Haagen Dazs Honey Bee

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John Derick E. Flores Haagen-Dazs Loves Honey Bees A Cause-Marketing Ca !aign ". What role did research play?


Prior to launching their ca !aign# $aagen-Da%s utili%e& 'ocus grou!s as their research etho&olog( to kno) &ee!er the senti ents an& o!inions o' !eo!le regar&ing the issue o' the *ees+ &ecline. ,n this )a(# the( anage& to ha-e a t)o-)a( co unication )hich allo)e&

$aagen-Da%s to reall( connect )ith the !artici!ants o' their 'ocus grou!s. Further ore# the( )ere starting to 'ul'ill their goals- )hich )as to raise a)areness a*out the issue# engage the it# an& ake the !roacti-e a&-ocates. .heir research in

a&e their !u*lic relations acti-ities

ore strategic as it ensure& that )hat the( are co targete& to the !u*lics )ho care& a*out the issue.

unicating is s!eci'icall( &esigne& an&


etho&olog( ena*le& the e otional connection )ith their consu ers that

/)e+re this together0. Fin&ing out that their consu ers care a*out )hat the( eat an& )here it ca e 'ro # the( i&enti'ie& a co together. on !oint )herein $aagen-Da%s an& the !eo!le can )ork on

1. What are the benefits of a multi-faceted public relations plan compared to a media relations plan? As state& *( its &e'inition# public relations /!ro-i&es an organi%ation

or in&i-i&ual e2!osure to their au&iences using to!ics o' !u*lic interest an& ne)s ite s that &o not re3uire &irect !a( ent0. ,t !ersua&es their !u*lics to ha-e a certain !oint o' -ie) a*out the co !an(# its !ro&ucts or ser-ices an& the like.

4n the other han&# media relations in-ol-es /)orking )ith -arious in'or ing the !u*lic o' an organi%ation5s an& cre&i*le

e&ia 'or the !ur!ose o'

ission# !olicies an& !ractices in a !ositi-e# consistent

anner0. ,t also re3uires &irect coor&ination )ith the !eo!le res!onsi*le 'or ass e&ia such as re!orters# *loggers# !rint e&itors

!ro&ucing the ne)s an& 'eatures in the an& 6ournalists.

7o)# to &ra) the line *et)een the t)o# i !le enting a

e&ia relations !lan is 6ust one istaken 'or *eing

si&e o' i !le enting the !u*lic relations !lan itsel'. Pu*lic relations is usuall( a

e&ia relations acti-it( alone# *ut that is not true. $a-ing an all-aroun& holistic !u*lic relations

!lan gi-es the *ran&8co !an( a *etter connection to the !eo!le *( ha-ing acti-ities *esi&es e&ia relations# such as hosting e-ents# anaging )eekl( cause-relate& ne)sletters# gi-ing

a)ar&s to stakehol&ers# or launching ca !aigns that a&here to a s!eci'ic societal a&-ocac( such as $aagen-Da%s+.

$aagen-Da%s )as a*le to success'ull( engage consu ers in a heart'elt

anner *( using

an( &i''erent !u*lic relations strategies. $aagen-Da%s utili%e& strategic !hilanthro!(# acti-is # s!ecial e-ents# au&ience !artici!ation# !u*licit(# an& ne)s)orth( in'or ation to hel! &ri-e their $Dlo-es$B ca !aign. As entione&# the( 'urthere& their e&ia relations *( !ro-i&ing the

ne)s)orth( in'or ation to hel! get the )or& out an& it !ai& large &i-i&en&s 'or the # *ut again# it+s 6ust one !art o' their ulti-'acete& ca !aign. .he BE7EF,.9

3. Why is it important to reach out to influencers? Bran&s# *ig or s all# ha-e ta!!e& the ser-ices o' ke( in'luencers to hel! !ro ote their !ro&ucts 'or (ears. .he( &i& this usuall( through s!onsorshi! or !ro&uct en&orse ent *( s!orts !ro'essionals# !o! stars or actors. But ne2t 'ro !ro&uct en&orse ent is the !o)er o' a

6ournalist# *logger# author or critic. .hrough *logging# .)itter# Face*ook#:ou.u*e an& other

online social !lat'or s# al ost an(one can !otentiall( *e an in'luencer. E-er(&a( !eo!le criti3ue an(thing un&er the sun# an& so e o' the ha-e great in'luence a ong their !eers an& a(

ha-e hun&re&s to thousan&s o' 'rien&s or 'ollo)ers.

An in'luencer# )ith a su*stantial au&ience# has the great !otential to sha!e a rea&er+s a)areness an& actions in )a(s other connection e&ia channels cannot *ecause there is a ore /hu an0

a&e. .he( ena*le !eo!le to ta! into trust# create a&-ocac( an& generate insights. arketing !lan#

B( incor!orating rele-ant in'luencers that can ins!ire action 'or a co !an(+s au&iences coul& *e reache& )ith ca !aign

essages that are cre&i*le an& truste&.

;ike in $aagen-Da%s+ case# the( enliste& the hel! o' *ee e2!erts to create the ke( essages 'or the ca !aign# )hich the( ho!e& )oul& *e a*sor*e& *( o!inion lea&ers in the target !u*lic an& then *e !asse& on through )or&-o'- outh. .he organi%ation &i& a goo& 6o* in seeking out !eo!le )ho care& a*out the issue an& utili%ing e2!erts on the su*6ect to s!rea& the )or& through co e&ia. B( announcing the ca !aign 'irst to the *eekee!ing an& scienti'ic the 'iel& )ere ha!!( to ser-e as *ran& a *assa&ors )ho hel!e&

unit(# e2!erts 'ro

s!rea& the )or& a*out the ca !aign )ithin the in&ustr( an& to other i !ortant in'luencers.

4. What no!-available social media tools could "etchum have considered?

<. Ho! !ould you develop the ne#t step of the Haagen Dazs Loves Honey Bees campaign?

$aagen-Da%s create& an a&-isor( to &eli-er the ca !aign co unication )ith *eekee!ers.

essages an& enhance

Conse3uences= consu er interestgot !ro'it increase. ore than 1>> "#?@> uni3ue ne)s !lace ents.#)on an( a)ar&s illion e&ia i !ressions an& ore than

.he *ran& organi%e& outreach !rogra s such as &onation an& the &istri*ution o' *ee-'rien&l( 'lo)er see&s in an e''ort to *uil& a !ositi-e i age. $aagen-Da%s sa) the o!!ortunit( to 6oin the 'ight to hel! restore the hone( *ee colonies# an& then &o inate the crisis ai s at *urnishing the *ran& an& 'uture &e-elo! ent e-en though there is not a crucial crisis ha!!ene& to itsel'. Further ore# the $aagen-Da%s ;o-es $one( Bees ca !aign )as success'ull( launche& 'ollo)ing three sets o' goals )hich )ere *usiness# a)areness8co !rehension# an& *eha-ior. .he conse3uences o' ca !aign &e onstrate& that ho) to take a&-antage o' )eaknesses in gaining the sales arket. Moreo-er# , think the logo o' $aagen-Da%s ;o-es $one( Bees

ca !aign also )as an i !ressi-e &esign an& )on nu erous a)ar&s at the sa e ti e.

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