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English 9/10 Julius Caesar Essay Mr. Martin William Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar around 1599.

The play is based on histori al e!ents that took pla e around ""#.$.. %n Julius Caesar& $aesar has 'ust returned (rom the #attle o( )hilippi and he plans to be ome the emperor o( *ome. +ust be(ore& taking o!er he (inds himsel( in a !ery troubling situation. $assius& #rutus& and three other onspirators approa h $aesar with swords in hands& ready to kill him. ,is hoi es in this s ene ultimately lead him to his death. #e ause #rutus& the tragi hero& is noble and e-perien es a (all and peripetea& Julius Caesar is a tragedy. #rutus speaks to the iti.ens o( *ome about the assassination o( $aesar and how he did it (or the 'usti e o( *ome and not (or his bene(it& %( then that (riend demand why #rutus rose up against $aesar& this is my answer/ not that % lo!ed $aesar less& but that % lo!ed *ome more. ,ad you rather $aesar were li!ing& and die all sla!es than that $aesar dead& to li!e all (reemen0 1%%%.ii.213245 ,ere& during #rutus6 spee h he assures the people o( *ome that he is noble and killed $aesar (or good ause. ,e assures the (a t that i( he had not killed $aesar they would all die in sla!ery under the empire. Mark 7ntony also makes a spee h later in the a t rea((irming that Mar us #rutus is a noble and honorable man. The death o( #rutus is ultimately his (all. While he is on the battle(ield& the ghost o( +ulius $aesar omes to him and tells him that it is his time to die. %t is not until now that #rutus what he has

done. 8ow that $assius and $aesar are both dead& #rutus (inally that what he has done was not (or the good o( *ome. 7s a result o( this& he orders a ser!ant to hold a sword while he runs onto it& whi h is noblest way to die in the ulture. 9% know my hour has ome/ :/ ,old thou my sword hilts whilst % run on it.;1<. !. 2"3==5 )eripteia begins in Julius Caesar when #rutus stabs $aesar> howe!er it is also present a(ter 7ntony6s spee h gi!en to the iti.ens at the (uneral. #rutus belie!es that killing $aesar will pre!ent his empire and be the best thing (or *ome. %n doing this a tion his intentions were good& but they ultimately led him to his own death. 9Thou seest the world. <olumnius& how it goes./ ?ur enemies ha!e beat us to the pit.; 1<.!.2432@5 7(ter 7ntony6s spee h the onspirators are no longer in ontrol and their li!es ontinue to get progressi!ely worse as the play ontinues. #rutus6s nobility& and the way that he e-perien es a (all and peripetea make Julius Caesar a tragedy. Shakespeare wrote plays in England under the rule o( Aueen Eli.abeth %& who lo!ed the theater. %n his plays he would always lea!e a lesson to be learned. 7 main point o( the story is that what you may want and think is best is not always right.

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