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WEE VS. GALVEZ FACTS: petitioner Wee, Rosemarie & respondent rosario galve are sisters.

sters. Wee lives in !ataan "#ile Rosario resides in $e" %or&, 'SA. T#e( entered into an investment agreement. Respondent represented )( Gra*e Galve as att in +a*t +iled a *omplaint )e+ore t#e RTC o+ ,C +or *olle*tion o+ s-m o+ mone( +rom t#e .etitioner. W#en .etitioner +ailed to *ompl( "it# t#e agreement. . +iled a /0 on t#e gro-nd o+ "#i*# t#e *erti+i*ation against $on For-m s#opping "as de+e*tive, #aving )een e1e*-ted )( Gra*e and not )( Rosario as re2-ired )( R-le 3, Se* 4 o+ RC. TC dismissed t#e /0. .5s /R also 0E$6E07 . appealed to t#e CA via spe*ial *ivil a*tion +or *ertiorari, pro#i)ition and mandam-s : 0E$6E0 as "ell as /R. #en*e t#is petition.

6SS'E: W8$ t#e *erti+i*ation o+ $on For-m S#opping e1e*-ted )( .lainti++s Att( in +a*t de+e*tive9 :EL0. $EGAT6VE. Rosario e1pressl( *on+erred t#ro-g# S.A, t#at Gra*e #as t#e a-t#orit( to e1e*-te, sign on #er )e#al+, t#e *ert. 8+ non +or-m s#opping. Respondent )eing a resident o+ t#e 'S and not o+ t#e .#il. 6t is proper +or #er to appoint Gra*e, to a*t as #er att( in +a*t in t#e p#il as s#e is in t#e )est position to &no" "#et#er t#ere are ot#er *ases involving t#e same partied and same s-);e*t matter. 6t is indisp-ta)le t#at Gra*e "as d-l( a-t#ori ed and empo"ered not ;-st to initiate *ompalints "#et#er *riminal or *ivil, to en+or*e and prote*t t#e Resp. rig#t, *laims and interest. R-le 3, Se* 4. re2-ires t#at t#e *erti+i*ation s#o-ld )e signed )( t#e .etitioner or prin*ipal part( #imsel+. T#e rationale is )e*a-se onl( t#e petitioner #imsel+ #as ACT'AL <$8WLE0GE o+ W8$ #e #as initiated similar a*tions or pro*eedings in di++. Co-rts or agen*ies. Gra*e #as t#e a*t-al and personal &no"ledge "#eter s#e initiated similar a*tions )e+ore vario-s *o-rts

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