Personal Newsletter

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Dempsey N ews

Welcome to our Family See what we have been up to!

Jan 4th-10th Feb 1st

December 2013

Mat 9:37 Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

Please Pray For Us

Camp Holiday at Mahia, Family Prep for the next S.O.E. Family fun outreach day in Havelock Nth Feb 3rd - 22nd Feb 22nd March 1st - 10th March 4th-5th March 15th SOE New Zealand Art Deco Outreach and Regional Half day of prayer in Hawkes Bay In Wellington with various missions Directors meeting Regional half day of prayer and out reach in Wellington Jan 12th -20th Jan 21st - 31st

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!


Have a merry Christmas everyone

At the beginning of the year the Lord brought two workers into the branch, Maria from Gisborne (age 20) and Mike from Hamilton (22). These two have been such a great blessing in the work of evangelism. Throughout the year we have reached hundreds with the gospel. We have strategically targeted major events within the bay like Art Deco weekend, Clive Market, A & P Show, Blossom Parade, Haumoana Market and Christmas events . In these events we have had the privilege of seeing a good number of people respond to the Lord in repentance. Sunday the 3rd of November at the Haumoana market we saw one teenage girl named Jess, from Maraenui give her life to Christ. These high profile events have helped us to build a strong volunteer workers group. Currently we have almost 30 volunteers that attend various outreaches through the week and weekends. At the start of the year we had zero. Our last half day of prayer and outreach day had 20 volunteers attend. An area of focus this year was outreach in Flaxmere going door to door. We have seen 27 people start Bible Studies with us as we have engaged them with the gospel and they have become interested in pursuing a greater understanding of who Christ is. Other regular activities we have been involved in are street work, weekly high school outreaches, Bible in Schools, Camps, Youth outreaches, Holiday Programmes and Preaching and Training in Evangelism to name a few. Next year: We will be looking at continuing to build off this year. Mike has returned to Hamilton and is working with OAC there. Maria is still with OAC Hawkes Bay. Next year we will have a man from Australia joining the team. He is to spend a year working with OAC Hawkes Bay so he can develop as an evangelist. We have a few local people seeking to do the SOE next year also which is exciting. I hope this update is an encouragement to you all. This year has been a great source of blessing and excitement for me as I see the Lord growing the work of evangelism in the Hawkes Bay. Thanks once again for all your prayer and support. We really are making a difference in peoples lives with the power of the gospel with your support and generosity.

Dempsey N ews
2013 has definitely flown by and 2014 is fast approaching and with it a number of changes for me. Come next year I will be taking GirlZone at Riverbend Bible churchmy home church. This is a group for intermediate age girls who want to grow in their faith and have fun doing it. We meet fortnightly on a Monday and will spend our hour and a half making hobbies, getting to know each other and having fun but most importantly getting to know the Lord. For children, like myself, who are brought up in a Christian homes, sometimes our faith is more our parents faith rather than our own. For those girls who do not come from Christian backgrounds I want to share the love of Christ with them and begin that discipling process so they too can fall in love with Jesus as I have. I hope to take these girls deeper into Gods word and to a place where they start to find their own faith so they can stand firm in lifes trials that will come. Please pray for me as I endeavour to do this. Pray that the girls will be receptive and eager to learn more about the Lord. I am also starting a new job with the Hastings Christian School. I will be working one day a week in the Year 7 class which is in the syndicate with both my children. I am excited to get back in the classroom in this capacity and start planning. Please pray that I get my head around the changes that have taken place in education over the last few years that I have been out of the classroom. I will also be continuing on with Heart and Soul on the leadership team but not leading a group. This is such an amazing ministry that I love being part of as it has been such a blessing in my life. My work with OAC will keep the rest of my time fairly busy with the administration for the National Training Branch as well as the local Hawkes Bay Branch and the Resource and Literature Department. With that said, please pray for my time management and organisational skills. I want to fulfil all my roles to the best of my ability so that I may honor the Lord in my work. God Bless and have a great Christmas!

December 2013

on it. I got a headache from it. We have had heaps of fun at rally this year, making hobby's and playing games. At the rally breakup I gave a speech and I shared a verse of encouragement to the leaders during the speech. This year I have been doing Jujitsu and have got my first purple tip! I am making new friends quickly and last year in my first tournament I came second! Next year I cant wait because I get a new teacher and he will be my first male teacher! It will be very exciting. By Dylan

Yahoo, school is finished! We are now having our busy holidays with many things on at once. We are having Christmas at Nana and Granddads and then to our Uncle Jamess. Dad is then running a camp in Hamilton in January. After that we are going to Mahia for 10 days. In the previous holidays we went to Rainbows End for a whole day! We had heaps of fun as a family that day. We went on pretty much all the rides. My favourite ride was the corkscrew roller coaster. Mum, Dad, Paige and I went

Late last year I found that I have a condition called osteochondroitis dissecans. Its when the blood supply doesnt reach the end of the bone in your knee. Im dealing with this extremely well but the hardest part is that I cant run or jump so I cant do sport and sometimes my friends run without me. A verse that's helped me is, Psalm 56:3, When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Just recently weve had our rally break-up for 2013. I said a speech with Rose Grant and my rally team Deborah came second in the team points.. We won a cup and saucer and lollies! It was scrumptious and fun. I also started playing flute this year and really enjoy it. I have performed in two concerts at school and Heretaunga Intermediate. Well, school has just ended. I will definitely miss Mrs Walsh, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Koster and classmates. We went on a camp this year which was awesome. It was a great year, this 2013. I cant wait to go back. Next year, 2014 I will be in the year 6 I-pad class. My teacher will be Miss Ford. Im looking forward to getting an i-pad next year. Ciao for now Paige Dempsey.

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