Dnwsri MHLW 5) : Mwgau RWM Qy Ieku Dwnu)

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uHl HJ

Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

HIU H 3 l8= e
I beg for one gift only from the Lord.
HI Hu J=lJ lHHU 3H H 9 JU
May all my desires be fulfilled, meditating on, and remembering Your Name, O
Lord. ||1||Pause||
U 3H lJe =HlJ H3 = HI =U
May Your feet abide within my heart, and may I find the Society of the Saints.
HI oIl HlJ H l=o o J I I=U 9
May my mind not be afflicted by the fire of sorrow; may I sing Your Glorious
Praises, twenty-four hours a day. ||1||
HHl3 l8=Hu Jl =l H= Hu3 H
May I serve the Lord in my childhood and youth, and meditate on God in my
middle and old age.
= I I HH 8JlJ HH 79\u\
O Nanak, one who is imbued with the Love of the Transcendent Lord, is not
reincarnated again to die. ||2||18||49||
cl HJ
Todee, Fifth Mehl:
l= llu 8HJ le Jl l3
O Lord, ocean of mercy, please abide forever in my heart.
3Hl 8lu =J IH I HlI ll3 JU
Please awaken such understanding within me, that I may be in love with You,
God. ||Pause||
eH 3H =l =U u HH3l= =U
Please, bless me with the dust of the feet of Your slaves; I touch it to my
HJ l33 3 J3 l3 Jl =l3 I I=U 9
I was a great sinner, but I have been made pure, singing the Kirtan of the Lord's
Glorious Praises. ||1||
olIo 3Hl Hll IU =lU 3J =U
Your Will seems so sweet to me; whatever You do, is pleasing to me.
H 3 elJ 3Jl l8J l33 o =3J u=U 7
Whatever You give me, with that I am satisfied; I shall chase after no one else.
He Jl l=lc HU HoHl HI Jl8 Jlo
I know that my Lord and Master God is always with me; I am the dust of all men's
Hu HIl3 Jl8 l3 3 o Jlo =
If I find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I shall obtain God. ||3||
He He JH J 3H 3 JH Hl
Forever and ever, I am Your child; You are my God, my King.
= 8l= 3H H3 l3 Hl H 3H l u=
Nanak is Your child; You are my mother and father; please, give me Your Name,
like milk in my mouth. ||4||3||5||
oH HJ Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
U =H =l oH lo
I long for the Lotus Feet of my Beloved Lord.
HH== lH I8 l=U 9
The wretched Messenger of Death has run away from me. ||1||
3 lUl3 o=lJ 3l Hl8o
You enter into my mind, by Your Kind Mercy.
lHH3 H HI I l8o 9 JU
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all diseases are destroyed.
ol= e e=lJ o= =U
Death gives so much pain to others,
JlU H=lJ H 3 =U 7
but it cannot even come near Your slave.
eH 3 =l loH Hl Il
My mind thirsts for Your Vision;
HJH oe 8H 8Il =
in peaceful ease and bliss, I dwell in detachment.
= =l oelH HlH
Hear this prayer of Nanak:
== H le HlJ elH u7
please, infuse Your Name into his heart.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
l=H Jl 8= e3
I shall never forget You-You are such a Great Giver!
=l l= I3 HlI 3
Please grant Your Grace, and imbue me with the love of devotional worship.
leH l lHU 3u luo8l 8J e HlJ = HlU 9
If it pleases You, let me meditate on You day and night; please, grant me this gift!
Hcl oul Hl3 HH8l
Into this blind clay, You have infused awareness.
H l= elo lo H8l
Everything, everywhere which You have given is good.
oe l8e UH 3HH 3u = H J HlU 7
Bliss, joyful celebrations, wondrous plays and entertainment-whatever pleases
You, comes to pass. ||2||
lHH e le3 H l=
Everything we receive is a gift from Him
3lJ olH3 H
-the thirty-six delicious foods to eat,
HH Hl Hl3 = HJH = I = HlU =
cozy beds, cooling breezes, peaceful joy and the experience of pleasure. ||3||
H 8lu elH lH3 l=HlJ Jl
Give me that state of mind, by which I may not forget You.
H Hl3 elH lH3 3u luo8l
Give me that understanding, by which I may meditate on You.
HH HH 3 I I= Uc = I U HlU u979\
I sing Your Glorious Praises with each and every breath. Nanak takes the
Support of the Guru's Feet. ||4||12||19||
=e HJ
Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl:
Jl Jl Jl I I=J
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har.
=J l= I Il8e o H H=J JU
Have Mercy on me, O Life of the World, O Lord of the Universe, that I may chant
Your Name. ||Pause||
=lU l8 o l8 3 HuHlI H =J
Please lift me up, God, out of vice and corruption, and attach my mind to the
Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
H U HJ =lcU I 8Ul o eH le=J 9
Doubt, fear and attachment are eradicated from that person who follows the
Guru's Teachings, and gazes on the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||
H =l Jl8 H H oJ8lu 3H=J
Let my mind become the dust of all; may I abandon my egotistical intellect.
ol Il3 elJ el8o =Il = Jl =J 7u
Please bless me with Your devotional worship, O Merciful Lord; by great good
fortune, O Nanak, I have found the Lord. ||2||4||6||

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