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Works Cited Anderson, J. (Performer). How Introduced and Invasive Species Alter Ecological Balance [Web Video].

Retrieved from How Introduced and Invasive Species Alter Ecological Balance is a web video from Education Portal that explains what invasive species are and how they affect the habitat. This web video is for teachers to prepare themselves for teaching the unit. It gives a thorough understanding of the concepts students will need to be taught about the subject and includes a transcription. Arizona center for invasive species . (n.d.). Retrieved from The Arizona Center for Invasive Species website is the homepage for the center that deals with invasive species in Arizona. This website is used for teachers as a resource and for contacts. This page has a PDF poster of Arizonas top 10 invasive species and top 10 aquatic invasive species which can be printed out and used for display. Arizona Game and Fish Department. (n.d.). Focus wild arizona from the arizona game and fish department. Retrieved from Focus Wild Arizona from the Arizona Game and Fish Department is a website run by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. This is for teachers to use as a resource for environmental education. This is an overall great website with resources and lesson plans to use. In the lesson plan section is the Mussel Movements lesson plan that can be used as supplemental material for students. Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum. (n.d.). Invaders index. Retrieved from The Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum created a section of their website about the invasive species in Arizona. This website is to be used by teacher as resource to learn about the local Arizona invasive species. This website contains a glossary and information about each invasive species listed and ways to help out. Center for invasive species management: k-12 outreach and education. (2013). Retrieved from This website is a resource from the Center for Invasive Species Management. This is for teachers to use as a resource for alternative and supplemental lesson plans and activities. This page has a resource of resources with annotation for easy look up. Clarke Fox, C. (n.d.). Invasive plants - national geographic kids. Retrieved from

This website contains an informational text passage about invasive plants. This passage will be utilized by students. This passage was included in case an alternative text was need for differentiation and students who have lower reading ability. Churchman, D. (n.d.) Biggering with sniggerings. Biggering with Sniggerings is a story that used an analogy to discuss the invasive species, Nile perch, in Lake Victoria. This is used by to teacher as an introduction to invasive species. Students will the read the entertaining the text and learn the real story about the Nile perch, the sniggering fish in the story. Discovery Communications. (Producer). (2013, August 07). DNews: Making Invasive Species Work for Us [Web Video]. Retrieved from This is a web video from Discovery Communication for students about invasive species. This for students to watch and learn about one way we are working on the problem of invasive species. This video is created for students in the classroom and shows students one of the creative ways we are combating invasive species. Gonzalez, R. (2011, August 22). 10 of the world's worst invasive species., Retrieved from This is an article from the website give the overall 10 worst invasive species in the world. This article for the teacher is to get interested in the subject. This piece was selected more for getting the teacher interested in the subject they are teaching as well as having pictures of the invasive species themselves. Groleau, R., & Deusser, R. (2003, April 1). Invasive species matching game. Retrieved from Invasive Species Matching Game is an interactive matching game available online. Students will use this supplemental activity in a computer lab to expand their knowledge about invasive species. This game is quick, cleanly designed, and has no sound, making it great for students who finished their work early or as a warm up activity. Introduction to invasive species - national geographic education. (n.d.). Retrieved from This is a lesson plan from the education side of the National Geographic website. This lesson is for teachers to use an alternative introduction to invasive species that involved more of a discussion approach. Invasive Species Specialist Group. (n.d.). Global invasive species database. Retrieved from

This website is a database of invasive species around the globe. This is for teachers to explore the species that are considered invasive outside of their habitats. This database is rich in information about the species in it and has a top 100 worst invasive species. James, K. (2009). Invasive plant species (ips) education lessons outwit-outplant-outlast game [Web Video]. Retrieved from Invasive plant species (ips) education lessons outwit-outplant-outlast game is a web video on Youtube that help explain the Invaders of the Forest game in the supplemental materials. This video is for teachers who will be using the Invaders of the Forest game in the supplemental materials if they have an extra day or time for the unit. It goes over the learning object, what is needed to operate the game and shows how the activity is run. National Invasive Species Council. (n.d.). Welcome to Retrieved from The website for the National Invasive Species Council for the United States. This is a resource for teachers to use to look up policies, information, news, and programs teachers can use in their classrooms to educate students on invasive species. National Invasive Species Information Center. (n.d.). Invasive species: State resources - arizona. Retrieved from Invasive Species: State Resources Arizona is a web page containing resources for the state of Arizona about invasive species. This is for teachers to use as a resource while discovering, learning, and expanding their knowledge on invasive species. The webpage is organized in an easy to read manner and lets teachers go directly to the resource types they need. National Wildlife Federation. (n.d.). What we do to stop invasive species. Retrieved from This is a section from the National Wildlife Federation about how to stop invasive species. This is for teachers to use as a resource. This resource can be used to help guide students on Day 4 on creating their concept maps. Nonnative species - everglades national park (u.s. national park service). (n.d.). Retrieved from This website from the U.S. National Park Service is centered on the invasive species in the Everglades. This resource is for the teacher to use to learn about the Burmese Python case study and what some of the other states invasive species programs are like. This website contains a variety of information that can be used in the unit. Pacific Northwest Research Station. (2009). Invasive species. Retrieved from

This is a website from the Pacific Northwest Research Station about invasive species. This website will be used for teachers as a research about invasive species. This site includes about why some non-native species that are introduced will not become invasive in a new habitat. Redmon, R. (n.d.). Battlefield earth. Retrieved from Battlefield Earth is a lesson plan about invasive species for the higher grades. This is for the teacher and students. The lesson plans activity is a simulation game that can be used as a supplemental activity as an alternative to Invaders of the Forest Outwit Outplant Outlast. The lesson plan itself also has links to resources about invasive species. Schofield, E. (Designer). (2012). Invasive Species Cartoon Animation [Web Video]. Retrieved from Invasive Species Cartoon Animation is a web video on Youtube that features an animation to introduce the concept of an invasive species. This video is to present to students to reinforce what an invasive species is. It presents its content in a simple and friendly manner, and the animation aspect will appeal to the students. United States Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Animal and plant health inspection service. Retrieved from This website is run by the USDA about the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. This is a resource to be used by teachers. This resource has a section called Newsroom where teachers can find new policies from around the United States about invasive species such as the National Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Program. Wisconsin Environmental Education Board. , Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, , & Park People of Milwaukee County (2005). Invaders of the forest - outwit outplant outlast. Retrieved from Outplant Outlast.pdf Invaders of the Forest Outwit Outplant Outlast is a simulation activity game that show how invasive species can take over a habitat. This supplemental activity is for students to participate in while the teacher monitors. As a simulation game, this will help reinforce the content taught and help cement students understanding.

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