'Il/Flir.. LQQ : 6rtli F Fi/Ithl

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Daksbin Haryana BijJi Vitran Nigam Limited.

Block-C, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar. Hisar125 005

Website: www.dhbvn.com



I Response to Dakshio Haryaoa BIjU Vitrao Nigam Limited', Appeal No. 1210f lOll filed before the
Appellate Tribunal for Electricity against HERC Tariff Order dated 31.03.1012 related to tbe Aggregate
IIlMITllllnl"IlllRequiremcot for FY 201213 aod Distributioo aod Retail Supply Tariff for FY 2012-13.


Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limite9-has filed Appeal No.l21 of 2012 ~efore the Hon'ble Appellate
; Tribunal for Electricity challenging the JariflOrder of ARR for' fY 2012-13 (ated 31.03.2012 passed by Ld.
Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERe) with respect to certain speci fic finding and observations. The
Appeal has been admitted on 17.07.2012 and the Hon'ble Tribunal has directfd Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran
Nigam Limited to publish a Public Notice to inform the. public of filing of the A ilpeal as also to invite objections
/ and response (if any) to the Appeal within 2 weeks of the publication of this natke. The Appeal is now posted for
hearing before the Court on 18.12.2012 at the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, 7th Floor, Core IV, SCOPE
Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003.

Every person who intends to file Objections/Response to the Appeal may file 3 copies of the same at the Registry,
Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, 7th Floor, Core IV, SCOPE Complex, Lodbi Road, New Delhi - 110003
within 2 weeks of the publication of this notice along with proof of service on the Appellant addressed to 'The
Superintending Engineer/Regulatory Affairs, Daksbin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Hisar'. The.
-~. above submissions should be supported by an affidavit in the notified format (draft available with Copy of the
>-' Appeal Paper Book, which paper book may be collected from Er. S.S. Kentura, Xen/RA, DHBVN, Hisar) and
should carry the full name, postal address and e-mail address, if any, of the sender. Should the objector wish to be
heard in person, he must appear before the Tribunal at 11 a.m. on 18.12.2012 for which no separate notice shall be


Superintending EngineerlRA,
DHBVN, Hisar.


Sh Raj Singh Hooda Pharm8.cist U / S S /0 Sh Sultan Singh n~si~enl . of

House No-135 Ward No-13 behind siani collage (Mohalla SainipuraJA~o10~g
under City Divn DHBVN Bhiwani was attached with the L.O DHBVN Gurgaon and
is running absconding from duty since august 2008. The official was placed under
. suspension vide SE/Admn DHBVN Hisar %
No-254/G-M/Admn dated
27.09.2011. The Head quarter of the official has been fixed under C.A.O DHBVN
Hisar. But is not marking his daily attendance in the office of C.A.O DHBVN
The charge sheet bearing memorandum No 35/ENG-2406 dated
15.02.11 and charge sheet No-83 ENG-2406 dated 24.05.2012 were issued
against him by SE/ Admn . DHBVN Hisar were sent to his home address through
Regtd. Post aJ1d by deputing special m essenger by this office. But where about of
the official is not known. So the above said charge-sheets could not be delivered to
Through this notice the official is requested to join his duty at once and
acknowledge/receipt the said charge sheets. Otherwise exparte decision will be
taken against him without any further notice,


OP City Divn
DHBVN, Bhiwani


Office of the General Manager/Administration,
Block-B, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar-125 005
-01662- 223439(O), (Fax) 01662-223108
Public Notice.
All concerned are intimated through this public notice that following
decision of Honble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 4903 of 2009, The Dakshin
Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam has given one more chance to opt of pension scheme to
the left out work charge employees presently working or retired from Nigams
Services or from any other of power utilities who could not opt for pension in terms of
State Govt. Instructions issued in the year 1992 and adopted by the erstwhile HSEB
vide memos dated 06.08.1993 and 09.08.1993.
In case of retirees, the cases will be examined on individual merit by
the respective power utilities keeping in view availability of limitation where PPOs
has been issued and account has been settled.
In view of that decision of Honble Supreme Court the Nigams work
charge employees who are presently working and/or retired from Nigams services
shall be counted towards pensionery benefits. The DHBVN has given final chance to
opt for pension scheme in terms of instructions adopted by the erstwhile HSEB vide
memos dated 06.08.1993 and 09.08.1993 up to 15.01.2012.
The employees who failed to respond up to 15.01.2012 will not be
entertained after expiry of the given date.
G.M. (Administration)
DHBVN, Hisar

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