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Teacher: Room & Office Hours: Textbook: Level 1: Nice Talking With You 1 (Cambridge University Press) Time(s): M-F (2 hours/day)

Semester & Day(s): SUMMER (2013 Intersession 1) June 17, 2013 July 5, 2013

Course Description/Objective: This class is designed to provide students an opportunity to improve and practice conversational English.



Learning Target
Course Introduction

Additional Information
Teacher and student introductions Introduction to video project Watch selected video scenes and transcribe dialog Plan remake version of video HW: transcribe selected video Introductions: starting, ending conversations, asking to repeat, letting your partner talk Review transcripts and give accurate dialog Plan out scenes and storyboard Family: repeating, getting time to think Understand and develop characters in video Explain shooting maps and schedules Students work on video project Shopping: showing interest, showing you are listening, introducing a question Videos can be watched in class or submitted to teacher Students receive feedback and critique of video project Review Units 1-3 Explain video poster project Oral exam on units 1-3 Food: agreeing and disagreeing, asking for more information Discussion on how to improve video project drafts Music: asking for examples, tripling your reaction Can give time to work on video project or poster Students can work on video project and poster in the classroom Students will present posters and explain remake concept Students will watch videos and choose a class winner Students will complete group participation worksheet Free time: giving just enough information, being general -------------- Written exam on units 1-6 All freshman classes will gather in auditorium and watch the winning video from each class

Monday, June17
Video Project Introduction

Unit 1 2

Tuesday, June 18

Transcripts and Storyboarding Unit 2

Wednesday, June 19

Character Development Video Project Work Day Unit 3

Thursday, June 20

Friday, June 21

Draft of Video Due Review for Exam

Monday, June 24
Video Poster Day

Tuesday, June 25

Midterm Exam Unit 4

Wednesday, June 26 Thursday, June 27

Revising and Editing Unit 5 and supplemental activities


Friday, June 28

Video and Poster Day

Present Video and Poster to class 11

Monday, July 1 Tuesday, July 2 Wednesday, July 3 Thursday, July 4 Friday, July 5

Chose class winner Unit 6 and Supplemental material Review for Final Exam and Supplemental material

12 13 14 15

Final Exam Presentation Day


Course Policy
You are expected to behave appropriately in your class. This means: Turn off your cellular phone. Pay attention to the teacher. Do no talk when your teacher or your classmates are talking. Participate in class. If the teacher asks you a question, try to answer it. Bring your book, pencil, paper and dictionary to class everyday. You cannot learn English if you do not have a book.

Attendance: It is university policy that you attend every class. Failure to attend class will lower your final grade. You cannot expect to improve your English if you do not come to class. If you are absent, you MUST talk to your Department Head, or the General English Program Assistant at Room #101 in the Na building. You will be marked late if you are more than 15 minutes late for class. If you are late for class 3 times, it will count as 1 absence. For the intersession, if you leave during the break, you will be marked absent for the entire day.


Grading Criteria Attendance Homework/ Class Participation Midterm Exam (10%) + Poster Project (10%) Final Exam (20%) + Video Project (20%)

Percentage 20% 20% 20% 40%

Grading Distribution Scale (Curving): This class will use the grade distribution scale in accordance with the University policy. It is applicable to all freshman, sophomore and junior classes offered by the Dept. of General English regardless of class size.

A+ ~ A : 30% or below B+ ~ B : 40% or below C+ ~ C D+ ~ D F: Class teachers discretion Exams: There are two scheduled standardized exams for this freshman course, namely: Midterm and Final Exams. Your instructor may also choose to give tests and/or quizzes at other times during the semester which are to be counted as part of your homework/ participation grade. altogether 30% or below

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