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Different uses of any
Esther Chua from Singapore writes: I understand any is used with plural and uncountable nouns. But sometimes I do come across people using any with a singular noun. So is it appropriate to say: If you have any query... Or should I say: If you have any queries..? Roger Woodham replies: Any with plural and uncountable nouns Your understanding is correct, Esther. Any is normally used with plural and uncountable nouns in questions, negative and conditional sentences: Do we have any beer? ~ Yes, we do. It's in the fridge. Do we have any glasses? ~ Yes, we do. They're in the cupboard. I don't have any heavy luggage. Just hand luggage ~ No suitcases? No, I don't have any suitcases. If you need any help with your packing, just let me know. If your hand luggage contains any knives or scissors, they will be confiscated. With this usage, in these examples, we would normally require a/an before a singular countable noun: Have you got a glass for the beer? Have you got a vase for the flowers? I don't have a suitcase, just hand luggage. If your hand luggage contains a knife or a pair of scissors, they will be confiscated. We would not normally say: Have you got any glass for the beer? Have you got any vase for the flowers? I don't have any suitcase, just hand luggage. If your hand luggage contains any knife or any pair of scissors, they will be confiscated. Any with singular countable nouns However, when we want to emphasise that any means of any kind, it is quite natural to use any with singular uncountable nouns. So in your example, Esther, any query - meaning any kind of query - is a justifiable alternative to any queries: If you have any queries about the trip to the Philippines, please ask me. If you have any query about the trip to the Philippines, please ask me. To emphasise any query a bit more, we could also say: If you have any query whatsoever - it doesn't matter what it is please ask me. Note also the following examples of this kind of use: You should see a doctor. Any doctor will be able to help you. You don't need a specialist. Which newspaper would you like? ~ Any newspaper, as long as

Noun-verb agreement Situation, position, condition Third conditional Animal idioms no = not a / not any Learnit Archive



BBC World Service | Learning English | Learn it Which newspaper would you like? ~ Any newspaper, as long as it's a broadsheet. Where does he normally play? ~ He normally plays in defence, but he can play in any position. I work from home so I can do my work at any hour of the day or night. This is a book which any eleven-year-old should be able to understand.
Some or any in questions? Note that we tend to use some instead of any when we expect a positive answer to the questions we are asking: Would you like some more pasta and salad? ~ No more thanks. I'm quite full. Don't you need some new clothes for when you start your new job? ~ Yes, I do. I need a whole new wardrobe. Shall I send you some information about our new products? ~ Yes, please do. C ould you get me some rice when you go shopping? ~ What sort would you like? ~ Any sort. Not any and no Note that any by itself does not have a negative meaning. It is only when it is combined with not to make not any that it becomes negative. No has the same meaning as not any, but is more emphatic. C ompare the following: He has no money and no hope for the future. He doesn't have any money or any hope for the future. Note also that at the beginning of a sentence, we are obliged to use no . We cannot use not any to start a sentence: I don't have any luggage ~ No luggage at all? No tourists visited the island that summer. No computer is safe from this virus.

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