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Joey Raniolo Fitness Block Plan PHED 239 Springfield College 11/21/13

Unit Outcomes By the end of the unit students will be able to... (P) Perform at least three different tasks used in the block plan using all correct skill cues and strategies. (NASPE # 1, MA CF #2.17)

(C) Be able to understand the and know how to improve all four components of fitness learned in the block plan. (NASPE # 2, MA CF # 2.19) (A ) Show a desire to improve all four components of fitness learned in the block plan outside of physical education. (NASPE # 5, MA CF 2.26)

(1) watch (1) whistle (1) music player (1) fast paced music playlist (2) large boxes (4) medicine balls (2 5 lbs, 2 10 lbs) (9) pairs of dumbbells (3 10 lbs, 3 15 lbs, 3 20 lbs) (2) pull up bars (24) jump ropes (1) fast paced music playlist relaxing playlist (24) yoga mats

(2) water polo nets (1) water polo ball (1) pool (1) watch (1) whistle Facilities

Pool Gymnasium


Day____1____ Focus: Mus cular Strength Circ uit Training Equipment/Mat erials/Technolo gy:


Day____2_____ Day____3_____ Day____4_____ Focus: Card iovascular endurance Jum p Rope Focus: bility Flexi Focus: Mus cular Endurance r polo Wate


Equipment/Mat erials/Technolo gy: watch (1) (1)

Equipment/Mat erials/Technolo gy:

Equipment/Mat erials/Technolo gy: (2)

music player (1) (1) watch relaxing (24) playlist jump ropes (24) (1) yoga mats music player (1) Informing: What fast paced is flexibility? music Flexibility is playlist the ability of Informing: a joint to What move is through its cardiovascul full range of ar motion. endurance? It is basically How how strong does your heart is. flexibility How benefit us? It does can reduce cardiovascul the risk of ar endurance injury in any benefit us? It sport and can Informing: can also What potentially improve is muscular add years to performance. strength? your life and The ability to How can help exert a maximal can flexibility avoid or near be numerous maximal force improved? health against an The best way to problems.

(1) watch (1) whistle (1) music player (1) fast paced music playlist (2) large boxes (4) medicine balls (2 5 lbs, 2 10 lbs) (9) pairs of dumbbells (3 10 lbs, 3 15 lbs, 3 20 lbs) (2) pull up bars

water polo nets (1) water polo ball (1) pool (1) watch (1) whistle

Informing: What is muscular endurance? The ability of a muscle or groups of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against resistance for an extended period of time. How does muscular

object. How does muscular strength benefit us? Muscular strength benefits us by improving our body composition, increasing bone strength, burns calories, and reduces the risk of injuries. It also can help with performance for a lot of athletes. What is circuit training? Circuit training is short bursts of resistance exercise using moderate weights and frequent repetitions, followed

Also cardiovascul ar endurance can help with performance of strength and and endurance. What are some ways we can increase cardiovas cular endurance ? Running on a treadmill, biking, rowing machine, jumping rope, or a step machine to list a few.

improve flexibility is to stretch every muscle group often, two or three times a day before and after any period of exercise.

endurance benefit us? Muscular endurance improves posture, helps avoid lower back pain, and can improve athletic ability. Stop/ Go signals Go= Ready, go Stop= 3,2,1, freeze Refining/Extend ing: Free style stroke (most common/effi cient) Stomach facing bottom of the pool, rotate arms in a circular motion in opposition, brush ear with upper arm during

Refining/Extend ing: Mou ntain pose: Stand tall with feet together, shoulder relaxed, weight evenly distributed through soles, arms at sides. Take a deep breath and What raise your is heart rate? hands Heart rate or overhead, pulses refers to palms facing how many each other times your with arms heart contracts straight. and relaxes per

quickly by another burst of exercise targeting a different muscle group. What are repetitions and sets? One repetition is one movement that you perform for the exercise you are doing. For example, one pull up where you bring your chin above the bar and come back down until your arms are straight is one repetition or rep. A set is the amount of repetitions you do before you rest. For example, 3 sets of 3 pull ups means you do 3

minute or how many times it beats per minute. The normal resting heart rate for an adult around the age of 18 is 60-100 beats per minute. Stop/ Go signals Go= Ready, go Stop= 3,2,1, freeze Refining/Extend ing: Basi c jump: Swing the rope over your head and jump as it passes your feet. You dont have to jump high, just enough to clear the rope. Land evenly on both feet and continue.

Reach up toward the sky with your fingertips. Dow nward dog: Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips. Walk hands a few inches forward and spread fingers wide, pressing palms into mat. Curl toes under and slowly press hips toward ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted V, pressing

rotations, one arm under water and opposite arm above water, continuously flutter kick legs, keep fingers together and palms cupped. Trea ding waterwhile in open water make your hands like fins (fingers together, cup palms), flutter kick your legs, make figure eights with your hands under water (push them back and forth), both hands and legs moving at the same

pull ups, rest, 3 pull ups, rest, then 3 pull ups again. Stop/ Go signals Go= 1 blow of whistle Stop/Rotate= 2 blows of whistle Refining/Extend ing: Dips (triceps) Back is towards the box with palms on the edge of the box. Legs are straight and together and feet are planted away from the box. Bend elbows, sink body down as far as possible, push back up. Extension upMore reps, move feet further away

Alter nate foot jump: swing the rope over your head and jump as it passes your feet. Land on your right foot. On the next rotation, land on your left and continue this as if you were running in place. Com bo jump: Repeat the alternate foot jump for 8 turns of the rope then do 8 basic jumps and repeat the sequence as many times as needed. High step: Repeat

shoulders away from ears. Feet should be hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold for 3 breaths. Warr ior: Stand with legs 3 to 4 feet apart, turning right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in slightly. Bring hands to your hips and relax your shoulders, then extend arms out to the sides, palms down. Bend right knee 90 degrees, keeping knee over ankle; gaze out

time, keep head and chin above water. Rule s of water polo: 1. Object is to score in the other teams goal 2. The ball is thrown into the goal to score 3. In regular water polo only one hand can be used but we will play with two hands 4. There is a noncontact defense

from the box Extension down- less reps, move feet closer to the box (can be bent) Sit ups with medicine ball (abdominals, obliques) Start with back on the ground, knees bent, with medicine ball held at the chest. Knees are bent and heels should be close to the butt. Sit up bringing your chest as close to your knees as possible using your abdominals. Extension upuse heavier medicine ball, more reps Extension

the alternate foot jump but this time raise each knee to a 90 degree angle while jumping. Learning Activities: Warm-up Students will do a series of stretches led by the teacher. High knees Butt kicks Arm circles Reach for toes Spread legs reach to right, left, down the middle Quad stretches The students will each get a

over right hand. Hold for one minute. Switch sides and repeat.

Learning Activities: Stud ents will play one game of sharks and minnows to Tree warm up. pose: Stand with arms at Two sharks in the middle and sides. Shift weight onto the rest of the students left leg and place sole of (minnows) have to swim to the right foot other side of inside the the pool left thigh, keeping hips without getting tagged by a facing shark. forward. Once Stud balanced, ents will play bring hands water polo in front of following all you in prayer the rules position, listed above palms and will play together. On in the deep an end so they inhalation, can tread extend arms water the over whole game. shoulders, palms Ther

down- use lighter medicine ball or no medicine ball, less reps Push ups (pectorals, triceps) Start in a plank position with hands under the shoulders and elbows locked out. Feet are together. Bring chest to the floor by bending elbows (not by lowering hips) go as close to the floor without touching it then push back up. Extension upmore reps Extension down- go to knees, less reps

jump rope and make a big circle around the teacher. Music will be playing and the teacher will lead the jump rope routine. The teacher uses all four jump rope types in the routine. 1. Basic jump 2. Alternate foot jump 3. Combo jump 4. High step The teacher will do each type of jump for a minute straight and have a 30 second rest between each type of jump. This will be gone through 4 times with 1 minute breaks

separated and facing each other. Hold for 30 seconds.

Brid ge pose: Lie on floor with knees bent and directly over heels. Place arms at sides, palms down. Exhale, then press feet Stud into floor as ents will do a you lift hips. cool down Clasp hands lap in the under lower pool using back and the freestyle press arms stroke. down, lifting hips until thighs are Assessment: parallel to Teac floor her bringing checklistchest toward teacher will chin. Hold have a for 1 minute. checklist to use while Cobr students are

e will be 4 teams of 6 people each and teams not in stand on the side and the ball can be passed to them and they have to pass it back to the team that passed it to them.

Body squats with dumbbells (gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps) Feet shoulder width apart, hold dumbbell up to chest, squat down with thighs parallel to ground making a 90 degree angle with legs, then push back up until just before legs are straight. Bice p curls (biceps) Start with standing up with dumbbells at hip level. Rotate wrist so

between the four types. This will be a total of 16 minutes of jump roping. The teacher will yell out when to start and stop each type of jump. If the students cant do some of the jumps they can do the basic jump the entire time and if they cant get the hang of any of the jumps they can jump in place. Stud ents will take their heart rates immediately after finishing the routine and record it on their own card.

a: Lie playing to se facedown on if they can the floor with do the thumbs freestyle directly stroke under shoulders, legs extended References: with the tops http:/ of your feet /generalfitne on the floor. Tighten your m/id1.html pelvic floor http:/ and tuck /sportsmedic hips downward as m/od/glossar you squeeze y/g/MuscleE your glutes. Press m shoulders down and away from ears. Push through your thumbs and index fingers as you raise your chest toward the wall in front of you. Relax and repeat.

that one Assessment: Stud forearm is ents will facing forward, hand in the curl dumbbell cards with up towards their heart shoulder by rates and keeping the see if elbow everyone stationary. has a healthy Lower heart rate dumbbell back compared to to starting point their resting then repeat heart rate. with other arm. Extension upmore weight, more reps References: Extension http:/ down- less /generalfitne weight, less reps m/id4.html http:/ Pull /www.realsi ups (latissimus alth/fitnessdorsi, teres exercise/15minor, teres minute-jumpmajor, ropetriceps) workoutPut hands on 00000000051 bar a little wider 686/ than shoulder ml width apart. http:/ Pull body up /www.medica

Crow pose: Get into downward dog position and walk feet forward until knees touch your arms. Bend your elbows, lift heels off floor, and res knees against the outside of your upper arms. Keep toes on floor, abs engaged and legs pressed against arms. Hold for 5-10 breaths. Child s pose: Sit up comfortably on heels. Roll your torso

until chin is above the bar. Try not to swing on the bar. Extension upmore reps, wide grip Extension down- less reps Plan

lnewstoday.c om/articles/2 35710.php

ks (abdominals, quadriceps, glutes) Start laying on stomach with feet together. Put elbows on ground under shoulders and hold the body up in your elbows. Hold that position keeping back flat and your entire body should be in a straight

forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the mat in front of you. Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can, extending your arms in front of you. Hold this pose and breathe.

Learning Activities: Stud ents will each perform a sit-andreach test and record their numbers.

line. Contract the abdominals, glutes, and quadriceps while holding this position. Extension upmove elbows further away from shoulders towards head, hold for longer time Extension down- move feet apart, hold for shorter time Lung

Stud ents will do a 2 lap jog around the gym to get the blood flowing Stud ents will then take a yoga mat and get into rows in front of the teacher. Teac her will lead 1. Mountain pose 2. Downward dog 3. Warrior 4. Tree pose 5. Bridge pose 6. Cobra 7. Crow pose 8. Childs pose and go through each of them

es (quadriceps) Stand with feet shoulder width apart with spine long and straight up. Shoulders are back. Step forward with one leg into a wide stance while keeping

the spine straight. Lower hips until both knees are bent at about a 90 degree angle. Front knee should not extend over your ankle and back knee should stay just about the ground. Weight stays in the heels as you push back up to the starting position Extension upmore reps Extension down- less reps Bent over dumbbell rows (latissimu s dorsi) Start bent over with back straight at about 120

twice. Stud ents will perform and sit-and-reach test again and record their numbers. Assessment: Stud ents will hand in their sit-and-reach test results and the teacher will see if their numbers improved. References: http:/ /www.wisege m http:/ /generalfitne m/id3.html

degrees. Dumbbell s are at each side, raise the dumbbells up towards the abdomen/ chest area with a bend in the elbows. Lower back to starting position.E xtension up- More weight, more reps Extension down- less weight, less reps Leg lifts (abdominals) Lay down on back with hands next to

http:/ / m/workout/y oga/poses/b eginneryoga-poses/

hips and lift legs about 6 inches above the ground without bending knees. Hold that position. Extension uphold for longer time Extension down- hold for shorter time Learning Activities: War m-up Students will do a series of stretches led by the teacher. High knees Butt kicks Arm circles Reach for toes Spread legs reach to right, left, down

the middle Quad stretches Stud ents will each pick a partner that they will most likely work at the same rate with. Each pair will go through 12 stations (2 of them are rest stations and they are each 1 minute long. Stations will rotate when the teacher blows the whistle once. The students start the next station as soon as they get there. Each student will have their own

personal card where they fill out the amount of reps and sets they do at each station. Each pair of students will start at a different station and the stations will go as follows. 1. Dips 2. Sit ups with medicine ball 3. Push Ups 4. Body squats with dumbbells 5. Bicep curls 6. Rest 7. Pull ups 8. Planks 9. Lunges 10. Bent over

dumbbell rows 11. Leg lifts 12. Rest Cool down: Students will jog 2 laps around the gym then do the stretches from the beginning of class. Assessment: Stud ents will hand in their cards with their numbers on them and the teacher will write feedback on each card. References: http:/ /hprc- ysicalfitness/perfo rmancestrategies/m uscularstrength http:/ /www.webmd .com/fitnessexercise/feat ures/takeshortcutfitnesscircuittraining

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