 ool, and !o'" T1))2)) 0o"t$ o. la&o" is no0 "edee-a&le .o" onl! T/)2)) in "eal *al'e2 T$e #o*e"n-ent $as na-ed t$is t! e o. t$e.t 9in.lation5, &e,a'se t$e! T$e! don5t de,"ease !o'" T1))2)) *al'e, t$e! ='st in,"ease t$e ,an5t tell !o' 0$at "eall! $a ened2

,ost o. all t$e ot$e" la&o" d"i*en "od',ts in t$e ool t$at !o' -i#$t 0ant to '",$ase &! eno'#$ to ,o*e" 0$at t$e #o*e"n-ent $as stolen ."o- t$e ool2 T$is "o,ess is e1a,tl! 0$at $a ened to t$e #old and sil*e" ,e"ti.i,ates 0$en t$e #o*e"n-ent sta"ted "intin# e1t"a ,e"ti.i,ates 0it$o't la,in# an!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


ne0 #old in t$e ool2 %o" e*e"! T1,))),)))2)) 0o"t$ o. #old $eld in t$e United States T"eas'"!, t$e #o*e"n-ent "inted T(,))),)))2)) 7o" -o"e8 0o"t$ o. ,e"ti.i,ates, e..e,ti*el! stealin# at least /)P o. t$e *al'e o. t$at #old3 and, t$e"e&!, /)P o. t$e la&o" 0$i,$ 0as .'nded and sa*ed in t$ese ,e"ti.i,ates2 Not a &ad deal .o" t$e #o*e"n-ent, &'t a "eal "i @o.. o. t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$e United States Go*e"n-ent ,ontin'ed t$is -et$od o. t$e.t 0ell into t$e T0entiet$ Cent'"!2 In

191B, Con#"ess ,"eated t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, a #o*e"n-ent instit'tion desi#ned to $andle "e#'lations .o" "i*ate &an+in#, and to $el +ee in.lation and de.lation in line2 Re-e-&e", in A"ti,le I, Se,tion ; o. t$e Constit'tion, it states, DT$e Con#"ess s$all $a*e t$e Po0e"NTo ,oin Mone!, "e#'late t$e *al'e t$e"eo.,NE2 Note t$at Con#"ess does not $a*e t$e o0e" to assi#n t$e o0e" to ,oin -one! to an!one else2 Also note t$at t$e te"- 9,oin -one!5 is 'sed2 It sa!s not$in# a&o't "intin#, &'t let5s ass'-e t$at t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s ='st ne*e" t$o'#$t o. t$is -et$od o. sto"in# la&o"3 $o0e*e", $ad o'" #o*e"n-ent ne*e" sta"ted "intin# -one!, 0e ,e"tainl! 0o'ld not &e in t$e -ess 0e a"e in toda!2 T$e"e ,o'ld &e no de&t, &e,a'se t"'e *al'e 7#old and la&o"8 0o'ld &e t$e &asis o. B't e*en i. t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s $ad a#"eed t$at "intin# and ,oinin# 0e"e e*e"! t"ansa,tion2

s!non!-o's, t$e! ,e"tainl! ne*e" #a*e an!one t$e a't$o"it! to said "intin# andMo" ,oinin# ot$e" t$an Con#"ess, and t$e! did not #i*e Con#"ess t$e a't$o"it! to assi#n t$ese d'ties to an!one else2 W$at $a ened 0as e1a,tl! t$at2 At t$is oint, it is also i- o"tant to 'nde"stand t$e a't$o"it! dele#ated to Con#"ess, and "ese"*ed to t$e se*e"al states 0it$ "e#a"ds to t$e ,oina#e o. -one!2 Clea"l!, t$e se*e"al States a"e li-ited &! A"ti,le I Se,tion 1) o. t$e Constit'tion 0it$ "e#a"ds to le#al tende" 0$en it states, DNo State s$all222-a+e an! T$in# &'t #old and sil*e" Coin a tende" in Pa!-ent o. de&ts222E2 O&*io'sl!, t$e"e is no a't$o"it! dele#ated to t$e states to 'se an! tende" ot$e" t$an #old and sil*e"2 T$at, $o0e*e", is not t$e ,ase 0it$ "e#a"ds to t$e United States2 T$e Con#"ess 0as #i*en e1,l'si*e le#islati*e a't$o"it! o*e" Was$in#ton, t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia, t$e te""ito"ies, and all ossessions o. t$e United States &! t$e Constit'tion2 T$at o0e" is ,alled D lena"!E, and it is *i"t'all! a&sol'te2 T$e"e is no li-itation as to t$e le#al tende" 0$i,$ Con#"ess ,an esta&lis$ .o" 'se 0it$in t$ose a"eas t$at it #o*e"ns &! lena"! a't$o"it!2 T$e"e.o"e, %ede"al Rese"*e Notes ,an &e le#al tende" 0it$o't Constit'tional ,,t in t$ose desi#nated a"eas2 A"e !o' &e#innin# to "eali4e 0$e"e !o' "esideF

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


So-eti-e ea"l! in t$e 19B)5s, &! t$e 'se o. lena"! o0e" and a.te" !ea"s o. t$e.t o. t$e #old and la&o" ool &! t$e #o*e"n-ent, a #"o' o. inte"national &an+e"s 7$e"eina.te" 9Ban+ste"s5, so na-ed not .o" ,olle,tin# t$e ,e"ti.i,ates, &'t .o" t$e 'se o. t$e o0e" 0$i,$ a"ose as a "es'lt o. o0nin# t$e ,e"ti.i,ates 0$i,$ "ese-&les *e"! ,losel! t$e -et$ods 'sed &! #an#ste"s in t$ei" a,tions8 "esented t$e United States Go*e"n-ent 0it$ a de-and .o" #old &ased on t$e #old ,e"ti.i,ates 0$i,$ it $ad iss'ed o*e" t$e !ea"s, and 0$i,$ t$e! no0 o0ned2 T$e #o*e"n-ent5s !ea"s o. t$e.t $ad .inall! ,a'#$t ' 0it$ t$e-, &e,a'se t$e"e 0as not eno'#$ #old in t$e United States T"eas'"! to "edee- t$e ,e"ti.i,ates $eld &! t$ese Ban+ste"s2 On t$at da!, t$e United States &e,a-e &an+"' t2 T$e ti-in# ,o'ld not $a*e &een 0o"se .o" t$e United States2 T$e #"eatest de "ession in -ode"n $isto"! 0as in .'ll s0in#2 Hitle" 0as in t$e "o,ess o. ,o-in# to o0e" in E'"o e2 T$e 0o"ld sit'ation 0as *e"! &ad, and t$e leade"s o. t$e United States Go*e"n-ent .elt t$at to anno'n,e t$at t$e United States 0as &an+"' t to t$e 0o"ld 0o'ld &e totall! disast"o's2 0a! 0$i,$ .e0 &elie*e is ossi&le2 So a 9&e$ind ,losed doo"s5 a#"ee-ent 0as "ea,$ed 0it$ t$e Ban+ste"s 0$o $eld t$e ,e"ti.i,ates, and t$e ,o'"se o. A-e"i,a 0as ,$an#ed in a T$e Ban+ste"s 0e"e o..e"ed, and t$e! a#"eed to a,,e t, .'ll o0ne"s$i o. t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, -o*in# it ."o- t$e '&li, t"'st into "i*ate o0ne"s$i and ,ont"ol2 E*en -o"e $a"-.'l and dest"',ti*e t$an t$at, t$ese Ban+ste"s 0e"e #i*en t$e e1,l'si*e "i#$t to "int all -one! in t$e United States ."o- t$at date .o"0a"d2 T$ese "o*isions 0e"e #i*en .o",e o. la0 in an E1e,'ti*e O"de" si#ned &! %"an+lin Roose*elt on Ma",$ 1J, 19BB, and it "e-ains o'" 0a! o. doin# &'siness still toda!2 T$e "e e",'ssions o. t$is sin#le a,tion a"e totall! 'n&elie*a&le, as e*e"! .a,et o. o'" li*es is di"e,tl! a..e,ted in a ne#ati*e 0a! toda! as a "es'lt o. t$is one deal2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+in# s!ste- is not .ede"al at all2 Alt$o'#$ t$e %ed C$ai"-an is a ointed &! t$e P"esident o. t$e United States ."o- a-on# t$e $eads o. t$e >ist"i,t %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+s, t$is is a "i*ate &an+in# instit'tion2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+s iss'e .ede"al "ese"*e Dnote!E to se"*e as le#al tende"2 T$e iss'an,e o. t$ese DnotesE 0it$o't &ein# "edee-a&le .o" an!t$in# o. *al'e allo0s t$e t$e.t o. t$e eo le5s la&o"2 T$is s!ste- o. t$e.t 'sed &! t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+s to se"*e as le#al tende" in t$is ,o'nt"! o"i#inated in an,ient Ba&!lon2 T$e Ba&!lonian D>'e BillE 0as 0"itten in ,la! ta&lets in t$e B,)))5s

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


B2C2 and s$o0ed 0$at a '",$ase" o0ed to a -e",$ant in e1,$an#e .o" #oods2 T$e Ba&!lonian #o*e"n-ent 0o'ld "int t$ese ,la! ta&lets and .o",e -e",$ants 0it$in t$ei" ,ont"ol to a,,e t t$ese D>'e BillsE in a!-ent .o" #oods and -e",$andise 'nde" enalt! o. deat$2 Ho0e*e", 0$en it ,a-e ti-e to a! t$e #o*e"n-ent, ta1es $ad to &e aid in #old, sil*e", o" ot$e" ite-s o. *al'e2 Me",$ants st',+ 0it$ t$ese ,la! ta&lets ,o'ld onl! ass t$e- to ot$e"s in '",$ase o. ot$e" -e",$andise, identi,al to t$e s!ste- in 'se toda! e1,e t t$at toda!5s notes ,an still &e 'sed .o" a!-ent o. ta1es2 T$is s!ste- a-o'nts to little -o"e t$an t$e.t o. "od',ts &! t$ei" o0n #o*e"n-ent and t$ose 0$o o0n and ,ont"ol t$e %ede"al Rese"*e >ist"i,t Ban+s2 No0, it5s t$e "i*ate alle#ed %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+in# s!ste- in ,a$oots 0it$ t$e United States #o*e"n-ent 0$i,$ is stealin# ."o- t$e A-e"i,an eo le2 %i"st, let5s see $o0 t$is di"e,tl! a..e,ts o'" -one! in o'" dail! li*es2 T$e o0e" #i*en to t$ese

Ban+ste"s to "int -one! 0as, in e..e,t, t$e o0e" to "'le2 T$e! 0e"e #i*en t$e a't$o"it! to "int all ,'""en,! 0$i,$ ,o'ld &e le#all! 'sed in t$e United States at t$e ,ost o. "intin#, 0$i,$ 0as a ,ost to t$e- o. so-et$in# less t$an TB)2)) to "int 1)),))) &ills, "e#a"dless o. t$e deno-inations o. t$e &ills2 Not a &ad deal .o" t$e- @ i-a#ine &ein# a&le to "int 1)),))) T1))2)) &ills .o" TB)2)), and t$en #o s end t$e- at .'ll .a,e *al'e2 No0 i-a#ine &ein# a&le to do t$at an!ti-e !o' 0ant to 0it$o't W$at "e#'lation, and !o' 0ill sta"t to "eali4e ='st $o0 o0e".'l t$ese Ban+ste"s $a*e &e,o-e2

a,t'all! $a ens is t$at t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ "ints all t$e ,'""en,! in t$e United States at t$e ,ost o. "intin#, o" a,t'all! at no ,ost sin,e t$e "intin# is aid .o" 0it$ .ede"al "ese"*e notes2 T$e! t$en loan t$at ,'""en,! to t$e United States Go*e"n-ent on inte"est &ea"in# notes 7T"eas'"! Notes8 at .'ll .a,e *al'e2 It #ets &ette" 7o" 0o"se .o" !o'8 &e,a'se t$e! ne*e" "int t$e inte"est2 T$at -a+es t$is a s!ste- o. sla*e"! 0$e"ein t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States a"e sold into se"*it'de to t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ &! t$ei" lo"d and lando0ne", t$e United States2 Mo"e on t$at late"2 %o" no0 letSs .ollo0 t$is a,tion t$"o'#$2 To $el 'nde"stand t$is "o,ess, let5s sa! t$at !o' and I a"e t$e onl! eo le in t$e enti"e 0o"ld 0o"+in# on t$e %ede"al Rese"*e S!ste-2 Let5s sa! t$at !o'5"e a .a"-e" and I5- t$e onl! %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+e" in t$e 0o"ld doin# &'siness in t$is .as$ion2 One da! in t$e s "in# o. t$e !ea", !o' ,o-e into -! o..i,e and in.o"- -e t$at !o' need to &o""o0 so-e -one! to #et !o'" ,"o in t$is !ea"2 I as+ $o0 -',$ !o' need, and !o' tell -e t$at

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


!o' need T1))2))2

I t$en as+ !o' i. !o' $a*e an! ,ollate"al2

Yo' sa! t$at !o' $a*e !o'" land

,o- letel! aid .o" 0$i,$ !o' 0ill 't ' as ,ollate"al .o" t$e loan2 I a#"ee, and I tell !o' t$at I 0ill loan !o' t$e T1))2)) at ;P inte"est a!a&le 0$en !o'" ,"o ,o-es in2 Yo' a#"ee2 I #et ' , #o in t$e &a,+ "oo-, and "int t$e -one!2 Re-e-&e", t$at5s all I $a*e to do2 Yo' ta+e t$e -one! into t$e ,o--'nit!2 T$e eo le in t$e ,o--'nit! +no0 I5- #ood .o" t$e -one!, so t$e! a,,e t -! Yo' ta+e !o'" a e" .o" 0$at !o' need, and !o' #et !o'" ,"o in2 It $a ens t$at t$is is t$e &est .a"-in# !ea" in $isto"! @ t$e "ains ,o-e "i#$t, t$e s'n is e".e,t @ and !o' $a*e a &'- e" ,"o 2 -! des+2 I i,+ it ' and ,o'nt it @ t$e"e is T1))2)) .a,e a-o'nt t$e"e2 $a"*est into t$e ,o--'nit! and sell it, and t$en !o' "et'"n to a! -e2 Yo' la! t$e a e" I "inted on Re-e-&e", t$at5s all I "inted2 I t$en as+ !o' 0$e"e -! ot$e" T;2)) 7t$e inte"est8 is2 Yo' tell -e t$at !o' ,o'ldn5t .ind an! -o"e o. -! a e", and as+ i. I 0o'ld ta+e so-e ot$e" .o"- o. a!-entF I tell !o' Dno, I onl! a,,e t -! o0n -one!E2 I t$en sei4e !o'" land .o" t$e "e-ainin# de&t d'e, all le#al and "o e"2 Ri#$t no0, t$e #o*e"n-ent tells T$is "o,ess is e1a,tl! 0$at t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ $as done2

's t$at o'" national de&t is o*e" .i*e and one@$al. t"illion dolla"s2 T$e de&t 0as ,a'sed &! t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, &e,a'se t$e! "inted t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Notes and loaned t$e- to t$e #o*e"n-ent2 Ho0e*e", t$e"e is less t$an t0o t"illion dolla"s in ,i",'lation at t$is ti-e, -eanin# t$e "est o. t$e de&t is .o" inte"est, and t$ose %ede"al Rese"*e Notes 0e"e ne*e" "inted2 T$e"e.o"e, i. t$e United States Go*e"n-ent ,a-e to ea,$ one o. 's and sei4ed e*e"! %ede"al Rese"*e Note in o'" o,+ets, t$en 0ent to a! o.. t$e national de&t, t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ 0o'ld si- l! ,o'nt t$e -one! and t$en de-and t$e ot$e" t$"ee and one $al. t"illion dolla"s in de&t o0ed it2 T$'s, it is totall! i- ossi&le to a! o.. t$e national de&t 'nde" an! ,onditions, and t$e de&t -'st, &! its nat'"e, ,ontin'e to #"o02 It is desi#ned to steal all 0o"t$ and o0e" ."o- t$e A-e"i,an eo le, "ende"in# t$e- into a e"-anent state o. se"*it'de2 It $as al-ost a,,o- lis$ed its #oal as o. t$is date2 Yo' 0ill also need to 'nde"stand t$e a,t'al -a+e@' and 0o"t$ o. o'" ,'""en,!, t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Note, in o"de" to .'ll! 'nde"stand t$e t"'l! de-oni, nat'"e o. t$e enti"e s!ste- 0$i,$ $as &een laid ' on A-e"i,ans2 %i"st, $isto"i,all! and Bi&li,all!, #old and sil*e" $a*e &een t$e standa"d -etal 'sed as -one! o" .o" a -edi'- o. e1,$an#e2 Gold and sil*e" a"e ideal .o" t$is '" ose sin,e t$e! a"e easil! -olded into ,oins, easil! assed, and anti*i"al and anti&a,te"ial3 t$e"e.o"e t$e! do not t"ans-it diseases2 O'tside o. its 'se .o" a -oneta"! inst"'-ent #old and sil*e" also $as its o0n int"insi, *al'e2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


It "e:'i"es 0o"+ o" la&o" to $a"*est it, so t$e"e.o"e it a,t'all! "e "esents la&o" "ealisti,all!, not ='st a"ti.i,iall!2 Gold and sil*e" a"e also t$e standa"d -etal 'sed .o" =e0el"! and $as -an! ot$e" ind'st"ial 'ses, es e,iall! 0$en ,o-&ined 0it$ ot$e" -etals and 'sed as an allo!3 t$e"e.o"e, #old and sil*e" $a*e int"insi, *al'e2 T$'s, #old and sil*e" ,e"ti.i,ates, t$ose inst"'-ents on 0$i,$ t$is t$e A-e"i,an >olla" 0as &ased, $ad a &asis o. int"insi, *al'e2 T$e #o*e"n-ent #'a"anteed to deli*e" to t$e &ea"e" on de-and a dolla"5s 0o"t$ o. eit$e" #old o" sil*e" .o" ea,$ dolla" on t$e .a,e o. t$e ,e"ti.i,ate2 T$at #'a"antee is 0$at #a*e t$e A-e"i,an >olla" its *al'e, and -ade it t$e -ost so'#$t a.te" ,'""en,! in t$e 0o"ld2 is not a note at all2 BillE2 B't t$is ne0 %ede"al Rese"*e Note did not 7and does not8 -a+e an! s',$ #'a"antee2 In .a,t, its *e"! na-e is -isleadin#, &e,a'se it A note -'st "o-ise to deli*e" so-et$in# on a a"ti,'la" date o" 'nde" a a"ti,'la" ,ondition3 and t$e"e.o"e, a %ede"al Rese"*e Note is not$in# -o"e t$an a Ba&!lonian D>'e Blac./! de.ines DNoteE as, DAn inst"'-ent ,ontainin# an e1 "ess and a&sol'te "o-ise o. si#ne" 7i#e2 -a+e"8 to a! to a s e,i.ied e"son o" o"de", o" &ea"e", a de.inite s'- o. -one! at a s e,i.ied ti-e2EN T$e"e.o"e, t$e #old and sil*e" ,e"ti.i,ates iss'ed &! t$e #o*e"n-ent 0e"e, in .a,t, notes2 %o" e1a- le, on t$e One >olla" Sil*e" Ce"ti.i,ate, t$is state-ent a ea"s, DT$is ,e"ti.ies t$at t$e"e is on de osit in t$e T"eas'"! o. t$e United States o. A-e"i,a One >olla" in Sil*e" a!a&le to t$e &ea"e" on de-and2E On %ede"al Rese"*e Notes, no s',$ "o-ise e1ists2 In .a,t, %ede"al Rese"*e Notes do not "o-ise to do o" deli*e" an!t$in#2 T$e! a"e '"el! inst"'-ents o. de&t2 Blac./!

de.ines DInst"'-entE as, DNA ne#otia&le inst"'-ent N o" a se,'"it!N o" an! ot$e" 0"itin# 0$i,$ e*iden,es a "i#$t to t$e a!-ent o. -one! and is not itsel. a se,'"it! a#"ee-ent o" lease and is o. a t! e 0$i,$ is in o"dina"! ,o'"se o. &'siness t"ans.e""ed &! deli*e"! 0it$ an! ne,essa"! endo"se-ent o" assi#n-ent2E Blac./! #i*es one de.inition o. D>e&tE as, DA s'- o. -one! d'e &! ,e"tain and e1 "ess a#"ee-ent2E So $o0 ,o'ld o'" ,'""en,! $a*e &e,o-e an inst"'-ent o. de&tF Re-e-&e" t$at t$e United States 0ent &an+"' t in 19BB 0$en t$e Ban+ste"s "esented -o"e #old and sil*e" ,e"ti.i,ates t$an t$e"e 0as #old and sil*e" on "ese"*e in t$e t"eas'"!2 e1isted e*e" sin,e2 T$at state o. t$e &an+"' t,! o. t$e United States $as In &an+"' t,!, e*e"!t$in# 0o"+s on a ne#ati*e &asis, &e,a'se t$e"e is a -in's net

0o"t$ in*ol*ed2 Also "e-e-&e" t$at a do'&le ne#ati*e &e,o-es a ositi*e2 So 0$en !o' "e,ei*e an

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


inst"'-ent o. de&t a!a&le in a &an+"' t s!ste-, it a,t'all! &e,o-es a ositi*e .o" 'se 0it$in t$at s!ste-2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Note is a,t'all! an inst"'-ent ,"eated &! t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ It si#ni.ies t$at t$e United States Go*e"n-ent o0es a ,e"tain a-o'nt o. T$e"e.o"e, 0$en so-eone $ands !o' a T()2)) &ill 7%ede"al and loaned into ,i",'lation2

dolla"s to t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2

Rese"*e Note8, $e $as a,t'all! ='st t"ans.e""ed T()2)) dolla"s 0o"t$ o. de&t ."o- $i-sel. to !o'2 Be,a'se 0e li*e and .'n,tion in a &an+"' t so,iet!, t$e ne#ati*e T()2)) a,t'all! &e,o-es a ositi*e .o" 'se 0it$in t$at so,iet!2 So !o' sa!, 0$o ,a"es, as lon# as I ,an 'se t$e T()2)) %ede"al Rese"*e Note to &'! -! ,ase o. &ee"F T$e ans0e" is, !o' s$o'ld ,a"e, &e,a'se !o' a"e &asi,all! 9sellin# !o'" so'l5 to t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 T$ese Ban+ste"s a"e al"ead! "'nnin# al-ost e*e"! $ase o. !o'" li.e, and !o' ,ontin'e to allo0 t$eto di,tate to !o' &e,a'se !o'5"e a,,e tin# t$ei" &ene.its 'nde" t$e &an+"' t,!2 I-a#ine t$at !o' $a*e a teena#e ,$ild li*in# 0it$ !o'2 Yo' $a*e a set o. "'les t$at -'st &e .ollo0ed2 T$e ,$ild $as t$e o tion o. .ollo0in# t$e "'les o" -o*in# o't and .endin# .o" $i-sel.3 &'t, i. $e sta!s, $e -'st .ollo0 !o'" "'les2 W$en $e &"ea+s one o. t$ose "'les, $e is s'&=e,t to !o'" 'nis$-ent2 T$is s,ena"io is e1a,tl! 0$at $a ens to !o' 'nde" t$e ,'""ent s!ste-2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ $as

esta&lis$ed 0$at it ,onside"s to &e a &ene*olent s!ste- o. ,ont"ol 0$i,$ it ad-iniste"s i. !o' ,$oose to a,,e t its &ene.its2 T$e ne1t ,$a te" 0ill deal 0it$ t$e e1a,t a"ti,'la"s o. t$is s!ste-, and $o0 it 0as de*elo ed2 B't i- o"tant "i#$t no0 is t$at !o' 'nde"stand t$at a"ti,i ation in t$is s!ste- $as a *e"! $i#$ "i,e la,ed ' on it in te"-s o. #i*in# ' !o'" &i"t$"i#$t 7 i#e# !o'" Ri#$ts 'nde" t$e Constit'tion8, and al-ost e*e"! e"son "eadin# t$is &oo+ $as al"ead! #i*en ' t$ose Ri#$ts t$"o'#$ ,ont"a,t2 L',+il!, t$e"e is a 0a! o't2 Yo'" de,ision 0ill &e to de,ide i. !o' "eall! 0ant to &e ."ee, o" i. !o' "e.e" t$e li.e o. a sla*e 0it$ a &ene*olent -aste"2 Yo' -a! sa! t$at t$e sit'ation des,"i&ed a&o*e is i- ossi&le, and t$at it ,o'ld ne*e" $a en in t$e #ood old U2S2A2 T"! to "e-e-&e" 0$at $a ened in 19BB2 T$e United States $ad de."a'ded t$e So, in essen,e, A-e"i,an eo le to t$e oint o. d"i*in# itsel. into &an+"' t,!2 Le#all!, t$e"e 0as onl! one ,"edito" de-andin# a!-ent ."o- t$e United States, and t$at 0as t$e #"o' o. Ban+ste"s2 t$at #"o' $ad a lien a#ainst all t$e assets o. t$e United States2 Alt$o'#$ 0e $a*e not !et dis,'ssed t$e di..e"en,es &et0een t$e United States and t$e 'nited States o. A-e"i,a o" t$e Union, t$ese t0o

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


entities $a*e al-ost not$in# in ,o--on2 Yo' 0ill lea"n in a late" ,$a te" 0$at ea,$ a,t'all! is2 %o" no0, ='st 'nde"stand t$at t$e"e is a di..e"en,e2 $ad #one &an+"' t also2 T$e United States $ad 'sed o0e" 0$i,$ it 0as not a't$o"i4ed to 'se, and &! doin# so, $ad -ade it loo+ li+e t$e Union 7DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE8 In t"'t$, DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE $ad not$in# to do 0it$ t$e &an+"' t,! o. t$e United States, &'t t$e a,tions .ollo0ed &! all a"ties in*ol*ed allo0ed t$e Ban+ste"s to t"eat t$e &an+"' t,! li+e it 0as t$e Union o. States t$at $ad #one &an+"' t2 So 0$at a"e t$e assets o. a nationF Its land and its eo le2 T$e Ban+ste"s a,t'all! too+ a lien

a#ainst t$e land and t$e eo le o. t$e United States i#e# ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, as ,o- ensation .o" 0$at t$e! 0e"e o0ed &! t$e United States2 T$e! t$en loo+ed at t$is ne0 .o'nd 0ind.all, and e"5s .ee 0o'ld &e a "o "iate2E B't said to t$e-sel*es, DWe o0n e*e"!t$in#, so s$o'ld not t$ese eo le li*in# on o'" land &e a!in# so-et$in# .o" t$e "i*ile#eF Ma!&e so-e t! e o. a s$a"e,"o t$en t$e! "eali4ed t$at i. t$e! told t$e eo le t$at t$e! o0ned e*e"!t$in#, and t$at t$e eo le $ad &e,o-e not$in# -o"e t$an "ente"s in t$ei" o0n land, t$e"e 0o'ld &e "e&ellion2 So t$e! set a&o't to de*ise a -',$ -o"e siniste" lot to #et 0$at t$e! .elt 0e"e t$ei" ='st a!-ents .o" t$e de&t d'e t$e-2 T$e! de,ided t$at t$e! 0o'ld set a&o't to o..e" &ene.its, and an!one 0$o 0anted t$e &ene.its 0o'ld a#"ee ,ont"a,t'all! to $el a! o.. t$e de&t o. t$e United States2 T$ei" .i"st #"eat a,t, in ,on,e"t 0it$ Con#"ess, 0as t$e On t$e s'".a,e, t$at A,t 0as desi#ned to $el t$e In Bein# a&le to "int all o. t$e ,'""en,! #a*e t$e- a #"eat ad*anta#e in ,ont"ollin# &ot$ t$e eo le as a 0$ole, and -o"e a"ti,'la"l!, t$e Con#"ess2 assin# o. t$e So,ial Se,'"it! A,t in 19B/2

9se,ond ,lass ,iti4ens5 7i#e# t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States8 to a,$ie*e a &ette" :'alit! o. li.e2

"ealit!, it 0as desi#ned and ad-iniste"ed in a 0a! t$at 0o'ld .i"st ,on*in,e t$e A-e"i,an t$at $e 0o'ld &e &ette" o.. as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States3 and se,ond, at a late" date, ,on*in,e $i- t$at t$e"e 0as no di..e"en,e &et0een an A-e"i,an and a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 T$e lan 0o"+ed on &ot$ ."onts2 Ea"l! in t$e "o,ess, 0o"+ "o#"a-s 0e"e esta&lis$ed .o" t$ese se,ond ,lass ,iti4ens2 Man! A-e"i,ans i--ediatel! sei4ed ' on t$e o o"t'nit! to &e,o-e a Sin,e -an! o. t$e A-e"i,ans 0e"e o't o. 0o"+ at t$at ti-e d'e to t$e >e "ession, t$ese =o&s 0e"e *e"! a ealin# to t$e-2 #o*e"n-ent2 ,iti4en o. t$e United States and sta"t #ettin# t$e &ene.its "ese"*ed .o" t$ose s'&=e,ts o. t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


As t$e !ea"s assed, t$e United States Go*e"n-ent, in ,on,e"t 0it$ t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, ,"eated -an! ne0 "o#"a-s desi#ned and "o*ided .o" t$ei" s'&=e,ts2 At t$e sa-e ti-e, t$e! sta"ted to ,olle,t ."o- t$ose s'&=e,ts t$e de&t o0ed to t$e Ban+ste"s &! t$e United States2 T$e! did t$is 0it$ a *e$i,le ,alled t$e in,o-e ta12 Ea,$ ti-e t$at t$e! 0anted to "aise ta1es, t$e! 0o'ld si- l! #i*e, o" sa! t$e! 0e"e #i*in#, anot$e" &ene.it2 O. ,o'"se, t$e &ene.its ne*e" e*en a "oa,$ed 0$at t$e! 0e"e ta+in#, &'t t$e eo le lo*ed #ettin# 9so-et$in# .o" not$in#5 ."o- t$e #o*e"n-ent2 W$at .e0 A-e"i,ans, o" .o" t$at -atte", ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, $a*e e*e" "eali4ed, is t$at t$e United States Go*e"n-ent a,t'all! $ad *e"! little to do 0it$ eit$e" t$e &ene.its o" t$e ta1es2 T$ose a"e a"eas ,ont"olled al-ost ,o- letel! &! t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 Mo"e on t$at in t$e ne1t ,$a te"2 B't t$e ta1es and t$e &ene.its &e#an to #"o0, 0it$ ea,$ .eedin# t$e ot$e"2 W$at 0as on,e a Re '&li, sta"ted to o e"ate as a Dt"'stE, and t$e #o*e"n-ent in o0e" &e,a-e de facto in nat'"e 7a 9de .a,to #o*e"n-ent5 is one 0$i,$ -aintains itsel. 0it$ a dis la! o. .o",e a#ainst t$e 0ill o. t$e "i#$t.'l le#al #o*e"n-ent and is s',,ess.'l in o*e"t'"nin# t$e instit'tions o. t$e "i#$t.'l #o*e"n-ent &! settin# ' its o0n in lie' t$e"eo.82 T$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent 79de ='"e5 is des,"i ti*e o. t$e #o*e"n-ent ,ondition in 0$i,$ t$e"e $as &een total ,o- lian,e 0it$ all t$e "e:'i"e-ents o. la08 0it$d"e0 in t$e .a,e o. t$e o*e"0$el-in# a,,e tan,e o. t$is ne0 0a! o. doin# &'siness2 T$e .a,t t$at t$e oliti,al leade"s o. t$e ti-e allo0ed t$is to $a en s o+e to &ot$ t$ei" .ea" and t$e .a,t t$at t$ei" o0e" 0as #"eatl! in,"eased as a "es'lt o. t$e de*elo -ent o. t$e .alse #o*e"n-ent2 see-ed li+e t$e "i#$t t$in# to do at t$e ti-e2 t$at sa-e ,ont"ol2 Toda!, it is *e"! di..i,'lt, so-eti-es i- ossi&le, to &'! a ,a", a $o'se, to #et a $one, an ins'"an,e oli,!, a d"i*e"5s li,ense, to #et an! +ind o. ,"edit, to #et -ost =o&s, and a list o. ot$e" ite-s too lon# to na-e $e"e, 'nless !o' .i"st "o.ess to &e a sla*e to t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ 7 i#e# ,iti4en o. t$e United States8 &! la,in# !o'" sla*e n'-&e" 7 i#e# so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"8 on *i"t'all! e*e"! do,'-ent !o' si#n2 T$at sit'ation e1ists &e,a'se a t"'st no0 o e"ates in la,e o. t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent, and t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" identi.ies !o' as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st entitled to its &ene.its 7.'ll! e1 lained in a .ollo0in# ,$a te"82 It ='st All &an+s ,a-e 'nde" t$e o0e" and ,ont"ol o. t$e

%ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, and o'" enti"e s!ste- o. ,"edit, in*est-ents, and -a=o" e- lo!e"s ,a-e 'nde"

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


I5*e $ad -an! eo le tell -e t$at t$e! $a*e ne*e" a#"eed to &e a sla*e o" a s'&=e,t2 T$e! sa! t$e! 0o'ld ne*e" do t$at, and t$at t$e! $a*e not #i*en ' t$ei" Ri#$ts2 Well, i. t$e! 'se a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", t$e! a"e ='st totall! 0"on#2 Ha*e !o' e*e" noti,ed t$at !o' a"e al0a!s "e:'i"ed to 0"ite Yo' -'st 0"ite it on t$ei" .o"- ea,$ do0n !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", e*en i. t$e! al"ead! $a*e it in ."ont o. t$e-F %o" e1a- le, ta+e t$e d"i*e"5s li,ense "e:'i"e-ent o. a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2 ti-e !o' "ene0 !o'" li,ense2 T$e! tell !o' t$at it is so t$e! ,an ,$e,+ to see i. !o' o0e an! &a,+ ,$ild s' o"t2 W$at a "idi,'lo's lie666 T$e! $a*e $ad !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" .o" !ea"s, and it $asn5t ,$an#ed2 >id t$e! ='st .o"#et 0$at it 0asF O. ,o'"se not @ t$e! ='st 0ant !o' to sa! t$at !o' a"e still a 0illin# -e-&e" o. t$ei" t"'st &e.o"e !o' #et t$ei" &ene.its2 W$en !o' .ill o't a ,"edit T$e! 0ill tell !o' a li,ation, !o' a"e al0a!s "e:'i"ed t$at !o' #i*e !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2

t$at it "ote,ts a#ainst ."a'd, and t$at t$e! don5t $a*e an! ot$e" 0a! o. identi.!in# !o'2 W$at a load o. &'n+2 I +no0 eo le 0$o $a*e lite"all! t$o'sands o. ot$e" eo les5 so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"s ."o"e*io's ,onta,ts2 An!one 0$o- !o' $a*e 0o"+ed .o", $as sold !o' a ,a", a $o'se, ente"ed !o'" ,$ild into s,$ool, o" an! n'-&e" o. ot$e" ,onta,ts, $as !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2 An!one 0$o $as e*e" ta+en an a li,ation o. an! +ind on !o' $as all t$e ot$e" ne,essa"! in.o"-ation to do a ne0 a li,ation on !o'2 So t$e 'se o. a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" $as no e..e,t on ."a'd, and it is a *e"! T$e t"'e "eason .o" -a+in# !o' 0"ite t$e oo" 0a! o. identi.!in# !o'2 So t$e"e -'st &e anot$e" "eason .o" its "e:'i"ed 'se2 n'-&e" do0n ea,$ ti-e !o' si#n so-et$in# is t$at it "ene0s, solidi.ies, and -a+es st"on#e" t$e o"i#inal ,ont"a,t t$"o'#$ 0$i,$ !o' &e,a-e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, t$e"e&! a#"eein# to *ol'nta"! se"*it'de2 Re-e-&e", t$e! onl! $a*e t$e o0e" o*e" !o' t$at !o' #i*e t$e-, &e,a'se t$is #o*e"n-ent ,an #o*e"n onl! &! t$e ,onsent o. t$e #o*e"ned ?es e,iall! in t$e ,ase o. an A-e"i,an Citi4enA2 T$e "o&le- is t$at !o' $a*e #i*en t$e- !o'" ,onsent .o" al-ost li-itless o0e" o*e" !o' &! ta+in# t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" ?t$e"e&! ,ont"a,tin# to &e a S,iti4en o. t$e United StatesSA, and !o' ,ontin'e to "ea..i"- !o'" de,ision 0it$ ea,$ ne0 ,o--it-ent to t$ei" t"'st i#e# ea,$ ti-e !o' a,,e t a & ?'se !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"A2 Re-e-&e", t$at as an A-e"i,an, no one, not e*en !o', ,an ta+e !o'" Ri#$ts a0a!2 Ho0e*e", as an A-e"i,an, !o' a"e #'a"anteed t$e 'nli-ited Ri#$t o. ,ont"a,t2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, !o' ,an ,ont"a,t into

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


andMo" .o" al-ost an!t$in#2

Unde" t$e T$i"teent$ A-end-ent to t$e Constit'tion, in*ol'nta"! T$e"e.o"e, it is le#al to ,ont"a,t

se"*it'de is .o"&idden, &'t *ol'nta"! se"*it'de is not .o"&idden2

!o'"sel. into a state o. *ol'nta"! se"*it'de2 Ho0e*e", $a*in# done so, !o' also -'st &e allo0ed to lea*e t$at se"*it'de, o" it 0o'ld &e,o-e in*ol'nta"! and .o"&idden &! t$e Constit'tion2 T$at5s 0$! it is so i- o"tant to t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ t$at !o' "estate !o'" desi"e to "e-ain in *ol'nta"! se"*it'de ea,$ ti-e !o' a l! .o" a &ene.it2 On,e a#ain, !o' -a+e t$at state-ent &! si- l! 0"itin# do0n !o'" t"'st -e-&e"s$i n'-&e" ?so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"A and si#nin# &eneat$ it2 n'-&e"2 K'st a little -atte" as a side iss'e $e"e2 We $a*e all $ea"d n'-e"o's *e"sions o. 0$o +illed P"esident Ko$n Ienned!, and 0$!2 T$e"e is one ossi&ilit! 0$i,$ I do'&t !o' $a*e $ea"d2 It $a ens to &e t$e one t$at I &elie*e, and I t$in+ -o"e "eal e*iden,e oints t$e"e t$an an! ot$e" la,e2 Ce"! s$o"tl! &e.o"e $is -'"de", P"esident Ienned! de,ided to $a*e t$e United States Mint sta"t "intin# United States -one! a#ain2 T$at -a"+ed t$e .i"st ti-e in al-ost t$"ee de,ades t$at an!one ot$e" t$an t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ $ad "inted an! ,'""en,! .o" t$e United States2 T$e .a,ts as to 0$! $e -ade t$is de,ision, and 0$at +ind o. o&=e,tions 0e"e "aised and &! 0$o-, $a*e &een 0ell@#'a"ded se,"ets2 B't 0e do +no0 0$at a,t'all! o,,'""ed2 &! t$e United States Mint2 A *e"! s$o"t ti-e "io" to $is deat$, P"esident Ienned! ,a'sed to &e "eleased into ,i",'lation .o'" and one@$al. &illion dolla"s in United States Notes "inted T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ $ad not$in# to do 0it$ t$ese inst"'-ents2 Toda!, t$e onl! e*iden,e o. t$ese notes is in t$e It -a! I--ediatel! a.te" Ienned!5s deat$, P"esident Ko$nson 0as s0o"n into o..i,e, and al-ost i--ediatel! "e,alled t$e United States Notes ='st "eleased2 $ands o. "a"e ,oin and ,'""en,! deale"s3 $o0e*e", t$ese notes a"e a*aila&le at a s-all "e-i'-, and !o' s$o'ld #o to a lo,al deale" and '",$ase a T(2)) United States Note "inted in 19JB2 and is, $a enin# to !o'2 T$e .a,ts a"e ,lea"2 A "i*ate ,o" o"ation, o0ned &! "i*ate indi*id'als and o e"ated to -a+e ", no0 "ints e*e"! dolla" o. ,'""en,! in t$e United States2 T$e 9notes5 t$at it "ints a"e 9inst"'-ents o. de&t5 s$o0in# t$at t$e United States o0es t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ -one! as s$o0n on t$e 9notes52 "eall! $el !o' 'nde"stand and &elie*e 0$at "eall! $a ened to Ienned!3 and ,onse:'entl!, 0$at $as, W$en !o' 0ant to "e,lai- !o'" ."eedo-, !o' 0ill $a*e to dis,ontin'e t$at a,tion and sto 'sin# t$e t"'st

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Sin,e t$e"e is no 0o"t$ asso,iated 0it$ t$ese 9notes5, t$e! ,an onl! &e 'sed in a &an+"' t s!ste-, and an!t$in# '",$ased &! t$e- a,t'all! &elon#s to t$e ,"edito" and ,"eato" o. t$e 9notes5, t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 An!one 'sin# t$ese 9notes5 #ains a "i*ile#e o" & ."o- t$e 'se t$e"eo., and is t$e"e.o"e inde&ted to t$e ,"edito" 0$o o0ns t$e 0o"t$ &e$ind t$e 9note53 on,e a#ain, t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ $as ,a'sed to &e 't in la,e a t"'st to ad-iniste" o*e" its inte"ests, and to "o*ide &ene.its .o" its -e-&e"s2 Me-&e"s$i is "eadil! "o*ided3 $o0e*e", t$e ,ost o. said -e-&e"s$i is e*e"!t$in# !o' o0n o" e*e" $o e to o0n2 T$e "est o. t$is &oo+ is dedi,ated to "o*idin# "oo. o. t$is t"'st, and to s$o0in# !o' $o0 to li*e in t$e so,iet! 0it$o't "e-ainin# a s'&=e,t o. t$e Iin#, i#e# ,iti4en o. t$e United States2

&1a4ter 7 ( T1e Tr2!t

One o. -! .i"st -e-o"ies o. t$eo"ies "aised &! t$ose in t$e DPat"iot Co--'nit!E 7t$ose .ol+s 0$o a"e ,onstantl! ,o-in# 0it$ ne0 and i- "o*ed 0a!s to ,e"tain as e,ts o. t$e #o*e"n-ent, 's'all! &ased a"o'nd not a!in# ta1es8 is t$e "o osition t$at t$e United States #o*e"n-ent in its defacto .o"- is a ,o" o"ation &! nat'"e2 %o" -an! !ea"s, I s'&s,"i&ed to t$at line o. t$in+in#2 W$en I .i"st 0"ote t$is &oo+, I &elie*ed t$at s,ena"io to &e t"'e2 I no0 'nde"stand t$at 0$at -ost eo le ,'""entl! e:'ate as Dt$e #o*e"n-entE is, in .a,t, a t"'st2 To &e -o"e s e,i.i,, it is an i- lied, ,$a"ita&le, andMo" "es'ltin# t"'st, .o"ei#n in nat'"e, and o e"atin# as an insol*ent ,o--e",ial t"ade" 0it$in t$e e1te"io" &o'nda"ies o. t$e indi*id'al states i#e# THE STATE O% TEOAS 7o" !o'" state82 O+a!, so t$at is a -o't$.'l, and !o' don5t 'nde"stand a 0o"d I said2 Let5s do t$is in ie,es2
T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told BJ

As !o' 0ill "e,all ."o- C$a te" One, t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent 0as assed in 1;J;, "o*idin# a ne0 .o"- o. ,iti4ens$i to t$e ne0l! ."eed sla*es2 To ad-iniste" o*e" t$at ne0 ,iti4ens$i and its -e-&e"s, a '&li, t"'st 0as .o"-ed2 A set o. "'les and "e#'lations, #ene"all! ,alled D,odesE 0e"e assed and i- le-ented &! Con#"ess 'nde" its lena"! a't$o"it! 7t$at a't$o"it! dele#ated o*e" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia, its te""ito"ies and ossessions8 to "o*ide "ote,tion and &ene.its to t$ese t"'st -e-&e"s, as 0ell as to la,e li-itations ' on t$ei" a,ti*ities2 In t$e e"iod o. ti-e &et0een 1;J; and 19BB, t$ese ,odes 0e"e a li,a&le onl! to -e-&e"s o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent t"'st i#e# ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 >'"in# t$at e"iod o. ti-e, t$e de )ure ,onstit'tionall! ,"eated and &o'nd #o*e"n-ent 0as still in la,e and o e"atin# e..e,ti*el! .o" t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$e"e 0e"e ,lea"l! t0o ,lasses o. ,iti4en"! in t$is ,o'nt"!, and it 0as eas! to distin#'is$ &et0een t$e-2 %'"t$e"-o"e, e*e"!one in &ot$ #"o' s "e,o#ni4ed and .'ll! 'nde"stood t$e di..e"en,es2 T$e .all o. t$e #old s!ste- in 19BB $ad a de*astatin# e..e,t on t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent2 In .a,t, .o" all "a,ti,al '" oses, it &"o'#$t t$e indi*id'al State #o*e"n-ents do0n2 A"ti,le I, Se,tion 1) o. t$e Constit'tion states, DNo State s$all222-a+e an! T$in# &'t #old and sil*e" Coin a Tende" in Pa!-ent o. >e&ts222E2 >o !o' +no0 o. an! State toda! 0$i,$ ,an -eets t$at standa"dF O. ,o'"se not, &e,a'se none do2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e de )ure States no lon#e" e1ist, and a de facto #o*e"n-ent $as "e la,ed t$e-2 So e1a,tl! 0$at $as ta+en t$ei" la,eF W$en t$e Gold s!ste- .ell in 19BB, t0o o e"atin# #o*e"nin# a't$o"ities 0e"e in la,e2 %i"st, t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent 0as o e"atin# .o" t$e state Citi4en 7A-e"i,an Citi4en8 'nde" ,onstit'tional a't$o"it!2 Se,ond, t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent t"'st 0as o e"atin# .o" t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States 0$o $ad o&tained t$ei" ,iti4ens$i t$"o'#$, and de ended ' on, t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent .o" t$ei" standin# in t$e so,iet!2 T$is #"o' in,l'ded t$e ne0l! ."eed sla*es as 0ell as an!one 0$o $ad so'#$t and "e,ei*ed ,iti4ens$i t$"o'#$ t$e a't$o"it! o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 T$is #"o' 0o'ld in,l'de i--i#"ants ,o-in#

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


$e"e ."o- ot$e" ,o'nt"ies and see+in# ,iti4ens$i ."o- t$e United States2 T$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent o. t$e se*e"al States 0as de endant ' on t$e Constit'tion3 t$e"e.o"e, 0$en t$e -one! s!ste- "e:'i"ed &! t$e ,onstit'tion .ell, t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent ne,essa"il! .ailed &e,a'se it ,o'ld not .'n,tion 'nde" ,onstit'tional a't$o"it! 0it$ no "eal -one! a*aila&le2 B't t$e t"'st 0as not de endant ' on t$e Constit'tion .o" a't$o"it!3 t$e"e.o"e, t$e .all o. t$e -one! s!ste- $ad no e..e,t on it2 Basi,all!, t$e"e is no "o*ision 0it$in t$e Constit'tion 0$i,$ "e:'i"es t$at eit$e" t$e United States o" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia -a+e onl! #old and sil*e" ,oin as tende" in a!-ent o. de&t2 To t$e ,ont"a"!, Con#"ess 0as #i*en e1,l'si*e a't$o"it! o*e" t$ose a"eas to #o*e"n as it sees .it, in,l'din# t$e ,"eation o. a,,e ta&le ,'""en,! .o" 'se in t$ose a"eas2 S'ddenl!, t$e"e 0as a la"#e #"o' o. eo le, t$e A-e"i,an Citi4ens, 0$o $ad no

#o*e"nin# a't$o"it!3 and, t$'s, $ad no se"*i,es a*aila&le .o" "ote,tion, ad='di,ation o. "o&le-s, and de.ense a#ainst .o"ei#n nations, a-on# ot$e" t$in#s2 T$e"e 0as, in .a,t, a la"#e *oid in t$is ,o'nt"!2 T$e "es'ltin# e..e,t 0as t$at t$e t"'st in la,e .o" t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent ,iti4ens 7.ede"al ,iti4ens8 i--ediatel! &e#an to .ill t$at *oid &! sta"tin# to "o*ide se"*i,es .o" t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en 7state Citi4ens82 B! a "o,ess +no0n as Do e"ation o. la0E, t$e t"'st too+ o*e" t$e "es onsi&ilities t$at t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent $ad &een "o*idin#2 DO e"ation o. la0E is a -anne" in 0$i,$ "i#$ts and lia&ilities de*ol*e ' on a e"son &! t$e -e"e a li,ation to t$e a"ti,'la" t"ansa,tion o. t$e esta&lis$ed "'les o. la0, 0it$o't t$e a,t o" ,o@o e"ation o. t$e a"t! $i-sel.2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, &! o'" &e$a*io", a,,e tan,e, and .ail'"e to o&=e,t, a ne0 #o*e"nin# a't$o"it! too+ o*e"2 T$e ne0 a't$o"it!, "e.e""ed to as t$e Dt"'stE o" D '&li, t"'stE, "eali4ed its la,+ o. a't$o"it! o*e" t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 A.te" all, t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en $ad done not$in# 0"on#, $e $ad not &e,o-e &an+"' t, and $e still o0ned e*e"!t$in#2 A lan 0as de*ised 0$e"e&! t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en 0o'ld *ol'nta"il! t'"n o*e" a't$o"it! to t$e t"'st2 T$e .i"st $ase o. t$at lan 0as i- le-ented in 19B/ 0it$ t$e So,ial Se,'"it! A,t2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e So,ial Se,'"it! A,t 0as de*ised and e- lo!ed &! t$e t"'st .o" its -e-&e"s, and a ea"ed to &e a *e"! &ene*olent atte- t on t$e a"t o. t$e t"'st to "o*ide .o" t$e &asi, needs o. its -e-&e"s2 Re-e-&e", t$e #"eat -asses o. lo0e" in,o-e eo le in t$is ,o'nt"!, -an! o. 0$o- 0e"e al"ead! ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, 0e"e in t$e -idst o. li*in# t$"o'#$ t$e G"eat >e "ession, 0$i,$ $ad &een "a#in# .o" si1 !ea"s2 T$e &asi,s ne,essa"! to s'stain li.e 0e"e in :'estion .o" -an! o. t$ese eo le2 T$e"e 0e"e no =o&s, no -one!, and -an! ti-es, no .ood2 To $el ,o-&at t$is "o&le- .o" its -e-&e"s, t$e t"'st iss'ed n'-&e"s to ea,$ o. its -e-&e"s 0$i,$ ,o'ld identi.! t$e- as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, and esta&lis$ ,e"tain &ene.its on t$ei" &e$al.2 T$e &ene.its 0e"e *e"! li-ited at .i"st3 $o0e*e", a "o#"a- ,alled t$e WPA 0as la,ed into e..e,t s$o"tl! a.te" t$e assa#e o. t$e So,ial Se,'"it! A,t .o" t$e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st2 Its .'n,tion 0as to s' l! t"'st -e-&e"s 0it$ =o&s so t$at t$e! ,o'ld .eed and ,a"e .o" t$ei" .a-ilies2 T$is t'"ned o't to &e a no&le ,a'se 0it$ di"e "e e",'ssions2 M! %at$e" 0as t$e t$i"d oldest son in a .a-il! ,ontainin# (( ,$ild"en, 1; o. 0$i,$ 0e"e li*in# at $o-e d'"in# t$e de "ession !ea"s2 Alt$o'#$ t$ei" $e"ita#e 0as as a"t o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le, t$e! 0e"e oo" .a"-e"s2 >"o'#$t s elled 0$at al-ost a-o'nted to t$ei" doo-2 M! #"$e", alon# 0it$ t$e olde" &o!s, so'#$t =o&s to .eed t$e .a-il!, &'t none 0e"e a*aila&le2 %"o- 19B( 'ntil late 19B/, t$is enti"e .a-il! li*ed on a #"and total o. less t$an T(2)) e" 0ee+2 T$at didn5t &'! -',$, e*en t$en2 T$e! "aised 0$at t$e! ,o'ld, de*ised 0a!s to +ill "a&&its and s:'i""els 0it$ "o,+s and t"a s, and .is$ed a lot ='st to eat2 M! %at$e" "e o"ted to -e t$at $e ne*e" "e-e-&e"ed &ein# D.'llE d'"in# t$at ti-e2 T$en ,a-e t$e WPA o..e"in# =o&s t$at aid T(2)) a da!2 T$at 0as an eno"-o's a-o'nt o. -one! to t$e- at t$at ti-e2 As soon as t$e! $ea"d a&o't it, -! %at$e", #"$e", and t0o ot$e" &"ot$e"s a lied at t$e 0o"+site .o" a =o&2 T0o se a"ate and distin,t ta&les 0e"e set ' at t$e 0o"+site lo,ation, one to a l! .o" =o&s and t$e ot$e" to a l! .o" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"s2 W$en -! %at$e" a lied .o" a =o&, $e 0as told to #o to t$e ot$e" ta&le, #et a n'-&e", and t$en $e ,o'ld &e $i"ed2 He .ollo0ed t$e inst"',tions, 0as iss'ed a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" on t$e s ot, and &e#an 0o"+ t$at da!2 T$e Ba","o.t5s didn5t #o $'n#"! an!-o"e, and -! %at$e" 0ent to $is #"a*e &elie*in# t$at

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


so,ial se,'"it! 0as t$e &est sin#le t$in# t$at e*e" $a ened to $i- in t$is li.eti-e, o'tside o. $is st"on# "elations$i 0it$ $is God2 I a- e1t"e-el! t$an+.'l t$at $e died &e.o"e I lea"ned t$e t"'e nat'"e o. so,ial se,'"it!2 A.te" t$e WPA, t$e t"'st &e#an addin# ot$e" &ene.its, &'t t$e"e 0as a "i,e to a! .o" ea,$2 Mo"eo*e", t$e t"'st 0as ,"eated and o e"ated &! t$e sa-e +ind so'ls 0$o $ad .o",ed t$is ,o'nt"! into &an+"' t,! in t$e .i"st la,e3 and, it 0as 7and is8 t$ei" &elie. t$at e*e"!t$in# in t$is ,o'nt"! "i#$t.'ll! &elon#ed to t$e- &e,a'se t$e! $eld t$e de&t2 Based on t$at &elie., t$ese a"ties 0anted to sta"t ,olle,tin# a s$a"e,"o e"5s .ee ."o- ea,$ e"son li*in# and 0o"+in# on Dt$ei" landE2 Ho0e*e", t$e! .ea"ed, "o&a&l! "i#$t.'ll! so, t$at, i. t$e! told t$e eo le t$at t$ei" land $ad &een ta+en, and t$at t$e! ,o'ld no lon#e" o0n an!t$in#, t$e eo le -i#$t "ise ' and ta+e &a,+ 0$at &elon#ed to t$e-, ossi&l! $an#in# a .e0 ,"oo+s alon# t$e 0a!2 So a lan 0as de*ised 0$e"e&! ea,$ ti-e -o"e -one! 0as de-anded ."o- t$e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st, ne0 &ene.its o" se"*i,es 0o'ld &e "o*ided2 It 0as t$e lan to -a+e t$ese t"'st -e-&e"s so de endant ' on t$e &ene.its o..e"ed &! t$e t"'st t$at t$e! 0o'ld ne*e" ,onside" lea*in# t$e t"'st3 o", .o" t$at -atte", e*en ,$allen#in# t$e &asi, a't$o"it! o. t$e t"'st2 T$ei" lan 0o"+ed to e".e,tion2 B! 19B;, t$e lan to $a*e t$e t"'st as t$e "i-a"! a't$o"it! 0it$in t$is ,o'nt"! $ad &een .'ll! inte#"ated into t$e ,o'"ts2 T$e t"'st, .'ll! ,o--e",ial in nat'"e, needed ,o'"ts to "'le &ased on la0s o. ,o--e",e "at$e" t$an t$e ,o--on la02 To do t$is, a ,ont"a,t 0as ne,essa"!2 T$e ,ont"a,t, o. ,o'"se, 0as .o"-ed a"o'nd t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", t$e &ene.its o..e"ed t$"o'#$ so,ial se,'"it!, and t$e ,onside"ations "e:'i"ed ."o- t$e -e-&e"s in e1,$an#e .o" t$e &ene.its2 T$ose 0$o 'sed t$e n'-&e" 0e"e a,,e tin# t$e &ene.its3 t$e"e.o"e, t$e ,o'"ts ,o'ld o e"ate 'nde" t$e "es'- tion t$at an!one $a*in# a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" 0as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st and 'nde" ,o--e",ial ,ont"a,t3 and, t$at ,o--e",ial la0 0as ne,essa"il! in e..e,t2 In 19B;, Roose*elt "eleased a do,'-ent entitled Restatement of the *a!, 0$i,$ o'tlines t$e di..e"ent 'sa#es and e..e,ts o. la0 a.te" t$e &an+"' t,! o. 19BB2 In 19B9, in t$e land-a"+ de,ision o. Erie Railroa 8- T1o$!, t$e S' "e-e Co'"t o..i,iall! -ade ,o--e",ial la0 t$e "'le in all .ede"al -atte"s statin#

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$at e1,e t in ,ases #o*e"ned &! t$e Constit'tion o" t"eaties, state la0 7,o--e",ial la08 0o'ld a l!2 He"e, t$e S' "e-e Co'"t a,+no0led#ed t$at t$e"e 0e"e still t$ose 0$o T$e"e.o"e, t$e An!one ,o'ld de-and ,o--on la0, &'t t$e #"eat -a=o"it! o. t$e ,ases $ad al"ead! s0it,$ed to ,o--e",ial la0 ?anot$e" 0o"d .o" Q,o--e",ial la0Q is QCO>EQA2 o*e""idin# "es'- tion ."o- t$at date .o"0a"d 0as t$at e*e"! ,ase &e.o"e t$e ,o'"t 0as ,o--e",ial in nat'"e, and s$o'ld &e #o*e"ned &! ,o--e",ial la0MCO>E2 ,o-in# in t$e ,o--on la0 0o'ld &e "e:'i"ed to "e&'t t$at "es'- tion, and "o*e t$at $e $ad a "i#$t to t$e ,o--on la0 i#e# t$at $e 0as one o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le 0it$ Ri#$ts #'a"anteed and "ote,ted &! t$e Constit'tion, and t$at $e 0as not 'nde" ,ont"a,t ?did not $a*e a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"A, &e.o"e $e ,o'ld &e #"anted a $ea"in# 'nde" t$e ,o--on la02 T$at s!ste- "e-ains in e..e,t toda!, e1,e t t$at no0 -ost o. t$e ,o'"ts do not e*en $a*e t$e a't$o"it! to $ea" ,o--on la0 ,ases2 E..e,ti*el!, t$e ,o'"ts a"e o&li#ated to -a+e t$e "es'- tion t$at an! ,ase &e.o"e t$e- is one o. a ,o--e",ial nat'"e2 W$en !o' ,o-e into -ost o. t$e ,o'"ts o. toda! ,lai-in# t$at !o' $a*e a "i#$t to a $ea"in# in la0, t$e! si- l! ,annot $ea" !o'2 T$e -atte" is totall! o't o. t$ei" ='"isdi,tional a't$o"it!2 T$at5s 0$! !o' see so -an! ."'st"ated 0o'ld &e "otesto"s 0$o "'n a"o'nd ,lai-in# t$at t$e ,o'"ts a"e ,o""' t o" t$at t$e! didn5t "e,ei*e a .ai" $ea"in#2 T$ei" "o&le- is al0a!s t$at t$e! $a*e #one into a t"'st ,o'"t e1 e,tin# to $a*e t$e ='di,ial a't$o"it! o. t$e Constit'tion a lied2 It5s ='st not #oin# to $a en, &e,a'se t$e ,o'"t t$e! a"e in is le#islati*e in nat'"e e1e",isin# t$e lena"! o0e" #i*en &! Con#"ess 'nde" its a't$o"it! o. e1,l'si*e le#islation o*e" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia 7United States8, its te""ito"ies and ,onstit'tional iss'es21


T$ese ,o'"ts do not $a*e t$e a't$o"it! to $ea"

T1o!e w1o o not wi!1 to be r2le by co$$ercial law9&ODE5 !1o2l i$$e iately re:2e!t a

;2ri! ictional 1earin< before any ot1er action in any ca!e- )n t1at ;2ri! ictional 1earin<5 t1e o8erri in< 4re!2$4tion t1at t1e $an in8ol8e 1a! a !ocial !ec2rity n2$ber or i! ot1erwi!e 2n er t1e a2t1ority of t1e Unite State! $2!t be reb2tte - T1at i! one by fir!t 4ro8in< one=! !tan in< >A$erican &iti?en5 an not citi?en of t1e Unite State!@ by !1owin< t1at no !ocial !ec2rity n2$ber attac1e! to t1at $an- Once t1at i! one5 t1e co2rt lo!e! ;2ri! iction5 t1e #orei<n So8erei<n )$$2nity Act >6A US& 'BC7('B''@ a44lie!5 an t1e $an 1a! i$$2nity fro$ all c1ar<e!T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told G1

A.te" 19B9, t$e"e still e1isted t$e "o&le- o. a dis a"it! &et0een t$e eo le 0$o 0e"e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st, and t$ose 0$o "e-ained o'tside t$e t"'st, -an! o. 0$o- 0e"e a"t o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le2 It 0as si- l! &e,o-in# 'n-ana#ea&le .o" t$e #o*e"nin# a't$o"ities2 One ,lass o. eo le ossessed Ri#$ts t$at t$e se,ond ,lass did not $a*e, and t$e di..e"en,es 0e"e "eadil! a a"ent2 T$e Ci*il Ri#$ts A,t o. 19JG 0as de*ised to ,$an#e all t$at2 Cle*e"l! dis#'ised as an a,t to #i*e e:'alit! to di..e"ent "a,es o. eo le, 0$at it a,t'all! did 0as to "aise t$e &ene.its ? "i*ile#esA #i*en to t$e t"'st -e-&e"s ?,iti4ens o. t$e United StatesA to an a "o1i-ate le*el 0it$ t$e Ri#$ts o0ned &! t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$e idea 0as to -a+e &ot$ ,lasses loo+ t$e sa-e, ,on*in,e t$e -asses t$at a ,iti4en o. t$e United States and t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en a"e s!non!-o's, t$en #"ad'all! "ed',e t$e "i*ile#es o. t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States to a le*el -o"e in line 0it$ t$e needs o. t$e t"'st2 T$e idea 0as t$at t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en, as a a"t! to t$e t"'st, 0o'ld lose si#$t o. $is so*e"ei#n standin#, and allo0 $is Ri#$ts to &e "e la,ed 0it$ "i*ile#es 'nde" t$e ,ont"a,t2 T$e lan $as 0o"+ed e1t"e-el! 0ell2 I. !o' don5t &elie*e t$at, ='st #o o't toni#$t and tell all !o'" ."iends t$at t$e"e is a di..e"en,e &et0een a ,iti4en o. t$e United States and an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$en -a+e note o. t$e n'-&e" t$at e*en +no0 0$at !o'5"e tal+in# a&o't2 It 0on5t &e a lon# list2 T$en -a+e a note o. $o0 -an! la'#$ at !o' o" t$in+ !o'5"e n'ts2 T$at 0ill &e a -',$ lon#e" list2 In o"de" to ad-iniste" to its -e-&e"s, t$e t"'st needed so-e .o"- o. "'les and "e#'lations2 Be,a'se -ost o. its -e-&e"s 0e"e "el!in# totall! ' on t$e t"'st, it 0as ne,essa"! to $a*e so-e a't$o"it! 0$i,$ 0o'ld se"*e in t$e stead o. a,t'al la0 .o" its -e-&e"s2 S',$ "'les and "e#'lations 0e"e ,"eated, and #i*en t$e na-e D,odesE2 Codes 0e"e esta&lis$ed to #o*e"n t$e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st onl! in t$ei" ,a a,it! as -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st3 in ot$e" 0o"ds, a"ti.i,ial &ein#s ,"eated &! ,ont"a,t o" ot$e" -eans2 Codes 0e"e ne*e" -eant to #o*e"n a .les$ and &lood Man2 As !o' 0ill lea"n late", ,odes a"e still not 'sed to #o*e"n t$e .les$ and &lood Man, alt$o'#$ t$e! a"e st"',t'"ed in s',$ a -anne" as to -a+e one &elie*e t$e! a"e doin# e1a,tl! t$at2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


We no0 loo+ at $o0 and 0$e"e t$e t"'st e1ists, and e1a,tl! 0$at nat'"e o. ,"eat'"e it is2 %i"st, its na-e is al0a!s *e"! tellin#2 Let5s ta+e t$e na-e, DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE2 T$at na-e 0as as,"i&ed in t$e A"ti,les o. Con.ede"ation and "e.e"s to t$e Union, t$e States 0$i,$ =oined to#et$e" and 0e"e late" in,o" o"ated &! t$e Constit'tion2 B't 0$en t$at na-e is ,$an#ed to DUNITE> STATES O% AMERICAE, it ta+es on a di..e"ent -eanin#2 T$e 0a! a "o e" na-e is 0"itten is 0it$ t$e .i"st lette" o. ea,$ 0o"d &ein# ,a itali4ed, 0$ile ea,$ s',,eedin# lette" is lo0e" ,ase2 T$is "'le a lies 'nless t$e na-e "e "esents an a"ti.i,ial entit! s',$ as a t"'st o" ,o" o"ation2 In state la0, t$e na-es o. t"'sts and ,o" o"ations -'st &e 0"itten in all ,a ital lette"s2 T$e"e.o"e, DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE is t$e na-e o. t$e Union o. States =oined &! t$e Constit'tion2 So 0$at does t$at -a+e DUNITE> STATES O% AMERICAEF T$at 0o'ld &e t$e a"ti.i,ial entit! a,tin# in t$e ,a a,it! o. a t"'st, and doin# &'siness as a .o"ei#n ,o--e",ial t"ade"2 %o"ei#nF Yes, .o"ei#n, &e,a'se it is an insol*ent entit!, 0itnessed &! t$e .a,t t$at it 'ses onl! inst"'-ents o. de&t as -edi'- o. e1,$an#e and a!-ent o. de&ts, it is o&*io'sl! .o"ei#n to t$e de )ure DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE2 T$e t"'st is no0 a,,e ted as t$e #o*e"nin# a't$o"it! &! 0ell o*e" 9/P o. t$e A-e"i,an Peo le2 Mention t$at !o' a"e an A-e"i,an, &'t not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, and !o' 0ill &e i--ediatel! &"anded an idiot, a "adi,al n't3 o", 0o"se still, a te""o"ist2 T$e de-oni4ation "o,ess $as 0o"+ed to e".e,tion, so to ,lai- !o'" Bi"t$"i#$t, !o' 0ill $a*e to &e 0ell@in.o"-ed and t$i,+ s+inned2 B't t$e .a,t "e-ains t$at t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en still e1ists3 and, i. !o' ,an "o*e !o'" Bi"t$"i#$t, !o' ,an still ,lai- t$e so*e"ei#nt! t$at "i#$t.'ll! &elon#s to !o'2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



T$is ,$a te" is #oin# to &e *e"! te,$ni,al and le#al in nat'"e, &'t it is ne,essa"! to .ollo0 t$e le#al -a4e t$at $as &een ,onst"',ted as an o&sta,le to t$e A-e"i,an 0$o 0is$es to 'nde"stand t$e 9la05 as it a lies to $i-2 To 'nde"stand t$e so@,alled 9la05, !o' -'st .i"st 'nde"stand 0$e"e and $o0 t$e 9la05 is 0"itten2 %i"st, 0$at -ost "e.e" to as la0 is a,t'all! ,ode2 Re-e-&e" t$at ,odes a"e intended and a't$o"i4ed to "e#'late t$e a,ti*ities o. -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st in t$ei" ,a a,it! as a"ti.i,ial entities2 T$e &od! o. t$ose ,odes is .o'nd in t$e 9United States Code5 7$e"eina.te" DCodeE8, 0$i,$ is ,o- "ised o. /) di..e"ent 9Titles5, ea,$ 0it$ a di..e"ent s'&=e,t -atte"2 Con#"ess s' osedl! 0"ote and a "o*ed t$e Code, &'t it $as not ena,ted all o. t$e Code into ositi*e la0, as !o' 0ill soon lea"n2 So-e o. t$e D,odeE is special la! 0$i,$ a lies onl! to t$ose 0$o $a*e a#"eed to $ono" t$at la0 7T$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code is a Special *a!82 T$e se,ond a"t o. t$e so@,alled la0 is .o'nd in t$e 9Code o. %ede"al Re#'lations5 7$e"eina.te" DRe#'lationsE82 T$is is t$e &od! o. "'les and None o. t$ese "e#'lations 0"itten &! &'"ea',"ats 0$i,$ a"e s' osed to 9i- le-ent5 t$e Code2

"'les and "e#'lations 0e"e e*e" *oted on &! an!one, !et t$e! a"e t"eated as la0 0it$in t$e t"'st2 In &alifornia! A!!ociation V- S12lt?, B9 L2Ed2 (d ;() U ;B), t$e S' "e-e Co'"t "'led t$at neit$e" t$e Code no" t$e Re#'lations ,o'ld stand alone as la02 In t$at de,ision, t$e Co'"t "'led t$at t$e Code 0as onl! D&"oad, a't$o"i4in# lan#'a#eE, and t$at t$e &ot$ t$e Code and t$e i- le-entin# Re#'lations2 enalties atta,$ onl! ' on t$e *iolation o. t$e Re#'lations t$'s "es,"i&ed2 T$e"e.o"e, in o"de" .o" 9.o",e o. la05 to e1ist, it ta+es Iee in# t$is st"',t'"e in -ind 0ill $el !o' Please, t"! not to -a+e an! "e@ 'nde"stand t$e ,on.'sin# .a,ts 0$i,$ !o' a"e a&o't to dis,o*e"2

='d#-ents as to 0$at !o' &elie*e2 >o !o'" &est to "ead t$e .ollo0in# a#es 0it$ a ,lea" -ind, and !o' -a! see t$at t$e 5la05 does not sa! 0$at !o' $a*e al0a!s &elie*ed it did2 In t$e end, !o' 0ill see t$at t$e 9la05 -eans e1a,tl! 0$at it a,t'all! sa!s, "e#a"dless o. 0$at !o' -a! $a*e t$o'#$t it said2 I. !o' as+ t$e eo le in A-e"i,a toda! 0$at o" 0$o t$e! .ea" -ost, a la"#e -a=o"it! 0o'ld ans0e" t$e IRS2 I. !o' as+ 0$o o" 0$at t$e IRS is, -ost 0ill tell !o' t$at it is t$e &"an,$ o. t$e United States Go*e"n-ent t$at ,olle,ts ta1es, and t$at it is a #o*e"n-ent a#en,! 'nde" t$e U2S2 T"eas'"! >e a"t-ent2 A.te" all, isn5t t$at 0$at t$e! sa! t$e! a"eF Well, a,t'all!, no it5s not2 I. !o' e1a-ine t$ei" a e"0o"+ *e"! ,losel!, !o' 0ill lea"n so-e inte"estin# .a,ts2 states, DInte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e, >e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"!E2 To &e#in 0it$, t$ei" s!-&ol See-s ,lea" on t$e s'".a,e, &'t a

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


,lose" e1a-ination "e*eals an inte"estin# .a,t @ no0$e"e does it -ention t$e United States, and it does not state 0$i,$ 9>e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"!5 it is a a"t o.2 A.te" all, don5t all ,o'nt"ies and -ost la"#e ,o- anies $a*e 9t"eas'"! de a"t-ents5F IRS2 Well, ,e"tainl! t$is is ='st an e""o"2 So all 0e $a*e to do is to #o to t$e >e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"! o. t$e United States 70$e"e t$e! 0o'ld li+e 's to &elie*e t$e! #ain t$ei" a't$o"it!8, and t$e"e t$e IRS 0ill &e .o'nd as an a#en,! 'nde" t$at de a"t-ent o. #o*e"n-ent2 W"on# a#ain6 Title B1 o. t$e United States Code is t$e Title de*oted to t$e >e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"! o. t$e United States, and C$a te" B o. t$at Title is t$e o"#ani4ational &"ea+do0n2 T$e"e a"e 1) a#en,ies o" o..i,es 0it$in t$e de a"t-ent, all listed2 T$e! a"e, 718 >e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"!, 7(8 T"eas'"! o. t$e United States, 7B8 B'"ea' o. En#"a*in# and P"intin#, 7G8 B'"ea' o. t$e Mint, 7/8 %ede"al %inan,in# Ban+, 7J8 %is,al Se"*i,e, 7<8 O..i,e o. t$e Co- t"olle" o. t$e C'""en,!, 7;8 United States C'sto-s Se"*i,e, 798 O..i,e o. T$"i.t S' e"*ision, and 71)8 Contin'in# in O..i,e2 Not a sin#le 0o"d a&o't t$e IRS2 I. !o' .ollo0 t$"o'#$ t$e o"#ani4ational &"ea+do0n o. ea,$ o. t$ese a#en,ies 0it$in t$e >e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"! o. t$e United States, !o' 0ill .ind t$at t$e IRS is not e*en a s'&@a#en,! 'nde" an! o. t$ose a#en,ies2 Is t$e IRS so insi#ni.i,ant t$at it does not e*en #et a -entionF >o !o' still &elie*e it5s ='st a -ista+eF I. so, sti,+ a"o'nd, &e,a'se t$e"e a"e a lot -o"e -ista+es2 Se*e"al in,onsisten,ies i--ediatel! a ea" i. a ,lose st'd! o. t$e Code and t$e Re#'lations is 'nde"ta+en2 %i"st, no A,t o. Con#"ess e*e" ,"eated t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e2 I. it 0e"e an a#en,! in t$e #o*e"n-ent o. t$e United States, one ,o'ld easil! .ind t$e A,t 0$i,$ ,"eated it2 T$e .a,t is t$at t$e"e is no s',$ A,t3 and, 0$en :'estioned a&o't t$is .a,t, t$e IRS si- l! sa!s t$at t$is is a ."i*olo's a"#'-ent &e,a'se e*e"!one +no0s t$e! e1ist2 T$e! 0ill "e.e" !o' to t$ei" o0n -an'al 70$i,$ $as ,onsistentl! &een "'led to &e inad-issi&le as e*iden,e &! t$e ,o'"ts8 0$e"e it states, 7e- $asis added8 D222 9T$e B'"ea' o. Inte"nal Re*en'e5 $as &een o"#ani4ed 'nde" t$e A,t o. last sessionVVV Also it ,an &e seen t$at Con#"ess $ad intended to esta&lis$ a B'"ea' o. Inte"nal Re*en'e, o" t$o'#$t t$e! $ad 222E2 T$is state-ent in t$ei" -an'al "e.e"s to t$e session o. Con#"ess o. 1;J(, in T$e sa-e 0$i,$ t$e Con#"ess ,"eated an 9O..i,e o. t$e Co--issione" o. Inte"nal Re*en'e52 In .a,t, no0$e"e in an! o. t$e IRS5s lite"at'"e, 0"itin#s, lette"$ead, o" desi#nation a"e t$e 0o"ds 9United States5 o" 9U2S25 .o'nd in "elation to t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


state-ent a ea"s a#ain in a si-ila" '&li,ation in 19<G, at 7E #e - Re<- ''FG65 'EGD(' &2$- B2lDDC,2 T$e state-ent essentiall! ad-its t$at Con#"ess ne*e" ,"eated eit$e" t$e 9B'"ea' o. Inte"nal It onl! ,"eated an 9O..i,e o. t$e Co--issione" o. Re*en'e5 o" t$e 9Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e52

Inte"nal Re*en'e52 It ,lea"l! s$o0s t$at t$e IRS itsel. ,annot .ind an!t$in# 0$atsoe*e" 0$i,$ a,t'all! ,"eated an a#en,! ,alled eit$e" t$e 9Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e5 o" t$e 9B'"ea' o. Inte"nal Re*en'e52 T$e t"'t$ is t$at e*e"! #o*e"n-ent a#en,! 0as ,"eated &! so-e o..i,ial do,'-ent, and t$at do,'-ent is easil! .o'nd in t$e o..i,ial "e,o"ds2 T$e #e eral Re<i!ter is t$e o..i,ial "e,o"d o. e*e"!t$in# t$at #oes on in Con#"ess, and e*e"! a,t t$at $as &een ta+en &! Con#"ess is "e,o"ded t$e"e2 T$e onl! ti-e t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e is e*e" -entioned in t$e #e eral Re<i!ter is in 19<J, #e eral Re<i!ter5 Vol- D'5 Se4te$ber 'F5 'EGB, 0$e"e it states, DT$e te"- 9>i"e,to", Al,o$ol, To&a,,o, and %i"ea"-s >i*ision5 $as &een "e la,ed &! t$e te"- 9Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e52E 2 So a,,o"din# to t$e #e eral Re<i!ter, 9Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e5 is onl! a te"- 7not an a#en,!8, and Con#"ess $as ne*e" e*en ,onside"ed -a+in# it a a"t o. t$e United States Go*e"n-ent2 A"e 0e to &elie*e t$at so-et$in# as o0e".'l and all@en,o- assin# as t$e IRS $as its a't$o"it! to o e"ate so 0ell $idden t$at e*en t$e di"e,to"s o. t$e 9a#en,!5 itsel. ,annot identi.! 0$e"e t$ei" a't$o"it! to a,t ,o-es ."o-F Yo' 0ill .ind t$at t$is sit'ation does not o,,'" in an! ot$e" 9a#en,!5 o. t$e #o*e"n-ent2 IRS &e an! di..e"entF In .a,t, a t"'e #o*e"n-ental a#en,! is "e:'i"ed to state its s e,i.i, a't$o"it! to o e"ate on "e:'est2 W$! 0o'ld t$e Mo"eo*e", i. t$e! t"'l! $ad t$e a't$o"it! t$at t$e! ,lai- to $a*e, 0$! A't$o"it! ,annot 0o'ldn5t t$e! ='st tell !o' 0$e"e t$e a't$o"it! a"ises ."o- and &e done 0it$ itF

a"ise o't o. t$ei" o0n -an'al2 T$e t"'t$ o. t$e -atte" is t$at t$e A,t 0$i,$ ,"eated t$at O..i,e o. t$e Co--issione" o. Inte"nal Re*en'e 70$i,$ 0as t$e onl! o..i,e o" a#en,! e*e" ,"eated t$at ,o'ld ossi&l! &e t$e IRS8 0as in 1;J(, and 0as "e ealed &! t$e ena,t-ent o. t$e Re*ised Stat'tes o. 1;<B2 T$e IRS sa!s t$at t$e 9O..i,e o. t$e Co--issione" o. Inte"nal Re*en'e5 i- lied t$at Con#"ess t$o'#$t it $ad ,"eated a 9B'"ea' o. Inte"nal Re*en'e5, and t$at T"eas'"! >e,ision J)B; ,$an#ed t$at 9B'"ea'5 into t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e in 19/B2 I. t$at 0e"e t$e ,ase, 0$! didn5t Con#"ess T$e si- l! ,o""e,t t$e e""o" o. not $a*in# "o e"l! ,"eated an a#en,! 0it$ s',$ e1 ansi*e o0e"sF To do so 0o'ld ta+e *e"! little e..o"t on Con#"ess5s a"t, and 0o'ld ,o- letel! settle t$e iss'e2 0$ole idea 't .o"t$ &! t$e IRS as to its &e#innin#s and its a't$o"it! is atentl! .alse, &e,a'se a T"eas'"! >e,ision 0o'ld not $a*e t$e a't$o"it! to ,"eate an a#en,! in t$e United States Go*e"n-ent3

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


and, e*en i. it did, t$e .a,t 0o'ld $a*e to &e ,on.i"-ed in 0"itin# so-e0$e"e at t$e Con#"essional le*el3 and, t$e"e.o"e, &e .o'nd in t$e #e eral Re<i!terT$e "eason t$at t$e IRS is not esta&lis$ed &! an a,t o. Con#"ess is &e,a'se it is a .'n,tion o. t$e t"'st, not t$e #o*e"n-ent2 It 0as .o"-ed &! t$ose $oldin# t$e de&t a#ainst t$e United States as a -eans o. #ettin# t$ei" Ds$a"e,"o e"5s .eesE ."o- t$e eo le o,,' !in# 0$at t$e! ,onside" to &e t$ei" land2 As !o' 0ill dis,o*e" late" in t$is &oo+, t$e -one! ,olle,ted &! t$e IRS does not #o into t$e t"eas'"! o. t$e United States3 "at$e", it is .o" t$e "i*ate 'se o. t$ose 0$o $old t$e de&t a#ainst t$e United States, and t$e de&t is not #ettin# s-alle"2 Title (J o. t$e United States Code is also "e.e""ed to as t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code 7$e"eina.te" DIRCE82 T$is is t$e se,tion o. 0$at is loosel! "e.e""ed to as la0 t$at t$e IRS "elies on 0$en it is en.o",in# t$e 9ta1 la0s52 Ho0e*e", a ,lose e1a-ination o. t$e Title (J s$o0s t$at it $as ne*e" &een ,odi.ied and ena,ted into 9 ositi*e la052 Clea"l!, t$is is &e,a'se it is a s e,ial "i*ate la0 intended .o" 'se onl! &! -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st2 S'&title % o. t$e IRC ,ontains C$a te"s J1 t$"o'#$ ;), and Se,tions J))1 t$"o'#$ <;<B, in,l'si*e2 Wit$in t$ose C$a te"s and se,tions ,ontained e1,l'si*el! in S'&title %, a"e all o. t$e en.o",e-ent "o*isions o. t$e IRC2 S'&title % o. t$e IRC ,lea"l! ta+es e..e,t, and t$e"e.o"e, #i*es a't$o"it!, onl! a.te" t$e ena,t-ent o. Title (J o. t$e United States Code3 t$e da! a.te", to &e e1a,t2 T$e $"ase, Ds$all ta+e e..e,t on t$e da! a.te" t$e date o. ena,t-ent o. t$is titleE is 'sed 0it$in S'&title % in "e.e"en,e to 0$en its "o*isions 0ill ta+e e..e,t2 T$e ena,t-ent o. Title (J $as not o,,'""ed as o. t$is date2 T$is .a,t &e,o-es ,lea" in se,tion <;/12 In t$e ,ase o. S'&title %, t$e enti"e s'&title does not ta+e e..e,t 'ntil t$e da! a.te" t$e date o. ena,t-ent o. Title (J2 (J USC <;/17a87<8 "e.e"s to t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19;J, so t$is se,tion is not an an,ient 0"itin# 0$i,$ $as no -eanin# toda!2 T$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19;J ,lai-s, in Se,tion 1, to $a*e &een ena,ted on O,to&e" ((, 19;J, as a"t o. t$e 9Ta1 Re.o"- A,t o. 19;JE 7-an! o. !o' 0$o 0e"e a!in# ta1es "io" to 19;J "o&a&l! t$o'#$t it 0as ena,ted lon# &e.o"e 19;J82 T$e in.o"-ation is s a"se and ,on*ol'ted2 %o" e*iden,e o. t$e .a,t t$at Title (J $as ne*e" &een ena,ted, 0e $a*e onl! to loo+ at t$e P"e.a,e @ 19;; Edition o. t$e United States Code, si#ned &! t$e t$en S ea+e" o. t$e Ho'se o. Re "esentati*es, T$o-as %ole!2 In t$e se,ond a"a#"a $, it states, D222Titles 1, B, G, /, 9, 1), 11, 1B, 1G, 1<, 1;, (B, (;, B1, B(, B/, B<, B;, B9, GG, GJ, and G9 $a*e &een "e*ised, ,odi.ied, and

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


ena,ted into ositi*e la0 and t$e te1t t$e"eo. is le#al e*iden,e o. t$e la0s t$e"ein ,ontained2 9 "i-a .a,ie5 -eans #ood on its .a,e 'ntil ,$allen#ed8


-atte" ,ontained in t$e ot$e" titles o. t$e Code is "i-a .a,ie e*iden,e o. t$e la0s2E 7B! t$e 0a!, In t$e sa-e edition o. t$e Code, 'nde" t$e $eadin#, DTitles o. United States CodeE, all /) Titles o. t$e Code a"e listed2 Ne1t to Title n'-&e"s 1, B, G, /, 9, 1), 11, 1B, 1G, 1<, 1;, (B, (;, B1, B(, B/, B<, B;, B9, GG, GJ, and G9, an aste"is+ a ea"s2 No aste"is+ a ea"s ne1t to Title (J2 At t$e &otto- o. t$e list a ea"s t$e note, D V T$is title $as &een ena,ted as la02 Ho0e*e", an! A endi1 to t$is title $as not &een ena,ted as la02E He"e, it is ,lea" t$at Title (J $as not &een ena,ted as la02 I. t$at is t"'e, t$en "o*isions o. S'&title % o. Title (J a"e not in e..e,t3 and sin,e all en.o",e-ent is ,ontained 0it$in S'&title %, no enalties a"e a*aila&le .o" .ail'"e to ,o- l! 0it$ Title (J2 T$at is, 'nless !o' a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st3 and, t$e"e.o"e, &o'nd to t$e s e,ial "i*ate la02 T$e .a,t is t$at t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Se"*i,e ,o'ld ne*e" &e ,"eated &! an a,t o. Con#"ess, &e,a'se, as a a"t o. t$e #o*e"n-ent "es,"i&ed &! t$e Constit'tion, it 0o'ld &e &latantl! 'n,onstit'tional2 T$e -a4e &e#ins to ,lea" ' as to 0$at t$e IRS is and 0$e"e it #ets its o0e" 0$en 0e ,losel! e1a-ine Se,tion <;)/ o. t$e IRC2 IRC Se,2 <;)/7a8 states, 7e- $asis added8, DE1,e t 0$e"e "es,"i&e all need.'l "'les and "e#'lations .o" t$e T$is is t$e se,tion 0$i,$ #i*es t$e 9Se,"eta"!5 T$is a't$o"it! is e1 "essl! #i*en &! t$is title to an! e"son ot$e" t$an an o..i,e" o" e- lo!ee o. t$e T"eas'"! >e a"t-ent, t$e Se,"eta"! s$all en.o",e-ent o. t$is title, in,l'din# all "'les and "e#'lations as -a! &e ne,essa"! &! "eason o. an! alte"ation o. la0 in "elation to inte"nal "e*en'e2E a't$o"it! to 0"ite t$e need.'l "'les and "e#'lations .o" Title (J, t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code2

e"son is o&*io'sl! t$e sa-e 9Se,"eta"!5 t$at is e- o0e"ed t$"o'#$o't t$e IRC to ,a""! o't all o. t$e en.o",e-ent o. t$e Title2 T$e Code identi.ies t$is e"son as 9T$e Se,"eta"! o. t$e T"eas'"!5, &'t it does not tell 's 0$i,$ 9t"eas'"!5 $e is t$e se,"eta"! o.2 To 'nde"stand e1a,tl! 0$o t$is e"son "eall! To do t$at, t$e is, and 0$e"e $e de"i*es $is a't$o"it! ."o-, 0e -'st "e.e" to t$e i- le-entin# "e#'lations .o" t$is se,tion 70"itten &! t$is a"ti,'la" Se,"eta"!8 .o" a de.inition o. e1a,tl! 0$o $e is2 #o*e"n-ent $as "inted 0$at it ,alls t$e C%R Inde1, 0$i,$ is a ,"oss@"e.e"en,e &et0een t$e Code and t$e Re#'lations2 T$e C%R Inde1 lists, as so-e o. t$e i- le-entin# "e#'lations .o" t$is se,tion, (<

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


C%R a"ts (/)@(/((2 Unde" (< C%R Se,2 (/)211, 9>e.initions5, t$e de.inition o. 9Se,"eta"!5 is #i*en as, DT$e Se,"eta"! o. t$e T"eas'"! o. P'e"to Ri,o2E T$is ,lea"l! "e.e"s to t$e 9Se,"eta"!5 0$o is a't$o"i4ed &! t$e IRC Se,2 <;)/ to -a+e t$e "'les and "e#'lations ne,essa"! to t$e en.o",e-ent o. Title (J2 T$at sa-e 9Se,"eta"!5 is ne,essa"il! t$e e"son "e.e""ed to t$"o'#$o't t$e IRC, 0$o is #i*en a't$o"it! to e".o"- t$e tas+s o. assessin# and ,olle,tin# ta1es2 T$is 9Se,"eta"!5 o&*io'sl! is not an o..i,e" in t$e United States Go*e"n-ent, and t$ese a"e $is o0n 0o"ds tellin# !o' t$at2 WOW6 Ho0 did t$at $a enF Well, e"$a s t$e -ot$e"land o. t$e t"'st is P'e"to Ri,o2 Re-e-&e" t$e &an+"' t,! o. t$e United States in 19BB2 In t$at &an+"' t,!, Ban+ste"s 0e"e t$e onl! "e,o#ni4ed ,"edito"s2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ 0as t'"ned o*e" to t$ose Ban+ste"s 0$en t$e T$e "i#$t to "int -one! and t$en loan it to t$e B't t$e Ban+ste"s 0e"e not ,ontent Instead, t$e! sa0 an United States ad-itted a *e"i.ied de&t to t$e-2

#o*e"n-ent 0as a"t o. t$e t'"no*e" and "oo. o. t$at de&t2 o

0it$ t$is 9li,ense to steal5 t$at 0as $anded to t$e- on a sil*e" latte"2

o"t'nit! to ,ont"ol e*e"!t$in#, in,l'din# t$e eo le2 Be,a'se t$e nation 0as in &an+"' t,!, and

t$e onl! .o"- o. ,'""en,! a*aila&le .o" 'se 0e"e inst"'-ents o. de&t 7%ede"al Rese"*e Notes8, an!t$in# &o'#$t 0it$ t$ose notes &e,a-e t$e "o e"t! o. t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 So'nds ,"a4!, &'t "e-e-&e" t$at a %ede"al Rese"*e Note si- l! sa!s t$at t$e $olde" o. t$e note o0es t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ t$e a-o'nt o. -one! s$o0n on t$e .a,e o. t$e note2 I-a#ine .o" a -o-ent t$at !o' loan -e so-e -one!, and t$at I si#ned a note to !o' sa!in# t$at I 0o'ld "e a! t$at -one! at a .'t'"e date2 Let5s sa! t$at I t$en too+ t$at note, and t"aded it to so-eone 0$o t$o'#$t it $ad *al'e .o" a ,a"2 Sin,e t$e note onl! si#ni.ied t$at I o0ed !o' -one!, 0$o 0o'ld o0n t$e t"'e *al'e "e,ei*ed I. it 0e"e I, t$en I 0o'ld $a*e t"aded so-et$in# 0it$ a ne#ati*e *al'e 7&e,a'se I o0ed !o' ."o- itF

t$e -one! 'sed8 .o" so-et$in# 0it$ a ositi*e *al'e 7a ,a"82 In doin# so, I 0o'ld ne,essa"il! $a*e to ,o--it ."a'd2

()11 ' date H Ea"lie" t$is !ea", t$e United States Go*e"n-ent, 'nde" t$e #'ise o. Qnational se,'"it!Q, sealed t$is se,tion o. t$e ,ode, -eanin# !o' ,an no lon#e" see it o" "ead it2 It is no0 QSe,"et La0Q2 It ,ontains -ost o. t$e -et$od and ne,essa"! in.o"-ation needed to 'se t$e "e-edies "o*ided .o" !o'2 T$is is Se,tions 19G t$"o'#$ B99, it is -assi*e, and t$e in.o"-ation is *ital in 'nde"standin# t$e s,$e-e t$at t$is #o*e"n-ent $as e" et"ated ' on its eo le2 To *e"i.!, #o on t$e inte"net to Ele,t"oni, Code o. %ede"al Re#'lations, t$en #o to Title (<, t$en t"! to #o to se,tion (/)2112 T$en #et *e"! -ad, &e,a'se !o' a"" still $eld a,,o'nta&le .o" t$ese se,tions t$at !o' ,annot a,,ess2 T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Ea,$ ti-e t$at !o' 'se a %ede"al Rese"*e Note to 9&'!5 so-et$in#, !o' t"ade so-et$in# 0it$ a ne#ati*e *al'e 7"e-e-&e" t$at %ede"al Rese"*e Notes onl! "e,o"d a de&t o. t$e United States to t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+8 .o" so-et$in# 0it$ a ositi*e *al'e2 %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 T$e onl! a"t! t$at ,an le#all! o0n 0$ate*e" !o' '",$ased is t$e one 0$o o0ned t$e *al'e side o. t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Note, t$e Ho0e*e", sin,e 0e a"e o e"atin# in a &an+"' t s!ste-, 0e a"e allo0ed to Clea"l!, t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, 0it$ its %ede"al 9'se5 t$e t$in# '",$ased as i. 0e $ad a,t'all! '",$ased it2 B't 0e ,an ne*e" #ain t"'e o0ne"s$i o. it 0it$ t$e 'se o. %ede"al Rese"*e Notes2 Rese"*e Notes, is t$e *e$i,le 'sed &! t$e Ban+ste"s to i- le-ent t$ei" :'est to ,ont"ol t$e eo le 0$o- t$e! &elie*e o0e t$e- a de&t2 T$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ is t$e ,ente" ie,e o. t$e t"'st2 It "o*ides all t$e tools .o" t$e ,olle,tion o. t$e de&t o0ed &! t$e United States2 Gettin# &a,+ to t$e 9Se,"eta"!5, and 0$e"e $e #ets $is a't$o"it!, it &e,o-es ,lea" t$at t$e ones 0$o o0n e*e"!t$in#, t$e Ban+ste"s, $a*e la,ed t$ei" o0n 9Se,"eta"!5 in ,$a"#e o. loo+in# o't .o" t$ei" inte"ests2 Ha*e !o' e*e" 0onde"ed 0$! t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ $as ne*e" &een a'dited &! t$e IRSF No ot$e" ,o- an! o. its stat'"e ,an -a+e t$at state-ent2 Ha*e !o' e*e" 0onde"ed $o0 Alan G"eens an 7C$ai"-an o. t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+8 ,an ,o-e into Con#"ess and di,tate to Con#"ess e*e"!t$in# ."o- inte"est "ates to 0$at :'estions $e 0ill and 0ill not ans0e"F ne*e" tells $i- 0$at to do2 s$o02 So 0$e"e does t$e IRS .it into all t$isF It is, in .a,t, a &"an,$ o. t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+2 T$at5s "i#$t, it is not$in# -o"e t$an a de a"t-ent o. t$e t"'st 0$i,$ is o e"atin# 'nde" t$e ass'- tion t$at it o0ns e*e"!t$in#2 Still don5t &elie*e itF Go &a,+ to t$e de.inition o. 9Se,"eta"!5 0$i,$ tells !o' t$at $e is t$e Se,"eta"! o. T"eas'"! o. P'e"to Ri,o2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e Ban+ste"s 0$o o0n t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+ a"e t$e onl! ,"edito"s o. a &an+"' t #o*e"n-ent, t$e United States2 T$e United States 0as ne*e" #i*en t$e o0e" o*e" t$e >e a"t-ent o. t$e T"eas'"! o. t$e United States to do 0it$ as it sa0 .it, &e,a'se t$at T"eas'"! &elon#s to t$e Union 7DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE8, -o"e s e,i.i,all!, to t$e A-e"i,an Peo le2 Ho0e*e", t$e United States o0ns and "'les t$e te""ito"ies as it see .it 'nde" lena"! a't$o"it!, and P'e"to Ri,o is a te""ito"!2 T$e"e.o"e, it ,an ,a'se t$at t"eas'"! W$!F Note t$at Con#"ess Si- le3 it5s t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+5s -one!, "o e"t!, and

o0e" 0$i,$ t$is de facto #o*e"n-ent is "'lin# 0it$ and .o"2 Nat'"all!, t$ei" -an is "'nnin# t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


de a"t-ent to do its &iddin#2 In t$is ,ase, t$e t"eas'"! de a"t-ent o. P'e"to Ri,e 0as t'"ned o*e" to t$e t"'st2 Con#"ess, 'sin# its 'nli-ited le#islati*e a't$o"it! o*e" t$e ossessions and te""ito"ies and .ollo0in# t$e di"e,tions o. its ne0 lo"d and -aste", t$e Ban+ste"s, si- l! 0"ote a't$o"it! into t$e P'e"to Ri,an T"eas'"! >e a"t-ent, and t$en ,on*in,ed t$e A-e"i,an '&li, t$at t$e a't$o"it! a"ose ."o- t$e A-e"i,an La0s2 T$at is 0$! Con#"ess ,annot ena,t Title (J 7t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code8 into ositi*e la0 @ it ='st does not a l! to A-e"i,ans, 'nless t$e! $a*e &e,o-e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st t$"o'#$ ,ont"a,t2 B! t$e 0a!, P'e"to Ri,ans a"e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, &'t t$e! a"e not A-e"i,ans2 As ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, t$e! a"e a'to-ati,all! -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st2 No0 do !o' #et t$e i,t'"e as to 0$o is "e:'i"ed to .ile and a! ta1es3 o", .o" t$at -atte", a&ide &! an! o. t$e ,odesF >oes t$e te"-Mtitle 9,iti4en o. t$e United States5 ta+e on an! ne0 si#ni.i,an,e to !o' no0F >o !o' still 0ant to &e a 9 ,iti4en o. t$e United States5 i#e# a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'stF I. so, +ee "eadin#, &e,a'se t$e 0o"st is still to ,o-e2 Most o. !o' $a*e "o&a&l! al"ead! $ea"d t$e te"- 9*ol'nta"! ,o- lian,e52 W$en !o' $ea"d it,

,$an,es a"e !o' t$o'#$t, DYea$, i. I 0ant to #o to =ail2E Well, t$e t"'t$ is t$at 0e a"e 'nde" a s!steo. *ol'nta"! ,o- lian,e2 T$at does not, $o0e*e", -ean t$at !o' ,an eit$e" ,$oose to a! ta1es o" not2 It5s not t$at si- le2 W$at *ol'nta"! ,o- lian,e -eans is t$at !o' ,an ,$oose to a"ti,i ate as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, o" !o' ,an ,$oose not to a"ti,i ate as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 T$e"e is not$in# in t$e -iddle2 I. !o' 0ant to &e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States and "e,ei*e t$e &ene.its desi#ned es e,iall! .o" t$ose -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st, t$en !o' o&li#ate !o'"sel. &! ,ont"a,t to a&ide &! t$e "'les o. t$e t"'st2 Pa"t o. t$ose "'les sa! t$at !o' -'st a! a e",enta#e o. an!t$in# t$at !o' ea"n to t$e t"'st2 To do so, it is "e:'i"ed t$at !o' .ile a "et'"n 'nde" enalt! o. e"='"! tellin# t$e t"'st $o0 I. !o' lie on t$at "et'"n, !o' a"e ,o--ittin# -',$ !o' ea"ned and $o0 -',$ !o' o0e t$e t"'st2

."a'd, and !o' 0ill &e "ose,'ted 'nde" t$e a li,a&le ."a'd la0s, not 'nde" t$e IRC2 T$at5s "i#$t, !o' 0ill -ost li+el! &e "ose,'ted 'nde" t$e ."a'd la0s ,ontained in Title 1;, not 'nde" Title (J2 And, !o' #'essed it @ Title 1; $as &een ena,ted into ositi*e la02 Cont"a,ts a"e "ote,ted &! "eal la02 B! t$e 0a!, in o"de" to .ile t$at "et'"n, !o' -'st 't do0n !o'" sla*e n'-&e" 7so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"8 and si#n &elo0 it &e,a'se t$at is t$e n'-&e" t$at "o*es !o' a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st3 and,

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e"e.o"e, t$e t"'st is a't$o"i4ed to a,,e t !o'" -one!2 Wit$o't t$at n'-&e", t$e t"'st $as no a't$o"it! to a,,e t !o'" a!-ent, e*en i. !o' 0ant !o' #i*e it2 Pla,in# t$e n'-&e" on t$e .o"- also "estates !o'" 0is$ to "e-ain in a ,ont"a,t .o" *ol'nta"! se"*it'de to t$e t"'st2 I. !o' do not 't !o'" sla*e n'-&e" do0n, !o'" "et'"n is in*alid, and t$e IRS 0ill not a,,e t an! -one! ."o- !o'2 W$!F Be,a'se i. !o' a"e not a t"'st -e-&e", t$e t"'st 0o'ld &e ,o--ittin# ."a'd i. it a,,e ted !o'" -one!2 T$e IRS $as no ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o', and it 0ants no a"t o. !o' 'nless !o' a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 S$o'ld !o' &e an A-e"i,an Citi4en, !o' a"e .a" too o0e".'l .o" an!t$in# in t$is de facto #o*e"n-ent2 So, t$e idea is to +ee !o' ."o- +no0in# $o0 o0e".'l !o' a"e, o" ,o'ld &e i. !o' ,lai-ed !o'" &i"t$"i#$t2 B't, !o' sa!, 0$at a&o't t$e de&t and &an+"' t,!F Good :'estion, &'t on,e a#ain, 0e 0e"e d' ed2 T$e A-e"i,an Peo le ne*e" #a*e t$e a't$o"it! to t$e United States to "int .a+e -one! and t$"o0 t$e nation into &an+"' t,!2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e &an+"' t,! and t$e de&t $a*e no standin# 0it$ A-e"i,ans2 It ='st si- l! is not o'" de&t2 I-a#ine t$at !o' $i"e -e to 0o"+ on !o'" ,a", and a't$o"i4e -e to &'! 0$ate*e" a"ts on !o'" ,"edit t$at a"e needed to .i1 t$e "o&le-2 B't instead, I 'se !o'" a't$o"it! &! #oin# o't and tellin# ot$e" eo le t$at I $a*e !o'" .'ll a't$o"it! to "'n all o. !o'" &'siness"s2 I t$en "'n ' 'n&elie*a&le de&t in !o'" na-e, and I $a*e no 0a! to "e a! t$e de&t2 I -a! e*en #o o't and "o& a ,on*enien,e sto"e t"!in# to #et -one! .o" t$e de&t2 It #ets so &ad t$at !o'" onl! "e,o'"se is &an+"' t,!2 W$at 0o'ld !o' t$en sa!F Wo'ld !o' #o :'ietl! into t$e ni#$t and .ile &an+"' t,!, o" 0o'ld !o' &e !ellin# t$at t$is 0as not !o'" de&t and !o'5"e not #oin# to a! .o" itF Wo'ld !o' t"eat -e li+e a +in#, o" 0o'ld !o' $a*e -e t$"o0n in =ailF Wo'ld !o' s end !o'" enti"e 0ealt$ t"!in# to a! t$e ,"edito"s 0$i,$ I ,"eated, o" 0o'ld !o' tell t$e-, 9to'#$ l',+, !o' s$o'ld $a*e -ade s'"e o. -! a't$o"it! &e.o"e #"antin# t$e ,"edit5F Wo'ld !o' &e 0illin# to #o to =ail &e,a'se I "o&&ed a sto"e to a! o.. t$e de&tF I t$in+ 0e all +no0 t$e ans0e"s to t$ese :'estions2 Read t$e Constit'tion and .ind one la,e 0$e"e it W$e"e does it a't$o"i4e t$e stealin# o. t"'e W$e"e does it sa! t$at t$e A-e"i,an

W$at t$e United States did 0as no di..e"ent2

a't$o"i4es t$e United States to do t$e t$in#s it did2

0ealt$ t$"o'#$ t$e "intin# o. ,e"ti.i,ates 0it$ no 0o"t$F

Peo le t'"ned o*e" all t$ei" 0ealt$ to t$e United States .o" t$e- to s:'ande" as t$e! leaseF W$e"e does it #i*e t$e United States t$e "i#$t to 't t$e A-e"i,an 0o"t$ at "is+ in an! .o"-F Clea"l!, ."a'd,

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


de,eit, and o't"i#$t t$e.t $as o,,'""ed in t$e United States Go*e"n-ent .o" -an! !ea"s, and it5s #ettin# 0o"se2 T$at5s &e,a'se A-e"i,ans $a*e &een d' ed into &elie*in# t$at t$e! a"e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States3 and, as s',$, t$at t$e United States is all@ o0e".'l in t$ei" li*es2 %a" too -an! A-e"i,ans $a*e &e,o-e a at$eti, and assi*e 0$e"e t$ei" Ri#$ts a"e ,on,e"ned2 %o"t'natel!, t$is is a -ista+e 0$i,$ ,an still &e ,o""e,ted &! t$ose 0$o 0is$ to "e#ain t$ei" &i"t$"i#$t, &'t it 0ill ta+e so-e intestinal .o"tit'de on !o'" a"t i. !o' 0ant to do so2 Ha*e !o' e*e" $ea"d t$e te"- D,ollate"al da-a#eEF >o !o' no0 'nde"stand 0$at t$at te"- "e.e"s toF I. not, a! ,lose attention2 T$e te"- is al0a!s 'sed 0$en non@-ilita"! o" non@ oli,e eo le a"e +illed2 W$at a st"an#e te"- .o" eo le d!in#2 Well, it5s not so st"an#e on,e !o' 'nde"stand it .'ll -eanin#2 W$en t$is United States 0ent &an+"' t, it 0as .o",ed to ,ollate"ali4e t$e de&t to +ee t$e Ban+ste"s at &a!2 It did so 0it$ its onl! ossessions H its land and its eo le2 T$e onl! eo le 'nde" t$e a't$o"it! and ,ont"ol o. t$e United States 0e"e t$ose in t$e t"'st, t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States 'nde" t$e a't$o"it! o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 It also $eld ,e"tain ossessions 0it$ "e#a"ds to land, t$at &ein# t$e te""ito"ies and en,la*es 0it$in t$e se*e"al States2 T$ose t$in#s it led#ed as ,ollate"al .o" t$e de&t2 Ho0e*e", t$at 0as not eno'#$ .o" t$e Ban+ste"s2 T$e! so'#$t 0a!s to -a+e t$e t"'st la"#e", in,l'din# -o"e land and eo le2 A lan to t"i,+ A-e"i,ans 7e1 lained in di..e"ent a"ts o. t$is &oo+ &! ot$e" -et$ods8 into &e,o-in# 'ns's e,tin# -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st 0as de*ised2 A lan to add -o"e land to t$e ot 0as also de*ised2 T$at 0as done "i-a"il! 0it$ t$e 'se o. 4i ,odes2 Sin,e t$e United States o0ned t$e .ede"al en,la*es 0it$in t$e se*e"al States, an!t$in# t$at ,o'ld &e t'"ned into one o. t$ose en,la*es 0o'ld &e,o-e a"t o. t$e ,ollate"al2 A 4i ,ode desi#nates a .ede"al a"ea2 T$e .i"st t0o n'-&e"s o. t$e ,ode desi#nate 0$i,$ .ede"al ='di,ial a"ea !o' a"e in2 In s$o"t, 0$en !o' la,e a 4i ,ode a.te" !o'" add"ess, !o' a"e esta&lis$in# t$e .a,t t$at !o' li*e in a .ede"al a"ea, "o e"l! n'-&e"ed as s',$2 Yo' also #i*e !o'" .'ll ,onsent .o" t$e 'se o. !o'" "o e"t! as ,ollate"al .o" t$e .ede"al de&t2 T$an+ !o' *e"! -',$6 As .o" t$e IRS, i. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an Citi4en, it $as onl! t$e o0e" o*e" !o' t$at !o' #i*e it2 I. !o' #i*e it no o0e", t$en it $as no o0e" o*e" !o'2 B't "e-e-&e", it is so 0ell ent"en,$ed t$at !o' 0ill $a*e to &e *e"! s'"e o. !o'"sel. to "e,lai- !o'" ."eedo-2 It 0ill do and sa! t$in#s 0$i,$ 0ill s,a"e t$e ants o.. o. !o'3 and, don5t 'nde"esti-ate t$e-2 T$e t"'st itsel. is ,o- "ised o. t"ea,$e"o's

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


lea,$es 0$o $a*e li*ed o.. o. !o'" e..o"ts .o" o*e" /) !ea"s, and it 0ill do an!t$in# to +ee its o0e"3 and, t$e IRS is t$e -ost *ile and e*il a"- o. t$e t"'st2 Ho0e*e", i. !o' 'nde"stand t$e "eal iss'e @ t$at t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en is t$e so*e"ei#n @ !o' ,an it2 T$e ='"isdi,tional iss'e "'les o*e" all else, e*en in t$e ,o""' t ,o" o"ate ,o'"ts 0$i,$ o*e"see t$e Code and Re#'lations toda!2 None o. t$e IRS a#ents 0ill 0ant to &'tt $eads 0it$ a so*e"ei#n 0$o +no0s $e5s a so*e"ei#n2 K'st -a+e s'"e t$at !o' $a*e 4e"o ,ont"a,ts 0it$ t$e t"'st &e.o"e !o' $a*e a ,on."ontation2 T$e t"'e de.inition and st"',t'"e o. t$e IRS is t$at o. one &"an,$ o. a t"'st 0$ose '" ose is to ,olle,t a!-ent to0a"d t$e de&t o0ed &! t$e United States ."o- e"sons 0$o $a*e ,ont"a,ted 0it$ t$e t"'st to &e,o-e -e-&e"s and a,,e t said "es onsi&ilities3 and to "e,ei*e ,e"tain &ene.its and "i*ile#es ."o- t$e t"'st2 T$ei" o0e" ,o-es ."o- a ,ont"a,t, and it is *i"t'all! a&sol'te 0it$ "e#a"d to t$e e"sons 0$o a"e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st2 Yo' -'st ne*e" t"'st an!one 0$o e*en 0o"+s .o" t$e IRS o" t$e AT% 7Al,o$ol, To&a,,o, and %i"ea"-s, anot$e" &"an,$ o. t$e t"'st82 T$e! a"e not 9='st #ood eo le doin# t$ei" =o&s52 T$e! a"e t$e e-&odi-ent o. all t$at is 0"on# in A-e"i,a toda!, and t$e! a"e in$e"entl! e*il2 T$ei" =o& is to &"ea+ do0n t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en to t$e oint 0$e"e $e no lon#e" e*en +no0s 0$at $is o0e" is, and to dest"o! t$e A-e"i,an 0a! o. li.e2 On,e t$at is .'ll! a,,o- lis$ed, it is t$ei" d't! to "'le o*e" t$e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st in a -anne" .ittin# t$e sla*es t$e! $a*e &e,o-e2 I. !o' $a*e ."iends 0o"+in# .o" t$e IRS o" AT%, and t$e! a"e i#no"ant o. t$ese .a,ts, t$en t$e! a"e i#no"ant and e*il2 I. t$e! #et !o'" t"'st, t$e! 0ill 'se it a#ainst !o' one da!2 I. !o' do $a*e ."iends t$at 0o"+ .o" eit$e" t$e IRS o" t$e AT%, #et ne0 ."iends2

A2t1or=! 24 ateH )t !1o2l be note t1at !o$e 'C year! after t1e fir!t writin< of t1i! boo.5 6G &#R 6FC-''5 t1at !ection of t1e co e t1at tell! yo2 w1o t1e )RS i! an fro$ w1ere t1eir a2t1ority ari!e!5 alon< wit1 all t1e ot1er >8ery i$4ortant to yo2@ re<2lation! between 6G &#R 'ED an 6G &#R 7EE5 1a! been re!tricte fro$ 42blic 8iewin<- )n ot1er wor !5 w1ile it !till eIi!t! an i! 4art of t1e co e for w1ic1 yo2 are 1el acco2ntable5 yo2 cannot <et a co4y of it or rea it i.e. it i! now +secret law/code+- T1i! i! a 12<e bo y of law9co e t1at i! now 2na8ailable for !t2 y or 2!e in
T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told /G

t1e co2rt! >2nle!! yo2 can <et a co4y of it@-

)t i! al!o f2ll infor$ation nece!!ary to yo2r

re$e y a<ain!t t1e trea!ono2! ba!tar ! w1o 1i e it fro$ yo2Don=t belie8e t1ere i! secret law in t1e Unite State!J Searc1 t1e internet for +&o e of #e eral Re<2lation!+- T1en <o to t1e +Electronic &o e of #e eral Re<2lation!+- Go to Title 6G5 t1en <o own t1e li!t of !ection!- W1en yo2 <et to !ection! 'ED(7EE5 it !tate! >in re letter!@5 +>Re!er8e @+- EIc2!e $eJJ )! t1i! not 4art of t1e co e t1at ) a$ 1el re!4on!ible to .nowJ W1at t1i! $ean! i! t1at we now 1a8e !ecret law wit1in t1e Unite State!- T1e la!t co2ntry to i$4o!e !ecret law wa! Na?i Ger$any)f yo2 can fin a library wit1 ol er boo.!5 yo2 can !till rea an 2!e t1i! !ecret law- )t i! !till in effect5 an yo2 are 1el acco2ntable for .nowin< itYo2 $i<1t want to <i8e t1i! !o$e t1o2<1t- T1at 4ortion of t1e &o e $2!t be <i8in< t1e +$a!ter!+ a w1ole lot of tro2ble5 an t1ey are willin< to o anyt1in< to 4rotect t1eir !ca$-

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



I +no0 t$at &! no0 !o' -'st &e 0onde"in# 0$e"e all t$is is #oin#2 Yo' $a*e al0a!s &elie*ed t$at !o' 0e"e &o"n and "aised in t$e United States2 E*e"!&od! +no0s t$at Te1as and Cali.o"nia and Ci"#inia and t$e ot$e" .o"t!@se*en states a"e all a"t o. t$e United States @ "i#$tF Not so .ast $e"e2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at t$e te"- o" na-e United States $as se*e"al di..e"ent -eanin#s2 E*en t$e S' "e-e Co'"t said so2 In a ,ase entitled Hoo*en U Allison Co2 C2 E*att, Ta1 Co--issione" o. O$io, B(G U2S2, 19GG, t$e Co'"t -ade t$e .ollo0in# state-ent, Dt$e te"- 9United States5 -a! &e 'sed in an! one o. se*e"al senses2 It -a! &e -e"el! t$e na-e o. a so*e"ei#n o,,' !in# t$e osition analo#o's to t$at o. ot$e" so*e"ei#ns in t$e .a-il! o. nations2 It -a! desi#nate t$e te""ito"! o*e" 0$i,$ t$e so*e"ei#nt! o. t$e United States e1tends, o" it -a! &e t$e ,olle,ti*e na-e o. t$e states 0$i,$ a"e 'nited &! and 'nde" t$e Constit'tion2E T$is is o&*io'sl! not as si- le as 0e 0e"e al0a!s led to &elie*e2 In t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code 7$e"eina.te" 9IRC58 as o. Ma! 1/, 199), at se,tion B1(17e8, ,e"tain de.initions a"e #i*en2 %i"st, t$e te"- 9State5 is de.ined as, DT$e te"- 9State5 in,l'des t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia, t$e Co--on0ealt$ o. P'e"to Ri,o, t$e Ci"#in Islands, G'a-, and A-e"i,an Sa-oa2E He"e, it -'st &e e- $asi4ed t$at, &e,a'se st"i,t ,onst"',tion o. t$e Stat'tes is "e:'i"ed 7-eanin# t$e! -'st &e "ead e1a,tl! as 0"itten8, 0$en t$e 0o"d 9in,l'des5 is 'sed an!0$e"e in t$e Code in a le#al sense, it is a te"- o. li-itation, in t$at t$e onl! t$in#s in,l'ded a"e 0$ate*e" .ollo0s in t$at de.inition2 T$e"e.o"e, e*e"!t$in# t$at is in,l'ded in t$is de.inition -'st &e listed a.te" t$e 0o"d 9in,l'des52 B't I t$o'#$t t$ese 0e"e te""ito"ies, not States, and 0$at a&o't Te1as and Cali.o"nia and Ci"#iniaF Ne1t, t$e de.inition o. 9United States5 is #i*en as, DT$e te"- 9United States5 0$en 'sed in a #eo#"a $i,al sense in,l'des t$e Co--on0ealt$ o. P'e"to Ri,o, t$e Ci"#in Islands, G'a-, and A-e"i,an Sa-oa2E B't 0$at a&o't Te1as and Cali.o"nia, and t$e ot$e"sF T$is se,tion t$en #oes on to state, DAn indi*id'al 0$o is a ,iti4en o. t$e Co--on0ealt$ o. P'e"to Ri,o 7&'t not ot$e"0ise a ,iti4en o. t$e United States8 s$all &e ,onside"ed, .o" t$e '" oses o. t$is se,tion, as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2E See-s ,lea", "i#$tF B't t$e '" ose o. t$is se,tion is in,o-e ta1es, and so-eone 0$o is 9ot$e"0ise a ,iti4en o. t$e United States5 is not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States 'nde" t$is se,tion3 and, t$e"e.o"e, not lia&le .o" t$ese in,o-e ta1es2 W$o ,o'ld t$at &eF Ho0 a&o't an

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


A-e"i,an 0$o $ad li*ed in P'e"to Ri,o lon# eno'#$ to &e a ,iti4en t$e"e alsoF %o" t$e '" oses o. in,o-e ta1, $e 0o'ld not &e ,onside"ed a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 ,ontin'e2 Sin,e t$e t$in# t$at -o"e eo le o&=e,t to a&o't &ein# a ,iti4en o. t$e United States is t$e in,o-e ta13 and sin,e t$at in,o-e ta1 is t$e -a=o" ne#ati*e at t$is ti-e o. &ein# a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, 0e need to "eall! 'nde"stand $o0 and 0$! it 0o"+s2 To 'nde"stand 0$at t$e United States "elates to 0$en t$e s'&=e,t o. in,o-e ta1es ,o-es ' , let5s #o to a la,e 0$e"e 0e ,an easil! loo+ at a &e.o"e and a.te" i,t'"e o. a te""ito"! 0$i,$ &e,a-e a 9state5 o. t$e Union2 %i"st, let5s #o to t$e P'&li, La0 ;J@<), t$e DAlas+a O-ni&'s A,tE2 Let5s #o di"e,tl! to t$e o"tion o. t$e la0 "elatin# to t$e IRS2 T$at se,tion is ((7#8, and it sa!s, DSe,tion <<)17a8798 o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19/G 7"elatin# to t$e de.inition o. 9United States58 is a-ended &! st"i+in# o't 9t$e Te""ito"ies o. Alas+a and Ha0aii5 and inse"tin# in lie' t$e"eo. 9t$e Te""ito"! o. Ha0aii52E Wait a -in'te, 0$! 0as Alas+a a"t o. t$e de.inition o. t$e United States &e.o"e it &e,a-e t$e .o"t!@nint$ state o. t$e Union3 and 0$! 0o'ld t$e! ta+e Alas+a o't o. t$e de.inition o. t$e United States i. it $ad ='st &e,o-e a state in t$e United StatesF T$e ne1t de.inition, .o'nd at se,tion ((7$8 sa!s, DSe,tion <<)17a871)8 o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19/G 7"elatin# to de.inition o. state8 is a-ended &! st"i+in# o't 9Te""ito"ies5 and inse"tin# in lie' t$e"eo. DTe""ito"! o. Ha0aiiE2 7He"e, !o' -'st "e-e-&e" t$at in 19/;, t$e United States $ad onl! t0o te""ito"ies, Alas+a and Ha0aii28 Based on t$at de.inition, Alas+a 0as a State 0it$in t$e United States 'ntil it &e,a-e one o. t$e Union o. States 7Re '&li,s8 +no0n as DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE, and t$en it 0as no lon#e" eit$e" a State o" a a"t o. t$e United States2 W$at a "e*oltin# de*elo -ent t$is is6 We #et e*en a ,lea"e" i,t'"e o. 0$at #oes on 0$en 0e loo+ at P'&li, La0 ;J@J(G, t$e DHa0aii O-ni&'s A,tE2 We 0ill #o to t$e se,tions o. t$e la0 0$i,$ ,o*e" t$e in.o"-ation #i*en .o" Alas+a, t$at &ein# se,tion 1;7i8, 0$e"e it states, DSe,tion <<)17a8798 o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19/G 7"elatin# to t$e de.inition o. 9United States58 is a-ended &! st"i+in# o't 9t$e Te""ito"! o. Ha0aii5NE2 Se,tion 1;7=8 states, DSe,tion <<)17a871)8 o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19/G 7"elatin# to de.inition o. state8 is a-ended &! st"i+in# o't Dt$e Te""ito"! o. Ha0aii5NE2 I. t$at doesn5t #i*e !o' a ,lea" i,t'"e, I don5t +no0 0$at ,o'ld2 He"e, it is ,lea" t$at 0$en Ha0aii &e,a-e t$e %i.tiet$ state o. t$e Union, it sto ed &ein# a state and le.t t$e United States2 It 0as a a"t o. t$e de.inition o. United States, and t$at a"t 0as ta+en o't2 So 0$at is t$e United StatesF It is Was$in#ton, >2C2, t$e Te""ito"ies, and t$e %ede"al en,la*es 0it$in t$e %i.t! states o. t$e Union3 Ce"! inte"estin#, &'t let 's

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


-o"e s e,i.i,all!, e*e"!t$in# t$at is o0ned &! t$e United States, and 'nde" t$e e1,l'si*e le#islati*e ,ont"ol o. Con#"ess2 T$e United States does not o0n Te1as o" Cali.o"nia o" Ci"#inia o" an! o. t$e Toda!, t$e"e a"e .o'" ot$e" .o"t!@se*en Re '&li,s, and t$e! a"e not a"t o. t$e United States2

Te""ito"iesMStates2 T$e! a"e P'e"to Ri,o, G'a-, A-e"i,an Sa-oa, and t$e Ci"#in Islands2 T$ese, alon# 0it$ Was$in#ton, >2C2, -a+e ' t$e states o. t$e United States2 T$e! a"e also a'to-ati,all! in,l'ded as -e-&e" states o. t$e t"'st, &e,a'se none a"e a-on# t$e se*e"al States o. t$e Union, t$e"e&! ossessin# ,onstit'tional a't$o"it! .o" its eo le2 Still 0onde" 0$! t$e IRS #ets its a't$o"it! ."o- t$e Se,"eta"! o. T"eas'"! o. P'e"to Ri,oF T$in+ a&o't it2 W$at does all t$is -ean to !o'F To dis,o*e" t$at ans0e", 0e #o to t$e In,o-e Ta1 Re#'lations at (J C%R Se,tion 121@12 T$is is t$e se,tion 0$e"e t$e IRS 0o'ld $a*e !o' &elie*e t$at !o' a"e -ade lia&le .o" t$e in,o-e ta12 It states, D7a& "eneral rule2 718 Se,tion 1 o. t$e Code i- oses an in,o-e ta1 on t$e in,o-e o. e*e"! indi*id'al 0$o is a ,iti4en o" "esident o. t$e United States and, to t$e e1tent "o*ided &! se,tion ;<17&8 and ;<<7&8, on t$e in,o-e o. a non"esident alien indi*id'alNE2 (J C%R 121@17&8 states, DCiti+ens or residents of the United States liable to ta, 2 In #ene"al, all ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, 0$e"e*e" "esident, and all "esident alien indi*id'als a"e lia&le to t$e in,o-e ta1 i- osed &! t$e Code 0$et$e" t$e in,o-e is "e,ei*ed ."o- so'",es 0it$in o" 0it$o't t$e United StatesNE So, t$is tells 's 0$o t$e in,o-e ta1 is i- osed on, &'t 0e need to "eall! 'nde"stand 0$o Noti,e $o0 t$is I. Te1as is not a t$is e"son is2 At (J C%R 121@17,8 it tells 's &! statin#, D -ho is a citi+en2 E*e"! e"son &o"n o" nat'"ali4ed in t$e United States and s'&=e,t to its ='"isdi,tion is a ,iti4enNE 0o"din# -i-i,s t$e 0o"din# o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent to t$e Constit'tion2

a"t o. t$e United States, t$en I 0as not &o"n, no" do I li*e, in t$e United States2 I ,e"tainl! don5t s end -',$, i. an!, ti-e in Was$in#ton, >2C2 o" an! o. t$e te""ito"ies, and I $a*e ne*e" &een nat'"ali4ed t$e"e2 I -'st not &e a 9,iti4en5 o" 9"esident alien5 o. t$e United States, &ased on t$ei" de.inition666 So, a,,o"din# to t$e Code, 0$o a- IF Let5s .ind o't -o"e a&o't t$is inte"estin# e"son ,alled a 9non"esident alien5 0$o does not a ea" to &e a..e,ted in t$e sa-e 0a! &! t$e in,o-e ta12 To do so, 0e #o to (J C%R 12;<1@(7a8 0$e"e it At (J C%R 12;<1@(7&8 it states, D"eneral2 T$e te"- 9non"esident alien indi*id'al5 -eans an indi*id'al 0$ose "esiden,e is not 0it$in t$e United States, and 0$o is not a ,iti4en o. t$e United StatesNE

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


states, DResidence defined2 An alien a,t'all! "esent in t$e United States 0$o is not a -e"e t"ansient o" so=o'"ne" is a "esident o. t$e United States .o" t$e '" oses o. t$e in,o-e ta1NE 9non"esident alien5 so'nds li+e -e2 So let5s see $o0 t$is e"son is ta1ed2 states, DImposition of ta,2 No0 t$is At (J C%R 12;<1@<, it

718 T$is se,tion a lies .o" t$e '" oses o. dete"-inin# t$e ta1 o. a

non"esident alien indi*id'al 0$o at no ti-e d'"in# t$e ta1a&le !ea" is en#a#ed in a t"ade o" &'siness in t$e United StatesN2 E1,e t as ot$e"0ise "o*ided in se,2 12;<1@1(, a non"esident alien indi*id'al to 0$o- t$is se,tion a lies is not s'&=e,t to t$e ta1 i- osed &! se,tion 1 o" se,tion 1()17&8 &'t, '"s'ant to t$e "o*isions o. se,tion ;<17a8, is lia&le to a .lat ta1 o. B) e",ent ' on t$e a##"e#ate o. t$e a-o'nts dete"-ined 'nde" a"a#"a $s 7&8, 7,8, and 7d8 o. t$is se,tion 0$i,$ a"e "e,ei*ed ."oso'",es 0it$in t$e United StatesNE Sin,e I don5t $a*e an! in,o-e ."o- so'",es 0it$in t$e United States, it doesn5t so'nd li+e I o0e an! ta1es6 To .'"t$e" 'nde"stand 0$at t$is -eans, 0e #o to (J C%R 121G)(7&8@17d8 0$e"e it states, D.onresident aliens2 A non"esident alien indi*id'al ne*e" $as sel.@e- lo!-ent in,o-eN2s',$ non"esident alien indi*id'al 0ill not &e s'&=e,t to t$e ta1 on sel.@ e- lo!-ent in,o-e, sin,e an! net ea"nin#s 0$i,$ $e -a! $a*e ."o- sel.@e- lo!-ent do not ,onstit'te sel.@e- lo!-ent in,o-eNE2 ad*anta#es, and I so'nd li+e one o. t$e-2 Blac./! de.ines Dnon@"esident alienE as, DOne 0$o is neit$e" a "esident o" a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 Citi4ens$i is dete"-ined 'nde" t$e .ede"al i--i#"ation and nat'"ali4ation la0s 7U2S2 Code Title ;82E Title ; de.ines 9alien5 as Dan! e"son not a ,iti4en o" national o. t$e United States2E It .'"t$e" de.ines 9national o. t$e United States5 as DN7A8 a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, o" 7B8 a e"son 0$o, t$o'#$ not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, o0es e"-anent alle#ian,e to t$e United States2E So, 0$o is a non"esident alien o. t$e United StatesF One non@"esident alien o. t$e United States is t$e A-e"i,an 0$o $as not nat'"ali4ed as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States '"s'ant to t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent, and does not "eside 0it$in t$e United States2 I. !o' .ind t$at $a"d to &elie*e, .ollo0 t$e de.initions *e"! ,losel!2 %i"st, does an A-e"i,an li*e in t$e United StatesF So-e -i#$t, &'t -ost do not2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e %i.t! Re '&li,s +no0n as DT$e United States o. A-e"i,aE a"e not in t$e United States2 Se,ond, is $e a ,iti4en o. t$e United StatesF Not 'nless $e $as ente"ed into a >oes $e o0e ,ont"a,t to &e,o-e one, and $as not !et "eleased $i-sel. ."o- t$at ,ont"a,t2 e"-anent alle#ian,e to t$e United StatesF T$is non"esident alien "eall! see-s li+e $e $as all t$e

As an A-e"i,an, $e o0ns e*e"!t$in# and $e is t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


so*e"ei#n2 T$e United States a,t'all! o0es $i- alle#ian,e, &e,a'se t$e United States 0as ,"eated &! t$e States o. t$e Union to se"*e t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en5s needs2 It is *e"! ,lea" t$at i. !o' a"e a .'ll! e- o0e"ed A-e"i,an Citi4en li*in# in Te1as 7o" an! o. t$e ot$e" G9 Re '&li,s8, !o' a"e, in .a,t, a non"esident alien to t$e United States3 -o"e s e,i.i,all!, to t$e t"'st2 As s',$, t$e onl! in,o-e t$at !o' o0e an! in,o-e ta1 on is t$at 0$i,$ !o' #et ."o- t$e United States2 I. !o' 0e"e one o. t$e &i# de.ense ,ont"a,to"s, !o' 0o'ld not 0ant to &e ta1ed as a non@"esident alien, &e,a'se -ost, i. not all o. !o'" in,o-e 0o'ld &e ."o- t$e United States2 I. !o' 0e"e a #o*e"n-ent e- lo!ee, !o'" in,o-e 0o'ld &e ."o- a so'",e 0it$in t$e United States, and !o' 0o'ld "o&a&l! 0ant to &e ta1ed as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States "at$e" t$an a! a .lat B)P ta1 on all ea"nin#s ."o- 0it$in t$e United States2 B't, i. !o'5"e li+e -ost o. 's, !o' "o&a&l! "e,ei*e *e"! little o" none o. !o'" in,o-e ."o0it$in t$e United States, 'nless it is &! ,ont"a,t, 0$i,$ !o' ,an &"ea+2 In t$at ,ase, a,,o"din# to t$e Code, !o' o0e no ta16 B't $o0 ,o'ld t$at &eF I. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an, !o' do not o0e t$e de&t 0$i,$ t$e United States "an ' t$"o'#$ totall! 'nla0.'l a,tions2 I. !o' a"e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States i#e# a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, o" i. !o' "eside 0it$in t$e United States, t$e ,o" o"ate United States Go*e"n-ent "e:'i"es t$at !o' $el a! t$e old de&t to t$e Ban+ste"s2 T$at5s 0$! !o' s$o'ld &e *e"! ,a"e.'l a&o't t$e 'se o. 4i ,odes in !o'" add"ess2 I. 4i ,odes identi.! a .ede"al 4one, and !o' 'se a 4i ,ode 0it$in !o'" add"ess 0it$o't a dis,lai-e", !o' a"e ad-ittin# to "esiden,e 0it$in a .ede"al a"ea2 T$e"e.o"e, !o' .all 'nde" t$e "o*isions o. T$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code2 I $a*e $ad -an! eo le as+, Di. I don5t a! -! .ai" s$a"e, $o0 0ill t$e #o*e"n-ent "'nFE T$at

ans0e" is si- le2 %i"st, t$e #o*e"n-ent does not "'n on !o'" in,o-e ta1es2 T$ose ta1es all #o to t$e Ban+ste"s as a!-ent to0a"d t$e old de&t2 U 'ntil 199(, t$e &a,+s o. ,$e,+s t$at !o' 0"ote to t$e IRS 0e"e endo"sed DTo An! %RB as a!-ent o. US O&li#ationE2 Ho0 did t$e %ede"al Rese"*e Ban+, a "i*ate ,o" o"ation, #et !o'" ta1 -one!F Also, .ind an! la,e 0$e"e t$e %ede"al Rese"*e It ne*e" Ban+ e*e" t"ans.e""ed an! o. t$ese ta1 dolla"s &a,+ to t$e United States Go*e"n-ent2

$a ened2 Mo"eo*e", t$is ,o'nt"! is "'n on e1,ise ta1es, ='st li+e it $as &een "'n sin,e its ,"eation2 E*e"!t$in# !o' &'! $as e1,ise ta1es on it, and t$ese ta1es #o di"e,tl! to t$e #o*e"n-ent2 Re-e-&e", t$is ,o'nt"! e1isted .o" al-ost t0o $'nd"ed !ea"s, and &e,a-e t$e #"eatest nation e*e" on ea"t$, 0it$o't an! in,o-e ta1es2 Not$in# "eall! $as ,$an#ed e1,e t a &'n,$ o. t$ie*es .o'nd a 0a!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


to steal t$e A-e"i,an Bi"t$"i#$t, and t$is ,o'nt"! 0o'ld not .all a a"t i. t$e! 0e"e all e1e,'ted to-o""o0 .o" t$ei" ,"i-es a#ainst -an+ind, and 0e "et'"ned to a no in,o-e ta1 s!ste-2 B't, !o' sa!, $o0 does t$is a..e,t -! ,iti4ens$i F T$e 0$ole s!ste- t$at is atte- tin# to steal !o'" t"'e &i"t$"i#$t 'sin# t$is *e$i,le as t$e ,o"ne"stone o. its atta,+ on !o'" ."eedo-s2 Yo'" ta1 stat's is also t$e stat's assi#ned to !o' .o" t$e "est o. t$is ,o" o"ate, de facto #o*e"n-ent2 So i. !o' ,an "e-ain ,lea" o. t$e IRS 0it$ "e#a"d to t$e in,o-e ta1, !o' $a*e also -ana#ed to "e,lai- !o'" A-e"i,an Citi4ens$i , alon# 0it$ all !o'" ot$e" Constit'tional Ri#$ts2 Re-e-&e", sin,e Title (J is s e,ial "i*ate la0, !o' -'st &e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st &e.o"e its "o*isions ,an &e en.o",ed a#ainst !o'2 T$e ta1 s!ste- is -o"e a&o't total o0e" .o" t$e e"sons "'nnin# it t$an it is -one!2 I. t$e! ,an

,ont"ol !o'" o,+et&oo+, t$e! +no0 !o' 0ill .ollo02 Re-e-&e" t$at t$ei" o0e" to ta1 !o' on !o'" in,o-e ,o-es onl! as a "es'lt o. !o'" -e-&e"s$i in t$e t"'st2 I. !o' "etain o" "e#ain !o'" A-e"i,an Citi4ens$i , t$ei" o0e"s a#ainst !o' a"e *oid2 B't an!ti-e !o' 'se a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" .o" an! "eason, !o' state t$at !o' a"e, and !o' 0ant to "e-ain, a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 Yo' -'st "e-e-&e" t$at t$ese a"e snea+!, 'nde"-inin#, &a,+@sta&&in# s,'- &',+ets 0$o 0ill do o" sa! an!t$in# to -aintain t$ei" o0e" o*e" !o'2 T$e! $a*e le#all! ,$an#ed t$e -eanin#s o. 0o"ds .o" t$ei" '" oses in o"de" to -a+e !o' &elie*e t$in#s 0$i,$ a"e not t"'e2 K'st a .e0 e1a- les o. t$is de,eit .ollo02 T$e 0o"d 9 e"son5 is t$o'#$t &! -ost eo le to -ean so-eone ='st li+e t$e-sel*es2 Ho0e*e", t$e de.inition 'sed in t$e U2S2 Code is, Dan! indi*id'al, a"tne"s$i , asso,iation, ,o- an!, o" ot$e" in,o" o"ated &od! o. indi*id'als o" ,o" o"ation, o" &od! oliti,2E Mo"eo*e", a D e"sonE is a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, a"ti.i,ial in nat'"e2 So, 0$en !o' "e.e" to !o'"sel. as a 9 e"son5, !o' ste into t$ei" 0o"ld o. .alse entities2 Wo"se still, 0$en t$e! "e.e" to !o' as a 9 e"son5, t$e! de.initel! a"e not "e.e""in# to t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en !o' t$in+ !o' a"e3 and, 0$en !o' "es ond, !o' ad-it to &ein# an a"ti.i,ial entit! t$at is a s'&=e,t to t$ei" "'le 0it$ no Constit'tional Ri#$ts2 T$e S' "e-e Co'"t said, in United States C2 %o1, DSin,e in ,o--on 'sa#e, t$e te"- e"son does not in,l'de t$e So*e"ei#n, stat'tes not e- lo!in# t$e $"ase a"e o"dina"il! ,onst"'ed to e1,l'de it2E .ile in,o-e ta1 "et'"ns 0e"e 9 e"sons5 -ade lia&le2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e one -ade lia&le to

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$en t$e"e is t$e 0o"d 9s$all52

Most o. 's $a*e t$o'#$t t$e 0o"d 9s$all5 0$en 'sed in t$e Code Not so, a,,o"din# to t$e S' "e-e

-eant t$at !o' a"e "e:'i"ed to do 0$ate*e" .ollo0s t$at 0o"d2

Co'"t 0$o, in Cai"o and %'lton R2R2 Co2 C2 He,$t, 9/ U2S2 1<), stated, DAs a#ainst t$e #o*e"n-ent, t$e 0o"d s$all 0$en 'sed in stat'tes is to &e ,onst"'ed as 9-a!5, 'nless a ,ont"a"! intention is -ani.est2E So in e*e"! la,e in t$e Code 0$e"e !o' see t$e 0o"d 9s$all5, si- l! "e la,e it 0it$ t$e 0o"d 9-a!5, and t$en "e"ead t$e senten,e2 Yo' 0ill .ind t$e -eanin# to &e *e"! di..e"ent2 Also, !o' 0ill ne*e" .ind an! la,e in t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code t$at "e:'i"es !o' to do an!t$in#2 An!ti-e t$e 0o"d 9"e:'i"ed5 is 'sed in t$e IRC, it is in t$e ,onte1t o. 90$en "e:'i"ed5 o" 9i. "e:'i"ed52 T$e "eason .o" t$is is si- le @ it 0o'ld &e 'n,onstit'tional .o" t$e United States to 9"e:'i"e5 an A-e"i,an to do an!t$in# 0it$o't t$at a"ti,'la" A-e"i,an "e*io'sl! &"ea+in# one o. t$e la0s .o" 0$i,$ $e s'""ende"ed ='"isdi,tion2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, t$e ,o--and $as -eanin# onl! to a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 I. !o' 0is$ to "e-ain a -e-&e" in #ood standin#, !o' .ollo0 t$e "e:'est2 So e*e"! ti-e t$at it a ea"s t$at !o' a"e o"de"ed to do so-et$in# in t$e IRC, t$e 0o"d 9s$all5 o" S-'st5 7t$e 0o"d 9-'st5 $as &een "'led to -ean 9-a!5 also8 is 'sed instead o. t$e 0o"d 9"e:'i"ed52 T$e list is al-ost ne*e" endin#, and -o"e 0ill &e,o-e e*ident in t$is 0"itin#2 To ans0e" t$e :'estion o., DW$at is t$e United StatesFE, 0e -'st 't all o. t$e .a,ts t$at 0e $a*e lea"ned to#et$e"2 %i"st, letSs see 0$at it is not2 It is not t$e .i.t! so*e"ei#n Re '&li,s +no0n as t$e 'nited States o. A-e"i,a2 T$at &e,o-es o&*io's in t$e s-all a-o'nt o. in.o"-ation #i*en !o' in It is not e*en t$e de )ure "o*ide .o" t$e ,o--on de.ense and ins'"e t$is 0"itin#, and t$e"e is -',$ -o"e in.o"-ation to "o*e t$at .a,t2 #o*e"n-ent esta&lis$ed &! t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s to do-esti, t"an:'illit!2 T$e so""! Basta"ds6 Un.o"t'natel!, t$is s$o"t list o. 0o"ds .o" 0$i,$ t$e -eanin# $as &een ,$an#ed is non@e1$a'sti*e2

T$at #o*e"n-ent s ent, stole, and ,$eated itsel. into &an+"' t,! in 19BB2

W$at t$e United States is toda! is a a"t o. a t"'st, "e.e""ed to &! o'" so@,alled leade"s as Dt$e '&li, t"'stE, 0$i,$ o e"ates on &e$al. o. t$e Ban+ste"s 0$o $old t$e notes on t$e de )ure United States 'nde" t$e &an+"' t,! o. 19BB2 T$e entities no0 o e"atin# in t$e la,e o. t$e .i.t! Re '&li,s a"e a,t'all! .o"ei#n, insol*ent ,o--e",ial t"ade"s doin# &'siness as an i- lied, ,$a"ita&le, o" "es'ltin# t"'st 'nde" t$e na-e o. DTHE STATE O% TEOASE 7o" one o. t$e ot$e" states82 T$e t"'st $as no a't$o"it! o*e" an!one ot$e" t$an its -e-&e"s, it is insol*ent &e,a'se it 'ses onl! inst"'-ents o. de&t as its ,'""en,! in a!-ent o. de&t, and it is .o"ei#n to t$e de )ure DT$e State o. Te1asE .o" t$ose

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


"easons2 T$e"e.o"e, as a Te1as state Citi4en, THE STATE O% TEOAS is a .o"ei#n state o e"atin# 0it$in t$e e1te"nal &o"de"s o. Te1as to "o*ide se"*i,es .o" its -e-&e"s2 T$is -o*e 0as ,o- leted in 19B9, and 0as -a"+ed &! t$e "'lin# &! t$e S' "e-e Co'"t in t$e E"ie Rail"oad ,ase2 T$is ,ase -a"+ed t$e .i"st "'lin# 0$i,$ a&andoned ,o--on la0 in .a*o" o. ,o--e",ial la0, t$'s 's$e"in# in t$e e"a o. t$e t"'st2 T$e a,tions &! t$e United States and t$e .i.t! se*e"al States #i*e t$e a ea"an,e t$at e*e"!t$in# ,$an#ed, and t$at t$e A-e"i,an eo le a"e no lon#e" t$e so*e"ei#n2 T$at is t$e e1a,t i-a#e t$at t$ose in ,$a"#e o. t$e t"'st 0o'ld li+e to o"t"a! to !o'3 $o0e*e", t$e t"'t$ is :'ite di..e"ent2 T$e S' "e-e Co'"t, in K'llia"d C2 G"een-an, 11) U2S2 1(1, said, DT$e"e is no s',$ t$in# as a o0e" o. in$e"ent So*e"ei#nt! in t$e #o*e"n-ent o. t$e United States2 In t$is ,o'nt"! so*e"ei#nt! "esides in t$e eo le, and Con#"ess ,an e1e",ise no o0e" 0$i,$ t$e! $a*e not, &! t$ei" ,onstit'tion ent"'sted to itL All else is 0it$$eld2E In Yi,+ Wo C2Ho +ins and Woo Lee C2 Ho +ins, 11; U2S2 B/J, t$e S' "e-e Co'"t said, DSo*e"ei#nt! itsel. is, o. ,o'"se, not s'&=e,t to la0 .o" it is t$e a't$o" and so'",e o. la02E W$at t$ese t0o ,ases tell 's is t$at 0it$ t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en lies T$at la0 ,annot, t$en, &e 'sed to N'-e"o's ot$e" ,ases s' o"t t$is .a,t2 so*e"ei#nt!3 and, t$e"e.o"e, $is o0e" is t$e so'",e o. la02 'nde"-ine and ,ont"ol t$e one 0$ose o0e" s' o"ts it2

W$at it all ,o-es do0n to is t$e si- le .a,t t$at t$e United States IS NOT t$e so*e"ei#n 0it$ "e#a"d to t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en, as t$ose 0$o ,ont"ol it 0o'ld $a*e !o' &elie*e2 W$at also &e,o-es ,lea" is t$at t$e United States $as &e,o-e t$e so*e"ei#n to t$e t"'st -e-&e"s i#e# ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, and t$ei" o0e" o*e" t$ose ,iti4ens is al-ost a&sol'te2 In .a,t, t$ei" o0e" #"eatl! "ese-&les t$at o. Iin# Geo"#e III o. En#land at t$e ti-e o. t$e A-e"i,an Re*ol'tion2 t$e t"'st, -',$ li+e t$e s'&=e,ts o. t$e Iin# in old En#land2 t$in# is, not *e"! -an! o. t$e- 0ill2 B! t$e 0a!, t$is ,o" o"ate United States e*en $as its o0n .la#, 0$i,$ -an! o. !o' $ono" "e#'la"l!2 It loo+s li+e t$e A-e"i,an .la# 0it$ a !ello0 ."in#e a"o'nd it2 It is -ilita"! in nat'"e, and is t$e s!-&ol o. t$e t"'st2 It s$o'ld not &e $ono"ed &! an A-e"i,an, &e,a'se it "e "esents t$at 0$i,$ 0o'ld dest"o! A-e"i,a2 O..i,ials 0ill tell !o' t$at t$e .la# 0it$ t$e !ello0 ."in#e is t$e ,e"e-onial I. t$at 0e"e t"'e, t$e"e 0o'ld &e a testi-on! to t$at .a,t in A-e"i,an .la#2 >on5t &elie*e it5s t"'e2 Man!, i. not -ost, A-e"i,ans $a*e ,ont"a,ted t$e-sel*es into a state o. *ol'nta"! se"*it'de &! &e,o-in# -e-&e"s o. He"e, t$e #ood t$in# is t$at t$e! ,an "e*e"se t$is sit'ation &! ,an,elin# t$e ,ont"a,t, t$e"e&! &e,o-in# t$e so*e"ei#n on,e a#ain2 T$e &ad

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


0"itin#2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at s',$ a .la# does not e*en a ea" in a .la# &oo+ o. nations2 T$at5s &e,a'se t$e .la# is a ,o--e",ial .la# o. t$e t"'st3 and, as s',$, it $as no la,e in a &oo+ o. national .la#s2 Go to an! .la# &oo+ o" a't$o"it!, and t$e! 0ill tell !o' t$at e*e"!t$in# on a .la# $as a s e,i.i, "eason and -eanin#2 T$en t"! to .ind an! sit'ation 0$e"e t$e A-e"i,an .la# $as an! !ello0 ."in#e a"o'nd it2 T$e !ello0 "e "esents t$e ,olo" o. t$e ,$a"a,te" o. t$ose 0$o $ono" and s' o"t it2 Re-e-&e" t$at an! ,$an#e in a .la# ,$an#es t$e -eanin# o. t$e .la#2 A-e"i,ans $a*e &e,o-e 0ea+, iti.'l e1,'ses o. -en, 0it$o't t$e ,o'"a#e to .ollo0 in t$e .ootste s o. t$ei" &"a*e .o"$e"s2 A at$! ,ont"ols 'nless it is o'" o1 t$at is #ettin# #o"ed at t$e a"ti,'la" -o-ent2 W$at no one see-s to 'nde"stand is t$at t$e #o"in# o. an! A-e"i,an5s o1 is t$e #o"in# o. e*e"! A-e"i,an5s o12 O'" st"en#t$ is in o'" 'nit!, and in t$e 0onde".'l 9S' "e-e La05 le.t to 's &! o'" .o"$e"s ,alled t$e Constit'tion2 Wit$in t$at do,'-ent lies all o. t$e o0e" and a't$o"it! t$at 0e need to "e-ain ."ee, inde endent eo le2 T$e "o&le- is t$at t$e United States $as te- ted o'" eo le 0it$ t$e eas! li.e, 0it$ .e0 0o""ies, and a -aste" 0$o 0ill ta+e ,a"e o. -ost o. t$e 0o""ies t$at -i#$t &ot$e" 's2 It see-s t$at none o. 's 0ant to ta+e "es onsi&ilit! .o" o'"sel*es an!-o"e2 We 0o'ld "at$e" $a*e a -aste" to sol*e o'" "o&le-s, tell 's 0$at to do and $o0 to li*e o'" li*es, ,a"e .o" 's 0$en 0e #et old, ta+e ,a"e o. o'" .a-il! -e-&e"s 0$en t$e! ,an5t "o*ide .o" t$e-sel*es3 and, in #ene"al, -a+e o" a "o*e e*e"! de,ision &e.o"e 's2 I. !o' 0ant so-eone else to do t$at .o" !o', sto "eadin# no0 and "et'"n t$is &oo+ .o" a "e.'nd2 T$at is not 0$at &ein# an A-e"i,an, and &ein# ."ee, is a&o't2 It is a&o't -a+in# !o'" o0n de,isions and li*in# 0it$ t$e ,onse:'en,es o" "e0a"ds o. t$ose de,isions2 It5s a&o't de,idin# .o" !o'"sel. 0$et$e" o" not !o' need to 0ea" t$at seat&elt, and t$en li*in# 7o" d!in#8 0it$ t$e de,ision2 It5s a&o't "o*idin# .o" !o'" o0n old a#e, and $el in# !o'" .a-il! -e-&e"s t$"o'#$ t$ei"s 0it$o't $el o" inte".e"en,e ."o- an! -aste"2 It5s a&o't ea"nin# !o'" o0n li*in#, and +ee in# 0$at !o' ea"n 0it$o't so-eone ,o-in# and tellin# !o' t$at !o' s$o'ld &e a!in# 9!o'" .ai" s$a"e5 o. so-e&od! else5s &ill2 It5s a&o't doin# an!t$in# !o' 0ant to do as lon# as !o' do not da-a#e so-eone else5s li.e, li&e"t!, o" "o e"t!2 It5s a&o't a,,e tin# .ai" and ='st I. t$at 'nis$-ent 0$en !o' do intentionall! da-a#e so-eone else5s li.e, li&e"t!, o" "o e"t!2 !o'5"e #ood .o", and !o' don5t dese"*e !o'" &i"t$"i#$t6 it5s !o'" ,$oi,e2

so'nds li+e !o', +ee "eadin#2 I. not, sto "eadin# no0 and ='st ,ontin'e &ein# a sla*e2 T$at5s all A-e"i,an Citi4en o" -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st,

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



T$e ,o'"t s!ste- o. toda! is #ea"ed st"i,tl! .o" ,iti4ens o. t$e United States i#e# -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st2 T$at5s "i#$t, i. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an 0it$ .'ll Constit'tional o0e"s, t$e ,o'"ts $a*e *i"t'all! no ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o', and not$in# to o..e" !o'2 It5s t"'e t$at t$e! 0ill ta+e ='"isdi,tion, o" atte- t to ta+e it 'nde" t$e "es'- tion t$at !o' a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st3 &'t t$e .a,ts a"e ,lea" in t$at no a't$o"it! e1ists .o" t$e t"'st ,o'"ts o. toda! to ta+e ='"isdi,tion o*e" an A-e"i,an Citi4en, 'nless &! ,ont"a,t2 T$at5s &e,a'se all ,o'"ts as !o' +no0 t$e- toda! a"e ,o--e",ial in nat'"e2 Yes, e*en -atte"s ,onside"ed D,"i-inalE a"e ,o--e",ial -atte"s in t$e ,o'"ts o. toda!2 E*e" 0onde" a&o't t$e te"- D,$a"#eE in "elation to an o..enseF T$e ,o'"ts a"e ,o--e",ial &e,a'se t$e! o e"ate &! ,ont"a,t 'nde" t$e national &an+"' t,!2 So $o0 did !o' #et t$e"eF Sin,e t$e ,o'"ts o e"ate ,o--e",iall! 'nde" ,ont"a,t, t$e"e is an o*e""idin# "es'- tion t$at an!one 0$o ente"s t$e ,o'"t is a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st3 t$e"e.o"e, 'nde" ,ont"a,t .o" t$e ,o'"t to ad='di,ate t$e "o&le- &ein# "esented2 Silen,e is ,onsent, so 0$en !o' ,o-e .o"0a"d and ans0e" to t$e ,o'"t, t$e "es'- tion t$at !o' a"e a t"'st -e-&e" ,ont"a,ted to t$e ,o'"t is *e"i.ied, and t$e ,o'"t $as #ained ='"isdi,tion2 I. !o' s',,ess.'ll! "e&'t t$e "es'- tion t$at !o' "e a t"'st -e-&e", t$e ,o'"t ,annot #ain ='"isdi,tion, and it -'st "id itsel. o. !o' in t$e .astest ossi&le 0a!2 None o. t$ese ,o'"ts a"e a't$o"i4ed to $ea" A"ti,le III ,ases, &e,a'se t$e States $a*e .allen &e,a'se t$e"e is no "eal -one! to &a,+ t$e-2 T$e"e.o"e, i. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an Citi4en 0$o $as not 0ai*ed $is ,onstit'tional "i#$ts &! ,ont"a,t, !o' a"e i--'ne ."o- t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$ese ,o'"t 'nless !o' $a*e intentionall! da-a#ed t$e li.e o" "o e"t! o. so-eone else2 T$e ,o'"ts a"e all t"'st ,o'"ts, and t$ei" -ain .'n,tion and d't! is to "ote,t t$e inte"ests o. t$e t"'st at all ,osts2 T$e! en.o",e t$e stat'tes and ,odes, and stat'tes and ,odes a"e intended .o" 'se &! t$e t"'st and its -e-&e"s3 in ot$e" 0o"ds, s e,ial and "i*ate in nat'"e2 I "eali4e t$at t$is is a &i# &ite to s0allo0, so I 0ill atte- t to &"ea+ t$is do0n into a si- le" .o"-2 Re-e-&e" t$at all o0e" .lo0ed 7and .lo0s8 ."o- t$e state Citi4en 7A-e"i,an8 do0n to t$e State, and t$en .'"t$e" do0n to t$e United States2 T$e o0e"s #i*en a"e s e,i.i,, and t$e! $a*e ,$an#ed

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


*e"! little in t$e ()) l's !ea"s sin,e t$e! 0e"e esta&lis$ed2 T$e ='"isdi,tional a't$o"it! assed do0n 0as *e"! li-ited as it a lied to A-e"i,ans, and al-ost 'nli-ited as it a lied to an!one else 0it$ 0$o- t$e United States -i#$t &e dealin#2 T$is 0as all 0ell t$o'#$t o't, and it 0as e1a,tl! 0$at t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s intended2 T$e! 0anted t$e United States to deal 0it$ t$e .o"ei#n ,o'nt"ies 0it$ .'ll a't$o"it!, &e,a'se t$at 0o'ld &e t$e &est 0a! o. "o*idin# .o" t$e! and ,on*enien,e o. t$e indi*id'al Re '&li,s 0$i,$ it "e "esented2 T$e! 0anted *e"! little a't$o"it! assed to t$e United States o*e" t$e A-e"i,ans, &e,a'se t$e! $ad .'ll intentions o. "e-ainin# t$e so*e"ei#n2 Re-e-&e", t$e -ain '" ose o. t$e %ede"al Co'"t S!ste-3 and, t$e"e.o"e, t$e %ede"al La0s, 0as to ad='di,ate "o&le-s &et0een t$e States, settle ,ont"o*e"sies in 0$i,$ t$e United States 0as a a"t!, settle -atte"s &et0een A-e"i,ans and .o"ei#n states o" its ,iti4ens, and to #o*e"n in t$e *e"! li-ited a"eas o. ='"isdi,tion .o" 0$i,$ a't$o"it! 0as #i*en o*e" t$e state Citi4en2 T$e ot$e" '" ose o. t$e %ede"al La0s 0as to #o*e"n .ede"al ,iti4ens2 So 0$at is a .ede"al ,iti4enF In essen,e, t$e"e is no di..e"en,e &et0een a .ede"al ,iti4en and a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 Si- l!, it is t$at e"son 0$o "esides 0it$in t$e t"'st and its ossessions, 0$o ,annot o" does not ,lai- state Citi4ens$i in one o. t$e /) Re '&li,s o. t$e Union2 A "i-e e1a- le o. a .ede"al ,iti4en o. toda! 0$o $as no ,$oi,e 0o'ld &e t$e P'e"to Ri,ans2 te""ito"! o. t$e United States2 Ri,o2 As s',$, it &e,a-e a a"t o. t$e t"'st as a "es'lt o. t$e 19BB &an+"' t,!2 ,iti4ens o. t$e United States 7t"'st -e-&e"s8, &'t t$e! a"e not A-e"i,ans2 P'e"to Ri,o is a Its ,iti4ens a"e In lain lan#'a#e, t$at -eans t$at t$e United States o0ns P'e"to T$e! do not $a*e

Constit'tional Ri#$ts, &'t t$e! do $a*e 9,i*il "i#$ts5 'nde" t$e te"-s o. t"'st -e-&e"s$i 2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, t$e! $a*e t$e "i*ile#es and i--'nities "o*ided &! t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent, &'t not t$e t"'e Ri#$ts #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion .o" A-e"i,ans2 T$e United States $ad to $a*e la0s 0it$ 0$i,$ to #o*e"n t$e #"o0in# n'-&e"s o. .ede"al ,iti4ens2 T$ese ,iti4ens in,"ease e*e"! ti-e a ne0 i--i#"ant a lies .o" and is #"anted ad-ission into t$e United States2 No state allo0s t$ese ne0 i--i#"ants assa#e into t$is ,o'nt"!, so t$e! all ,o-e as a "es'lt o. %ede"al a't$o"it!2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e ,iti4ens$i 0$i,$ t$e! see+, and -an! e*ent'all! a"e #"anted, is .ede"al ,iti4ens$i , i#e# ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 It is 0a"ded &! .i"st #"antin# li-ited -e-&e"s$i into t$e t"'st &! t$e iss'an,e o. a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", and late" &! &esto0in# .'ll t"'st

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


&ene.its2 T$e! ,an ne*e" &e,o-e A-e"i,ans, and t$e! 0ill ne*e" $a*e .'ll Constit'tional o0e"s, &e,a'se !o' eit$e" a"e an A-e"i,an ."o- !o'" &i"t$"i#$t, o" !o' 0ill ne*e" &e2 .ede"al la0s a"e 0"itten to #o*e"n t$e .ede"al ,iti4ens2 Onl! t$e la0s 0$i,$ s e,i.i,all! add"ess iss'es .o" 0$i,$ ='"isdi,tion 0as s e,i.i,all! #i*en in t$e Constit'tion a..e,t A-e"i,ans2 T$ose iss'es all a"e +no0n as 9Co--on La05 iss'es2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, a,t'al intentional da-a#e $as to &e,ted ' on anot$e" e"son5s li.e, li&e"t!, o" "o e"t! in o"de" .o" ='"isdi,tion to &e ta+en o*e" an A-e"i,an2 B't .ede"al la0s, 'sin# lena"! a't$o"it!, $a*e no Constit'tional li-its ot$e" t$an d'e "o,ess la,ed on t$e-, ,an #"ant ='"isdi,tion to t$e T$ose 9la0s5 ,an &e ,$an#ed at 0ill 0it$ #o*e"n-ent .o" an! "eason t$at t$e #o*e"n-ent 0is$es2 Ci"t'all! all o. t$e

*e"! little e..o"t 7-an! ti-es &! not$in# -o"e t$an a &'"ea',"at 0"itin# a ne0 "e#'lation8, and t$e intention o. t$e e" et"ato" is not an iss'e3 so t$at a e"son ,an ,o--it a 9,"i-e5 0it$o't intendin# to do so, o" +no0in# t$at $e $as done so2 La0s s',$ as t$ese #i*e t$e #o*e"n-ent al-ost total ,ont"ol o*e" t$e eo le2 Un.o"t'natel!, &e,a'se t$e"e is no li-it as to t$e le#islati*e a't$o"it! o. Con#"ess o*e" its ossessions, t$e o0e" to #o*e"n 0as easil! t"ans.e""ed to t$e t"'st 0it$ "e#a"ds to its -e-&e"s2 T$at is 0$! -ost 0$o a"e "eadin# t$is &oo+ a"e ,'""entl! &o'nd &! t$e "i*ate la0 o. t$e t"'st, 0$i,$ is &ein# ad-iniste"ed and en.o",ed &! so-eone ot$e" t$an t$e de )ure .ede"al #o*e"n-ent2 Co--on la0s do not "e:'i"e an ela&o"ate ,o'"t s!ste- &e,a'se t$e! ,o'ld easil! &e de,ided in t$e lo,al ,o--'nities &! t$e ,iti4en"!, as t$e! a"e ,lea" and *i"t'all! indis 'ta&le2 B't t$e "'les and "e#'lations o. t$e t"'st a"e an!t$in# &'t ,lea", and dis 'tes a"e 0$at -a+e t$e s!ste- 0o"+2 T$e! a"e a tl! na-ed ,odes, -eanin# t$at so-e s e,ial a,tion to 'nlo,+ t$e se,"ets ,ontained t$e"ein is ne,essa"! to 'nde"stand t$e -eanin#s2 T$e t"'st o e"ates totall! in ,o--e",e, and it o e"ates 'nde" &an+"' t,!2 T$e"e.o"e, e*e"!t$in# it does is ai-ed at "ote,tin# t$e ,"edito"s5 ,ollate"al2 T$'s, t$e "i-a"! t$"'st o. t$e ,odes is to #i*e ,"edito"s an '" ad*anta#e o*e" t$e de&to", and to "ote,t t$e ,ollate"al2 He"e, 0e -'st "e-e-&e" t$at eo le a"e t$e "i-a"! ,ollate"al3 t$e"e.o"e, t$e .i"st d't! o. t$e t"'st is to "ote,t t$e eo le in a -anne" ,onsistent 0it$ t$e needs o. t$e t"'st2 T$at5s 0$! a n'-&e" o.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


,odes t$at tend to li-it t$e indi*id'al ."eedo-s t$at -ost o. !o' &elie*e !o' $a*e a"e ,onstantl! ena,ted2 As an e1a- le, let5s ta+e t$e seat &elt la02 Clea"l!, t$e"e is no '" ose .o" t$e seat &elt la0 as it "e.e"s to ,o--on la0, &e,a'se t$e"e is no #"eate" o" lesse" dan#e" to anot$e" a"t! 0$et$e" !o' a"e 0ea"in# a seat &elt o" not2 Ho0e*e", t$e t"'st is de endin# ' on !o'" ,ontin'ed ,ont"i&'tions to t$e -aintenan,e o. t$e t"'st, and 0ea"in# a seat &elt ,o'ld easil! e1tend t$e e"iod o. ti-e in 0$i,$ !o' ,o'ld "e-ain a "od',ti*e -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 Not 0ea"in# a seat &elt ,o'ld ,a'se !o' to &e,o-e an instant d"ain on t$e t"'st2 T$e"e.o"e, !o' a"e assessed a enalt! i. !o' a"e ,a'#$t not 0ea"in# a seat &elt2 It5s ='st a little ins'"an,e "e-i'- to "ote,t t$e t"'st5s ,ollate"al2 C"i-inal -atte"s 0o"+ in al-ost t$e sa-e -anne"2 C$a"#es a"e &"o'#$t a#ainst an a,,'sed2 Note te"- D,$a"#esE is a,t'all! ,o--e",ial in nat'"e2 Unde" t$e ,o--e",ial t"'st ,ode, 0$at a ea"s to &e a ,lea"@,'t ,ase o. -'"de" ,an &e t0isted a"o'nd to -a+e t$e +ille" a ea" to &e t$e *i,ti-3 and 0$at 0o'ld ot$e"0ise &e t$e 9Ri#$t5 to a,t in !o'" o0n &est inte"est ,an &e ta+en a0a! .o" 9t$e #ood o. t$e -an!52 A,t'all!, it5s all .o" t$e #ood o. t$e t"'st2 T$e o"i#inal ,o'"ts +ne0 t$at t0o di..e"ent ,lasses o. ,iti4ens$i 0e"e "esent in t$e Union3 and, t$e! +ne0 t$at ea,$ ,lass $ad to &e t"eated di..e"entl!2 One $ad to &e #i*en Constit'tional Ri#$ts, and t$e ot$e" did not2 A.te" 19BB, 0it$ t$e t"'st ass'-in# *i"t'all! all o. t$e d'ties "e*io'sl! $andled &! t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent, t$e ,o'"ts 0e"e $andlin# t"'st ,ases 'nde" t$e ,odes al-ost e1,l'si*el!2 T"'st -e-&e"s 0e"e -',$ easie" and sa.e" .o" t$e ,o'"ts to $andle, &e,a'se t$e! 0e"e s'&=e,t to t$e t"'st -e-&e"s$i "'les, and $ad no "eal o0e" o" "i#$ts ot$e" t$an t$ose assed &! t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e ,onse:'en,es o. "'lin# i- "o e"l! 0e"e *e"! -ini-al2 It &e,a-e ,lea" t$at it 0o'ld &e in 9e*e"!one5s5 &est inte"est i. t$e #o*e"n-ent ,o'ld ,lassi.! all eo le as -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st, t$e"e&! not $a*in# t$e 0o""! a&o't ,$an#in# "o,ed'"es and "'les on a ,ase@&!@,ase -et$od2 O&*io'sl!, it 0o'ld &e -',$ "e.e""ed i. all ,o'ld &e t"eated as ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 B't, $o0 ,o'ld t$at &e ossi&leF T$e ans0e" ,a-e a&o't in t$e a,t'al a e"0o"+ "e:'i"ed .o" t$e ,o'"t5s "e,o"ds2 At t$e to o. ea,$ do,'-ent .iled in a ,o'"t ,ase, t$e"e a ea"s 0$at is ,alled t$e 9st!lin# o. t$e ,a'se52 t$ei" "es e,ti*e osition o. T$is in,l'des t$e e1a,t na-es o. t$e a"ties, and In t$e na-es ,a-e t$e ans0e" t$at t$e lainti.. and de.endant2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


#o*e"n-ent 0as loo+in# .o"2

An indi*id'al A-e"i,an5s na-e 7so-eti-es "e.e""ed to as $is

9C$"istian Na-e58 is 0"itten in "o e" En#lis$ 0it$ a ,a ital lette" at t$e &e#innin# o. ea,$ na-e, and lo0e" ,ase lette"s .o" t$e "e-ainde" o. t$e na-e 7 i#e# Ki--! Wa!ne S-it$83 and, initials a"e not 'sed .o" .i"st o" -iddle na-es2 A ,o" o"ation5s na-e is s elled 'sin# all ,a ital lette"s 7 i#e# GENERAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION O% TEOAS82 7In ,ase !o' did not al"ead! +no0, ,o" o"ations a"e a"ti.i,ial entities, and a"e ,"eat'"es ,"eated &!, and t$e"e.o"e s'&=e,t to, t$e ,ode82 Be,a'se an A-e"i,an $as t$e 'nli-ited o0e" to ,ont"a,t, $e ,an easil! ente" into a ,ont"a,t to &e,o-e, o" a,t as, an a"ti.i,ial entit! .o" a s e,i.i, "eason2 In t$e ,o'"t s!ste- &ein# a lied toda!, 0e all &e,o-e an a"ti.i,ial entit! 7,o" o"ation8 &! ,ont"a,t'al a#"ee-ent as soon as 0e "es ond in an! .as$ion to t$e ,o'"t 'sin# t$e na-e o. o'" a"ti.i,ial 7,o" o"ate8 entit! 7 i#e# KIMMY WAYNE SMITH82 In doin# so, 0e state to t$e ,o'"t t$at 0e a"e t$e"e a,tin# on &e$al. o. o'" ,o" o"ate entit! instead o. as a li*in# -an2 In all ,ases, t$e st!lin# 0ill &e in all ,a itals, and "es ondin# 0it$ an!t$in# ot$e" t$an a ='"isdi,tional ,$allen#e &! 9S e,ial A ea"an,e5 0ill #i*e ='"isdi,tion to t$e ,o'"t, &e,a'se it 0ill &e statin# t$at !o' 0is$ to &e t"eated as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States 'nde" t$e t"'st "'les 7,ode8 .o" t$e d'"ation o. t$e "o,eedin#s2 In a ,"i-inal ,ase, 0$en t$e ,$a"#es a"e "ead, !o' ,an &e ass'"ed t$at t$e st!lin# o. t$e ,a'se is in all ,a itals3 t$e"e.o"e, i. !o' -a+e a leadin#, !o' a"e as+in# t$e ,o'"t to ta+e ='"isdi,tion 'nde" a ,ont"a,t'al a#"ee-ent .o" t$e d'"ation o. t$e ,a'se, and t$e ,o'"t 0ill "'le &! ,o--e",ial la0 7t"'st ,ode82 Yo' 0ill also note t$at, in -ost ,ases, t$e"e 0ill &e a ,o" o"ate United States .la# 70it$ t$e !ello0 ."in#e8 $an#in# in t$e ,o'"t"oo-, indi,atin# t$at !o' a"e in a ,o--e",ial t"i&'nal to &e #o*e"ned &! t"'st la02 He"e, t$e"e a"e so-e t$in#s 0$i,$ !o' need to &e a0a"e o.2 %i"st, -an! o. t$e o..enses .o" 0$i,$ !o' -a! &e ,"i-inall! ,$a"#ed a"e not la0s .o" %o" instan,e, Will.'l %ail'"e to %ile 7an in,o-e ta1 "et'"n82 He 0ill "ead 7o" $a*e "ead8 t$e ,$a"#es 0$i,$ t$e 0$i,$ an A-e"i,an ,an &e $eld lia&le2

B't let5s sa! t$at t$e #o*e"n-ent $as indi,ted !o' .o" 0ill.'l .ail'"e to .ile, and !o' a"e &"o'#$t &e.o"e a .ede"al ='d#e .o" a""ai#n-ent2 t$e ,$a"#es2 #o*e"n-ent is &"in#in# a#ainst !o'2 At t$e end o. t$e "eadin#, $e s$o'ld as+ !o' i. !o' 'nde"stand Yo' s$o'ld al0a!s i--ediatel! ,$allen#e &ot$ t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e ,o'"t and t$e Be.o"e a ,o'"t ,an $ea" a ,ase, it -'st $a*e Pe"sonal ='"isdi,tion is a #eo#"a $i,al ='"isdi,tion o. t$e 9a#en,!5 -a+in# t$e ,$a"#e2 dist"i,t o*e" 0$i,$ t$e ,o'"t $as ='"isdi,tion2

='"isdi,tion o*e" &ot$ t$e e"son and t$e s'&=e,t -atte"2

I. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an and !o' do not li*e in t$e

United States, o" !o' did not ,o--it t$e alle#ed o..ense in t$e United States, t$en t$e ,o'"t does not

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


$a*e e"sonal ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o'2 S'&=e,t -atte" ='"isdi,tion "e.e"s to t$e t! e o. ,$a"#e and t$e iss'es in*ol*ed2 %o" instan,e, a %ede"al ,o'"t onl! $as s'&=e,t -atte" ='"isdi,tion o*e" an A-e"i,an in t$e a"ea o. t$ose s e,i.i, o0e"s dele#ated to it &! t$e Constit'tion, all o. 0$i,$ a"e 9,o--on la05 in nat'"e2 Yo' $a*e a .ai" ,$an,e o. t$e ,ase &ein# dis-issed i--ediatel! i. !o' "o e"l! ,$allen#e ='"isdi,tion2 Ho0e*e", &e,a'se o. t$e st"',t'"e in la,e toda!, t$e ,o'"t 0ill -a+e t$e "es'- tion t$at !o' a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, and 0ill atte- t to "'le a,,o"din#l!2 T$e "o&le- !o' 0ill .a,e is t$at t$e ,o'"t !o' a"e in, and t$e ='d#e !o' a"e &e.o"e, does not $a*e t$e a't$o"it! to $ea" ,a'ses o" -a+e "'lin#s 'nde" A"ti,le III Se,tion ( o. t$e Constit'tion, and t$at is 0$e"e !o'" "e-ed! lies2 He ,an onl! ad='di,ate %o'"teent$ A-end-ent iss'es i#e# t"'st iss'es2 a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, t$'s !o' na-e in all ' &! t$e e1isten,e o. He a,t'all! se"*es as an ad='di,ato" o. t$e .a,ts 'nde" t$e t"'st .o" its -e-&e"s2 I. !o' a"e t$e"e, t$e "es'- tion is t$at !o' e" ,a s and t$e "es'- tion t$at !o' a"e "e:'i"ed "es'-ed and "oo. -'st &e to .ollo0 t$e t"'st "'les2 T$e o*e""idin# "es'- tion also ass'-es #'ilt, and "oo. ,an &e esta&lis$ed assi*e a,ts2 7In ,o--on la0, inno,en,e is esta&lis$ed &! a 0ill.'l a..i"-ati*e a,t82 %o" e1a- le, 'nde" t$e t"'st ,odes "oo. o. a ,"i-e ,an &e esta&lis$ed &! t$e .a,t t$at !o' .ailed to .ile a ta1 "et'"n2 T$at la,+ o. a,tion ,o'ld ne*e" lead to a ,on*i,tion o. a ,o--on la0 ,"i-e3 $o0e*e", 'nde" t$e "'les o. t$e t"'st, t$at .ail'"e is a ,"i-e and ,an "es'lt in "ison ti-e2 On,e a#ain, t$e .o,'s o. t$e ,odes is to "ote,t t$e ,"edito"s o. t$e t"'st, 0$ile t$e .o,'s o. t$e ,o--on la0 is to "ote,t t$e "i#$ts o. t$e "eal -an2 In t$e t"'st ,o'"ts, i. t$e ='d#e -o*es ast !o'" ='"isdi,tional ,$allen#e, !o' still $a*e a Ri#$t to 'nde"stand t$e e1a,t la0 t$at !o' a"e &ein# ,$a"#ed 0it$ *iolatin# 'nde" t$e d'e "o,ess ,la'se o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent2 In t$e ,ase o. 9Will.'l %ail'"e to %ile5, i. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an, 0o'ldn5t it &e a little $a"d to 'nde"stand $o0 !o'" se"*ant 7t$e #o*e"n-ent o" t$e t"'st t$at "e la,ed it8 ,an &"in# a ,$a"#e a#ainst !o' .o" so-et$in# t$at !o' ne*e" #a*e it ='"isdi,tion o*e"F A 9Bill o. Pa"ti,'la"s5 70$i,$ !o' $a*e a Ri#$t to de-and8 #i*in# t$e e1a,t la0 t$at !o' a"e ,$a"#ed 0it$ *iolatin# -a! lead to a :'i,+ endin# o. t$e a,tion a#ainst !o'2 I. !o' t"'l! a"e not a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, an a,tion o. a ,o--e",ial nat'"e a#ainst !o' is li+e t$e o0ne" o. a ,o- an! &ein# &"o'#$t into ,o'"t and s'ed &! one o. $is lo0 "an+in# e- lo!ees .o" not .ollo0in# a "'le 0$i,$ t$at e- lo!ee -ade ' 0it$o't an! a't$o"it! to do so2 7I do $o e no one "eadin# t$is .inds t$at to &e o+a!68 He"e is t$is de facto #o*e"n-ent 0$i,$ #ets its o0e" ."o- !o' ,o-in# to !o' and ,$a"#in# !o' ,"i-inall!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


0it$ .ail'"e to .ollo0 a "'le t$at it set ' 0it$o't !o'" a "o*al o" a't$o"it!2

Re-e-&e", all o. t$is

#o*e"n-ent5s o0e" .lo0s do0n ."o- !o'2 Sin,e t$e t"'st #ets its a't$o"it! ."o- t$e #o*e"n-ent, t$e sa-e $olds t"'e .o" it2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at, &! t$e te"-s 7d'e "o,ess8 o. t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent ."o- 0$i,$ t$ei" o0e" is de"i*ed, t$e! -'st tell !o' t$e e1a,t la0 0$i,$ !o' a"e a,,'sed o. *iolatin#2 I. !o' 'nde"stand t$e iss'es, it 0ill &e i- ossi&le .o" t$e- to #i*e !o' a la0 t$at sa!s !o' a"e "e:'i"ed to .ile an!t$in#, and t$e ,ase s$o'ld &e dis-issed2 B't, i. !o' lead, DNot G'ilt!E, t$en !o' $a*e not onl! #i*en ='"isdi,tion .o" t$e d'"ation o. t$is ,a'se to t$e ,o'"t, !o' $a*e also ad-itted t$at t$e"e is a la0 0$i,$ a lies to !o'2 Basi,all!, !o'5*e ad-itted t$at !o' a"e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 A.te" t$at, it is '"el! a :'estion o. .a,t @ did !o' .ile o. did !o' not .ileF Yo' a"e no lon#e" 9inno,ent 'ntil "o*en #'ilt!5, !o' a"e no0 a sla*e as+in# .o" !o'" -aste"5s 'nde"standin# and -e",!2 Re-e-&e", 'nde" ,o--e",ial la0, t$e "es'- tion is #'ilt2 To $el !o' .ind t$e t"ees in t$e .o"est, i-a#ine t$at !o' 0e"e &"o'#$t &e.o"e a ='d#e and ,$a"#ed 0it$ "eadin# a &oo+ entitled, DCa italis-, t$e Ri#$t Wa!E2 I-a#ine t$at a.te" t$e ,$a"#e is "ead to !o', !o' a"e told t$at t$e enalt! i. .o'nd #'ilt! o. t$is ,"i-e is () !ea"s $a"d la&o"2 No0, i-a#ine t$at !o' a"e in a >allas Co'nt!, Te1as, ,o'"t"oo- 0it$ a United States %ede"al K'd#e in ."ont o. !o' and $e sa!s, DHo0 do !o' lead, #'ilt! o" not #'ilt!FE2 Ho0 0o'ld !o' ans0e" t$e :'estionF W$at !o' -i#$t 0ant to do is as+, DSo 0$at5s t$e "o&le-, e*en i. I did "ead t$e &oo+FE2 W$at i. t$e ='d#e t$en told !o', DYo' a"e a,,'sed o. &"ea+in# a la0 'nde" t$e la0s o. t$e Red C$inese #o*e"n-ent2 We $a*e a t"eat! 0it$ t$e-, and I need .o" !o' to lead, #'ilt! o" not #'ilt!FE W$at 0o'ld !o' sa!F a lied to !o'2 I. !o' lead not #'ilt!, and !o' $ad "ead t$e &oo+, !o' 0o'ld &e ,o--ittin# I. !o' lead #'ilt! 7&e,a'se !o' $ad "ead t$e &oo+8, t$en senten,in# 0o'ld &e all T$is see-s "idi,'lo's, &'t t$is is e1a,tl! 0$at t$e ,o'"t s!ste- toda! does to e"='"! 7a ,"i-e 'nis$a&le 'nde" A-e"i,an la08, as 0ell as ad-ittin# t$at t$is 0as a la0 0$i,$ t$at5s le.t to settle2

A-e"i,ans2 It ,$a"#es t$e- 0it$ a ,"i-e ."o- t$e la0s o. a .o"ei#n state, t$e t"'st, 0$i,$ does not a l! to t$e-3 and does it in s',$ a 0a! t$at it is *e"! di..i,'lt .o" t$e 'n0a"! to es,a e t$e ,onse:'en,es t$at 0e"e ne*e" -eant to a l! to t$e-2 W$at !o' s$o'ld do is to "e.'se to lead 'ntil ='"isdi,tion $as &een .'ll! "o*en, and !o' 'nde"stand 0$at s e,i.i, la0 it is t$at !o' $a*e &"o+en and $o0 it a lies to !o' 7!o' $a*e a Ri#$t to +no0 and 'nde"stand t$is83 and, !o' s$o'ld o&=e,t st"en'o'sl!, and ,ontin'e to do so, i. t$e ='d#e t"ies to ente" a lea .o" !o'2 On,e t$e lea is

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


ente"ed, it &e,o-es -',$ $a"de" to ,$allen#e t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e ,o'"t2 I. t$e ='d#e still ente"s a lea 9on !o'" &e$al.5, !o' s$o'ld i--ediatel! .ile an inte"lo,'to"! a eal &! s e,ial a ea"an,e2 T$is a eal -a! $a*e to #o all t$e 0a! to t$e S' "e-e Co'"t, &'t it s$o'ld &e "'led in !o'" .a*o"3 &e,a'se t$e s' "e-e Co'"t $as al"ead! "'led on t$is iss'e se*e"al ti-es2 On,e, in Ha#ans C2 La*ine, G1/ US /(;, /BB, N/, t$e Co'"t said, DW$e"e ='"isdi,tion is denied and s:'a"el! ,$allen#ed, ='"isdi,tion ,annot &e ass'-ed to e1ist 9s'& silento5 &'t -'st &e "o*en2E In an! e*ent, !o' $a*e no ot$e" ,$oi,e, &e,a'se t$e! don5t t"eat diso&edient sla*es *e"! 0ell3 and, to do an!t$in# else is ad-ittin# to &ein# a sla*e2 Let5s .'"t$e" e1a-ine t$e ,o'"ts 0$i,$ !o' a"e li+el! to &e &"o'#$t &e.o"e2 It is ,o--on t$at -ost o. t$e lo0e" le*el ='d#es don5t e*en "eali4e 0$at t$e! a"e doin# in "e#a"d to t$e ='"isdi,tional iss'e2 T$e! al-ost all &elie*e t$at, i. !o' li*e in t$ei" "e,in,t o" #eo#"a $i,al a"ea 7o" 0$at t$e! ass'-e is t$ei" #eo#"a $i,al a"ea8, t$e! a'to-ati,all! #ain total ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o'2 Ta+e .o" e1a- le a ,o--on t"a..i, ti,+et2 T$e"e a"e so -an! .la0s in t$at inst"'-ent t$at it5s 'n&elie*a&le2 %i"st, it is t$e en.o",e-ent o. a ,ode, so t$e .i"st "es'- tion is t$at e*e"!one 0$o #ets a t"a..i, ti,+et is a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 %o" t$e -ost a"t, t$at is ,o""e,t, &e,a'se in -ost states !o' no0 $a*e to #i*e !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" in o"de" to #et a d"i*e"5s li,ense2 T$is "a,ti,e is &latantl! ille#al, e*en &! t$e %ede"al Code2 In t$e U2S2 Code Title G(, se,tion G);7a87;8, it states, DW$oe*e"Ndis,loses, 'ses, o" ,o- els t$e dis,los'"e o. t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" in *iolation o. t$e la0s o. t$e United States3 s$all &e #'ilt! o. a .elon! and ' on ,on*i,tion t$e"eo. s$all &e .ined 'nde" Title 1; o" i- "isoned .o" not -o"e t$an .i*e !ea"s, o" &ot$2E So 0e -'st .ind a la,e in t$e Code 0$i,$ -a+es .o",in# t$e dis,los'"e o. t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" in o"de" to "e,ei*e a d"i*e"5s li,ense 'nla0.'l2 %o" t$at, 0e #o to Title /, se,tion //(7a8 'nde" t$e $eadin# o. D>ISCLOSURE O% SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERE, 0$e"e it states, DIt s$all &e 'nla0.'l .o" an! %ede"al, State, o" lo,al #o*e"n-ent a#en,! to den! to an! indi*id'al an! "i#$t, &, o" "i*ile#e "o*ided &! la0 &e,a'se o. s',$ indi*id'al5s "e.'sal to dis,lose $is so,ial se,'"it! a,,o'nt n'-&e"2E T$ese t0o stat'tes "i#$t o't o. t$e United States Code -a+e t$e a,tion o. "e.'sal to iss'e a d"i*e"5s li,ense &e,a'se o. one5s "e.'sal to #i*e $is so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" a .elon! ,o--itted &! t$e state andMo" its e- lo!ees2 States "el! on Title G( se,tion G)/7C87i8, 0$i,$ states, DIt is t$e oli,! o. t$e United States t$at an! State 7o" oliti,al s'&di*ision t$e"eo.8 -a!, in t$e ad-inist"ation o. an! ta1, #ene"al '&li, assistan,e,

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


d"i*e"5s li,ense, o" -oto" *e$i,le "e#ist"ation la0 0it$in its ='"isdi,tion, 'tili4e t$e so,ial se,'"it! a,,o'nt n'-&e"s iss'ed &! t$e Se,"eta"! .o" t$e '" ose o. esta&lis$in# t$e identi.i,ation o. indi*id'als a..e,ted &! s',$ la0, and -a! "e:'i"e an! indi*id'al 0$o is o" a ea"s to &e so a..e,ted to .'"nis$ to s',$ State 7o" oliti,al s'&di*ision t$e"eo.8 o" an! a#en,! t$e"eo. $a*in# ad-inist"ati*e "es onsi&ilit! .o" t$e la0 in*ol*ed, t$e so,ial se,'"it! a,,o'nt n'-&e" 7o" n'-&e"s, i. $e $as -o"e t$an one s',$ n'-&e"8 iss'ed to $i- &! t$e Se,"eta"!2E oli,!, not a la02 9not0it$standin#5 s',$ ot$e" la02 Note se*e"al t$in#s $e"e2 %i"st, t$is is a Se,ond, it does not o*e""ide an! ot$e" la03 i. it did, it 0o'ld 'se t$e te"T$i"d, it 'ses a ,a ital 9S5 in t$e s ellin# o. t$e 0o"d 9State5, O&*io'sl!, t$e"e

indi,atin# t$at it is "e.e""in# to t$e 9States5 o. t$e United States i#e# t$e Te""ito"ies2 Ne1t, it ,lea"l! sa!s t$at t$is a lies to an! Dindi*id'al 0$o is o" a ea"s to &e so a..e,ted NE2 -'st &e eo le a l!in# .o" d"i*e"s5 li,enses 0$o 0o'ld not &e a..e,ted &! t$is la02 I 0onde" 0$o t$e! a"e2 Last, t$is se,tion ,o-es &e.o"e t$e se,tion in t$e Code -a+in# it a .elon! to den! a d"i*e"5s li,ense &e,a'se o. one5s .ail'"e to dis,lose $is so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", so Con#"ess 0as not intendin# to end t$at -andate 0it$ t$is oli,!2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at A-e"i,ans do not e*en a ea" to &e so a..e,ted, i. t$e! +no0 t$e!5"e A-e"i,ans2 T$e "o&le- t$at "esents itsel. $e"e .o" t$e #o*e"n-ent is t$at i. !o' do not 'se !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" to #et t$e d"i*e"5s li,ense, t$en t$e ,ont"a,t la,in# !o' into a state o. *ol'nta"! se"*it'de is not "e*e"i.ied, and !o' "o&a&l! don5t need a d"i*e"5s li,ense to t"a*el on t$e $i#$0a!s 0$ile in ,ont"ol o. an a'to-o&ile2 T$'s, t$e "es'- tion is a'to-ati,all! -ade t$at an!one a l!in# .o" a d"i*e"5s li,ense -'st &e a"t o. t$e ,ollate"al, o" $e 0o'ld not need to as+ .o" t$e "i*ile#e to d"i*e2 T$e "o&le- $e"e is t$at -an! o. t$e so ,alled la0 en.o",e-ent o..i,e"s don5t "eali4e t$at A-e"i,ans a"e not &o'nd &! t$e t"'st ,ode 'nless t$e! a"e -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st, and an A-e"i,an ,an &e ,onstantl! $a"assed i. $e t"ies to t"a*el a"o'nd t$e ,o'nt"! 0it$o't a d"i*e"5s li,ense2 Also, no ot$e" .o"- o. identi.i,ation is -ade a*aila&le .o" A-e"i,ans 0is$in# to 'se t$is .o"- o. t"a*el2 Most o. t$e 9La0 En.o",e-ent O..i,e"s5 a"e so i#no"ant t$at t$e! a,t'all! &elie*e t$at t$e! a"e "ote,tin# ."eedo-3 0$en, in .a,t, t$e! a"e t$e ."ont@line tool &ein# 'sed to 'nde"-ine t$e ."eedo-s o. e*e"! t"'e A-e"i,an2 B't let 's -o*e .o"0a"d ass'-in# t$at !o' $a*e #otten a d"i*e"5s li,ense &! 'sin# !o'" so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2 Yo' t$en #et a t"a..i, ti,+et2 T$e lo0e" ,o'"ts ,all t$is a ,"i-inal o..ense2 T$e "o&le- is t$at, in -ost o. t$e States, it is a ,i*il stat'te 0$i,$ is &ein# en.o",ed2 In Te1as, as an e1a- le, all

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e t"a..i, la0s a"e .o'nd in Ce"non5s Ci*il Stat'tes2 Te1as .o" -ost t"a..i, o..enses is a T())2)) .ine2

Yet, THE STATE O% TEOAS atta,$es

,"i-inal enalties to t$e *iolation o. sa-e2 Ho0e*e", t$e -a1i-'- enalt! a*aila&le to t$e ,o'"ts in No0$e"e in t$e la0 is an! =ail ti-e "o*ided .o" a t"a..i, o..ense2 Yet t$e ,o'nt! =ails a"e .'ll o. eo le 0$o $a*e done no -o"e t$an .ailed to a! a t"a..i, .ine2 >oes t$is a-o'nt to de&to"5s "isonF T$e t"'t$ is t$at it does2 Ho0e*e", as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, !o' $a*e s'&-itted to t$ese "'les2 T$e ,o'"ts 0ill tell !o' t$at a .ine is not a de&t, &'t t$e! ,annot s$o0 !o' an! 0a! t$at t$e! $a*e a le#al "i#$t to 't !o' in =ail .o" an! t"a..i, o..ense, e*en 'nde" t$ei" 'n#odl! Code2 T$e"e a"e e*en UNITE> STATES SUPREME COURT 7t$e t"'st ,o'"t8 ,ases 0$i,$ sa! t$at t$e enalties i- osed ,annot e1,eed t$e -a1i-'- enalt! "o*ided &! la0 70$i,$ e*en one $o'" o. i- "ison-ent does8, &'t t$e! ,ontin'e to lo,+ eo le ' an!0a!2 W$! and $o0 does t$is $a enF T$e o*e""idin# :'estion is $o0 ,an t$e ,o'"ts #et a0a! 0it$ t$ese "'lin#sF A-e"i,an Citi4ens ,an onl! &e t"ied 'nde" ,o--on la02 As I told !o' ea"lie",

Unde" .ede"al ,o--on la0, t$e .ede"al

,o'"ts onl! $a*e ='"isdi,tion #i*en t$e- &! t$e Constit'tion2 Blac./! de.ines 9.ede"al ,o--on la05 as, DA &od! o. de,isional la0 de*elo ed &! t$e .ede"al ,o'"ts2 T$e a li,ation o. t$is &od! o. ,o--on la0 is li-ited &! t$e /rie doctrine and &! t$e R'les o. >e,ision A,t, 0$i,$ "o*ides t$at e1,e t .o" ,ases #o*e"ned &! t$e Constit'tion, t$e t"eaties o. t$e United States, o" a,ts o. Con#"ess, .ede"al ,o'"ts a"e to a l! state la02E T$in+ a&o't t$at de.inition2 Co--on la0 onl! a lies in ,ases #o*e"ned &! t$e Constit'tion2 B't I t$o'#$t all ,ases 0e"e #o*e"ned &! t$e Constit'tion2 Not a ,ase in*ol*in# a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st 0it$ "i#$ts onl! 'nde" t$e %o'"teent$ A-end-ent, i#e# a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 li+e one2 T$is s!ste- sta"ted in 19B9 0it$ t$e s' "e-e Co'"t ,ase o. E"ie Rail"oad Co2 C2 To- +ins, B)G US JG2 In t$at ,ase, t$e S' "e-e Co'"t "'led t$at state la0 7,o--e",ial o" t"'st la08 0o'ld &e t$e T$at ,o- letel! ,$an#ed t$e ,o'"se o. t$e .ede"al ='di,ia"!, and 's$e"ed in t$e T$e UCC is an standa"d o. t$e .ede"al ,o'"t s!ste- ."o- t$at date .o"0a"d in all ,ases e1,e t t$ose #o*e"ned &! t$e Constit'tion2 Uni.o"- Co--e",ial Code 7$e"eina.te" UCC8 as t$e standa"d .o" all .'t'"e ,ases2 T$at is 0$! ,o--on la0 is al-ost lost @ *i"t'all! e*e"! ,ase in t$e ,o'"ts toda! is .o" a t"'st -e-&e", o" so-eone 0$o t$in+s $e is and doesn5t o&=e,t to &ein# t"eated

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Ad-i"alt! Ma"iti-e la0 0$i,$ is s'

osedl! "ese"*ed .o" ,o'"ts o'tside o. A-e"i,a3 &'t t$"o'#$ t$e W$at a,t'all! $a ens is t$at !o' lea*e

de,eit and ,on.'sion, $as &e,o-e t$e 9la0 o. t$e land52

A-e"i,a 0$en !o' ste into an 9Ad-i"alt!5 ,o'"t"oo- 0$i,$ a lies t$e UCC2 T$e UCC is t$e la0 'nde" 0$i,$ all o. t$e stat'tes, ,odes, and "e#'lations d0ell3 &'t, it is still not a li,a&le to an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$at is 0$! all ,o'"ts -'st #et !o' to a#"ee to &e t"eated as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States i#e# a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, o" t$e! $a*e no ='"isdi,tion2 T$e"e a"e -an! 0$o &elie*e t$at si- l! ste in# t$"o'#$ t$e "ail #ate 0$i,$ se a"ates t$e *ie0in# a"ea 7a'dien,e8 ."o- t$e a,t'al ,o'"t a"ea #i*es t$e ,o'"t ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o'" e"son3 and, &asi,all! ad-its t$e ,ont"a,t2 T$e $i"in# o. a BAR atto"ne! de.initel! s'&-its to t$e ='"isdi,tion2 Re#a"dless, t$e UCC is ,ont"a,t la0 in its st"on#est, -ost e*il .o"-, .o" it st"i s t$e A-e"i,an o. all $is God #i*en, Constit'tionall! "ote,ted Ri#$ts, and ='d#es $i- as an a"ti.i,ial entit!, a ,o" o"ation, and a sla*e2 "e,o#ni4e o" a,,o'nt .o" t$e .a,t t$at t$e so*e"ei#nt! lies 0it$ t$e eo le2 A-e"i,an Citi4en t$e s0o"d $e needs in ,o'"t2 T$e UCC does not It onl! loo+s at 9.a,ts5

a,,o"din# to Ad-i"alt! 7Co--e",ial8 la02 Ho0e*e", it does "ote,t itsel., and in so doin#, #i*es t$e At UCC 1@1)B2J, it states, DT$e Code is ,o- li-enta"! to t$e Co--on La0, 0$i,$ "e-ains in .o",e, e1,e t 0$e"e dis la,ed &! t$e ,ode2 A stat'te s$o'ld &e ,onst"'ed in $a"-on! 0it$ t$e Co--on La0, 'nless t$e"e is a ,lea" le#islati*e intent to a&"o#ate t$e Co--on La02E Wit$ "e#a"d to an A-e"i,an Citi4en 0it$ .'ll Constit'tional Ri#$ts in la,e, t$e"e ,an &e no le#islati*e intent to a&"o#ate t$e Co--on La0 0it$o't an a,t o. t"eason on t$e a"t o. t$e le#islat'"e, &e,a'se t$e le#islat'"e 0as ne*e" #i*en t$e a't$o"it! to a&"o#ate t$e Co--on La0 0it$ "es e,t to A-e"i,ans2 So 0$at t$e UCC atte- ts to do is t"i,+ an A-e"i,an into #i*in# ' $is Ri#$ts t$"o'#$ ,ont"a,t 7does t$at so'nd .a-ilia"F82 At UCC 1@()<29, it states, DEW$en a 0ai*a0&le "i#$t o" ,lai- is in*ol*ed, t$e .ail'"e to -a+e a "ese"*ation t$e"eo., ,a'ses a loss o. "i#$t, and &a"s its asse"tion at a late" date2E As 0e $a*e al"ead! lea"ned, al-ost an! "i#$t is 0ai*a&le &! ,ont"a,t, so t$is is a *e"! en,o- assin# and da-a#in# se,tion2 In "ealit!, it -eans t$at an!t$in# 0$i,$ is ,lai-ed a#ainst !o' &e,o-es a "eal lia&ilit! to !o' 0$i,$ ,annot &e "e.'ted a.te" t$e initial ,lai- $as assed2 %o" an e1a- le, so-eone sends !o' a &ill .o" T1))2)) .o" a se"*i,e 0$i,$ !o' did not "e,ei*e2 Yo' ass'-e t$at t$is is ='st an e""o" in &illin#, and !o' dis"e#a"d it 0it$o't an! a,tion2 T$e a"t! 0$o sent !o' t$e &ill no0 $as a *e"i.ied ,lai- a#ainst !o' .o" 0$i,$ !o' $a*e no de.ense @ !o' o0e t$e T1))2))6 T$e IRS 'ses t$is -et$od on a "e#'la" &asis2 T$e!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


send !o' a &ill, and !o' do not i--ediatel!, and "o e"l!, den! t$e &ill2 It &e,o-es d'e and a!a&le 0it$ no de.ense2 T$e"e is a "e-ed! "o*ided 0it$in t$e UCC .o" t$is sit'ation, and !o' s$o'ld lea"n it and 'se it in all s',$ sit'ations2 It is .o'nd at UCC 1@()<, and it sa!s, DA a"t! 0$o 0it$ e1 li,it "ese"*ation o. "i#$ts e".o"-s o" "o-ises e".o"-an,e o" assents to e".o"-an,e in a -anne" de-anded o" o..e"ed &! t$e ot$e" a"t! does not t$e"e&! "e='di,e t$e "i#$ts "ese"*ed2 S',$ 0o"ds as 90it$o't "e='di,e5, 9'nde" "otest5, o" t$e li+e a"e s'..i,ient2E In ot$e" 0o"ds, !o' ,an ente" into a ,ont"a,t 0it$in t$e s!ste-, and &! 'sin# t$e 0o"ds D0it$o't "e='di,eE alon# 0it$ !o'" si#nat'"e on an! ,ont"a,t, !o' ,an "etain all o. !o'" Ri#$ts, and not &e,o-e &o'nd &! ad$esion ,ont"a,ts 0$i,$ -i#$t "ed',e o" totall! "e-o*e !o'" Ri#$ts2 "oo- .o" &a"#ainin#2 An 9ad$esion ,ont"a,t5 is one 0$i,$ o..e"s a .o"- ,ont"a,t 0it$ no In t$ose ,ont"a,ts o..e"ed on toda!5s -a"+et, t$e! al-ost all atta,$ to ot$e"

,ont"a,ts 0$i,$ !o' do not e*en +no0 a&o't3 and, t$e"e.o"e, !o' a,t'all! si#n a ,ont"a,t a#"eein# to sti 'lations o. 0$i,$ !o' a"e not e*en a0a"e2 Yo' a"e, nonet$eless, lia&le 'nde" t$ose 'n+no0n 7to !o'8 "o*isions2 T$at is one o. t$e "i-a"! 0a!s t$at !o' #i*e ' !o'" Ri#$ts as an A-e"i,an2 It s$o'ld also &e noted t$at t$e 'se o. D0it$o't "e='di,eE is a ,o--on la0 "e-ed! 0$i,$ dates &a,+ $'nd"eds o. !ea"s2 W$en !o' a"e &"o'#$t into ,o'"t .o" an! "eason, t$e ,o'"t 0ill ta+e 9silent ='di,ial noti,e5 o. t$e .a,t t$at !o' $a*e ente"ed into one o" -o"e o. t$ese ,ont"a,ts 0$i,$ &ind !o' in !o'" ,o" o"ate sel. to t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e t"'st ,o'"t2 It 0ill &e *e"! di..i,'lt to den! ='"isdi,tion2 T$e"e is, $o0e*e", still a 0a! to den! t$e ,o'"t ='"isdi,tion2 I. !o' did not ente" said ,o--e",ial ,ont"a,t 7in its enti"et!8 +no0in#l!, *ol'nta"il!, and intentionall!, !o' ,an "e.'te t$e ,ont"a,t and de,la"e it n'll and *oid 'nde" t$e ,onst"',ti*e ."a'd stat'tes2 Yo' -'st, $o0e*e", ta+e a,tion, &e,a'se t$e ,o'"t 0ill not assist !o' in t$is a,tion2 ta+e t$is a,tion2 To t$e ,ont"a"!, t$e ,o'"t 0ill -a+e it as di..i,'lt as ossi&le .o" !o' to E*en 0it$ t$e ,o'"t5s "e='di,e, !o' ,an still ,lai- t$is Ri#$t2 T$e +e! $e"e is to

den! an! ,ont"a,t 0$i,$ -i#$t &ind !o' to t$e t"'st in an! 0a!, and to "e=e,t and den! all &ene.its o..e"ed &! t$e t"'st2 Yo' ,annot a,,e t t$e &ene.its i#e# t$e 'se o. t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" in an! 0a!, and t$en "e.'se to &e &o'nd &! t$e t"'st "'les2 T$e -o"e +no0led#e !o' a,:'i"e, t$e $a"de" it 0ill &e .o" t$ese 0o'ld &e lo"ds to 'se t$ei" .alse o0e" a#ainst !o'2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e"e is one ot$e" #"eat asset "o*ided to !o' &! t$is 'n#odl! ,ode t$at is intended to st"i a0a! !o'" ."eedo-s, and it is t$e -ain tool 0$i,$ is 'sed a#ainst !o'2 Re-e-&e" t$at an 'n"e&'tted ,laistands as t"'t$ in t$is s!ste-2 Yo' ,an 'se t$at to !o'" ad*anta#e, &e,a'se it 0o"+s &ot$ 0a!s2 Basi,all!, !o' a"e 0$at !o' sa! !o' a"e2 Yo' ,an ,lai- to &e al-ost an!t$in# !o' 0ant to &e3 and, i. !o' do so &! s0o"n a..ida*it, it stands as 'n:'estioned t"'t$ 'nless "e&'tted &! a s0o"n a..ida*it ,$allen#in# it2 Sin,e no one on t$e ot$e" side is #oin# to s0ea" to an!t$in#, !o' ,an ,lai- *i"t'all! an!t$in# !o' 0is$2 A &la,+ -an ."o- So't$ A."i,a 0$o $as &een in t$is ,o'nt"! one da! ,an ,lai&! s0o"n a..ida*it to &e a 0$ite, nati*e &o"n A-e"i,an3 and, a&sent an o !o' ,an t'"n it a"o'nd to .it !o'" needs2 osin# a..ida*it, t$at state-ent 0o'ld stand as a "o*en .a,t in t$ese t"'st ,o'"ts2 T$e"e.o"e, i. !o' 'nde"stand t$e s!ste-, So, it is *e"! eas! to "o*e in ,o'"t t$at !o' a"e a .'ll! Yo' si- l! 't it in s0o"n a..ida*it .o"-, .ile it in Constit'tionall! e- o0e"ed A-e"i,an Citi4en2

t$e '&li, "e,o"d, s'&-it it to t$e ,o'"t, and da"e an!&od! to ,$allen#e it2 >on5t 0o""!, no one 0ill2 B't, !o' as+, i. t$ese a"e t"'l! .a,ts, $o0 ,o'ld it $a*e e*e" ,o-e to ass t$at t$ese Ban+ste"s $a*e &een a&le to #ain and +ee all t$is 'ndese"*ed o0e"2 T$e A-e"i,an eo le $a*e &e,o-e -i,e t$at a"e eit$e" too s,a"ed, too i#no"ant, o" too a at$eti, to do an!t$in# a&o't t$e t$e.t o. t$ei" Ri#$ts and t$ei" ,o'nt"!2 %o" t$e -ost a"t, t$e! $a*e sold t$ei" li&e"t! and ."eedo- .o" a loa. o. &"ead 7o" a si1 a,+ o. &ee"82 Ho0 sad, &'t so-e a"e &e#innin# to 0a+e ' and "eali4e 0$at 0as #i*en t$e-, and t$e! 0ant it &a,+2 %o" t$ose, t$e !ea"s a$ead 0ill &e ,$allen#in#, &'t *e"! "e0a"din#2 %o" t$e ot$e"s, t$e! s$o'ld "e-e-&e" t$at sla*e o0ne"s a"e not al0a!s &ene*olent, and t$e! ,an ,$an#e at t$ei" o0n 0ill2 T$ese 0o'ld@&e sla*es s$o'ld ta+e a loo+ &a,+ in ti-e at t$e $'nd"eds o. so,ieties, in,l'din# o'" o0n, in 0$i,$ t$e eo le #a*e t$ei" $ea"ts, so'ls, and li*es t"!in# to ."ee t$e-sel*es ."o- t!"anni,al, totalita"ian "'le2 so -',$ as a 0$i- e"2 #"a*es2 W$at t$e! .o'#$t and died .o" H -o"eo*e", 0$at o'" .o'ndin# O'" .o'ndin# .at$e"s -'st &e tossin# 0ildl! in t$ei" .at$e"s .o'#$t .o", died .o", and le.t 's as o'" &i"t$"i#$t H 0e no0 $and &a,+ to t$e 9-aste"s5 0it$o't W$at a dis#"a,e6

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


&1a4ter B K A Re$e y Still EIi!t!

As -entioned ea"lie", t$e ,o'"ts toda! a"e "'n &! t$e t"'st, .o" t$e t"'st, and 0it$ t$e "i-a"! d't! to "ote,t t$e t"'st at all ,osts2 T$e"e a ea"s to &e no A"ti,le III Co'"ts le.t, 0it$ t$e ossi&le e1,e tion o. t$e S' "e-e Co'"t3 and ossi&l! t$e United States >ist"i,t Co'"t .o" T$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia ?t$e"e is -',$ ,on.'sion at t$is ti-e a&o't 0$et$e" t$at ,o'"t is a*aila&le to an A-e"i,an Citi4enA2 T$e"e is e*iden,e t$at t$e United States >ist"i,t Co'"t .o" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia is a ossi&le *en'e .o" "e-ed! 'nde" A"ti,le III o. t$e Constit'tion2 .ollo0in# state-entsL DW$ile A"ti,le III o. t$e Constit'tion de,la"es, in se,tion 1, t$at t$e ='di,ial o0e" o. t$e United States s$all &e *ested in one S' "e-e Co'"t and in 9s',$ in.e"io" ,o'"ts as t$e Con#"ess -a! ."o- ti-e to ti-e o"dain and esta&lis$,5 and "es,"i&es, in se,tion (, t$at t$is o0e" s$all e1tend to ,ases and ,ont"o*e"sies o. ,e"tain en'-e"ated ,lasses5 it lon# $as &een settled t$at A"ti,le III does not e1 "ess t$e .'ll a't$o"it! o. Con#"ess to ,"eate ,o'"ts, and t$at ot$e" A"ti,les in*est Con#"ess 0it$ o0e"s in t$e e1e"tion o. 0$i,$ it -a! ,"eate in.e"io" ,o'"ts and ,lot$e t$e- 0it$ .'n,tions dee-ed essential o" $el .'l in ,a""!in# t$ose o0e"s into e1e,'tion2 B't t$e"e is a di..e"en,e &et0een t$e t0o ,lasses o. ,o'"ts- T$ose esta&lis$ed 'nde" t$e s e,i.i, o0e" #i*en in se,tion ( o. A"ti,le III a"e ,alled ,onstit'tional ,o'"ts2 T$e! s$a"e in t$e e1e",ise o. t$e ='di,ial o0e" de.ined in t$at se,tion, ,an &e in*ested 0it$ no ot$e" ='"isdi,tion, and $a*e ='d#es 0$o $old o..i,e d'"in# #ood &e$a*io", 0it$ no o0e" in Con#"ess to "o*ide ot$e"0ise2 On t$e ot$e" $and, t$ose ,"eated &! Con#"ess in t$e e1e"tion o. ot$e" o0e"s a"e ,alled le#islati*e ,o'"ts2 T$ei" .'n,tions al0a!s a"e di"e,ted to t$e e1e,'tion o. one o" -o"e o. s',$ o0e"s and a"e "es,"i&ed &! Con#"ess inde endentl! o. se,tion ( o. A"ti,le IIIL and t$ei" ='d#es $old .o" s',$ te"- as Con#"ess "es,"i&es, 0$et$e" it &e a .i1ed e"iod o. !ea"s o" d'"in# #ood &e$a*io"-, D9T$ese Co'"ts, t$en a"e not ,onstit'tional Co'"ts5 0$i,$ t$e ='di,ial o0e" ,on.e""ed &! t$e Constit'tion on t$e #ene"al #o*e"n-ent ,an &e de osited2 T$e! a"e in,a a&le o. "e,ei*in# it- T$e! a"e le#islati*e Co'"ts ,"eated in *i"t'e o. t$e #ene"al "i#$t o. so*e"ei#nt! 0$i,$ e1ists in t$e #o*e"n-ent o" in *i"t'e o. t$at ,la'se 0$i,$ ena&les Con#"ess to -a+e all need.'l "'les and "e#'lations "es e,tin# t$e te""ito"! &elon#in# to t$e United States2 T$e ='"isdi,tion 0it$ 0$i,$ t$e! a"e in*ested is not a a"t o. t$at ='di,ial o0e" 0$i,$ is de.ined in t$e Bd a"ti,le o. t$e Constit'tion, &'t is ,on.e""ed &! Con#"ess in t$e e1e,'tion o. t$ose #ene"al o0e"s 0$i,$ t$at &od! ossess o*e" t$e te""ito"ies o. t$e United States2 NT$ese Co'"ts, N, a"e le#islati*e "at$e" t$an ,onstit'tional ,o'"ts, N0$i,$ a"e not ,ases o" ,ont"o*e"sies 0it$in t$e -eanin# o. A"ti,le III, &'t a"e -e"el! in aid o. le#islati*e o" e1e,'ti*e a,tion, and t$e"e.o"e o'tside t$e ad-issi&le ='"isdi,tion o. ,o'"ts esta&lis$ed 'nde" t$at A"ti,le2 N ?at a#e G/(ANT$e T$e S' "e-e Co'"t in, EI %arte Ba.elite &or4/n (<9 U2S2 GB;, distin#'is$es &et0een t$e nat'"e o. t$eses ,o'"ts in t$at o inion 0it$ t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Co'"t o. Clai-s is s',$ a ,o'"t2 It 0as ,"eated and $as &een -aintained, as a s e,ial t"i&'nal to e1a-ine and dete"-ine ,lai-s .o" -one! a#ainst t$e United States2E Clea"l!, t$e S' "e-e Co'"t d"a0s t$e di..e"en,es &et0een ,onstit'tional and le#islati*e ,o'"ts in t$is o inion2 Ot$e" o inions, s',$ as t$e one .o'nd in National "2t2al )n!- &o- 8- Ti ewater Tran!fer &o-5 )nc-, "eite"ate and s' o"t t$is o inion2 In O/Dono<12e 8- Unite State!, (;9 U2S2 /1J t$e S' "e-e Co'"t o. t$e United States $eld t$at t$e dist"i,t ,o'"ts a"e te""ito"ial Dle#islati*eE ,o'"ts, ,"eated &! *i"t'e o. A"ti,le I, o" 'nde" A"ti,le IC, Se,tion B, ,la'se ( o. t$e Constit'tion2 T$e S' "e-e Co'"t statedL DT$is ,o'"t $as "e eatedl! $eld t$at t$e te""ito"ial ,o'"ts a"e 9le#islati*e5 ,o'"ts, ,"eated in *i"t'e o. t$e national so*e"ei#nt! o" 'nde" A"t2 IC, Se,tion B, ,l2 (, o. t$e Constit'tion, *estin# in Con#"ess t$e o0e" 9to dis ose o. and -a+e all need.'l "'les and "e#'lations "es e,tin# t$e te""ito"! o" ot$e" "o e"t! &elon#in# to t$e United States53 and t$at t$e! a"e not in*ested 0it$ an! a"t o. t$e ='di,ial o0e" de.ined in t$e t$i"d a"ti,le o. t$e Constit'tion2 And t$is "'le, as it a..e,ts t$e te""ito"ies, is no lon#e" o en to :'estion2 >o t$e ,o'"ts o. t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia o,,' ! a li+e sit'ation in *i"t'e o. t$e lena"! o0e" o. Con#"ess, 'nde" A"t2 I, Se, ;, ,l2 1<, 9To e1e",ise e1,l'si*e le#islation in all ,ases 0$atsoe*e", o*e" s',$ dist"i,t 7not e1,eedin# ten -iles s:'a"e8 as -a!, &! ,ession o. a"ti,'la" States and t$e a,,e tan,e o. Con#"ess, &e,o-e t$e seat o. t$e #o*e"n-ent o. t$e United States 2 2 25F T$is in:'i"! "e:'i"es a ,onside"ation, .i"st, o. t$e "easons ' on 0$i,$ "est t$e de,isions in "es e,t o. t$e te""ito"ial ,o'"ts2E T$e S' "e-e Co'"t 0ent on to .ind t$at t$e S' "e-e Co'"t o. t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia 0as a Constit'tional Co'"t *ested 0it$ A"ti,le III Se,tion ( K'di,ial Po0e"s2 T$is is t$e sa-e ,o'"t 0$i,$ 0as "ena-ed to &e t$e DUnited States >ist"i,t Co'"t .o" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&iaE and is de.ined in t$e >2C2 Code 11@1)17187C8 as a ,onstit'tional ,o'"t2 I 0on5t &o# !o' do0n 0it$ -assi*e ,ase la0 at t$is oint, &'t it is ,lea" t$at ,ase la0 s' o"ts t$e ,ontention t$at t$e United States >ist"i,t Co'"t .o" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia is *e"! di..e"ent ."o- all o. t$e ot$e" %ede"al >ist"i,t Co'"ts in t$at it $as Constit'tional a't$o"it! to $ea" ,ont"o*e"sies 'nde" A"ti,le III Se,tion ( o. t$e Constit'tion3 0$ile all o. t$e ot$e" dist"i,t ,o'"ts a"e le#islati*e in nat'"e and ='"isdi,tion, and te""ito"ial in *en'e2 In s$o"t, t$e onl! dist"i,t ,o'"t "e-ainin# 0$i,$ a a"entl! $as ,onstit'tional a't$o"it! is t$e United States >ist"i,t Co'"t .o" t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia2 So, $o0 does t$at a..e,t !o'F

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



"o&le- t$at .a,es an! A-e"i,an Citi4en see+in# A"ti,le III "e-ed! is t$at

Was$in#ton -a! &e a lon# 0a! to t"a*el .o" ad='di,ation, and t$e"e 0ill &e "esistan,e to $is atte- t to in*o+e t$e ,o'"t5s ='"isdi,tion 0$en t$e ,a'se o. a,tion -a! $a*e o,,'""ed so-e0$e"e in Te1as2 W$en 0e see+ "e-ed! .o" Ri#$ts *iolations as one o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le, one o. t$e a"ties 0ill -ost li+el! &e eit$e" t$e United States, o" anot$e" .o"ei#n state o" s'&=e,t t$e"eo.2 I. 0e &"in# t$at a,tion in a te""ito"ial ,o'"t, it $as no ='"isdi,tion o" *en'e in t$e -atte", &e,a'se it is le#islati*e in nat'"e and ,annot in*o+e ='"isdi,tion o*e" t$e ne,essa"! a"ties2 Bet0een 19BB and 19<J, it 0as *e"! di..i,'lt, i. not i- ossi&le, to &"in# an a,tion a#ainst t$e t"'st2 T$is 0as so &e,a'se t$e t"'st ,ont"olled all o. t$e ,o'"ts 0it$in t$e States3 and, as t$e so*e"ei#n e1e",isin# lena"! o0e" o*e" its s'&=e,ts, it la,ed itsel. into a osition o. 'nli-ited i--'nit! 0it$ "es e,t to its -e-&e"s2 In addition, t$e o*e""idin# "es'- tion in e*e"! ,ase 0as t$at e*e"!one 0$o ,a-e &e.o"e an! o. t$e ,o'"ts 0as a -e-&e" o. t"'st2 Sin,e in t$e *ast -a=o"it! o. t$e ,ases t$at s,ena"io is ,o""e,t, and &e,a'se t$e "es'- tion is al-ost ne*e" "o e"l! ,$allen#ed, *i"t'all! e*e"! ,ase is de,ided &ased ' on t$e "es'- tion2 B't, 'nde" its #"ant o. a't$o"it!, Con#"ess 0as "e:'i"ed to "o*ide .o" "e-ed! .o" t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le 'nde" t$"eat o. T"eason2 A.te" so-e G) !ea" in t$e 0ilde"ness, Con#"ess assed t$e %o"ei#n So*e"ei#n I--'nities A,t o. 19<J ?D%SIAEA2 %o" t$e .i"st ti-e sin,e t$e &an+"' t,! o. 19BB, one o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le 0as "o*ided 0it$ a "easona&le *e$i,le t$"o'#$ 0$i,$ $e ,o'ld "e,ei*e "e-ed! ."o- t$e t"'st3 and, t$e "e-ed! ,o'ld &e a,$ie*ed in a ,o'"t ,lose to $is la,e o. a&ode2 I "eali4e t$at it is $a"d to 'nde"stand $o0 t$e %SIA ,o'ld "o*ide an! "e-ed! a#ainst t$e t"'st to an A-e"i,an, &e,a'se it, li+e -ost ot$e" la0s and ,odes, 0as 0"itten in a -anne" intended to $ide its t"'e '" ose ?to "ote,t t$e Con#"ess ."o- a ,$a"#e o. T"easonA2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Man! o. !o' 0ill $a*e di..i,'lt! 0it$ t$e te"-s 'sed in t$e %SIA 0it$ "elation to !o'"sel.2 %o" instan,e, to ta+e ad*anta#e o. t$is %SIA, !o' -'st .i"st &e a D.o"ei#n stateE2 Ho0 -an! t$at "eadin# t$is &oo+ &elie*e t$at t$e! a"e a .o"ei#n stateF I +no0 I didn5t2 He"e a#ain, 0e -'st *isit t$e A,t itsel. to .i#'"e o't e1a,tl! 0$at t$e te"- D.o"ei#n stateE -eans in "elation to t$e %SIA2 T$e %SIA is ,odi.ied at Title (;, Se,tions 1J)(@1J112 %i"st, 0e need to 'nde"stand Title (; Se,tion 1J)B, 0$i,$ statesL %o" '" oses o. t$is ,$a te" H 7e8 A 9.o"ei#n state5, e1,e t as 'sed in se,tion 1J); o. t$is title, in,l'des a oliti,al s'&di*ision o. a .o"ei#n state o" an a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! o. a .o"ei#n state as de.ined in s'&se,tion 7&82 7&8 An 9a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! o. a .o"ei#n state5 -eans an! entit! H 718 0$i,$ is a se a"ate le#al e"son, ,o" o"ate o" ot$e"0ise, and 7(8 0$i,$ is an o"#an o. a .o"ei#n state o" oliti,al s'&di*ision t$e"eo., o" a -a=o"it! o. 0$ose s$a"es o" ot$e" o0ne"s$i inte"est is o0ned &! a .o"ei#n state o" oliti,al s'&di*ision t$e"eo., and 7B8 0$i,$ is neit$e" a ,iti4en o. a State o. t$e United States as de.ined in se,tion 1BB( 7,8 and 7d8 o. t$is title, no" ,"eated 'nde" t$e la0s o. an! t$i"d ,o'nt"!2 7,8 T$e 9United States5 in,l'des all te""ito"! and 0ate"s, ,ontinental o" ins'la", s'&=e,t to t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e United States2 7d8 A 9,o--e",ial a,ti*it!5 -eans eit$e" a "e#'la" ,o'"se o. ,o--e",ial ,ond',t o" a a"ti,'la" ,o--e",ial t"ansa,tion o" a,t2 T$e ,o--e",ial ,$a"a,te" o. an a,ti*it! s$all &e dete"-ined &! "e.e"en,e to t$e nat'"e o. t$e ,o'"se o. ,ond',t o" a"ti,'la" t"ansa,tion o" a,t, "at$e" t$an &! "e.e"en,e to its '" ose2 7e8 A 9,o--e",ial a,ti*it! ,a""ied on in t$e United States &! a .o"ei#n state5 -eans ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! ,a""ied on &! s',$ state and $a*in# s'&stantial ,onta,t 0it$ t$e United States2 No0, let5s &"ea+ do0n 0$at a .o"ei#n state is in "elation to t$e %SIA2 He"e, !o' -'st 'nde"stand t$at t$e stat'tes a"e s'&=e,t to Dst"i,t ,onst"',tionE, -eanin# t$at t$e! -ean e1a,tl! 0$at t$e! sa!, and not$in# else ?ot$e"0ise, t$e"e 0o'ld &e ,onstit'tional ,on.'sionA2 Se,tion 1J)B 7a8 sa!s t$at a .o"ei#n state in,l'des a oliti,al s'&di*ision , o"

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


an a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! o. a .o"ei#n state2 T$e"e.o"e, 'nde" st"i,t ,onst"',tion o. t$e stat'te, t$e de.inition o. a .o"ei#n state does not in,l'de t$e state itsel., onl! a oliti,al s'&di*ision, o" an a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! t$e"eo.2 T"i,+!, $'$F Se,tion 1J)B 7&8 de.ines 0$at ,onstit'tes an a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! o. a .o"ei#n state 0it$ "elation to t$e %SIA2 It sa! t$at one -'st &e a Dse a"ate le#al e"son, ,o" o"ate o" ot$e"0iseE2 >o !o' .it t$at des,"i tionF I +no0 I do2 Ne1t, one -'st &e an Do"#anE o. t$e .o"ei#n state2 An Do"#anE is de.ined as, Do. o" $a*in# to do 0it$ an organ3 in$e"ent3 in&o"n, ,onstit'tional3 o"#ani4ed, s!ste-ati,all! a""an#ed3 in la0, .'nda-ental3 as t$e organic law o. t$e United States is t$e Constit'tionE2 So'nds li+e t$e eo le 0$o o"#ani4ed and .o"-ed t$e o"#ani, la0 7Constit'tion8 o. t$e United States2 >o !o' .it t$atF I. !o' a"e t$e des,endant o. one o. t$ose eo le, and !o' ,lai!o'" in$e"itan,e, !o' do2 Last, it states t$at !o' -'st &e neit$e" a ,iti4en o. a State o. t$e United States as de.ined in 1BB( 7,8 and 7d8 o. Title (;, no" ,"eated 'nde" t$e la0s o. an! t$i"d ,o'nt"!2 W$en 0e loo+ at Se,tion 1BB(, it de.ines states as t$e Te""ito"ies, t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia, and t$e Co--on0ealt$ o. P'e"to Ri,o2 On,e a#ain, st"i,t ,onst"',tion a lies2 A"e !o' a ,iti4en o. an! o. t$e Te""ito"ies, t$e >ist"i,t o. Col'-&ia, o" t$e Co--on0ealt$ o. P'e"to Ri,oF ?I. !o' $a*e a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", !o' a"eA Ne1t, 0e"e !o' ,"eated 'nde" t$e la0s o. an! t$i"d ,o'nt"!F ?t$is is t$e a"t t$at eli-inates %"en,$-en o" En#lis$-en o" an!&od! e1,e t A-e"i,ansA I. not, and !o' ans0e"ed !es to t$e .i"st t0o :'estions, t$en !o' :'ali.! 'nde" t$e de.inition o. a D.o"ei#n stateE as de.ined in t$e %SIA2 W$at does t$at -ean to !o'F It -eans !o' ,an ,lai- sovereign immunity ."o- t$e ,o'"ts o. t$e United States and o. t$e States '"s'ant to Title (; Se,tion 1J)G, 0$i,$ statesL DS'&=e,t to e1istin# inte"national a#"ee-ents to 0$i,$ t$e United States is a a"t! at t$e ti-e o. ena,t-ent o. t$is A,t a .o"ei#n state s$all &e i--'ne ."o- t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e ,o'"ts o. t$e United States and o. t$e States e1,e t as "o*ided in se,tions 1J)/ to 1J)< o. t$is ,$a te"2E

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Note t$at t$e"e is an e1,e tion to t$at so*e"ei#n i--'nit! i. !o' a,t in a .as$ion t$at 0o'ld a,ti*ate Se,tion 1J)/@1J)< o. Title (;2 Wit$o't #oin# into t$e e1a,t details o. t$e e1,e tion, it ,an &e s'--a"i4ed &! si- l! sa!in# t$at i. !o' a"ti,i ate in ,o--e",ial a,ti*ities 0it$in t$e United States, o" i. !o' da-a#e anot$e" a"ties li.e o" "o e"t!, !o' loose !o'" i--'nit!2 An! .o"- o. &'siness 0it$ t$e aid o" 'se o. a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" 0ill a,ti*ate t$is e1,e tion, and !o'" so*e"ei#n i--'nit! 0ill &e #one2 %o" !o'" ,on*enien,e, Title (;, Se,tion 1J)/L Se,2 1J)/2 Gene"al e1,e tions to t$e ='"isdi,tional i--'nit! o. a .o"ei#n state @STATUTE@ 7a8 A .o"ei#n state s$all not &e i--'ne ."o- t$e ='"isdi,tion o. ,o'"ts o. t$e United States o" o. t$e States in an! ,ase @ 718 in 0$i,$ t$e .o"ei#n state $as 0ai*ed its i--'nit! eit$e" e1 li,itl! o" &! i- li,ation, not0it$standin# an! 0it$d"a0al o. t$e 0ai*e" 0$i,$ t$e .o"ei#n state -a! '" o"t to e..e,t e1,e t in a,,o"dan,e 0it$ t$e te"-s o. t$e 0ai*e"3 7(8 in 0$i,$ t$e a,tion is &ased ' on a ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! ,a""ied on in t$e United States &! t$e .o"ei#n state3 o" ' on an a,t e".o"-ed in t$e United States in ,onne,tion 0it$ a ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! o. t$e .o"ei#n state else0$e"e3 o" ' on an a,t o'tside t$e te""ito"! o. t$e United States in ,onne,tion 0it$ a ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! o. t$e .o"ei#n state else0$e"e and t$at a,t ,a'ses a di"e,t e..e,t in t$e United States3 7B8 in 0$i,$ "i#$ts in "o e"t! ta+en in *iolation o. inte"national la0 a"e in iss'e and t$at "o e"t! o" an! "o e"t! e1,$an#ed .o" s',$ "o e"t! is "esent in t$e United States in ,onne,tion 0it$ a ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! ,a""ied on in t$e United States &! t$e .o"ei#n state3 o" t$at "o e"t! o" an! "o e"t! e1,$an#ed .o" s',$ "o e"t! is o0ned o" o e"ated &! an a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! o. t$e .o"ei#n state and t$at a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! is en#a#ed in a ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! in t$e United States3 7G8 in 0$i,$ "i#$ts in "o e"t! in t$e United States a,:'i"ed &! s',,ession o" #i.t o" "i#$ts in i--o*a&le "o e"t! sit'ated in t$e United States a"e in iss'e3 7/8 not ot$e"0ise en,o- assed in a"a#"a $ 7(8 a&o*e, in 0$i,$ -one! da-a#es a"e so'#$t a#ainst a .o"ei#n state .o" e"sonal in='"! o" deat$, o" da-a#e to o" loss o. "o e"t!, o,,'""in# in t$e United States and ,a'sed &! t$e to"tio's a,t o" o-ission o. t$at .o"ei#n state o" o. an! o..i,ial o" e- lo!ee o. t$at .o"ei#n

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


state 0$ile a,tin# 0it$in t$e s,o e o. $is o..i,e o" e- lo!-ent3 e1,e t t$is a"a#"a $ s$all not a l! to @ 7A8 an! ,lai- &ased ' on t$e e1e",ise o" e".o"-an,e o" t$e .ail'"e to e1e",ise o" e".o"- a dis,"etiona"! .'n,tion "e#a"dless o. 0$et$e" t$e dis,"etion &e a&'sed, o" 7B8 an! ,lai- a"isin# o't o. -ali,io's "ose,'tion, a&'se o. "o,ess, li&el, slande", -is"e "esentation, de,eit, o" inte".e"en,e 0it$ ,ont"a,t "i#$ts3 o" 7J8 in 0$i,$ t$e a,tion is &"o'#$t, eit$e" to en.o",e an a#"ee-ent -ade &! t$e .o"ei#n state 0it$ o" .o" t$e & o. a "i*ate a"t! to s'&-it to a"&it"ation all o" an! di..e"en,es 0$i,$ $a*e a"isen o" 0$i,$ -a! a"ise &et0een t$e a"ties 0it$ "es e,t to a de.ined le#al "elations$i , 0$et$e" ,ont"a,t'al o" not, ,on,e"nin# a s'&=e,t -atte" ,a a&le o. settle-ent &! a"&it"ation 'nde" t$e la0s o. t$e United States, o" to ,on.i"- an a0a"d -ade '"s'ant to s',$ an a#"ee-ent to a"&it"ate, i. 7A8 t$e a"&it"ation ta+es la,e o" is intended to ta+e la,e in t$e United States, 7B8 t$e a#"ee-ent o" a0a"d is o" -a! &e #o*e"ned &! a t"eat! o" ot$e" inte"national a#"ee-ent in .o",e .o" t$e United States ,allin# .o" t$e "e,o#nition and en.o",e-ent o. a"&it"al a0a"ds, 7C8 t$e 'nde"l!in# ,lai-, sa*e .o" t$e a#"ee-ent to a"&it"ate, ,o'ld $a*e &een &"o'#$t in a United States ,o'"t 'nde" t$is se,tion o" se,tion 1J)<, o" 7>8 a"a#"a $ 718 o. t$is s'&se,tion is ot$e"0ise a li,a&le2 7&8 A .o"ei#n state s$all not &e i--'ne ."o- t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e ,o'"ts o. t$e United States in an! ,ase in 0$i,$ a s'it in ad-i"alt! is &"o'#$t to en.o",e a -a"iti-e lien a#ainst a *essel o" ,a"#o o. t$e .o"ei#n state, 0$i,$ -a"iti-e lien is &ased ' on a ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! o. t$e .o"ei#n stateL P"o*ided, T$at @ 718 noti,e o. t$e s'it is #i*en &! deli*e"! o. a ,o ! o. t$e s'--ons and o. t$e ,o- laint to t$e e"son, o" $is a#ent, $a*in# ossession o. t$e *essel o" ,a"#o a#ainst 0$i,$ t$e -a"iti-e lien is asse"ted3 and i. t$e *essel o" ,a"#o is a""ested '"s'ant to "o,ess o&tained on &e$al. o. t$e a"t! &"in#in# t$e s'it, t$e se"*i,e o. "o,ess o. a""est s$all &e dee-ed to ,onstit'te *alid deli*e"! o. s',$ noti,e, &'t t$e a"t! &"in#in# t$e s'it s$all &e lia&le .o" an! da-a#es s'stained &! t$e .o"ei#n state as a "es'lt o. t$e a""est i. t$e a"t! &"in#in# t$e s'it $ad a,t'al o" ,onst"',ti*e +no0led#e t$at t$e *essel o" ,a"#o o. a .o"ei#n state 0as in*ol*ed3 and 7(8 noti,e to t$e .o"ei#n state o. t$e ,o--en,e-ent o. s'it as "o*ided in se,tion 1J); o. t$is title is initiated 0it$in ten da!s eit$e" o. t$e deli*e"! o. noti,e as "o*ided in a"a#"a $ 718 o. t$is s'&se,tion o", in t$e ,ase o. a a"t! 0$o 0as 'na0a"e t$at t$e *essel o" ,a"#o o. a .o"ei#n state 0as in*ol*ed, o. t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


date s',$ a"t! dete"-ined t$e e1isten,e o. t$e .o"ei#n stateSs inte"est2 7,8 W$ene*e" noti,e is deli*e"ed 'nde" s'&se,tion 7&8718, t$e s'it to en.o",e a -a"iti-e lien s$all t$e"ea.te" "o,eed and s$all &e $ea"d and dete"-ined a,,o"din# to t$e "in,i les o. la0 and "'les o. "a,ti,e o. s'its in "e- 0$ene*e" it a ea"s t$at, $ad t$e *essel &een "i*atel! o0ned and ossessed, a s'it in "e- -i#$t $a*e &een -aintained2 A de,"ee a#ainst t$e .o"ei#n state -a! in,l'de ,osts o. t$e s'it and, i. t$e de,"ee is .o" a -one! ='d#-ent, inte"est as o"de"ed &! t$e ,o'"t, e1,e t t$at t$e ,o'"t -a! not a0a"d ='d#-ent a#ainst t$e .o"ei#n state in an a-o'nt #"eate" t$an t$e *al'e o. t$e *essel o" ,a"#o ' on 0$i,$ t$e -a"iti-e lien a"ose2 S',$ *al'e s$all &e dete"-ined as o. t$e ti-e noti,e is se"*ed 'nde" s'&se,tion 7&87182 >e,"ees s$all &e s'&=e,t to a eal and "e*ision as "o*ided in ot$e" ,ases o. ad-i"alt! and -a"iti-e ='"isdi,tion2 Not$in# s$all "e,l'de t$e lainti.. in an! "o e" ,ase ."o- see+in# "elie. in e"sona- in t$e sa-e a,tion &"o'#$t to en.o",e a -a"iti-e lien as "o*ided in t$is se,tion2 7d8 A .o"ei#n state s$all not &e i--'ne ."o- t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e ,o'"ts o. t$e United States in an! a,tion &"o'#$t to .o"e,lose a "e.e""ed -o"t#a#e, as de.ined in t$e S$i Mo"t#a#e A,t, 19() 7GJ U2S2C2 911 and .ollo0in#82 S',$ a,tion s$all &e &"o'#$t, $ea"d, and dete"-ined in a,,o"dan,e 0it$ t$e "o*isions o. t$at A,t and in a,,o"dan,e 0it$ t$e "in,i les o. la0 and "'les o. "a,ti,e o. s'its in "e-, 0$ene*e" it a ea"s t$at $ad t$e *essel &een "i*atel! o0ned and ossessed a s'it in "e- -i#$t $a*e &een -aintained2

No0, ='st e1a,tl! 0$at does t$e %SIA doF %i"st, it does not "o*ide an A"ti,le III Co'"t .o" !o'" 'se2 T$e"e a"e si- l! none o. t$ose le.t2 W$at it does do is "o*ide "e-ed! a"allel and e:'al to A"ti,le III2 Let5s .a,e it, sin,e t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le ne*e" t"ans.e""ed a't$o"it! o*e" t$e- to t$e #o*e"n-ent e1,e t in an instan,e 0$e"e t$e! da-a#ed t$e li.e, li&e"t!, o" "o e"t! o. anot$e", t$e ,o'"ts o. t$e United States ,o'ld $a*e no ='"isdi,tion o*e" t$e- e1,e t 0$e"e a ,ont"a,t a,ti*ated t$e a't$o"it! ?&! ,onsentA, o" 0$e"e da-a#e to anot$e"5s "o e"t! 0as in*ol*ed2 T$at5s e1a,tl! 0$at t$e %SIA "o*ides H i--'nit! e1,e t in t$ose ,ases2 T$e %SIA $as a,t'all! ,odi.ied t$e e"a "io" to 19G), so t$at a stat'to"! "e-ed! e:'al to t$e A"ti,le III "e-ed! a*aila&le &e.o"e t$e t"'st too+ o*e" ,an &e "o*ided to one o. t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le ?0$o a"e t$e onl! ones entitled to s',$ "e-ed!A2 W$ile it is not e1a,tl! A"ti,le III "e-ed!, it se"*es t$e '" ose *e"! 0ell2 I. !o' a"e d"a0n into t$e ,o--e",ial s!ste- 0$e"e !o' $ad no ,o--e",ial in*ol*e-ent, !o' ,an in*o+e t$e %SIA, ,lai- so*e"ei#n i--'nit!, and t$e ,o'"t 0ill $a*e no ='"isdi,tion2

WARN)NG!!! #ollow t1e!e !te4! ONLY if yo2 are one of t1e !o8erei<n A$erican %eo4le- Ot1erwi!e5 yo2 will lan in ;ail5 or wor!e-

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



We $a*e to',$ed *e"! sli#$tl! on t$e 'se o. te"-s &! t$e t"'st to ,"eate t$e i- "ession t$at a .alse$ood is a,t'all! t"'e2 Sin,e t$is is one o. t$e -ost ."e:'entl! 'sed and -ost e..e,ti*e -et$ods o. #ettin# A-e"i,ans to sa! and do t$in#s 0$i,$ t$e! 0o'ld not o"dina"il! sa! and do, 0e 0ill de*ote t$is enti"e ,$a te" to a .e0 o. t$e -ost 0idel! 'sed te"-s 0$i,$ .e0 A-e"i,ans +no0 t$e -eanin# o.2 We 0ill "e*isit t$e te"-s al"ead! e1 lained in "e*io's ,$a te"s ='st to e- $asi4e t$e i- o"tan,e o. 'nde"standin# t$e e1a,t le#al -eanin# o. e*e"! 0o"d and te"- t$at is 'sed in t$e Code and Re#'lations2 Iee in -ind t$at t$e United States Go*e"n-ent still o e"ates 'nde" t$e a't$o"it! o. t$e Constit'tion, and it o e"ates in a Constit'tional -anne" 0it$ A-e"i,an Citi4ens2 Its ,odes and "e#'lations sa! e1a,tl! 0$at t$e! -ean, e*en t$o'#$ !o' -a! t$in+ t$e! a"e sa!in# so-et$in# totall! di..e"ent2 Yo' $a*e $ea"d t$e sa!in#, Di#no"an,e o. t$e la0 is no e1,'seE2 It isn5t3 and, i. !o' 0ant !o'" Ri#$ts as an A-e"i,an Citi4en, !o' -'st 'nde"stand 0$at t$e la0 sa!s, and $o0 it a lies to !o'2 I. !o' don5t +no0 0$at t$e la0s 7Code and Re#'lations8 sa!, !o' ,annot ossi&l! a*oid t$ei" t"a s, and !o' 0ill .ind !o'"sel. &o'nd as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, and s'&=e,t to its "'les2 %i"st, let5s loo+ at one o. t$e -ost da-a#in# te"-s, and one 0$i,$ e*en -ost o. t$e so@,alled Pat"iots do not 'nde"stand @ t$at &ein# t$e 0o"dMte"- 9o.52 I $a*e "ead n'-e"o's 9Pat"iot t! e5 &oo+s in 0$i,$ t$e a't$o" ,lai-s to &e a 9Citi4en o. A-e"i,a5 o" a 9So*e"ei#n Citi4en o. t$e /) So*e"ei#n states 'nde" t$e Constit'tion and t$e la0s o. t$e 'nited States o. A-e"i,a52 T$ese 0"ite"s a"e "eall! t"!in#, I $o e, to set t$e-sel*es a a"t ."o- t$e United States, and t$at is to &e ad-i"ed2 Un.o"t'natel!, t$e! a"e stee"in# -an! 0o'ld@&e Pat"iots do0n t$e 0"on# at$2 T$e! a"e so ,lose, &'t ,loseness onl! ,o'nts in $o"ses$oes and #"enades 7-o"e in #"enades8, and t$is totalita"ian t"'st ,alled t$e UNITE> STATES, and t$e ,o'"ts t$at "'le 0it$ ,o--e",ial la0, a"e non@.o"#i*in#2 In Blac./!, t$e de.inition o. 9o.5 is *e"! ,lea"2 It sa!s, DA te"- denotin# t$at ."o- 0$i,$ an!t$in# "o,eeds3 indi,atin# o"i#in, so'",e, des,ent, and t$e li+e3 as, $e is o. no&le &lood2 Asso,iated 0it$ o" ,onne,ted 0it$, 's'all! in so-e ,as'al "elation, e..i,ient, -ate"ial, .o"-al, o" .inal2 T$e 0o"d $as &een $eld e:'i*alent to a.te"3 at, o" &elon#in# to3 in ossession o., -an'.a,t'"ed &!3 "esidin# at3 ."o-2E T$e"e.o"e, a 9,iti4en o. t$e United States5 $as as $is o"i#in and so'",e t$e United States, and $e a,t'all! &elon#s to t$e United States 7as a s'&=e,t &elon#s to a Iin#82 Li+e0ise, a 9Citi4en o. A-e"i,a5, o" a 9Citi4en o. t$e /) So*e"ei#n states5 0o'ld $a*e $is o"i#in and so'",e .o'nded in t$e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


/) so*e"ei#n States2 B't as 0e $a*e al"ead! lea"ned, t$e /) so*e"ei#n States $a*e as t$ei" o"i#in and so'",e t$e state Citi4en i#e# t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 Re-e-&e", a 9so*e"ei#n Citi4en5 ,o'ld not &e o. a 9so*e"ei#n State5, &e,a'se onl! one ,an o0n t$e land, and t$e .i"st 9so*e"ei#n5 o0ns e*e"!t$in#3 t$e"e.o"e, t$e one 0$o is o. t$e ot$e" ,o'ld not o0n an!t$in# 0it$in t$at "elations$i 2 T$e A-e"i,an Citi4en is t$e "eal so*e"ei#n ."o- 0$i,$ all o0e" .lo0s, and t$e state 7and t$e United States8 is a,t'all! o. t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 Re-e-&e", o'" .o"$e"s ,"eated a #o*e"n-ent Do. t$e eo le, &! t$e eo le, and .o" t$e eo le52 T$at little $"ase t"'l! des,"i&es t$e de )ure #o*e"n-ent .o" A-e"i,an Citi4ens2 T$e A-e"i,an Citi4en is o. $is God and $is a"ents, and not$in# o" no&od! else2 God #a*e t$e Ri#$ts, and $is .o"$e"s #'a"anteed t$e- t$"o'#$ t$e Constit'tion 0$i,$ $is a"ents assed on to $i-2 Please do not &elie*e t$at t$is is 'ni- o"tant nit@ i,+in#2 It is an!t$in# &'t2 T$is t"'st, and t$ose "'nnin# it, 0ill do an!t$in# to +ee !o' 'nde" t$ei" ,ont"ol2 T$e 'se o. 0o"ds is one o. t$ei" ,$ie. 0ea ons2 In t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code 7IRC8, t$e le#al de.initions a"e intentionall! ,$an#ed ."o- t$ei" ,o--onl! 'sed -eanin#s in o"de" to ,on.'se t$e A-e"i,an into &elie*in# t$at $e is 9"e:'i"ed5 to do t$in#s t$at, in .a,t, $e is "e:'i"ed to do i. $e $as .i"st &e,o-e a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 %i"st, t$e 'se o. I. t$e 0o"d 9 e"son5 in t$e te,$ni,al, le#al sense ,"eated &! t$e #o*e"n-ent is *e"! -isleadin#2 0o'ld &e t!in# t$e +not on $is sla*e"! t$at -',$ ti#$te"2 'sa#e, a $'-an &ein# 7i#e# nat'"al

so-eone as+ed t$e a*e"a#e A-e"i,an i. $e is a e"son, $e 0o'ld "o&a&l! ans0e" 9!es52 I. $e did, $e Blac./! de.ines 9 e"son5 as, DIn #ene"al e"son8, t$o'#$ &! stat'te t$e te"- -a! in,l'de la&o"

o"#ani4ations, a"tne"s$i s, asso,iations, ,o" o"ations, le#al "e "esentati*es, t"'stees in &an+"' t,!, o" "e,ei*e"s2E Noti,e t$at &! 9stat'te5, e"son ne*e" -eans 9a $'-an &ein#5, and t$at t$e 0o"d is a 9te"-52 W$at t$is de.inition -eans is t$at 0$en t$e IRS "e.e"s to !o' as a e"son, and !o' "e l!, !o' a"e a#"eein# to &ein# t"eated as a t"'st -e-&e", a ,o" o"ate entit! 7a"ti.i,ial e"son8 .o" t$e "o,eedin# in :'estion, and t$e o*e"all ,ont"a,t 0it$ t$e t"'st is "e*e"i.ied2 "e#a"ds to t"'st -e-&e"s, and t$e! do not a..e,t an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 Go st"ai#$t to t$e o"tion o. t$e IRC t$at "e.e"s to a 9 e"son -ade lia&le5 as so-eone 0$o is "e:'i"ed to .ile an in,o-e ta1 "et'"n2 At no la,e in t$e IRC is t$e"e a de.inition o. 9 e"son -ade lia&le5, and T$at5s &e,a'se t$ei" onl! ,onne,tion to !o' is t$"o'#$ t$e t"'st -e-&e"s$i , and t$e stat'tes 7,odes8 a"e .o" 'se onl! in

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e IRC ne*e" tells !o' $o0 a e"son ,an &e 9-ade lia&le52 T$e 9 e"son5 is o&*io'sl! !o'" a"ti.i,ial &ein# 70$en it a lies to !o'8, and !o' -a+e it lia&le &! .ilin# a "et'"n 'nde" enalt! o. e"='"! statin# t$at t$is a"ti.i,ial ,ont"a,t'al entit! o0es t$e IRS -one!2 B! si#nin# t$at "et'"n 'nde" enalt! o. e"='"!, !o'" ,o" o"ate entit! &e,a-e a 9 e"son -ade lia&le5, and !o' a,,e ted t$e "es onsi&ilit! o. seein# t$at it .ollo0s t$e Code2 %ail'"e to do so ,an "es'lt in ,"i-inal ,$a"#es a#ainst !o' 'nde" ,o--e",ial la0, &e,a'se !o' a,,e ted "es onsi&ilit! .o" t$is a"ti.i,ial entit!5s a,tions2 T$is 0o'ld e:'ate *e"! ,losel! to a &oo++ee e" .o" a la"#e ,o" o"ation &ein# $eld ,"i-inall! lia&le .o" 9='##lin# t$e &oo+s5 to -a+e t$e ,o" o"ation loo+ &ette" o" a*oid ,e"tain "es onsi&ilities2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, !o' $a*e ='st ,lai-ed to &e a ,o" o"ate entit! as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st, and t$e t"'st $as a,,e ted !o'" ,lai- as t"'e3 t$e"e.o"e, !o' a"e no0 s'&=e,t to ,o--e",ial la0, and t$e in,o-e ta12 No0 let5s loo+ at t$e de.inition o. 9in,o-e52 T$e S' "e-e Co'"t said, in Ei!ner V- "aco$ber, (/( US 1;9, DNit &e,o-es essential to distin#'is$ &et0een 0$at is and 0$at is not 9in,o-e5, a,,o"din# to t"'t$ and s'&stan,e, 0it$o't "e#a"d to .o"-2 Con#"ess ,annot, &! an! de.inition it -a! ado t, ,on,l'de t$e -atte", sin,e it ,annot &! le#islation alte" t$e Constit'tion, ."o- 0$i,$ it de"i*es its o0e" to le#islate, and 0it$in 0$ose li-itations, alone, t$at o0e" ,an &e la0.'ll! e1e",isedNE2 He"e, it &e,o-es ,lea" 0$! t$e IRC does not #i*e a ,lea" de.inition o. in,o-e @ it ,an5t6 It 0o'ld &e 'n,onstit'tional to ,all a!-ent .o" an A-e"i,an Citi4en5s la&o" in,o-e, and t$en la,e a ta1 ' on it2 In n'-e"o's ,o'"t ,ases, in,o-e is de.ined as a " o" #ain o. a ,o" o"ation, o" a ,a ital #ain2 Ne*e" is it de.ined as a!-ent .o" an A-e"i,an Citi4en5s la&o"2 It &e,o-es *e"! ,lea" t$"o'#$ &ot$ t$e ,odes and t$e i- le-entin# "e#'lations t$at t$e onl! 9in,o-e5 in t$e .o"- o. 90a#es5 o" 9,o- ensation .o" e"sonal se"*i,es5 t$at is ta1a&le is t$at o. a .ede"al e- lo!ee2 To &e -o"e s e,i.i,, t$e 9ta1in# stat'tes5 "e.e" to 9#"oss in,o-e5, o" 90a#es5, o" 9,o- ensation .o" e"sonal se"*i,es52 To e1a-ine t$e te1t o. $o0 t$ese ta1es ,a-e a&o't, 0e -'st #o &a,+ to 19B93 and t$e"e, 0e e1a-ine an a,t 0$i,$ is toda! o&s,'"e in t$at -ost A-e"i,ans $a*e ne*e" e*en $ea"d o. it2 He"e, 0e -'st 'nde"stand t$at e*e"! stat'te 0$i,$ $as &een ena,ted "elatin# to in,o-e ta1 sin,e t$e 19B9 Inte"nal Re*en'e Code is still e..e,ti*e and in .o",e toda! 'nless it $as &een s e,i.i,all! "e ealed &! a late" stat'te2 T$is s!ste- is 'sed &! t$e t"'st to -a+e it -',$ -o"e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


di..i,'lt .o" an A-e"i,an Citi4en to dis,o*e" 0$at t$e la0 a,t'all! "e:'i"es o. $i-2 T$e #o*e"n-ent "ints t$e ,odes t$at it does not 0ant !o' to .'ll! 'nde"stand onl! one ti-e, 's'all! *e"! *a#'el!, and t$en "elies ' on t$e .a,t t$at it 0as ne*e" "e ealed to $old !o' a,,o'nta&le .o" it2 B! not in,l'din# all o. t$e ,odes, "e#'lations, and de.initions in ea,$ ne0 "endition o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code 7o" .o" t$at -atte", -an! ot$e" ,odes8, t$e e",e tion ,an easil! &e le.t t$at t$e ,ode sa!s so-et$in#, 0$i,$, in t"'t$, it does not sa!2 -ade lia&leE2 Re-e-&e" t$at t$e IRS 0ill ne*e" tell !o' 0$et$e" o" not !o' a"e a 9 e"son -ade lia&le52 T$at5s &e,a'se onl! !o' ,an dete"-ine t$at !o' a"e a D e"son T$e! +no0 t$at, in t"'t$, !o' a"e not s',$ a e"son 'nless !o' ,$oose to &e a t"'st -e-&e" t$"o'#$ *ol'nta"! a,tions, &'t t$e! 0ant !o' to &elie*e t$at !o' a"e -andito"il! -ade lia&le 0it$o't an! a,tion on !o'" a"t2 S$o"tl! a.te" t$e ena,t-ent o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code o. 19B9, Con#"ess assed a &ill +no0n as t$e 9P'&li, Sala"! A,t52 Wit$in t$is &ill, 0e ,an .ind t$e e1a,t 0a! t$at t$e t"'st $as de,ei*ed t$e A-e"i,an eo le into &elie*in# t$at t$e in,o-e ta1 0as intended .o" t$e-2 Wit$in t$is 'n"e ealed 7and, t$e"e.o"e, in e..e,t toda!8 A,t, t$e de.inition o. 90a#es5 and At Title 1, Se,tion 1, o. t$e P'&li, Sala"! A,t o. 9,o- ensation .o" e"sonal se"*i,es5 is #i*en2

19B9, it states, DSe,tion ((7a8 o. t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code "elatin# to t$e de.inition o. 9#"oss in,o-e5 is a-ended a.te" t$e 0o"ds 9,o- ensation .o" e"sonal se"*i,es5 t$e .ollo0in#L 9in,l'din# e"sonal se"*i,e as an o..i,e" o" e- lo!ee o. a State, o" an! oliti,al s'&di*ision t$e"eo., o" an a#en,! o" inst"'-entalit! o. an! one o" -o"e o. t$e .o"e#oin#2E Re-e-&e" t$at t$e 0o"d 9in,l'din#5 in t$e ,odes -eans t$at onl! 0$at .ollo0s in t$e list is a a"t o. t$e de.inition2 Ta+in# all t$ese .a,ts into ,onside"ation, it &e,o-es ,lea" t$at 90a#es5 o" 9,o- ensation .o" e"sonal se"*i,es5 a"e te"-s 0$i,$ "elate onl! to -one! aid to .ede"al #o*e"n-ent 7t"'st8 e- lo!ees .o" t$ei" se"*i,es "ende"ed t$e"e'nde"2 T$at is 0$! t$e IRS 0ill ne*e" #i*e !o' an ans0e" i. !o' as+ .o" a "e,ise de.inition o. 90$at is in,o-e5, o" 9$o0 one ,an &e -ade lia&le52 I. t$e! told !o', !o' 0o'ld i--ediatel! +no0 t$at !o' do not o0e t$e- a "et'"n o" an! ta1es, 'nless !o' a"e a .ede"al e- lo!ee o" t"'st -e-&e"2 B! ne*e" in,l'din# t$e de.inition o. in,o-e in an! stat'tes a.te" 19B9, t$e IRS ,an &e "easona&l! s'"e t$at t$e a*e"a#e A-e"i,an 0ill ne*e" t"'l! +no0 its -eanin#2 Ne1t, let5s e1a-ine e1a,tl! 0$at a non"esident alien indi*id'al is2 Blac./! de.ines 9alien5 as, DA Blac./! de.ines 9non@

.o"ei#n &o"n e"son 0$o $as not :'ali.ied as a ,iti4en o. t$e ,o'nt"!NE2

"esident5 as, DOne 0$o does not "eside 0it$in ='"isdi,tion in :'estion3 not an in$a&itant o. t$e state o.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e .o"'-2 S e,ial "'les #o*e"n se"*i,e o. "o,ess on non@"esidents2E

No0, "e-e-&e" t$at Te1as

and Cali.o"nia and t$e ot$e" G; states o. t$e Union a"e not in t$e United States @ so 0e"e !o' &o"n in t$e United StatesF >o !o' li*e in t$e United StatesF I. not, !o' -a! &e a non"esident alien to t$e United States and t$e IRS2 I. !o' a"e an A-e"i,an Citi4en, !o' -ost li+el! a"e a non"esident alien to &ot$ t$e United States and t$e IRS, 'nless !o' $a*e #ained "esiden,! as a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st2 >oesn5t it -a+e !o' 0onde" 0$at t$ose 9s e,ial "'les5 t$at #o*e"n se"*i,e o. "o,ess on t$ese non"esident aliens -i#$t &eF I 0onde" i. t$at ,o'ld $a*e an!t$in# to do 0it$ ='"isdi,tion, o" t$e la,+ t$e"eo., o*e" an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 A.te" all, t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en is onl! s'&=e,t to *e"! li-ited ='"isdi,tion, and an! se"*i,e o. le#al a e"s 0o'ld ne,essa"il! $a*e to .it 'nde" t$at li-ited ='"isdi,tion2 T$at is in di"e,t ,ont"ast to t$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States 0$o is s'&=e,t to 0$ate*e" ='"isdi,tion t$at t$e t"'st la,es on $i-2 T$is e"son5s so'",e is ."o- 0it$in t$e United States, and $is d't! is to t$e t"'st and its set o. ,odes and "e#'lations, in,l'din# t$e .ilin# o. a ta1 "et'"n2 A&o't t$at 9 enalt! o. e"='"!5 t$in#, t$e United States Code, at (; USC 1<GJ, #i*es t$e "o e" 0o"din# to &e 'sed .o" 'ns0o"n state-ents 'nde" enalt! o. e"='"! as .ollo0sL D718 I. e1e,'ted 0it$o't t$e United StatesL 9I de,la"e 7o" ,e"ti.!, *e"i.!, o" state8 'nde" enalt! o. e"='"! 'nde" t$e la0s o. t$e United States o. A-e"i,a t$at t$e .o"e#oin# is t"'e and ,o""e,t2 7Si#nat'"e82E E1e,'ted on 7>ate8 ossessions, o" D7(8 I. e1e,'ted 0it$in t$e United States, its te""ito"ies,

,o--on0ealt$sL 9I de,la"e 7o" ,e"ti.!, *e"i.!, o" state8 'nde" enalt! o. e"='"! t$at t$e .o"e#oin# is t"'e and ,o""e,t2 E1e,'ted on 7>ate8 7Si#nat'"e82E >o !o' .ind it to &e a &it st"an#e t$at i. And 0$o e1e,'ted 0it$in t$e United States, t$e la0s o. t$e United States o. A-e"i,a do not a l!F

0o'ld e1e,'te so-et$in# o'tside o. t$e United States 'sin# t$e la0s o. t$e United States o. A-e"i,a i. it 0e"e not an A-e"i,an in A-e"i,aF No0 loo+ at t$e enalt! o. e"='"! de,la"ation on an! IRS .o"-, s',$ as t$e 1)G)2 It sa!s, DUnde" enalt! o. e"='"!, I de,la"e t$at I $a*e e1a-ined t$is "et'"n, in,l'din# a,,o- an!in# s,$ed'les and state-ents, and to t$e &est o. -! +no0led#e and &elie., it is t"'e, ,o""e,t, and ,o- lete2E W$i,$ o. t$e de,la"ations does t$is .o"- .itF It .its n'-&e" t0o, i. e1e,'ted 0it$in t$e United States, &e,a'se it does not a,,o'nt .o" t$e la0s o. t$e United States o. A-e"i,a2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, it is not #o*e"ned &! t$e Constit'tion3 and, t$e"e.o"e, an!one si#nin# t$is do,'-ent ,annot &e "ote,ted &! t$e Constit'tion2 B! si#nin# t$is .o"- 7o" an! .o"- 0it$ t$is de,la"ation8 !o' tell t$e 0o"ld t$at !o'" "in,i al ,iti4ens$i "esides 0it$in t$e United States &e,a'se o. !o'" -e-&e"s$i in t$e t"'st, and t$at !o' la,e !o'"sel. as a s'&=e,t 'nde" t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e
T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told 9(

t"'st, i#e# a ,iti4en o" "esident o. t$e United States2

Re-e-&e" t$at an 'n,$allen#ed ,lai- o"

state-ent &e,o-es "o*en 'nde" ,o--e",ial la03 and sin,e no one is #oin# to ,$allen#e 0$o !o' sa! !o' a"e, t$e si#nin# o. t$is do,'-ent alone -a+es !o' a ,iti4en o. t$e United States and a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st &! ,ont"a,t, and t$e"e&! s'&=e,t to and o. its ,odes and "e#'lations2 To "e."es$ !o'" -e-o"!, t$e 0o"ds 9s$all5 and 9-'st5 $a*e &een "'led &! t$e s' "e-e Co'"t to $a*e t$e sa-e -eanin# as t$e 0o"d 9-a!5 0$en 'sed in t$e stat'tes to a*oid an! Constit'tional -is'nde"standin#s o" -isa li,ation2 T$e 0o"d 9"e:'i"ed5 is al0a!s 'sed i. t$e a,tion is so-et$in# t$at t$e ,ode -a+es -andato"!2 In Blac./!, se*e"al ,o'"t ,ases a"e 'sed to #i*e t$e de.inition o.

9-a!5, 9s$all5, and 9-'st52 T$at de.inition states, D"AY- An a'1ilia"! *e"& :'ali.!in# t$e -eanin# o. anot$e" *e"& &! e1 "essin# a&ilit!, ,o- eten,!, li&e"t!, e"-ission, ossi&ilit!, "o&a&ilit!, o" ,ontin#en,!2 US V- LeIin<ton "ill M E- &o-, (B( U2S2 B99, BG S2Ct2 BB<, BG), /; L2Ed2 J/;2 Wo"d 9-a!5 's'all! is e- lo!ed to i- l! e"-issi*e, o tional, o" dis,"etional, and not -andato"! a,tion o" ,ond',t2 S1ea V- S1ea, O+l2 /B< P(d G1<, G1;2 Re#a"dless o. t$e inst"'-ent, $o0e*e", Ho0e*e", as a #ene"al "'le, t$e 0$et$e" ,onstit'tion, ,ode, deed ,ont"a,t o" 0$ate*e", ,o'"ts not in."e:'entl! ,onst"'e 9-a!5 as 9s$all5 o" 9-'st5 to t$e end t$at ='sti,e not &e t$e sla*e o. #"a--a"2 0o"d 9-a!5 0ill not &e t"eated as a 0o"d o. ,o--and 'nless t$e"e is so-et$in# in t$e ,onte1t o" s'&=e,t -atte" to a,t o" indi,ate t$at it 0as 'sed in s',$ a sense2 Bloo$ V- TeIa! State B - of EIa$iner! of %!yc1olo<i!t!, Te12Ci*2A 2 G</ S2W2(d2 B<G, B<<2E In anot$e" s' "e-e Co'"t

"'lin#, &airo an #2lton R-R- &o- V- Hec1t, t$e Co'"t said, DAs a#ainst t$e #o*e"n-ent, t$e 0o"d 9s$all5 0$en 'sed in t$e stat'tes is to &e ,onst"'ed as 9-a!5, 'nless a ,ont"a"! -eanin# is -ani.est2E Si-ila" lan#'a#e ,an &e .o'nd in -an! lo0e" ,o'"t "'lin#s, s',$ as Geor<e Willia$! &olle<e VVilla<e of Willia$! Bay, NW (nd ;91, 0$e"e t$e ,o'"t stated, D5S$all5 in a stat'te -a! &e ,onst"'ed to -ean 9-a!5 to a*oid ,onstit'tional do'&t2E K'st t$in+ $o0 eas! it 0o'ld &e .o" t$e ,ode to si- l! 'se t$e 0o"d 9"e:'i"ed5 ea,$ ti-e it 'sed t$e 0o"d 9s$all5 in t$e ,odes3 i., in .a,t, t$e a,tion 0as 9"e:'i"ed52 T$e 0"ite"s o. t$e ,ode +ne0 e1a,tl! 0$at t$e! 0e"e doin# 0$en t$e! 0"ote t$e-, and t$e! +ne0 t$at t$e"e 0as no 0a! to 9"e:'i"e5 an A-e"i,an Citi4en to do an! o. t$e t$in#s t$at a"e i- lied to &e "e:'i"ed3 so, t$e! si- l! 'sed ,on*ol'ted lan#'a#e to -a+e !o' &elie*e t$at !o' a"e "e:'i"ed to do so-et$in# t$at, as an A-e"i,an Citi4en, !o' ,o'ld ne*e" &e "e:'i"ed to do2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


To "eall! 'nde"stand e1a,tl! $o0 t$e 9le#al5 lan#'a#e is &ein# 'sed to de,ei*e t$e a*e"a#e A-e"i,an Citi4en, let5s loo+ at t$e de.initions .o" t$ese t$"ee 0o"ds, D-a!5, 9s$all5, and 9-'st5 in Web!ter/! DictionaryT$e de.inition .o" 9-a!5 is, De1 "essin# ossi&ilit!, e"-ission, ,ontin#en,!, 'n,e"taint!, $o e2E T$e de.inition o. 9s$all5 is, D'sed to -a+e ,o- o'nd tenses o" -oods to e1 "ess .'t'"it!, o&li#ation, ,o--and, ,ondition, o" intention2E o&li#ated, &! ,e"taint!NE2 T$e de.inition .o" 9-'st5 is, Dto &e "o&a&ilit!, $!si,al o" -o"al ne,essit!Nto e1 "ess ,o- 'lsion, o&li#ation,

T$ese de.initions 70it$ t$e ossi&le e1,e tion o. 9-a!58 e1 "ess totall! di..e"ent Ho0 -an! A-e"i,ans o0n and

-eanin#s t$an t$e ,o'"ts $a*e "'led t$e 9le#al5 -eanin# to &e2

"e#'la"l! 'se a le#al di,tiona"! 0$en de,idin# 0$at t$ei" o&li#ations and d'ties a"e to t$e United States Go*e"n-entF I. !o' 0ant to "etain 7o" "e#ain8 !o'" Ri#$ts as an A-e"i,an Citi4en, !o' -i#$t 0ant to ,onside" &'!in# "e#'la"l! 'sin# a #ood le#al di,tiona"!, so t$at !o'5ll +no0 0$at t$e #o*e"n-ent is tellin# !o' to do, and 0$et$e" its -andato"! o" o tional2 T$e 0o"d 9indi*id'al5 is 'sed "e eatedl! in t$e Code and Re#'lations2 Blac./! #i*es t$e de.inition o. 9indi*id'al5 as, DAs a no'n, t$is te"- denotes a sin#le e"son as distin#'is$ed ."o- a #"o' o" ,lass, and also, *e"! ,o--onl!, a "i*ate o" nat'"al e"son as distin#'is$ed ."o- a a"tne"s$i , ,o" o"ation, o" asso,iation3 &'t it is said t$at t$is "est"i,ti*e si#ni.i,ation is not ne,essa"il! in$e"ent in t$e 0o"d, and t$at it -a!, in "o e" ,ases, in,l'de a"ti.i,ial e"sons2E S'" "ise6 W$en t$e Code "e.e"s to an indi*id'al, it5s "eall! tal+in# a&o't an a"ti.i,ial e"son, not an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$e IRS 0ill tell !o' t$at t$e se,tions o. t$e IRC 0$i,$ -a+es !o' lia&le to .ile a ta1 "et'"n and a! t$e "es'ltant ta1 a"e J)11 and J)1(2 IRC Se,tion J)11, titled as DGENERAL REWUIREMENT O% RETURN, STATEMENT, OR LISTE, states, DGENERAL RULE2 W$en "e:'i"ed &! "e#'lations "es,"i&ed &! t$e Se,"eta"!, an! e"son -ade lia&le .o" an! ta1 i- osed &! t$is title, o" 0it$ "es e,t to t$e ,olle,tion t$e"eo., s$all -a+e a "et'"n o" state-ent a,,o"din# to t$e .o"-s o" "e#'lations "es,"i&ed &! t$e Se,"eta"!2 E*e"! e"son "e:'i"ed to -a+e a "et'"n o" state-ent s$all in,l'de t$e"ein t$e in.o"-ation "e:'i"ed &! s',$ .o"-s and "e#'lations2E IRC Se,tion J)1(, titled as DPERSONS REWUIRE> TO MAIE RETURNS O% INCOMEE, states, DGENERAL RULE2 @ Ret'"ns 0it$ "es e,t to in,o-e ta1es 'nde" s'&title A s$all &e -ade &! t$e .ollo0in#L 7187A8 E*e"! indi*id'al $a*in# .o" t$e ta1a&le !ea" #"oss in,o-e 0$i,$ e:'als o" e1,eeds t$e e1e- tion

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



No0, let5s e1a-ine t$ese t0o se,tions -o"e ,losel!2

%i"st, t$is "e.e"s to a 9 e"son52

We no0 +no0 t$at, in t$e stat'tes, t$is te"- "e.e"s to a ,o" o"ate o" ot$e" a"ti.i,ial entit!2 It 'ses t$e te"-, D0$en "e:'i"ed &! "e#'lationsE2 Noti,e t$at it does not tell !o' o. 0$o- it is "e:'i"ed, o" e*en t$at it is "e:'i"ed at all2 T$en it states, DE*e"! e"son "e:'i"ed to -a+e a "et'"n o" state-ent s$all in,l'de t$e"ein t$e in.o"-ation "e:'i"ed &! s',$ .o"-s and "e#'lations2E It does not "e:'i"e an!t$in#2 It t$en sa!s t$at i. s',$ e"son $as 9#"oss in,o-e5 .o" t$e ta1a&le !ea"2 We no0 +no0 t$at 9#"oss in,o-e5 "e.e"s onl! to 0a#es o. .ede"al e- lo!ees, and t$e " o" #ain o. a ,o" o"ation2 T$e onl! ,o--and #i*en is 0$e"e it sa!s, DE*e"! e"sonNs$all in,l'de t$e"ein t$e in.o"-ation "e:'i"ed &! s',$ .o"-s and "e#'lations2E 9 e"son -ade lia&le52 So let5s "e0"ite t$is stat'e in e*e"!da! lan#'a#e t$at 0e all 'nde"stand2 It 0o'ld loo+ so-et$in# li+e t$is to an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 Se,2 J)11 DGENERAL REWUIREMENT O% RETURN, STATEMENT, OR LISTE DGENERAL RULE2 W$en "e:'i"ed &! "e#'lations "es,"i&ed &! t$e Se,"eta"!, an! ,o" o"ation -ade lia&le .o" an! ta1 i- osed &! t$is title, o" 0it$ "es e,t to t$e ,olle,tion t$e"eo., -a! -a+e a "et'"n o" state-ent, a,,o"din# to t$e .o"-s o" "e#'lations "es,"i&ed &! t$e Se,"eta"!2 E*e"! ,o" o"ation "e:'i"ed to -a+e a "et'"n o" state-ent -a! in,l'de t$e"ein t$e in.o"-ation "e:'i"ed &! s',$ .o"-s and "e#'lations2E Se,2 J)1( DCORPORATIONS OR ARTI%ICIAL PERSONS REWUIRE> TO MAIE RETURNS O% INCOMEE DGENERAL RULE2 @ Ret'"ns 0it$ "es e,t to in,o-e ta1es 'nde" s'&title A -a! &e -ade &! t$e .ollo0in#L 7187A8 E*e"! a"ti.i,ial e"son $a*in# .o" t$e ta1a&le !ea" 0a#es ."o- t$e %ede"al Go*e"n-ent 0$i,$ e:'als o" e1,eeds t$e e1e- tion a-o'ntNE2 No0 t$at 0e 'nde"stand t$ese .e0 te"-s, let5s "e@e1a-ine t$e se,tion o. t$e Re#'lations t$at t$e IRS sa!s -a+es 's lia&le .o" t$e in,o-e ta12 %i"st, at C%R 121@1, 0e .ind, DIn,o-e ta1 on indi*id'als2 @ 7a8 "eneral rule# Se,tion 1 o. t$e Code i- oses an in,o-e ta1 on e*e"! indi*id'al 0$o is a ,iti4en o" "esident o. t$e United States and, to t$e e1tent "o*ided &! ;<17&8 and ;<<7&8, on t$e in,o-e o. a Clea"l!, +no0in# 0$at 0e +no0 a&o't t$e 0o"d 9s$all5, t$is 9,o--and5 si- l! sa!s t$at 0e 9-a!5 in,l'de t$is in.o"-ation i. 0e 0ant to, e*en i. 0e a"e a

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


non"esident alien indi*id'al2E Unde" 7&8 o. t$e sa-e se,tion, it states, DCiti+ens or residents of the United States liable to ta,# In #ene"al, all ,iti4ens o. t$e United States, 0$e"e*e" "esident, and all "esident alien indi*id'als a"e lia&le to t$e in,o-e ta1es i- osed &! t$e Code 0$et$e" t$e in,o-e is "e,ei*ed ."o- so'",es 0it$in o" 0it$o't t$e United States2E Unde" 7,8 o. t$at se,tion, D -ho is a citi+en# E*e"! e"son &o"n o" nat'"ali4ed in t$e United States and s'&=e,t to its ='"isdi,tion is a ,iti4en2E 7>oes t$at so'nd li+e t$e 1Gt$ A-end-ent to !o'F82 No0 let5s "e0"ite t$is "e#'lation 0it$ o'" ne0 +no0led#e o. t$e -eanin#s o. 0o"ds and te"-s2 C%R 121@1 DIn,o-e ta1 on A"ti.i,ial Pe"sons 2 @ 7a8 "eneral rule# Se,tion 1 o. t$e Code i- oses an in,o-e ta1 on e*e"! a"ti.i,ial e"son 0$o is a s'&=e,t o. t$e United States and, to t$e e1tent "o*ided &! ;<17&8 and ;<<7&8, on t$e in,o-e o. a non"esident alien a"ti.i,ial e"son2E 7&8 DSub)ects of the United States liable to ta,# In #ene"al, all s'&=e,ts o. t$e United States, 0$e"e*e" "esident, and all "esident alien a"ti.i,ial e"sons a"e lia&le to t$e in,o-e ta1es i- osed &! t$e Code 0$et$e" t$e in,o-e is "e,ei*ed ."o- so'",es 0it$in o" 0it$o't t$e United States2E 7,8 D-ho is a sub)ect# E*e"! ,$ild o. a s'&=e,t &o"n o" nat'"ali4ed in t$e United States and s'&=e,t to its ='"isdi,tion is a s'&=e,t2E T$e t"'t$ is t$at an A-e"i,an Citi4en ,o'ld $a*e a ,$ild &o"n 0it$in t$e United States, and t$at ,$ild5s "i-a"! ,iti4ens$i 0o'ld still &e t$at o. an A-e"i,an Citi4en, not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 K'st as a ,iti4en o. En#land ,o'ld $a*e a ,$ild &o"n in anot$e" ,o'nt"!, and t$at ,$ild5s "i-a"! ,iti4ens$i 0o'ld still &e t$at o. an En#lis$ ,iti4en2 At C%R 12;<1@< 7a8, it states, DImposition of ta,# T$is se,tion a lies .o" '" oses o. dete"-inin# t$e ta1 on a non"esident indi*id'al 0$o at no ti-e d'"in# t$e ta1a&le !ea" is en#a#ed in a t"ade o" &'siness in t$e United StatesNa non"esident alien indi*id'al to 0$o- t$is se,tion a lies is not s'&=e,t to t$e ta1 i- osed &! se,tion 1 o" se,tion 1()17&8 &'t, '"s'ant to t$e "o*isions o. ;<17a8, is lia&le to a .lat ta1 o. B) e",ent ' on t$e a##"e#ate o. t$e a-o'nts dete"-ined 'nde" a"a#"a $s 7&8, 7,8, and 7d8 o. t$is se,tion 0$i,$ a"e "e,ei*ed d'"in# t$e ta1a&le !ea" ."o- so'",es 0it$in t$e United States2E At C%R 121G)(7&8@17d8, it states, D.onresident aliens# A non"esident alien indi*id'al ne*e" $as sel. e- lo!-ent in,o-eNs',$ non"esident alien indi*id'al 0ill not &e s'&=e,t to t$e ta1 on sel.@e- lo!-ent in,o-e, sin,e an! net ea"nin#s 0$i,$ $e -a! $a*e ."o- sel.@e- lo!-ent do not

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


,onstit'te sel.@e- lo!-ent in,o-e2E

Wo06 T$is loo+s li+e a "ett! l',+! #'! $e"e @ $e o0es t$e

#o*e"n-ent 7t"'st8 not$in#, "e#a"dless o. $o0 -',$ $e -a+es2 It #oes on to sa!, D%o" t$e '" ose o. ta1 on sel.@e- lo!-ent in,o-e, an indi*id'al 0$o is not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, &'t 0$o is a "esident o. t$e Co--on0ealt$ o. P'e"to Ri,o, t$e Ci"#in Islands, o", .o" t$e ta1a&le !ea"s &e#innin# a.te" 19J), o. G'a- o" A-e"i,a Sa-oa is not ,onside"ed to &e a non"esident alien indi*id'al2E T$in+ a&o't t$at state-ent2 I. !o' a"e not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, &'t !o' a"e ='st a "esident o. an! o. t$e te""ito"ies, !o' a"e s'&=e,t to t$e in,o-e ta12 B't note t$at it does not e*en -ention 0$at $a ens i. !o' a"e not a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, &'t !o' a"e a Citi4en in one o. t$e /) Re '&li,s 7states8 o. t$e Union2 T$at e"son o&*io'sl! is a non"esident alien to t$e United States3 and, t$e"e.o"e, to t$e IRC2 A"e !o' &e#innin# not to &e so inti-idated &! t$e IRS !etF Anot$e" oint 0$i,$ needs to &e e- $asi4ed $e"e is t$e 'se o. ,a itali4ation o. lette"s as a -eans o. indi,atin# to 0$o- a ,ode o" "e#'lation is "e.e""in#2 Alt$o'#$ t$is is not e1a,tl! a 'se o. te"-s, it .alls into t$e sa-e #ene"al ,ate#o"!2 Please 'nde"stand t$at t$e ,a itali4ation o. lette"s is 'sed "e,isel! &! t$e t"'st to indi,ate to 0$o- o" 0$at t$e ,odes a"e "e.e""in#2 %i"st, ta+e t$e 0o"d 7,8 Citi4en as 'sed in le#al and la0.'l 0"itin#s2 I. !o' 0ill loo+ at an! a,,'"ate ,o ! o. t$e Constit'tion, !o' 0ill see t$at t$e 0o"d Citi4en is 'sed -an! ti-es in t$e o"i#inal Constit'tion and t$e .i"st Ten A-end-ents2 Ea,$ ti-e t$at 0o"d is 'sed, it sta"ts 0it$ a ,a ital 9C52 T$e "eason is t$at it is "e.e""in# to t$e so*e"ei#n, t$e o0ne" o. all land 0it$in t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e Constit'tion2 T$is is a "eal -an, a nat'"al e"son, t$e lando0ne", t$e so*e"ei#n2 Ho0e*e", 0$en 0e #et to t$e %o'"teent$ T$is is &e,a'se t$e e"son "e.e""ed to A-end-ent, t$e 0o"d ,iti4en &e#ins 0it$ a lo0e" ,ase 9,52

$e"e is a s'&=e,t, not a "o e", nat'"al e"son 0it$ Ri#$ts #i*en &! God and #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion2 No0, note t$at e*e"! ti-e t$e 0o"d ,iti4en is 'sed in t$e Code andMo" Re#'lations, it is s elled 0it$ a lo0e" ,ase 9,5 70it$ t$e ossi&le e1,e tion o. 0$en it is t$e .i"st 0o"d in a senten,e82 T$at5s &e,a'se t$e Code andMo" Re#'lations a..e,t onl! -e-&e"s o. t$e "'st in t$ei" a"ti.i,ial ,a a,it!3 and, 0it$ t$e 'se o. t$is sin#le tool, t$e United States Go*e"n-ent, on &e$al. o. t$e t"'st, ,lea"l! tells !o' 0$o- it is tal+in# to2 I. !o' 0ant to ass'-e t$e 0o"ds a"e -eant .o" !o', t$e! 0ill let !o', and t$en $old !o' "es onsi&le .o" .ollo0in# t$e Code and Re#'lations ,o""e,tl!2 An!ti-e t$at t$e 0o"d 9o.5 is 'sed &e.o"e t$e 0o"d 9,iti4en5, it 0o'ld &e ,o""e,tl! s elled 0it$ a lo0e" ,ase 9,53 &e,a'se a s'&=e,t o. an!t$in# 7e1,e t God8 ,o'ld not &e t$e so*e"ei#n2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


K'st as i- o"tant is t$e ,a itali4ation o. t$e na-es o. t$e 7S8states in*ol*ed in and 'nde" t$e Constit'tion2 In t$e 9>e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e o. t$e 'nited States o. A-e"i,a5, t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s 'sed a lo0e" ,ase 9'5 in t$e 0o"d 'nited2 T$at is &e,a'se t$e 9'nited States o. A-e"i,a5 0as not a title, &'t si- l! a state-ent o. t$e states 7Re '&li,s8 0$i,$ 0e"e 'nited in t$e Union2 As s',$, 'nited is onl! 'sed as an ad=e,ti*e .o" t$e states 0$i,$ 0e"e 'nited 'nde" t$e Constit'tion2 W$en t$e %ede"al Go*e"n-ent ente"s t$e i,t'"e, t$e na-es 9United States5 and 9United States o. A-e"i,a5 a"e ,$an#ed to DUNITE> STATESE and DUNITE> STATES O% AMERICAE, and a"e 'sed to identi.! t$e t"'st 0$i,$ is e1e",isin# its a't$o"it!2 T$e"e.o"e, an!ti-e in t$e ,odes 0$e"e t$e 0o"d 9State5 is 'sed, it identi.ies a ,o" o"ate na-e o" entit!2 An!ti-e t$e 0o"d 9state5 is 'sed, it "e.e"s to one o. t$e /) so*e"ei#n Re '&li,s, and sin,e it does not "e.e" to a a"ti,'la" 9State5, o" t$e enti"e #"o' o. 9States5, it is not a "o e" na-e3 and, t$e"e.o"e, it is not ,a itali4ed2 An!ti-e t$e 0o"d 9State5 is 'sed in t$e ,odes, it is "e.e""in# to a ,o" o"ation i#e# one o. t$e Te""ito"ies3 and, t$e"e.o"e, is a "o e" na-e and is ,a itali4ed2 In a di..e"ent, &'t ='st as in*asi*e, a"ena, t$e ,o" o"ate 7t"'st8 STATES set ' 'nde" t$e ,o" o"ate UNITE> STATES, ta+e al-ost as -',$ 'ndese"*ed o0e" as t$e %ede"al Go*e"n-ent2 T$ei" o0e" .lo0s di"e,tl! ."o- t$e UNITE> STATES o" UNITE> STATES O% AMERICA2 T$e entit! 0$i,$ "e.e"s to itsel. as 9THE STATE O% TEOAS55, o" t$e 9THE STATE O% CALI%ORNIA5, et,2 is t$e t"'st e1e",isin# its ,o--e",ial a,ti*it! 0it$in t$e e1te"nal &o'nda"ies o. t$e so*e"ei#n states2 T$e!, too, 'se 0o"ds and te"-s to "o& t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en o. $is Ri#$ts2 %o" e1a- le, i. -ost eo le 0e"e as+ed i. t$e! o0ned "o e"t!, t$e! 0o'ld ans0e" !es2 I. !o' "essed .o" details o. t$e +ind o. "o e"t! t$at t$e! o0ned, -ost 0o'ld &"ea+ it do0n into t0o t! es o. "o e"t! @ e"sonal and "eal2 Un.o"t'natel!, THE STATE O% TEOAS 7o" an! o. t$e .i.t! na-es8 o e"ates 'nde" t$e sa-e ,o--e",ial la0 as, and 'nde" t$e a't$o"it! o., t$e UNITE> STATES2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e desi#nation Ta+e a ,a" .o" itsel. o. 9 e"sonal "o e"t!5 tells !o' t$at t$e ,o" o"ation o0ns t$at "o e"t!2

e1a- le2 I. !o' &'! a ,a", and a! .o" it in .'ll, !o' #et a title o. o0ne"s$i .o" t$at ,a" @ "i#$tF WRONG6 Yo' #et a ,e"ti.i,ate o. title, statin# &asi,all! t$at t$e"e is a title, &'t !o' don5t $a*e it2 T$e one 0$o $as t$e title o0ns t$e ,a"2 T$at 0o'ld &e THE STATE O% TEOAS 7o" an! o. t$e .i.t! na-es82 T$e li,ensin# .ee t$at !o' a! ea,$ !ea" on t$at ,a" is a,t'all! a .ee .o" t$e 'se o. so-eone

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


else5s ,a"2 Yo' ,an ne*e" o0n t$e ,a", &e,a'se THE STATE O% TEOAS $as ,lai-ed so*e"ei#nt! o*e" !o' as a t"'st -e-&e", and onl! t$e so*e"ei#n ,an a,t'all! o0n "o e"t!2 o0n is t$e 'se o. t$e ,a", and !o' ,ontin'e to a! a .ee .o" t$at 'se2 Real "o e"t! 0o"+s t$e sa-e 0a!2 T$e te"- 9"eal "o e"t!5 a,t'all! -eans 9o0ned &! t$e STATE52 T$in+ a&o't it @ i. !o' a,t'all! o0n t$e $o-e in 0$i,$ !o' li*e3 and, t$e"e.o"e, !o' a"e t$e so*e"ei#n, $o0 ,o'ld an!one assess !o' a "ent ea,$ !ea" 7 "o e"t! ta18 and t$en ta+e !o'" $o-e a0a! ."o- !o' i. !o' don5t a! itF O&*io'sl!, 0$oe*e" does t$at $as ta+en t$e "ole o. so*e"ei#n, and t$at -eans t$at !o' a"e not t$e so*e"ei#n2 B't !o'" .o"$e"s le.t !o' a &i"t$"i#$t in 0$i,$ !o' a"e t$e so*e"ei#n2 T$is loss o. so*e"ei#nt! ,an onl! $a en to !o' i. !o' $a*e ,ont"a,ted to $a*e !o'" A-e"i,an Citi4ens$i set aside in .a*o" o. a -e-&e"s$i in t$e t"'st2 I5ll &et !o' didn5t +no0 0$en !o' did t$at2 Basi,all!, an!t$in# .o" 0$i,$ !o' a"e ta1ed in a -andato"! .as$ion does not &elon# to !o', i#e2 0it$ !o' as t$e so*e"ei#n3 &'t, "at$e" t$e STATE is t$e so*e"ei#n and s' "e-e o0ne", #i*in# it t$e "i#$t to ta1 in o"de" to &e ,o- ensated .o" t$e 'se o. its "o e"t!2 Ot$e"0ise, !o' 0o'ld &e "e,ei*in# 'n='st en"i,$-ent 7t$e 'se o. so-e&od! else5s "o e"t! .o" 0$i,$ !o' $a*e no "i#$t82 Can !o' i-a#ine so-eone t"!in# to ta1 a +in# in $is o0n +in#do-F It 0o'ld &e a #ood 0a! to ,o--it s'i,ide6 %"o- t$e t0o e1a- les a&o*e, n'-e"o's ot$e" Ri#$ts $a*e &een sei4ed ."o- !o' &! t$e t"'st t$at 0o'ld o0n e*e"!t$in#2 %o" instan,e, t$e Ri#$t to t"a*el2 T$e STATE 7t"'st8 $as t'"ned t$at into a "i*ile#e ,alled 9d"i*in#5 o" 9o e"atin# a -oto" *e$i,le5 .o" 0$i,$ a STATE li,ense and .ee is "e:'i"ed2 T$e! no0 a"e t"!in# to also "e:'i"e t$at !o' &e a ,iti4en o" s'&=e,t o. t$e United States In t"'t$, an A-e"i,an Citi4en does not need a &e.o"e !o' ,an attain one o. t$ese li,enses, and to "o*e it &! "o*idin# !o'" t"'st -e-&e"s$i n'-&e", as "e.e""ed to as a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2 9li,ense5 to t"a*el on t$e $i#$0a!s and &!0a!s o. $is o0n land in an a'to-o&ile, &'t &e,a'se o. t$e ,o""' t andMo" i#no"ant 9la0 en.o",e-ent5 7t"'st en.o",e-ent8 de a"t-ents and o..i,e"s a"o'nd t$e ,o'nt"!, it ,an &e,o-e *e"! st"ess.'l and e*en dan#e"o's .o" an A-e"i,an Citi4en to ,lai- $is Ri#$t to t"a*el ."eel!2 It5s $a"d to &elie*e, &'t t$e! a,t'all! let t$ese t"'st en.o",e-ent o..i,e"s "'n a"o'nd 0it$ #'ns s$ootin# and a""estin# eo le2 T$ei" a't$o"it! is "est"i,ted to -e-&e"s o. t$e t"'st, &'t -ost a"e too i#no"ant to 'nde"stand t$ei" li-itations as to t$ei" ='"isdi,tion2 Alt$o'#$ t$e la0 and t$e W$at !o' a,t'all!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Constit'tion a"e &ot$ on t$e side o. t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en, t$e 9&ad #'!s5 $a*e t$e &'llets, and t$e! 0ill 'se t$e- to en.o",e t$e ,ode 0$i,$ doesn5t e*en a l! to A-e"i,ans2 T$e "o&le- is t$at t$e!, li+e -ost ot$e" eo le in t$is land, donSt e*en +no0 0$at t$e 9la05 is, and t$e! -a! +ill !o' to "o*e a oint2 I. !o' -a+e it into ,o'"t, and t$e"e -a+e t$e "i#$t a"#'-ent, !o' 0ill e*ent'all! "e*ail3 &'t do not &e ,on."ontational 0it$ t$e o..i,e" on t$e "oad2 One last te"- t$at "eall! 'ts an e1,la-ation -a"+ on t$is 0$ole s'&=e,t -atte" is t$e te"- 9d'al ,iti4ens$i 52 T$is te"- a lies to so-eone 0$o $olds ,iti4ens$i in t0o di..e"ent ,o'nt"ies2 So, a"e !o' a d'al ,iti4enF Most eo le in A-e"i,a 0o'ld ans0e" t$at :'estion, D NoE, &'t i. t$e! also ,lai-ed to &e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, t$ei" ans0e" 0o'ld &e in,o""e,t2 Blac./! de.ines 9d'al ,iti4ens$i 5 as, DCiti4ens$i in t0o di..e"ent ,o'nt"ies2 Stat's o. ,iti4ens o. t$e United States 0$o "eside 0it$in a state3 i#e# e"sons 0$o a"e &o"n o" nat'"ali4ed in t$e U2S2 a"e ,iti4ens o. t$e U2S2 and t$e state 0$e"ein t$e! "eside2E Note t$at t$e 0o"d 9state5 is s elled 0it$ a lo0e" ,ase 9s53 and T$is one de.inition tells !o', t$e"e.o"e, "e.e"s to one o. t$e /) So*e"ei#n states o. t$e Union2 t$e United States2

0it$o't a do'&t, t$at Te1as 7o" an! o. t$e ot$e" G9 states o. t$e Union8, is a di..e"ent ,o'nt"! t$an I. !o' "e-ain a d'al ,iti4en, !o' a"e s'&=e,t to t$e la0s o. &ot$ ,o'nt"ies2 T$e United States is a .o"ei#n ,o'nt"! to an! o. t$e /) so*e"ei#n States3 and its la0s a"e ne,essa"il! .o"ei#n to an A-e"i,an Citi4en 0$o is not also a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 2 Case ,losed6

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told



T$is ,$a te" -a! not &e .o" e*e"!&od! "eadin# t$is -ate"ial 0$o is inte"ested in "etainin# o" "e#ainin# $isM$e" Ri#$ts as an A-e"i,an2 I 0ant to -a+e it *e"! ,lea" t$at !o' do not $a*e to &e a C$"istian in o"de" to &e an A-e"i,an Citi4en2 Bein# one, $o0e*e", ,an -a+e it -',$ easie" to li*e and o e"ate in t$e t"'st 0o"ld 0it$o't a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2 I 0o'ld st"on#l! s'##est t$at it 0o'ld &e a -ista+e o. -on'-ental "o o"tions to t"! to .a+e &ein# a C$"istian in o"de" to "e,ei*e t$e &ene.its t$at ,o-e as a "es'lt o. t$at &elie. atte"n, -',$ in t$e sa-e -a#nit'de as ,$oosin# to &e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States instead o. an A-e"i,an Citi4en3 and, t$at5s onl! t$e ,onse:'en,es in t$is 0o"ldl! li.eti-e2 So, i. !o' a"e not a C$"istian, !o' -a! 0ant to s+i t$is ,$a te"2 T$e ,$'",$ $as &een "e.e""ed to as a 9san,t'a"!5 .o" $'nd"eds o. !ea"s2 E*en toda!, -an! "e.e" to t$e ,$'",$ as a san,t'a"!2 B't t$e t"'t$ is t$at t$e"e a"e t0o t! es 7.o"-ations8 o. t$e DC$"istianE C$'",$2 Bot$ t! es a"e "e,o#ni4ed 0it$in t$e United States Code3 -o"e s e,i.i,all!, 0it$in t$e T$at li+eness is a&o't all t$e t0o $a*e in ,o--on e1,e t t$at t$e! &ot$ Inte"nal Re*en'e Code2

,lai- to 0o"s$i C$"ist2 T$e .i"st o. t$e t0o t! es o. ,$'",$es is .o'nd at Se,tion /)17,87B8 o. t$e IRC, 0$e"e it states, D Li!t of eIe$4t or<ani?ation!N2Co" o"ations, and an! ,o--'nit! ,$est, .'nd, o" .o'ndation, o"#ani4ed and o e"ated e1,l'si*el! .o" "eli#io's, ,$a"ita&le, s,ienti.i,, testin# .o" '&li,!, lite"a"! o" ed',ational '" oses, o" to .oste" national o" inte"national s o"ts ,o- etition 7&'t onl! i. no a"t o. its a,ti*ities in*ol*e t$e "o*ision o. at$leti, .a,ilities o" e:'i -ent8, o" .o" t$e "e*ention o. ,"'elt! to ,$ild"en o" ani-als, no a"t o. t$e net ea"nin# o. 0$i,$ in'"es to t$e & o. an! "i*ate s$a"e$olde" o" indi*id'al, no s'&stantial a"t o. t$e a,ti*ities o. 0$i,$ is ,a""!in# on "o a#anda, o" ot$e"0ise atte- tin# to in.l'en,e le#islation 7e1,e t as ot$e"0ise s'&se,tion 7$88, and 0$i,$ does not '&li, o..i,e2E a"ti,i ate in, o" inte"*ene in 7in,l'din# t$e dist"i&'tin# o. state-ents8, an! oliti,al ,a- ai#n on &e$al. o. 7o" in o "o*ided in '&lis$in# o"

osition to8 an! ,andidate .o"

I "inted t$is enti"e s'&se,tion so t$at !o' -i#$t &ette" 'nde"stand 0$o o" 0$at

t$isMt$ese 9,$'",$7es85 isMa"e in "ele*an,e to t$e "est o. so,iet!, and 0$at t$e "'les t$isMt$ese ,$'",$7es8 -'st a&ide &! in o"de" to +ee stat's as an e1e- t o"#ani4ation2 %i"st, lease ta+e note t$at t$is 9,$'",$5 is a ,o" o"ation2 T$at5s "i#$t, ea,$ ,$'",$ 0is$in# to &e ta1 e1e- t 'nde" /)1 7,87B8 o. t$e IRC is in,o" o"ated2 W$at t$at a,t'all! -eans is t$at t$ei" o"i#in and

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


so'",e is o. t$e #o*e"n-ent i#e# t$e UNITE> STATES3 t$e"e.o"e, t$e"e is a list o. "'les 0$i,$ -'st &e o&e!ed in o"de" to -aintain t$at stat's2 T$e UNITE> STATES is a,t'all! t$e 9#"anto"5 o. t$is %o" ,$'",$5s &ein#2 So, 0$e"e does God .it inF Ce"! ,a"e.'ll!, i. at all, is t$e ,o""e,t ans0e"2 As !o' 0ill note ."o- t$e ,ode itsel., t$is ,$'",$ is *e"! li-ited in its a&ilit! to do ,e"tain t$in#s2 instan,e, it ,annot &e,o-e oliti,al in an! 0a!2 T$at see-s a little "idi,'lo's to -ost eo le2 A.te"

all, don5t -ost "eli#io's eo le 0ant to ,ons'lt t$ei" "eli#io's leade"s a&o't ossi&le ,andidates .o" '&li, o..i,eF And, don5t -ost C$"istians 0ant to $a*e a sa! in 0$o "e "esents t$e-F Well, i. t$e ,$'",$5s leade"s a"e dis,o*e"ed -a+in# oliti,al state-ents o" #i*in# assess-ents on 0$o 0o'ld &e a #ood "e "esentati*e and 0$!, t$e ,$'",$ ,an lose its e1e- tion2 Ba tist C$'",$ in Massa,$'setts in 199(2 T$is *e"! t$in# $a ened to a T$e -iniste" said ."o- t$e 'l it t$at a *ote .o" Bill

Clinton 0o'ld &e a -o"tal sin, and t$e IRS 'lled $is ,$'",$5s ta1 e1e- t stat's as a "es'lt2 An! o. !o' 0$o 0at,$ t$e <)) Cl'& on TC "o&a&l! .ollo0ed t$at sto"!3 &'t t$at ,$'",$ still $as not #otten its e1e- tion &a,+2 B't 0$at i. God did in .a,t di"e,t t$is -iniste" to tell $is .lo,+ to *ote .o" a In a "eal C$"istian C$'",$, 0o'ld t$e a"ti,'la" e"son, o" not to *ote .o" a a"ti,'la" e"sonF

#o*e"n-ent &e a&le to tell t$e -iniste" not to o&e! 0$at $e &elie*es God told $i- to doF Well, i. $e does not diso&e! God in t$is ,ase, $is ,$'",$ looses its ta1 e1e- tion2 No0, !o' as+, 0$! 0o'ld an! ,$'",$ o&li#ate itsel. to s',$ 'n#odl! "'lesF T$at ans0e", too, is

si- l! @ MONEY6 T$e ,$'",$ #ets a la"#e o"tion o. its in,o-e ."o- eo le 0$o 0is$ to ded',t t$ei" #i.t 7tit$es, o..e"in#s, donations, et,28 ."o- t$ei" o0n e"sonal ta1 "et'"n at t$e end o. t$e !ea"2 Man! ot$e" -a=o" ,ont"i&'tions a"e -ade .o" t$e e1 li,it "eason t$at t$e! ,an &e ded',ted di"e,tl! o.. t$e #i*e"Ss ta1 "et'"n3 and, -an! ti-es, ,an t$"o0 t$at e"son into a lo0e" ta1 &"a,+et in t$e "o,ess2 T$at -eans t$at s',$ a ,ont"i&'tion ,an *e"! 0ell 0ind ' a,t'all! -a+in# t$e #i*e" -one! as a "es'lt o. t$e lo0e" &"a,+et2 I. t$e ,$'",$ ,o'ld not a,,e t ta1 ded',ti&le ,ont"i&'tions, t$ei" B't, !o' sa!, DNot -! ,$'",$2 We .ollo0 God, and t$e "e*en'es 0o'ld .all s$a" l!2 Conse:'entl!, t$e ,$'",$es a,t'all! "ostit'te -an! o. t$ei" "in,i les ='st to -aintain t$is e1e- tion2 #o*e"n-ent $as not$in# to do 0it$ t$e 0a! 0e "'n o'" ,$'",$5s"s2E T$e"e is a 0a! t$at !o' ,an +no0 .o" s'"e i. t$at is t"'e2 Si- l! as+ !o'" ,$'",$ .o" a "e,ei t so t$at !o' ,an ded',t !o'" ,ont"i&'tions ."o- !o'" ta1 "et'"n3 and, i. !o' a"e #i*en one, !o'" ,$'",$ $as its .o'ndation &ased ' on t$e t"'st, not ' on God2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


In t$e Bo& Kones Uni*e"sit! ,ase, t$e S' "e-e Co'"t "'led t$at a ,ont"i&'tion to a /)1 7,87B8 ,$'",$ 0as al0a!s ta1 ded',ti&le &e,a'se it 0as, in .a,t, a #o*e"n-ent s'&sid!2 Co'ld t$at -ean t$at !o'" -one! t$at is #i*en to t$e ,$'",$ is a,t'all! #oin# to t$e #o*e"n-entF Well, as a -atte" o. .a,t, !es it ,o'ld -ean e1a,tl! t$at2 STATES2 Yo' see, t$at ,$'",$ ?t$at o..e"s ta1 ded',tions to its ,ont"i&'to"sA is a,t'all! a ,o" o"ation, and it $as as its o"i#in and so'",e, t$e t"'st doin# &'siness as t$e UNITE> T$e"e.o"e, an!t$in# #oin# to t$e ,$'",$ is "eall! #oin# di"e,tl! into t$e t"'st a,,o'nt3 It5s ta1 ded',ti&le &e,a'se it5s &ein# aid di"e,tl! into t$e t"'st and, is t$e"e.o"e, ta1 ded',ti&le2 s!ste- at its o"i#in2 No0, !o' as+, ='st 0$i,$ ,$'",$ is t$is t$at 0e5"e tal+in# a&o'tF It5s ='st a&o't e*e"! ,$'",$ t$at !o' $a*e e*e" t$o'#$t o. as &ein# a ,$'",$2 It5s t$e Ba tist, t$e Met$odist, t$e Cat$oli, 7as 0e +no0 it in t$is ,o'nt"!8, t$e C$'",$ o. God, and -ost o. t$e ot$e"s 0$i,$ !o' ,an t$in+ o. 0it$ a *e"! .e0 nota&le e1,e tions t$at 0e 0ill ,o*e" late"2 I. !o' &elon# to one o. t$ese ,$'",$es, and !o' don5t &elie*e 0$at I5- tellin# !o', #o to !o'" asto" o" ,$'",$ a,,o'ntant and as+ to see t$e .o"t$at is .illed o't and sent to t$e IRS e*e"! t$"ee -ont$s2 It5s 1B a#es lon#6 It ,o*e"s e*e"!t$in# ."o- 0$o #a*e ,ont"i&'tions to e1a,tl! 0$at is done 0it$ t$e ,ont"i&'tions2 It "o&a&l! sa!s so-et$in# a&o't !o' in t$e"e2 T$en as+ to see a list o. t$e ,o" o"ate "'les t$at t$e ,$'",$ is "e:'i"ed to .ollo0 in o"de" to +ee its ta1 e1e- t stat's2 I. !o' a"e told t$at t$e"e is no s',$ t$in#, !o' a"e &ein# lied to ?,all t$e IRS and #et a ,o ! o. t$e "e#'lationsA2 Re-e-&e", t$e"e a"e al0a!s "'les t$at -'st &e +e t in o"de" to -aintain a ,o" o"ation2 I. !o' don5t &elie*e t$at, .ile a ,o" o"ation and see2 Also, "e-e-&e" t$at !o'" ,$'",$ leade"s a"e not #oin# to 0ant !o' to +no0 t$e 0$ole t"'t$ a&o't 0$at t$e! a"e &ein# .o",ed to do in o"de" to +ee t$e ta1 e1e- t stat's2 W$at all t$is -eans is t$at t$e ,$'",$ t$at !o' t$o'#$t 0as inde endent and o. God, is a,t'all! *e"! de endent and o. t$e t"'st2 T$is ,$'",$ a,t'all! "e "esents t$e e:'i*alent o. 0$at t$e C$'",$ o. En#land "e "esented to o'" .o"$e"s2 It is t$e ,$'",$ o., &!, and .o" t$e #o*e"n-ent2 It is also "e "esented in t$e Ne0 Testa-ent &! t$e P$a"isees2 Re-e-&e" t$ose #'!s 0$o 0e"e al0a!s t"!in# to ,olle,t ta1es ."o- Kes's2 It5s t$e sa-e eo le in a ne0 ,ost'-e2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e"e is anot$e" ,$'",$, &'t .e0 e*en +no0 o. its e1isten,e2 It is .o'nd in t$e IRC at /); 7,8, 0$e"e it states, D7,8 E1,e tions 718 Mandato"! e1,e tionsL S'&se,tions 7a8 and 7&8 s$all not a l! to, 7A8 ,$'",$es, t$ei" inte#"ated a'1ilia"ies, and ,on*entions o" asso,iations o. ,$'",$esNE2 an e1,e tion 7not an e1e- tion8 to t$e la02 T$is se,tion is "e.e""in# to t$e .ilin# "e:'i"e-ents .o" /)1 7,87B8 o"#ani4ations, and it ,lea"l! sa!s t$at ,$'",$es a"e Note t$at in /)1 7,87B8, t$e ,$'",$ t$e"e is a ,o" o"ation2 I. !o'" ,$'",$ .iles a ta1 "et'"n, it is a ,o" o"ation, and it is not t$e ,$'",$ "e.e""ed to in /); 7,82 T$e ,$'",$ "e.e""ed to in /); 7,8 is o&*io'sl! 'no"#ani4ed and de.initel! not a ,o" o"ation3 and, as s',$, it is o'tside o. t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e IRS and t$e UNITE> STATES2 No .ilin# is o" ,an &e "e:'i"ed o. it, &e,a'se it stands alone o'tside o. t$e t"'st ='"isdi,tion2 It ,an t"'l! &e God5s C$'",$, and it is .o"-ed on t$e *e"! &asis t$at Kes's set o't 0$ile on Ea"t$2 It is t$e san,t'a"! t$at 0e $a*e al0a!s $ea"d t$at t$e ,$'",$ is s' osed to &e, and it is a "estin# la,e and sa.e s$elte" .o" t$ose 0$o see+ "e.'#e ."o- t$e t!"anni,al #o*e"n-ent no0 in la,e2 Yo' -a! 0onde" 0$at ,$'",$es .all 'nde" t$is '-&"ella2 T$e"e a"e, in .a,t, -an!3 &'t "o&a&l! onl! a .e0 t$at !o' $a*e $ea"d o.2 0a!s2 T$e -ost noted ,$'",$ o" #"o' t$at !o' 0o'ld "e,o#ni4e is t$e A-is$2 Most o. !o' +no0 t$at t$e A-is$ a"e 0ell +no0n .o" not a"ta+in# o. t$e 9s!ste-5 o" its W$at -an! don5t +no0 is t$at t$e! don5t a! ta1es o. an! +ind ?t$e! 0on5t ta+e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"s, so t$e! ,annot a! ta1esA, and t$e! a"e onl! s'&=e,t to t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e #o*e"n-ent i. t$e! &"ea+ one o. t$e 9,o--on la0s5 .o" 0$i,$ ='"isdi,tion 0as s'""ende"ed &! o'" .o"$e"s2 T$e .a,t t$at t$e! don5t 'se -ode"n tools o" e:'i -ent $as not$in# to do 0it$ t$e T$ose so*e"ei#nt! t$e! en=o! in t$ei" e*e"!da! li*es2 In .a,t, t$e"e a"e -an! ,$'",$es 0$i,$ a"e a "od',t o. A-e"i,ans 0$o $a*e &een st'd!in# t$e la0 as it a lies to t$e- and t$ei" ."eedo-s2 A-e"i,ans $a*e .o'nd a "e.'#e in t$e 'nin,o" o"ated /); 7,8 ,$'",$ 0$e"e t$e! ,an li*e t$ei" li*es, &ot$ s i"it'all! and lite"all!, 0it$o't t$e t"'st5s inte".e"en,e2 %o" t$ose eo le, t$e (B"d Psal-s 0ill ta+e on a 0$ole ne0 -eanin#2 Matt$e0 (B ,an also &e "ead 0it$ a 0$ole ne0 -eanin# and 'nde"standin#2 On,e !o' 'nde"stand 0$at a /); 7,8 ,$'",$ is, #o &a,+ and "ead t$ese *e"ses, and !o' 0ill "e,ei*e a ne0 and 0onde".'l 'nde"standin#2 T$e "oo. o. t$e a&o*e is a&'ndant2 A /); 7,8 ,$'",$ ,an o en a &an+ a,,o'nt t$at no&od!, not

e*en t$e IRS, ,an e*en loo+ at2 Re-e-&e", t$e /); 7,8 is an e1,e tion to t$e la0 7in ot$e" 0o"ds,

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


it5s o'tside t$e la08, not an e1e- tion t$at t$e ,ode #i*es as a "i*ile#e2

An!t$in# t$e /); 7,8

,$'",$ o0ns ,annot &e ta1ed o" sei4ed &! t$e #o*e"n-ent2 It "esides in a di..e"ent ='"isdi,tion2


I. !o' .ind t$e sto"! !o' $a*e "ead ' 'ntil no0 in t$is &oo+ to &e in,"edi&le H -a!&e e*en 'n&elie*a&le H t$en !o' -i#$t not 0ant to "ead t$is ,$a te"2 I $a*e sa*ed t$e &est 7o" 0o"st8 .o" last2 It $as to do 0it$ t$ese t$in#s ,alled 9liens52 Blac./! de.ines 9Lien5 as, DA ,lai-, en,'-&"an,e, o" ,$a"#e on "o e"t! .o" a!-ent o. so-e de&t, o&li#ation o" d't!2E Liens a"e a,t'all! 'sed to $old "o e"t! as ,ollate"al .o" a de&t, ins'"in# t$at t$e "o e"t! ,annot &e dis osed o. 'ntil t$e ,"edito"5s 7t$e e"son $oldin# t$e lien8 inte"est is "eti"ed2 In so-e ,ases, t$e! allo0 "o e"t! to &e sei4ed and sold .o" de&t2 As an e1a- le, t$in+ o. !o'" $o-e2 I. !o' &o""o0ed -one! on !o'" $o-e to &'! it o" to "e-odel o" i- "o*e it, t$e lendin# instit'tion 0o'ld ta+e a lien a#ainst t$at "o e"t! +ee in# !o' ."o- sellin# o" ot$e"0ise dis osin# o. said $o-e 'ntil eit$e" t$e &o""o0ed -one! $as &een .'ll! "e aid 7in,l'din# inte"est8, o" 'ntil t$e lendin# instit'tion 7Se,'"ed C"edito"8 $as a#"eed to 0$ate*e" sale o" dis osal !o' 0is$ to do2 I. t$e lendin# instit'tion 0is$es to -a+e s'"e t$at its lien a#ainst t$e "o e"t! is t$e 9.i"st lien5 7$oldin# t$e osition o. &ein# aid all "o,eeds de"i*ed ."o- t$e sale o. said "o e"t! 'ntil t$e .'ll de&t is dis,$a"#ed8, it -'st .ile a do,'-ent +no0n as a UCC@1 0it$ t$e Se,"eta"! o. State o. t$e State 0$e"e t$e "o e"t! is o" "esides2 T$e UCC@1 -'st &e si#ned onl! &! t$e Se,'"ed C"edito" in o"de" to &e *alid, i. it is &ased ' on a ,ont"a,t 0it$ t$e de&to"2 Onl! one UCC@1 ,an &e .iled on an! #i*en ie,e o. "o e"t! at an! #i*en ti-e, and t$e Se,'"ed C"edito" s$o0n on t$e UCC@1 .ilin# is ass'"ed o. &ein# t$e .i"st in line to &e aid2 T$e Se,'"ed C"edito" ,an also sei4e t$e "o e"t! .o" "esale i. t$e de&t o0ed to $i- is not dis,$a"#ed in t$e -anne" des,"i&ed in t$e a#"ee-ent 0$i,$ ,"eated t$e lien2 An! ot$e" ,lai-s to said "o e"t! a"e se,onda"! to t$at .i"st lien, and ,an onl! &e en.o",ed a.te" t$e .i"st lien $as &een satis.ied2 T$e"e.o"e, a se,ond lien onl! $as si#ni.i,an,e and o0e" i. t$e .i"st lien is "eti"ed2 T$e se,ond lien $olde" does $old t$e o tion o. 9&'!in# o't5 t$e .i"st lien $olde" &! satis.a,to"il! dis,$a"#in# o" 9 a!in#@o..5 t$e .i"st lien $olde"5s ,lai-, at 0$i,$ ti-e $e 0o'ld &e,o-e t$e .i"st lien $olde", and ,o'ld .ile $is o0n UCC@1 on t$e "o e"t!2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e -et$od des,"i&ed a&o*e a lies to *i"t'all! all "o e"t! in o'" ,'""ent s!ste-2 It e*en a lies to "o e"t! s',$ as ,o" o"ations and ,o- anies2 In t$e "e*io's ,$a te"s o. t$is &oo+, !o' s$o'ld "e,all t$at I s$o0ed !o' t$at !o'" na-e s elled in all ,a ital lette"s 0as not "eall! !o'" na-e, &'t "at$e" t$e na-e o. an a"ti.i,ial entit! i#e# a ,o" o"ation2 A ,o" o"ation is "o e"t!, and is s'&=e,t to t$e "o e"t! la0s and liens2 To .'ll! 'nde"stand t$is e:'ation, !o' -'st 'nde"stand $o0 and 0$! t$is ,o" o"ation 'sin# !o'" na-e 0as ,"eated2 In 19BB, t$is ,o'nt"! 0as t$"o0n into &an+"' t,!, as detailed in an ea"lie" ,$a te"2 At t$at oint, t$e"e 0e"e onl! t0o t$in#s le.t t$at $ad *al'e H t$e land and t$e eo le2 T$is #o*e"n-ent, .ea"in# .o" its *e"! e1isten,e, de,ided to 'se its eo le to 9&ail it o't5 o. t$e =a-2 So it too+ t$e #ood na-es o. t$e eo le t$e-sel*es and ,"eated inst"'-ents o. 0o"t$ t$"o'#$ led#in# t$ose eo le into a state o. se"*it'de to t$e t"'st2 As s',$, t$e ,iti4ens o. t$e United States &e,a-e not$in# -o"e t$an ,ollate"al .o" t$e de&t o0ed &! t$e United States to t$e Ban+ste"s2 On its .a,e, s',$ an a,t 0o'ld *iolate t$e Constit'tion and lea*e t$e a,to"s s'&=e,t to ,$a"#es o. t"eason, so t$ese de,ei*e"s ,a-e ' 0it$ a ,le*e" sol'tion to t$e "o&le-2 T$e! too+ all t$e &i"t$ ,e"ti.i,ates o. t$e eo le 7t$e &i"t$ ,e"ti.i,ates &elon# to t$e STATE 0$i,$ ,"eated t$e-8, and .o"-ed ,o" o"ations 'sin# t$e na-es .o'nd on t$ose ,e"ti.i,ates 7and t$e e"sons to 0$o- t$e! atta,$8 as t$e &asis and 0o"t$ o. t$e ,o" o"ations2 W$en t$e ,o" o"ations 0e"e .o"-ed, t$e na-es o. t$e li*in# -en and 0o-en, and t$e ne0 ,o" o"ations 0e"e e1a,t e1,e t t$at t$e ,o" o"ation na-es 0e"e s elled 0it$ all ,a ital lette"s, indi,atin# t$e di..e"en,e &et0een t$e ,o" o"ation and t$e li*in# -an 0$o 0as s' l!in# t$e t"'e 0o"t$ &e$ind t$e ,o" o"ation2 T$e t"'st a,,e ted t$e ,ollate"al, t$en set a&o't to s!ste-ati,all! ins'"e t$at all -en and 0o-en 0o'ld ,ease to 'se t$ei" nat'"al &ein#, and 0o'ld instead 'se t$e ne0, a"ti.i,ial &ein# ,"eated and o0ned &! t$e STATE2 T$e t"'st t$en atta,$ed its n'-&e" ?t$e so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"A to its ,ollate"al .o" eas! identi.i,ation2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


I. !o' $a*e t"o'&le &elie*in# t$e .a,ts in t$e "e,edin# a"a#"a $s, t$in+ a&o't 0$en t$e last ti-e 0as t$at !o' "e,ei*ed an! .o"-al lette", do,'-ent, ,ont"a,t, IRS state-ent o" &illin#, ,o'"t a e"s, o" an!t$in# o. an! o..i,ial ,a a,it! ."o- an! #o*e"n-ental a#en,! o" &od!, o" ."o- an! ,o" o"ation, 0$i,$ did not $a*e !o'" na-e s elled 0it$ all ,a ital lette"s2 I. !o' 0ant to "eall! &e ,on*in,ed, as+ !o'" &an+, ,"edit ,a"d ,o- an!, t$e IRS, an! ,o'"t, o" an! ot$e" o..i,ial ,o" o"ation o" #o*e"n-ent a#en,! to 'se !o'" na-e "o e"l! s elled 7,a itals and lo0e" ,ase lette"s8 on an! o..i,ial do,'-ents "e.e""in# to !o'2 T$e! 0ill "e.'se2 T$e! 0ill "o&a&l! tell !o' t$at t$e ,o- 'te" 0ill not let t$e- 'se lo0e" ,ase lette"s in a na-e ?0$i,$ is "o&a&l! t"'eA2 A.te" !o' $a*e "o*en t$is to !o'"sel., as+ !o'"sel. 0$!2 S'"el! t$e s ellin# o. !o'" na-e in all ,a itals ,o'ld not &e t$at i- o"tant2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at it is all i- o"tant2 T$"o'#$ t$e 'se o. t$is s!ste-, t$e STATE $as ,"eated ,o" o"ations 0$i,$ it, in .a,t, o0ns2 I. !o' 'se !o' "o e" na-e 7,a itals and lo0e" ,ase s ellin#8, t$e STATE does not o0n t$at, &e,a'se it 0as ne*e" #i*en o0e" o*e" t$e .les$ and &lood -an2 B! o0nin# all o. t$e ,o" o"ations 0$i,$ do &'siness 0it$in t$e STATE, t$e STATE ,an 0"ite 0$ate*e" "'les and "e#'lations it desi"es, and t$e"e is no Constit'tional ,,t, &e,a'se a ,o" o"ation is not "ote,ted &! t$e Constit'tion2 T$e Ri#$ts #'a"anteed &! t$e Constit'tion to t$e A-e"i,an Citi4ens ,an ne*e" &e "eali4ed, &e,a'se e*e"!one is a,tin# t$"o'#$ $is ,o" o"ation &! ,onsent ?,ont"a,tA2 T$e"e.o"e, t$ose 0$o 0o'ld ot$e"0ise &e A-e"i,an Citi4ens $a*in# Constit'tional "ote,tions and #'a"antees, &e,o-e not$in# -o"e t$an ,o" o"ations o0ned &! t$e STATE2 Mo"eo*e", t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en 0$o $as &e,o-e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States ,an do so onl! as an a"ti.i,ial entit! ?,o" o"ationA2 T$'s, $e &e,o-es "o e"t! o0ned &! t$e STATE 0$en $e de,la"es $i-sel. 7o" allo0s t$e STATE to de,la"e $i-8 a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 W$at "eall! o,,'"s 0$en an A-e"i,an Citi4en &e,o-es a ,o" o"ation i#e# ,iti4en o. t$e United States, is t$at t0o a"allel entities e1ist si-'ltaneo'sl! 0it$ ea,$ ot$e"2 One, t$e nom de guerre, #oes a&o't e".o"-in# all t$e &'siness .'n,tions2 T$e ot$e", t$e li*in# -an, sits idl! &a,+ &elie*in# $e is in ,ont"ol2 T$e STATE deals onl! 0it$ t$e nom de

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


guerre o*e" 0$i,$ it $as total do-ain, &e,a'se it is t$e ,"eato" and o0ne" o. t$at "o e"t!2 T$e STATE ne*e" #ains ='"isdi,tion o*e" t$e li*in# Man i#e# A-e"i,an Citi4en2 T$e ,o'"ts a"e no0 all ,o--e",ial in nat'"e, as dis,'ssed ea"lie"2 T$at -eans t$at e*e"!t$in# is "elated di"e,tl! to t$e e:'it! in "o e"t! 0$i,$ is at iss'e in t$e ,a'se &e.o"e t$e ,o'"t2 Ino0in# t$at t$e ,o'"ts a"e ,o--e",ial, 0e ,an easil! see 0$! t$e! -'st "e:'i"e t$at t$e na-e &e in all ,a itals in t$e st!lin#2 T$e ,o'"ts ,an deal onl! in e:'it!, and t$e"e is no de.ina&le e:'it! in a li*in# -an2 T$e"e.o"e, t$e ,o'"ts ,an $a*e no ='"isdi,tion o*e" a li*in# -an2 Un.o"t'natel!, ,iti4ens o. t$e United States a"e a"ti.i,ial entities, not 9li*in# -en5, so t$e ,o'"ts ,an ass'-e 'n:'estioned ='"isdi,tion o*e" ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 Re-e-&e", t$e o*e""idin# "es'- tion in e*e"! ,o'"t is t$at !o' a"e a ,iti4en o. t$e United States ?0it$ a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e" to "o*e itA an! ti-e !o' ente" t$e ,o'"t2 As in all o. t$e t!"anni,al a,tions ta+en &! t$is de facto #o*e"n-ent, t$e "e-ed! .o" t$e "'t$less and de,eit.'l a,tions ta+en &! it ,an &e .o'nd 0it$in t$e "'les and "e#'lations 0$i,$ 0e"e ,ont"i*ed and 0"itten .o" t$e '" ose o. -isleadin# and ensla*in# t$e eo le2 To 'nde"stand $o0 to 'se t$ei" o0n s!ste- a#ainst t$e-, !o' -'st t$in+ o. t0o se a"ate &'t "eal entities, one a li*in# -an and one a ,o" o"ation ,"eated and o0ned &! t$e STATE2 Bot$ entities $a*e t$e sa-e o" si-ila" na-es, 0it$ t$e onl! $!si,al, de-onst"a&le di..e"en,e &ein# in t$e 'se o. ,a itali4ation 0it$in t$ose t$e s ellin# o. t$ose na-es2 One entit!, t$e li*in# -an, i. $e is an A-e"i,an Citi4en, o0ns e*e"!t$in#, &'t $as .ailed to ta+e ,ont"ol o. $is ossessions2 T$e ot$e", t$e ,o" o"ation, is "o e"t! 0$i,$ 0as ,"eated .o" t$e e1 "ess '" ose o. &ein# a sla*e to t$e t"'st2 No0 let5s 0o"+ on t$e "e-ed!2 W$en !o' &e,o-e a a"t! to an! a,tion 0$i,$ d"a0s !o' into a ,o'"t, !o'" .i"st a,t s$o'ld &e to "o e"l! identi.! !o'"sel.2 To do t$at, !o' 'se !o'" C$"istian na-e, "o e"l! s elled in ,a s and lo0e" ,ase lette"s2 Yo' s$o'ld i--ediatel! ,lai- to &e one o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le, and, as s',$, a D.o"ei#n stateE 0it$in t$e de.inition and

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


-eanin# o. t$e %o"ei#n So*e"ei#n I--'nities A,t o. 19<J2 Yo' s$o'ld state t$at !o' $a*e no so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"2 As "oo. o. !o'" so*e"ei#nt!, !o' s$o'ld atta,$ and "e.e" to an a..ida*it t"a,in# !o'" lina#e &a,+ to one o. t$e .o'ndin# .at$e"s, s e,i.i,all! a 0$ite -ale lando0ne" in one o. t$e T$i"teen o"i#inal ColoniesMStates in 1<;B, t$e date t$at Iin# Geo"#e III "e,o#ni4ed t$ose eo le as so*e"ei#ns e:'al to $i- in t$e T"eat! o. Pa"is ?1<;9, t$e ti-e o. t$e ado tion o. t$e Constit'tion is anot$e" #ood date to tie !o'"sel. toA2 T$at done, !o' $a*e esta&lis$ed a "i-a .a,ie ,lai- #ood on its .a,e 'nless ,$allen#ed2 At t$is oint in ti-e, a ,$allen#e is 'nli+el!3 $o0e*e", t$e -o"e eo le 0$o 'se t$is -et$od, t$e #"eate" t$e li+eli$ood o. a ,$allen#e 0ill &e,o-e2 T$e"e.o"e, !o' 0o'ld &e 0ell ad*ised to "esea",$ !o'" $e"ita#e, and $a*e .a,ts to &a,+ !o'" Clai-2 On,e !o' $a*e esta&lis$ed !o'" ,a a,it! as one o. t$e so*e"ei#n A-e"i,an Peo le, t$e"e.o"e a D.o"ei#n stateE 'nde" t$e %SIA, t$e ,o'"t looses all ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o' ?'nless !o'" a,tion .alls 'nde" t$e e1,e tions #i*en in Se,tion 1J)/ o. Title (;A2 I. !o' $a*e .iled a ,o'nte",lai- ?0$i,$ !o' a"e .'ll! a't$o"i4ed to doA, t$en onl! t$e ,o'nte",lai- 0ill &e $ea"d, &e,a'se t$e a,tion &"o'#$t a#ainst !o' -'st &e dis-issed2 Yo' a"e also ."ee to &"in# an a,tion a#ainst t$e #o*e"n-ent o" an! o. its a#en,ies 'nde" t$e %SIA .o" an! #"ie*an,e !o' -i#$t $a*e3 $o0e*e", 0$en !o' do, !o' 0ill o en !o'"sel. to a ,o'nte",lai- ."o- t$at a"t! t$at !o' 0ill not $a*e so*e"ei#n i--'nit! ."o-2 It is i- o"tant t$at !o' 'nde"stand t$at t$e a't$o"it! and ,a a,it! t$at !o' -'st "el! ' on ,o-es onl! ."o- t$e T$i"teen O"i#inal States ?and ossi&l! ."o- Te1as, &'t t$at5s a di..e"ent iss'eA, and !o'" Clai- -'st &e t$at !o' a"e a des,endant o. one o. t$e o"i#inal DWe t$e Peo leE, o" !o' 0ill &e i#no"ed, and !o' 0ill lose2 So all o. !o' t$at &elie*e a Cali.o"nia state Citi4en is e:'al to a Penns!l*ania state Citi4en &ette" t$in+ a#ain2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


&1a4ter A K A$erica/! Royal #a$ily

T$is ,$a te" is dedi,ated to 'ttin# 0$at !o' $a*e al"ead! lea"ned into e"s e,ti*e2 It is &ein# added to t$e o"i#inal &oo+ o*e" a !ea" a.te" t$e "elease o. t$e &oo+, so t$e"e 0ill &e -an! ,o ies in t$e $ands o. eo le t$at do not ,ontain t$is se,tion2 T$e"e.o"e, I 0is$ to st"ess t$at t$is addend'- is onl! an atte- t to $el !o' &ette" 'nde"stand 0$at !o' $a*e al"ead! lea"ned2 I5- s'"e t$at -an! o. !o' a"e al"ead! ,on*in,ed t$at I5- a "eal n't2 No0 I sta"t tal+in# a&o't a DRo!al %a-il!E in A-e"i,a2 E*e"!&od! +no0s t$at, in A-e"i,a, e*e"!one is e:'al, and no "o!alt! e1ists H "i#$tF On,e a#ain, not so .ast2 Let5s e1a-ine t$e .a,ts2 Most o. 's 'nde"stand t$e #ene"al ,on,e t o. t$e Ro!al %a-il! o. En#land ."o- o'" $i#$ s,$ool and ,olle#e $isto"! ,lasses2 T$e"e, t$e -e-&e"s o. t$e Ro!al %a-il! a"e t$e Dso*e"ei#nsE2 As 0e $a*e al"ead! dis,'ssed, t$at -eans t$at t$e! a"e t$e onl! eo le 0$o ,an o0n land 7o" an!t$in# else82 W$at !o' -a! not +no0 is t$at in *i"t'all! e*e"! ,o'nt"! in t$e 0o"ld, t$e"e e1ists a Dso*e"ei#n ,lassE si-ila" to t$e B"itis$ Ro!al %a-il!2 In e*e"! ,ase, t$e so*e"ei#n eo le o. t$e ,'lt'"e #ot t$ei" so*e"ei#nt! in one o. onl! t0o 0a!s2 Most 0e"e &o"n to it, -eanin# it 0as a"t o. t$e &i"t$"i#$t asted to t$e- ."o- t$ei" a"ents2 T$e ot$e"s ,lai-ed and sei4ed it t$"o'#$ 0a" o" ins'""e,tion, o" t$e 0illin#ness to de.end t$e ,lai-2 T$e"e a"e no ot$e" 0a!s to o&tain so*e"ei#nt!2 No&od! #i*es it a0a! ."eel!2 To &ette" 'nde"stand so*e"ei#nt!, i-a#ine t$at !o' -o*e !o'" .a-il! to En#land toda!, and !o' and !o'" .a-il! li*e in En#land .o" t$e "est o. !o'" li*es2 T$en !o'" ,$ild"en5s ,$ild"en, and t$ei" ,$ild"en, ,ontin'e to li*e t$e"e2 Ho0 lon# 0ill it &e &e.o"e !o'" .a-il! &e,o-es a"t o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!F W$at .o"- o" a li,ation 0o'ld !o' $a*e to .ill o't to &e #"anted ent"! into t$e Ro!al %a-il!F W$at test 0o'ld !o' $a*e to ta+e in o"de" to #ain ent"!F T$e ans0e"L t$e"e is no .o"-, a li,ation o" test .o" ent"! into t$e Ro!al %a-il!2 T$e! a"e not loo+in# .o" ne0 -e-&e"s2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


So, $o0 do !o' &e,o-e a -e-&e" o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!F T$e ans0e" is si- le H !o' don5t2 E*en i. !o' -a""! a -e-&e" o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!, !o' don5t &e,o-e a -e-&e"2 T$e ,$ild"en o. t$at -a""ia#e ,o'ld &e -e-&e"s o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!, &'t onl! i. t$e! ,lai-ed t$e linea#e o. !o'" s o'se2 In ot$e" 0o"ds, te,$ni,all!, !o'" ,$ild"en ,o'ld ne*e" &e -e-&e"s o. t$e Ro!al %a-il! 'nless t$e! disa*o0ed !o'" linea#e and too+ on t$e linea#e o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!2 Instead o. &e,o-in# a -e-&e" o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!, ,o'ld !o' &e,o-e a B"itis$ s'&=e,tF O. ,o'"se !o' ,o'ld2 T$e"e is an a li,ation .o" t$at stat's2 On,e a B"itis$ s'&=e,t, 0o'ld !o'" ,$ild"en also &e B"itis$ s'&=e,tsF I. t$e! 0e"e &o"n a.te" !o' &e,a-e a B"itis$ s'&=e,t, t$e ans0e" is !es2 T$is stat's is *i"t'all! identi,al to t$at o. ,iti4en o. t$e United States in all "ele*ant "es e,ts2 Yo' -a! as+, D0$! 0o'ld an!one 0ant to &e,o-e a -e-&e" o. t$e Ro!al %a-il!, an!0a!E2 T$e ans0e" is si- le2 T$e! a"e t$e onl! eo le 0$o ,an o0n land and "o e"t!2 T$e! a"e t$e Dso*e"ei#nsE2 E*e"!one else is a Ds'&=e,tE o. t$e Maste"7s8, and #ets 'se o. t$e land as a "i*ile#e e1tended &! t$e Maste", .o" 0$i,$ t$e! a! a .ee +no0n as ta12 We $a*e al"ead! lea"ned a&o't "i*ile#es and $o0 t$e! ,an &e #i*en, and t$en ta+en a0a!2 Yo' -a! &e as+in# !o'"sel. 0$at t$is $as to do 0it$ !o'2 E*e"!one +no0s t$at t$e"e is no DRo!al %a-il!E in A-e"i,a2 He"e, 0e5"e all e:'al2 T$at5s 0$at o'" %o'ndin# %at$e"s did a0a! 0it$ H all t$at "o!alt! st'..2 T$e %o'ndin# %at$e"s intended t$at e*e"! -an, 0o-an, and ,$ild 0o'ld &e o. e:'al stat's, and t$e"e 0o'ld &e no DNo&le ClassE, in t$is #"eat ,o'nt! ,alled A-e"i,a6 I. t$at5s !o'" t$o'#$t atte"n, !o' need to #o &a,+ and e1a-ine t$e .a,ts and e*ents -o"e ,losel!2 W$en o'" %o"$e"s si#ned t$e >e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e on K'l! G, 1<<J, e1a,tl! 0$at did t$e! doF T$e! said to t$e Iin# o. En#land t$at $e $ad &een ,ont"ollin# t$at t$in# ,alled so*e"ei#nt! o*e" t$e-, and t$at t$e! intended to ta+e it .o" t$e-sel*es2 P'"e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


and si- le2 T$e! told $i- t$at t$e! 0o'ld .i#$t $i- .o" it2 T$e! did, in .a,t, .i#$t $i- .o" it3 and, t$e! 0on2 In t$e Pa"is T"eat! o. 1<;B, Iin# Geo"#e III "e,o#ni4ed t$e eo le o. t$e T$i"teen ColoniesMStates as so*e"ei#ns e:'al to $i-2 T$"o'#$ 0a", o'" %o"$e"s #ained ,ont"ol o. t$ei" o0n so*e"ei#nt!2 T$e &i# :'estion is, 0$at did t$e! do 0it$ t$at so*e"ei#nt! on,e t$e! $ad ta+en it ."o- t$e Iin# o. En#land2 To 'nde"stand t$at, 0e -'st .'ll! 'nde"stand e1a,tl! 0$at t$e! too+2 W$e"e 0as t$e so*e"ei#nt! $eld at t$e ti-e o. t$e si#nin# o. t$e >e,la"ation o. Inde enden,eF It 0as se,'"ed 0it$in t$e Ro!al %a-il! o. En#land2 T$e Iin# 0as si- l! t$e $ead o. t$at .a-il!, o" t$e DS' "e-e So*e"ei#nE o. t$e ti-e2 W$en t$e Iin# died, $e 0as :'i,+l! "e la,ed &! anot$e" so*e"ei#n, also a -e-&e" o. t$e Ro!al %a-il! o. En#land3 in .a,t, no"-all! t$e -e-&e" in line ."o- &i"t$2 Re-e-&e", all -e-&e"s o. t$e Ro!al %a-il! 0e"eMa"e so*e"ei#ns, in t$at t$e! ,an all o0n land2 So 0$at o'" %o"$e"s too+ .o" t$e-sel*es 0as not t$e Iin#5s o0e"2 Rat$e", it 0as t$e o0e" $eld &! t$e Ro!al %a-il! H so*e"ei#nt! itsel.2 On t$e sa-e line, 0$at o'" %o"$e"s did a0a! 0it$ 0as t$e Iin#5s o0e", not so*e"ei#nt!2 So*e"ei#nt! 0as +e t .o" t$e-sel*es and t$ei" des,endents2 On,e o'" %o"$e"s $ad sei4ed so*e"ei#nt! ."o- t$e Ro!al %a-il!, 0$at did t$e! do 0it$ itF T$e o 'la" ,on,e tion $eld toda! is t$at t$e! assed it o't to an!one and e*e"!one 0$o s$o0ed ' on t$ese s$o"es2 T$e &'"ea',"ats and o0e" &"o+e"s 0o'ld $a*e !o' &elie*e it 0as *ested in t$e #o*e"n-ent2 T$e .a,ts si- l! do not s' o"t eit$e" idea2 I. 0e #o .o"0a"d so-e 1( !ea"s, to t$e si#nin# o. t$e Constit'tion 7>e,la"ation8 .o" t$e 'nited States o. A-e"i,a, 0e #ain #"eat insi#$t into 0$at o'" %o'ndin# %at$e"s a,t'all! intended, and did2 %i"st, loo+ ,losel! at t$e P"ea-&le to t$e Constit'tion2 It &e#ins 0it$ t$e 0o"ds, DWe t$e Peo leE2 T$e :'estion a"ises, 0$o 0e"e DWe t$e Peo leE2 >id t$is $"ase "e.e" to ALL t$e eo le 0$o 0e"e li*in# in A-e"i,a at t$at ti-eF A&sol'tel!, 'n:'estiona&l!, no, it did not2 As an e1a- le, t$e"e 0e"e o&*io'sl! A-e"i,an Indians li*in# in A-e"i,a at t$at ti-e2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


We"e t$e! in,l'ded in DWe t$e Peo leEF

No, t$e! 0e"e not2

T$e! 0e"e, in .a,t,

"e,o#ni4ed &! -ost at t$at ti-e, and .o" t$e ne1t 1)) l's !ea"s, as ene-ies o. DWe t$e Peo leE2 T$e! ,e"tainl! 0e"e not a..o"ded t$e Ri#$ts &esto0ed &! t$e Constit'tion, o" t$e! ,o'ld not $a*e &een +illed and $ad t$ei" land ta+en ."o- t$e- 0it$o't "e,o'"se o" "e-ed!2 We"e t$e sla*es o. t$e ti-e a"t o. DWe t$e Peo leEF O&*io'sl! not, and t$e .a,ts t$at 0e all +no0 ,on,e"nin# t$at sit'ation -a+e a dis,'ssion o. 0$et$e" o" not t$e sla*es 0e"e in,l'ded totall! 'nne,essa"!2 So, 0$o 0e"e DWe t$e Peo leEF It &e,o-es o&*io's t$at DWe t$e Peo leE 0e"e t$e state Citi4ens o. t$e da!2 At t$at oint in ti-e, onl! state Citi4ens ,o'ld *ote, so ."o- t$e"e 0e ,an ,on,l'de 0$o DWe t$e Peo leE 0e"eMa"e2 T$e! 0e"e 0$ite -ale lando0ne"s2 T$e &alan,e o. t$e P"ea-&le #i*es 0$at &asi,all! a-o'nts to a D-ission state-entE, o" state-ent o. intent2 It la!s o't 0$at t$e a't$o"s 0anted to a,,o- lis$3 and, last, &'t not least, 0$o t$e! intended all t$ese Bene.its and Ri#$ts .o" 0$en it states, DNand se,'"e t$e Blessin#s o. Li&e"t! to o'"sel*es and o'" Poste"it!NE2 W$o 0e"e t$e! doin# t$is .o"F T$e-sel*es and t$ei" Poste"it!6 No&od! else 0as in,l'ded2 At no oint did t$e! sa! t$at an!&od! &o"n on t$ese s$o"es 0o'ld &e endo0ed to "e,ei*e t$ese Ri#$ts and Bene.its2 I. .a,t, t$e! o&*io'sl! did not intend t$at, &e,a'se t$e"e 0e"e -an! li*in# t$e"e at t$e ti-e t$at 0e"e not #i*en t$ose Ri#$ts and Bene.its2 >id t$e! sa! t$at t$e &ene.i,ia"ies 0o'ld ,$an#e 0it$ t$e ne1t #ene"ation to in,l'de e*e"!&od! &o"n o" nat'"ali4ed $e"eF >id t$e! e*e" #i*e Con#"ess, o" an!&od! else, t$e a't$o"it! to add ne0 D-e-&e"sE to t$is *e"! e1,l'si*e #"o' ,alled DWe t$e Peo leEF I. not, $o0 0e"e ne0 Peo le to &e added to t$e #"o' F T$e"e 0as onl! one 0a! "o*ided H &! &i"t$ 0it$ one o. DWe t$e Peo leE as a a"ent6 No0 #o &a,+ and loo+ at t$e Ro!al %a-il! o. En#land2 >o !o' see an! "ese-&lan,eF Ho0 didMdo t$e Ro!al %a-il! o. En#land e1 and its -e-&e"s$i F B! &i"t$2 W$e"e did o'" %o'ndin# %at$e"s ta+e t$ei" o0e" ."o-F T$e! too+ 0$at t$e Ro!al %a-il! o. En#land $ad2 >oes it no0 sta"t to -a+e sense to !o' t$at o'" %o"$e"s a,t'all! ,$an#ed *e"! little a&o't t$e s!ste-F T$e -ain ,$an#e 0as si- l! t$e &ene.i,ia"ies2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


W$en !o' loo+ at ,iti4ens$i iss'es in t$e United States, !o' see a #"eat -an! eo le ,o-in# to t$ese s$o"es ."o- ot$e" a"ts o. t$e 0o"ld2 W$en t$e! ,o-e $e"e, -an! 0is$ to &e,o-e D,iti4ensE2 T$e United States a,,o--odates #"eat n'-&e"s o. t$ese eo le ea,$ !ea"2 Millions $a*e a lied .o", and &een #"anted, ,iti4ens$i o. t$e United States &ased on a li,ation, lea"nin# ,e"tain ,"ite"ia, and testin#2 W$en t$e! &e,o-e a D,iti4en o. t$e United StatesE, do t$e! also &e,o-e an A-e"i,an Citi4en, a Dso*e"ei#nEF I. t$e! do, it5s a 0ell@+e t se,"et2 Ha*e !o' e*e" $ea"d an! o. t$e- "e.e""ed to a Dne0 so*e"ei#nsEF Isn5t it st"an#e $o0 t$e te"- Dso*e"ei#nE is ne*e" 'sed an!-o"e, and t$e stat's o. t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en is seldo- e*en -entionedF >o !o' .ind t$is sit'ation to &e t"o'&lin#F Allo0 -e to ad*an,e a .e0 ossi&le :'estions .o" !o'" ,onside"ation2 W$at i. t$e"e 0as an A-e"i,an Ro!al %a-il!F W$at i. its o0e" 0as assed ."o- .at$e" to son ='st li+e it is done in *i"t'all! e*e"! ,o'nt"! in t$e 0o"ld, and ='st li+e it $as &een done .o" t$o'sands o. !ea"sF W$at i. t$e"e 0as a se,ond stat's o. ,iti4ens$i .o" t$e ,o--on -an, ='st li+e in e*e"! ot$e" ,o'nt"! in t$e 0o"ld, and ='st li+e t$e"e $as &een .o" t$o'sands o. !ea"sF W$at i. t$e Ro!al %a-il! 0as *e"! =ealo's o. its &i"t$"i#$t, and didn5t 0ant to s$a"e it 0it$ an!one elseF W$at i. t$e Ro!al %a-il! t'"ned o*e" t$e "eins o. #o*e"n-ent to a #"o' o. se"*ants s0o"n to "ote,t t$e Ro!al %a-il!5s inte"ests a&o*e e*e"!t$in# else, -',$ li+e is t$e ,ase in En#landF W$at i. t$ose se"*ants .o'nd a 0a! to de,ei*e t$e Ro!al %a-il! into &elie*in# t$at t$e! 0e"e not$in# -o"e t$an ,o--on -en, and 0e"e s'&=e,ts o. t$e se"*ants instead o. *ise *e"saF W$at i. t$ose se"*ants t$en t"i,+ed t$e Ro!al %a-il! into t'"nin# o*e" t$ei" &i"t$"i#$t t$"o'#$ a se"ies o. ,ont"a,ts instit'ted &! t$e 'se o. ."a'd and de,e tion, 0it$o't .'ll dis,los'"e and .ai" ,onside"ationF >o !o' t$in+ t$at, i. t$ese t$in#s $a ened and t$e Ro!al %a-il! .o'nd o't, t$e"e 0o'ld &e a 0a! .o" t$e Ro!al %a-il! to "e#ain its "i#$t.'l "o e"t! and stat'sF Conside" t$e stat's o. a ,iti4en o. t$e United States2 He is "'led &! ,odes and "e#'lations ,"eated &! &'"ea',"ats 0$o a"e s' osedl! '&li, se"*ants2 Most o. t$ese D"'lesE a"e

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


ne*e" e*en *oted on, &'t a"e la,ed into Dla0E &! an o..i,ial 0$o 0asn5t e*en ele,ted to o..i,e2 T$e ,iti4en o. t$e United States is not so*e"ei#n &e,a'se $e ,annot o0n t$e land2 Instead, $e ,an ne#otiate .o" t$e 'se o. land .o" 0$i,$ $e a!s a la"#e .ee 7ta18 to &e#in, and ,ontin'es to a! a lesse" .ee 7ta18 .o" as lon# as $e 0ants to 'se t$e land2 He $as t$e sa-e set o. "'les .o" all $is "o e"t!, e*en t$o'#$ $e "o&a&l! doesn5t "eali4e it2 No0, t$in+ a&o't it2 Ho0 does $e di..e" ."o- t$e ,lass o. D."ee-enE t$at -ost o. o'" .o"$e"s 0e"e &e.o"e ,o-in# to A-e"i,a ."o- En#landF I s'&-it t$at t$e Iin#5s total di,tato"ial o0e" o*e" e*e"! iss'e $as &een eli-inated, o" at least "ed',ed so-e0$at3 &'t, ot$e" t$an t$at, t$e"e is *e"! little di..e"en,e2 We +no0 t$at so*e"ei#nt! e1ists so-e0$e"e in t$is ,o'nt"!2 It $as to2 So-eone o0ns t$e land2 Is it DWe t$e Peo leE 0$o o0n t$e landF I. not, 0$oF T$e #o*e"n-ent 0o'ld $a*e !o' &elie*e t$at it is t$e so*e"ei#n 0$i,$ o0ns t$e land3 ot$e"0ise, it ,o'ld not le*! ta1es a#ainst it2 S$o0 -e an! la,e 0$e"e so*e"ei#nt! 0as e*e" ta+en ."o- DWe t$e Peo leE2 S$o0 -e an! la,e 0$e"e DWe t$e Peo leE e*e" t'"ned o*e" so*e"ei#nt! to t$e #o*e"n-ent, o" an!&od! else e1,e t t$ei" Poste"it!2 Yo' ,an5t do eit$e", &e,a'se neit$e" $a ened2 I "e,entl! "esea",$ed a n'-&e" o. Te1as Atto"ne! Gene"al o inions ,on,e"nin# land atents2 In *i"t'all! e*e"! o inion, t$e Atto"ne! Gene"al "e.e"s to t$e title #oin# &a,+ to t$e so*e"ei#n2 Iee in -ind t$at t$is is t$e State o. Te1as Atto"ne! Gene"al, so $is o inion onl! deals 0it$ ,i",'-stan,es and e*ents 0$i,$ too+ la,e a.te" t$e State o. Te1as 0as in o0e"2 Yet t$e! "e.e" to t$e so*e"ei#n2 T$at -eans t$at t$e"e 0e"e "e,o#ni4ed so*e"ei#ns a.te" t$e State o. Te1as &e,a-e a"t o. t$e Union2 So 0$at &e,a-e o. t$ese so*e"ei#nsF Mi#$t I s'##est t$at not$in# $a ened to t$e-3 t$at in .a,t, t$e! assed on t$ei" so*e"ei#nt! to t$ei" ,$ild"en ='st li+e it $ad &een assed to t$e-F Mi#$t I &e so &old as to .'"t$e" s'##est t$at t$ei" ,$ild"en, o" t$ei" ,$ild"en5s ,$ild"en, 0e"e de,ei*ed into &elie*in# t$at Dall -en a"e e:'alE in A-e"i,a, and in so doin# 0e"e ,onned o't o. t$ei" "i#$t.'l in$e"itan,e and Bi"t$"i#$tF I. an!t$in# did $a en to end so*e"ei#nt! &! t$e Peo le, o" to ta+e so*e"ei#nt! ."o- t$e Peo le, 0o'ldn5t it &e 0ell@

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


noted in $isto"!F

A.te" all, 0o'ldn5t t$at &e a

"ett! i- o"tant e*entF

It 0o'ld

,o- letel! 'ndo e*e"!t$in# t$at o'" %o"$e"s .o'#$t and died .o"2 T$e"e -'st &e so-e "e,o"d o. s',$ an e*ent6 W$at t$is all leads to is t$e ine*ita&le ,on,l'sion t$at t$e #o*e"n-ent ne*e" "eall! #ained so*e"ei#nt! o*e" t$e land, at least not 0$e"e t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en is ,on,e"ned2 W$at t$e #o*e"n-ent $as is, at &est, ,olo"ed title2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at not$in# $a ened to t$e so*e"ei#ns o" t$e so*e"ei#nt!2 It is e1a,tl! 0$e"e o'" %o"$e"s la,ed it H in t$e $ands o. t$ei" Poste"it!6 Not$in# e*e" $a ened to ,$an#e t$at2 W$at did $a en 0as t$at a #"o' o. non@ "od',ti*e t$ie*es and ,on@ a"tists .i#'"ed o't a 0a! to steal all t$e o0e" le.t &! &i"t$"i#$t to t$e Poste"it! o. t$e %o'ndin# %at$e"s2 T$e! .o'nd a 0a! to ,ont"a,t'all! o&li#ate t$e t"'e so*e"ei#ns to a li.e o. se"*it'de 'nde" t$e-2 B't t$e! $a*e !et to .ind a 0a! to a,t'all! steal t$at so*e"ei#nt! ."o- its "i#$t.'l o0ne"s, t$e A-e"i,an Citi4ens, on,e t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en +no0s 0$o $e is and t$e o0e" $e ossesses2 We see e*iden,e o. t$e #o*e"n-ent5s ta,ti,s e*e"! da! in t$e ne0s2 %o" e1a- le, t$in+ a&o't D$ate ,"i-es le#islationE2 >oes t$at #i*e !o' "eason to sto and t$in+2 T$e te"D$ate ,"i-esE is a "od',t o. t$e #o*e"n-ent5s atte- ts to tell 's t$at 0e a"e all t$e sa-e, and an!one 0$o t$in+s ot$e"0ise s$o'ld &e a*oided, "idi,'led and 'nis$ed2 He ,e"tainl! s$o'ld not &e asso,iated 0it$2 And t$is enti"e idea "elates &a,+ to 0$atF Ra,ial di..e"en,es2 Isn5t t$at t$e &asis .o" all D$ate ,"i-esE le#islationF Hasn5t t$e #o*e"n-ent s ent t$e last G) !ea"s, and &illions ' on &illions o. dolla"s t"!in# to ,on*in,e H to &"ain0as$ H 's all into &elie*in# t$at t$e"e a"e no di..e"en,es &et0een 'sF T$e! tal+ a&o't t$e ,olo" o. one5s s+in, and t"! to -a+e !o' &elie*e t$at t$e iss'e is a i#-entation in t$e s+in2 T$is ta,ti, +ee s -ost A-e"i,ans ."o- e*en loo+in# at t$e "eal iss'es2 Hasn5t t$e #o*e"n-ent, t$"o'#$ its *i"t'al total ,ont"ol o. t$e -edia, de-oni4ed e*e"!t$in# and e*e"!&od! t$at e*en s'##ested t$at t$e"e -i#$t &e a di..e"en,e &et0een eo le &ased on 0$o t$e! a"e and 0$e"e t$e! ,o-e ."o-F

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Ma+e no -ista+e a&o't it2 It is not t$e Bla,+ -an, o" t$e Me1i,an o" S anis$ -an, o" an! ot$e" "a,e o. eo le t$at t$e #o*e"n-ent is inte"ested in "ote,tin# 0it$ t$is D$ate ,"i-esE le#islation2 It is t$e #o*e"n-ent5s $old on t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en t$at it 0is$es to "ote,t and solidi.!2 B! de-oni4in# e*e"!&od! t$at e*ens -entions t$at t$e"e -i#$t &e so-e di..e"en,es &et0een eo le, it +ee s t$e #"eat -a=o"it! o. A-e"i,an Citi4ens 0$o $a*e &een de."a'ded into se"*it'de t$"o'#$ ,ont"a,t as a ,iti4en o. t$e United States, ."osea",$in# .o" t$e t"'t$ o. t$ei" Bi"t$"i#$t .o" .ea" o. &ein# ,alled a &i#ot, "a,ist, o" $ate -on#e"2 An!one 0$o 0ants to tal+ a&o't di..e"en,es &et0een eo le 0ill i--ediatel! &e t$"o0n in one o. t$ose ,ate#o"ies3 e*en t$o'#$ t$e iss'e is stat's, not "a,e2 We -'st all 'nde"stand t$at all t$is to do a&o't "a,is- and &i#ot"! $as al-ost not$in# to do 0it$ "a,e2 It $as to do 0it$ stat's2 It $as to do 0it$ in$e"itan,e2 It $as to do 0it$ linea#e2 B't t$e onl! t$in# it $as to do 0it$ "a,e is t$at t$e"e 0e"e no &la,+ si#ne"s o" t$e >e,la"ation o. Inde enden,e o" t$e Constit'tion2 T$e"e 0e"eMa"e no &la,+ state Citi4ens2 To state t$at .a,t -a+es -e no -o"e a "a,ist t$an to sa! t$at -! %at$e" 0as 0$ite2 It5s si- l! a .a,t, &'t it $as &een de-oni4ed to t$e oint t$at -ost don5t da"e e*en a "oa,$ t$e iss'e2 T$at5s &! desi#n, and it5s $o0 0e5*e all &een d"'# into a state o. se"*it'de &! t$ose 0$o s$o'ld &e o'" se"*ants2 Mo"e in,"edi&le, itSs $o0 t$e &la,+ -an $as &een +e t in a state o. se"*it'de t$"o'#$o't t$e !ea"s2 T$e "eal t"a#ed! lies in t$e .a,t t$at t$e &la,+ -an, and all ot$e" -ino"ities in t$is ,o'nt"!, $a*e &een $eld do0n and +e t in a state o. sla*e"! &! t$ose 0$o 0e"e ,lai-in# to #i*e t$e- ."eedo-2 It 0as ne*e" t$e lan o. t$is #o*e"n-ent to ."ee t$e &la,+ -an2 It 0as t$e lan o. t$is #o*e"n-ent to 'se t$e &la,+ -an to la,e t$e 0$ite -an in a state o. se"*it'de "i#$t alon# 0it$ t$e &la,+ -an, and ,all it Qe:'alit!Q2 It $as done t$is &! insistin# t$at e*e"!&od! is e:'al, and t$at 0e -'st all Ddo o'" .ai" s$a"eE and D.ollo0 t$e "'les ='st li+e e*e"!&od! else $as toE2 T$e 'nde"l!in# idea is t$at 0e s$o'ld "eadil! a,,e t t$at t$e #o*e"n-ent is all@ o0e".'l and &ene*olent, and &elie*e t$at it is al0a!s a,tin# in t$e &est inte"est o. t$e Peo le2 I. !o' &elie*e t$at, !o'5"e 0astin# !o'" ti-e "eadin# t$is &oo+2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


In all t$e ,i*il "i#$ts -a",$es o. t$e J)5s and <)5s, did !o' e*e" $ea" one &la,+ -an de-and to &e,o-e an A-e"i,an Citi4enF >id !o' e*e" $ea" one &la,+ -an de-and to &e,o-e a so*e"ei#nF I. !o' did, I -issed it2 W$at I $ea"d 0as Ma"tin L't$e" Iin# 0$inin# t$at all -en 0e"e e:'al and s$o'ld &e t"eated e:'al2 He ,ontin'all! insisted t$at all -en s$o'ld 0al+ to#et$e" as one2 W$at $e ne*e" said 0as t$at all -en s$o'ld &e so*e"ei#n H ne*e" on,e did I $ea" t$at2 He eit$e" didn5t 'nde"stand t$e iss'es, o" $e 0asn5t a,tin# in t$e &est inte"est o. $is o0n eo le2 Be,a'se 0$at $as al"ead! ,o-e to ass is al-ost e1a,tl! 0$at $e as+ed .o"2 Al-ost all -en a"e no0 e:'al H t$e! a"e all sla*es to t$e #o*e"n-ent6 To t$is da!, I $a*e ne*e" $ea"d one &la,+ leade" de-and so*e"ei#nt! o" A-e"i,an Citi4ens$i 2 T$e da! t$at &la,+ -en -a",$ on Was$in#ton de-andin# to &e so*e"ei#ns, and de-andin# t$at t$e Constit'tion &e ,$an#ed to in,l'de t$e- H t$at5s t$e da! t$at I 0ill -a",$ &! t$ei" side2 B't as lon# as t$ei" -ain .o,'s is to &e -! e:'al &! &"in#in# do0n -! stat's to t$at o. ,iti4en o. t$e United States ='st so 0e ,an &e e:'al, I 0ill .i#$t 0it$ -! last &"eat$ to "etain -! stat's as so*e"ei#n2 I. t$at -eans 0e ,an5t &e e:'al, so &e it6 I .ind it *e"! a-'sin# t$at no&od! is atta,+in# t$e B"itis$ Ro!al %a-il! a&o't &ein# De:'alE 0it$ all t$e ot$e" eo le in En#land2 In .a,t, $a*e !o' $ea"d s',$ an o't,"! ."oan! ot$e" ,o'nt"! in t$e 0o"ldF It see-s t$e onl! eo le 'nde" atta,+ .o" &ein# so*e"ei#n a"e DWe t$e Peo leE, t$e A-e"i,an Citi4enMso*e"ei#n2 Ma!&e t$at5s &e,a'se o. t$e 0a! t$e A-e"i,an #ot $is so*e"ei#nt!2 T$at ,o'ld t$"o0 a "eal s,a"e into t$e o0e" -on#e"s o. t$e 0o"ld i. t$e A-e"i,an on,e a#ain 'nde"stood and sei4ed $is so*e"ei#nt!2 Ot$e" eo le -i#$t also #et ideas2 A.te" all, o'" #'!s did t$"o0 a o0e".'l Iin# o't2 Well, !o' $a*e -! t$o'#$ts2 Yo' -'st de,ide i. !o' &elie*e t$at t$e"e is an A-e"i,an Ro!al %a-il!3 and, i. so, i. !o' a"e in it2 I5*e -ade -! de,ision, and I &elie*e all t$e .a,ts a"e in -! ,o"ne"2 No0 I -'st #o a&o't "e,lai-in# 0$at is "i#$t.'ll! -ine2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


&HA%TER E ( How To U!e T1i! Boo.

W$at !o' $a*e ='st .inis$ed "eadin# is not intended to -a+e !o' 9all@+no0in#5 a&o't t$e iss'es "aised $e"ein2 Neit$e" is it intended as an! +ind o. 9le#al5 ad*ise3 and, i. !o' do de,ide to 'se 0$at !o' $a*e lea"ned in t$e &oo+, it 0ill $a*e to &e on !o'" o0n "es onsi&ilit! and at !o'" o0n "is+ &e,a'se t$e "oad ,an so-eti-es &e t"ea,$e"o's and $a"d to .ollo02 W$at t$e &oo+ is intended to do is #i*e !o' a .i"- &asis ."o- 0$i,$ to sta"t2 I. !o' 0ill "esea",$ t$e -ate"ial 0$i,$ !o' $a*e ='st "ead, !o' 0ill .ind t$at it is a,,'"ate &e!ond a "easona&le do'&t 7t$e sa-e standa"d 'sed to senten,e a -'"de"e" to deat$82 Ho e.'ll!, A-e"i,ans 0ill sta"t to "eali4e $o0 -',$ t$e! $a*e #i*en ' in t$e na-e o. nationalis-, o" in o"de" to #ain a little se,'"it! .o" t$e s$o"t te"-2 Ben=a-in %"an+lin said t$at an! -an 0$o 0o'ld #i*e ' a little li&e"t! in o"de" to #ain s$o"t li*ed se,'"it! dese"*ed neit$e" li&e"t! no" se,'"it!2 I &elie*e t$at2 O'" &i##est "o&le- is t$at 0e A-e"i,ans $a*e &e,o-e ,o- la,ent a&o't an!t$in# t$e #o*e"n-ent does2 We 0e"e "aised to &elie*e t$at 9o'"5 #o*e"n-ent 0o'ld ne*e" lie to 's, and t$at t$e United States Go*e"n-ent al0a!s a,ts in t$e &est inte"est o. A-e"i,a2 Not$in# ,o'ld &e .a"t$e" ."o- t$e t"'t$2 T$is #o*e"n-ent a,ts onl! in its o0n &est inte"est2 It $as no0 #one so .a" as to $a*e !o' &elie*e t$at A-e"i,an Citi4ens no lon#e" e1ist, &e,a'se t$e! $a*e &een "e la,ed &! ,iti4ens o. t$e United States2 It $as allo0ed an o "essi*e .o"ei#n t"'st to ass'-e t$e "es onsi&ilities o. t$e #o*e"n-ent2 It $as e*en led !o' to &elie*e t$at &ein# a ,iti4en o. t$e United States is a #"eat $ono", t$at it is e:'i*alent to &ein# an A-e"i,an, and !o' s$o'ld &e "o'd o. t$e title2 T$e t"'t$ is t$at t$e onl! one 0$o &ene.its ."o- #ettin# A-e"i,ans to &e,o-e and "e-ain ,iti4ens o. t$e United States is t$e UNITE> STATES 7t$e t"'st83 &e,a'se, on,e t$at t"ansition is a,,o- lis$ed, t$e t"'st #ains total ,ont"ol o*e" t$ose 0$o "e*io'sl! $ad ,ont"ol o*e" t$e United States2 It5s li+e #ettin# t$e o0ne" o. a ,o- an! to &elie*e t$at t$e s' e"*iso" o. t$e ni#$t s$i.t is $is s' e"io", and t$at $e -'st a&ide &! t$at s' e"*iso"5s o"de"s2 I. !o' don5t li+e ta+in# o"de"s ."o- !o'" 7 '&li,8 se"*ants, i. !o' &elie*e t$at !o' ,an &ette" -a+e t$e de,isions t$at a..e,t !o'" li.e and t$e li.e o. !o'" .a-il! t$an ,an an!one else 7es e,iall! so-eone in Was$in#ton, >2C2 0$o .i"st se"*es t$e t"'st8, andMo" i. !o' ='st 0ant to "e,lait$e ."eedo- le.t to !o' &! !o'" .o"$e"s as !o'" &i"t$"i#$t, no0 is t$e ti-e to sta"t "e*e"sin# t$e da-a#e and "e#ainin# !o'" li.e as a ."ee A-e"i,an Citi4en2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


K'st e1a,tl! $o0 do !o' sta"t to "e*e"se t$e da-a#eF To sta"t 0it$, !o' s$o'ld '",$ase a Blac./! Law Dictionary 7!o' ,an '",$ase one at an! #ood &oo+sto"e .o" a"o'nd TJ/2))82 Yo' -'st al0a!s "e-e-&e" t$at 0o"ds $a*e a "e,ise -eanin#, t$e! -ean e1a,tl! 0$at t$e! sa!, and t$ose in t$e t"'st 0$o 0o'ld steal !o'" Ri#$ts +no0 and 'se t$ei" e1a,t -eanin# in a 0a! t$e! $o e !o' 0ill not 'nde"stand2 T$e "o&le- is t$at t$e le#al -eanin# is 's'all! not t$e -eanin# t$at !o' $a*e al0a!s ass'-ed atta,$ed to -ost o. t$e +e! 0o"ds t$at t$e! 'se2 W$en !o' loo+ ' a 0o"d in Blac./!, loo+ ' t$e sa-e 0o"d in We&ste"5s, and !o'5ll .ind t$at -an! ti-es a totall! di..e"ent -eanin# 0ill &e -ani.est2 Pe"$a s -o"e i- o"tant, Bla,+5s #i*es t$e -eanin# o. -an! le#al te"-s, and ,ites de,isional ,ases t$at de.ined -an! 0o"ds and $"ases2 B't, 0$ate*e" !o' do, NEVER5 NEVER5 NEVER ass'-e !o' +no0 t$e -eanin# o. an! le#al 0o"d, te"-, o" di"e,tion2 T$at5s e1a,tl! 0$at t$e t"'st de ends on and e1 e,ts !o' to do, and t$at5s $o0 t$ose in t$e t"'st .ool !o' into &elie*in# t$in#s t$at ='st a"e not t"'e, t$e"e&! ,ont"ollin# !o' 0it$o't an! a't$o"it! 0$atsoe*e" o*e" !o' e1,e t t$at 0$i,$ !o' #i*e t$e-2 A.te" !o' $a*e !o'" Blac./!, sta"t "eadin# t$e inst"',tions o. an! and all #o*e"n-ent .o"-s t$at !o' .ill o't in .'ll2 >o a little "esea",$ &e.o"e !o' .ill o't t$e .o"- to .ind o't 0$at 9la05 o" ,ode t$at !o' a"e 9,o- l!in#5 0it$2 I t$in+ !o' 0ill &e s$o,+ed to lea"n t$at none o. t$e .o"-s t$at !o' $a*e al0a!s &elie*ed 0e"e "e:'i"ed a"e, in .a,t, "e:'i"ed2 I t$in+ t$at, i. !o' "ead and 'nde"stand t$e 'nde"l!in# ,ode and "e#'lation .o" 0$i,$ !o' a"e ,o- l!in#, !o' 0ill lea"n t$at 7a8 it does not a l! to !o' 7i. !o' a"e not a -e-&e" o. t$e t"'st8, o" 7&8 it is not -andato"!2 Use !o'" Blac./! to loo+ ' all 0o"ds o. ,o--and, i#e# -'st , s$all, "e:'i"ed, et,2, and t$en a l! t$e -eanin#s o. t$ose 0o"ds e1a,tl! as t$e! a"e 'sed in t$e ,onte1t o. 0$at !o'5"e "eadin#2 Yo' 0ill .ind t$at none o. t$e inst"',tions "e:'i"e !o' to do an!t$in#2 Ea,$ inst"',tion 0ill &e ,onditioned so t$at it 0ill a ea" to #i*e !o' a -andato"! o"de", &'t none 0ill 0$en !o' a l! t$e "o e" -eanin# to t$e 0o"ds 'sed t$e"ein2 I. t$ese inst"',tions did, in .a,t, "e:'i"e an A-e"i,an Citi4en to do an!t$in# "io" to $a*in# &een a""ested, indi,ted, andMo" ,on*i,ted o. one o. t$e 9,o--on la05 ,"i-es .o" 0$i,$ ='"isdi,tion 0as assed, t$e! 0o'ld &e 'n,onstit'tional on t$ei" .a,e2 Sin,e t$ese 9-aste"s5 o. t$e lan#'a#e 0$o 0"ite t$ese ,odes, "e#'lations, and inst"',tions ne*e" do an!t$in# t$at ,o'ld &e e*en "e-otel! 'n,onstit'tional, !o' ,an &e s'"e t$at not$in# t$e! 't in 0"itin# 0ill o"de" an A-e"i,an Citi4en to do an!t$in#2 T$e"e.o"e, 0$en !o' "ead t$ese inst"',tions, do not ass'-e t$at !o' +no0 0$at t$e!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


a"e tellin# !o' to do3 in .a,t, do not ass'-e t$at t$e! a"e e*en tal+in# to !o'2 Instead, "ead .o" t$e -eanin# t$at 0o'ld &e ,onstit'tional, and !o' 0ill easil! dis,o*e" t$e t"'e state-ent -ade in ea,$ 0"itin# t$at !o' "e,ei*e ."o- t$e #o*e"n-ent, o" an! a#en,! o" 0o'ld &e a#en,! t$e"eo.2 A.te" !o' $a*e done so-e inde endent "esea",$ on t$e iss'e, so t$at !o' a"e ,on*in,ed t$at !o'" osition is 9on solid #"o'nd5, !o' ,an -o*e .o"e0o"d to0a"d "e,lai-in# !o'" "i#$t.'l osition o. A-e"i,an Citi4enMso*e"ei#n2 T$is -o*e-ent in*ol*es t$e 'ndoin# o. -an! ,ont"a,ts and ,o--it-ents 7-ost o. 0$i,$ !o' did not e*en "eali4e !o' 0e"e -a+in# at t$e ti-e !o' ente"ed into t$e-82 T$e a,tions "e:'i"ed to s',,ess.'ll! ,o- lete t$e t"ansition &a,+ in,l'de t$e .ilin# o. a n'-&e" o. do,'-ents in,l'din#, &'t not li-ited to, 7a8 a 9State-ent in Lie' o. a Ret'"n5 .o" t$e .i"st !ea" in 0$i,$ !o' do not .ile a 1)G) .o"- 0it$ t$e IRS, 7&8 an 9A..ida*it o. Resto"ation o. Ri#$ts5, 7,8 a 9Const"',ti*e Noti,e &! A..ida*it to All Pa"ties Con,e"ned, E*iden,e o. Citi4ens$i Stat's5 7to &e "e,o"ded 0it$ !o'" lo,al Co'nt! Cle"+8, 7d8 a 9P'&li, Noti,e >i"e,ti*e to t$e U2S2 >e a"t-ent o. Healt$ and H'-an Se"*i,es5, and 7e8 an 9A..ida*it o. S'""ende" o. So,ial Se,'"it! Ca"d and Use o. Re#ist"ation N'-&e"52 T$e"e 0ill &e ot$e" lette"s to 0"ite and do,'-ents to .ile in t$e initial sta#es o. !o'" ne0 ."eedo-, &e,a'se ea,$ ,lai- -ade &! t$e t"'st -'st &e ans0e"ed and ,$allen#ed, o" it 0ill &e,o-e "o*en 'nde" ,o--e",ial la0, and t$e t"'st 0ill on,e a#ain ,lai- ='"isdi,tion o*e" !o' &! ,o--e",ial la02 Yo' -'st de-and e*e"!t$in# !o' 0ant, and !o' -'st &e insistent ' on !o'" ,onditions &ein# -et e1a,tl! as !o' de-and, &e,a'se !o' 0ill &e tested in t$e &e#innin#2 T$ese lea,$es o. so,iet! do not 0ant to t'"n t$e o0e" &a,+ o*e" to !o'3 &'t, i. !o' .ollo0 t$e "o e" ste s, t$e! 0ill $a*e no alte"nati*e2 T$e o0e" is !o'"s2 I $a*e not in,l'ded in t$is &oo+ all o. t$e a e"0o"+ needed to "e,lai- !o'" "i#$t.'l osition as so*e"ei#n and to .ile !o'" lien7s8, &e,a'se it is so-e0$at di..e"ent in ea,$ ,ase3 and &e,a'se I do not 0ant to see an!one -is'se t$e a e"0o"+ in s',$ a 0a! as to da-a#e t$e-sel*es2 Ho0e*e", t$e a e"0o"+, alon# 0it$ inst"',tions and s' o"t, 0ill soon &e a*aila&le t$"o'#$ a #"o' o. li+e@ -inded A-e"i,ans 0$o a"e "e a"in# to $el la"#e n'-&e"s o. ot$e" A-e"i,ans ,lai- t$ei" "i#$t.'l &i"t$"i#$t2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


T$e onl! "easons not to "e,lai- t$at 0$i,$ is "o e"l! !o'"s a"e .ea", a at$!, andMo" !o' li+e &ein# a sla*e2 I. t$ose a"e !o'" "easons .o" not a,tin#, t$en I $a*e not$in# to o..e" !o', and I don5t $a*e ti-e to 0o""! a&o't !o'2 I., on t$e ot$e" $and, !o' a"e -o*ed to "e,lai- 0$at o'" .o"$e"s le.t to !o', I 0ill do e*e"!t$in# in -! o0e" to $el 2 I "o-ise !o' t$at !o'" a,tions, t"ials, and t"i&'lations 0ill &e 0ell "e0a"ded i. !o' ,o- lete t$e tas+ at $and2 A side note, $e"e, is t$e .a,t t$at I +no0 t$at -an! o. !o' 0$o a"e "eadin# t$is &oo+ a"e ,'""entl! 7o" !o' $a*e in t$e ast8 'sed 9o..@s$o"e5 &an+ a,,o'nts in an atte- t to $ide !o'" .inan,es ."o- t$e IRS2 T$at ,an &e a *e"! "is+! "o osition2 %i"st, $idin# !o'" -one! ,an easil! &e ,onst"'ed as ,ons i"a,! to de."a'd t$e United States Go*e"n-ent2 A#ain, t$at .alls 'nde" Title 1; o. t$e United States Code, and t$at Title $as &een ena,ted as ositi*e la02 Also, sendin# !o'" -one! o't o. t$e ,o'nt"! is *e"!, *e"! "is+!, and -an! o. !o' $a*e "o&a&l! al"ead! lost la"#e s'-s o. -one! doin# e1a,tl! t$at2 T$e"e a"e n'-e"o's ,on@#a-es o't t$e"e ='st 0aitin# to "i !o' o..2 Ho0e*e", i. !o' 'tili4e t$e in.o"-ation in t$is &oo+ "o e"l!, !o' ,an $a*e an 9o..@s$o"e5 &an+ a,,o'nt "i#$t in !o'" o0n $o-eto0n &an+2 T$at5s &e,a'se t$e te"- 9o..@s$o"e5, 0$en 'sed in t$is sense, si- l! -eans o'tside t$e ='"isdi,tion o. t$e UNITE> STATES and t$e IRS2 W$en !o' .ollo0 t$e ste s to &e,o-e a 9non"esident alien5 to t$e United States, and t$en 'tili4e a s'&stit'te W@; .o"-, !o' ,an o en an a,,o'nt in !o'" $o-eto0n &an+ t$at is 9o..@s$o"e5 to t$e UNITE> STATES and t$e IRS2 Bette" still, no t"eat! ,an #i*e t$e IRS a,,ess to !o'" -one!, 0$i,$ ,an $a en 0$en !o'5"e dealin# 0it$ #o*e"n-ents ."o- a"o'nd t$e 0o"ld2 I $a*e s',$ an a,,o'nt "esentl!, and I $a*e $ad t$e a,,o'nts ."o- a"o'nd t$e 0o"ld in t$e ast 0$i,$ !o' -a! ,'""entl! &e '"s'in#3 and I ,an sa! 0it$o't .ea" o. ,ont"adi,tion t$at -! lo,al &an+ is .a" s' e"io" to an! sit'ation !o' 0ill .ind in ot$e" ,o'nt"ies2 Yo' $a*e dail! ,ont"ol o. !o'" -one!, and !o' a"e "ote,ted &! all t$e sa-e ins'"an,e and sa.e#'a"ds t$at !o' $a*e #"o0n a,,'sto-ed to2 B! t$e 0a!, t$e"e5s not$in# 0"on# 0it$ a,,e tin# t$ose "ote,tions &e,a'se o'" .o"$e"s set ' t$is #o*e"n-ent to se"*e o'" needs2 T$is is one 0a! t$at it ,an .'l.ill its '" ose2 %o" t$ose 0$o ,$oose to "e-ain a sla*e, I $a*e no s!- at$!, &e,a'se it is o'tside -! a&ilit! to 'nde"stand 0$! an!one 0o'ld ,$oose sla*e"! o*e" ."eedo-2 Yo' -a! .eel sa.e and 0a"- toda!, &'t !o' a"e lea*in# a te""i&le le#a,! .o" !o'" des,endants, and !o'" o0n .'t'"e 0ill not &e so &"i#$t i.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$ose o. 's 0$o a"e ,'""entl! .i#$tin# t$is &attle e*e" de,ide t$at it5s ='st too -',$ t"o'&le .o" 's2 T$e onl! "eason t$at !o' still $a*e as -an! 9"i#$ts5 as !o' $a*e toda! is &e,a'se t$e"e a"e a lot o. 's t$at a"e .i#$tin# to +ee t$ose Ri#$ts, and !o' a"e t$e 'n0o"t$! &ene.i,ia"! o. &ot$ !o'" .o"$e"s5 and o'" sa,"i.i,es2 So i. !o' li+e t$e 90el.a"e s!ste-5, !o'5"e "i#$t 0$e"e !o' &elon#2 I. !o' don5t li+e t$e 90el.a"e s!ste-5, !o' s$o'ld &e a0a"e t$at !o' a"e t$e -ain "e,i ient2 I led#e to do -! 't-ost to $el an! A-e"i,an "e,lai- 0$at is $is2 As .o" t$e sla*es a-on# !o', #o i,+ t$e Maste"5s ,otton2 Yo' don5t dese"*e t$e #i.ts le.t to !o'2 I in*ite ,"iti,is-, and I as+ t$at !o' s$a"e 0it$ -e an!t$in# 0$i,$ !o' ,onside", o" .ind to &e, ina,,'"ate in t$is &oo+2 I $a*e t$o"o'#$l! "esea",$ed all t$e -ate"ial ,ontained $e"ein o*e" t$e last () !ea"s, &'t t$e ot$e" side ,ontin'es to -a+e ,$an#es on a "e#'la" &asis2 W$ile t$ose ,$an#es ,annot a..e,t t$e &ase idea ,ontained in t$is &oo+, so-e do a..e,t t$e 0a! t$at 0e -'st atta,+ di..e"ent "o&le-s2 An! and all t"'e $el 0ill &e a "e,iated2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


&HA%TER 'C ( "Y STORY IS- s'"e t$at &! no0 !o' a"e 0onde"in# 0$o I a- and e1a,tl! $o0 I ,a-e to 0"ite t$is &oo+2 M! sto"! sta"ts e1a,tl! li+e -an! o. !o'" sto"ies a"e ,'""entl! "eadin#2 I $ad a *e"! ,on*entional ed',ation in 0$i,$ I 0as totall! &"ain0as$ed &! t$e s!ste- 'nde" 0$i,$ 0e all li*e2 I attended a *e"! la"#e $i#$ s,$ool in A"lin#ton, Te1as, a.te" 0$i,$ I attended Ba!lo" Uni*e"sit!2 I ente"ed t$e ins'"an,e &'siness in 19J; and ,ontin'ed -! ed',ation &! attendin# ,lasses at Te1as C$"istian Uni*e"sit! 0$i,$ "elated to t$e ins'"an,e ind'st"!2 I also too+ -an! ,o'"ses &! -ail and t$"o'#$ t$e ins'"an,e ,o- anies .o" 0$i,$ I 0o"+ed2 In a s$o"t e"iod o. ti-e, I 0as "'nnin# -! o0n a#en,!3 and, &asi,all!, I &elie*ed t$at I $ad a ,o- lete 'nde"standin# o. e*e"!t$in# t$at I 0as in*ol*ed in, and, in #ene"al, t$e 0o"ld a"o'nd -e2 I .o"-ed lon#@lastin# "elations$i s 0it$ all o. t$e "o.essional eo le 0it$ 0$o- I did &'siness2 One s',$ e"son 0as -! CPA2 I .i"st sta"ted 'sin# -! CPA in 19<1, at a&o't t$e sa-e ti-e t$at I sta"ted -! o0n a#en,!2 At t$at ti-e in -! li.e I, li+e -an! o. !o', $ad a deat$l! .ea" o. t$e IRS2 It 0as -! .i"- &elie. t$at t$e IRS 0as all o0e".'l, t$at t$e! 0e"e a&o*e t$e la0, and t$at t$e"e 0as no .o",e on t$is ea"t$ t$at ,o'ld ,ont"ol t$e-2 %"o- t$e o'tset o. -! "elations$i 0it$ -! CPA, I la,ed ' on $i- one 'n:'estiona&le standa"d t$at I "e:'i"ed $i- to -aintain t$"o'#$o't t$e ,o'"se o. o'" &'siness "elations$i @ t$at &ein# t$at i. I 0as e*e" a'dited, I .'ll! "e:'i"ed t$at I "e,ei*e a "e.'nd ."o- t$e a'dit "at$e" t$an to o0e t$e IRS -o"e -one!2 T$is de-and 0as la,ed &e,a'se o. -! i""ational .ea" o. t$e IRS2 I in.o"-ed -! CPA t$at .ail'"e to -a+e t$is sit'ation o,,'" 0o'ld "es'lt in $is i--ediate dis-issal as -! CPA2 M! "elations$i 0it$ t$is CPA lasted a total o. 1J !ea"s2 >'"in# t$at e"iod o. ti-e I 0as a'dited a total o. t$"ee ti-es, 0it$ ea,$ o. t$e .i"st t0o a'dits "es'ltin# in a "e.'nd &ein# aid to -e2 T$e t$i"d a'dit ,$an#ed -! li.e .o"e*e"2 In 19;), I sold t$e &'siness .o" a ni,e s'- o. -one!2 I sold t$e &'siness on a .i*e !ea" a! o't, and I too+ lon#@te"- ,a ital #ain on t$e sale o. t$at &'siness2 At t$at ti-e, lon#@te"- ,a ital #ain 0as a *e$i,le 0$i,$ 0as 'sed &! -an! in t$e &'siness 0o"ld to a*oid a o"tion o. t$e ta1es 0$i,$ 0o'ld

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


ot$e"0ise atta,$ to t$e sale o. &'siness o" "o e"t!2 In .a,t, ele,tin# to ta+e a lon#@te"- ,a ital #ain o tion 0o'ld sa*e e1a,tl! one@$al. o. all t$e ta1es o0ed i. lon#@te"- ,a ital #ain 0e"e not a lied2 In -! ,ase, I 'sed a to @not,$ ta1 atto"ne!, 0$o dotted e*e"! SiS and ,"ossed e*e"! StS2 He e*en 0ent so .a" as to #et a lette" o. o inion ."o- t$e Was$in#ton o..i,e o. t$e IRS2 We did e*e"!t$in# e1a,tl! t$e 0a! it 0as "es,"i&ed &! t$e IRS2 I e1 e"ien,ed no "o&le-s 'ntil 19;J, 0$en I 0as a'dited .o" t$e 19;/ ta1 !ea"2 T$e last a!-ent .o" t$e sale o. -! &'siness 0as "e,ei*ed in 19;/2 T$e a'dito" sta!ed in -! &'siness .o" a total o. ei#$t da!s, d'"in# 0$i,$ ti-e $e ,$e,+ed e*e"! n'-&e" and e*e"! ent"! in -! &'siness &oo+s2 On t$e ;t$ da!, $e in.o"-ed -e t$at it a ea"ed t$at I 0o'ld &e "e,ei*in# a "at$e" la"#e "e.'nd 7a "o1i-atel! T9,))) 8 at t$e end o. t$e a'dit2 On,e a#ain, it see-ed t$at -! CPA $ad .ollo0ed -! o"de"s e1a,tl!2 A&o't one $o'" &e.o"e t$e a'dito" le.t -! o..i,e, $e ,alled -e &a,+ a#ain to as+ one :'estion2 T$e :'estion 0as in "elation to t$e sale o. -! &'siness in 19;) 7I $ad "e,ei*ed t$e last a!-ent in 19;/ 82 I i--ediatel! told $i- t$at t$is 0as an old sale, and t$at it $ad al"ead! ,lea"ed one a'dit2 He insisted t$at 0e dis,'ss t$e initial t"ansa,tion t$at o,,'""ed in 19;)2 T$e +e! :'estion $e as+ed 0as,Q Was t$is &'siness t$at !o' sold in 19;) "i-a"il! de endent ' on ,o--ission as its so'",e o. in,o-eFQ2 M! ans0e" 0as, o. ,o'"se, t$at it 0as 7it 0as an ins'"an,e a#en,!82 He i--ediatel! said, Q O$, !o' ,anSt do t$at6Q He t$en &e#an 0"itin# in $is note ad2 I t"ied to sto $i-, &e,a'se I +ne0 t$at on,e $e $ad 0"itten so-et$in# do0n, it 0as #oin# to &e *e"! di..i,'lt to #et $ito "e*e"se $is de,ision2 I ,alled -! CPA into t$e "oo-, and 0e &ot$ sta"ted t"!in# to tell t$e a'dito" t$at e*e"!t$in# 0e $ad done $ad &een a "o*ed &! t$e IRS as .ollo0in# t$e "es,"i&ed -et$od "o*ided at t$e ti-e2 We e*en s$o0ed $i- t$e lette" o. o inion 0$i,$ 0e "e,ei*ed ."o- t$e Was$in#ton o..i,e o. t$e IRS2 W$en 0e s$o0ed $i- t$e lette", $e si- l! ointed to t$e .i"st line o. t$e lette" 0$i,$ stated t$at t$is lette" ,o'ld not &e 'sed as a le#al o inion2 He t$en told o. 's t$at a 19;B "'lin# $ad eli-inated t$e ded',tion t$at 0e too+ .o" t$e t! e o. &'siness 0$i,$ I sold2 W$en :'estioned .'"t$e", $e said t$at t$e "'lin# 0as si- l! a ,la"i.i,ation o. t$e la0 in e..e,t in 19;)3 and, t$e"e.o"e, 0as "et"oa,ti*e to -! sale2 Wit$o't #oin# into all t$e #o"! details, t$is de,ision -ade &! a lo0 "an+in# IRS e- lo!ee, "'ined -! li.e as I +ne0 it t$en, and .o"e*e" ,$an#ed t$e 0a! I 0o'ld li*e t$e "est o. -! li.e2

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


Be,a'se o. t$e la"#e a-o'nt o. sa*in#s t$at I "e,ei*ed as a "es'lt o. ta+in# lon#@te"- ,a ital #ain on t$e sale o. -! &'siness in 19;), t$e enalties and inte"est 70$i,$ a-o'nted to al-ost t$"ee ti-es t$e "in,i al sa*in#s8 added ' to -o"e ,as$ t$an I ,o'ld "aise2 M! ins'"an,e a#en,! &e,a-e insol*ent &e,a'se I ,o'ld not "aise t$e ,as$ to a! &ot$ t$e IRS and +ee t$e a#en,! "'nnin#2 >'"in# t$is e"iod o. ti-e, -! (1 !ea" -a""ia#e &"o+e ' , and I lost al-ost all o. t$e 0o"ldl! ossessions 0$i,$ I $ad a,,'-'lated o*e" a *e"! s',,ess.'l () !ea"s o. &'siness2 I &e,a-e e1t"e-el! &itte" a&o't t$e 0a! I $ad &een t"eated2 I &elie*ed t$at I $ad done e*e"!t$in# t$at $ad &een "e:'i"ed o. -e &! t$is -onste" ,alled t$e IRS2 In .a,t, I $ad done -',$ -o"e t$an ='st .ollo0 t$e "'les @ I $ad not ta+en -an! o. t$e ded',tions 0$i,$ 0e"e allo0ed -e o*e" t$e !ea"s2 %o" -! t"o'&les and -! $onest!, I $ad e*e"!t$in# nea" and dea" to -e st"i ed a0a!2 Wo"se still, I still o0ed t$e IRS -one!2 I ,onside"ed -an! o tions, so-e o. t$e- totall! 'nt$in+a&le to -e toda!2 %inall!, I -ade a de,ision 0$i,$ 0o'ld a..e,t t$e "est o. -! li.e in a 0a! t$at I ,o'ld not e*en i-a#ine @ I de,ided t$at I 0o'ld no lon#e" &e $eld a sla*e &! t$is a#en,! 0$i,$ I no0 ,onside"ed to &e o'tla02 I +ne0 t$at t$is de,ision 0o'ld s'"el! land -e in =ail *e"! :'i,+l!, &'t at t$at oint, I didnSt "eall! ,a"e2 I .i#'"ed t$at i. I 0as #oin# to &e a sla*e, t$en t$e S-aste"S -i#$t as 0ell .eed and ta+e ,a"e o. -e2 So, in 19;<, I de,ided t$at I 0o'ld no lon#e" .ollo0 t$e #'idelines laid o't &! t$e IRS to .ile a ta1 "et'"n and a! in,o-e ta1es2 I .'ll! e1 e,ted a .'ll ,o- le-ent o. t$e IRS e"sonnel s'""o'nded &! #'n@totin# AT% a#ents to &e at -! doo" on t$e -o"nin# o. A "il 1J, 19;<, to a""est to -e and ta+e -e o.. to "ison2 To -! s'" "ise, t$e! didnSt s$o0 ' 2 In .a,t, it 0as 0ell o*e" t0o !ea"s a.te" t$at da! &e.o"e I "e,ei*ed so -',$ as a lette" in.o"-in# -e t$at .o" so-e "eason -! 19;J ta1 "et'"n $ad not &een "e,ei*ed2 >'"in# t$is sa-e e"iod o. ti-e, I &e,a-e *e"! inte"ested in t$e la0 as it a lied to -e2 I $a*e al0a!s &elie*ed t$at I +ne0 0$at t$e la0 0as, and t$at I 'nde"stood t$e o&li#ations and d'ties la,ed ' on -e &! t$e la02 Toda!, I ,annot tell !o' 0$e"e -! e",e tion o. t$e la0 ,a-e ."o-2 All o. t$e 'n:'estioned 7and 'n:'estiona&le8 la0s 0$i,$ 0e"e so .i"-l! .i1ed in -! &elie.s t'"ned o't not to e1ist to t$e A-e"i,an Citi4en2 I-a#ine -! s$o,+ 0$en I lea"ned t$at t$e Inte"nal Re*en'e Code $ad ne*e" e*en &een ena,ted as ositi*e la02 I-a#ine -! s$o,+ 0$en I lea"ned t$at t$e IRS 0as not e*en a a"t o. t$e United States Go*e"n-ent, 0$i,$ I $ad al0a!s t$o'#$t 0as a #i*en .a,t2 I-a#ine -!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


s$o,+ 0$en I lea"ned t$at t$e"e a"e no %ede"al Ta1 Liens on indi*id'al A-e"i,an Citi4ens2 I-a#ine -! s$o,+ 0$en I lea"ned t$at t$e IRS a,t'all! is a &"an,$ o. a $'#e ,o" o"ation 0$i,$ is o0ned &! sto,+$olde"s and "'n .o" "o.it2 B't !o' ,an ne*e" i-a#ine -! s$o,+ 0$en I lea"ned t$at I $ad al-ost #i*en ' 7 &! ,ont"a,t8 t$e &i"t$"i#$t t$at -! .o"$e"s $ad #i*en t$ei" li.e and "o e"t! to "o*ide .o" -e2 I still .eel sadness ea,$ and e*e"! ti-e I t$in+ o. t$e &lind 0a! 0$i,$ I lodded t$"o'#$ li.e &elie*in# I $ad all t$e ans0e"s3 0$en, in .a,t, I $ad none o. t$e ans0e"s2 W$at I $ad 0as a ,o- ilation o. -!t$s and inti-idations t$at $ad &een 't .o"t$ o*e" t$e last /) !ea"s 7all o. -! li.e8 &! a #o*e"n-ent 0$i,$ $'n#e"s .o" -o"e o0e" t$an it 0as a..o"ded &! t$e .o'nde"s o. t$is #"eat ,o'nt"!2 I $a*e .o'nd t$at *i"t'all! e*e"! indi*id'al o. -! #ene"ation is -i"ed in t$e sa-e state o. ,on.'sion and -is'nde"standin# t$at I s'..e"ed t$"o'#$ .o" t$e .i"st G) !ea"s o. -! li.e on t$is ea"t$2 In 199G, I s'ed t$e State o. Te1as .o" a 9>e,la"ato"! K'd#-ent52 I 0anted THE STATE O% TEOAS to ad-it t$at I 0as a so*e"ei#n Te1as state Citi4en2 I s'ed in State >ist"i,t Co'"t 7BBJ t$ K'di,ial >ist"i,t82 I 0as a&sol'tel! s'"e t$at I $ad to 0in2 On t"ial da!, I s$o0ed ' 0it$ a la"#e #"o' o. ."iends to Da,,e t -! *i,to"!E2 To -! s'" "ise, THE STATE O% TEOAS did not s$o0 ' 2 I +ne0 t$is -eant I $ad to 0in2 B't 0$en -! ,ase 0as ,alled, t$e K'd#e, Ra! G"is$a-, as+ed -e to ,o-e into $is ,$a-&e"s 0it$ $i-2 On,e inside, $e told -e t$at $e 0as #oin# to let THE STATE O% TEOAS a ea" &! tele $one2 I o&=e,ted, and $e o*e""'led -e2 He t$en as+ed -e to s ea+ into t$e $one to t$e Assistant Atto"ne! Gene"al, Go"don G'nte", 0$o 0as $andlin# t$e ,ase .o" t$e STATE 7t"'st82 I 0as so s'"e o. *i,to"! t$at I .oolis$l! did as "e:'ested2 He t$en listened to t$e "e&'ttal ."o- M"2 G'nte"2 I 0ill ne*e" +no0 0$at M"2 G'nte" said, &'t I +no0 t$at $is -ain de.ense 0as t$at t$e"e 0as Dno ='sti,ia&le ,ont"o*e"s!E2 I did not +no0 0$at t$at -eant, &'t I +ne0 I didn5t a#"ee2 A.te" $e .inis$ed, t$e K'd#e told -e t$at $e 0o'ld ta+e it all 'nde" ad*ise-ent and "'le in a .e0 da!s2 A&o't t0o -ont$s late", t$e Co'"t "'led t$at t$e"e 0as no ='sti,ia&le ,ont"o*e"s!, and dis-issed t$e ,ase2 I 0as .'"io's6 I t"ied to tal+ to t$e K'd#e, &'t $e a*oided -e2 I .iled an a eal in t$e 9Co'"t o. Ci*il A eals %o" t$e Si1t$ >ist"i,t o. Te1as52 In t$at a eal, M"2 G'nte", on &e$al. o. THE STATE O% TEOAS, .iled a &"ie. 0$i,$ $ad .i*e 7/8 "e l! oints2 T$e! 0e"e, D12 T$e"e is no ='sti,ia&le ,ont"o*e"s!2E L and, D(2 T$e ,onstit'tion "o$i&its ,o'"ts ."o- iss'in# ad*iso"! o inions2E3 and, DB2 T$e"e is no a't$o"it! .o" t$e iss'an,e o. a do,'-ent statin# t$at t$e A ellant is a Te1as state Citi4en2E3 and DG2 One so*e"ei#n does not $a*e to a l! to anot$e" so*e"ei#n .o" t$e dete"-ination o.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


t$e .i"st so*e"ei#n5s stat's2E3 and D/2 One so*e"ei#n does not $a*e to a l! to anot$e" so*e"ei#n .o" t$e iss'an,e o. an identit! ,a"d to t$e .i"st so*e"ei#n2E THE STATE O% TEOAS ,on,l'ded its a"#'-ent, a.te" ela&o"atin# on t$e .i*e "e l! oints &! sa!in#, DNt$e"e is no need .o" t$e so*e"ei#n A ellant to as+ t$e so*e"ei#n A ellee to de.ine t$e so*e"ei#n A ellant5s stat's, no" is t$e"e a need .o" t$e A ellant to as+ a .ello0 so*e"ei#n to iss'e t$e A ellant an identit! ,a"d H t$e A ellant ,an de.ine $is stat's $i-sel. and $e ,an iss'e $i-sel. $is o0n identit! ,a"d2E WOW AND DOUBLE WOW ! I. I $ad +no0n t$at 9no ='sti,ia&le ,ont"o*e"s!5 -eant t$at, I 0o'ld $a*e ne*e" .iled an a eal2 THE STATE O% TEOAS ad-itted t$at I 0as a so*e"ei#n, and said t$at neit$e" t$e! no" t$e Co'"t $ad an! o0e" o" ='"isdi,tion to de.ine an!t$in# $a*in# to do 0it$ -e2 Yo' see, I "eall! at$e land o0ne"Mso*e"ei#n, and t$e! "eall! a"e -! se"*ants2 E*e"!t$in# I $ad as+ed .o" t$e! #a*e -e and -o"e, &e,a'se t$e! ad-itted t$at t$e! did not e*en $a*e t$e o0e" to de.ine 0$o I a-2 T$at 0o'ld &e t$e sla*e #i*in# t$e -aste" a "e.e"en,e2 7T$e o"i#inal si#ned &"ie. is a*aila&le .o" non@ &elie*e"s to ins e,t, and it ,an &e a,,essed t$"o'#$ t$e Si1t$ >ist"i,t Co'"t o. A eals in Te1a"+ana, Te1as28 T$e a eals Co'"t said t$at THE STATE O% TEOAS did not disa#"ee 0it$ -e3 and, t$e"e.o"e, t$e >ist"i,t Co'"t -ade t$e ,o""e,t "'lin#2 On a -o"e ositi*e side, !o' $a*e "o&a&l! $ea"d o" &elie*e t$at !o' 0ill $a*e to #i*e ' all !o'" ,"edit ,a"ds and &an+ a,,o'nts and t$e li+e i. !o' ,ease 'sin# !o'" So,ial Se,'"it! N'-&e"2 I $a*e .o'nd t$at not to &e t$e .a,t2 Ho0e*e", sin,e t$e assa#e o. t$e USA Pat"iot A,t, it $as #otten $a"de"2 T$e &an+s and ,"edit ,a"d ,o- anies no0 $a*e so-et$in# to "el! on 0$en t$e! t'"n !o' do0n2 I don5t &elie*e t$at t$ei" ,ase 0ill "e*ail, e*en 0it$ t$e Pat"iot A,t, &e,a'se it si- l! .lies in t$e .a,e o. e*e"!t$in# t$is ,o'nt"! 0as .o'nded on2 T$e E:'al C"edit O !o'" .ail'"e to $a*e one is &ased ' on "eli#io's &elie.2 As .o" -e, I $a*e all o. t$e -a=o" ,a"ds 7Platin'- Cisa, Maste",a"d, and A-e"i,an E1 "ess8 0it$o't t$e 'se o. a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e"3 &'t, I #ot t$e- all &e.o"e t$e assa#e o. t$e Pat"iot A,t2 I still &elie*e !o' ,o'ld .o",e t$e &an+s to iss'e t$e ,a"ds, &'t t$e"e is no do'&t t$at it 0o'ld &e a lon# $a"d &attle2 T$e sa-e t$in# ,o'ld &e said a&o't ,$e,+in# a,,o'nts2 Not0it$standin# t$ose .a,ts, I &elie*e !o' ,o'ld "e*ail i. !o' s'ed "o e"l! 'nde" t$e %SIA2 o"t'nit! A,t, Title 1/, Se,tion 1J91, a,t'all! .o"&ids t'"nin# !o' do0n .o" la,+ o. a so,ial se,'"it! n'-&e", es e,iall! i.

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


I ,an tell !o' t0o t$in#s 0it$o't .ea" o. ,ont"adi,tion @ 718 to "e@lea"n $isto"! and t$e t"'e la0s 0$i,$ a l! to !o' 0ill ta+e ,onside"a&le e..o"t and atien,e on !o'" a"t3 and 7(8 it 0ill &e 0o"t$ e*e"! se,ond and e*e"! #"ated ne"*e t$at !o' e1 end in t$e "o,ess 0$en !o' ,an on,e a#ain ,lait$e &i"t$"i#$t t$at is "i#$t.'ll! !o'"s2 %o" t$ose o. !o' "eadin# t$is &oo+, t$e at$ 0ill &e so-e0$at si- le" t$an it 0as .o" -e2 W$en I e-&a"+ed on t$is =o'"ne! &a,+ to ."eedo-, I .o'nd no -a laid o't .o" -e2 I sta"ted 0it$ a dee @seated desi"e to "e#ain t$e ."eedo- 0$i,$ -! .o"$e"s died to "o*ide -e2 I didnSt e*en +no0 0$et$e" o" not s',$ ."eedo- still e1isted on t$e .a,e o. t$is ea"t$2 Yo' do not $a*e to sta"t 0$e"e I sta"ted2 T$is &oo+ alone 0ill #i*e !o' t$e &asi,s t$at !o' 0ill need to s',,ess.'ll! ,o- lete !o'" =o'"ne!2 Yo' $a*e &'t to ,o-e 0it$ an o en -ind and a st"on# desi"e to &e t"'l! ."ee, and t$is &oo+, alon# 0it$ t$e additional #'idan,e and in.o"-ation "o*ided $e"ein, ,an -a+e !o'" =o'"ne! &a,+ to ."eedo- as eas! and ainless as ossi&le2 Yo'Sll still $a*e -an! ,$allen#es, and t$e"e 0ill &e t$in#s t$at !o' $a*e al0a!s ta+en .o" #"anted t$at 0ill &e,o-e $a"d o" i- ossi&le to a,$ie*e o" ossess2 T"! to &elie*e one t$in# @ 0$at !o' 0ill $a*e, i. s',,ess.'l, is 0o"t$ -an! ti-es -o"e t$an an!t$in# !o' ,o'ld ossi&l! #i*e ' 3 &e,a'se t"'e ."eedois 0o"t$ -o"e t$an all t$e ot$e" ossessions 0$i,$ !o' -a! $a*e 0$ile on t$is ea"t$2 O'" .o"$e"s 'nde"stood t$at2 M! onl! desi"e is to $a*e !o' "e,ei*e t$e o o"t'nit! to e1 e"ien,e 0$at I $a*e al"ead! a"ta+en o.2 T$e"e is -o"e o0e" in n'-&e"s2 We -'st stand to#et$e", o" 0e a"e doo-ed to stand 7and .all8 alone2 Standin# alone a#ainst t$ose 0$o 0o'ld steel !o'" ."eedo- ,o'ld &e .atal2 Best o. l',+ to all A-e"i,ans e*e"!0$e"e2

Go Ble!! A$erica!!!!

T$e G"eatest Sto"! Ne*e" Told


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