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12/11/13 - Ireland's Health Services

The HSE provide s all of Ire land's public he alth se rvice s, in hospitals and com m unitie s across the country Se arch HSE Site : Advance d Se arch

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Latest News

Project to build a new Paediatric Outpatient Unit for Patients with Cystic Fibrosis underway at Galway University Hospitals
10.12.2013 10.12.2013 10.12.2013

West Cork Arts for Health programme launches its 2013-2016 Strategy Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe is now a smoke free campus GUH leads international training on revolutionary new treatment for high blood pressure / stroke prevention
09.12.2013 10.12.2013 09.12.2013

GUH Choral Society - Supporting Arts Projects for Hospital Patients HSE Statement New campaign aims to get Gonorrhoea prevention messages trending on Twitter #OMGsti

HSE Primary Care Facilities become Tobacco Free Campuses

C lick he re for m ore ne ws...

Ne w cam paign aim s to ge t Gonorrhoe a pre ve ntion m e ssage s tre nding on Twitte r #O MGsti Dublin AIDS Alliance , the Union of Stude nts Ire land, SpunO , the HSE C risis Pre gnancy ...


12/11/13 - Ireland's Health Services

It m ay not happe n e ve ry tim e .but whe n it doe s, Johnnys got you cove re d A m e ssage from Think C ontrace ption

Tak ing antibiotics for colds and flu? The re 's no point Ge t advice on how to re cove r without antibiotics

Kids de sign the ir own supe rbugs


12/11/13 - Ireland's Health Services

Poste rs de signe d by childre n for scie nce we e k 2013

Your Guide to Me dical C ards All about m e dical cards; who is e ligible , how to apply and the asse ssm e nt proce ss.

R e fe re nce Pricing The HSE now pays a se t price for groups of inte rchange able m e dicine s. It's be ing introduc...

safe food C am paign tak ing on C hildhood O be sity The HSE is part of the safe food cam paign which is he lping pare nts to tack le ove rwe ight and...

Donal W alsh Live Life Donal W alsh Live Life - An online vide o produce d by the HSE's National O ffice for Suicide P...


12/11/13 - Ireland's Health Services

W inte r Flu Advice The flu se ason is he re . The flu vaccine prote cts against the flu, so pe ople in risk group...

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