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Monday 8:00am ( 268,154 33 190 1

5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 AM (


Rise and shine! Morning time just became your new best friend. Love it or hate it, utilizing the morning hours before work may be the key to a successful and healthy lifestyle. That's right,
33 1 Search Lifehacker

early rising is a common trait found in many CEOs, government officials, and other influential people. This post originally appeared on Forbes (

(, tricks, and downloads for getting things done. am-1474846488) app-directory-curates-the-best-apps-for-5803257) APP DIRECTORY (

before-8-am/). DOWNLOADS ( ( ( DIY ( - MONEY Margaret Thatcher was up every day at 5 am, Frank Lloyd Wright at 4am, and Robert Iger, the 1474846488&text=POST_TITLE) ( - SECURITY CEO of Disney, wakes at 4:30am (just to name a few). ( - LIFEHACKER DEALS ( - NIGHT SCHOOL RELATED I know what you're thinkingyou do your ( best work at night. Not so fast. According to


Inc. Magazine, morning people ( have been found to be more proactive and

How to Stop Snoozing and Get Yourself Out of Bed ( (
You hit snooze one time. Another. Then Another. Until finally, you find yourself rushing around trying to get ready as quickly as possible because Read (


more productive. In addition, the health benefits for those with a life before work go on and on. Let's explore five of the things successful people do before 8am.

Fix Your Computer Hunch and Other Posture Problems in 30 Seconds ( Top 10 Clothing Annoyances, Fixed ( Don't Peel Oranges. Quickly Unroll Them in a Strip Instead ( Why You Should Never Drive Alongside a Large Truck ( 5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 AM ( How Tinkering Can Help You Learn (

I've said it once, I'll say it again. Most people that work out daily, work out in the morning. Whether it's a morning yoga session or a trip to the gym, exercising ( before work gives you a boost of energy for the day and that deserved sense of accomplishment. Anyone can tackle a pile of paperwork after 200 ab reps! Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of flaking out on your cardio after a long day at work. Even if you aren't bright eyed and bushy tailed at the thought of a 5am jog, try

This 7-Minute, ResearchBased Workout Exercises Your Whole Body (

you-learn-1475629045) Hour of Code Oers Coding Tutorials from Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Etc ( Turn Beer Bottles into Attractive, Cheap Glasses ( Use a Military Tuck to Keep Dress Shirts from Billowing at the Waist ( Everything I've Learned About Personal Finance in 10 Sentences ( Which Programming Language Should I Learn First? ( Most Popular Hive Fives of 2013 ( How to Stay Productive on a 4 to 6 Hour Sleep Cycle ( Learn to Make Any Dish You Cook Better with the Science of Taste ( Improve Your Dental Health This Weekend ( What the Color of Your Pee Says About Your Health ( Five Best DVD Ripping Tools ( The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For ( 1TB Samsung SSD, $5 o at Amazon, Power Tools Galore [Deals] ( Carry a Tennis Ball on Flights to Relieve Sore Muscles (

waking up 15 minutes early for a quick bedside set of pushups or stretching. It'll help wake up your body, and prep you for your day.

wh-498676327) (
Don't have an hour or even twenty minutes to exercise each day? You might not need it. This routine of 12 exercises is a complete workout based Read (

Map Out Your Day

Maximize your potential by mapping out your schedule for the day, as well as your goals and to dos. The morning is a good time

for this as it is often one of the only quiet times a person gets throughout the day. The early hours foster easier reflection that helps when prioritizing your activities. They also allow for uninterrupted problem solving when trying to fit everything into your timetable. While scheduling, don't forget about your mental health. Plan a 10 minute break after that stressful meeting for a quick walk around the block or a moment of meditation at your desk. Trying to eat healthy? Schedule a small window in the evening to pack a few nutritious snacks to bring to work the next day.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

We all know that rush out the door with a cup of coffee and an empty stomach feeling. Y ou sit down at your desk, and you're already wondering how early that taco truck sets up camp outside your office. No good. Take that extra time in the morning to fuel your body for the tasks ahead of it. It will help keep your mind on what's at hand and not your growling stomach. Not only is breakfast ( good for your physical health, it is also a good time to connect socially. Even five minutes of talking with your kids or spouse while eating a quick bowl of oatmeal can boost your spirits before heading out the door.

Eat Breakfast for Healthier Eating All Day Long (and Other Healthy Eating Tricks) ( (
You no doubt have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but here are some reasons in compelling statistical and infographic Read (

These days we talk about our physical health ad nauseam, but sometimes our mental health gets overlooked. The morning is the perfect time to spend some quiet time inside your mind meditating ( or visualizing. Take a moment to visualize your day ahead of you, focusing on the successes you will have. Even just a minute of visualization and positive thinking can help improve your mood and outlook on your work load for the day.


What Happens to the Brain When You Meditate (And How it Benets You) ( (
Ever since my dad tried to convince me to meditate when I was about 12, Ive been fairly skeptical of this practice. It always seemed so vague and Read (

Make Your Day Top Heavy

We all have that one item on our to do list ( that we dread. It looms over you all day (or week) until you finally suck it up and do it after much procrastination. Here's an easy tip to save yourself the stressdo that least desirable

Back to Basics: How to Simplify Your To-Do List and Make It Useful Again

task on your list first. Instead of anticipating the unpleasantness of it from first coffee through your lunch break, get it out of the way. The morning is the time when you are (generally) more well rested and your energy level is up. Therefore, you are more well equipped to handle more difficult projects. And look at it this way, your day will get progressively easier, not the other way around. By the time your work day is ending, you're winding down with easier to dos and heading into your free time more relaxed. Success! 5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM

( (
The to-do list is the crux of your daily productivity, but between all the task management apps out there, different productivity methods, and other Read (

( | Forbes

Jennifer Cohen ( is a fitness and health expert who delivers a savvy, straight-talking approach to wellness and produces sustainable and dramatic results for her clients. She has appears regularly on The Today Show, and has contributed to many other media outlets such as Good Morning America and Extra. Jennifer is continually featured in People Magazine, Glamour, Woman's Health, and the Los Angeles Times on a regular basis. Image via iQoncept ( and Svetlana Foote ( (Shutterstock).

Want to see your work on Lifehacker? Email Tessa ( view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&
Discuss (/posts/1474846488/reply)

64 participants lifehackercomment (http://lif


11 participants groc (


Jennifer Cohen



What is a healthy breakfast nowadays? I used to have a full meal-like breakfast, with cheese, tomatoes, toasted bread, cucumber, depending on season watermelon, honeydew, and included honey, butter, cream, and ended with a dab of nutella, all with skim milk, not coffee, but sometimes black tea, so yeah it was a very hearty breakfast, but it was making me gain weight, so now I am straight skim milk with fiber heavy cereal + boiled egg whites, nothing else, and I feel good after eating, not bloated.. but I am sure I am missing a lot of goodies and vitamins.

Everyone cites Margaret Thatcher as some sort of hero for only sleeping 4 hours a night. Except that she was a bit of a psychopath and if you want to publically collapse asleep at a lectern in the middle of a speech like she famously did and then spend your latter years with dementia - then carry on skipping on your sleep and damaging your health.

Monday 9:32am (

NugShow (


becoming a super hard working uber human

is what it's all about right? Monday 9:11am ( NugShow ( eristdoof (

Monday 11:40am (



I wish I could stomach any breakfast at all.

I have a more realistic description of moderated.

11 participants Monday 10:25am ( margaret thatcher, but it would get Faslane (

Simonides (http://simonides. Monday 1:48pm (

NugShow and 7 others...



Same here, I don't WISH I could necessarily but my body doesn't crave food at all in the a.m. it's the last thing I want and don't eat ever. I Haven't in 35 years. I don't see the point in stuffing your stomach full of food before you head out the door. People says it'll give you energy etc. but it's the exact opposite for me. It makes me tired and lethargic. If I wait until around 11 or noon I can eat just fine. I think the whole eat a hearty breakfast is a total myth. It does absolutely nothing for me and I think and perform perfectly fine. I have a very high metabolism and a go-getter attitude and not eating breakfast doesn't hurt me a bit. I'm one 9 participants of the most energetic people I know and perfectly healthy, not overweight etc. etc.

5 Things Super Happy and Fairly Successful People Do Before 8 AM: Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, and then get up.

Monday 8:33am (

AdanOva (http://adanova.kin


Nah, in reality it goes like this: hear alarm, press snooze button, try to convince yourself of getting up early, sleep, hear alarm again, shut down the damn phone, debate with yourself about the pros of getting up now, sleep, wake up late, feel bad the whole day about sleeping in (although you do this every day).

Monday 9:11am ( Monday 11:04am ( GrumpyGrizzly (http://grump

2 (/posts/1475027854/reply) NugShow and 60 others...

Mark LaFlamme (http://mar


Wow, you group CEO's and 'other influential people' in the same category as politicians?? That's definitely a stretch isn't it? Have you even watched the news lately?? We can't come up with a solution for spending more than we're taking in yet, we can have every politician holding court over all these software writers that made billions of dollars trying to get not just one but, 50 different programs out to the people so that 5% of the American public can register for a medical program that 80% of that group don't even want. Oregon alone has spent $90 Million dollars on thier Cover Oregon program and still haven't managed to have one user log in to register. $90 million and 60 days overdue. But hey, it gives the politicians someone else to point thier fingers at, in the meantime, the clock ticks down. Good thing they're getting up early I guess.. Why didn't one of those early risers say "Hey, instead of writing 50 different software programs from the start, why not make one and have all the states use the same thing??" Guess they need to get up a little earlier to be that productive.

4 participants Nailed it.

Monday 10:52am (


Optimus_Mike and 2 7 others... (/posts/1474975487/reply)

I've worked out in the early morning, in military and civilian life, and it does not work for me and I, in fact, absolutely hate it. I schedule my workout before I eat lunch which gives me a pick-me-up. I'm getting pretty tired of reading about how beneficial working out is when you've just woken up in the morning and I could give plenty of personal (and observed) testimony that it is not nearly as effective as this article claims.

Monday 10:27am (

DaveSev (http://davesev.kinj

I agree, at least in terms of truly strenuous exercise. No way I can do heavy strength training in the early morning unless I wake up wayyyy early for work, and I'm not about to start sleeping from 9-4. Same thing with intense running in the morning. But lighter exercises can give me an energy boost. I'd still rather sleep in though =P

Monday 11:36am (

NugShow (

Monday 11:32am (



whoa there buddy, too much coffee?

Monday 11:39am (

Y eah definitely would rather sleep in too.

Mr. Damage (http://damage


Nothing wrong with collapsing out of bed and doing 25-50 pushups but usually I drag myself to the bathroom and brush my teeth, drop wolf bait, and then get showered. I don't have time to do a full workout by any up4 at 4:30 and then I'll probably wake up participants the baby. Not risking that. doodledeveloper (http://doo


Y ou want Gawker, not lifehacker. Gawker's 4 participants down the hall, the last door on your left.

Monday 1:26pm ( means in the morning unless I want to get qqwweerrttyy (http://qqwwe
12 (/posts/1474887630/reply) The Backside of Logic and 5 others...

For the TL;DR crowd: Be healthy. Plan out what you have to do. Don't procrastinate.

Monday 11:35am (

24 and one (/posts/1474879579/reply) BigFatPartyAnimal other...

Oh how I love articles like the one posted on Monday 8:27am ( Forbes. They didn't link source for the Maltbrew (http://maltbrew0

claims, but a little digging turns up the Inc article mentioned, which does link the source. The Inc article, while biased towards "morning people preference" did balance it a the most out of "night owls." Forbes missed


So everything your parents/teachers told you?

Monday 8:32am ( little & say that businesses should try to get

Moon ( 2 participants


this point. The Forbes headline is an extreme stretch of the referenced material. The initial study that this was all based on, findings were actually even more balanced than any reported article citing it. I'm not entirely convinced how appropriate it is to consider university students as "successful people" - especially when I couldn't find any ranking amongst participants to detail what measure of "success" was even used. I suspect the comments over at HBR were part of a meta-study, but again, don't link sources.


I'll get to all this stuff. wapeydonkey (http://wapey


was a group of 367 university students. The Monday 10:57am (


Y ou mean staying up all night juiced on energy drinks with no light aside from the flicker of PC monitors isn't productive? I haven't slept in 72 slept HOURS and I'm ff fine.

kevin halse and one other...

Monday 9:23am (

BigFatPartyAnimal (http://bi


Monday 8:17am (

1 participant Wooosaaa. Time for rest friend jasonjames122 (http://jasonj


Monday 8:00pm (

12345 (http://jincongz.kinja.



Considering it's a group of university students, and from surveying my friends, I'd think "Wake up" would be number 1.

Articles that follow this format confuse correlation with causality. Getting up earlier does not cause one to be successful. Rather, getting up early is a symptom of other personality traits that do lead to success, such as relentless ambition, passion, drive, and intrinsic motivation. These characteristics are what make successful people successful, and also what makes them early risers. It is not necessarily the early rising that makes them successful.

Monday 8:22am (

doodledeveloper (http://doo


Most people I went to university with (myself included) would only do that before 8pm. If they were lucky. Faslane (

Monday 8:25am (

Monday 11:41am ( Baffling Blunderbuss and(/posts/1474998678/reply) one other... 3

eristdoof (

Im pretty happy and successful but I don't eat a thing until around noon. I know some will say that's nuts but my body simply doesn't want food first thing in the morning. I always get an upset stomach if I eat in the a.m. but it's probably because I never have. at 44 yrs old I haven't ate breakfast since I was a young teen and even then I fought my mom on eating breakfast. I also don't

Monday 1:47pm (

exercise per se and am not unfit. I am on my feet all day and always running around so I get my exercise as soon as I start my day so I don't really need to do a routine before leaving the house. I DO take on the biggest or most tasking duties first. It helps to get the stressful part of the day done and out of the way, it'll improve your overall attitude and you'll have a good sense of accomplishment for the remainder of the day. Coffee and hit the road...the world is mine.

Monday 10:57am (

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