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Weonmee Park (partner) is a Korean patent attorney. She received her BS in

biology from Seoul National University, and her PhD in molecular biology from
the University of Southern California. In addition, she recently completed her
Masters in IP from Franklin Pierce Law Center, where she was awarded the
Graduate Student Award for excellence in the study of IP. While there she also
successfully completed a patent map project on an HIV DNA vaccine for the
Public Intellectual Property Resource of Agriculture (PIPRA).

Before entering the patent profession, she has worked for SAMSUNG Biomedical
Research Instituite where she researched gene therapy of solid tumors using a
variety of molecular biological and biochemical techniques, and for Applied
Biosystems, where she worked on the genetic analysis systems. She is also the
author of more than 10 scientific papers.

She gained considerable experience in IP law through her work with the IP law
firms, YOUME and KOREANA, and the invention company, Intellecutual Ventures,
Korea. There she did patent drafting & prosecution, patent infringiment and
validity analysis in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical and chemistry fields,
working constructivley with foreign/domestic counsels and clients. She is fluent
in English and has technical command of Japanese. She is a member of the
Korean Patent Attorneys Association and Korean Molecular Biology Society and
has presented IP seminars at various universities for the Korean Invention
Promotion Association.

Ji-Young Kim is a Korean patent attorney. She received her BS and MS in

pharmacy from Seoul National University and is a licensed pharmacist. Before
entering the IP profession, she worked for the pharmaceutical company, Amore
Pacific, where she researched on the sustained drug delivery system and drug

She previously worked with the IP law firms Won International and Suh &
Partners. There she drafted and sucessfully prosecuted many patent applications
for major pharma and biotech companies from Korea, Europe and the US. She
is fluent in English and has technical command of Japanese. She is a member
of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association and Korean Pharmacist Association.


Kyong-Kyu Noh is a Korean Patent Attorney. He received his BS in chemical

and biological engineering from Seoul National University.

He previously worked with the IP law firms YOUME and DAWOOL. He has
particular experience in the drafting and prosecution of patent applications for
chemistry interfaced with DNA and protein biology. He is proficient in English
and has technical command of Japanese. He is a member of the Korean Patent
Attorneys Association and active in promoting IP awarness with Korean biotech
venture companies.

Nam-Young Kim is a Korean Patent Attorney. She received her BS in food

and nutrition from Seould National University and her LLM from Korea Univeristy.

She previously worked with the IP law firms Lee International and S.Y.CHA. There
she succefully represented many international companies in chemistry and
biotechnology area. She is proficient in English and has technical command of
Japanese. She is a member of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association.


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