WEC Written Assessment 2 (Outside Class) Total Marks: 12 Submit in The Turnitin Itself

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WEC Written Assessment 2 (Outside Class) Total Marks: 12 Submit in the Turnitin itself

Task: Your task is to submit a short analytical report to me on ONE of the themes outlined below. The requirements of the assessment are as follows: Length: two-three A4 pages ONLY excluding exhibits (at least two) Type of Report: Memo Report (To/From/Date/Subject) Format: Inductive Business Grammar: Mainly Active voice; strong verbs; First person and third person; clear sentence framing (close subject-verb); relevant punctuation and clear emphasis Submission: Hard copy ONLY. Printed version not handwritten. Header must include your name, section, roll number and certification that the report is free from plagiarism REVISED Dates of Submission: November 2nd-4th, 2013. Please submit in the Turnitin itself Criteria for Evaluation: Clarity of expression; solution to the problem statement; quality of the illustrations; good use of business grammar essentials. Please pass it through the Turnitin software, available at the CC (key contact person is Mr. Murali). Paraphrase where the similarity quotient is more. Procedure for Turnitin is as follows:
Log into the Turnitin Class Id: 7114668 Enter the Enrolment Password: book Upload your doc (name, section) Wait for the plagiarism report-it takes some time A percentage will appear signifying the same; it will also convey sources from which material has been taken Paraphrase the marked spaces in your report Resubmit in the Turnitin so that plagiarism is 10 percent or less

Components of the report: o o o o o Analytical Summary (100 words) Terms of Reference Introduction Methods Findings

o o o Themes
Sn. 1

Conclusion Recommendations Reference

Theme Two Websites

Two advertisements

Notes IIM Lucknow and any other comparable institute/ two Fortune 500 companies in same industry/Two comparable Indian firms Print or television medium of comparable brands

Two companies merging /takeover by another company Two brands endorsed by personalities

Recent merger /takeover

Can be in different sectors also; Indian personalities Male vs. male; female vs. female. Might belong to different sectors. European or American only.

Two business leaders

Two countries in a financial crisis

Criteria Clarity; ease of navigation; effective information source; display; attractiveness; visits; any other. Which is more effective? Effectiveness of the message; impact; design; curiosity value; creativity; punch line; any other. Which is more effective? Synergies; SWOT analysis/ who benefits more; valuation; any other. Will it be positive? Differences; similarities; brand effect; value to company; does celebrity endorsement help at all? Leadership style; communication style; business approach; success mantra; who is better? Policies; strategies; long term plan; way out of the financial mess. Impact on business. Which country has better chance of success?

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