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PERSONALITY 1) According to Gordon Allport, _______ is defined as t!e d"na#ic organi$ation %it!in t!e indi&id'al of t!ose ps"c!op!

"sical s"ste#s t!at deter#ine !is 'ni('e ad)'st#ents to !is en&iron#ent* A) cogniti&e dissonance +) e#otional contagion C) personality ,) e#otional intelligence E) e#otional la-or .) ________ is t!e s'# total of %a"s in %!ic! an indi&id'al reacts to and interacts %it! ot!ers* A) Talent +) S/ill 0) 1no%ledge ,) Intelligence E) Personality 2) 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing state#ents is tr'e a-o't personalit"4 A) Personalit" is independent of t!e en&iron#ental factors* +) Personalit" is static* 0) T!e #ost co##on #eans of #eas'ring personalit" is t!ro'g! personal inter&ie%s* ,) Personalit" is not affected -" !ereditar" factors* E) Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. 5) T!e #ost co##on #eans of #eas'ring personalit" is t!ro'g! ________* A) in6dept! inter&ie% B) self-report surveys 0) foc's gro'p ,) case st'dies E) factor anal"sis 7) According to researc!, %!ic! of t!e follo%ing factors is #ost li/el" to infl'ence personalit" t!an ot!ers4 A) ed'cation B) heredity 0) friends ,) #oods E) econo#ic -ac/gro'nd 18) 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing is not one of t!e fi&e factors incl'ded in t!e +ig 9i&e #odel4 A) agreea-leness +) conscientio'sness C) intuitiveness ,) e#otional sta-ilit" E) e:tro&ersion 1;) 3!ic! di#ension of t!e +ig 9i&e #odel refers to an indi&id'al<s propensit" to defer to ot!ers4 A) conscientio'sness B) agreeableness

0) e:tro&ersion ,) openness to e:perience E) e#otional sta-ilit" .?) According to t!e +ig 9i&e @odel, a person %!o scores ________ is easil" distracted, disorgani$ed, and 'nrelia-le* A) lo% on e#otional sta-ilit" +) !ig! on openness to e:perience 0) lo% on agreea-leness ,) !ig! on e:tra&ersion E) low on conscientiousness .1) According to t!e +ig 9i&e @odel, people %!o score !ig! on t!e ________ di#ension are creati&e, c'rio's, and artisticall" sensiti&e* A) e#otional sta-ilit" +) e:tro&ersion C) openness to experience ,) agreea-leness E) conscientio'sness ..) According to t!e +ig 9i&e @odel, a !ig!l" conscientio's person is #ost li/el" to -e ________* A) gregario's, asserti&e, and socia-le +) ner&o's, an:io's, depressed, and insec're 0) creati&e, c'rio's, and artisticall" sensiti&e D) responsible organi!ed dependable and persistent E) reser&ed, ti#id, and ('iet .2) 3!ic! di#ension of t!e +ig 9i&e #odel is a #eas're of relia-ilit"4 A) e:tro&ersion +) agreea-leness C) conscientiousness ,) openness to e:perience E) e#otional sta-ilit" .5) @arina lo&es to &isit a ne% co'ntr" e&er" "ear* Aer !o--ies are &isiting #'se'#s, painting, tra&eling, and learning ne% lang'ages* 3!ic! di#ension of t!e +ig 9i&e #odel -est descri-es @arina, according to !er !o--ies4 A) e:tro&ersion +) agreea-leness 0) conscientio'sness D) openness to experience E) e#otional sta-ilit" .7) ________ is as i#portant for #anagers as for front6line e#plo"ees and a#ong all -ig fi&e traits, t!is trait is #ost consistentl" related to )o- perfor#ance* A) E:tro&ersion +) Agreea-leness C) Conscientiousness ,) E#otional sta-ilit" E) Openness to e:perience

.=) T!e ________ di#ension of t!e +ig 9i&e @odel addresses range of interests and fascination %it! no&elt"* A) agreea-leness +) conscientio'sness C) openness to experience ,) e:tra&ersion E) e#otional sta-ilit" .>) 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing +ig 9i&e traits is #ost strongl" related to life satisfaction, )osatisfaction, and lo% stress le&els4 ") emotional stability +) e:tro&ersion 0) openness to e:perience ,) agreea-leness E) conscientio'sness .8) 3it! reference to t!e +ig 9i&e @odel, %!ic! of t!e follo%ing state#ents is tr'e regarding !ig!l" agreea-le people4 ") #hey tend to do better in interpersonally oriented $obs such as customer service. +) T!e" are less co#pliant and less r'le a-iding t!an t!ose %!o score lo% on agreea-leness* 0) T!e" are #ore li/el" to engage in organi$ational de&iance* ,) T!e" are e:cellent negotiators* E) T!e" are especiall" s'scepti-le to %or/place accidents .;) 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing differentiates intro&erts fro# e:tra&erts4 A) As co#pared to e:tra&erts, intro&erts tend to -e !appier in t!eir )o-s and in t!eir li&es as a %!ole* +) Intro&erts are #ore sociall" do#inant t!an e:tra&erts* 0) Intro&erts e:perience #ore positi&e e#otions t!an e:tra&erts* ,) Intro&erts are generall" #ore asserti&e t!an e:tra&erts* E) %ntroverts are less impulsive than extraverts. 2?) 3!" are agreea-le people 's'all" less s'ccessf'l in t!eir careers4 A) T!e" aren<t !app" in t!eir li&es* +) T!e" aren<t li/ed -" s'periors* 0) T!e" don<t #a/e #an" friends* D) #hey don&t negotiate well. E) T!e" are prone to i#p'lsi&e -e!a&ior*

E#otions and #odesB

1* A !as ____ po%er o&er + if A can dis#iss, s'spend, or de#ote +, ass'#ing t!at + &al'es !is or !er )o-* Referent Re%ard Legiti#ate 0oerci&e

1) 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing is a generic ter# t!at co&ers a -road range of feelings t!at people e:perience4


A) affect +) e#otions 0) #oods ,) e#otional la-or E) cognition Ans%erB A 3. 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing ter#s -est descri-es intense feelings t!at are directed at so#eone or so#et!ing4 A) affect +) cognition 0) #oods ,) e#otional la-or E) e#otions Ans%erB E 4. 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing ter#s -est descri-es feelings t!at tend to -e less intense t!an e#otions4 A) affect +) cognition 0) #oods ,) t!o'g!ts E) reactions Ans%erB 0 5. .?) E#otions are ________* A) independent of t!e personalit" of indi&id'als +) strongl" affected -" %eat!er 0) less intense as co#pared to #oods ,) less li/el" to -e ca'sed -" a specific e&ent t!an #oods E) critical to rational t!in/ing Ans%erB E 6. On %!ic! of t!e follo%ing da"s do people tend to -e in t!eir -est #oods4 A) @onda" +) T'esda" 0) 3ednesda" ,) Sat'rda" E) S'nda" Ans%erB , 7. On %!ic! da" of t!e %ee/ does negati&e affect tend to -e t!e !ig!est4 A) S'nda"s +) @onda"s 0) T'esda"s ,) 3ednesda"s E) T!'rsda"s Ans%erB + 8. At %!at ti#e d'ring t!e da" is t!e positi&e #ood #ost li/el" to pea/4 A) > a#

+) 11 a# 0) 2 p# ,) > p# E) 1? p# Ans%erB 0 9. 3!at effect do stressf'l e&ents t"picall" !a&e on #ood4 A) s!ort ter# positi&e +) long ter# positi&e 0) s!ort ter# positi&e -'t long ter# negati&e ,) negati&e E) positi&e Ans%erB , 10. E#otions last longer t!an #oods* Ans%erB 9ALSE 11. People tend to -e in t!eir -est #oods on S'nda"* Ans%erB 9ALSE

Po%er and politics

1.Power refers to a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B, so that B acts in accordance with As wishes. 2. Leaders use power as a means of attaining group goals. Leaders achieve goals, and power is a means of facilitating their achievement. (true) 2* At t!e organi$ational le&el, A !as coercive power o&er + if A can dis#iss, s'spend, or de#ote +, ass'#ing t!at + &al'es !is or !er )o-* 5* Re%ard po%erB Re%ard po%er e:ists %!en one person -elie&es anot!er person can and %ill pro&ide or %it!!old re%ards* 7* legiti#ate po%erB e:ists %!en one -elie&es t!at anot!er person !as t!e rig!t to infl'ence !is or !er decision* T!e po%er a person recei&es as a res'lt of !is or !er position in t!e for#al !ierarc!" of an organi$ation* =* Referent Cc!aris#atic) po%er, e:ists %!en one person finds anot!er personalit" attracti&e and %ants to %ants to -e associated %it! or affiliated %it! t!at person* >* e:pert po%er, e:ists %!n one person -elie&es anot!er person !as desired e:pertise and is %illing to s!are or %it!!old it* 8* Reso'rce po%erB e:ists %!en one person -eli&es t!at anot!er person !as desired Cnon e:pert) reso'rces and is %illing to s!are or %it!!old t!e#* ;* 3!ic! po%er is #ore effecti&e4 Ce:pert po%er) it !as strong relations!ip to perfor#ance and satisfaction* 1?* political -e!a&iorB actions not officiall" sanctioned -" an organi$ation t!at are ta/en to infl'ence ot!ers in order to #eet oneDs personal goals* 11* all of t!e follo%ing factors contri-'te to political -e!a&ior in organi$ations* i*e* lo% tr'st, role a#-ig'it", de#ocratic decisions, scaricit" of reso'rcs*

Chapter ' (oundations of )roup Behavior

*+,#%P,E C-.%CE ,efining and 0lassif"ing Gro'ps 1>1


3!ic! one of t!e follo%ing c!aracteristics is not part of a definition of a gro'p4 a* interdependent -* t%o or #ore #e#-ers c* organi$ationall" assigned goals d* interacting CcE 0!allengingE p* .1;) .* _____ gro'ps are defined -" t!e organi$ationDs str'ct're* a* Infor#al -* 9or#al c* 9riends!ip d* Interest C-E @oderateE p* .1;) 2* Infor#al gro'psB a* appear in response to t!e need for social contact* -* are detri#ental in t!e %or/place* c* s!o'ld -e for#ed o'tside of %or/ing !o'rs* d* are defined -" t!e organi$ation str'ct're* CaE @oderateE p* .1;) 5* 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing is not a s'-6classification of gro'ps4 a* co##and -* tas/ c* %or/ d* friends!ip CcE @oderateE p* .1;) 7* T!ree e#plo"ees fro# different depart#ents %!o reg'larl" eat l'nc! toget!er are an e:a#ple of aCan) _____ gro'p* a* for#al -* infor#al c* co##and d* tas/ C-E Eas"E p* .1;) =* 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing state#ents is tr'e4 a* All tas/ gro'ps are also co##and gro'ps* -* All co##and gro'ps are also tas/ gro'ps* c* All tas/ gro'ps are also friends!ip gro'ps* d* All co##and gro'ps are also infor#al gro'ps* C-E @oderateE p* ..?) >* T!e gro'p t"pe t!at is deter#ined -" t!e organi$ation c!art isB a* t!e friends!ip gro'p* -* t!e interest gro'p* c* t!e reference gro'p* d* t!e co##and gro'p* CdE @oderateE p* .1;) 1>.


3!ic! one of t!e follo%ing gro'ps is organi$ationall" deter#ined4 a* friends!ip -* tas/ c* interest d* Fol&o o%ners C-E @oderateE p* ..?) ;* T!e gro'p t"pe t!at is not li#ited to its i##ediate !ierarc!ical s'perior -'t can cross co##and relations!ips is t!eB a* tas/ gro'p* -* co##and gro'p* c* interest gro'p* d* friends!ip gro'p* CaE @oderateE p* ..?) 1?* 0o##and gro'ps are alsoB a* infor#al gro'ps* -* tas/ gro'ps* c* friends!ip gro'ps* d* interest gro'ps* C-E Eas"E p* ..?) 11* Social alliances -ased on s'pport for Notre ,a#e foot-all is an e:a#ple of a ____ gro'p* a* for#al -* co##and c* friends!ip d* tas/ CcE Eas"E p* ..?) 1.* E#plo"ees %!o -and toget!er to see/ i#pro&ed %or/ing conditions for# aCn) _____ gro'p* a* social -* s'pport c* interest d* %or/ CcE @oderateE p* ..?) 12* 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing state#ents #ost acc'ratel" descri-es interest gro'ps4 a* T!e" are longer lasting t!an co##and gro'ps* -* T!e" rarel" satisf" t!e needs of #e#-ers* c* T!e" are for#ed -eca'se of so#e co##on interest* d* T!e" are not fo'nd in #an'fact'ring organi$ations* CcE @oderateE p* ..?) 15* 3!ic! of t!e follo%ing is not a reason people )oin gro'ps4 a* sec'rit" -* stat's c* e('it" d* po%er 1>2

CcE @oderateE E:!* 861, p* ..1) Stages of Gro'p ,e&elop#ent 17* T!e stages of gro'p de&elop#ent areB a* idea generation, i#ple#entation, ter#ination* -* introd'ction, !ig! prod'cti&it", decline* c* initiation, e&ol'tion, #at'ration, decline* d* for#ing, stor#ing, nor#ing, perfor#ing, ad)o'rning* CdE @oderateE E:!* 86., p* ..1) 1=* 3!ic! is not one of t!e stages in t!e fi&e6stage gro'p6de&elop#ent #odel4 a* for#ing -* %or#ing c* stor#ing d* nor#ing C-E Eas"E E:!* 86.E p*..1) 1>* T!e stage in gro'p de&elop#ent %!ic! is c!aracteri$ed -" 'ncertaint" isB a* nor#ing* -* stor#ing* c* for#ing* d* perfor#ing* CcE Eas"E p* ..?) 18* 3!ic! is t!e stage of gro'p de&elop#ent c!aracteri$ed -" close relations!ips and co!esi&eness4 a* -onding -* nor#ing c* perfor#ing d* stor#ing C-E @oderateE p* ..1) 1;* In t!e second stage of gro'p de&elop#entB a* close relations!ips are de&eloped* -* t!e gro'p de#onstrates co!esi&eness* c* intragro'p conflict often occ'rs* d* t!e )o- tas/ is perfor#ed* CcE 0!allengingE p* ..1)


After %!ic! stage of a gro'pDs de&elop#ent is t!ere a relati&el" clear !ierarc!" of leaders!ip %it!in t!e gro'p4 a* nor#ing -* stor#ing c* for#ing d* perfor#ing C-E @oderateE p* ..1)



After %!ic! stage of a gro'pDs de&elop#ent !as t!e gro'p for#ed a co##on set of e:pectations of #e#-er -e!a&iors4 a* nor#ing -* stor#ing c* for#ing d* perfor#ing CaE Eas"E p* ..1) ..* 3!en t!e gro'p energ" is foc'sed on t!e tas/ at !and, t!e gro'p !as #o&ed to t!eB a* perfor#ing stage* -* nor#ing stage* c* stor#ing stage* d* ad)o'rning stage* CaE @oderateE p* ..1) .2* Te#porar" gro'ps %it! deadlines follo% t!e _____ #odel* a* socio#etr" -* fi&e6stage gro'p de&elop#ent c* p'nct'ated e('ili-ri'# d* cl'ster &ariance CcE @oderateE p* ...) .5* According to t!e p'nct'ated e('ili-ri'# #odel, all of t!e follo%ing are tr'e a-o't gro'ps e:ceptB a* t!e first #eeting sets t!e gro'pDs direction* -* a transition ta/es place at t!e end of t!e first p!ase %!ic! occ'rs e:actl" %!en t!e gro'p !as 'sed 'p one t!ird of its allotted ti#e* c* t!e first p!ase of gro'p acti&it" is one of inertia* d* t!e gro'pDs last #eeting is c!aracteri$ed -" #ar/edl" accelerated acti&it"* C-E 0!allengingE p* ...) .7* According to t!e p'nct'ated e('ili-ri'# #odel, gro'ps tend to e:perience _____ a-o't !alf%a" -et%een t!e first #eeting and t!e official deadline* a* inertia -* stagnation c* reinforce#ent of t!e initial fi:ed co'rse d* G#id6life crisisH CdE @oderateE p* ..2) Gro'p Processes >?* _____ is an action of t%o or #ore s'-stances t!at res'lts in an effect t!at is different fro# t!e indi&id'al s'##ation of t!e s'-stances* a* +rainstor#ing -* Po%er diff'sion c* S"nerg" d* Effecti&eness CcE Eas"E p* .28)



3!ic! of t!e follo%ing is an e:a#ple of negati&e s"nerg"4 a* researc! tea#s %or/ing toget!er, #a/ing 'se of di&erse #e#-er s/ills -* social loafing c* process gain d* . I . J 7 C-E @oderateE p* .28) >.* _____ refers to t!e tendenc" for perfor#ance to i#pro&e or decline in response to t!e presence of ot!ers* a* Social loafing effect -* S"nerg" c* Social facilitation effect d* Negati&e s"nerg" CcE @oderateE pp* .286.2;) Gro'p Tas/s >2* A gro'p c!aracteri$ed -" poor co##'nication, %ea/ leaders!ip, and !ig! le&els of conflict %illB a* -e lo% perfor#ing* -* -e !ig! perfor#ing* c* dis-and d'e to ina-ilit" to perfor#* d* still -e effecti&e if t!e tas/s are si#ple and re('ire little interdependence a#ong gro'p #e#-ers* CdE 0!allengingE p* .2;) #/+E0(",1E ,efining and 0lassif"ing Gro'ps 8=* A gro'p #'st !a&e at least t%o #e#-ers and one or #ore o-)ecti&es* CTr'eE @oderateE p* .1;) 8>* @e#-ers in a gro'p are interdependent* CTr'eE Eas"E p* .1;) 88* T!e tas/s in gro'ps %it!in an organi$ation #'st -e directed to%ard organi$ational goals* C9alseE @oderateE p* .1;) 8;* 0o##and and tas/ gro'ps are dictated -" t!e for#al organi$ation %!ereas interest and friends!ip gro'ps are not* CTr'eE @oderateE p* ..?) ;?* All tas/ gro'ps are also co##and gro'ps* C9alseE @oderateE p* ..?) ;1* 3!ile co##and gro'ps are deter#ined -" t!e organi$ation c!art, tas/, interest, and friends!ip gro'ps de&elop -eca'se of t!e necessit" to satisf" oneDs %or/ and social needs* C9alseE @oderateE p* ..?) 1>=


T!e t"pes of interactions a#ong indi&id'als, e&en t!o'g! infor#al, deepl" affect t!eir -e!a&ior and perfor#ance* CTr'eE @oderateE p* ..?) ;2* T!ere is no single reason %!" indi&id'als )oin gro'ps* CTr'eE Eas"E p* ..?) ;5* ,ifferent gro'ps pro&ide different -enefits to t!eir #e#-ers* CTr'eE Eas"E p* ..?) Stages of Gro'p ,e&elop#ent ;7* Te#porar" gro'ps %it! tas/ specific deadlines follo% t!e fi&e6stage #odel of gro'p de&elop#ent* C9alseE @oderateE E:!* 86.E p* ..1) ;=* @ost conflicts are resol&ed -" t!e co#pletion of t!e first stage in a gro'pDs de&elop#ent* C9alseE @oderateE p* ..?) ;>* T!e nor#ing stage of gro'p de&elop#ent is c!aracteri$ed -" ca#araderie* CTr'eE @oderateE p* ..1) ;8* 9or per#anent %or/ gro'ps, perfor#ance is t!e last stage in t!eir de&elop#ent* CTr'eE 0!allengingE p* ..1) ;;* Knder so#e conditions, !ig! le&els of conflict are cond'ci&e to !ig! gro'p perfor#ance* CTr'eE @oderateE p* ...) 1??* T!e stages of gro'p de&elop#ent #'st occ'r se('entiall" and %ill ne&er occ'r si#'ltaneo'sl"* C9alseE @oderateE p* ...) 1?1* T!e fi&e6stage #odel of gro'p de&elop#ent ignores organi$ational conte:t* CTr'eE 0!allengingE p* ...) 1?.* In t!e p'nct'ated e('ili-ri'# #odel, t!e gro'pDs direction is ree:a#ined fre('entl" in t!e first !alf of t!e gro'pDs life and is li/el" to -e altered* C9alseE 0!allengingE p* ...) 1?2* T!e p'nct'ated e('ili-ri'# #odel c!aracteri$es gro'ps as e:!i-iting long periods of inertia interspersed %it! -rief re&ol'tionar" c!anges triggered pri#aril" -" #e#-ersD a%areness of ti#e and deadlines* CTr'eE 0!allengingE p* ..2) Gro'p Processes 15.* No #atter !o% %ell designed a gro'p is, it cannot create o'tp'ts greater t!an t!e s'# of its inp'ts* C9alseE @oderateE p* .28)


152* Social loafing is a case of negati&e s"nerg"* CTr'eE Eas"E p* .28) 155* T!e social facilitation effect refers to t!e tendenc" for perfor#ance to i#pro&e or decline in response to t!e presence of ot!ers* CTr'eE @oderateE p* .28) 157* T!e si$e6perfor#ance relations!ip is #oderated -" t!e gro'pDs tas/ re('ire#ents* CTr'eE @oderateE p* .2;) 15=* Effecti&e co##'nication and #ini#al le&els of conflict s!o'ld -e #ore rele&ant to gro'p perfor#ance %!en tas/s are interdependent* CTr'eE 0!allengingE p* .2;) 15>* Gro'p decisions generate !ig!er ('alit" decisions t!an indi&id'al decisions* CTr'eE Eas"E p* .5?) 158* Gro'p decisions are #ore li/el" to -e accepted t!an indi&id'al decisions* CTr'eE Eas"E p* .5?) 15;* Indi&id'al decisions are #ore ti#e cons'#ing t!an gro'p decisions* C9alseE @oderateE p* .5?) 17?* If a lo%6to6#edi'# a-ilit" person do#inates t!e gro'p, t!e gro'pDs o&erall effecti&eness %ill s'ffer* CTr'eE @oderateE p* .5?) 171* Gro'p decisions tend to -e #ore creati&e t!an indi&id'al decisions* CTr'eE Eas"E p* .5?) 17.* Gro'pt!in/ i#pro&es gro'p perfor#ance* C9alseE @oderateE p* .5.) 172* Gro'ps 's'all" #a/e #ore ris/" decisions t!an do indi&id'als* CTr'eE 0!allengingE p* .52) 175* T!e 0!allenger space s!'ttle disaster %as an e:a#ple of gro'ps!ift* C9alseE @oderateE p* .5.) 177* +rainstor#ing is li/el" to generate #ore creati&e alternati&es t!an 'se of face6to6face interacting gro'ps* CTr'eE @oderateE p* .55) 17=* T!e c!ief ad&antage of t!e no#inal gro'p tec!ni('e is t!at it per#its t!e gro'p to #eet for#all" -'t does not restrict independent t!in/ing, as does t!e interacting gro'p* CTr'eE 0!allengingE p* .57) 17>* One of t!e ad&antages of t!e electronic #eeting is t!at ideas are processed fast* CTr'eE @oderateE p* .57) 1>8


T!e pri#ar" contingenc" &aria-le #oderating t!e relations!ip -et%een gro'p processes and perfor#ance is t!e gro'pDs co!esi&eness* C9alseE 0!allengingE p* .5>) 1CE2"/%.-B"1ED 3+E1#%.21 Application of Stages of Gro'p ,e&elop#ent Astro Inc* is reorgani$ing and "o'r ne% %or/ gro'p -egins %or/ing toget!er on @onda" #orning* Yo'r college co'rse in organi$ational -e!a&ior contained infor#ation a-o't t!e stages of gro'p de&elop#ent and "o'r s'per&isor !as as/ed "o'r ad&ice a-o't t!e predicta-le stages of gro'p de&elop#ent* 17;* Yo' s!o'ld %arn "o'r s'per&isor t!at in t!e first stage of gro'p de&elop#ent, t!e tea# #e#-ers %ill pro-a-l"B a* -e 'ncertain* -* -e t!eir #ost prod'cti&e* c* -e a stage of conflict* d* foc's t!eir gro'p energ" on perfor#ing t!e tas/ at !and* CaE @oderateE pp* ..?6...) 1=?* Yo' are predicting t!at t!e #ost prod'cti&e stage %ill -eB a* for#ing* -* stor#ing* c* nor#ing* d* perfor#ing* CdE @oderateE pp* ..?6...) 1=1* T!e final stage for t!is per#anent %or/ gro'p s!o'ld -eB a* stor#ing* -* nor#ing* c* perfor#ing* d* ad)o'rning* CcE 0!allengingE pp* ..?6...) Application of E:!i-it 861? E&al'ating Gro'p Effecti&eness Laco- is t!e #anager of a %or/ gro'p and !as not -een a-le to assess t!e gro'pDs effecti&eness* T!e &ice president !as told Laco- t!at t!ere are #an" different effecti&eness criteria and t!at !is pro-le# #a" -e t!at !e !as not decided %!at !e %is!es to consider in anal"$ing t!e gro'p effecti&eness* Laco- !as disco&ered t!at an appropriate c!oice of t!e t"pe of gro'p 'sed #a" also -e an i#portant part of gro'p effecti&eness* 1>5* If co##it#ent to sol'tion is Laco-Ds effecti&eness criteria, t!e _____ t"pe of gro'p s!o'ld -e t!e #ost effecti&e* a* interacting -* -rainstor#ing c* no#inal 1>;

d* electronic CaE @oderateE E: 861?E p* .5=) 1>7* ,e&eloping gro'p co!esi&eness is an i#portant effecti&eness criteria for t!e gro'p* Laco- %o'ld %ant to a&oid t!e _____ t"pe of gro'p* a* interacting -* -rainstor#ing c* no#inal d* electronic CdE 0!allengingE E: 861?E p* .5=) 1>=* Interpersonal conflict %o'ld -e a -ig pro-le# if it s!o'ld de&elop in t!e %or/ gro'p* Lacos!o'ld pro-a-l" a&oid t!e _____ t"pe of gro'p* a* interacting -* -rainstor#ing c* no#inal d* electronic CaE 0!allengingB E: 861?E p* .5=)


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