VARANASI - The City of All India

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The vivid form of culture, religion, lifestyle, face-complexion :i&jax, caste-creed tkfr&/keZ, dialect-language Hkk"kk&cksyh etc. dispersed throughout India take a form of completeness and totality here in Varanasi. This is a cognizable instance of nity in !iversity". To define Varanasi in its totality in a #ord, phrase, sentence, page, book, series or a lifetime is not possible. It is in the same #ay like a great so$ourner born in Kashi and besto#ed #ith a hundred years lifetime, even he can not come to kno# the innumerable #inding streets of Kashi. % country engaged incessantly in discovering light Hkk city #hich lightens dk!k light and + jr engaged& Hkkjr and its the lightener or the one lighten, therefore dk!kh

#ho lightens' is truly the cultural capital of India. (ity of light, city of liberation, city of victory, Varanasi, )anaras, city of temples, city of ghats etc. are a fe# of the names and ad$ectives a#arded to the city. To understand the secret of this astonishing city, one has to become a part of it* one has to live it #ithin oneself. It can be understood, but not kno#n. To define it in #ords is like sho#ing a lamp to the sun. It can only be felt. +ne main reason of the liveliness of this city is the spiritual adherence of a Kashiwasi ,citizen of Kashi' #ith Kashi. -or centuries people from India and abroad have used to come here and have got enamoured of it. Fa Hyan, Hwen Tsang, Sant Gyaneshwara, Gautama Buddha, Gurunanaka, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Shankaracharya, Tulsidasa, Ralph Finch, Ta erniy!, Fransua Berniy!, "ames #rincep, Mir$a Ghalib and on and on and on, the list goes on. .ome of these #ere enamoured of Varanasi this much that they came, stayed and stayed forever. Kashi has seven days and thirteen festivals lkr okj rsjg R;ksgkj. Kashi is ever celebrating, perpetual, inveterate, primeval and eternal. It is possible to understand, impossible to describe. Kashi or Varanasi is all-Indian by all the means, religious, cultural, geographical, by any means. % good example of Kashi"s /uaintness is - any#here else in the #orld, people migrate to earn and live, but Kashi is the one and only city #here people come to embrace death. 0hen compared to other cities of India, Varanasi has a peculiarity. %ny one #ho has seen the positive and retrospective daily life of Varanasi and kno#s about its

history can see the character and tradition of Varanasi. %nd that is ho# one can understand Varanasi"s contradictory conduct. 1any a people from India and abroad as #ell have praised the grandeur of Varanasi in there o#n #ords. Ghalib subdued of its magnitude said 2 rv"yksyk# cukjl $!esc%&j cf#!rs [k'(jZeks f)'j*k+l eke&j ,ck*r[k'kuk, ukd'&fl;ka v-r #ekuk dkc,f#a*ks-rka v-r 3)anaras is very beautiful, %llah keep off the evil eyes. This is the paradise of earth, the city of temples and conch shell blo#ers. This is the Kaba of India.4 1. %. .herring of the 5ondon 1issionary .ociety, #ho spent many years here said 2 36ot only is )anaras remarkable for her venerable age, but also for the vitality and vigour #hich, so far as #e kno#, she had constantly exhibited. %nd no# after the lapses of so many ages, this magnificent city still maintains most of the freshness, and all the beauty of her youth, her sun has never gone do#n.4 There is great contribution of the careless, satisfied and contempt of materialism like lifestyle in the uni/ueness of Varanasi. The citizens of the city of Shankara are self#illed $ust like Shankara himself.

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