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Executive Director, Member Board of Silkbank at Silkbank Limited (Pakistan) Pakistan Banking 1. Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan, 2. United Bank Limited, Previous 3. Citibank Education 1. Institute of Business Administration

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Over 21 years of experience in Pakistan and Internationally in all spheres of banking inculding Consumer / Retail Banking, managing Corporate and Investment banking and Islamic banking. Chairman of the task force and founder of Pakistan Remittance Initiatiive (PRI) a joint venture between State Bank of Pakistan,Ministry of Finance and Ministry of overseas Pakistanis. A breakthrough program which delivered more than $13 Billion dollars in 2011/12 and has made Pakistan the fastest growing beneficary in the world. Ex Member of the Revenue Advisory Council to Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan.


Executive Director, Member Board of Silkbank

Silkbank Limited (Pakistan)

April 2011 Present (1 year 11 months)Pakistan As an Executive Director at Silkbank responsible for governance, strategy and turning around the bank. Silkbank has blue-chip international sponsors including IFC, Nomura and Bank of Muscat. Directly responsible for Islamic Banking and spearheading the merger / acquisitions, capital raising activities to deliver best value for the bank.

Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan

December 2005 August 2010 (4 years 9 months) Launched DIB from scratch in Pakistan the first Islamic bank of the World. DIB became the second largest Islamic bank in Pakistan within a 4 year period. DIB is a full suite bank with complete business lines of Corporate and Investment banking, Treasury, Commercial and SME business, Consumer assets and Retail banking. The bank has currently more than 1000 staff. Attracted and Hired best professionals in the industry. Inducted more than 100 senior employees. Attracted talent from the best institutions in Pakistan and Internationally. Formed one of the best management teams in the industry. DIB Pakistan closed Dec 31, 2009 with Rs.35 billion balance sheet footing and Rs. 352 Million PBT. This was achieved in a downturn and in an industry where every bank has posted a downward trend in the bottom line. In 2010 the bank is heading towards making Rs. 700 Million plus. The bank broke even in year 3 and posted a full year profit in year 4 despite very difficult times. Due to its strategy, strong performance and risk management, DIB has been upgraded by its rating agency from A- to A in 2010. This was achieved in the backdrop of Dubai crisis. The bank has expanded from scratch to 36 branches in 17 cities. Another 24 branches have been approved and are in process of opening. Strategically the bank has a 55% Corporate/ Commercial/ SME portfolio and 45% Consumer Assets portfolio which has resulted in one of the best spreads in the industry. The corporate and investment bank worked with top tier names in the country and DIB won many mandates from the Govt. of Pakistan. The Consumer book was at Rs. 11 Billion and had the best NCL ratio in the entire industry. In 2010 the consumer assets business was headed to make Rs. 200 Million bottom line.

Deputy CEO
United Bank Limited

April 2003 November 2005 (2 years 8 months) Deputy CEO of the nations third largest bank with 1076 branches, 10,280 employees located in 14 countries of the World. Directly responsible for Consumer bank, Commercial bank and International operations in USA,UK, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Switzerland. In addition to these line businesses responsible for Operation/ IT, Administration and Human Resources for the entire bank. Joined the bank soon after the bank was privatized with a challenge to turnaround the company. Attracted and Hired best professionals in the industry. Inducted more than 100 seniors and 1500 new employees. Conceived and launched the new vision and global corporate ID for the bank. Today the brand is well established and known for innovation and fastest growing bank in Pakistan. Achieved the highest net growth in deposits in the industry. Deposits increased from Rs.146 Billion to Rs. 291 Billion: Doubled the balance sheet in 30 months. Increased the Commercial lending portfolio (Includes Middle market, SME, Agricultural Business and Commodity Business) of the bank by 3 times and led the industry in growth on Advances. The portfolio increased from Rs. 13 Billion to Rs. 44 billion. UBL Consumer Bank Consumer Bank did not exist at UBL.. Created from scratch the Consumer bank at UBL to launch a full suite of consumer products; Credit cards, Auto loans, personal Loans, Mortgages and Business Finance. This included 1) A complete 5 year business plan 2) Hiring of the entire new team from scratch 3) Created the operations and IT platform by buying and implementing Consumer systems worth 3 million dollars. In 24 months UBL Consumer Bank became the fastest growing and regarded as the best in the industry. The portfolio was at Rs. 25 billion and Rs. 2 billion plus was being added in the advances portfolio per month.

Senior Vice President - Cross Sell Division - Newyork


January 2001 April 2003 (2 years 4 months) Senior Vice President , Cross Sell Division Direct line responsibility to deliver $790 million revenue and $650 million in pretax profits by Cross Selling to customers across all Citibank Cards portfolios consisting of 93 Million customers . As part of the senior leadership team also responsible for a Strategic plan and execution to deliver $2 billion in revenue by 2008. Responsible for managing all Cross Sell business lines, which include Mortgages, Insurance, Branch Banking, Investment banking, Private Banking, Memberships and Merchandising. Responsible for acquiring 3 Million new customers by managing all channels including, Telemarketing, Direct Mail, Automated response units, Customer touch point marketing and Need Based Sales; a Customer Service center which has now become a profit center from being a cost center in the last 3 years. Responsible for Portfolio management of 3 million Cross Sell customers through Segmentation strategy, Retention, Activation, Usage and Re-pricing Initiatives. Direct responsibility to manage a marketing expense of $80 million. Leading a senior team of 80 employees including 30 Vice presidents. Based out of New York as an International staff.

Vice president, Director Marketing, Sales and Distribution


September 1991 December 2000 (9 years 4 months) 1998- 2000 Citibank, Consumer Bank Pakistan As part of the Management Committee of the Bank responsible for Strategic Management and profitability for the banks entire product range comprising of Cards, Car loans, Personal loans; also as Branch Banking Head responsible for deposit mobilization through 6 Branches in 5 cities and management of 140 direct staff, over 1000 sales representatives and an expense budget of $

5.5 million

1991- 2000 Citibank, Consumer Bank Pakistan Started carrear with citibank as an Management Associate. Worked in Various positions in the Consumer Bank Pakistan which included Launch of Car Finance,Mortgages and Credit Cards Worked in Product Management and was National Sales head of all products of the bank.

Institute of Business Administration

1989 1991

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