Trust Me Never: Chapter 1: Christian's Missing. December's P.O.V

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Trust me never.


I kept walking, quickening my pace. I knew I was being followed, and not just
by anybody.
I broke into a jog, but that was no match for my stalker. He was right behind me.
I could hear his boots scrape the floor in a much quicker rythm than my heels.
He chuckled darkly at my feeble attempt at escape. Surely he was toying with
"Leave me alone!" I squealed.
I didn't sound like myself, I wasn't usually scared.
I reached the end of the line; the dead end. I was a gonner now.
I turned around to face him. He wore his black hoodie up, but he never made an
attempt to attack me. He just stood there in the darkness, facing me.
I stared at him with my mascara stained eyes. My heart couldn't take anymore
pounding, he could surely hear how scared I was. That's what amused him. I
tried to steady my heartbeat as he walked forward. My breathing couldn't calm
me down now. I broke into a chorus of screams and cries.
"Please don't kill me!" I begged. But he kept walking emotionlessly towards me.
I lay on the ground in a fetal position, waiting for him to do his worst. I
cringed as he knelt down beside me.
"It's okay," he whispered. And I recognized the voice immediately. He lowered
his hoodie to reveal himself, his red eyes glinting in the moonlight.

Chapter 1: Christian's missing.

December's P.O.V:

I saw him again today. He was in the school's courtyard.

He looked tense as usual. And as he saw me, he held that same mischievous half-
smile. My heart always skipped a beat when he looked at me like that. Even
through this horrid rainfall, my sun managed to shine.
I shook my umbrella, trying to clear it of the raindrops. I couldn't wait to get
out of this stupid town. The rain here was non-stop and unbearable. At times it
was great for a movie night. But too much was...too much.
"Hey, Mom," I walked by her to get to the fridge.
"How was school?" She asked absent-mindedly. I could tell she didn't really care.
I shrugged and took a swigg fromt he milk carton.
"December, don't drink from the carton," my mom whined.
I wiped my milk moustache and put the carton back in the fridge.
Other than me having an exotic name, everything else about me was plain.
My straight, brown hair never stood out on anything. Neither did my chestnut
eyes. I wore makeup, but so did every other girl did, too.
I tried not wearing makeup, but I just looked tired and I stood out in a bad
way. Nothing I did ever made me different. How did I expect Kale to see me as
someone different from the other girls? Not just another plain face. I sighed and
sat down at the small kitchen table.
"Christian called...again," she told me as she served me a plate of pasta. I
looked up at the cieling and then back at my food.
"Ugh," I groaned. "I don't like him!" I complained.
"Why don't you tell him?" She suggested in an obvious tone.
I picked up the phone to dial his number, but chickened out.
"I-I'll do it the next time he calls," I said awkwardly. I dug into the pasta, taking
my mind off of him.
"Don't lead him on, December, you're not like that," she said in a motherly
tone. I wasn't leading him on. He just happened to fall for me and I just
happened to not share the mutual feelings as him. But I haven't told him that yet.
My brother stormed in, drenched and soaked.
"What's for dinner?" He asked hungrily. Ugh, having a brother is such torture.
Especially older, obnoxious brothers. He didn't even take his muddy boots off
and he was tracking mud through the house.
"Oh, for Christ's sake, Pete! You're tracking through the house and I just
mopped!" My mom complained. I glared at him as he sat beside me.
"Sorry Mom," he said with no emotion as he dug into his own plate. Why did
my mom have such a mutation with such a normal name.
He smiled at me mischievously. "I seen you going gaga over Kale. Again!" He
laughed as he greedily dug into his food.
"Shutup!" I said with disgust.
I looked at him, wondering how Kale and him could be from the same
"Well he'll never like a freak," he said matter-of-factly.
I gave him a fake smile. "Why don't you go live in the backyard?" I suggested
"Why don't you go live with Kale?" He snorted.
"Mom!" I looked at her, seeking her help.
Her eyes turned from concern to accusing. "Who's Kale?" She asked.
"Ugh!" I complained. And I stormed away from the table.
Kale's P.O.V

December passed me by again. Under all the tense nerves in my mind, I was
glad to see her. She was silly for liking me, though. I was dangerous for her. She
should never trust me. If she knew what I was, she wouldn't accept my smile at
I watched her as she continued walking away.
"Kale," Lionel said. Lionel was my brother, meeting me here so we could go
hunting. Something I desperately needed after weeks without it.
I turned back into my usual tensity as he approached me.
"Ready?" he asked. I nodded once, and we took off into the foggy shadows.
"I miss December," I heard off into a distant alley.
"Why? There's nothing special about her," someone answered. They seemed to
find her plain. He was wrong.
I glared in their direction.
"Them?" Lionel asked me with a sly smile on his lips.
I nodded. "They deserve to die," I gritted my teeth.
My brother laughed, "Save your energy for the feed, Kale."
"You're right," I sighed. He chuckled to himself as he led the way to the dark
Christian and his friend, Harry were sitting on an abandoned couch at the
very end of the alley.
Lionel and I both put up our black hoods and stalked into the alley. A big
smile of a newcome triumph spread on my face. My blue contacts dissolving into
the my crimson irises, sending an urge to attack right through my system.
Christian was in midsentence when his eyes trailed to our figures. His friend
looked annoyed at the interruption.
"And then what happened?" Harry asked Christian impatiently, ignoring our
"You shouldn't ignore death," I chimed.
Christian's mouth popped open.
"Look, I wasn't doing anything, I was just sitting here. Is this your couch?" He
asked nervously. He stood up, wiping the seat he had recently sat on.
"Oh, I don't want to sit down," I breathed, adding fear to their emotions.
Harry's heart started to race. "Who is this fool?" He tried to be hard.
"I'm how you're going to die," I laughed as if it were obvious. He glared at me.
I smiled back. I knew who these people were, but anyone who insulted
December deserved to die. And I didn't feel guilty doing it at all.
"Let's get out of here, Harry," Christian whimpered. Lionel growled at him,
petrifying him. Even Hard Harry's eyes frightenedly flitted to Lionel.
"Goodbye Christian," I smiled sweetly. He moved an inch, probably trying to
escape, but I was too fast for him. I snagged him and bit down on his neck.
He squirmed and screamed in this abandoned world, but that did him no
good. As the blood slowly entered my mouth, he was slowly dying.
I watched as Lionel finished Harry. I was a monster. Lionel was a monster. The
love of my life was in danger.

December's P.O.V:

I sat down in my seat, waiting for the teacher to finally start the dreadful day,
hoping time would go by fast today.
"Good morning class!" Cheery Mr. Gregg said. Everyone ignored him as usual.
"Quickly, quickly, sit down," he urged, happily. "Time for attendance."
I put my head in my hands, waiting for Christian to sit beside me, as usual.
"December Marcelle?" He called after a few names.
"Here," I mumbled.
"Oh Good!" He smiled. I sighed as I put my head back down onto my arms.
"Christian Niano?" He called. No one answered.
"Christian Niano?" He repeated. Yet again, no one answered.
Christian never missed a day. I looked up. Maybe he was just quiet.
He wasn't anywhere in sight. Many other students were looking for him, too.
"No Christian today?" The teacher asked sadly. "Odd."
I stared at his seat. Something was wrong. There was no way Christian would
miss class, or school. And he would have told me if he wasn't coming in anyway.
He told me everything. Every annoying little thing.
* * *
I sat down at the lunchtable, still confused.
"What's wrong Dees?" Laura asked me. Her drawn in eyebrows pulling together.
"Christian didn't show up today," I blinked.
"I thought you liked Kale?" She accused. I looked at her seriously.
"Laura, he didn't show up today. I think something's wrong," I said sternly.
She stared off into space, thinking about something.
"That's weird," she said after considering it.
"I know, he usually tells me first," I agreed. My voice raising a pitch.
"Harry didn't show up either." There must have been a connection.
"Did he say anything to you?" I asked, trying to sort this thing out. Maybe it
was all a misunderstanding.
"Nope," she shrugged. I shook my head.
"There has to be an explanation," I whispered, talking to myself more than her.
Laura coughed weirdly. Was it the flu going around? Could Christian and
Harry both have caught the flu? I looked up at her to investigate, but she wasn't
looking at me. She was looking above me and smiling. Okay, so she wasn't sick.
But she was looking at something suspiciously. I turned around to see what
she was looking at, and there was Kale, facing me. He was smiling at me.
There was something about his smile that said 'trouble', but I couldn't quite
put my finger on it.
"Hello," he said directly to me. It took me a while for my brain to work
"Uh..H-Hi," I stammered. He chuckled.
"I heard about your boyfriend," he said. He sounded disgusted.
"My what?" I asked. Oh no. He didn't think Christian was my boyfriend, did he?
"Christian. He's your boyfriend isn't he?" He asked me, a little frown showed up
on his face.
"Oh, Christian. NO!" I said a little too loudly and a little too harshly. "He's-he's
not my..uh..boyfriend." I said quickly and awkwardly.
He laughed. A smile spreading on his face.
"So you're free then?" He smiled. My heart stopped.
"Yes, she's free," Laura answered for me. I started laughing like a lunatic.
"Yeah, I'm free," I tried to sound a little bit sane.
"Good," he winked. I stared at him in awe. Was he finally making a move?
No, because he was walking away.
I turned back to Laura. "I blew it," I sighed sadly.
"You did not blow it!" She tried to encourage me, but I knew I blew it.
"I did," I objected. I looked back over my shoulder, so I could see where I scared
him off to.
He was sitting down at his table with his head in his hands, his brother sitting
down infront of him looking in my direction. I jumped and turned back to Laura.
"Lionel caught me looking at Kale!" I whispered awkwardly.
She, being the dumber of us two, looked over her shoulder and directly at Lionel.
"Oh crap he is looking," she agreed as she put her head down, but was still
looking at me.
"Do you think they're talking about me?" I asked hopefully.
She shrugged, "Maybe."
* * *
"Ugh! It's raining again!" I complained.
"What else is new?" She laughed sarcastically. I stuck my tongue out at her.
I tried to open my umbrella but it wasn't working.
"Stupid junk!" I muttered. Then two pale hands grabbed the umbrella from me
and opened it up with ease.
I bewilderedly look up to see Kale grinning at me. His blue eyes were almost
shining in the dim light. His midnight hair were in messy little curls. I could
hardly breathe at the sight of him.
"I thought you could use some help," he shrugged.
I laughed, "I always need help."
He chuckled, "Well, I'll always be of service." He half-bowed to me.
I looked over at Laura, who was standing directly behind him. Her eyes were
wide and surprised.
"Seeya," he said dark and seductively. I gulped.
"Thanks, bye." I sounded so stupid.
Who says 'thanks, bye?' in person and so lamely? Ugh.
"You never blew it, girl!" Laura cheered. I clapped my hands together
"Bye, Laura!" I called over the rainfall as I made a run for the bus shelter.
"Bye Dees!" She called back to me.
I walked into the house to an empty kitchen. Odd. My mom was always
cooking when I got home.
"Mom?" I called expectantly.
"Oh, honey I'm so sorry." She came running to me and pulled me into a tight hug.
I pulled away, staring at her. "What?"
"It's all over the news," she cried.
I just stared at her waiting for her to continue.
"Christian's missing. And so is his friend Harry," she finally said.
My heart stopped, yet again. But for the wrong reason. I cared about Christian,
just not in the way he wanted it to be. And now he was missing.
It felt like the world crashed down on me.

Chapter 2:
Kale's P.O.V: Silver necklace.
December's P.O.V: Stranger.

Kale's P.O.V:
I knew Christian was bothering December from years at a time. The necklace
told Lionel that. I pulled up my blackhood, trying to avoid from getting too
drenched. Even though I embraced the rain at private times, I needed to be
normal for the time being.
I stood by my usual spot, the jungle gym, waiting for December to approach
the school. She was my coffee in the morning. Most people needed coffee to even
start the day. Lionel hated it and he knew we would get in trouble if I did more
than admire her, but I couldn't keep myself unnattatched.
December was walking with an umbrella over her head, cautiously watching
the ground. My eyes traced every step she took. I listened to every beat of her
heart, every pound her foot made ont he floor.
Lionel put a hand on my shoulder.
"Remember, Kale." He barely whispered.
I sighed and turned my head to the side.
"I know," I breathed.
I turned around to face him.
He needed to see how desperate I was. How desperate December made me. She
almost made me feel human. And I was nowhere near human.
The rain made his light blonde hair look dirty blonde. The blue contacts in his
eyes looked almost violet because of the crimson colour underneath.
"I understand, Kale." He sighed. But the truth was, was he never got it. No one
would ever get it. No one could place themselves in my shoes, unless they truly
wanted a nightmaric experience. Unless they were dark and twisted themselves.
Until I found that person, they could only imagine.
I sat down in the back of the class, where the shadow of the corner took over
Mrs. Gale was doing the attendance. I was excited to hear the absence of Harry.
"Harry Denton," her soprano voice rang.
"Harry Denton?" Her spectacled eyes sweeped the classroom, but still no answer
from him. I almost stood up and told her what had happened. But then Lionel
and I would have to flee again, and I would never be able to see December again.
"Okay, not here." She whispered to herself.
That's right, he's not here, I thought.
* * *
I watched as December sat down infront of her friend Laura. She looked
worried about something. Was she worried about Christian?
I turned my ear in their direction, listening to their conversation.
"Laura, he didn't show up today. I think something's wrong," December said.
"That's weird," Laura answered.
"I know, he usually tells me first," her voice returned in a higher tone.
"Harry didn't show up either." Laura said.
"Did he say anything to you?" December asked. She sounded like a private
investigator. I stood up, and walked over. If she was worried about this guy, then
I had to know.
"Nope," Laura shrugged.
"There has to be an explanation," she whispered.
I stood right behind her, waiting for her to turn around. Her friend Laura looked
surpised to see me. She coughed.
December looked up, but didn't do anything. She just seemed to observe her
Finally, she turned around once she followed Laura's gaze.
"Hello," I said to her. Her heart beat out of place.
"Uh..H-Hi," She struggled to say. I chuckled.
"I heard about your boyfriend," I said disgustedly. Hopefully this would prove
me wrong.
"My what?" She asked. December was confused. Okay, so we were on the right
"Christian. He's your boyfriend isn't he?" I asked, a small frown appeared incase
the answer turned out what I hoped it wouldn't be.
"Oh, Christian. NO!" She almost barked. She sounded in disgust aswell. "He's-
he's not my..uh..boyfriend," she recovered. .
I laughed in joy, a smile spread on my face.
"So you're free then?" I asked, hopefully. Maybe I could do more than admire.
"Yes, she's free," Laura answered for her. December let out a nervous laugh.
"Yeah, I'm free," she said more confidently.
"Good," I winked. I stared at her in the eyes, admiring her some more.
"Kale!" My brother called to me, using the necklace. Only I could hear him.
Maybe I couldn't do more than admire. And I walked back to my brother.
"I hope you're happy!" I muttered as I sat down infront of him. I put my head
in my hands, preventing him from eye contact. I didn't want his accusing stares
interrupting me from the thoughts of December.
"She thinks she messed up," he said squeezing the locket.
"Stop showing off!" I whispered harshly.
He sighed. "Good, I hope she did mess up."
I ignored him.
"Where are we hunting tonight?" I asked into my hands.
"Her brother is bother her," he suggested, mild humour in her voice.
* * *
I stood by the front of the steps, waiting for Lionel to bring the car around.
"Ugh! It's raining again!" I heard December's voice behind me.
"What else is new?" Her friend said in a sarcastic manor
I turned around to look at them, hoping to catch her attention. But she seemed to
preoccupied with her umbrella.
"Stupid junk!" She complained. I walked up to her, and took the umbrella
from her. I opened easily. How did she struggle with this?
Her straight, brown hair was a little frizzy from the rain. I saw my ghastly
reflection in her own eyes. And I knew that I should stay away.
"I thought you could use some help," I shrugged.
She laughed a sing-song laugh, "I always need help."
I laughed along, "Well, I'll always be of service." And I did a little embarassing
bow. How stupid was I? A vampire messing up?
She looked over my shoulder at her friend and smiled.
Off into the distance I heard the tires' screeches becoming louder. And the engine
was almost roaring in my ears.
"Seeya," I said as memorable as I could. Behind me I heard her gulp and say,
"Thanks, bye."
Her nervousness was a good sign and a bad sign. Good because it meant we
were on the right track to where we both wanted to be. Bad because she didn't
know where she wanted to be, or what awaited her every move.
I hopped into the car. On Lionel's lap was newspaper.
Christian was on the cover, smiling right at me. If he were alive I would kill him
What's this?" I asked bewilderedly.
Lionel shrugged, we need to be more careful next time. I walked into the house
first closing the blinds.
"Next time!? We're lucky nothing else went wrong!"
I turned to my brother. He just shrugged at me.
"Who cares?" He looked at me like I was an idiot.
I slammed the newspaper down onto the table.
"Who cares!?" I asked him, bewildered. "We should have went further!" I
He tore the paper from my hand and ripped it up very easily.
"You chose those kids," he said defensively. "If anything it's your fault."
I stared at him with rage in my crimson eyes.
"We better not get caught!" I yelled at him.
"And if we do get caught, it's your fault!" He jabbed his marble white finger at me.
I lunged at him, growls ripping through my throat. He pinned me up against
the wall.
"Brotherly love just got stronger," he said sarcastically. I could almost taste the
bitterness in his voice.
I huffed as he let me go.
"You slipped out of line. Not me." He reminded me. I just glared at him.
"You turned me into this monster. You slipped out of line," I said with all the
venom I could muster.
He looked down. He always felt bad for turning me into this, but he couldn't
help it. He was alone. And I knew everytime I brought it up, I hit below the belt.
He carressed the silver chain of the necklace, holding up the all-silver pendant.
"You'll be able to wear this soon," he whispered. And then he walked out of the
I slumped down into a chair, my head slammed into my fists. I pictured the
headline in my head.
Christian Niano and Harry Denton
Two seventeen year old boys went missing yesterday at 4 o'clock.
Two witnesses say they saw two hooded figures enter the alley way they were disturbing,
and jumped on them.
"It looked like they were being strangled or something. I couldn't really see through
the rain." An unknown source reported.
"I saw them being dragged away and then that was it. Gone." The landlord of the
building spoke out...
We hunted messily last time. The next time around, I was sure we wouldn't
make any mistakes.

December's P.O.V

I sat at the kitchen table, quietly. I knew something was wrong. How could
Christian go missing? I through the newspaper across the room and let out a cry
of pain.
Pete entered the kitchen and began to say something, but I couldn't take him
at that moment. Not when all he ever said was something mean.
"Shutup, Pete!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.
"Geez, the guys not dead!" He said obnoxiously.
"How the hell do you know!? You cold, heartless, pig!" I got up from my chair
and pointed my finger at him.
"Leave me alone. Just get out of my life!" I shrieked.
Mom came into the kitchen.
"What's going on!" She sounded worried.
"Why did you have to give birth to him?" I said coldly, as I stomped out of the
kitchen and up the stairs.
I slammed my bedroom door twice. And ran over to scream into my pillow.
I lay face down, feeling depressed.
"Where are you Christian?" I whispered into it.
And I felt bad for all the times I was mean or impatient with him. And I prayed
he would come home soon. Why couldn't it be Pete and not Christian? Pete
didn't care about anybody.
* * *
I answered the phone on the fifth ring. Nobody else was going to answer it.
"Hello?" I asked heavily.
"Were you crying?" A mysterious voice asked.
"Who is this?" I asked a little alert.
"Kale," he breathed.
I dropped the phone, slapped my forehead, and picked it up quickly.
"Sorry, dropped the phone," I muttered quickly.
"Did you hear about Christian?" He asked expectantly.
I sniffed, "Yes." And some more tears escaped my eyes.
"You miss him?" He sounded surprised.
"He was my friend." I said defensively.
"Oh." He said seriously, like he made a mistake.
"I'm really, truly, sorry then." He apologized.
I gave him a sad laugh.
"Don't be sorry, it's not like you did it." I told him sincerely.
He coughed. "Yeah," he agreed.
"Hey, if you're feeling up to it? Wanna do something?" He asked happily. Surely
he was lightening the mood.
"It's too late," I laughed weakly. I sniffed again.
"Tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. I took a second to think before I answered.
"Great! Seeya then!" He cheered. And then hung up the phone.
* * *
I walked out of the school. I didn't see Kale at lunch and I was really looking
forward to the time we were going to have together.
I sat down on the steps. It finally wasn't raining and the sun was shining.
What a perfect day.
I sighed. What a perfect day to be stood up.

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