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: RUSMINI BINTI NAWI : 700505035274001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 700505035274 NO. TELEFON E-MEL : 013-9100826 :


CONTENT PART A........................................................................................................3 PART B........................................................................................................4

Part A Eat healthy and live healthy is one of the essential requirements for long life. Unfortunately, today world has been adapted to a system of consumption of foods which has several adverse effects on health. Globalization and urbanization have greatly affected ones eating habits and forced many people to consume fancy and high calorie fast foods, popularly known as Junk foods. Junk food simply means an empty calorie food. An empty calorie food is a high calorie or calorie rich food which lacks in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, or amino acids, and fiber but has high energy (calories). These foods dont contain the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Hence, these foods that has poor nutritional value is considered unhealthy and may be called as junk food. .Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods which are perceived to have little or no nutritional value, but which also have ingredients considered unhealthy when eaten regularly, or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all. Junk food allows people to eat without planning. Eat not only when it is pre-set meal time, but also when they have spare time. Ingredients of junk foods give great taste and make them addictive. Fat and sugar in combination are capable of producing a dopamine-driven surge of intense pleasure in people with a propensity for addictive behaviour. On the other side, it must be noted that they are hazardous to health too. High fat content, particularly cholesterol, sugar and salts have their adverse effects on health. Soaring calorie content with sugar can lead to obesity.
The psychological effect of junk food causes for weight gain can be easily explained. It seems as though a fast food and junk food craze has swept the world over the last few decades. While this may be a good thing for those seeking a way to live a more convenient lifestyle it is unfortunately a very unhealthy and even life threatening way to live. Fast food and junk food have been shown as being directly correlated to obesity and excessive weight gain. One of the easiest ways to regain control of your weight is to simply toss the junk food into the trashcan. What most people do not realize is that fast food and junk type food is often highly addictive. In fact, most junk food today is cleverly formulated to specifically target certain centers within the brain in a way that mimics other addictions such as cigarette smoking and drug use.

Another effect of junk food is on social aspect. Fast food or junk food makes people want things instantly. That is why people today being an impatient person because they have been practicing this attitude for a long time. Besides that, many people are no longer sit down at home with family and eat meals together. Mothers are no longer cooks because everyone wants to buy prepared food and quickly. It has integrated with our fast paced society. In conclusion, junk foods have certainly carved up the Third World due to globalisation. It is an integral part of life in the developed and also the developing world, and coming with it is a massive increase in obesity and associated problems. The key to eating these junk foods is moderation, occasional consumption and preferably in small portions. It is not impossible to win war with junk foods against healthy foods. However, one must beware; entice is so strong that you will be addicted. It must be remembered that the addiction to junk is great for business. It is all in our hands to choose junk food or health.

Part B A greenhouse, historically, is a glass structure that can be used year-round for various growing system. In most cases a greenhouse will includes both a heating and cooling system. Currently there are various types of greenhouse. From thermoplastic greenhouses to Quonsets to solar greenhouses and more. Nowadays, a greenhouse can or cannot be heated, but may still be considered a greenhouse. Some greenhouses are single story, some have more than one story and still other greenhouses are enormous. Greenhouses can be used year-round or less often, a decision often determined by location and type of crops. In the greenhouse effect, rather than retaining (sensible) heat by physically preventing movement of the air, greenhouse gases act to warm the Earth by re-radiating some of the energy back towards the surface. This process may exist in real greenhouses, but is comparatively unimportant there. In the Solar System, Mars, Venus, and the moon Titan also exhibit greenhouse effects; that on Venus is particularly large, due to its atmosphere, which consists mainly of dense carbon dioxide Titan has an anti-greenhouse effect, in that its atmosphere absorbs solar radiation but is

relatively transparent to infrared radiation. Pluto also exhibits behavior superficially similar to the anti-greenhouse effect. A runaway greenhouse effect occurs if positive feedbacks lead to the evaporation of all greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A runaway greenhouse effect involving carbon dioxide and water vapor is thought to have occurred on Venus. The sun radiates solar energy on earth. The larger part of this energy (45%) is radiated back into space. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere contribute to global warming by adsorption and reflection of atmospheric and solar energy. This natural phenomenon is what we call the greenhouse effect. It is agreed that the greenhouse effect is correlated with global temperature change. If greenhouse gases would not exist earthly temperatures would be below 18 oC. The earths atmosphere is all around us. It is the air that we breathe. Sunlight enters the Earths atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases. As it reaches the earths surface, the land and water absorbs the sunlights energy. Once absorbed, the energy is sent back into the atmosphere in the form of infra-red rays. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, causing our globe (earth) to warm up. This warming is what we call Global Warming, and it is caused by the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming of the earth may cause problems for humans, plants and animals. Everything humans have at home or workplace need power to work. This power comes from burning fossil fuels and other natural sources. The more fuels are burnt, the more CO2 are produced into the atmosphere. This means each time your dad drives his car, or you turn on an electric appliance, you are indirectly adding to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming causes thermal expansion of land and water. It also causes ice sheets to melt in icy regions of the world and mountain tops. Large volumes of melted ice (water) then flows down into streams, rivers, lakes and seas. The result is rising sea and water levels, causing floods and massive destruction to low-lying towns and cities along water bodies. Besides, changing climate may also cause the weather to become more extreme, be it droughts or violent storms and heavy rain. Extreme changes in temperature makes people suffer breathing

difficulties, headaches, body rashes and other illnesses. Climate change also distorts the natural habitats and lives of many plants and animals. For example, the survival of polar bears and penguins in icy regions are in danger, as they cannot survive anywhere else. Other plants and animals in hot regions will die if temperatures suddenly become too cold for them. Another reason is changing climate also causes water bodies to dry out. There is also dryness that causes droughts, bush fires and many water and land animals will die as a result. In conclusion, the problem of global warming has been around for some time now. Though not until recently has it become a priority. So important, that figures such as Vice President Al Gore have spoken out. Many are realizing that the greenhouse effect is not something to be put aside, yet rather something to be worked on and studied. "The greenhouse effect displays that nature is not immune to our

presence" (Kralijic, 1992).

Ways must be found to lessen the threat of this

growing crisis. If this effect were to continue and grow, the earth's population would be exposed to serious threats.

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