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By: Ryan Boddie Dr.

Mangano 12/4/2013 PHED 239- Module 4 High School Springfield College Sports Education Model Table of Contents
Cover 1 3 4 5-13 Team Selection.14 Coach.15 Manager.16 Referee...17 Scorekeeper.18 Statistician.19 Advertiser...20 Equipment Manager...21 Unit Outcomes...22 Season Outcomes...23-25 Preseason Play...26 Regular Season Play...27-29 Regular Season Standings...29 Post Season Play...30-31 Post Season Standings...31 Championship Game...32 Modified Game...33-34 Rules for Regular Play...35-42 Quiz...43 Answers...44 Duty Teams...45 Skill Challenge...46 Most Valuable Player...47 Most Outstanding Team.48 Most Improved Player...49 Team Statistics...50 Individual Statistics...51-55 New York Times...56 Festivity...57-61 Class Management...62 Rubric and Standings...63 References...64

The Season
Flag Football Season is twenty (20) days in length. Class size is thirty (30) students (16 males and 14 females). Class meets twice per week for 50 minutes 10-week season. Equipment: 10 Footballs 25 Cones 30 Pennies 30 Flag belts Large posters to keep statistics of the days events 2 white boards to help with practice 4 markers

Dimensions and Diagram

Dimensions: Field will be slit at the 50 yard line so 2 games can be played at once (when the game calls for 2 games). Each field will be 50 yards Endzones are normally 10 yards endless they are changed

Students: Males
Eric Mintzer
6 feet 1 inches 180 pounds Proficiency skill level Is a good leader and well behaved in class. Is a very excited and upbeat person. Someone who is always excited to be in class and helps to keep others excited as well.

Overall is a skilled athlete with a number of friends in the class. His attendance is consistent and his effort is very consistent as well.

Cole Browne
5 feet 7 inches 160 pounds Proficiency skill level Can become slightly disruptive in class, still puts in valuable effort however. Is excited to be in physical education class Enjoys spending time with his friends in the class Overall is a skilled athlete with friends in the class who will be able to contribute in every lesson very well.

Patrick Burns
5 feet 10 inches 160 pounds Proficiency Skill Level Well behaved student but does not put in as much effort as most students. Is considered a below average athlete for the class. Does not have many friends in the class, keeps to himself a lot. Skill level is towards the lower end of the proficiency level, however still is able to contribute to the class just fine.

Patrick Malloy
5 feet 10 inches 195 pounds Utilization skill level Very high energy and high intensity student. Has a hard time listening to directions because he is so excited about getting into the activities. Has many friends in the class. Although his skill level is at the lower end of the utilization level the amount of effort he gives makes up for the rest. Good student to have in the class because he is the student who always tries to get everyone excited and involved in all activities.

James Dougherty III

5 feet 7 inches 165 pounds Utilization skill level Prized physical education student (student of the month for multiple years) Always listens to instructions and does what he is told Great leader and very outgoing

Always gets everyone to participate Talks to anyone in the class not just his friends

John Jakes
6 feet tall 190 pounds Proficiency skill level Gives mediocre effort and can be slightly inconsistent of how much effort based on what day it is. Is a good athlete, plays 2 varsity sports but often uses the excuse that he is saving his energy for practice later. Have to motivate and challenge this student to get him to show you his full potential. Not very disruptive to the class even though he has many friends in the class, very important to get him involved.

Michael Brewster
5 feet 9 inches 190 pounds Proficiency skill level Plays two varsity sports, Football and Lacrosse Has many friends in the class Can be disruptive at times if you let him get out of control and too intense. Reminding this student to keep things under control is all it takes to calm him down. When he is calm he is a good athlete who helps to get everyone involved in the lesson. Sam Speno o 5 feet 11 inches o 200 pounds o Control skill level o Does not play any varsity sports instead he is in the math club. o Has a tendency to not to show up for class prepared if he comes to class at all. o If you are not paying attention, he is someone who will walk out of the gym to try and buy a snack when you arent looking. o It is important to make sure this student is on task and at the very least not doing the wrong thing. o It is very important to keep this student involved and excited about the lesson being performed so that he can stay mentally and physically engaged throughout it.

Jason Pineada
5 feet tall

190 pounds Utilization skill level On the varsity wrestling team When student is involved he is a great athlete. Often takes some motivation to get the student involved in the class. Usually very caught up in the fact that he would rather be wrestling then participating in physical education class. If you offer this student motivational objectives or use challenge arousal then he often will respond well and put in effort throughout the class. Once he begins to get involved, he strives to be the best he can be. His teammates call him The Boss because he can be very controlling in a group setting.

Reed McLain (AKA Reed $)

6 feet 7 inches 280 pounds Proficiency skill level Is the star on the varsity basketball and will be attending Duke University on a full basketball scholarship. Also is an acapella singer. Is one of the best athletes in the class Sometimes has a difficult time putting effort into the class because he says he does not want to get hurt for basketball. As a competitor it is easy to get him involved by challenging him and giving him other motivational objectives. 5 feet 5 inches 140 pounds Control level Does not play, follow, think about, or understand sports in general. Often comes in late with a note from his band teacher saying that he was late because he was practicing the drums for the upcoming concert.

Brian Sieber

Matthew ODell
6 feet 2 inches 190 pounds Proficiency skill level Plays varsity baseball in high school and is one of the best athletes in the school Is always is on time and ready to participate for every class Does a great job of getting everyone excited and into the class and always listens to the teachers instructions.

Great person to have for the class and as a coach

Nathan Davidow
5 feet 8 inches 200 pounds Utilization skill level Plays varsity football and will be attending University of Alabama on a full football scholarship. Does not always show up to class. When he does show up to class he is not extremely involved and takes some motivation from the teacher or other students to get him going. Still a good student who respects the teacher and the rules and does not act up.

Nick Plourde
5 feet 9 inches 190 pounds Utilization skill level Does not play any sports in high school but plays club hockey outside of school. Still is a decent athlete and gives 100 % effort into every class and also shows up on time for every class. He is a great motivator for all of the students.

Artie Hairston
5 feet 6 inches 190 pounds Proficiency skill level Plays varsity football and is going to be playing division III football as a running back. He always shows up to class ready and eager to participate. He usually leads the class in whatever activity is being performed but still gets everyone involved as much as possible.

Robert Mahoney
5 feet tall 135 pounds Control skill level Does not play any sports in high school Loves to watch sports, however when playing them he feels as if he is at a disadvantage because of his size. Does not have enough confidence to get as involved as possible in certain activities.

Takes some motivation by the teacher to show him that he can participate fully in the activities.

Students: Females
Sarah Ruth
5 feet 4 inches Utilization skill level Is the Ace pitcher on the varsity softball team. Does not always give 100 % effort but when she does she is an extremely effective athlete. Keeping her motivated is the most important thing to focus on with this student and trying to get her to change for class.

Erin Boddie
5 feet 7 inches Control skill level Does not play any sports but does not mind participating in physical education class. Always shows up on time and participates to the best of her ability. Is the type of person that is always willing to help the teacher set up or clean up the equipment. Has the skills needed to be a leader but does not always step up as a leader.

Jessica Alba

5 feet 3 inches Control skill level Does not play any sports at school, is in the high school marching band Is considered to be more of a follower than a leader. Rarely ever puts in any effort during class. Has to be motivated by her friends or by the teacher constantly pushing her to get involved.

Carly Roy
5 feet 5 inches Utilization skill level Plays 3 varsity sports in high school- Cheerleader, basketball player and Lacrosse player. Is a clear leader amongst the class and her teammates. Has a natural competitive drive, teacher does not have to motivate her to put effort in for the activities. Her friends in the class tend to follow her lead in putting in maximum effort to the class.

Jennifer Rodriguez
5 feet 4 inches Utilization skill level Runs three seasons of track in high school. Is another one of the class leaders, does not follow other people. Always shows up on time to class and ready to participate. Always tries her hardest on the task at hand. 5 feet 5 inches Utilization skill level Is a varsity gymnast. Is one of the best athletes in the class. Consistent effort throughout the class. Tends to be more of a follower than a leader. Her effort is affected by the effort of her friends and other students in the class. 5 feet 7 inches Utilization skill level Plays both varsity softball and varsity soccer Is neither a leader nor a follower, she does her own thing. Can become disruptive at times when she is with her friends in the class. It is important to keep this student away from her friends so that she is on task and contributes a great amount to the class.

Madyson LoPresti

Kate Aber

Alyssa Monahan
6 feet tall Utilization skill level Plays varsity field hockey. Can be a leader when she decides she wants to be. Also is known to be passive and a follower at times. Shows up to class ready to participate every class. Although she is ready to participate she does not always put in a maximum amount of effort on her own. She needs to be pushed a little bit by the teacher.

Missy Azrak
5 feet 2 inches Control skill level Does not play any sports in high school. Does not have many friends in the class. Is a follower who is quiet and tends to keep to herself in the class. Has a habit of standing around during class and not changing for class. Is a student who you have to pay extra attention and attempt to motivate her to participate as much as possible and try to get her to change for class.

Tina Turner
5 feet 4 inches Utilization skill level Plays varsity soccer Is a follower in the class but still someone who always puts in maximum amount of effort. She comes prepared to every class and ready to participate. If her friends begin to stop trying a lot of the time she follows them in this aspect.

Betty Crocker
5 feet 6 inches Utilization skill level Is the captain of the field hockey, wrestling and lacrosse varsity teams. Is the only female wrestler in school history to be a national champion. Is the biggest leader out of every girl in the class and has the most pride. She has many friends in the class who tend to follow her lead of trying hard in this class.

Samantha Corsi
5 feet 7 inches Control skill level Varsity Soccer player

Is more of a follower than a leader. Puts in minimal effort in the class unless given a specific challenge arousal or motivational objective.

Kim Holden aka The Golden Holden

o 5 feet 4 inches o Utilization skill level o Is on the varsity swim team and is on a full scholarship to Notre Dame for swimming. o Is a leader as well as a superior athlete. o Holds herself back effort wise because of fear of getting hurt/ saving her energy swimming later on in the day. o The best way to get her to be fully involved in the class is to make it as competitive as possible.

Jennifer Terner
o 4 feet 11 inches o Utilization skill level o #1 Golfer on the varsity womens golf team o Is a follower and is not as comfortable in team sports as in individual sports. o Is good at following directions and attention to detail. o Always puts in consistent effort throughout the entire lesson.


Team Selection
The teacher will select the 5 most skilled students in the class. There will be 3 males and 2 females selected. These 5 students will be the coaches of the teams for the Sport Education Model. After class one day the teacher will gather the 5 students selected and will have them pick their teams. The students were picked based on their leadership ability, overall personality, attendance, and skill level. When picking teams the students will alternate between picking a male student and a female student. The teams that the students select will be their teams throughout the entire Sport Education Model. If there are any problems with the teams the teacher will be responsible for making any changes to them. Students will not be allowed to make trades with other teams or anything of this matter. The team that the coach selects is final!

Expectations and Responsibilities:

make sure everyone gets equal playing time and who is at what position keep track of what days you play what team mediation amongst players keep everyone focused on their task and not worrying about other members of the team keep the team motivated and involved come up with plays that they think will work against the team they play that week make sure that the team is well behaved and uses appropriate sportsmanship

Expectations and Responsibilities:
Keep track of team absences


assist coach in keeping track of the schedule Organize team uniform or team colors that will be worn

Assist the coach in anyway possible


Expectations and Responsibilities:
Should know the rules and regulations of flag football
Have confidence in the calls that they are making, otherwise the students will argue with them Do not allow any foul play or cursing Do not tolerate any misbehavior Need to make sure that they are involved and paying attention at all times during the games Need to be unbiased about the teams that are playing


Expectations and responsibilities: Know what the score of the game is at all times Be able to announce the score of the game when asked by anyone The scorekeeper will record the results of the game at the end of the class (scores will be recorded on the large post-it by the locker room doors play in the game and keep score at the same time


Expectations and responsibilities: Keep statistics for: Team points scored Teams points allowed Team touchdowns Individual passing and rushing touchdowns Interceptions Tackles (flags pulled) Sacks (pulling the Quarterbacks flag before passing the line of scrimmage) Will be recorded after each game Have organized statistics at all times Be able to keep statistics for each game but also statistics for the entire season as well


Expectations and responsibilities: Create a proposal on how they are going to advertise the tournament Post flyers around the school to get as much support as possible Advertise the standings as the tournament progresses


Equipment Manager
Expectations and responsibilities: Make sure that the team has all of the equipment that they will need for the days practice Make sure that the field is set up for each game Make sure that after the game is over that the equipment gets put in the proper place


Unit Outcomes
(P)-SWAT- Demonstrate how to catch and throw a football properly by the end of the unit for at least six successful times without dropping the ball (NASPE 1 and MA CF 2.17). (C)-SWAT- Understand different plays that can be run on both offense and defense so that they can play flag football outside of the class (NASPE 2 and MA CF 2.19). (A)-SWAT- Communicate with their team and other teams by demonstrating good sportsmanship (NASPE 5 and MA CF 2.26).


Season Outcomes
Day 1 2 3 5 8 Outcomes Introduce throwing and catching to the students. Make sure to allow time for the students to play. Allow the students to choose 2 gentlemen to be captains and 2 ladies to be captains. Students will be introduced to the Sports education Model and what they will be doing for the next 19 classes. The Coaches of each team will take this time to work with their teams on more advanced skills. Students will work on passing to a moving target then work on passing to a moving target that is being defended. Students will then work on catching while in motion and then catch the ball in motion while covered by a defender. Students will finally find out who is on what team All of the rules for flag football will be explained to the class The teacher will explain all of the roles that the students will be chosen for Team names will be chosen by each team and they will be based on the NFL teams The coaches will take this time to run practice with their team and go over strategies. Each person will know what their role is so this will be a review Students will have an opportunity to ask any questions Students will have an inner team scrimmage More team practice and scrimmage time The scrimmage time will be used to get competitive competition that will not count toward the regular season. Regular season begins Each team will play 2 games per day 15 minute games will be played then switch The team sitting out will do their duties that they were assigned to Teacher will give feedback to the class on things that need improvement as a class Teams will continue their regular season games as scheduled The off team will do their duties as assigned Teacher will let the class know where each team stands and go over any skills that need improvement Regular season games will be continued The team with the bye will do their assigned duties


Teacher will give feedback to the class on things that need improvement as a class Teams will continue their regular season games as scheduled The off team will do their duties as assigned Teacher will explain how the postseason will be played (double elimination tournament) Continue regular season play Bye team will do their duties that are assigned for the day Second to last day before postseason starts Regular season continues Bye team will do their duties just like every other class Teacher will announce the standings as it is for the last day of regular season play Students will play the final 2 games of the regular season Bye team will do their duties as usual Teacher will announce the final standings for the regular season Modified game will be explained and then played Last time to polish up skills before the tournament starts Last time to get any confusion of the duties out of the way The rest of class the students will practice their skills and strategies that they will use in the playoffs now that the students have seen all of the teams play This is the last practice time of the season and it will be used to fine tune skills and strategies for the postseason play that starts next class Any questions about the postseason will be addressed If the team wants to wear new uniforms now is the time to change it up Day 1 of the double elimination tournament will begin Statistics will be recorded Teams will find out who they play the following day Day 2 of tournament begins- Winners and Losers brackets Students will find out who they play on the following day Day 3 of tournament play begins Students find out who will be playing in the Championship game in front of the whole school so all other teams will have to be event staff Championship Game will be held as a school wide event WInning team will receive a Trophy and a t-shirt The results of postseason and regular season play will be accumulated and announced at the end of the class




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Skills competition will be held during the final class Awards will be given out to the students


What the students learned from the Sports Education Project

This time will be used to go over skills that will be used during games and strategies used in different situations. There will be a lot of practice time for each team that will be lead by the coach and manager. Every student will know what their duties are for the regular season. The skills will be assessed at the end during the skills competition.


Regular Season
Day 1: Game 1: NYG vs NYJ NEP vs DB KCC vs Bye=duty team Game 2: NYJ vs DB NYG vs BYE NEP vs KCC Game 3: KCC vs BYE NYJ vs DB NYG vs NEP

Day 2:

Day 3:

Game 4: BYE vs DB KCC vs NEP NYJ vs NYG Game 5: DB vs NEP BYE vs NYG KCC vs NYJ

Game 6: NEP vs NYG DB vs NYJ BYE vs KCC Day 4: Game 7: NYG vs NYJ NEP vs KCC DB vs Bye Game 8: NYJ vs KCC NYG vs BYE NEP vs DB Game 9: KCC vs BYE NYJ vs DB NYG vs NEP

Day 5:


Day 6:

Game 10: BYE vs DB KCC vs NEP NYJ vs NYG Game 11: DB vs NEP BYE vs NYG KCC vs NYJ Game 12: NEP vs NYG DB vs NYJ BYE vs KCC

Regular Season Standings

Team 1. New York Giants 2. Denver Broncos 3. New England Patriots 4. Kansas City Chiefs 5. New York Jets Record 11-1 9-3 6-6 3-9 1-11


Post Season Play

Lesson 16-19 will be dedicated to postseason play and day 19 will be the championship. Day 1: Game 1: KCC vs NYJ NYG vs DB NEP vs BYE Game 2: NYJ vs DB KCC vs BYE NYG vs NEP Day 2: Game 3: DB vs BYE NYJ vs NEP KCC vs NYG Game 4: BYE vs NEP DB vs NYG NYJ vs KCC Day 3: Game 5: NEP vs NYG

BYE vs KCC DB vs NYJ Game 6: NYG vs KCC NEP vs NYJ BYE vs DB

Play Off Standings

Teams 1. Denver Broncos 2. New York Giants 3. Kansas City Chiefs 4. New England Patriots 5. New York Jets Record 5-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 1-4

Championship Game
New York Giants at Denver Broncos


The Denver Broncos are favored to win in this Championship match up according to the rest of the teams that were competing in the tournament.

Modified Game
Name: Corner Endzone Flag Football Positions: positions rotate there is a snapper, a quarterback, and 3 receivers Facility: one big gymnasium or field with two games going on with way (50 ft by 50 ft) with two 5x5ft end zones at each corner Equipment/Materials: 20 flags of 4 different colors, 32 cones, 2 footballs Focus/Outcome: to reach the endzone more times than the other team Objectives: (P) Perform a football pass to a receiver in stride at least once by the end of the game (NASPE 1, MACF 2.17) (C) Name two different receiver routes by the end of the game(NASPE 2, MACF 2.17)


(A) Treat the equipment properly throughout the entire lesson by only using them for intended purposes only (NASPE 5, MACF 2.26) Rules/Regulations: No pushing Pulling a flag is a tackle Must reach one of your teams two endzones in the corner of the field within 10 plays counted by the teacher Two completed forward passes are a first down 4 downs No kick-off; only a throw-off No blitz Rotate positions EVERY play Students may ask about any other rules if it is unclear or if they think I miss something -one point per score Safety Tips: No pushing Be aware of surroundings and other players Stay in bounds at all times Do not throw flag when you pull it off of someone Do not throw ball unless receiver is ready and looking Extensions Up: students may blitz up to two people and quarterback may run when that happens Down: Endzone will be made larger of the scoring chances are severely limited Diagram:

Reference: Ben Pierce, Junior Physical Education Major, Springfield College.


Rules for Regular Play GUIDELINES & RULES 1. Players: Each team will field six (6) players on offense and defense. field all six (6) players. 2. Equipment:

A minimum of five (5) players are required to field a teamopposing team may still

All players must wear a mouthpiece and a protective cup during the game (if applicable) Matching jerseys are required on the field of play. tucked into pants.

Each player must wear their flag belts over their jerseys. The jersey must NOT be Flag belts must be completely visible at all times and may not be altered in any way. No hard football pads, hard braces or casts.


No metal cleats or any other illegal equipmentthis is enforced at the referees discretion. 3. Coin Toss: Visiting team calls the coin toss:

The winner has two (2) choices to start the game(1) receive the ball(2) defend. The loser of the toss decides which end of the field they would like to defend to start the game.

Teams switch direction in the second half and the team that started the game on defense will start the second half on offense. 4. Game Clock / Time Outs:

A game will consist of two (2) twenty five (25) minute halves. The clock will continue to

run throughout the game and will only be stopped in the last minute of both halves (pro clock) Each team gets three (3) time outs per half. Each time out will be twenty (20) seconds. Time out can only be called by a player on the field or a designated coach. Games must start on time. The clock will be started at time game is scheduled. If a team minutes late, the team that was on time will have the option to receive the ball both halves. 5. Rules: Only the HEAD COACH is allowed to question a call and to have an officials conference. Offensive teams are allowed one (1) forward pass per play. Pitch backs are OK and does not count as a forward pass. Shuffle passes are allowed. Dead Ball:The following is considered a dead ball

is more than ten (10) minutes late, that team will forfeit the game. If a team is less than ten (10)


FUMBLESthere are NO FUMBLES. The ball is spotted where it is fumbled. Any part of the ball carriers body hits the ground, except for the feet or hands (the ball is an extension of the hand if under control) The flag falls off the ball carrier (NO EXCEPTIONS)

If an offensive and defensive player catches the ball at the same time, it is awarded to the offense at the spot.

If a player catches a ball while his knee is down or if his flag has already fallen off before the catch is made, the catch is allowed but the ball cannot be advanced. Interceptions: If a defensive player intercepts a pass, they may run it back. However, once the

interception is made, that team now becomes the offensive team and must obey the offensive rules. The intercepting team will take possession of the ball wherever they are flagged. Blocking: There is NO BLOCKING for the ball carrier. However, offensive players may set a prevent a defender from making a play on the ball carrier. Frozen Zones: Two (2) yards before the end zones or the first down markers at midfield. If any part of run the ball for the yardage needed even after the five (5) count but the defense can still rush after the five (5) count. All passes in the Frozen Zone MUST BE A FORWARD PASS beyond the line of scrimmage. Mercy Rule: 34

basketball pick. An offensive player can run alongside the ball carrier; HOWEVER he cannot

the ball touches the Frozen Zone, the offense is only allowed to pass the ball. The offense cannot

If a team winning by nine (9) points or more and they take possession of the ball at the one (1) minute warning, THE GAME IS OVER. Overtime: If a game is tied after regulation, a coin toss will determine who receives the ball first. Visiting team will call the toss. Winner has two choices: #1-ball or #2-defend Both teams will go in the same direction. The team that starts on defense will pick direction. One timeout per team (no carry over from regulation)

Each team will be given four (4) downs to score from the opponents five (5) yard line. If the defensive team intercepts the ball during the four (4) downs, the offense forfeits their remaining attempts. If the score is still tied after each team has a try, the game will be considered a tie. During the playoffs, the sequence will continue until there is a winner. 6. Offense: Offensive team starts on their own five (5) yard line. They have four (4) downs to reach the first down marker at mid-field. If so, the get four (4) more downs to score. On 4th down the team must decide to go for it or punt If a team goes for it and fails, the other team will take possession at the spot of last completed play. Offense has thirty (30) seconds to call and start execution of a play after the referee sets the ball at the line of scrimmage and blows the ready whistle or they will be called for Delay of Game. At the snap of the ball (can be from the side or between the legs but must be shotgun) the referee will count to five (5). The offense can run with the ball prior to the five (5) count but only on a hand off. However, once there is a hand off, the defense DOES NOT have to wait for the five (5) count.


The quarterback can run with the ball ONLY after the five (5) count. Receivers must have one (1) foot in bounds for it to be a completed pass. No silent counts. The quarterback must say the word HIKE Whoever receives the ball from the center is the quarterback.

The quarterback MUST receive the ball from the center. The ball MUST exchange hands. The quarterback cannot just touch the ball so that the center can rub with it. When the flag is pulled the ball will be spotted where the ball carriers feet are, NOT THE BALL. The ball carrier can spin to avoid a defender. He cannot guard the flag or leave his feet to avoid a defender. The ball carrier must avoid the defensive players. There is no charging into the defensive player. All players must be at least five (5) yards from the sideline for the huddle to be legal. 7. Defense: The defensive player must wait for the five (5) count before crossing the line of scrimmagethere is no blitzing.

The defensive player can cross the line of scrimmage prior to the five (5) count ONLY if there is a handoff, pitch/lateral or forward pass. Play action does not count. Intentionally pulling the flag of an offensive player without that offensive player having possession of the ball is considered a hold. A defensive player is allowed to leave their feet in order to pull a flagHOWEVER in doing so; it must not impede the runner. If it does impede. It will be considered illegal contact.

8. Penalties Offense: 5 yards from line of scrimmage and repeat down Delay of game Offside/False start Failure to wear proper equipment Too many players on the field snap infraction


5 yards from line of scrimmage and loss of down Intentional grounding Illegal forward pass Illegal touchingif a receiver runs out of bounds

10 yards from spot of foul and loss of down Guarding the flag Stiff arming

10 yards from line of scrimmage and loss of down Pass interference Hurdling Blocking Personal Fouls Unsportsmanlike conduct Unnecessary roughness Tying on the flag belt Charging into player Fighting

Defense: 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down Off sides Illegal rush Failure to wear proper equipment


10 yards from spot of foul or end of play and repeat down Holding / Illegal contact Grabbing the flag before receiver has possession * Defensive pass interference spot foul automatic first down 10 yards from spot of foul or end of play and automatic first down Personal Fouls Unsportsmanlike conduct

Unnecessary roughness Tackling Pushing out of bounds Stripping or attempt to strip Fighting 9. Scoring: Touchdown: 6 Points Conversions 1 point from the two (2) yard linepass only 2 points from the five (5) yard linerun or pass

Interception and returned on extra point attempt Safety 2 points ( start at 5 yard line after safety ) 3 points


Name:_____________ Date:__________ Directions: Answer all of the questions in the space provided. Each question is worth 1 point each for a total of 20 points . True/False- 10 points in total , 1 point each 1. _____ There will not be a penalty for a player who guards their flag. 2. _____ On a defensive pass interference the ball is spotted at the place of the foul. 3. _____ The offensive team has four downs to score. 4. _____ Full contact is allowed while tackling the ball carrier. 5. _____ A touchdown is worth 6 points. 6. _____ Everyone must be wearing the same uniform. 7. _____ On a 2 point conversion, you are only allowed to pass. 8. _____ The quarterback can run the ball at anytime he wants. 9. _____ Rubber cleats are allowed , just not metal cleats. 10. _____ When a fumble occurs, the ball will be spotted at the place of the fumble.


Short Answer: Answer the questions in the space provided! 5 points each question for a total of 10 points. 1. When an offensive player and a defensive player catch the ball at the same time, what happens to the spot of the ball and who gets the ball?

2. When is the best time to call a time out?

Total points: ___/20

Answer Key:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. True

Short Answer: 1. The offense gets the ball where both players caught the ball. 2. The best time to call a timeout is while your team is driving down field and your team is losing. Call the timeout so that your team has time to catch their breath and organize what plays will be run so that your team reaches the endzone.


Duty Team
The duty team will be the team that has a bye for that game. The Duty team will need to make sure that there is a scorekeeper at each game and make sure that there is a referee at each game. The last person will need to keep statistics for both teams. Everyone needs to make sure that the field is set up and ready to go so the class can get right into practices and games.

Regular Season Duties:

Game 1: Chiefs Game 2: Giants Game 3: Chiefs Game 4: Broncos Game 5: Giants Game 6: Chiefs Game 7: Broncos Game 8: Giants Game 9: Chiefs Game 10: Broncos Game 11: Giants Game 12: Chiefs


Skills Challenge
Objective: The point of the skills challenge is to focus on the 3 main skills that are used in flag football. The three of the skills are the most essential components in order to play flag football. Best Male and female from each team will compete for the title of most skilled athlete! Throwing: There will be a different sets of tires hung around the gymnasium. Each tire will be at a different height and distance from the line the thrower will be standing at. The second part of the challenge will be to hit the targets while on the run. In order to win, the thrower must hit all six targets. Catching: The teacher will throw the ball starting at 10 yards away. Everytime the student catches the ball, the teacher will step back 5 yards until they reach 35 yards apart. Once the teacher reaches that point, the student has three chances to catch the ball while running a fade route. The person who catches the most passes wins. Punting: The punting challenge is simple. The student will have 5 tries to kick the ball as far as possible using proper skill cues. The furthest kick is the winner.


Most Valuable Player

The most valuable player is an award given to the player who contributed the most to their team both on and off the field. This player was the best in the entire league, not just on the team. The students will vote on the student who they believed to be the best. This student did an excellent job of staying engaged all the time no matter what the task at hand was and always displayed great sportsmanship. This student was always willing to help improve others as well as succeed themselves. This student was the most dedicated person to their team and a person that without, they would clearly not have been as successful as a team.

This Certificate is proudly presented to ___________________ For their superb effort and performance throughout the Sports Education Model. Teacher: ____________________ Athletic Director: ____________________


Most Outstanding Team

The most outstanding team award is given to a team who demonstrates an extreme amount of team cohesion and sportsmanship. This team went out of their way to help other teams when they were down and always worked as a team.


The Most Outstanding Team award is proudly presented to ________________________ in recognition of fulfilling all of the requirements to being the Most Outstanding Team. Teacher: __________________________ Athletic Director: ________________________

Most Improved Player

The Most Improved Player award goes to a student who has improved their skills in every category. This student was someone who started at the control level and has moved to at least the proficient skill level. The student demonstrated an improvement in social skills and now has a general understanding of the game and the rules. The Most Improved Player award is proudly presented to ________________________ in recognition of their superb efforts and improvement in skill levels during the Sports Education Model.


Teacher: ________________________ Athletic Director: _____________________

Team Statistics
Team Points Scored Points Let Up Touchdowns Interceptions W

i n s

234 86 100 212

40 226 124 100

25 8 15 20

13 3 9 11

1 6 2 8 1 4








Individual Statistics
New York Jets Student Touchdown Interceptions Flags Completions Pulled (Tackles) 64 38 37 54 42 48 32 12 0 26

Eric Cole Jessica Jennifer Sam

6 5 2 0 5

2 1 1 1 0




New York Giants Student Touchdown Interceptio ns 4 2 9 4 3 3 1 2 0 0 1 2 Flags Pulled (Tackles) 38 49 54 76 29 44 Completion s 22 0 54 24 21 12

Erin Nick Matthew Nathan Sarah Missy


Denver Broncos Student Touchdown Interceptio ns 2 8 3 0 1 4 1 4 1 1 2 0 Flags Pulled (Tackles) 34 78 46 24 32 45 Completion s 15 65 32 0 9 31

Alyssa Robert Artie Kate Brian Reed

New England Patriots



Touchdown Interceptio ns 3 4 0 2 6 2 2 1 1 2 1 2

Flags Pulled (Tackles) 21 32 47 29 56 23

Completion s 38 31 0 23 49 12

Jason Michael John Madyson Tina Betty

Kansas City Chiefs Student Touchdown Interceptio ns 1 0 Flags Pulled (Tackles) 21 Completion s 17



Patrick B.

2 0 9 3 1

1 0 5 2 3

26 32 67 32 19

41 0 74 21 12

James Kim Jennifer

Patrick M.

New York Times

The first 18 classes led up to the final Championship match up between the New York Giants and the Denver Broncos. The Denver Broncos were favored to win the game according to the students in the class. The game was back and forth. The Giants would drive down the field and the Broncos would do the same thing right back. The game came down to double over time. Both teams kept stopping each other and no one ended up scoring until the second over time. The Giants ended up winning in the last minute of the game. The Giants threw the game winning touchdown. Nick Connected with Matthew for the game winner! It started out as a five yard hitch route. Matthew caught the ball and ran 70 yards after that running the time out on the clock so that there was no time left for


the opposing team to score. He ended up faking out three defensive players that tried to tackle him. After Matthew scored, his team met him in the endzone and they got into a triangular shape forming what looked like bowling pins. He rolled the football at his teammates so they all fell and it looked like he bowled a strike. The students used all the skills that they learned during the preseason throughout the regular season. After fine tuning all the skills, some of the students competed in the skills challenge which took place after the game. One student punted the ball, over 40 yards and set a school record. What an amazing way to end the Sports Education Model. The final day was dedicated to an awards ceremony to honor all of the students hard work and participation throughout the whole project. Some students who really stood out were honored for their efforts and commitments to the team and to the rest of the class. The Awards that were presented were Most Valuable Player, Most Outstanding Team and Most Improved Player. The students had an opportunity to vote for who they thought should get the awards but in the end the final decision was made up by the teachers.

New York Giants
Nickname: Big Blue Colors: Blue, Red, and White


Students on the team: Erin, Nick, Matthew, Nathan, Sarah, and Missy

New York Jets

Nickname: Gang Green Colors: Green and white


Students on the team: Eric, Cole, Jessica, Jennifer R., Sam, and Carly

New England Patriots Nickname: The Pats Colors: Silver, Blue, Red, and White


Students on the team: Jason, Michael, John, Madyson, Tina and Betty.

Denver Broncos
Nickname: Orange Crush Colors: Orange, Blue, and White.


Students on the team: Alyssa, Robert, Kate, Brian, Reed, and Artie.

Kansas City Chiefs

Nickname: Chiefs Colors: Red and Gold


Students on the team: Samantha, Pat B., Pat Malloy, James, Kim, and Jennifer T.

Class Management and Behavior

Fair play and sportsmanship: All students are expected to always stay optimistic with all of their teammates and also the opposing team. At no point during the Sports Education Model should anything negative

or offensive be said to any of the other participants. On top of this in game play, although there is no mercy rule, running up the score on somebody and beating them by an unnecessary amount is inappropriate as well. Respect everyone the way you want them to respect you.

Fair Play Rubric: 0= never 1= Rarely 2=often 3=always

1. Shakes hands with opponents before to wish them luck and after the game to say they played well (win or lose). 2. No derogatory remarks to your team or the opposing team. 3. No foul play 4. Respects all of the calls made by the referee and the rules given by the teacher.

Standings for fair play



Points 15 12 11 10 20

Ben Pierce, Junior Physical Education Major, Springfield College. Nfl team nicknames-good/bad/old/new. (n.d.). Retrieved from 9/11 high school flag football rules. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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