Accounting Dec 04 S1 Part II

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For Official Use Only

December 2004
Name . No A ! Ma"r#c$%a"#o& No . C D Co$r'e .. Da"e .. Declaration I certify that I have read the Examination Regulations (see back cover) and understand that I am re uired to abide by them! "tudent#s "ignature$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! Mark

INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. exam At the start of the exam ensure that you written all the details required above. 11. At the start of the %. ensure that you have written all thehave details required above. 2. Read instructions on page 2. 12. Read the instructions &. on the page 2. 3. on tart question on a new page. 13. tart each question '. a each new page. !. should Rough wor"ings be confined to the left hand pages. 1!. Rough wor"ings (. be confinedshould to the left hand pages. boo" must be handed in entire and unfolded. 1#. $his boo" must#. 1). be $his handed in entire and unfolded.


$he duration of the examination is ) *o$r'. $he mar"s value of each section is shown below. *ou may allocate your time as you see fit. +n the multiple choice questions, no mar"s are deducted for wrong answers. $he paper is in four sections -.$+/0 A1 !) mar"s -.$+/0 21 2) mar"s -.$+/0 .1 2) mar"s -.$+/0 31 2) mar"s A&'+er A,, 'ec"#o&'-.$+/0 A1 is a multiple choice section and you should indicate your response on the answer grid provided in 4art ++. 0o mar"s are deducted for wrong answers. Answer A55 questions in this section. -.$+/0 21 Answer EITHER 6uestion 21 OR 6uestion 22. -.$+/0 .1 Answer EITHER 6uestion .1 OR 6uestion .2. -.$+/0 31 Answer EITHER 6uestion 31 OR 6uestion 32 $his examination document is in two parts. Par" I is the question boo"let. Par" II is the answer boo"let, which also contains the A0 7-R 8R+3 for the multiple choice questions and the 7/R9 :--$ for 6uestion .1 and 6uestion 32. 4lease ensure that !OTH PARTS are returned at the end of this examination.


M$%"#.%e C*o#ce /$e'"#o&' ANSWER GRID 0OR SECTION A ON,1 4lease ensure that this answer sheet is fully completed. 1. Respond with one ; only for each question. 2. 7hen changing a response bloc" out the original ; completely.

C*o#ce A 1 2 3 ! # % & ' ( 1) ! C D 11 12 13 1! 1# 1% 1& 1' 1( 2) A

C*o#ce ! C D


Sec"#o& C /$e'"#o& C1 3a4

G#5"'4U ,"6 Ca'* 0%o+ 0oreca'" 5or "*e 7 mo&"*' e&6e6 )1 December 200( 8$%9 ales I&5%o+' .ash sales Receipts from debtors1 A$:$'" Se."ember Oc"ober No;ember December

1 month old 2 months old 3 months old

ub total < inflows =excluding interest> O$"5%o+' ?ariable costs1 Aixed overhead 3ividend $ax ub total < outflows =excluding interest> 0et flow =excluding interest> /pening balance +nterest .losing balance @aterials 5abour /verheads


Sec"#o& D /$e'"#o& D2 3a4 a&6 3b4 a4 Ome:a ,"6 Reco&c#%#a"#o& o5 O.era"#&: Pro5#" "o Ne" Ca'* I&5%o+ 5rom O.era"#&: Ac"#;#"#e' 5or "*e 9ear e&6e6 )1 December 1ear < &'''#s

Ne" ca'* #&5%o+ 5rom o.era"#&: ac"#;#"#e'


Sec"#o& D /$e'"#o& D2 3a4 a&6 3b4 b4 Ome:a ,"6 Ca'* 0%o+ S"a"eme&" 5or "*e 9ear e&6e6 )1 December 1ear < &'''#s Ne" ca'* #&5%o+ 5rom o.era"#&: ac"#;#"#e' Re"$r&' o& #&;e'"me&" a&6 'er;#c#&: o5 5#&a&ce Ta=a"#o& Ca.#"a% e=.e&6#"$re &'''#s

E>$#"9 6#;#6e&6' .a#6 Ma&a:eme&" o5 %#>$#6 re'o$rce' 0#&a&c#&:

?I&crea'e #& ca'* @ ?Decrea'e #& ca'* B4lease circle the correct words

.andidates are subCect to the regulations governing examinations which are published by the Dniversity. $he main points are summarised below. 1. A candidate shall not bring written, printed or any other material into the examination room except such as may be authorised by the examiners. 2riefcases and other similar containers, the main purpose of which is to carry papers, shall not be brought into the examination room. 2. A candidate shall not communicate with, receive assistance from or copy from the paper of another candidate during an examination. 3. A candidate shall not leave the examination room less than half an hour after the start of an examination, except with the permission of the invigilator. !. At the end of the examination a candidate must return the answer boo" or boo"s to the invigilator together with any other material on which heEshe has written or drawn during the examination. Dnder no circumstances should a candidate remove an answer boo", used or unused, from the examination room.

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