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Papers are invited

for an interdisciplinary
conference dedicated
to inter- and intra-
national stereotypes.
Te confeience will be held in English and Polish.
Following the confeience, we plan to publish selected papeis (between ,ooo
and 6,ooo woids in length) in a peei-ieviewed (academic) publication.
Te confeience fee is 6o, which will covei confeience mateiials and cateiing.
Tianspoit and accommodation costs aie coveied by confeience paiticipants
Pioposals foi ao-minute piesentations should include a biief biogiaphical note
with youi title and institutional aliation and a o-woid abstiact. Tey should
be submitted by e-mail to by Januaiy
, ao. Notications of acceptance will be sent by Febiuaiy a8, ao.
Conference coordinators
Di. Robeit Kusek, Joanna Sanetia-Szeliga, MSc
,, the Inteinational Cultuial Centie, Polands leading
national institution of cultuie, oiganised a confeience
titled Nations and Steieotypes and invited iepiesen-
tatives of seveial nations (Poland, Belaius, the Czech
Republic, Fiance, Geimany, Hungaiy, Lithuania, Russia,
Slovakia, Sweden and Ukiaine) to talk about mutual peiceptions and ste-
ieotyping. Tis seiies of debates, as well as the book published in its wake,
weie pioneeiing inquiiies into the post-communist attempt to ie-dene
the images of ouiselves and oui neighbouis. Contiibutois included Nobel
lauieate Czesaw Miosz, Kail Dedecius, and Tomas Venclova.
Twenty ve yeais aftei the collapse of communism, ten yeais aftei Polands
accession to the EU, twenty yeais aftei this famous confeience we nd
ouiselves in a dieient context. We also face new challenges, paiticulaily
the massive scale of migiation within as well as toifiom Euiope, global-
ization, and buigeoning nationalism and xenophobia, among otheis.
Consequently, we iecognise the need to exploie what has changed ovei
the last two decades in oui thinking about ouiselves and otheis.
We invite specialists, piactitioneis and ieseaicheis sociologists, politi-
cal scientists, expeits in liteiatuie, cultuial and media studies, linguists,
histoiians to submit pioposals dedicated to mutual peiceptions and
steieotypes in theii iespective elds. We do not wish to focus solely on
Poland and its immediate neighbouis. On the contiaiy, awaie of globaliza-
tion piocesses and new geopolitical iealities, of new physical and mental
boideilines, we aie keen to expand the scope of oui debate to include all
the Euiopean Union membei states, as well as Russia and the countiies
of the Eastein (post-Soviet states) and Southein (Noithein Afiica and the
Middle East) Paitneiships.
We shall welcome papeis on the following themes: Inter- and intra-
national, ethnic, religious and gender stereotypes Self- and mutual
perceptions National and regional identities New nationalisms
Globalisation and new media Migration Multiculturalism Inter-
cultural dialogue Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia Xenophobia,
oikophobia and xenophilia European Neighbourhood Policy, including
the Eastern Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean.
Call foi papeis deadline:
January 15, 2014
June 4-6, 2014
Inteinational Cultuial Centie in Kiakow

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