Antigone Works Data Sheet

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Major Works Data Sheet

AP Literature

Name: Alison Page Date: November 20, 2013 The numbers in parentheses represent the point values for each requirement.
Biographical information about the author:

Title: Antigone Author: Sophocles Date of Publication: circa 440 B. . Genre: !ragic Drama
Historical information about the period of publication: lassical perio". &ree' a*thors "re% material #rom a c$cle o# 4 epic poems, the !heban $cle, %hich %as ver$ #amiliar to a*"iences Sophocles *se" this common stor$ b*t ma"e ,e"ip*s a contemporar$ character to represent man$ o# the i"eals o# Athenian lea"ership. Antigone %as per#orme" sometime aro*n" the $ear 441 B. .-., .*st be#ore Athens #o*ght a campaign against the revolt o# Samos. Sophocles %as selecte" to be one o# nine generals in that campaign. !hese historical events are relevant beca*se some o# the pla$/s central iss*es are the appropriate *se o# po%er b$ the state, the possibilit$ o# .*sti#iable rebellion, an" the "*ties o# citi(ens to obe$ the la%s o# their government. A long0hel" tra"ition s*ggests that the pop*larit$ o# Antigone lea" "irectl$ to Sophocles/s election as a general.

onsi"ere" one o# the 3 greatest pla$%rights o# classical &ree' theater, Sophocles %as a respecte" citi(en %ho hel" political an" militar$ o##ices in )th cent*r$ B Athens. +rote more than 100 pla$s. Best 'no%n #or his 3 !heban pla$s. re"ite" %ith changing &ree' "rama b$ a""ing a 3r" actor, re"*cing the role o# the chor*s an" pa$ing greater attention to character "evelopment

Characteristics of the genre:

!rage"$ !ragic 1ero !ragic 2la% 31*bris4 Prolog*e, Para"os, -piso"e, Stasimon, -5o"*s

Plot summary: Antigone's Twisted

amily Tree:A brave an" pro*" $o*ng %oman name" Antigone is the pro"*ct o# a reall$ messe" *p #amil$.1er #ather, ,e"ip*s, %as the 6ing o# !hebes. 1e *n'no%ingl$ m*r"ere" his #ather an" marrie" his o%n mother, 7*een 8ocasta. +ith his %i#e9mother, ,e"ip*s ha" t%o "a*ghter9sisters an" t%o brother9sons.+hen 8ocasta #o*n" o*t the tr*th o# their incest*o*s relationship, she 'ille" hersel#. ,e"ip*s %as prett$ *pset too. 1e pl*c'e" o*t his e$eballs. !hen, he spent his remaining $ears %an"ering thro*gh &reece, being le" b$ his lo$al "a*ghter Antigone.A#ter ,e"ip*s "ie", his t%o sons 3-teocles an" Pol$nices4 battle" #or control o# the 'ing"om. -teocles #o*ght to "e#en" !hebes. Pol$nices an" his men attac'e" the cit$. Both brothers "ie". reon 3 Antigone:s *ncle4 became the o##icial r*ler o# !hebes. 3!here:s a lot o# *p%ar" mobilit$ in this cit$0state. !hat:s %hat happens %hen $o*r bosses 'ill each other.4Di!ine "aws #s$ %an&made "aws: reon b*rie" -teocles:s bo"$ %ith honor. B*t beca*se the other brother %as perceive" as a traitor, Pol$nices:s bo"$ %as le#t to rot, a tast$ snac' #or v*lt*res an" vermin. 1o%ever, leaving h*man remains *nb*rie" an" e5pose" to the elements %as an a##ront to the &ree' &o"s. So, at the pla$:s beginning, Antigone "eci"es to "e#$ reon:s la%s. She gives her brother a proper #*neral.1er sister ;smene %arns that reon %ill p*nish an$ %ho "e#$ the la% o# the cit$. Antigone believes that the la% o# the go"s s*perse"es a 'ing:s "ecree. reon "oesn:t see things that %a$. 1e is ver$ angr$ an" sentences Antigone to "eath.;smene as's to be e5ec*te" along %ith her sister. B*t Antigone "oesn:t %ant her b$ her si"e. She insists that she alone b*rie" the brother, so she alone %ill receive p*nishment 3an" possible re%ar" #rom the go"s4. Creon 'eeds To "oosen (p:As i# things %eren:t complicate" eno*gh, Antigone has a bo$#rien": 1aemon, the son o# reon. 1e tries to convince his #ather that merc$ an" patience are calle" #or. B*t the more the$ "ebate, the more reon:s anger gro%s. 1aemon leaves, threatening to "o something rash.At this point, the people o# !hebes, represente" b$ the hor*s, are *ncertain as to %ho is right or %rong. ;t seems reon is starting to #eel a little bit %orrie" beca*se instea" o# e5ec*ting Antigone, he or"ers her to be seale" insi"e a cave. 3!hat %a$, i# she "ies, her "eath %ill be in the han"s o# the go"s4.B*t a#ter she is sent to her "oom, a blin" ol" %ise man enters. 1e is !iresias, a seer o# the #*t*re, an" he brings an important message: < reon, $o* ma"e a big st*pi" mista'e=< 3;t so*n"s #ancier in &ree'.4S*specting the ol" man o# treason, reon becomes in#*riate" an" re#*ses !iresias: %is"om. !he ol" man becomes ver$ cran'$ an" pre"icts ba" things #or reon:s near #*t*re.Creon Changes His %ind )Too "ate*:2inall$ scare", reon rethin's his "ecisions. 1e "ashes o## to release Antigone. B*t he:s too late. Antigone has alrea"$ hange" hersel#. 1aemon grieves besi"e her bo"$. 1e attac's his #ather %ith a s%or", misses completel$, an" then stabs himsel#, "$ing.>rs. reon 3-*r$"ice4 hears o# her son:s "eath an" 'ills hersel#. 3; hope $o* %eren:t e5pecting a come"$.4B$ the time reon ret*rns to !hebes, the hro*s tells reon the ba" ne%s. !he$ e5plain that <!here is no escape #rom the "oom %e m*st en"*re.< reon reali(es that his st*bbornness has le" to his #amil$:s r*in. !he hor*s en"s the pla$ b$ o##ering a #inal message:<!he might$ %or"s o# the pro*" are pai" in #*ll %ith might$ blo%s o# #ate.< . (

%a+or ,or-s Data .heet

Page /
2dentify an e3ample passage that demonstrates the style$ 43plain the e3ample if necessary$ )Please include a page number*: )/$1* @A mother bir" came bac' to a strippe" nest, hear"9 1er cr$ing bitterl$ a bro'en note or t%o9 2or the $o*ng ones stolen. 8*st so, %hen this girl9 2o*n" the bare corpse, an" all her love/s %or' %aste",9 She %ept, an" crie" on heaven to "amn the han"s9 !hat ha" "one this thingA 313)B4.

Describe the author0s style: )/$1*

Sophocles %rites %ith an elo?*ence that gives this pla$ an" ver$ re#ine" tone. 1is imager$ an" *se o# #ig*rative lang*age creates a poetic tone abo*t the conte5t o# the plot. !he ease bet%een lines contrasts greatl$ %ith the action o# the stor$/s plot, giving each event a greater meaning in the e$es o# the rea"er.

Significant Quotes )1*

(Choose at least five and include page num ers! Quotes should demonstrate the range of the entire "ork!# 5uote
@; %ill s*##er nothing as great as "eath %itho*t glor$.A 3Antigone, lines 11201134 .ignificance 1. Antigone hol"s love an" honor to%ar"s her brother above an$ p*nishment that ma$ res*lt #rom her b*rial o# him. !his proclamation reveals not onl$ her strong sense o# #amilial ties, b*t also her braver$ %hen stan"ing *p #or %hat she believes in. 2. 1aemon is #oresha"o%ing reon/s event*al "o%n#all as the res*lt o# his pri"e in this passage. !he *n"erl$ing theme is that those %ho sho% e5cessive sel#0righteo*sness are act*all$ the most %ea', an" Sophocles %ill later *se the "eaths o# all o# reon/s love" ones to reveal the importance in val*ing #amil$ an" people over principle 3even i# in a position as po%er#*l as a 'ing4. 3. !his passage reveals the c*lt*ral conte5t o# the stor$/s plotG #aith in the &ree' go"s an" in an a#terli#e motivates people living on earth to "o %hat the$ can to please the go"s, an" there#ore, ens*re a promising eternit$. Antigone prioriti(ing her #ate a#ter "eath above .*"gment b$ other people reveals the magnit*"e o# strength she hol"s in her belie#s. Sophocles is "eveloping the theme that sel# %orth sho*l" not be sha"o%e" over b$ e5pectations o# o*t%ar" so*rces. 4. reon #inall$ reali(es the #a*lt in his previo*s convictions at this point, mar'ing a "$namic change in his character. B$ reali(ing his lac' o# %orth %itho*t his love" ones aro*n" him, reon has lost his s*periorl$ intimi"ating "emeanor. B$ as'ing to be ta'en a%a$ @?*ic'l$, o*t o# sightA, reon/s %ea'ness is reveale" to the rea"er in a piti#*l tone. 1e is embarrasse" o# his ignorance an", as a res*lt, can no longer accept himsel#. ). Sophocles is comm*nicating a common theme o# the %ea'ness in pri"e in this #inal concl*sion o# the hor*s. B$ *sing the alternative vie%point o# the hor*s to vali"ate the moral lesson learne", the rea"er is able to *n"erstan" Sophocles/ intentionsG the "irect proclamation o# the theme gives it a m*ch more "e#inite tone in comparison to an e5pression thro*gh the actions o# characters. !he in#l*ence o# the hor*s gives the rea"er a clearer *n"erstan"ing o# the plot beca*se o# the absence o# an$ limite" vie%points as emplo$e" thro*gh the active characters.

@+hoever thin's that he alone possesses intelligence, the gi#t o# elo?*ence, he an" no one else, an" character too..s*ch men, ; tell $o*, sprea" them open C $o* %ill #in" them empt$.A 31aemon, BD10BD44

@; have longer to please the "ea" than please the living here: in the 'ing"om "o%n belo% ;/ll lie #orever.A 3Antigone, EE0D04

@!a'e me a%a$, ?*ic'l$, o*t o# sight. ; "on/t even e5ist C ;/m no one. Nothing.A 3 reon, 144)0144F4

@!he might$ %or"s o# the pro*" are pai" in #*ll %ith might$ blo%s o# #ate, an" at long last those blo%s %ill teach *s %is"om.A 3 hor*s, 14FE014B04

%a+or ,or-s Data .heet .ignificant Characters )1* 'ame Antigone

Page 6

7ole in the story

Da*ghter 3an" H sister4 o# ,e"ip*sG b*ries her brother Pol$nices, "e#$ing la% o# 6ing Da*ghter 3an" H sister 4o# ,e"ip*s, sister to Antigone

Antigone "e#ies all previo*sl$ establishe" e5pectations o# the characters b$ stan"ing *p #or hersel# an" remaining #irm in her personal belie#s Ie#*ses to help Antigone b*r$ their brother b*t %ants to stan" alongsi"e Antigone in "eath, Antigone t*rns her a%a$ beca*se her inabilit$ to stan" tall "*ring the act o# co*rage "oes not give her an$ reason to be a mart$r A%areness an" emplo$ment o# his po%er#*l in a benevolent an" sel#ish %a$ is %hat event*all$ ca*ses his "o%n#all, lac's the integrit$ that ,e"ip*s once r*le" %ith Ieactions to the plot/s ma.or events gives the rea"er a clearer perspective on ho% to interpret the actions o# the characters 1is literal blin"ness among his clairvo$ant gi#t represents the s$mbolic blin"ness o# those over %hich he prophesi(es/ %ea'ness in not accepting his a"vice 6illing hersel# a#ter 1aemon commits s*ici"e mar's the #inal "esolation o# reon #rom a po%er#*l 'ing into an *n%orth$ %retch !he honorar$ %a$ in %hich his "eath %as treate" catal$(e" the main con#lict o# Antigone "isobe$ing the la% o# the lan" b$ going an" b*r$ing her other brother Being "enie" his right#*ll$ earne" position as 'ing ca*se" his "eath, b*t the love o# his sister gave him the event*al honor o# his "ecision to correct s*ch a corr*pt moral o*tcome

Brave, st*bborn, has integrit$


o%ar"l$, piti#*l, s$mpathetic

reon 6ing o# !hebes Pri"e#*l, conceite", ignorant


iti(ens o# !hebes

,mniscient, common, .*"gmental


Blin" prophetG %arns reon o# the conse?*ences o# his pri"e

+ise, metaphorical, logical


reon/s %i#e

Sorro%#*l, in"i##erent


Son 3an" H brother4 to ,e"ip*sG "ie" in battle "e#en"ing !hebes a#ter re#*sing to relin?*ish the throne to his brother Son 3an" H brother4 to ,e"ip*sG "ie" in battle, #ighting against !hebes0 consi"ere" a traitor an" "enie" b*rial b$ 6ing

Sel#ish, br*tish


Po%erless, e5plosive, angr$

%a+or ,or-s Data .heet .etting and significance )Please list and describe three
e3amples9 include page numbers* Jnit$ o# time an" place Place: !hebes !ime: ,ne "a$

Page 8 .ignificance of the opening scene )/*

Prolog*e: Antigone an" ;smene both mo*rn their brothers/ combine" "eaths, ho%ever Antigone becomes set on giving her brother, Pol$neices, a proper b*rial. !his con#irmation sets the premise #or her event*al "eath an" mar's the beginning o# the plot/s rising action. Para"os: !he hor*s glori#ies !hebes an" belittles the e5istence o# Pol$neices beca*se o# the "evastation he ca*se" their cit$. !his sets the premise o# the to%n/s ma.orit$ stan"ing against Antigone in her "etermination to right#*ll$ honor her brother.

.ignificance of the ending;closing scene )6*

-5o"*s: reon is bro*ght to an en" b$ his miser$ *pon hearing o# his son an" %i#e/s s*ici"es. 1e "eno*nces his t$rannical %a$s o# r*ling an" %allo%s in his loss. !he people/s tr*st in the go"s reveals the "estr*ction that can come #rom an overpo%ering sense o# sel#0%orth.

Significant "iterary De!ices )such as symbol: foreshadowing: imagery: irony: etc$* that contri ute to the themes of the wor)"ist and e3plain 19 include page numbers* )1*

>oti# 3s*ici"e40 !he commonalit$ o# the characters/ "eaths at their o%n han"s reveals the in#l*ence o# the go"s/ po%er over the citi(ens o# !hebesG prophec$ never #ails to #oresha"o% the *ltimate #ate o# each character, an" those characters/ carr$ing o*t that seen #*t*re gives the go"s a concrete hol" over the societ$ 313BF4. Blin"ness 3iron$40 !hiresias/ prophetic abilities amongst his lac' o# vision ironicall$ o*tlines the "e#a*lt in the lac' o# other characters to ta'e his prophecies as val*able in#ormation. 1is lin' to a greater 'no%le"ge o# #ate reveals the great capacit$ o# the h*man min", b*t also the "emise o# that 'no%le"ge res*lting #rom mis*se 313B14. >etaphor0 Sophocles contin*all$ *ses metaphor to more "eepl$ interpret the signi#icance o# each event thro*gho*t the plot. 1is *se o# @,*r hearths an" altars9 Are staine" %ith the corr*ption o# "ogs an" carrion bir"s9 !hat gl*t themselves on the corpse o# ,e"ip*s/ sonA 313B04 gives a harsher, $et more comprehen"ible, i"entit$ to those betra$ing the #allen brother. 2oresha"o%ing0 the emplo$ment o# propheticall$ inept characters as %ell as inp*t b$ the hor*s #oresha"o%s the main events o# the plot, characteri(ing the stor$ as &ree' trage"$ 313B04. ;mager$0 Sophocles/ *se o# imager$ in his %riting gives his piece a sensor$ appeal in a""ition to creating a personal relationship %ith the rea"er. ;n the passage @; %as sitting in m$ chair o# a*g*r$, at the place9 +here the bir"s gather abo*t me. !he$ %ere all a0chatter,9 As is their habit, %hen ; s*""enl$ hear"9 A strange note in their .angling, a scream, a9 +hirring #*r$G ; 'ne% that the$ %ere #ighting,9 !earing each other, "$ing9 ;n a %hirl%in" o# %ings an" clashingA 313B04 the reaction o# the bir"s is *se" to sho% the great magnit*"e o# importance in %hat their actions %ere mirroring.

Themes )"ist fi!e uni!ersal topics that the wor- con!eys$* )1*

Blindness !s$ .ight 'atural "aw Citi<enship !s$ amily "oyalty ate !s$ ree ,ill eminist =ppression

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