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com!etensive eve"o!ment o# heritage $ith a m%"ti isci!"inary a!!roach& I OBJECTIVES

Conservation '"ooming o# !%("ic interest in o%r history an environment "e to a c"imate o# s%!!ort #rom )overnment& To conserve the tangi("e an intangi("e heritage to !ass it on to !osterity& A ra!i e*!ansion in the n%m(er o# !ro#essiona"s, more money #or series o# "egis"ative an !o"icy eve"o!ment "ea to a

conservation an

socia" c"imate $hich no$

eman s that the !%("ic has access to the

nat%ra" an man+ma e heritage& Th%s, conservation is not on"y "iving (%t a"so $or,ing environment invo"ving a $ho"e comm%nity& -./ conce!t%a" an conte*t%a" !reservation o# (%i"t heritage& -0/ Conserving "an sca!e, $et "an s -1/ Area conservation #rom regiona" to %r(an conservation to Nationa"& -2/ )eneration o# movea("e c%"t%ra" !ro!erty -m%se%m o(3ects, anti4%ities etc/& -5/ 6reservation o# c%"t%ra" heritage "i,e m%sic, ance, tra itions, (e"ie#s& 7o", Art, rites an rit%a"s etc&


AWARENESS in#orma" metho s #or o%r

To create a$areness %sing (oth #orma" an

heritage, its im!ortance an res!onsi(i"ity o# mass to !reserve it& .& to act as a !ress%re gro%! to motivate the !eo!"e #or sa#eg%ar ing o%r common heritage& 0& To in#orm an e %cate the comm%nity a(o%t the tangi("e an intangi("e heritage thro%gh $or,sho!s, seminars, e*hi(itions, !ersona"

interaction, s"i e+sho$s, a% io+vis%a" sho$s etc& 1& Wor,sho!s can (e #or an at vario%s "eve"s "i,e teacher training, #or st% ents -o# vario%s age gro%!/ vi""age "eve" instit%tions an target gro%!s& 2& To con %ct an %n erta,en !ro3ects to raise a$areness among the other

comm%nity at the grass root "eve"& III RESEARCH

A!!"ie research in re"ation to conservation& To %n erta,e research an oc%mentation o# (%i"t, nat%ra" an c%"t%ra" heritage& The conce!t o#

heritage may (e %niversa", (%t !eo!"es gras! o# that conce!t is entire"y historica" an changes $ith each en#ranchisement& So i# heritage is a

re#"ection o# h%man ,in s s!irit%a" nee s, then it ne*t (e so recor e , 3%st as i eas have (ee !reserve thro%gho%t history not on"y (y their !hysica"

evi ence (%t a"so (y virt%e o# their meaning& Com!rehensive s%rvey o# areas (%i" ings an other historica""y

im!ortant str%ct%res a"ong $ith their meso an micro environment&

8oc%ment the (%i"t heritage as in its !resent state an hitherto %sing techni4%es "i,e !hotogra!hy, gra!hics an ra$ings&

its evo"%tion con3ect%ra"

We a"so aim at s%rveying an

oc%mentation o# o%r nat%ra" heritage

high"ighting the sym(iotic re"ationshi! e*isting $ithin the ecosystem& O%r mora" conce!t an !erce!tions change to one oesn9t ,no$

$hether $or,s o# art, c%"t%re an tra itions etc $i"" (e seen in #%t%re in the same $ay as $e imagine to ay so $e a"so aim at s%rvey an oc%menting the c%"t%ra" heritage as it e*ists in site& To %n erta,e an !rovi e #or the !%("ication o# 3o%rna"s, !a!ers, oc%mente materia" an even (oo,s etc& to

!erio ic ne$s"etters,

isseminate in#ormation on the s%(3ect an the activities o# the society& IV ENHANCEMENT

Art re#"ects history an it moves in a "inear #ashion #rom one cent%ry to other& I# $e onot !reserve o%r !ast #or to ay9s a% ience, their ,no$"e ge an e*!erience o# o%r c%"t%re $i"" (e sa "y im!overishe & So $e are right to $on er ho$ $e $i"" (e remem(ere !ro %ce & Th%s, o%r society see,s to$ar s the enhancement o# ,no$"e ge an %n erstan ing o# the vario%s sta,eho" ers #or an integrate s%staina("e eve"o!ment o# o%r heritage& Organise seminars, con#erences an #or%m #or e(ates to strengthen the coo!eration among vario%s agencies at "oca", nationa" an internationa" "eve"s& an thro%gh the heritage $e have

8eve"o!ing metho s an too"s #or !romoting an achieving the #oa"s o# o%r organisation&

:n erta,ing an organising c%"t%ra" tri!s& To create ata(an, an "i(rary #or storage o# in#ormation, $e(site #or e##ective issemination o# in#ormation an !romotion o# activities o#

organsiaiton& To e*ten o%r technica" an ine##ect%a" he"! #or a"rea y esta("ishe

m%se%ms to (e #orme in #%t%re& :sing me ia (oth !rint an e"ectronic as on e##ective too" #or achieving o%r o(3ectives& Managing the enhancement o# Heritage thro%gh to%rism (oth at intro an inter mar,et o# the $or" &

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