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Viewed today, the process of colonization and settlement of North America was an invasion of territory that nao mat had Deen population. The been conoileo controlled arrgHleo anglgEled lor for centunes centuries Dy by me the indigenous tnotgenous populaton. I he arrval arrival ot of the Europeans constituted anElusi_$yhich, in the long term, the American Indians were unable to resist.

Main Reasons bf Colonization and Settlement:


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The Europeans were initially drawn to America to,acquire_tgilth and to eS_tblish,new . European sovereigns rushed to claim as much territory as possible in order to found settlements on the territorv. English colonial policy ffgmgled*dgme.stic.industfy-forelgn^tr-adq f,shsrie,atd*shj0pllg by establishing colonial settlements in the New World nd exploiting its resources through commercial comoanies .tb.eras due to a number of factors, which included international rivatry and tne propii-6'f-rdl6n - a desire to convet the indigenous Christiani. There were also increasing numbers of religious and political dissenters who were seeking refuge, and individuals looking for adventure and new opportunities, and who wanted to own land.



European countries engaged in the system 'the of economic meant state control and The aim was to accumulate The colonies supplied food for themselves and food for the to the colonies in order to make them

(auto supply) and their provide a market for it. dFldable on the

settlements Enalish control over the colonies was minimal. However, as the cotonilfiTffinT became more prosperous, the frlQ|_realized that the colonles*cwlg_ptgvide increased trade and, thereforg economic control by implementing regulatory policies, changing the balance of 2. BRITISH POTICY WITH THE AMERICAN COLONIES UNTIL L763

--\ QlEllecame

manufacturers. From 1651 onwards, British

the under alsystem of government that inctuded a governor appointed by the king anQ a colonial assentbly) TtTree types of cotont untir irre\rtleai-r war, when_lhe Long Parliament assumed control. Between 1645 and 1651, the Parliament enforced regulationilomf

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nd instituted the

Ads. All trade between the colonisb and the

9!4gl!_progg!s-that could be traded only.gtl! BL[ei!, such as, on, the list bf specified goods grew continually decreasing the could sell to other, nations.


As time went


of merchandise that the colonists I g*"rs-l s clerq-qS .

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